It do be like that sometimes

It do be like that sometimes

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Shingeki no Kyojin S3 - 52 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_17.24_[2019.05.12_15.17.28].jpg (1920x1080, 357K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Quite a memetic shot.

now thats just lazy copypasting...

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Not as bad as what they did in the previous episode.

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Meh, they've done the same thing with Levi dropping down on his target like 4-5 times now.


Is the second season any good?




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Damn this is moving at a DBZ pace right now, senpai.

I don't even blame them. The view becomes even larger than this. I couldn't be bothered to draw all that shit either.

>Ledditors defend this saying it's a nice callback

>Houses literally intersecting and clipping

Man this season is garbage, you guys told me it's going to be good

EHfags ruined the anime

Stop false-flagging as an anime only. If you're not, just remember that it takes place on an island, Erwin dies and Armin eats Bertholdt.

is there anything EHfags haven't ruined?


Why would houses be built like this?

>finally they kill Reiner
>oh wait no he's alive lol
fucking hate this, I thought this show was better than that

Read the manga.

I know I should, and I would but SnK has always been that show I can watch Sunday which always makes this day so much better.

stop being a contrarian

is it just me,or these 3 episodes just havent been as good?

I wouldn't say that they weren't good, rather that the plot hasn't really moved at all. Is this what watching One Piece feels like?

lmao nice housing

An important part of Titans is that they have weird powers that they and the audience just don't know about.

Reiner is still currently alive in the manga even though he's the character that wants to die the most

zeke's VA doesnt fit desu

Koyasu suits any role he's given

Stop being a contrarian.

what kind of city plan is this?

Reiner will never die

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>Bertholdt fending off Mikasa with ease
you fucking wot m8?


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bertbomb was the only decent part of the episode and the cg titan looked pretty meh

>oh wait no he's alive lol

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Why do animeonlies hate reiner? Do you watch it for the ebin fights and think this is a good guys vs bad guys shonen like mha?

>be a king
>peasants asks how you want to build the city
>shit fuck my shit up

So they're gonna do at least a couple of episodes after the end of the battle judging by the pacing I'm feeling, Eren looking at the ocean after Grisha's story has been told in full to close the season?

>tfw due to shitty title translation the kruger chapter will make no sense

That's not the point. It's not about drawing it, i'm fine with people using cgi for the environment, but they just lazily scattered a bunch of buildings in completely random order using a brush tool. They are taking all of the lazy way outs that they possibly can, and it's a mediocre season because of it. I just hope they'll make up for all of this low quality stuff with some good animation later on.

>why are the houses laid out like this
>fucking devils

Reiner is the plot-armored titan

Honestly i can't wait for the 4th season. I need to see the title drop animated and also the GRIM REMINDER, the most kino part of the entire series so far


>wanting reiner to die
also what did yall think of cartman's voice? I found it terrible, I thought it would be like Ymir's titan voice

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If you check normalfags reactions on youtube, most casual watchers/retards not only dont care about reiner but hate him a lot. Season 4 is going to fuck those people up their ass

I cannot stand the warriors, I have never gotten this angry at fictional characters before but I hope every single last one of the warriors dies a slow and painful death.

I hope Reiner's last thoughts are finding out that Eren impregnated Historia.

I know some of you here support them and I hate you for being such edgy contrarian faggots for wanting these killers to win. And don't try to say Eren is a killer like them because he is only doing what he does because his home was genocided, he had to watch his mother eaten alive, all because the warriors. He just wanted to live a peaceful and free life.

He is dead inside so It's ok.

Can´t wait for this faggot to die crying for help as all his cool and determination crumble.

>And don't try to say Eren is a killer like them because he is only doing what he does because his home was genocided, he had to watch his mother eaten alive, all because the warriors. He just wanted to live a peaceful and free life.
The Warriors kill not because they want to but to give their families a better life. After they became Titans they are basically forced to follow orders or their parents can get killed. Also child soldier brainwashing and all. Why would you hate anyone in this story? The most evil character might be Gross but even he is correct in everything he said.

The warriors have the power to revolt and take down Marley, they could have joined Eren and Paradis. The are too stupid to realize their people will never be free as long as they are slaves to Marley. I will stop hating them if they accept death and let Eren eat them to save their people. Until they do that I will hate them and hope they die.

It will be glorious, I hope they make him look even more pathetic in the anime.

What you expect them to animate a different throw. It’s not like every throw is unique

sex with Gabi

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pick one

Forcey fun times with sex with Gabi poster after he gets thrown into prison for molesting some poor kid.

What? The title drop will happen this season.

>muh hiroshima
>muh nagasaki
Jesus,get over it that was almost 100 years ago

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Hahahhahaah you’re in for a treat than this arc and the rest of the show.

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Two times clearly wasn’t enough.

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>no streets because the houses were oriented at random

The perfect position for peak pitching performance.

t. Eren

Bert > Mikasa

Go here

I bet the Eldian devils did this

Aot has always had alot of talking and monologueing in between action

>most casual watchers/retards not only dont care about reiner but hate him a lot.
Pretty sure that's the intention here

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What would Eren even get if he ate this bitch?

Where the blades?

I actually think it doesn't look that bad considering it's a huge sweeping shot. It's crazy that someone had to plop all of those building models down just for this one scene.

You wouldn't do this by hand, you would use an algorithm to generate the layout

To all secondaries. Season 3 is a shit adaptation and all you faggots are retarded for watching Araki's fanfiction rather than reading the source material.

If Reiner wasn't retarded, he would've choose the island side and told them everything.

B-but muh honorary Marleyan, muh mom, muh hero

>literally choosing to have his mother executed
not likely

imagine the giant gaping butthole as viewed from behind
you know you want to

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>first time Bertholdt transformed was without flair, just knees down a door and transforms back
>second time he just released a lot of steam and then divebombed his 200 ton ass onto Eren from on top of the wall, naturally resulting in a shockwave
>third time he transforms he becomes a nuclear warhead

You what

Could've just acted as double agent, got his family to safety and you know the rest.

I wonder who will have the privilege to voice the lovely Piku.

Why do people treat eren like a maniac? It's literally do or die, there is no alternative, he needs to fight the people trying to eradicate him.
Do you faggots expect for them to just roll over and die? What the fuck is wrong with you.

I feel ya if you are going to start something may as well go all the way and finish it.

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>start something
You mean how willy declared war and was planning to declare war along with magath?

is this real? kek

That stupid posture.

Can last longer while using the titan

What is shit about it? Some shot of reused animation isn't enough

why is he so huge? did he figure out a way to turn into a titan while in his human form?

How could isayama let Bert die

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Reiner needs to live, just to suffer

Reiner isn't allowed to die no matter how much he wants it

>secondaries hate the warriors and will hate Marley
Kind of based

>Story is a sort parody of WW2

secondaries love it though, it's the topped ranked show on all the normie sites

Nukes aren't the only bombs that make mushroom clouds.

I belive he can control it

>Why do people treat eren like a maniac?
personal preferences

but his titan doesn't even have a dick and balls

>Get them to safety.
If Zeke couldn't do it, there's no chance Reiner could. He has 0 influence in Marley.

>They declared war first, Eren had no choice.
Actually, Eren acted rogue first, and his actions went to Willy's ears.

This Bert was too strong mentally. It wasn't interesting to watch him live, and most importantly, it wouldn't have been fair.

Bert also protected himself by standing at the sidelines of Reiner and Annie's dysfunctional relationship and not getting as involved with the others as Reiner and Annie were.

Nigger, Willy KNEW Eren was there. He KNEW that Marley had been infiltrated and that the infiltrator would be listening to his words. He declared war to push Eren into action to paint the people of Paradise as the 'devils' they claimed them to be. Eren worked into his hands so much it's not even funny.

"Yeah, no hard feelings but you must die"

Why didn't Marco just pretend that he hadn't heard Bert and Reiner? He could have just yelled something like "Hey, guys we got to get going!" or some shit. Why did he confront them about it?

after bert became berto blanco in his final fight he would have been too strong a threat to the SC

So that Armong can have his screentime and do nothing with it

He probably wanted to believe he was mistaken. Marco was a 10/10 team player and it got him killed.

This, but unironically. Reiner bought the anti-eldian propaganda, so when he saw they were actually human he fucking snapped. Annie got too close to Armin, and couldn't bring herself to kill him, leading to her capture. Bert didn't do either. He knew that eldians aren't devils, and also knew that his mission comes first.


It looks like classic unplanned urbanization, but shiganshina was clearly planned. Maybe an oversight ?

It looks neater in the manga, could've used that as a template. Then even if they just copied that pattern to fill the rest of the space it would've looked better. But oh well, it is just one shot.

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>Annie got too close to Armin
t. Armin.

He has zero redeeming qualities, unlike Annie.
And no, his split personality bullshit doesn't count.

Reiner is a total bro and is a handsome motherfucker. Annie's only redeeming quality is as a fucktoy for Armin and the rest of the scouts when she pops out of that crystal. Also, Reiner's constant verge of suicide-ness is always entertaining.

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>unlike Annie
Wanting to groom and fuck someone with daddy issues doesn't count

Question was about anime only.
Their group is pictured as villains and Annie is the most human/normie of those three.

Reiner's part comes in the arc after this and is vastly superior to Annie's

Well then, I guess that guy should come back after that arc and ask anime only again if their opinion on Reiner has changed.

Why the fuck are there 3 titans threads on Yea Forums? The anime coming back is a mistake.

Is the 4th one gone then?

what a mark

True. Reiner, Bert and Annie deserve better.

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Maybe but it doesn't matter. The Marley generals were planning beforehand to target Paradis for its resources. Willy and Magath orchestrated the Liberio play in order to give a proper narrative for doing so. It's basically 9/11, similar to how everything that day was magically wrong in order for two/three planes to be hijacked, having the nearby airforce coincidentally training away, etc.

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>American in charge of history

10/10, would play fetch with

did he actually realize that walldians being filthy devils is a marley's propaganda?

They know he will become meme later, that's why they not give him serious voice

Not all thing is about murica, they don't even care about your country anymore

cannot wait for the black YT reactors to chimp out, howl like hyenas as they mock Zeke's philosophy

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japan loves europe and think america is shit

You thought it was going to be Zeke? IT WAS ME, DIO

Isn't that the whole reason they're falling apart mentally? Like Reiner's split personality.

Annie and berts childs nose would be too powerful

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Reiner's falling apart because he learned through interacting with the Waldians that he's been living a lie his entire life. And now he's far too wrapped up in the lie to just back out.

>realize that the people who have been oppressing you and your kin have also been lying to you all your life
>instead of standing together with your own kind you keep working for your oppressors because you're a half-assed piece of shit and scared of getting ZEKED

Based and Bernardpilled

No, because if he betrays Marley they immediately kill his entire family. That's why he's still working for them. He's not half-assed, he's trying to look out for his family.

>actually believing his family will be spared
The Day of the Nape-Injection awaits all.

Haha! Sasuga Wit Studio

>killed millions
>just for your 2 or 3 family members

Reiner's mom doesn't deserve such a good son honestly.

I'd kill a million devils for one person.

Is it really that unbelievable to you? Tunnel vision is a thing, and whether they're 10 or 10 millions we're talking about people they don't know against family. Many people would do the same choice.

Reiner's mom is a nasty slag that thought by getting a Marleyan to knock her up illegally she could get an easy life. She probably poked holes in condoms and leglocked all she could despite knowing she could never change what she was. And then she spent Reiner's whole childhood blaming some people she's never met for not being able to raise a family with the guy who bent her over a chipped, beer-stained counter for a few minutes of fun. Fuck Reiner's cunt mother. Fuck her for doubling the Marley propaganda being shoved down his throat and believing it as a grown adult. Fuck any scumsucking bottomfeeding mainlanders who think their personal problems are Paradis' fault and will magically vanish with the 'bad' Eldians.

But most importantly FUCK REINER

Attached: Reiner got his gun.png (1004x1584, 1.64M)

100% ends with title drop at this pace.

t.eldian devil

>And his name is...
>The Attack on! Titan.

How the hell did "Attack on Titan" become the official translation anyway? In my country it's translated as what amounts to "war of the titans".

Gosh I wish I was that gun.

jap fag here
what does 'attack on titan' even mean

It's the subtitle to the nipponese title, and nips don't care about proper English as long as it sounds cool to them.

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I was seething hard against WiT and Araki for butchering the adaptation or removing panels here and there but the whole part with Bertolt was 10/10. I realized that you only have to watch the anime for the key moments. I was scared for the Marley arc but it doesn't matter if secondaries will get things wrong, if I enjoy myself fully knowing what makes SNK great then it's okay in my book. Fucking kino I love this manga

Attack on Titan means either
>Attack on (imperative command), Titan
>Attack on Titan (attack taking place on Titan)

Got my colossal editions in the mail right now.

You're typing in english, how do you not know what it means? Show eyes

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Altough fuck them for not including this, niggers.
And fuck the CGI Titan, really killed the hype just after. But yeah everything including Bertolt leading up to the nuclear impact was kino. Too bad they also removed two lines from Annie during the Marco flashback

Soundtrack is on point as usual.

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They listened to anal retentive english majors who want to prove how superior they are to those fansubbers.

No seriously.
The reason why it's translated into Attack on Titan instead of Attack of the Titans is for that exact fucking reason.

They really nailed that part. I felt the same when reading

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I wonder how BRA reacted when they realized island devils didn't even know there's humanity outside of the walls.

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What an amazing squatter settlements.

For Bert/Annie they probably began to think 'This is different from what we've been taught.' and Reiner was probably too focused on the mission at the time to even care what they thought.

It was somehow underwhelming

Just imagine, piku is naked on top of her clothes.

Hanji wasn't convinced and wanted people to reload and shoot him again, which makes sense given she's supposed to be a titan nerd.
The 104th guys were all too emotionally attached to Reiner to even behave properly. Some crying like Sasha and Connie, even Armong questioning if what they did was really worth it, which made them lose the chance to, say, cut Reiner out of his titan.

Also he deserves to be alive so he can suffer more

how can 20 minutes go by so fast when basically nothing happens

>complaining about "anal retentive english majors" while also whining pedantically about a meaningless english translation

Because lots of things happen you retarded plotfag

i fucking hate armin voice, makes me punch his face

>death of marco reveal
>reiners actually alive
>berthold talks to armin
>bert transforms
thats not very much

The titan collosal looks like shit

Articulate your thoughts better, François.

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>the sun represents Farmer

Attached: prego.jpg (2048x1150, 159K)

what farmer? Animeonly here

>Historia drowning because of Farmer and the other kids stoning her
H-how romantic

I love Koyasu but yeah, Zeke should have been Rikiya Koyama


Man, the art in the first season was so fucking good...

Why is this allowed?

Titles can be whatever.
I don't know much about what happens in the manga but what triggers me the most is how マーレ became Marley and not Mare/Maare/Marae.
How did they even get Marley from that...

The japanese often use the "a_" katakanas to transcribe english "er". Like paper.
It's the same principle. None of those translations you proposed would be instantly read the way they were meant to by an english audience. Not to mention they look like shit.

the guy who fucked Historia


The guy EMfags use because they refuse to accept Eren fucked Historia

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the guy who fucked Historia

The guy covering Eren impregnating Historia


they get bolt guns soon? Neat.

Oh reiner's going to die alright. purely on the inside.

losing an ear isn't with ease.

Eren bangs Historia? Anime fag here, don't care for spoilers

I LOVE REINER! Fun sexy wrestling with Reiner!

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Depends on who you ask. Officially she was impregnated by a guy she knew from her childhood on a farm but some theorize it was Eren who did the deed.

it's delusional shipper fujos making shit up

>someone will seethe at this

I'm going to say the M-word...

>EHfag trembling with anticipation

This shit was WORSE in the fucking manga, I think the anime actually smoothed over how much bullshit it was that he lived through this in the MANGA

Of all the butthurt? Absolutely.

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>shipper fujos
More like shipper fujos are more into farmer

>- said fujo

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i cant fucking wait

Dub when??

>shipping a straight ship
Well it's not that it never happens, but still, you're probably that one retard who doesn't know the difference between a fujo and a female otaku.

End yourself

I think it's creative. Gotta give em props on the compositing, I didn't even notice. At least it's not cgshit.

>those shitty cg houses
lmao at that QUALITY

>we haven't even reached the basement
>anime onlys are already going ''hurr muh Hitler!!! muh based jews!! this is just like how evil Hitler killed 6 gorrilion'' because Reiner called Marco a filthy race
>it's only going to get worse from here
I fucking hate anime onlys

>doesn't know the difference between a fujo and a female otaku.
there is no difference, stop trying to make yourself seem less disgusting than you really are

>he actually doesn't know what a fucking fujo is
Are you new or are you just really that retarded? Fujos want dudes to buttfuck each other, not fucking straight shit like EH.

The best episode yet;

Am I the only one who's going to question how the fuck he managed to even get what appears to be ten times as high as the highest visible building here?

It's the best one.

That's his schtick though.

Oh I am perfectly aware of how much of a degenerate I am, you're the only one here who doesn't seem to grasp it.

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You get used to it.

>and think this is a good guys vs bad guys
I mean, it is. Even with the humans being incompetent retards constantly fighting with each other, they are clearly the good guys here. Bertholdt was literally screaming for genoicde "just because lol". There is no way to see these nutcases as anything but the bad guys.


A lot of manga people loathed Reiner at this point too. The Marco flashback was the low point for his reputation

some of you guys are alright. please visit SnK threads tomorrow.


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why not?

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Reiner must die a horrible death.
I hope Eren kills Gabi in front of Reiner just to break his spirit, and then kills him in the most horrible possible way

no shit, imagine being this much of a retard

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>tfw Annie could boop Hange from 20 feet away

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I found

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So who will Annie kill, when she comes out of the basement they are all fighting above of?

well normally it would mean titan was a place or name and that someone is attacking it/them

really going out of the way to hide those hands :|

She will trick Armin into fighting Eren

I can't believe the great Lelouch watches this shit

he saw himself and mikasa in those kids, those people are the same for that reason

I recognize a good reference when I see it

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What poor bastard had the fate to transform and turn into this sad platypus looking motherfucker?

An ugly girl we meet next arc

its a woman

The cart titan is actually one of the most useful titans, only a fucking retard doesn't see the value of logistics and the strategic opportunities it provides.

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>This pleb doesn't recognize the cycle of grim reminders on this world and that's why Eren got bamboomzled the same way he baboomzled Liberio and the Tybur, because THAT'S HOW CRUEL THIS WORLD IS.

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Reiner's suffering is the best thing of this show.

man, season 1 thick lineart was really nice to look at. New one lost its soul.

They' could've render a proper randome city, it isn't that hard and can be used for a shit ton of scenes in the rest of the chapters since they are doing the season there.

Tbh it was totally lazy, could've been done better.

I rabu Piku.

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It was supposed to be "the attack titan" (referencing Eren as the wielder of the attack titan) but Isayama fucked up his ENGURISH.

Reiner was havinga personality disorder at the moment. He thought himself proper "human inside the walls" at times.

Finally, a man of culture

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So I havent read manga in a while did gabi just forget falco exists?

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Cause most people don't notice.

Can you imagine the anime only faggots watching that?