Did the cowboy bebop crew love eggs?

Why were they eating them so viciously?

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Yea Forums - 2019.

Eggs were the rare time they even had access to protein.

Eggs are one of the cheaper ways to get protein in your diet.


Eat all the eggs.

they had like, a million of them that time, and they're perpetually broke so that was literally all they had to eat.

Why are they eating them so WHAT

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They watched Cool Hand Luke, and were trying to beat 50 in an hour.

>fly around huge space shit over huge distances throughout all the galaxy
>don't have some fucking shekkels for some junk food
yeah, I don't buy it

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Eggs taste yuck

Eggs are rich in protein and protein is necessary for maintaining muscle structure.

soft boiled or hard boiled?

To forget


Literally non-figuratively shit taste


Two of the five crew members left that same day. Depressed or sad people tend to eat a lot.

So you want them to sell their ship to get food?

He needs to finish all the eggs before he can get out.

Didn't Ed's father gave them the eggs? they didn't had anything else to eat, probably.


>Use all their money on ship fuel and maintenance.
>Wonder why they are always broke.

You know, there just might be a relation between those two things.



They are so slimy

Do you eat them raw?

Whisked together and fried.

Because i told them they had to eat ALL the eggs

...the feels

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> slimey
You're not supposed to eat eggs raw you fucking retard

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Raw quail yolk is delicious tho

I eat my eggs raw, it makes it a lot easier/faster and you don't have to bother washing up. Having breakfast in under a minute can be very convenient

It's not easier on your digestive system.

Apparently the protein in raw eggs does not have a good bioavailability.

Enjoy your salmonella

yeah but it's still better than toast or cereal or whatever, also there's more vitamins if you don't cook it. Also as I said the main draw is that it only takes like 30 seconds per egg which is nice when I can't be bothered to cook something.

If he cracks them on an edge instead of a flat surface like a retard.

>Typically, people with salmonella infection have no symptoms. Others develop diarrhea, fever and abdominal cramps within eight to 72 hours. Most healthy people recover within a few days without specific treatment.
oh no!

Is this one of the best cinematic moments in all anime?

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