Thoughts on the Zelda manga?
Thoughts on the Zelda manga?
Good art all around. Storywise, some are better than others, they're generally pretty rushed or have questionable changes and additions. I'd say they're passable overall, shout out to the Link's Awakening manga by Ataru Cagiva which is my favorite due to how it explores the game's theme.
Link's characterization if TP is neat.
Link's Logbook is my favorite.
the ALTTP one is some nice tintin shit
The ALTTP one by Shotaro Ishinomori is great
It's Zelda and a manga
It's weird how a licensed tie-in has better jokes than most "proper" comedy manga
>Navi’s VA did the voice of Miyako in Hidamari Sketch
She's also Mami in Madoka.
You can really hear it when she uses Tiro Finale.
Super Mario mangas were always better
By one billion percent,
Link was also voiced by Nobuyuki Hiyama in OoT, which still has the best voice.
I like it, but I liked better the majora's one.
Don't forget Aria-shachou's love interest.
I'm still waiting on new Twilight princess chapters.
Would he reprise the role if OoT ever got an anime adaption?
Nintendo making an anime is never gonna happen user. The Otaku market is nothing to them.
It's silly and rushed with mediocre art, like all video-game throwaway manga
It had a few traditional japanese gags though.
What about fans of the series?
>forgetting when she voiced best girl in Baka and Test
I like it but way too short.
The fans only really care about the games. Look online and people genuinely want a live action Zelda netflix series.
Never read it, is there only one or one for every game ?
There's a few TP is ongoing still the others are
OoT is 2 volumes
MM is 1
ALTTP is 1
PH is 1
4 swords is 2
Oracle of Ages
Oracle of Seasons
Minish cap
And they did one chapter of skyward sword iirc
These are the first manga I ever read I love the MM, 4 swords and PH ones especially
I've seen people want an animated adaption as well though, is it really that bad of an idea?
>is it really that bad of an idea?
I've got three words for you: Excuse me, princess.
Young Link is a miracle of the Universe.
Surely they wouldn't go that route with any Link?
I've only read the Majora's Mask one, but it's pretty good. I love the art in particular.