
Act user here, dumping the new chapter.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Long time no see.

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Chiyoko being aggressive.

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Cute excited autist.


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New guy eh?

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>Extra CCC ost
Nice taste, user.

I've been playing FGO, the current event makes me want to explore what I can of CCC

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Nice blog.

How do you save mangaplus stuff?

Absolute chad here.

It's why I don't post much other than the pages.

Been using the tachiyomi app, just emulate it on a PC.

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Uh oh

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He seems nice.

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It's from Tachi though there's a noticeable jpeg artifacts unlike the ones from ripper user.

Oh shit what's this?

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Watch out everyone, the Gilgamesh of acting has arrived.

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Usazaki has same face syndrome

And just like Gil, he has an interest to Yonagi. That's it for this week.

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I hope it will be translated one, but translator is lazy as fuck

>all these fangirl bait bishouen introduced every arc

So we are getting Chiyoko/Araya vs Yonagi/Chad? That should be interesting if the former don't kill each other in the process.

I wanna cut Yonagis ahoge.

Not really surprising considering the target audience.

I'm not sure about this. Double casting both leads is like having two different plays rather than a competition between Yonagi and Chiyoko working with the same material.


Why is Kuroyama with the shady guy now? I don't get it what's happening?

I thought double casting was different people getting the same role and then taking turns at performing?

Looks like Kuroyama is fine with him helping Yonagi to grow as long as he doesn't go full retard.
>This servers your purposes too.
This kinda reminds of this scene.

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I'm in love with Chiyoko.

Shut the fuck up, Yonagi.

From the new volume.

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I recently catched up and I was thinking, as much as this manga is female-oriented (sort of) because of the mc, the lack of fanservice, the tendency to pull out a new bishonen at every arc [...] it acually does read like a shounen: there's the pure-hearted protagonist insping everyone around her, the almost homosexual rivalry with that one "strong guy", the aforementioned bishonens being sort of like harembait, the arc structure with a more difficult "battle" each time (and so on).
Or maybe I'm just trying to rationalize the fact that it gets published in WSJ.


my dick

No, it kinda fits.
maybe it's the editors making the story go this way too.

The translator got his name wrong, the dude’s name is Rick, not Riku. It literally says on his autograph right in that page. He’s probably amerikajin

Act-age has a woman touch with Usazaki's art but the writer is still a dude. I don't think he really targets either boys or girls, it's just a normal story for everyone.

the acting power level is already getting out of hand, really.
after this guy, who would it be? tom cruise?

Hopefully. Tom is based.

I’m glad we’re getting another play arc. I think the play setting is really cool and I think it would be interesting if Yonagi spent most of her career within that kind of industry, given how relatively humble it is compared to the other options.

A Tom Cruise expy arc would be good for Akira, he would meet another actor that does his own stunts.

>Chiyoko is 17
>Araya is 21
>Chad is 26
At this rate a fucking oldman will join yonagi's harem one day.

A fucking oldman already joined her harem, but he's in the better world now.

It can also be a Christmas cake.

RIP Sensei


I like it too. I don't think it will become prevalent though, but I at least hope there will be some balance between that and cinema.

So they'll be playing journey to the west, huh? Interesting.
>inb4 akira plays the monkey king.

Well whoops, I'm literally ESL but I still don't know how that happend.



I can't believe Goku will perform with Yonagi.

It's cool, I wasn't trying to be an asshole/grammar nazi, but it's a Yea Forums meme and I couldn't resist

Just started this, But what happened to the translator on this chapter. Did he have a stroke?

>[something about being big?]

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I dont even. Where did I even get these translations.

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I know right? Glorious.

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Where the fuck do you guys even find this shit. Here's the normal version.

>Fluid Exit
That characterizes most of Yonagi's interactions with Chiyoko. Seems perfectly accurate.

these seem like troll translations
it reads like they dumped the original text into google translate a few times and then added their own memey ad libs

Anime when lads.

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Winter or spring next year.

It is a relic of times when there was no regular translations and we were like 20-30 chapters behind. Apparently, somebody went full duwang back then.

How will our boy Akira worm himself into the arc this time?

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We about to see some monkey magic here

Arc it's packed with our actual guy, the new chad and the shady producer. So he will just pop out to watch.

How is Lancer going to die this time?


Sounds more like a spin-off. Or it could just be Journey to the West from a different POV, I guess.

>tfw no Melt

Vol 6 is doing bretty good, hopefully we'll get anime announcement soon.

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Me on the left.

These power levels are getting crazy

Shall we derail the thread with pointless bickering about which studio should adapt this?

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It will summon both KyoAni and Shaft niggers, so no.

fuck chiyoko and her autism, why not give qt Yonagi a bone here.

Seems a bit abrupt for a sex scene.

>why not give qt Yonagi a bone here
It took me a while to get what you actually meant.

I can't think of any way to involve him that'd make sense but he's managed to force himself into every arc so far, even the school arc, so I'd be surprised if he didn't show up here. Maybe Arisa will use him as her piece on the board.

Looking back, the artist has really improved a lot.

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yeah, she has. especially her sense of proportions and size relations. the kids used to look like little gremlins

No, surprisingly this time Viz got it right, his name is actually Riku, written with the kanji for six (陸). The furigana above the kanji is not even stylized in katakana so it can't be actually Rick. Rick is most likely only his stage name, while his real name is Riku.

Chiyoko acts so gay when she is near Yonagi

More like the Yonagi is the one who acts gay.
>come to declare war
>Is this a date? A date? Are we having a date, Chiyoko?

When this have at least 100 chapters

He always cucks his master first.

Nah, yonagi just acts like a kid that has a new toy

Ah. So then, I wonder if he’s Japanese-American? He’s obviously from another country. At first I actually thought he was going to be Chinese

They've always looked pretty good to me. Very expressive.

>Is she a Stan?

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Such a fucking DORK

Yonagi is:
>smells like mold
>Dorkus Maximus
>a virgin
>NOT a pro

Axed when?

All filthy LIES.

If it keeps it's current pace, probably around another 10-12 volumes. It's popular enough to be a mid-tier Jump title that survives long enough to get a satisfying ending. The plot just needs to not pull a Soma and it will be fine.

Main actors have to be bishouen.

ask kyoani

Yonagi is not a virgin?

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>implying she hasn't already taken a seat on the casting couch

Who is the dorkiest Jump heroine, Yonagi or Yoru?

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Yoru is a super hitman dork!

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Chiyoko's gonna go full yandere for Yonagi and stab him to death

would you rather have ugly mob characters?

Ugly old fat faceless bastard NTR arc when?

when akira comes back. he’s going to be meeting lots of those if he wants to make it big

That fan he's holding onto is probably taking a huge whiff

>Implying you won't be gay for Chiyoko too

She's an angel.

I want next a TV arc, I want to see Yonagi trying to give life a stale role and fighting against mediocre writers.

Thanks for dumping.

Anime by which studio?

Oh, almost missed my dork dose.

Is this the gayest manga in Jump at the moment?

Masks are so erotic.

Also has a flat ass!



This one I can see...
...but that's a very different Campanella.

Who will marry her?

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Araya. Screencap this.

Their kid will be absolutely batshit insane.

I was gonna say Akira, but it's fitting for her to marry a male Yonagi.

How old was araya when he fucked his first cake ?

The difference is that Yohani is a good girl while Yoru is a cold hearted murderer that probably kills babies for money

Probably like 15

>probably kills babies for money
Bullshit. As far as we know, she just kills traitorus scum and maybe random people and witnesses at a party if she feels particularly uncomfortable.

Initial designs of Yonagi.

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Hairband Yonagi is CUTE

Araya looks the same

where are these from?
The article is pretty old but I've never seen these before for some reason.

I think he looks a lot older in the sketches.

>No twintails yonagi


She looks better without that STUPID hair.
Although her design was probably too generic for a protagonist.

idk, the faces look like they're progressively getting more squashed in these later chapters
their eyes need to be drawn a little higher


Shit taste.

Yonagi. That's the natural conclusion of this rivalry.


Gay opinion.

Great opinion.

What's gayer: Yonagi dating a cute girl, or Yonagi dating a faggot?

The former is gayer, because the latter is only gay on one side.

Ask the artist.

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>WT Yuri
I don't believe it

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scans when?


that tiny leg