Chainsaw Man

Viz Chapter 21 dump

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Has Maikma always had circle pupils?

This translation made way more sense than MS.

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Since chapter 1 yeah

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Power is claimed by me

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>I get to see Denji swallow puke 3 times this week
Not like this.

no images during chapter dumps, you know the rules

the nightmares never end

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What will be a more iconic page in 5 years?

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Only 3 ? Lucky....

Power is a cute drunk

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oh god

Such high iq

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Last page.
Already uploaded on the mega.

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Thank you based Vizfag

wait, so himeno carried denji? based niggerstream for fucking up the translation

there's a mega?

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makes more sense than denji willingly going with Barf lady

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Yeah. Search the archive.

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I mean, there's was clearly something wrong with that since how the fuck would Denji know where she lives.

puke page, probably, if chainsaw man survives in jump it'll be way more well known and it's an image that needs no context

ah neat

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so so what's the over under she falls asleep vs a surprise demon vs he wimps out vs she tries to kill him?

they do it

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He's afraid she'll puke on him

she starts giving him head, then pukes on his cock and passes out

Oh yes, look at this high quality scan puke.

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So, what did we learn in this chapter?

I thought you weren't allowed to depict minors drinking, is it different if its bird-fed?

Don't try to kiss drunk people and don't try to rape minors out of spite.

Karma has a way of getting at you if you make fun of other people's barf.

I guarantee you birth/intercourse rates would fall by 95% if people took that lesson to heart

Drink responsibly.

So he was the one getting abducted after all.

Sounds good.

no matter how much you drink, it won't cure your thirst.

she fucking vomited in his mouth the disgusting , slovenly fucking slag. how could he possibly find her attractive a couple of hours later ?

Not everything with nutritious value is worth swallowing.

the mangastream translation of this page was better written

Power is super smart. I can easily see her being a future Nobel Peace Prize winner in the future

either he wimps out or she falls asleep/changes her mind.
maybe he'll get some boob but not go all the way.

> Kohei Horikoshi on the left
> MHA fag on the right

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Stop wasting Aki's internet for this, Power.

There's no puke in her vagina


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Next page is them all at work a few days later.

>Cosplay already.
We're officially in the safe zone now r-right guys?

Is unambiguous sex even possible for WSJ? If not they're definitely getting interrupted


Despite what the shitposters say the volumes have been selling a decent amount, it's safe for now. Especially with all these new series starting.

fishy seems like a pretty funny guy so far.

I thought for sure Power was going to end up stealing it, but what he got was so so much worse.


Does Himeno deserves her bowl or does she deserves being cucked forever? The latter sounds more fun.


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>her mouth is so hot, feels like my cock is melting
>wait that's not her tongue
>it's barf

After getting cucked by Makima she will get cucked by Power, Kobeni and then Denji.

Vomiting on a cock while giving head is pretty common... I hear.


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Thank you for dumping the viz version!

>himeno carried him off on her back


Yeah. She's got generic crazy eye.

Devilmen all have weird eyes, like power.

So what do you think Makina's deal is?
Fiend, demikid or Arima test tube baby.

She probably thought she kidnapped Aki.

Will himeno ever get with aki?

That mangastream is garbage when it comes to translations? Jesus their translation of the current chapter was so disjointed.

>No way, fag.

We already knew that

>here lies Himeno
>she never scored

Only a retard would call herself Power. I bet the only reason she's in control is because her IQ is so fucking low

She’s pretty cute for someone who just barfed into someone else’s mouth.

Yeah but if it happened to you she would be gross, right...?

Shut up and go make her breakfast, Aki.

Usually I prefer MS over Viz for Chainsawman, but yeah, this chapter was pretty bad in terms of translation

I hope he's able to refuse, this chapter made me feel genuinely terrible for Denji. The art really sells how pathetic and helpless he's feeling.

>then mine's 120
Never change, Power

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>Denji's prone to swallowing anything with nutritional value that enters his mouth!
That's lewd

>devilwoman that doesn't shower or flushes the toilet
>cake that gets drunk and pukes on people's mouth
why are women so disgusting in this manga?

Definitely. But if it means cuddle time followed by implications of sex with the hot cake with tight body then hell yeah.

Real people are gross

This gives "sloppy kiss" a whole new meaning.

Real people are gross, especially unhinged ones who don't care about being conventionally presentable.

>The boys are absolutely pure well, Denji tries

What did Fujimoto mean by this.

One can only imagine what Makima’s nasty side is going to be.

Fujimoto is trying to redpill the youth that girls are not the prim and perfect beings that fart perfumes. They can be as nasty and disgusting as a man can is what he’s trying to tell. However this is also a real test of affection that harkens back to the sayings of old:

“How can you say you love her if you won’t even eat her poop?”

How does Makima do it anyway? How does she lures cute boys like that?

She's already incredibly manipulative.

By not being the most disgusting girl in the vicinity at first glance

The girls are all manipulative disgusting sluts, while the boys are all pure and good-natured angels. Really makes you think, doesn't it?

Abe is angry at this post

She's probably a succubus or something

Fujimoto is a master at throwing curve balls, and I look forward to seeing how he surprises us next chapter.

Power is smart and cute!

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how have any of the guys displayed any pure good naturedness so far?

Denji will suffer from whiskey dick

It never gets old.

mah boy pochita

Can you imagine being the director of a anime and having to tell the VAs to portray this. If Chainsawman gets an anime how the fuck will they adapt this?

Arai is a good guy.

arai is a pure and good boy

Aki sacrificed himself for Denji (a guy he barely knew who kicked him in the balls) a few chapters ago. Denji is a naive romantic who wants to find his one true waifu. They're both pure.

Arai, Aki and the new guy are all good guys.

>Nobel Prize winner
>Prime Minister of Japan
>Good with economics
>Lets you touch her boobs if you ask
>4 digit IQ
How is Power so perfect?

chick's va barfs into denji's va's mouth while kissing him
also, they don't tell denji's va that this will be happening

They'd probably censor it with rainbow puke, like how most shows do. It'd still be disgusting, but bearable.

>. Denji is a naive romantic who wants to find his one true waifu.
He literally wants to grope and kiss indiscriminately you sperg

stinky no-flushing devil

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Denji if Chainsaw man was drawn by a Yaoi artist.

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He was on board with killing Denji, remember. Meanwhile the real pure boy Aki would have none of it. He was even willing to use THAT to save Denji.

Thinking about it, is the author even allowed to show a sex scene between a 16 year old and an adult? Wouldn't that fall under the no underage drinking/smoking clause?

Aki is purest indeed but Arai is still a good guy overall.

The real question is whether WSJ is even allowed to deny Fujimoto.

Of course they can you joker

Haha, yes, there's no way mr. Fujimoto would be above the rules.

Glad you agree user

she is the gun devil

The trauma is one thing, but how is Denji going to get any of his colleagues to kiss him now that he's "the guy whose mouth got puked into by the loose cake superior"?

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Rainbow puke is more likely. Though I would prefer it if it was:

>the kiss begins
>Denji’s inner dialogue is played
>gets to the point where he starts noticing that it wasn’t a tongue
>insert 1 frame of the dead eye Himeno puking into Denji before cutting away to a scene of Pochita doing dog stuff like sniffing a flower or just sitting and panting
>meanwhile everyone’s reactions and the sound effects of the puking and swallowing can be heard in the background
>cuts to Denji’s flashback

whats this about being axed

They definitely need the closeup shot of his throat as he swallows while Power explains though

>enter thread just to see this page
It's still just as bad

AIDS demon when?

Denji's face is conveying the suffering so well.

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its a tranny

Looks like Ichigo.

the author hates women obviously

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They start having sex.
A demon interrupts them.
Denji goes full Chainsaw but never pulls out.

all these new characters are going to die

my reaction is still as visceral as the first time i saw it

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>the author hates women because they're written like women
Oy vey shut it down the incels know

You tried to kill Arai and Kobeni last arc and you failed, shush.

Good, we could stand fewer people.

That’s the kind of western action movie cliche kino that I can see Fujimoto pulling.

Only gets funnier the more you look at it.

Anyone have the sauce version?

Her eyes look like targets ...for a gun

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You happen to have here's the sauce too?

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They cut to a bird feeding its chicks if they wanna go for a more fun approach instead of the usual rainbow puke

Bones blows their budget on an extended puke scene with rotoscoping

Quick rundown on Fujimoto:
> Jump editor-in-chief bow to the Fujimoto
> in contact with Japanese government
> rumored to possess vast knowledge about movies
> control Twitter with a fire fist
> in the process of releasing Jump's first uncensored sex scene

Can anyone even stop the madman at this point ?

I love my wife Makima.

I find it weird that Power, the one with targets for eyes, wasn’t the gun Devil.

That's my fetish!

How is this page so viscerally disgusting every time?

Lmao fuckin Denji my poor boy got barf in his mouth during his first proper kiss. Why does he have to suffer like this bros?

These series feels like sexual discovery done right.
>every fucking DUDE PUBERTY manga ever
>obnoxiously purehearted characters that somehow want a committed relationship in middle school
>misunderstandings/miscommunication melodrama and NTR
>save the princess and win her affection

>chainsaw man
>fooling around without either party knowing what's important about it
>girls are nasty human beings too but are still pretty good regardless
>have your wizardry robbed by a bad influence onee-san who gets you into beer and cigarettes
Considering how good Fire Punch was, I hope this can keep its bold streak despite being in WSJ. I'm glad I stuck through the really boring first couple chapters.

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>felt nothing after fondling Power
>his first kiss is this absolute fucking nightmare

Can't Denji just score? Would it be so bad?

I’ve just started reading this manga... and I’m really enjoying it a lot.
> Adult setting for the Shonen Jump
> Guts, Blood and soft gore for the Shonen Jump
> Neat drawing
> Funny characters
> Evil Dead and Reservoir Dogs atmosphere

I don’t know, it just surprised me how refreshing for me this manga is.

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Kobeni is for rough sex.

It's probably the eyes.

>felt nothing after fondling Power
>yet received the most sensual tit fondling that involved your cute boss that every man on the company is willing to fist fight satan for

>his first kiss is this absolute fucking nightmare
ok that was pretty bad BUT
>receive a real french kiss that is just laden with adult experience
>is also offered sex by an older and hotter woman

He's losing to win.

this looks edible

Cleaned it a lil' bit. Those white lines triggered me.

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they aren't going to have sex, but yeah he'd probably be allowed to show a sex scene if was only implied not explicit.