
Post bipolarism.

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What's bipolar about that?

Tsunelf isn't bipolar, she's just autistic, though not as autistic as the mc.

Literally disdain to dere in a single panel.

She's terrible at speaking how she feels. That's autism bro.

Her and Ice Sword busting into the real world to claim their Oji-san, when?

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She deserves better than that orc faced autist.

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>t. Ice Bitch trying to steal him for herself

Orcface is a fucking saint, you take that back!

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I don't remember this page. What chapter?

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You can't fake me out, user. I want it for real.

Does ice bitch come back?

17 i think

>imagine being so autistic you cant even read manga characters emotions that are literally spoonfed to you

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I can only find raws up to 14. Can you help an user out?

who are you quoting?

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You're a real bro, user.

?What is this creature

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One that is quick to recognize lewdness.

So what are the chances that we'll get a translation?

Somebody picked it up again. Chapter 4 was released like two days ago.

>She literally sleeps in his original earth clothes and he still doesn't realize she wants to bone

Wew lad

Tumbling down

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>tfw just realized she's crying herself to sleep wrapped in his hoodie

So this is to suffer even further beyond.

If Oji-san can change his appearance with magic......why didn't he?

I like the art. Anything similar?

He didn't know how at first. Later I think he just didn't give a fuck and took some joy in beating the locals around a bit to take out his frustrations on when they met. You see what he did to the dude that bought him for a monster zoo?

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He was saving him from the monsters...r-right

That ain't what bipolar is though OP. Crazy fast cycles in bipolar person are about few hours... count 6-8 not 3 seconds.

I know since I have it diagnosed. Now down to 3-4 days and very mild mood changes.

Sort of. It's hilarious how they use the 16-bit era to poke fun at all the "just like muh videogames" isekai.

The Golden Axe chapter with his party was just legendary, though.

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Meant to reply to

Why'd he wipe their mems tho

I'm not sure. I think the girl said some kind of flirty joke he took the wrong way.

So who's the black haired girl? She seems like she knows about the isekai and the elf.

Childhood friend/bully of the nephew, who only recently reunited with him. She has a similar personality to the elf too.

Childhood friend of the nephew that gets roped into things. It's kind of a parallel in the nephew being similarly autistic to his own tsundere.

Oh so it's the nephews version of the elf and he also doesn't know about her feelings?

makes sense if he thinks that a girl could never like him

Pretty much, but watching Oji-san's own memories of fuckup after fuckup give them both more awareness. I find it so funny that the nephew really thinks he's so different from his uncle when he's not at all.

It is tragic though that tsunderes are exactly the worst kind of girl to be attracted to Oji-san in isekai land. Since everyone hates him at first sight, he just takes their reactions as natural instead of something extreme covering up something else.

You know, I think some of the absolute best mistakes he makes are not his autism but the things that every MC would do in a normal isekai.

>I'll free all the poor cute animals while I escape
>Oh, no!

>I'll make an endless vessel of water for these poor villagers dying of thirst
>Oh, no!

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Are they viewing his memories from end to start?

They skip around to be relevant to the subject of the chapter but tend to do continuous arcs for characters. So every time you see the elf it's later on and so on. The latest chapter is him showing what happened right after he got isekai'd and captured by those three rando's. So we're seeing the beginning of his journey.

Tsunderes are the only thing an orc with a bad personality can attract.

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I feel bad for uncle. Put in dungeon because he was an orc.

Did the elf girl came with him or did she chase after the Uncle?

I love this artist who drew elf and other girl have shark teeth.

How long translation next chap dammit

I'm impressed on how he can do near horror and comedy gag stuff blended so well together. Usually, you don't get this kind of mix of cute and ugly out of someone.

We have no idea what happened with her. We don't even know how Oji-san got back in the first place.

He must've wiped his memories. They're already in a relationship until he had to erase his memories or something.

we don't know what happened to her and ice girl
probably more suffering and abandoned waifus to come, he gave them both rings but he said there were like 7 in the set

That'd be a great twist if the first thing he did when he awoke in the hospital was erase his memories of marrying and starting a family with elf-chan.

I wouldn't bet on it. The nephew and girl have access to the journal. They would have seen something like that in there. But if there was a twist like that, I would bet that she died or something after they fell in love and that was too painful for him.

>The nephew and girl have access to the journal. They would have seen something like that in there
It seemed like it was too sad to get past 1 or 2 pages tho.

Does the orc jii san get another chance to stick it inside the elf or is this series focused solely on flashbacks of him being denser than lead?

It's likely the happy ending of the manga will be the girls finding him or him going back the isekai world somehow with a fresh perspective for a second chance. If he had a happy conclusion in his memories, then that's only a setup for tragedy.

You're reading the manga wrong,
Happy ending is Sega releasing a new console, gaining marketshare, and blowing the fuck outta Nintendo and Sony.

That's the most unbelievable fantasy setting of all, Satan.

He might have to isekai into another world to find that. That could be how it continues after his harem finds him on Earth.

>Harem finds him
>Make money with isekai powers
>Buy SEGA together
>Use isekai powers to crush Nintendo/Sony
>Make new console
>Remake Guardian heroes
Perfect ending.

>guardian heroes remake flops, gets last place ranking

>>Use isekai powers to crush Nintendo/Sony
not even possible

lol stand

jesus christ my dick

I love it