He always has all kinds for not continuing his serialization, do you think Jump will be sick of him eventually now that Hero academia is on route to be jumps no 2 in terms of position and sales
Do you Hunter x Hunter will eventually get axed?
Other urls found in this thread:
togashi can release a single chapter at the end of the year where Leorio explicitly masturbates his big dong for 20 pages and not release anything again in 10 years and everybody in jump will do as he commands, at any hour of any day of the following decade
Togashi is a Senior Editor for Jump. He is the one giving the orders there.
when he dies yeah, the guy can barely release one volume per year and is on his deathbed
pretty much, the fandom is insane
No since Togashi has a tenure thanks to YYH. He'll die before it's finished or axed.
I certainly hope not. But I am curious what the fuck Togashi is thinking?? Setting up such an impossibly huge arc with the Dark Continent, and the dude is producing new chapters at a literal snail's pace. Guy seriously needs to hire someone to do the art.
Japs live well into their 80s sometimes 90s
by jump I meant the people who work there, the fandom of course love the story and will stay with it till the end no matter what
>Japs live well into their 80s sometimes 90s
you do know togashi is notorious for being insanely unhealthy right?
Togashi is a known amphetaminefag and cokefag
source: your hairy stinky ass you haven't washed in weeks
Never. He singlehandly kept JUMP alive back then. He can do whatever he wants.
Based Togashi doing lines of coke and writing a masterpiece, just like Hunter S. Thompson
t. Delusional hunterfag who thinks Hiatus x Hiatus is going to get a proper ending
Never with those sales and potential.
Togashi created HunterxHunter on excessive planning,Im pretty sure it will end not too soon
>Guy seriously needs to hire someone to do the art.
He can't, his tulpas won't let him.
should have ended after chimera ant, then started hunter x hunter gaidens right after
It's soft-axed
Axed? No. Ever get a satisfying ending? No. Ever get any ending? Maybe.
This desu.
Fucking based
Togashi owns the rights to HunterxHunter. If he gets axed, he could just move to another magazine.
Jump doesn't own HxH like they own the other series they publish, Togashi has a unique contract and could just fuck off and publish HxH somewhere else if Jump pisses him off.
Real question is
>Will Hunter x Hunter eventually get good?
It was always good you retard
Wan piss was never good so go back to your containment thread.
go back to your wan piss thread virgin
t,b,h HxH is the only best shonen jump (maybe with the exception of BC dunno).
I especially love the 1999+- version.
At least this series doesn't feel like it's pandering and most of all no F I L L E R episodes just to milk the readers with.
>Jump doesn't own HxH like they own the other series they publish
I read the last word as rubbish
It hurts bros, imagine what a world we'd live in if Togashi had Oda's health
Oda is prolific but his artstyle is shit
Why do you think stuff like Bersek and Bastard!! go on hiatus? It's much harder to draw to that standard for periodic releases
>Berserk's artstyle is good
Try again, fagget
>try again, fagget
Togashi has full rights to HxH as an intellectual property. Shueisha doesn't own HxH like they do Naruto, MHA, ect. This is why they can't fuck with Togashi. If he feels unsatisfied, he can literally take his business elsewhere. Considering HxH sells more than MHA per volume (I think), they don't want him going to another publisher.
>sells more than MHA per volume I think
That is true
>Considering HxH sells more than MHA per volume
The thing is, MHA releases more than 1 volume per year
the actual thing is, HxH is pure profit. period. It'd be monumentally retarded to fuck with one of their biggest cashcows, they'd save more time by just cutting a check for a couple mil to their nearest competitor
Leorio & Kurapika
Hi there Danchou
Guys, something strange happened to me. I used to love HxH and considered it the best manga/anime ever created - the smartest shounen (I'm a shonen fag), great desonstruction of shonens, seinen elements, etc.
Now I'm trying to rewatch it and it's just shit. Everyone and everything in HxH doesn't feel immersive or alive. Nowadays (I'm 28 btw) I like shonens like BnHA or AoT much more. I'm still trying to understand what's wrong with HxH
I love 1999 version too. Both the dub & sub, but watching the 1999 can get some kind of strange emotion out of me.
You matured out of your shit taste
Yeah, mangaka are well known for reaching past 60
Togashi will die of bodily failure.
Well, you can't be 14 years old forever
Hiatus over when?!
hehe butt stench
Wanna stay or wanna go? Do you do you feel like I feel?
In 98/99, who decided to adapt HxH and why did they adapt HxH?
The guy is dying we can leave him be.
You're missing another 'do you' user.
Zoldyck Family and Yorkshin arcs had me tearing up
Time to laugh at pathetic Huntlets and their dead manga again
Why do people came to HxH threads to shitpost? It has never worked on us, we are over that plebian behavior.
>Considering HxH sells more than MHA per volume (I think), they don't want him going to another publisher.
Comparing to MHA is kind of sad. Compare it to something like AoT and it gets obliterated
Rose colored glasses. Shitposting aside HxH is an incredibly generic shonen with very unoriginal themes. Its why the biggest defense of it is that it's a "deconstruction" or "subversion" despite both being false for the overwhelmingly majority of hxh. It's the reason why everytime people talk up HxH they are almost always talking about the chimera arc or yorknew.
If the cast of HxH had an all-out fight with the cast of Yu Yu Hakusho, who would come out on top?
Gon vs Yusuke
Killua vs Hiei
Kurapika vs Kurama
Leorio vs Kuwabara
Bisky vs Genkai
Toguro vs Hisoka
Sensui vs Chrollo
>comparing Jump manga to other Jump manga is sad
I'm saying compare it to something good. Itd be like comparing hxh to boruto. Fucking why?
Hiei solos
>Do you Hunter x Hunter will eventually get axed
Have you really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
Fake News
Yusuke, Hiei, kurama, Leorio, Bisky, Toguro (unless you meant elder toguro), chrollo
Most of the shitposting comes from hunter fans. People are happy to call out hxh or togashi for being shit, there's no reason to hide behind irony. And we know any attempt at shitposting will just be responded to with a wave of autism screaming "BASED, CRINGE, CHAD, FUCKING BASED" as well as endless pasta
>the smartest shounen
You went from having 80 IQ to almost 100 is what happened. Good job.
>Fucking why?
Because hxh doesnt sell well. Top selling manga of all time and it doesnt even hit the top 20. Despite having sold for decades and having two separate anime adaptations.
>Leorio wins
Come on user I know that Kuwabara is the King of Jobbers but Leorio has literally never fought once in the manga (unless you count being instantly knocked out by Hisoka a fight)
you're assuming he's not being an idiot
Leorio only used nen once though, he obviously has more power
>that one chance he got during the hunter exam was used for the pervert trope and screwed over his team so he could touch boobs
truly for intellectuals
that's when you pretend it's a deconstruction
i.e. it's being written poorly on purpose so it's fine!
If you didn't find that scene funny you have no heart
I agree I love the trope!
>le ebin fear and loathing
Holy fuck, is this the power of Hiatusniggers?
It's Yu Yu Hakusho all over again. Seriously if he doesn't give this series a satisfying conclusion, Togashi will earn the title of laziest mangaka ever. well, either he or Miura.
No because Togashi has them by the balls. He doesn't NEED to work anymore and they know it. on top of all his own success, he's married to the creator of Sailor Moon. He could just retire whenever he feels like it and live the rest of his life in comfort without worry.
He holds all the cards. there is NOTHING Jump can do to him or threaten him with. Firing him would only hurt them and do nothing to him, and if he still felt like writing, he could get a spot in pretty much any other manga magazine or publisher instantly based purely on his name recognition in the industry.
Basically, they will never axe HxH because they would gain absolutely nothing from doing so, and stand to lose a lot.
Yeah but can he beat Kuwabara in a seious one-on-one? I really doubt it.
Kuwabara is certainly the weakest of the main four but he's not completely useless, I'm sure he can take out a rookie with next to no fighting experience whose only power showed so far is that he can teleport his punches
>hehehe, breasts are great
that's so IQ I can't handle it
No I don't think so. According to this chart I once saw, there have been longer hiatuses
As far as I'm aware Kuwabara was stated to have A class power.
Also his sword can cut literally anything so it's a one hit kill to literally anyone outside of people with insane regen or immortality or whatever.
>nEEt lifestyle is based
someone like murata is based. the kind of guy who works hard and goes above and beyond with something unique like streaming the creation of the manga
What the fuck. I remember 2011 adaptation was good. I recently started rewatching Yorkshin and it's fucking terrible - colors, music, angles. In 1999 even the city itself looks life a place where people live. In 2011 everything looks like child's painting. Still need to check the Chimera arc
People should have stopped reading as soon as he used the grant wishing alien, of convenient consequence removal anyway.
Is there any manga that is even nearly as good as chimera arc?
rewatched this shit and seriously i swear that i watched 50+ eps only today
He didn't touch her breasts, he fingered her
I didn't get this impression when reading the manga but does anyone else think that Killua shines more than Gon in the anime? He feels like the real main character.
but it was subversive
Gon is a bit too much of a basic shounen MC, so Killua stands out more due to more personal conflict etc. Gon isn't bad though.
Well yes. Killua's tears have more animation in them than Pariston's face. You don't have to read any interview to know that the director is a Killua's fan.
He's the sidekick in almost every interaction, there's no sense of him being the MC, it's always clear that Gon is the leading force
I hate how they made Killua an arrogant, always explaining shit type of guy. Seriously the amount of time he lifted his fucking finger to explain shit is absurd. I loved him in 1999. In 2011 his annoying all the time
Why does gon nen turns black in the invasion to the ants palace?
Never understood this shit specially since his nen doesnt turn totally black
kids think black is cool
don't expect any world building beyond that
They fucked up Gon too, they make him look like your average shonen MC more than he should, no wonder half the fanbase (majority or which are 2011 newfags) thinks he's a bad character. Look at that cringe sad babbling about friendship. Nothing like that in the manga, they juts felt the need to add sad face Gon almost crying because "muh I wasn't there for my friend". Unbearable, they have many little moments like this through the whole thing, hard to watch at times
>He singlehandly kept JUMP alive back then
That is horseshit.
If gon went to a psychiatrist what meds would he have to take?
It won't ever be as good as it was again.
Yeah, I can't stand 2011 nowadays, although I thought it was quite good when it was airing. Love 1999 to death with all its flaws
Houseki no Kuni>>>>>every manga mentioned itt
you know it's true
>Replying to yourself
Ah yes 1999 was definitely better than 2011. The animation was just phenomenal, here let me see if I can find an example of how good the 1999 version is.
I've come to the conclusion that the higher ups at jump are fans that are so invested, they put their jobs on the line to make sure it goes on.... I know I would
Yeah, animation is everything.
It's true!
Dumb 2011 tard at it again, shitposting, getting exposed and unable to make a single argument. You don't want me to start positing retarded 2011 animation.
YYH didn't singlehandedly keep JUMP alive in the 90s. Dragon Ball and Slam Dunk played a huge part in it as well
Forgot this.
Hunter chads LOVE shota cock!
leorio is currently 21
>You don’t want me to start posting 2011 bad animation
Stop talking about it and do it. Oh wait...
Cars climbing steep mountains, kek. These are the minds behind HxH 2011, Madhouse with its superior animation. Not even mentally challenged 5 year olds would come up with this shit.
HxH being axed wouldn't change anything desu.
Ok they both have their faults, fair enough. I did really enjoy the 1999 Chimera Ant arc though.
You guys do realize Togashi treat you all as piggy banks right? He doesn't give a shit anymore, he just release a few chapters when he wants to go to Disneyland or get a new car, why are you guys still looking forward to someone that treat you like this?
Hunters a bitch
Jump would have to go bankrupt or he'd have to die in order for him to stop being published by them. He's got their balls in a vise.
My wife is cute
Hunter x Hunter will get axed when it stops selling.
>rewatching favourite scenes on youtube
>see a fag claiming naruto is better than hxh and that hxh was influencied by naruto
now i know how gon felt about pitou
It would be completely retarded for them to piss off Togashi and make him switch to other publisher, it doesn't even take any place due to semi-permanent hiatus.
Heard that something happened between jump and him regarding yu yu hakusho. So jump can't order him around.
I'm watching Hunter x Hunter just to understand this O MY RUBBER NEN shit
Learn fucking English.
Togashi axed Yu Yu Hakusho himself rushing the final arc cuz his editors were trying to force him to extend the series to DBS levels.
It happens in the manga not the anime, It's pretty funny.
Theres no sense in canceling HxH because the shits never going to be completed in the first place, thank your cucked to fuck fanbase for supporting a dead end series.
Fuck I hope so
any chance kurapika will bone her?
obviously the influence is the other way around, but Naruto was legitimately better for a while. Togashi's writing is WE LIVE IN A SOCIETY-tier fake-deconstructive
EOS yusuke fires nukes casually and was stated to be able to destroy japan post resurrection
Based retardbros.
HxH is next on axe list after Soma and Chainsaw Man if Samurai 8 becomes a hit.
>actually believing this
>how delusonial are you
The state of this retard.
Here we go again.
>Hero academia is on route to be jumps no 2 in terms of position and sales
Pass Conan? Are you joking?
Good morning illumibro
Nevermind fuck me. What's in Hunter's way for becoming #2?
Imaging Chimera Ant art in 1999 version with that art, music, intro and added scenes.
Well to be honest I never spend a dime on HxH. I read/watched hxh for free and I’m still waiting for new chapters.
Good morning chrollobro
Jump literally can't axe Hunter x Hunter without knowing they will lose money.
Since Togashi owns Hunter x Hunter and not Shueisha, he could easily move to a different publication.
Nippon Animation adapted it because they liked it.
That and the director wanted to fuck Kurapika
But was there a specific person of NA who wanted to adapt HxH? How does that all works? Adapting manga?
They liked the manga and wanted to adapt it. I don't see what's so complex about this
You just stopped lying to yourself and saw how mediocre it is.
That would be pretty sick
Okidokie, thanks for the explanation.
Stanley Kubrick & Hunter x Hunter