Episode 6 is out , for all 6 of us that watch this anime.
Shoumetsu Toshi
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I guess 6 watchers was an exaggeration, amazing.
I can't believe Akira is dead again.
i watch it but i'm a couple of eps behind. it's okay. the girls are cute.
I was ok with this story before the magicians showed up, but now I barely have any idea what the fuck is going on.
Just go with the flow, turn your brain off and lets see where this ends up.
It's probably better to marathoned/binge watch this instead of watching this weekly.
I liked this episode, but sometimes I feel they are trying to tell too many side stories and are forgetting about the main plot.
I want to protect this smile.
>next episode will be about the orphanage
Not the side story I expect to be adapted, but a pretty good choice nonetheless.
If they wrote out the phantom thieves at this episode, I would have dropped this.
I was hoping for Bonds in the Dark or Hoshis but that was unrealistic.
you wish to know just what the fuck is going to happen next
damn, she a cute
Bonds in the Dark and adult Hoshi would require the anime to explain about parallel worlds, and the key characters for that aren't in anyway.
Unrelated, but something that has bugged me for a while was how they namedropped the Observer since episode 1, which either means:
a) It's a euphemism for God.
b) Eiji and Kikyou both knew about observers, and the anime plans to fuck with the 4th wall at some point.
>me watching this anime
>all those reused unprotected smiles
>the Observer
Oh shit must have missed that.
who the hell green lit this anime?
we won't see her again, will we?
some chilly dude, I imagine.
We are 6 of us watching this but I've been holding back to not drop it. It's just so much shit
i wonder if its for real this time
Despite the show being somewhat mediocre, it still has some great moments, like Tsubasa "vanishing" his brother's tears before he passed on.
>22 minutes of dead people and drama
>dead people
Are they really tho?
That redhead police girl certainly died
dont remind me :c
How the fuck is this shit even a gacha? What do you roll for, the stands?
There can only be one
Right >>>>>>>>>>>> Left
and I don't even remember their names.
RIP seigi no mikata