Why is battle shounen so sexualized? Can't recommend people anything...

Why is battle shounen so sexualized? Can't recommend people anything, cause off all the fanservice in virtually every battle shounen.

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It's made for horny teenagers.
Real men watch moe shows.

Sex sells, it's only the retards in power in the west saying otherwise.

There isn't that much in Ruroken, because the author's a pedo. That said, OP, it's just the human body, stop being so embarrassed by it.

because it's for 14 year old boys, you dumb tranny

I'm pretty sure the 3 main pillars of any action movie are lots of violence, lots of hot chicks and charismatic characters, if the movie lack any of these three then is not a good action movie, it applies the same for shounen who are the "action movies" of manga.

It's definitely not limited to battle shonen. There's tons of late night sol shit that's full of fanservice too. It's anime/manga in general.

>It's made for horny teenagers.

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Shonen are meant for 14 years old japanese boys

Oh fuck off, these are the remakes, one piece wasn't sexualised all that much until post timeskip, or amazon lily I guess.

>oh no i cant share my ebin taste in foreign cartoons with my discord friends

Its makes normies mad

>watching battleshonen instead of CGDCT
There's your first mistake.
>wanting to tell other people IRL that you watch anime
There's your next mistake.

Wanna know how I know you’re American?

It cannot be helped.

Sounds like you are just an insecure faggot.

Young boys like cartoons with boobs and fighting. Why would you recommend shonen to an adult? Why are you watching it? Kimoi.

I believe the huge tits was introduced as a necessity. The author realized that he was going to be writing and drawing this shit every day for the rest of his life, so he gave all the chicks great big milkers to make the job fun

Personally, as a fan of big tits i'm overjoyed.

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>Can't recommend people anything, cause off all the fanservice
Yes, yes, the prude western normalfag who takes offense seeing raw flesh.

>characters showing skin is the same as an anime going out of its way to shove the camera up a woman's ass or into her tits while the woman is doing some impossible pose for the sole purpose of filling the screen with as much of her tits and ass as possible

>that proportion
god, Oda literally cannot draw.

Try not to have faggot friends, that will help


Well I'm actually kind of glad I don't have friends that want to watch borderline ecchi and jack off instead of actually watching anime.

It is mostly a cheap tactic used by hacks to sell manga to horny 12 year-olds. That is why you find it mostly in trash manga like Seven Deadly Sins, One Piece, and Fary Tail.

Actually good shonen that you'd want to recommend to anyone like FMA, YYH, and HunterxHunter don't ever have gratuitous nudity. Since the mangaka clearly just wants to write the best possible manga rather than make mass-market trash.

Well, watch a decent shounen like hxh that doesn't need to resort to cheap sex/nudity because of weak plot.

Isn't that an indication that your potential recommendation sucks monkey balls?

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>This wards off the americans

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>draws huge breasts
>draws the ribcage
why is this animator so based

>He doesn't recommend his best friends Kill La Kill so they can understand, WITHOUT A DOUBT, why we watch anime.

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if your standards are like this for a scene 10000 page manga you can't recommend anything because even a normie movie will have a woman or they might pass near the beach and that is haram

looks great to me. saved, got more of these?

what's the problem with ecchi fanservice and boobs?
Are you gay?

Pick one

unironically this

Shit I rewatched this entire arc just yesterday and they made me watchi these scenes again in the new ep

I guess he doesn't even have time to fuck his wife, at least grant him some fking leasure

yeah right it relies on sexualising little boys

No. They don’t do it because they need to. They do it because they want to.

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Christ, this place really is becoming reddit 2.0

What's Nami's bra size?

Why not both?

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changes every camera angel/panel

good thread

I could swear they weren't that big in the actual episode.

Why do teenagers want to see this kind of thing?

Because all one piss has is autism and long women with tits.

People that don't see the fanservice in hxh just have normie taste.


>this is considered a good character design in Yea Forums

>implying it isn't
Stick figure with 2 balloons on top is peak 2D sex appeal

Take notes Waan Pissfags. This is how you do Jump-friendly fanservice

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Read mob psycho 100.
No fanservice only man service

Why are you watching shit anime?
Why do you wan't to tell people about your shit taste in anime?
What's wrong with fanservice?
Why are you so insecure about this? At least be a man and be honest about it.

>Which means it's aimed at boys
>Boys like girls

Gee, I wonder why there's so many hot girls in shonen manga

The art is so shit that the term becomes "fan-disservice".

oh my fucking god shut the fuck up what a fucking pussy with shit taste, everyone from this generation is a fuckign basedboy faggot who hates sexy things fuck everything

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you need to go back

>real men are depressed/suicidal loners, unhygienic weirdos, and ir0nic teen weebs
ok virgin

whats the best ecchi shounen?

asking for a teenager

fuck off retard I have been here since 2003

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Go back to tumblr Dike

>It's made for horny teenagers.
prety much this

If women are going to be important in a silly battlan manga, they ougha be sexy. It's just the principle of the thing and no amount of pretentious posturing over the "dignity" of Chinese cartoons and comic strips will change that.

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shonenshit is awful for anime titties. half of the target audience hasn't hit puberty yet and it shows. even series with literally hentai artist illustrators are held back compared to what you can find in light novels. wsj is especially bad since it doesn't allow nipples.

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Why do you morons come into things that don't generally include the things you like and try to change it into a safe space for you weirdos. It's not gonna work with anime, I'm telling you that now. It's not gonna be your gay hugbox.

They want everyone to be as miserable as them.

a better question is why do adults watch battle shonen when you can watch battle harems that have the same stupid setups but with more boobs?

All this gushing over Mob this past few weeks is kind of weird desu. Mob is not a masterpiece by any means.

>Can't recommend people anything
recommend western products then, those are made for your kind

>Can't recommend people anything

What are your friends, gay? Feminists? Those "people" don't matter and you should drop them like I dropped my balls on your mom's chin.

Naruto isn't sexualized almost at all.

true and basedpilled

Because of the jewfaggotry

Stop hanging out with faggots that care

>recommending battle shounen
Well there's your problem. A complete lack of taste and a need to grow up.

Horny teenage boys


Watch more /m/
Save yourself the headache.

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Yes, that's what prude fags think happens when anybody shows even a little skin.

>watching or reading battle shounen
>having friends
>recommending anime to people
You need to fuck off, OP.

I mean both women and men are hot in most shonen (Gintama, HxH, MHA...). So they usually have something for everyone. And even if it is more female focused like One Piece (where Oda showed his favorite fetish:Bimbofication) it can still be enjoyed by people who are not into that. One Piece is also popular with women.

Dragon ball
And I have only read the first few volumes but outside the covers fairy tale is pretty game.

>Goku showing his dick to everyone
>Bulma getting molested and sexually harrassed by everyone, including Goku
Bulma showing her tits is a key point to winning that battle against that one invisible fucker, for example.



It has sexual humor but that's not the same thing as fanservice. The worst it ever gets is bunny bulma.

youre an idiot

Wait I'm retarded I forgot loli chichis armor

There's nothing wrong with sexy stuff in manga. It doesn't automatically sap anything that wasn't there in the first place out of it.

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I know isn't it great? We need more series that aren't afraid to tell trannies they should get beated up like the degenerates they are.


Japanese are perverts in general.

Wow toei sure is dedicated on going through all the trouble to reanimate this.

>even series with literally hentai artist illustrators are held back compared to what you can find in light novels
Light novels are just text bro.
You sound like a noob.

>jump doesn't allow nipples

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Just to clarify, real men watch moe shows that don't prostitute their characters, such as K-On.

>Can't recommend people anything, cause off all the fanservice
How old are you? 13?

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Nigge, you obviously have no idea about eurocomics and their sexual liberty.
The point is that if I want to watch a serious or fun or deep or whatever kind of show I don't want to have scenes that pull me out cause of their out-of-placesesness (I hope that's a word).
Same reason I fucking hate quips or jokes being made in a seriuous moment in all the hollywood blockbusters. Let the scne have some weight damnit.

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If someone can enjoy battle shonen then they're probably fine with anything.
Victory is underrated.

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I am with you on this one. nothig ruins scenes more then the camera suddenly making a pantyshot for no reason at all(Bonus points for only the camera, everyone else is still normally talking).
Just unneccesary and flow breaking.

>animefags defend wan piss

The art is great. Better the one piece art

Chainsaw man.

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Boku no Pico

>talking to normies


Tell us something we don't know.
>actually good shonen

>t. Raised on jewish media

Isn't jewish media supposed to promote sexualisation?

Even bigger yikes. Back to plebbit

you call that sexy?

Watch good battle shonen then. Not sexualized trash like One Piece and Fairy Tail.

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Don't watch anime, progressive. Anime is not for you.

show me western action movie that does not have sex scene or something of the kind

I've probably been watching anime longer than you.

>posts homo x homo

The Jews are a fragmented people.

whats wrong with being gay

>Can't recommend people anything because they might think I like big titties.

Liking big titties is normal. How do you even feel bad recommending OP when it's probably one of the most kid friendly manga ever.

Nami was pretty cute though

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I just mean that Togashi is a gay degenerate. Oda puts fanservice in his manga, but it's extremely basic big tits x big ass shit for 100% heterosexual men.

Mob psycho > All

was this scene necessary?

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Eeeehh Die Hard?

Men like action and women, it's not hard to understand.

Die Hard has a woman and man getting caught having sex and Bruce Willis keeps looking at pornographic calendars every time he passes them. I'd say John Wick fits better.

That chapter was a wild ride.

cuz it isnt made for kids who dont like bewbs

Is this even fanservice? It ain't fanservice if the boobs aren't jiggling.

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>Some lucky fuck on Whole Cake Island got to keep Nami's sweaty used clothes

Naruto wasn't

>Why is battle shounen so sexualized
He says, after watching the latest game of thrones episode with his normalfag friends, a show that has more titties out than all shounen

Go watch gunbuster faggot

Gunbuster is trash. Anno has never made anything good.

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Doesn't matter if you have shit taste. Your claim that /m/ shows dont have fanservice is false

Lurk 2 years before posting.

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Next chapter's about to be even wilder

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God I wanna sniff her farts

Why doesnt Smoker fuck Tashigi?

Sexy no jutsu, Tsunade, Hinata a few times

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Prove it, then.


The Jews are whatever white supremacists need them to be at the moment. They're the like the patriarchy to feminists.

What about Kimetsu? Surely that's not too sexualized.

the porn industry

You can't recommend because you're afraid the people you recommend to will think less of you for what you like. Normie detected.


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Abe making sure the boys don't grow up to be gay.

Battle Shounen is the most kino genre, Sousei and Kimetsu are good new shouen. I also jack off to owari no seraph

Based and teapilled

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