Dragon Ball Super

How badly will EoZ get retconned if Super ever goes past it?

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EoZ is already retconned into nonexistence by the fact that Super even exists. Uub is supposed to be Kid Buu-tier. Now he’s gonna be at least Jiren-tier by the time this ever gets to that WT because that’s the only way it’ll make sense for him to even put a scratch of Goku now.
And don’t forget, Goten and Trunks don’t age anymore.

>people still think Piccolo being best dad is some TFS joke and not actual canon

Attached: such sweet sorrow.jpg (1432x2048, 2M)

fuck off

I find this ship very cute.

Attached: nekoPan.png (640x480, 316K)


super is ded

Well at this point Goku and Bulma will have to pretty much never see each other until we reach EoZ for it to not be retconned.

Dragon Ball GT Super Z

That user is just a dumb newfag


Attached: Toyotaro in Napoli ''We are preparing the ground to direct DBS into the original DBZ endin (768x576, 779K)

>the absolute state of the music in the english version

nothing new, the english endings for DBS have been shit too.

And yet, Adult Gohan picks his dad's gi over Piccolo's

It won't

because the author of DB is a gokuwankster, even when he came in buu arc after 7 years of fun his wife only regretted not going to spa for him

>Adult Gohan picks his dad's gi over Piccolo's
The last gi he wore in canon is Piccolo's

Attached: Gohan demon gi.png (640x640, 123K)



Goku held back against Oob.

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No he doesnt, at least not in the canonical version

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Best form coming through

Attached: Super_Saiyan_God.png (1348x1080, 1.2M)

Super goku would have giggled like a retard saying "nanda"

woah, hot

Attached: SSGODGETA.png (1920x1080, 2.9M)

meanwhile real goku
>I will go at full power, I will end it quickly

Attached: -.png (645x729, 66K)

Vou dizer... Eu sou Super Vegeta!

Attached: SVEG.jpg (480x360, 43K)

wait a second, isn't that illegal?


Go to a heroes thread

It's just a drawing.

>two members of the Frieza force who literally run around genociding planets and terrorizing the entire galaxy

What was the reasoning behind this? How come these two assholes never did anything when the Frieza force was mercilessly killing millions of people?

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>juan pablo still in denial

>spanking a naughty child is illegal
If that's true, then society is fucked

(You) are wrong, Goku fight with Grandpa Gohan officially happened in the same arc as his fight with Tao Pai Pai, the Red Ribbon Army arc, which happened between the 21st Tenkaichi Budokai arc and the 22nd Tenkaichi Budokai arc

Attached: Timeline of DB.jpg (9312x2048, 2.63M)

No (You) for you.

Nah his spindly limbs make it feel less impactful even though I do like it, I would have to say that OG Broly's LSS form and Super Baby Vegeta 2(Even though it comes out of the trash pile that is GT) are tied for the most aesthetically pleasing forms.

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Spopovich to the rescue.

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>Cheelai sells Broly and Paragus into slavery
>WTF why are they forcing Broly to do stuff

Attached: zkIKzd1.jpg (750x1334, 76K)

not an argument

What happened to /ourdub/ Bros :(


A "Revenge of C" triology is the only way to give final closure on Dragon Ball and it will be a triology to rival The Lord of the Rings.

Attached: 1550056961684.gif (480x270, 1.74M)

Whoops, wrong image.

Attached: 1532066607078.gif (500x377, 698K)

Silly me, I posted the wrong image again.

Attached: ss goku nakek.jpg (490x907, 109K)

She looks like she enjoys it. Also, GT Videl>Super Videl.

Do what dumbass?

It stopped recieving funds and was substituted by the inferior Funimation dub.

FFS, i keep posting the wrong image for some reason.

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>more like never

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Is there really a form more aesthic than SSG? It always has the coolest transformation scenes despite it being weaker than Blue.

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Damn how did my hand slip again, this makes me feel quite foolish

Attached: Super Saiyan 3.gif (442x250, 542K)

>Barely any visual difference between SS1/2 Goku, you have to autistically look for which bangs are down to determine which form he's in
>No visual difference at all between SS1/2 Vegeta
>No visual difference at all between SS1/2 Trunks
>No visiual difference at all between SS1/2 Adult Gohan
SS2 is a shit tier form that only works on teen gohan

Fucking based.

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his limbs are fine

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>paint bucket tool

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What a good looking couple.

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Name 1 (ONE) DB character stronger than him

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You just had an entire arc where characters would not shut the fuck up about muh hidden potential yet you think Uub can't function as a concept anymore? Also what said, though the fact that this needs to be spelled out at all to people is dumb


They're Ok, but they look dangly, there isn't as much impact coming from them, they lack a lot of the mystique you get from the other Saiyan forms, it feels unnecessary and even though it is extremely powerful it feels like a weak form.


yeah, it's surprisingly easy to make a good looking transformation

Attached: based SSG.png (423x496, 628K)

We having Turkey?

What do you mean? His arms are well toned and muscular

Attached: FarPartialJenny-max-1mb.gif (444x250, 603K)


Compare his Physique and limbs to his other forms, in SSG he looks almost malnourished comparatively, I know its just Toriyama's Art evolving but that doesn't change the fact it just looks unimposing.


Attached: jirenbiceps.png (1280x720, 802K)

>in SSG he looks almost malnourished comparatively
He's not that malnourished as you make him out to be, just look at the pics I posted. You must be thinking about how he looked in the anime version of BoG

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Every antagonist/protagonist from the Saiyan saga onwards

Attached: cheeky shit.png (730x578, 376K)

It really is due to Tori's new art style making heads bigger than before. They fixed it a bit in the last episodes where they actually look swole by fixing the size of their heads

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Why do they make my dick hard?

Attached: Best_Girls.png (1280x1331, 490K)

Just wondering, is Jiren still stuck in that cube?

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He does look rather underweight in that form even in the movie and most of the ToP, but its as I said before and as said, its Toriyama changing his art style.
Vegeta finally going back to being Swol as fuck was great.

I want to pat his head.

The Planet Eater

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nigga what?


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>blue (pink for gods)
>your natural hair color
Not that many

Dragon Ball and Hokuto inspired me to get /fit/

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Pan loves a bit of rough treatment, and you're so right about GT Videl. It's insane what they did to her in BoG onwards.

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Black and white are not colors, Green hair is Toei filler.

Attached: 970499.jpg (3456x2937, 1.45M)


But the movie is canon, so the green hair is canon. Cope.

Post only the chaddest chads

Attached: DoLL2CUU0AIZckS.jpg (479x800, 60K)

none of the saiyans have an orange hair color you fucking retard


They do. In Heroes.

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Only the events described in the script provided by Toriyama are canon. Toriyama never designed saiyans with green hair and there is no metion of green hair or "Full Power Super Saiyan" in the script, so the form is non canon. Cope.

Attached: Gold_Hair_SSFP_Broly.png (394x556, 591K)

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Movie color palette isn't canon, Juan, Toriyama's Bulma and Trunks always have the same hair color, but Shintani's Bulma has a different color than Shintani's Trunks, Toriyama's SS Broly is always blonde, Shintani's SS Broly has green hair at full power, etc, etc
canon story =/= canon color palette

Attached: 1509755883771.jpg (2755x4000, 2.62M)

>SS1 blues eyes with pupils
So much wow

The dick eater

Why is Blondely so superior?

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It isn't.

Movie is canon you stupid homosexual and STFU



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Cute feet!

>completely unable to refute a single point
Dumb limefag

Pan would BTFO Videl.

i just want to see vegeta go to u6 and visit sadala

He'd look much better if his hair didn't grow too long.

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Lime saiyans? More like LAME saiyans

Attached: Kefla golden.png (640x360, 632K)

But then Gohan would BTFO her.

All trash and wrong

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I love Kefla-chan!

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Opinion discarded.

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My skin is cold

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>look at me I'm an idiot that repeats the same lie over and over!
Concept art isn't canon, much less unfinished.
Final script is in the movie, canon.

Damn, Porunga can lift

Transfusion with somebody

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>Sends them both flying afterwards
What a fucking BEAST
SEETHING weakling

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Silence dog, your master commands you

W-What happened to OGly being b-based!?
Don't tell me the jobrenturd is a-a falseflagging mutt...

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>She was exaggerating, she hasn't LITERALLY not seen Goku in years
There, fixed.

Super will never go past it, Toriyama has stated he thinks the characters will be too old to do anything by that point. But the series is still beholden to it, because Dragon Ball is just that well thought out.

>Shitrenspic avatarfag is an Yea Forums crossboarder
Truly the most cancerous faggot in these threads.

OGly is still based.

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They had Goku know about Uub when in the original he didn't know about him at all, in fact all of them know about Uub now


Attached: da0.gif (200x185, 753K)

Well, sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeit.

There was never a good dogly, nice headcanon
Shitlyfag BOILING

Attached: 1535882912247.png (1267x709, 698K)

>Toriyama has stated he thinks the characters will be too old to do anything by that point.
Why? Goku and Vegeta are still in their prime, as is everybody else that actually matters.
Even if Krillin is old, that never stopped Roshi.

>look at me I'm an idiot that repeats the same lie over and over!
Yes you are, Juan.
Toriyama's color palette = canon
green Broly = not fromToriyama's palette = not canon

Look at this obsessed retard.

>And don’t forget, Goten and Trunks don’t age anymore.
This just pisses me off so much. Why do they refuse to update their character designs?

A chad in the most literal sense of the word.

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Reminder to just report and ignore the shitposter.

Come get some.

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Fuck if I know, that's just what Toriyama said.

They're useless now anyway, why bother putting forth the effort?

I like Jiren

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Why are Jirentards obssessed with Broly?

Objectively accurate tier list don't @ me

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Man, OGly was cool.

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Post Toriyama's "color palette".
Imagine being this stupid kek

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>cell that low
>nuCowardly that high

Because Shitren is the worst character in the franchise and they know it. That's why they do nothing but spam and samefag every fucking thread.

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Characters in the Dragon Ball universe have incomprehensible moral standards. Doesn't help that their Supreme Deity is a sociopathic literal manchild with no regard for ethics or life whatsoever.


Attached: cuckhans worst nightmare.jpg (620x420, 50K)

Wouldnt last 5 minutes against Moro
So original...

Attached: Goat.jpg (737x416, 19K)

Yeah Cell should have been bottom tier.

>>two members of the Frieza force who literally run around genociding planets and terrorizing the entire galaxy
they probably just do delivery work
not so different than working under capitalism

Is the autistic Broly vs Jiren posting worse or better than Gohan vs waifu posting?

>gets BTFO constantly even with all the non canon stuff and cards you post

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Attached: beatenhan.jpg (921x586, 69K)

I hope super goes past EOZ and has goku and vegeta fuck off to some other universe so that more of the side characters get some focus.

Can we get some tien and yamcha team ups?

Broly, Goku, and Vegeta shenanigans on planet sadala?

Kale and Caulifla training bra and pan respectively?

I want a chapter or arc where Gohan, Trunks, Bra and Pan SOL or have to defend the earth from a new threat because Goku and Vegeta are locked away in some demon realm or something.

Come on toei and toriyama. Change it up a little.

Can we get broly trying to shop with cheelai but fucking up everything. I want to see broly in a mall and trying on clothes. Going to the food court.

Oh also, Can we make the tuffle extermination canon so we can have a tuffle hellbent on exterminating saiyans? That way, the tuffle comes to earth as a form of revenge but goku and vegeta are no where to be found so gohan, goten, trunks, bra, and pan have to finish the job?

FUCKING TOEI, Where is the creativity?

Shintani himself already did, Toriyama's palette has SS Broly as a blondie, no green hair whatsoever


Concession accepted.


Attached: SS Kale.png (639x1140, 1.09M)

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No wonder why he's endured for so long, and at least in Movie 8 he actually got to be a character in LSS


Attached: Cell sees the leaks.png (665x2027, 1.46M)

Worse because at least Shitforce vs Cuckgang was funny.


>Can we get some tien and yamcha team ups?
Nope, it's clear that Toriyama and Toei hate Tien and Yamcha.

>worst character
>when moro exists

Attached: 1532516929987.jpg (1280x720, 42K)

>Cell trains for a month
>Gets stronger than a GoD

>training bra
Took me a second to realize what you were actually saying.

Gohan vs U6 saiyans at least gave us new material pretty often, the jobrenfag just repeats the same bullshit over and over again

Moro is cool. Shitren isn't.

What makes someone so obsessed with Broly?

This is a case study, anti Broly spics have been obsessed with Broly for over 2 decades, stalking anything related to him, YT videos comment section is full of retards talking to themselves for months while normal people only comment a couple of times and then move on.

What do we call this disease?

Yeah, If only he wasn't dead and trapped in Hell I mean reincarnated into Pan already

That and Moro has an actual design.

Even in Second Coming he talked when he fought and went green. He also had that smugness and gave no fucks.

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hey hey hey

Attached: Lord Mantis.gif (320x240, 724K)

>generic alien from the outer space vs demonic goatman
>two-color jumpsuit with generic white gloves and boots vs shamanic tribal attire
>warrior vs warlock
>can only punch really hard vs has plenty interesting abilities, some of them completely new to the series
>back story is join a hero group because his master said he should and train hard because said master was killed vs backstory is devour entire planetary systems, being sealed by the gods and jailed by the Galactic Patrol, just to break out and threaten the universe again 10 million years later
>has a really, really big power level vs has basic telekinesis, maybe pyrokinesis, can generate lighting, can detect when someone is ki-tracking him, can scan the universe searching for specific planets and can manipulate the genki of the universe, which allows him to attack with the planet like a bender from Avatar, transform the energy from the planet in energy for himself, devour direct ki attacks and even absorb the energy from the living creatures (people included), he can do it directly or passively in a way you don't realize what's going on until it's too late, this also gives him pseudo immortality, he can be killed but he can't die by old age because the genki he absorbs keeps him young and strong
He's the objectively superior character. Stay mad jobrenfag

Attached: Molo recovered.jpg (1080x1175, 122K)

That explains why she's perfect

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hah wrong

Attached: chadjita.png (200x244, 79K)

Imagine having taste this shit.

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Based Buu Bro.


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Movie 10 Broly isn't that bad. Sure he doesn't say anything until the end but you can see his personality in the way he acts. He's obviously having fun playing with Goten and Trunks like ragdolls and throwing around Videl. Then Gohan appears and he gets serious.

I’m just happy Toyotaro honours Toriyama’s will to have Bulma’s family have matching hair colour.
Tori originally had them have matching purple hair, and in Super-manga he made them have matching blue hair.

user isn't wrong. Shitren's characterization is literally fodder henchman trash in Boruto. LOL.

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When a sick fuck obsessed with Broly does nothing but see Broly everywhere and has been spamming hot garbage for months nonstop what do you think?

Ofc someone will respond back to him, but someone who has this much free time and does nothing but obsess with a cartoon...


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I'm not sure, but I wouldn't mind an ancient saiyan with a dbz broly mindset coming to the future and fucking shit up in ssj devil mode or something.

If there's a super saiyan god, I gurrantee you that at some point a "Super saiyan Demon" or "Devil" mode will be made. It's only a matter of time.

>Caulifla training bra
I read this differently

Imagine wanting nothing but a goku and vegeta wankfest for the next few decades of dbz.

Enjoy the same rehash for the next 40 years you mongoloid

Yes yes, my favorite character is Jiren, how do you know?

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based and kennelpilled

>goku and vegeta fuck off
No way, you can have them be the main focus of the plots and still put focus on the other characters.

>Kale and Caulifla training bra and pan respectively?
Lesbians training future lesbians? Sign me up nigga

Attached: b83d1c5d5438c9f9cb050ed76e8ee009.png (900x807, 251K)

jirenbros... wh-where's our sh figurarts?

New KEKly got his, b-but what about us?

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Attached: playing_with_pan_by_pan_dragonballgt_dchlciv-pre.jpg (774x1032, 99K)

Yeah I guess you can call me Jiren fan

Attached: Now get out of my thread.jpg (1388x2356, 1.12M)

Alright, I'll call you a retard.

Cringe as fuck, both of you.

A brick wall is better than Jiren

Absolutely noone cares about Bra, Raditz returning could be cool though.
>Goku/Vegeta end up getting Corrupted again and fall from their Saiyan divinity becoming the antithesis.
Not going to lie, that could be cool, whoever falls ends up having their God Ki fucked with or taken and they lose SSG and to keep up with the enemy/whoever didn't fall follow the route of the Saiyan Devil instead of the Saiyan God.

I'm so sorry user

>Jobbed to Hearts
Kill yourself Jobrenfaggot.

Attached: 2342156.jpg (276x494, 46K)

>brolyshitter keeps outing himself as a Yea Forums crossboarding wojak cuck
Holy fuck Jirenchads just win by existing just like the man himself

Attached: If Jobly was in the ToP.webm (800x450, 1.7M)

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Damn, Fu is stronger than all of THEM?

Attached: fu 4.png (832x567, 268K)

Holy kek

>just like the man himself
>loses ToP

Attached: 1554521975028.jpg (1111x835, 358K)

>literally flees
pick one


Attached: assemble.jpg (200x200, 6K)

>has goku and vegeta fuck off to some other universe
if that happens. the focus goes with them
that's just how it is

Attached: twitter.com kryr19 DxR-krEVsAADg8L.jpg orig.jpg (1695x2010, 222K)

>expecting the writers to make U7 lose on a kids's show
Literally the only reason u11 didn't win

Remember when avatarfags were funny?

What application do I need to make edits like these my fellow Chad?

Jiren was clearly caught off guard, I mean come on, Jiren wasn't even powered up and demolished Zamasu.

Attached: 1557167629891.gif (494x278, 3.46M)

Haha, these threads are a riot!

why is it that most of the times Goku says he won't forgive someone he ends up forgiving them anyways?

Man, DB threads keep getting worse and worse everyday

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So Namekians have no concept of love? I assume they mean romantic love, because otherwise Piccolo wouldn't feel paternal love for Gohan.

>KEKren santiago de la Cruz literally IMPLODING at the sight of AESTHETICly

Holy FUCK. Put any character's head in the series inside that palm and he is GONE

Attached: Litearlly one punch for SSB.webm (800x444, 1.8M)

>toys with Xeno Goku and Vegeta
>doesn't want to be on an exploding planet because he isn't stupid
>dabs on Cumber

Attached: fu_vs_ss4.gif (480x270, 2.75M)

Tonight, I will remind them

>the Hiatus x Hiatus chads are making fun of us again

Attached: 045.jpg (1024x683, 121K)

I'm reminded of this one image from the Xenoverse games, comparing how Goku is excited to hear that the MC is training under Freeza, to warning the MC about how evil Raditz is if he trains under him.

>Remember when avatarfags were funny?

Attached: Panisincharge.jpg (290x174, 9K)

>Literal Headcanon
No and they never where, whoever avatarfags needs to off themselves.

Attached: Olibu.png (704x396, 347K)

They were never funny

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>Disgusting panpedos crawling out of their holes again.

Most avatarmongs are the pornposting pedo shits so they are constantly reseting their router to evade bans
Mods should perma ban on sight

>Absolutely noone cares about Bra
Shut up fag

Attached: efydfuufdtt.gif (300x300, 436K)

just report for avatarfagging & ignore. The ones that make it out of the filter of course


>ywn be with Killua

Attached: Angry-Goku-Dragon-Ball-Z-Android-Wallpaper.jpg (1029x1830, 624K)

I want to touch Pan's DFC

Anime is back baby!! (5 september)

Attached: dragon-ball-super-season-two-possible-announcement-teaser.jpg (450x338, 35K)

Chadren here!

Attached: IMG_20190512_134700.jpg (1210x557, 97K)

They knew

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It appears my timing for this was misjudged, Pigpedoes are spamming as I typed this up.
Yeah when it devolves to them posting loli porn and CP, on a fucking blueboard of all things the mods need to get off their asses and do their jobs.

First time I saw Jiren's arm reach into the air and then clenched his hand into a fist, I could feel the power emanating.

Attached: 1554846268438.jpg (735x987, 65K)


Nice dick and I like Jiren!


Enter CHADren.

Not an argument pedophile.
That's pretty gay bro, you shouldn't be sharing shit like that in public.



>SS1 grades 2-3
>Broly (DBZ)'s Legendary Super Saiyan

>Broly (DBZ)'s restricted Legendary Super Saiyan
>Kale's/Kefla's unique Super Saiyan forms in the anime
>Broly (DBS)'s Full Power Super Saiyan in the movie

>SSGSS (Blue)
>Evolved SSGSS

>SSGSS (Rosé)

>Mastered Ultra Instinct transformation

Enter SHITren

>jobren virgins have to trace off of CHADtama

Attached: wp1809893.jpg (1920x1080, 221K)


Attached: BITCHMASU.webm (1280x720, 2.09M)

> Your country
> Your favorite character

Argentina (pic related, I'm white)
Gohan nino

Attached: White.png (480x474, 332K)

Probably that's what Dende means, it would make sense for Namekians to not get romantic love since they're asexual hermaphrodites.


Mexico Salgado

>The ABSOLUTE stat of anti-jiren subhumans
Holy fuck we broke them. HAHAHHA

Attached: intimadtingren.jpg (1561x835, 126K)



Attached: 1543099588554.jpg (1024x764, 116K)

seething KEK

> Doglyfags are real fags

Falseflagging Jirendog resorts to posting gay porn, disgusting


Reminder that El Hermano is stronger and more intelligent than Jiren.

Attached: zamasu.png (1920x1080, 1.06M)


Attached: PogU.png (580x327, 212K)

>Mods immediately take care of gay porn
>Take up to hours to ban and delete Pigs posting Pan Lolicon
For fucks sake mods can you please have consistency.

Enter GODren

Attached: 3~01.jpg (1160x870, 63K)


>anti-jiren muslim having a full melt-down
>"n-no guys! i-its a Jirenfag I SWEAR"


This jobrenmongrel always like this?


Attached: 96.png (969x673, 189K)

Seems like they have their priorities straight.

Attached: 1cb7e0faacdc6a5fd22f0a2d43dd7228.gif (500x500, 2.92M)

Yes. Every fucking thread.


Attached: BACKREN.jpg (1280x720, 90K)

panfriend, could you post the mega collection again?

Attached: tumblr_p4qux3LvGk1rud3xqo1_500.jpg (500x375, 62K)


Yellow vest freeza

The Jirendog has been obsessed since the beginning at the start it was just pathetic, now he devolved into nothing but shouting about his intense gay love for a fictional character in the only place he won't "Immediately" get thrown out, here.

Post the jobbiest of jobbers

Attached: 1474780846511.png (1440x1080, 1.88M)

Broly will have 5 different Figuarts released come September while Jiren has zero

For you user.

Attached: 49061822_p0.jpg (580x753, 202K)


There is no longer a need for CHADS or JOBBERS! The divine light of GOD shines on this cancerous general!

Attached: 1557030346725.jpg (530x398, 34K)

thanks a lot!

Attached: 5e200d8f8cff09d35a5ffef3d720f206c2c4309d_hq.jpg (861x928, 86K)

Attached: 1557682196006.png (724x394, 40K)

Goddamn he's handsome

Attached: 456986212574.jpg (500x375, 56K)

Zamasu should have taken place after the tournament of power IMO.

He's kinda calm now. No, I'm not joking

I forgot how hilarious these threads are. Stay autistic, superfags.


Any time. I need to update the folder with some new pictures.

Attached: 1551519931015.jpg (729x518, 288K)

Attached: Chads of A.webm (800x480, 2.87M)

Reekdom101. As soon as you hear this cunts voice, you can instantly picture him. A gelatinous, mongrel spic, almost a bastardised joke on the human form made physical. He literally looks like propaganda against racemixing from the 1800s. This dumb, ugly fucking beaner is constantly incorrect about predictions, pirating the anime and manga (then whining when he gets caught) or else jerking himself off over twitter. He genuinely thinks he’s a big shot, you are literally some fat fucking spic who talks about anime to a fanbase of 10 year olds. You are fucking nothing. Fat fucking monkey retard

Attached: tenor (6).gif (498x278, 380K)




Attached: 00000001.jpg (800x1187, 185K)

Attached: 1556329797317.png (1018x754, 550K)

Based CHADnemba

Red Ribbon Redpilled

Its Retto Ribon you western cuck

Attached: 1557699527663.jpg (1280x1188, 195K)

How or what made these threads turn into complete shit?

>v meme
Literally lose automatically. CHADren wins baby

Attached: 1540678727088.jpg (620x350, 20K)

Is that Vegeta transforming into Calvo Inteligente? That form is just below EGP

I love him bros

Attached: 1510004505557.jpg (800x450, 115K)

This guy really needs to do more. Sickening waste of talent

>OMG worst threads!
>holy shit threads are worse!
>oh my goodness i cant stand these theads!!
Every fucking thread.
Kys you dumb cuck


Attached: 1557410615438.gif (540x304, 76K)

Attached: D6TbztlXsAE90jy.jpg (1200x1144, 203K)

Shu the FUCK up

y tho

Attached: 9.jpg (1920x1080, 88K)

Why? He cries so much and is useless

Attached: 1536523592892.jpg (480x360, 14K)


Attached: 1538868224595.png (2518x1195, 218K)

name a better antagonist

Attached: 1547076853042.jpg (1920x1080, 291K)

>How or what made these threads turn into complete shit?
I agree user, no user wants to discuss G T.

It's like they are covering their ears and pretending it doesn't exist.

Well I got news for you anons.

Dragon ball GT exists and that's final.

Attached: Panseething.jpg (480x360, 14K)

Well, these threads are complete shit, but at least it's not 100 percent waifu shit like every other thread. It has diversity

Not this shit again, Juan.

Attached: 1546196019405.png (500x1104, 384K)

Jiren the terrible antagonist

Saw the burger episode, how come Omen can injure Jiren but Kefla in the jap version says Goku moves well but his hits are weak?


SILENCE you rabid beast. You've been replaced.

Attached: Broly-dbs-16.jpg (1280x720, 82K)


Attached: 1553284494343.png (256x197, 86K)

Oh you thought the name CHADS of Yea Forums was just for show?

He could do a good sfw manga

Attached: 00000121.jpg (800x1176, 231K)


Don't kid yourself.

Attached: 1554005884419.png (336x336, 216K)

>nuScaredly replacing anything

Attached: 1536950464210.gif (500x374, 1011K)

Omen couldn't injure Jiren. Goku hit Jiren but could never really injure him until he mastered ultra instinct

>4fag in such denial he's replying to the wrong posts
Point and laugh

Attached: 1546752426142.gif (500x375, 988K)

I like Jiren

Replace Toyo



Obsessed jobrenburro


>JirenCHADS dominate another thread

>*jobs to a mosquito*


because I feel empathy towards him, can't say the same about waku waku

Attached: 1547175551546.jpg (1280x720, 61K)


Attached: JOBREN.jpg (888x499, 505K)

>Jobrenfaggot spams another thread


Is there any thread better than the CHAD DB thread on Yea Forums?

>going against the canon power scaling
Delusional Joblymutt. This is more like it.

Attached: 1550657854133.png (348x451, 314K)

The 4K anime one

>ChadrenBro saves another thread

Unironically these threads have the best of the meta discussions. Everything here has to be concise and solid otherwise you are gonna get a "nice headcanon" or a "not an argument"
Posters here constantly seek for a challenge in order to practice and hone their arguing skills. As a consequence the series has been discussed thoroughly and much more in depth than any other series so far.
If you take the time to venture to other threads, you will find all sorts of low quality posting such as: Avatarfagging, roleplaying, waifugarbage, incel topics and such. But here you can get as intellectual as you want, your arguments and points will be met with others of equal or even higher forcefulness.
The irony of these posts is the most sophisticated aswell. Take, for example, the dogposter. As autistic, lonely and crushingly bored as he may be, you cannot deny his lexicon and linguistic capabilities. Even the worst of these threads is admirable in certain ways.
Or for example the Toeifags. Merely be using hard evidence and clever taunting tacticts to induce rage and autistic fits on their opponents (ex: holy shit Im smart at this), they have managed to debunk an entire medium of the series (manga) as non canon. Truly an admirable feat.
All of this success, obviously, is sure to breed jealously and envy. And as a result, we get pathetic attempts at "invasions" from lower tier shonens and 2 digit IQ posters, albeit ineffective as it can be.



Attached: Jobren yelling for his life.jpg (1200x675, 76K)

>tail cut

Post cuckza with the Troopers uniform

Attached: dragon-ball-super-episode-101-preview-via-youtube-toei-animation_1475621.jpg (586x276, 31K)

I prefer Turtleza

Attached: 1fc89ef84c754f289a42a17f03c0295b.jpg (682x960, 112K)

Actually it's shu/shu and the editors
Fucking everytime he gets the goku gi he becomes a boring ass goku 0.5 lame ass.

Remember fucking Bojack?
Fucking stank ass shit ass goku is da real hero ending.

>SHITrenPedo shits another thread


How? Projections

Pan/GTfags, without question. All other characterfags are just dumb fun but panfags are legit creepy and disgusting

This makes me laugh.

Attached: 1514914407481.png (273x356, 185K)

Attached: 1536139883823.png (640x480, 251K)

>one day of training
>surpasses both Jobly and Jobran

Attached: 1544133389401.jpg (640x480, 22K)

This actually.

I love you too user

Attached: 1555945163008.jpg (500x375, 18K)

There's no way. Who the fuck even watches Toonami anymore?

Holy shit, kill yourself newfag.


Cope pedos

What's your favorite Kamehameha?

Attached: 225px-Kamehameha_I.png (225x310, 143K)

Attached: 1499038595755.png (623x384, 479K)

Best Copypasta

>seething subhuman waifufag

Of course.

>Pedo apologists
You only drag this threads down, do us a favor and jump of a cliff

Evidently quite a few people.

Ever since I got to know more about Sean Camel I hate Goku and his shitty autotuned Kamehamehas

Back to your containment board, faggot.
Nah, the only people that drag these threads down are Jirenfags.

Uub will create a new type of Kaioken with no drawbacks for humans wich will rival the super sayan transformations, and elevate the power level of the species. mark my words

Attached: Protectors of Earth.jpg (500x539, 65K)

Jirenfags dont post disgusting shit like you guys

s e e t h e

What the fuck are you talking about?

You don't get to say who goes back where , pedofag, you are not even wanted here.

Obey next time

Attached: nuestras_tropas_del_orgullo_by_pipesnow-dbkf9be.jpg (1600x481, 191K)

You are the only one that isn't wanted here, newfag.

These threads always deliver high comedy, I just don't how presumably the same anons make the same posts over and over every thread. It's been basically the same thin for years now.

>wrestling cuck just cannot stop advertising his board
Get out alread you underage shitface

How dare you anons, try to sideline my insightful and humble contributions in relation to Dragon ball GT.
Pan is canon and is the future MC of the DB series.

Get over it, and I await your apologies.

Attached: GTpropaganda.jpg (1280x1024, 631K)

Gonna need that source senpai

It's where you belong, faggot. Now go back.



I like Jiren

Any video editor. I used VSDC free editor

I hate Jiren

Everyone does.

GT is long over user. I don't trust Toei or Toriyama to move anyone other than Goku into MC status.

Attached: 1551111013668.png (640x480, 253K)

Attached: 1543702417391.png (342x316, 101K)

Pan's panties

Are you sure about that? I think you mean every beta here hates the Jirenchads. Not the same thing

What a fag

This is probably closer to the truth than you'd think. Jiren was so forgettable that most people who hate Jiren probably derive that hatred from Jirenfags.

>toyopaco fights vs Toriyama fights


Attached: avlsoEC.jpg (745x515, 242K)

Nah, I mean everyone that isn't a low IQ cum guzzling spic hates him.


Attached: Nolegren.jpg (1940x972, 850K)

>Is currently airing in 2 mediums at once

I can smell the steam simmering off your balding head.

Oh yeah, I forgot

Jobren's pointy feet are super gay

>GT is long over user. I don't trust Toei or Toriyama to move anyone other than Goku into MC status.
I know, but I just think that carrying on the Goku and Vegeta show, will end up making the DB series stale.
That's why I know Pan is the only one, to stop it from going stale.

Attached: GT1231367.jpg (736x1111, 165K)

It's only natural they milk their best character.

> Come with me, Fleshlighteta. My cock is hungry.

Attached: 1556296362073.gif (500x281, 1.59M)

What the fuck does the businessman picture have to do with cuckly. kek
Also, speedwatching. He is thick all over. Nice cope though

Attached: 2.jpg (1500x650, 87K)


>In between frames
Doesn't count only renders do

The pic? Kamehameha is also the name of a Hawaiian King

>those hands
>those feet
so this is the power of Toei...

>Toriyama's art of Jiren

Attached: 1523824876394.jpg (682x511, 110K)

>Android 21

Who's your favorite DB mom?

Why are they pushing this dumb JIREN IS THE STRONGEST meme? He has already lost, his arc is over. The next villain thematically -has- to be a bigger threat than him and were already on Goatman so why are they still pushing him being the STRONGEST.

I mean Broly is stronger than him, all jokes aside. I doubt Jiren could contend with SSGSS Gogeta.

The tiny ass legs are canon then

Look at his feet KEK!

What the fuck is wrong with his left hand? Is this what happens when your only fan is disabled transsexual? Almost makes you feel bad, almost.

>the mere sight of his mighty pecs blows everyone the fuck back
LOOK at this man's physique holy FUCK

Attached: GAINSren.webm (800x444, 2.78M)

That’s Yamamuro

All impregnated by me

>guise look at my shit headcanon please!!

Holy FUCK, he skipped leg day

It's just one mongoloid spamming outdated game shit, Broly now and probably fp Moro later have the same crap.

where'd the gains go

Attached: recoome_pose.jpg (1136x640, 83K)

Look at how wide his calves are up front but how thin they are from the side lmao. Looseleaf calves

I'm just being logical, do you honestly think Jiren who was pushed back by Goku and Freiza could contend with SSGSS Gogeta?I doubt it man.

Also, didn't Goku flatout say Broly was -the- strongest opponent he had ever faced?

>Tien saw Beerus fight against Goku and he sees Jiren go full power
>never even attempted to imply Jiren > Beerus
It's over Jirenbros...we had a good run...

He's going to snap city

>chicken legs
>no ass
>giant head
>literal buf grey alien
So this is SWOLEren true form...

Attached: Jiren.jpg (109x387, 12K)

>do you honestly think
No, I'm stupid.

>no bulge
>no ass
>pointy feet

literally Liefeld

Attached: 35a8e61c1683149ee079d07bfbf75b1a.jpg (736x414, 41K)

More like hack artist

Niggeren really is shit

This is some next-level coping

Remember when Toyotaro tried to give Jiren some decent looking legs? Then Toriyama said "no! Jiren has girl legs! (raffs)"

Attached: Toriyama corrections of Jiren.png (948x1064, 683K)

Because they(it) don't have proper male rolemodels in their(it's) lives so they(it) latch onto Jiren, it's pitiful.
>Voredroid on the list


>he fell for the SS+GOMAD meme and now is t-rex mode

>I'm just being logical
>proceeds to spam the out of context stale bait
>literally lying because Goku never said that
>Pretending to be a newfag so people don't directly ignore him and his months old spam

>Toriyama wanted more ass and back definition while toning down the calves
what did he mean by this?

I literally never noticed the bangs before. I thought the lighting was the indicator.

he meant he's a hack

Check out the top right panel while Jiren is supposed to notice something. Hackotaro already trying to pull that retarded O face he slaps onto everyone.
God fire this hack already

>deflecting to Toyotaro because everyone is making fun of shitren

Considering he just went UI it’s warranted to be a bit surprised.

Oh no, look what you've done! He is crying again!

Attached: Jobren is crying again.png (481x476, 355K)


Or what? Jiren's twigs will break?


Okay I'll stop, I just wanna talk about DB, not see you posting CP

Attached: 54848778.jpg (800x400, 20K)


Come on loser, I dare you

Do it faggot, you won't.

Attached: autist's shitty fur.jpg (1148x752, 90K)

Fat fingers and skinny shins


Attached: 631.jpg (1148x752, 91K)

This is so pathetic

>posting his headcanon and then RTH

Holy fuck joblyfags are truly pathetic

Attached: 1556929294671.png (410x428, 65K)

I want Jiren to shit in my mouth

Attached: HONONO.jpg (1148x752, 145K)

>it takes toyopaco 1 month to redraw dbz manga chapters


Attached: 6439697-5178006486-62464.jpg (630x579, 237K)




Do you think tracing is easy, retard? Hardest part is deleting the tracing evidence

Attached: careless traces from cuckotaro.jpg (368x1100, 102K)


s o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o n

Attached: ccdc087d5d0e064b002d2df9b5f30584.jpg (736x736, 95K)

>Posting Chaddroid 13 and Cell next to Voredroid


Attached: Modern-new-design-solid-wood-high-bar.jpg_350x350.jpg (350x350, 19K)


Attached: tumblr_inline_p9r85fHpbA1rgjq83_540.jpg (540x367, 76K)

>the jobrenfag is having another meltdown

When will android 21 become canon or come to db heroes at least? Give us the vore thot


Attached: 462.jpg (1148x752, 104K)


Attached: Hakai.webm (640x386, 2.57M)

I thought it was GT Yamcha for a sec

Attached: YamchaEpilogue.png (1715x1056, 1.27M)

Didnt know they had canonical dbs Goku in these games

What's EoZ

where is the bottom panel from? I can't find it in the chapter where future trunks' timeline gets erased

Attached: q.png (479x502, 149K)


Chapter 26, page 33, the first panel with the Zeno of the third panel
t. the one who made the pic

source on that image? Google isnt saying anything

Follow the chain

>Follow the chain
I searched Google, DuckDuckGO, Doujinji, Otaku, and Goods Repulic and I got nothing. Te artist name is synonymous with the Texan city, and the title is too vague.

Do you have a torrent link or something?

pick one

Attached: GokuKaio-KenVsVegetaNV.png (1280x718, 1.2M)

S-Spopovich sama plz don't do that to Videl

Attached: 1JUu6rt.jpg (473x752, 147K)

Check hentai sites

pick juan

Attached: breaks your spine.png (778x397, 625K)

I just want to hear his smug voice one more time...

Shit not again, this, this one is it

Attached: mastered_ultra_instinct_goku_by_ruga_rell_dblsgya-pre.png (800x1000, 394K)