RIP David-kun

Attached: FIzxDFK.jpg (881x1150, 421K)

Other urls found in this thread:

And that other manga, no one knows the name of.

Attached: dLWN7Ql.jpg (833x1150, 366K)

Wait, what??? It's over??? NOOOOOOOOO

>"But what about the writing and charac..."

I will never forgive the japanese

It was a funny novelty but honestly it could never have lasted too long.

design looks pretty sick havent read it though

It is ending with Chapter 34, so there will be a english chapter today (which the OP pic is from) and then next week will be the last.

Attached: P.jpg (322x438, 21K)

This unironically had the best writing of every series to debut in WSJ since 2017. Its a shame autistic jap children couldn't understand it.

Only one more to go.

What happened at the end.

>another good manga gets canned
Fuck the japs

Chainsaw is next, I'm scared anons

>taking the door out while crying as the last cliffhanger

wow this is pretty meta

Tik tok chainsaw fags, the clock is ticking. Your series is next up on the agenda.

Attached: Luffy_laugh.jpg (350x263, 17K)

>axeman soon

Knew it was coming, but that doesn't make it hurt any less.

Attached: e53.jpg (223x225, 11K)

>good writing
hahaha. no it's shit.

>tfw Kenichi ended in the same way
I mean it was a shitshow but fuck that ending seriously. And fuck Japan

It's been a fun ride, I just wish it didn't end so soon.

I´ll never forget you Manekinpiss-kun

Series was great, but a terrible fit for Shonen Jump. It relied on classical art references, for fuck's sake.

I thought you guys already learned the lesson with Noah Notes, the best thing to come out from the WSJ since Hunter x Hunter and they cancelled it, someone gotta go and shoot their entire place. To begin with this "axe" system doesn't make any sense, I would understand not giving it any support and transferring it to another magazine, or the author itself keep releasing his work online, WHO THE FUCK WSJ IS TO CANCEL SHIT.

The mangaka was based, hope he'll start something new soon.

Attached: 1543849530028.png (959x1400, 994K)

>Noah Notes
>the best thing to come out from the WSJ since Hunter x Hunter
Hello again the delusional idiot who can't accept that NN is shit.

>Noah Notesfag still at it
Loving every laugh

Did you buy volume 1 and 2?
You do put your money where you mouth is, right?
Or do you just talk shit without supporting anything?

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Attached: h5.png (541x212, 77K)


>urgent reprints of vol. 1 and 2
Chadsawman ain't dying faggot HAHAHA

Attached: 1557549993231.jpg (651x655, 240K)

jap kid here
i think it's shit and too western for my taste
it can't be helped

>typical black cockloverfags
Proving my point.

>my favorite serie got axed cause it makes no money. so fuck jap
>read them for free.

Hunterkeks and Pissfaggots absolutely SEETHING


is that from chainsawman?

>If I don't like it that means I'm a black cloverfag
Nice projection buddy.

Attached: 1553786508811.jpg (507x448, 26K)

Good, we need more isekai and battle harems instead.

>thought everyone who disagree is cloverfags
also prove my point that NN fan are man child who can't accept the truth.

Yeah also this

Attached: 1557476149361.jpg (750x1080, 427K)


F David-kun. It has been a pleasure riding with you.

Oh no.

Losing Mona and Manekinpiss-kun is the worst part about David-kun getting axed.

Good night, sweet prince

Attached: 121.jpg (1080x1529, 235K)

Everyone who disagree love eating the same shit everyday, otherwise you are just a moron looking for (you)s.

God , i'm gonna miss mona-chan so much

This means HxH is coming back soon then?

Attached: 1536257432276.jpg (311x445, 72K)

Chainaxedman soon

>this "axe" system doesn't make any sense.
Jump isn't a charity organization. Those series can't make money. Why should Jump keep them? Cause you like them? Then did you support those series in any way or you just read them online for free? If you want NN to continue that much why don't you pay the artist to do it for you?

You niggers are saying the next one is Chainsaw man, but what about Shokugeki

agree, the premise gets old pretty quick and the jokes aren't that funny anymore

Jap twitter is saying that Chainsawman is going to get axed next because the sales are too low

Can't sell shit if it's sold out

Attached: 1527271934434.jpg (476x284, 17K)


This. We all know its coming.

Attached: axe.jpg (685x481, 57K)

chainsawman probably stay while soma probably get axe.

So the urgent re prints are a meme?

Jesus, sometimes I forget the kind of people that like the regular WSJ series.

Can I have an actual source on this? That screenshot said nothing about it ending at all.

Did they said anything about David-kun ending on the TOC comments or the next issue preview?

That's not the image I posted
Hiroshimoot you double nigger

Attached: 1527271934434.jpg (480x286, 31K)

it's literally the opposite
its volume 2 ranked at the 8th of sales number

I didn't find any official source about re-prints. But its obvious that Chainsaw is next on the axe list:

>Jump best sellers (last seen oricon top 50 sales)
1,875mio - One Piece
879k - Hunter x Hunter
600k - Hero Academia
536k - Neverland
516k - Haikyuu
346k - World Trigger
203k - Black Clover
198k - Kimetsu
182k - Shokugeki
170k - Boruto
170k - Gintama
154k - Jujutsu
91k - Bokuben
73k - Dr. Stone
70k - Yuragi
52k - Act-age
25k - Chainsaw Man
24k - Hinomaru Zumou
? - David
? - Japan
? - Higuma

it's understandable, its sales has been at the bottom for a while

Axedruto is next

Attached: 32.png (899x1300, 258K)

fuck off, it'll outsell axe age by vol 3

>That screenshot said nothing about it ending at all.
Uuuh, can't you see the big 'owari' next to the next chapter notice?

Jesus, sometimes I forget the kind of loser that like NN.

Black Clover and Soma next

How the fuck are black clover and hero academia presented as rivals?
I always though they were about the same size because of the memes

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 69K)

Attached: ofj2ojyysxp21.png (794x455, 34K)

But now there's an updated list, that list was from the last month

>*83006 **83006 jujutsu 5
>*54353 **54353 actage 6
>*34434 **34434 franxx 5
>*26382 **26382 chainsaw 2

Bye bye chainsaw man

Attached: 1519872492466.jpg (1280x720, 70K)

the volumes weren't out last month dumbass

>he doesn't know

Based, reading this shit rn

That's previous chapter that was translated 2 weeks ago

"おわり" means the end of a manga chapter and nothing more. The phrase is present in every chapter.

Something tells me you have never read an actual physical copy of Shonen Jump before.

Attached: End.jpg (757x1106, 254K)

Still amazed its managed to stay serialized for so long. Hasn't it been 3 or 4 years already?

It seems the average reader realized they will have to wait years to reach the flashforward shown in chapter 1.

a little over 2, about to be 3 next month with almost no plot progression

Because Black Clover is the best currently published WSJ series, and MHA fags don't want to accept that.

That's just the mafia at work.

David-kun getting canned is absolute shame.

I liked this better than Chainsawman. Better art, better shonen premise. I never saw any threads for it on here though.

did.. did they fuck?

> I never saw any threads for it on here though.
Because Yea Forums has absolutely fucking terrible taste

Source of that shit or fake and gay.

Hahahahaha, no.

Shame nobody is buying it then
Even with anime boost.

>Because Yea Forums has absolutely fucking terrible taste
Higuma is literally
>Generic Trash: The Manga.

>Can I have an actual source on this?
Check the 2ch thread the image is from or literally any fucking jap blog like yaroan and co.

> sales is the only thing that one can compete in
Welcome to actual discussion newfag, first lesson: sales =/= quality

Thats what it gets for making the girls moeblobs and not hot statues.

Attached: DiHCKu7XUAAFW3I.jpg (1200x675, 71K)

The next reprint wave(5/28) is Chainsaw Man 1-2, Act-age 6, Jujutsu 5, Neverland 1-13.

both seem like generic naruto ripoffs
BC more with the premise. It almost seems like a parody.

Why are you posting raw when this was translated?

Damn shame about this, I would have preferred this and Neo Lation to survive over Chainsawman and that Saiyuki crap but we all saw this coming.

I hope this artist makes a design as cool as this again.

>I hope this artist makes a design as cool as this again.
Its only his first serialization, so he can still make another series with a more unique concept and better art

>It almost seems like a parody.
Like bad parody. Good Naruto rippoffs - Jujutsu, literally same story and characters, but sales really good

Attached: BC vs Naruto.jpg (1440x900, 304K)

Attached: 1.jpg (680x383, 22K)

Monalisa was the embodiment of perfection

Should've bought 50 books each series, eh?

Attached: 1557542649202.png (651x261, 58K)

I certainly hope so, personally I didn’t find anything terrible about it but I guess it wasn’t that unique either.

>and that Saiyuki crap
Saiyuki will get axed, the first "serious" chapter(battle and villain introduction) got ranked around the last place.

good concept but god was it unfunny and lame

The only WSJ series I buy is World Trigger.

Another ship sinks

Good choice.

Awesome, I hope it takes Yui Kamio with it too.

only chapters 1-3 have been ranked
Sai doesn't show up until chapter 6

Yui rankings are surprisingly decent but it's hard to say if it's legit or PUSH.
>doesn't show up
He was introduced in ch.3.

How can one series be so based? I guess that's BC for you

Attached: Straw Hat.png (1040x1040, 1.27M)

Fuck off.

Damn, Jujutsu and AA have been getting reprints since the beginning. Good.

Fuck off, I'm not believing it until there's a legit confirmation.

Wasn't Dr. Stone being hailed as a front runner not to long ago? Did the whole Science vs Strength conclusion kill this series?

>Dr. Stone
>front runner

Dr. Stone always had high rankings but low sales.
Of course it might just mean that it's pushed as all hell or that it's just popular in the context of the magazine itself and not in sales (it wouldn't be the only series in the history of WSJ, to be clear) but that's another topic.

Oh no the funny aesthetic stone head man
chill beats i can relacx and study too!

>Neo Lation


Proof? "David-kun will get axed soon" doomsaying has been going on for months. Give me proof.


> Chainsawman is next on the list
> sales presented with no source
> 45k vol 1 after a mth
> vol 1 is in 4th reprint
> vol 2 is in 1st reprint
What is Soma? What is Kamio Yui? What is Saiyuki? What is Bokuben? What is Japan? What is Zumou

Attached: k1o2gf55qiu21.png (1600x900, 793K)

M-mona won at the end right?

Will Dr. Stone be able to hobble forward without risk of being cancelled as long as readers give it high marks?

They will probably try to make Yui a thing. Jump really needs something romcomish to replace Yuuna or Bokuben.


Attached: vyidz0a6vqz11.png (959x1400, 863K)

>45k vol 1 after a mth
This picture is literally the only source that provides this number.

>Dr. Stone outsold by Act-Age and "literally who?" Jutsu

Attached: 2b0059c8c097f6d491b184fab4259bdbd0414395_00.gif (320x320, 64K)

>Bokuben selling this poorly after the anime
yeah this is next on the list

Where do you think we always got the sales numbers from?

Sucks that Neverland is on definite hiatus, that kind of bad luck can really fuck over a series.
Still pretty amazing how much of a difference there is between third highest selling series, to the first and second.

Attached: D3n5GiSUUAU6bza.jpg (847x1200, 157K)

What is Yuuna?

>he can't read moon

the hell is this

>Where do you think we always got the sales numbers from?
The place "Where we always got the sales numbers from" says it sold 25k.

Yuragi, duh. Next to Dr. Flop.

David-Kun, the main cast are dressed up as characters from the Shounen series that helped put the final nail it.

Attached: 1.gif (500x283, 403K)

Thanks user, I hope it lasts as long as possible.

25k in a week, 45k in a mth. Fucktard. You cant get your arse up to look for the direct sources on twitter when this was up the last time, you have the cheek to question whether the data is reliable.

It's an estimate with respect to 3 reprints it got in that month.

>25k in a week, 45k in a mth. Fucktard.
You can literally go to a fucking link from this picture.
>*25518 (7)------------------------*,*25,518 (**7)2019/03|チェンソーマン 1
There's no "month", it's the final number. There's literally NO source saying it's sold 45k. He probably just put 4 instead of 2 by mistake.

rip bokuben. 5toubun airing first stole the thunder and doomed it to fail

The pic you posted is fake. The real number is 25k.

To be fair, 5toubun's format resembles Korean dramas while early Bokuben is the worst part of the series.


>while early (insert series name) is the worst part of the series.
why is this criticism used for almost every series in WSJ right now

Good, bokuben deserved it
The manga was goddamn stale, even Nisekoi is more fun to read.

It's ironic because 5toubun's anime sucks, but it was a huge hit. Bokuben's isn't super terrible, but its looking like a huge dud

Isn't the series on its final arc though?
I think it's going the way of the dodo on its own, and Jump is letting it happen.

So much for the Gun Devil. It was the Axe Devil behind it all.

wait is it actually going on hiatus
I thought it was just gonna be absent next issue

chop chop chainsaw fags

Because having a shit start will cripple your sales forever in current JUMP. Same reason Black Clover sells like shit even though is better than MHA right now

Your first time looking at sales bro, it collected 45k despite the 2nd to 4th week not being in top 50.
How do you think Vol 1 of Heroaca got to 100k in a mth after missing from the table in week 2 and so on? If you cant even get something so basic down, dont try to argue with me

Sucks that her doujin never got scanned, gonna miss her and pissbro.

Why would anyone want to read anything in SJ besides One Piece or MHA and risk the series getting canceled after a couple dozen chapters?

Provide source for the 45k number.

>**1,456 (△**2,010) ぼくたちは勉強ができない 1(完全生産限定版) [Blu-ray]
That sucks

There was no reports about these additional 20k
Can you provide a single source that isn't this picture?

because the other series are as long as OP and are of a higher quality than MHA

It's mandatory for a WSJ series to be good from the start to survive. Check all Jump's successful series and you will notice the pattern.

Maybe I'm wrong, but I remember hearing how the author is very sick, and needs time off to recover. Maybe it's not to bad and he needs just a week off, but normally this usually means
a long hiatus.

I mean, that's much better than like 10k or something it was before.

Bokuben just pick up the slack after Sensei's first apartment chapter and Asumi's introduction.

Attached: 1.jpg (959x1400, 243K)

Really? Neverland is gonna get the World Trigger treatment kek

Please don't remind me we will never get Mona doujins.

Lahmi-chan was best

Attached: v6.png (959x1400, 933K)

Thank you based mod

>Chainsawfag is asked for a source he can't provide
>random porn spam out of nowhere
Really makes you think.

Since this is the axed series general, I wanna say that I speedread Chainsawman today and it's a good manga fuck you all. Pochita was a good dog and based Denji is having sex next week

Chainsaw has actually been climbing the ranks and doing fine for a new series. In that chart that got posted around it was only so low because it only had one volume out at the time.

That Toga is a Fucking cute

Attached: 1557539390249.jpg (857x1280, 406K)


Go check on manganime's twitter

Fuck off

Vol 2 sold like 26k in 4 days, it makes sense vol 1 would make atleast around there in a mth given the amount or reprint its getting

>Go check on manganime's twitter
Okay. Same 25k like everywhere.

Attached: D6Ehmo-U0AAO_Jm.png (633x101, 8K)

>it makes sense
Nobody cares about your headcanon. Can you provide official Oricon numbers?

>it makes sense
It's not about "making sense". It's about author of this picture making a mistake and you retards using it as a source when it's not true at all. Chainsaw Man will survive without you lying, just don't do this.

> 73k - Dr. Stone

imagine the smell

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Attached: 1638860.jpg (423x600, 57K)

>axefags: "hurr durr chainsawman is ranking low"
>chainsawman proceeds to rank at the top half of wsj
>outsells zumo and gets multiple reprints
>"hurr durr it'll be axed next"
did fujimoto kill their parents? why are they in denial?

25k a volume is axe material, newfag

calart buy the school and he dies homeless

Another reason to be sad today.

Attached: 1498550167978.jpg (355x369, 83K)

>Top half

It was inevitable

>No, it's sold 25k.
>Nope, still 25k
Not really, some jump manga recovered from less. It's about growth and potential.

>>urgent reprints of vol. 1 and 2
It was selling 30k per volume, now it's selling 35k.

Chainsawman is trash

>600k - Hero Academia
>536k - Neverland
Heroaca killer. Just give it more 2 or 3 months.

25k in the 1st week, multiple reprints happened since then
it ranked higher than MHA

He was too good for this world

Attached: 1519762781026.png (456x480, 185K)

Wasted potential. Interesting designs, but the jokes were terrible

David is not axed this issue. This link says that it looks like the next chapter will be last. It probably will, but it's not a confirmation or anything.

No full scans, though.

Average Ranking (8 Weeks)
1 [ 2 ] Dr. Stone
1 [ 2 ] Kimetsu no Yaiba
1 [ 2 ] One Piece
1 [ 2 ] Yakusoku no Neverland
5 [ 4.67 ] Black Clover
6 [ 5 ] Bokutachi wa Benkyō ga Dekinai
7 [ 5.67 ] Jujutsu Kaisen
8 [ 6 ] Boku no Hero Academia
8 [ 6 ] Haikyū!!
10 [ 6.8 ] Act-Age
11 [ 7 ] Kamio Yui wa Kami wo Yui
12 [ 8.14 ] Chainsaw Man
13 [ 8.57 ] Hinomaru Zumō
14 [ 9.14 ] Yuragi-sō no Yūna-san
15 [ 10 ] Saigo no Saiyūki
16 [ 10.2 ] Shishunki Renaissance! David-kun
17 [ 10.5 ] Jimoto ga Japan
18 [ 12.29 ] Shokugeki no Sōma
19 [ 12.75 ] Gokutei Higuma

It's just retards saying the end means its ending.
There's always an 'the end' at the end of a chapter.

>1 [ 2 ]
>1 [ 2 ]
>1 [ 2 ]
>1 [ 2 ]
And some people still believe this shit is not manipulated.

>Average Ranking
It only ranked well just recently retard

>1 [ 2 ] Dr. Stone
>1 [ 2 ] Kimetsu no Yaiba
>1 [ 2 ] One Piece
>1 [ 2 ] Yakusoku no Neverland
yeah ok

Huntercucks and BokuHeroniggers are in full damage control after Chainsawman's last chapter. It has the potential to be something BIG.

>it ranked higher than MHA
Since the new editor-in-chief started, MHA has never returned to the top 3. Considering that the series' sales and popularity have only increased since then, it's quite clear that the ToC is now prioritizing the new series. So, be happy, but not too much.

>hahaha look they did the sex
>wowie big series!
End your life

please, stop being a faggot
Pure Ranking
1 [ 936 ] One Piece
2 [ 127 ] Yakusoku no Neverland
3 [ 150 ] Kimetsu no Yaiba
4 [ 103 ] Bokutachi wa Benkyō ga Dekinai
5 [ 197 ] Black Clover
6 [ 57 ] Act-Age
7 [ 14 ] Chainsaw Man
8 [ 2 ] Kamio Yui wa Kami wo Yui
9 [ 220 ] Boku no Hero Academia
10 [ 233 ] Hinomaru Zumō
11 [ 26 ] Shishunki Renaissance! David-kun
12 [ 151 ] Yuragi-sō no Yūna-san
13 [ 3 ] Saigo no Saiyūki
14 [ 12 ] Gokutei Higuma
15 [ 303 ] Shokugeki no Sōma

>It has the potential to be something BIG.

Attached: lmao.jpg (158x123, 10K)

Neverland has already surpassed MHA sales.

What a brainlet post.

Attached: 4542356.jpg (243x327, 7K)

Average Ranking is more important than a single chapter ranking.

This. The Table of Contents is no longer as valid as it used to be in the past.

>tfw hunter chad

What is piss-kun referencing?

>placing all blame on the fact that not enough westernes didnt bought a series that is only being sold in japan

This is the most retarded post I've seen this month. Congrats.

then how the fuck does shit like takagi keep going with a premise that got old ten chapters in?

>Yea Forums says that O MY SEVEN QUIRK will rank very low
>the chapter ended up being on top
>Yea Forums says that BUT I DON'T WANT TO KILL THE DEMONS will rank very low
>the chapter ended up being on top
>Yea Forums says that this new CSM chapter is going to be big
Fully expecting the last place or something.

again, it started low, but now rose to the top half, and recovery matters more than initial ranking
ToC of issue 22/23
Pure Ranking
1 [ 126 ] Yakusoku no Neverland
2 [ 97 ] Dr. Stone
3 [ 102 ] Bokutachi wa Benky? ga Dekinai
4 [ 50 ] Jujutsu Kaisen
5 [ 196 ] Black Clover
6 [ 1 ] Kamio Yui wa Kami wo Yui
7 [ 13 ] Chainsaw Man
8 [ 56 ] Act-Age
9 [ 219 ] Boku no Hero Academia
10 [ 341 ] Haiky?!!
11 [ 25 ] Shishunki Renaissance! David-kun
12 [ 2 ] Saigo no Saiy?ki
13 [ 150 ] Yuragi-s? no Y?na-san
14 [ 232 ] Hinomaru Zum?
15 [ 12 ] Ne0;Lation
16 [ 302 ] Shokugeki no S?ma
17 [ 11 ] Gokutei Higuma

The art was good, the girls were cute, but to be fair: the concept was losing its novelty. Building an entire series around just one joke might work for To Love-Ru but it would take an exceedingly interesting plot to rival that.

>1 [ 126 ] Yakusoku no Neverland

Pure Ranking
1 [ 125 ] Yakusoku no Neverland
2 [ 96 ] Dr. Stone
3 [ 195 ] Black Clover
4 [ 148 ] Kimetsu no Yaiba
5 [ 1 ] Saigo no Saiyūki
6 [ 101 ] Bokutachi wa Benkyō ga Dekinai
7 [ 218 ] Boku no Hero Academia
8 [ 231 ] Hinomaru Zumō
9 [ 12 ] Chainsaw Man
10 [ 149 ] Yuragi-sō no Yūna-san
11 [ 24 ] Jimoto ga Japan
12 [ 10 ] Gokutei Higuma
13 [ 301 ] Shokugeki no Sōma
14 [ 11 ] Ne0;Lation

Okay, so the last 2 chapters moved up a few positions and now it ranks at the middle. What difference does this make? Its still selling like shit, thats enough to get axed

illegal rare was terrible so I don't think it's push

I am still upset.

Attached: 1556907038247.jpg (828x1123, 207K)

A sumo wrestler so hinomaru zumou which is the series that BTFO all the salesfags.
>one of the worst selling anime of all time (that we know the numbers of)
>manga sales are shit
>still alive and nowhere near the axe thanks to good rankings

Attached: zumou.jpg (972x916, 96K)

>this entire thread
Please wait for the ToC thread to unleash your autism.

>Its still selling like shit
citation needed
it literally keeps getting sold out and reprinted

selling like shit
According to who? You? Sure buddy.

you could at least change the picture by that point you lazy faggot

I really don't understand these rankings.
If it sells like utter shit, how does it have the fanbase to keep ranking it high?


It's being supported by the government, how can this BTFO anyone.

it's almost like rankings are completely made-up or something

we went a week with no ToC, we still let it out a bit more before the next one hits

these are 1st week sales that had limited print, stop being a faggot user

Viz chapters in 1 hour you fucking niggers.

They want more people interested in Sumo?
I know Sumo is a pure Japanese sport, but I don't think the current generation of Japs want to go through the rigorous hell in becoming a professional.
It's pretty common to see foreign born Sumo wrestlers now, especially from places like China.

We know retard

>They want more people interested in Sumo?
Yes, they're hoping it'll pull a Slam Dunk and make people interested in the sport.

I did not, so thank you


what are your favourite wsj manga right now? i guarantee they're shit

Maybe it will get people to watch it, but there is a difference of getting fit/healthy, and completely altering your body, when it comes to actually participating in a sport.
Hell, doesn't this manga pretty much say that being small and skinny makes you unfit for the sport, and even as the midget completely throw away his honor to almost win his match?


Thanks user. You were very useful today.

Can someone spoonfeed me as to where to read David from Chapter 4 onwards with the Viz translation?

compare chainsaw's 1st week sales to the other series and see how much it failed

I think the series joke went old very fast. The supportin chars werent very good either with an exception or two

Because jump sells 2~ million copies a week plus another 2 million online.
Rankings are manipulated but it's still good enough to see what is doing well or not.

F Mega

>right now

>first week sales of a series with 2 volumes should be the same as ones with 5 or more
Not to mention volume 2 sold 26k in 4 days, not a week.

that is because they had proper print, actually, Jujutsu could've sold more since it's getting reprints as well
you keep getting btfo'd everyweek in the ToC, I don't know why you are so hell-bent on the idea it's getting cancelled, so keep seething retard

Stop spreading the meme that the TOC and the rankings are the same thing, they aren't.

Its getting sad now

Western support does not matter you retard.

>no signs of cancellation

Mixing English names with Japanese honorifics is cringe-inducing.
Peak weeabism

Rank low and you go (bleach and selected gag series being the exceptions)

They're revealing the key to the mystery too soon. This might be in preparation of a quick closure any time later without being forced to rush and tying all loose ends. I think it's a fun manga though.

You know why this guy is so mad? He's a huntertard and there's no chapter for him today.


You should give up user, he is too retarded even for shitposter standards.

>Good writing
>the target audience cant understand it

user that means it has BAD writing, if you don't understand what kids like then you're an idiot for getting your shit publish in a kids magazine.

And i mean young shounen jump specifically, many other shounen manga have a much older average audience.

This manga is fucking funny, why didn't you guys spam threads when new chapters came out

The demographic is kids to young adults and since their japs that means they are smarter than westerners like you.

You're an idiot, it's shounen JUMP, so it's bad.
shounen magazine in general aren't for literal babies like shounen jump is.

I was just reading chapter 28, and mona actually farts? Wtf?

>wahh its made for kids
Literally no one cares, stop being so insecure about what you like.

Here's your mature seinen bro.

Attached: gochuu.jpg (1354x1920, 381K)

Jump has been the most sold and biggest magazine in Japan since the 70s. Every single mangaka dreams to publish his work there.

Jump isn't even primarily for children anymore.
>The guide did not list the gender demographics for its Weekly Shonen Jump magazine, but did list a breakdown by age. 27.4% of readers are 25 years old or older, 25.8% are 19-24 years old, 17.6% are 16-18 years old, 16.4% are 13-15 years old, 9.6% are 10-12 years old, and 3.2% are nine years old or younger.
It's from the latest one. This actually explains the recent survivors (act-age, jujutsu, chainsaw) and Yui performing better than Saiyuki.

Yeah, puke scenes are great writing

ViZ is out niggers

Yeah, it is

now to wait for ripperanon

>This actually explains the recent survivors (act-age, jujutsu, chainsaw)
Why? These series are far from "adult" content.

>English names
Oy vey

Holy fucking shit, RIP Pisskun

how much of that is skewed by One Piece and HxH readers

damn it ain't right bros it just aint right

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JJK is a slightly better than an average shonen so it's right for it to survive. In AA and CSM's case, those cater to something you don't usually read in a jump magazine.

that pic is not from the final chapter

The selling point of Jujutsu Kaisen is the aesthetic not the writing. The writing is pretty mediocre, actually.

Why do you retards not understand the difference between reading demographic and target demographic?

It feels good being a jujutsuchad

Wait, it's actually alive. What the fuck guys.

Ending next chapter with his confession. Every other thing was resolved this chapter.

It was gonna get old fast. Better to let it be a short and sweet series than a re-used gimmick shitfest like Souma.

Kimetsu no Yaiba is ending, so I doubt they would axe any more series.

I won't disagree although I really like the characters too. Speaking of aesthetics, today's chapter is right up my alley desu.

>JJK is a slightly better than an average shonen
I'm reading it right now and it is painfully generic. It doesn't feel like a parody like BC does, but it just has no identity.

isn't eating puke like really bad for your health?

>Vol 7 has less than half the sales number of vol 1
Has this happened before?

>Kimetsu no Yaiba is ending
No, it's not.

IIRC, Platinum End is even worse.

It's ending in early 2020.

Who said that?

See you in the 2021

I really like Dr. Stone but goddamn the author cant draw females at all

>it wouldn't be the only series in the history of WSJ, to be clear
Name 3 more. ill wait

IS this chainsaw man?

>this fucking trash received an anime & all the future support over david-kun

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What is Kubo doing in that panel?

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It will end the same time with the anime, and you know it.


Never followed this but RIP. My thoughts and prayers are with the family and friends.


sure m8
next you'll say Black Flopper has potential, too

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>english name
american education everyone

No it hasnt

maybe david will get an additional chapter or two in jump plus like higuma is getting an epilogue there

>David ending before the Jimoto Japan shit
please no, say it aint so

They are not going to end Japan before they cover all of the prefectures.

God I can't wait for Dr Stone anime to fail and don't give boost to manga.

>dying before getting a 12 episodes anime or even a couple OVAs
This isn't the world I want to live in

It any good? This actually looks pretty cool.

It's not bad but generic as fuck. And not just kinda generic but REALLY FUCKING GENERIC.

It only has its art going unfortunately. It's generic as fuck.

RIP. I actually liked it.

Attached: Volume_1.png (2048x1446, 838K)

So in theory if it sold enough english volumes it can be unaxed since they never had english sales before?

>sold enough english volumes
? You can only read it for free on Viz/Mangaplus, it's not being sold in english.

He fights by cutting off the hands of demons and using their powers as his own. It was pretty neat but as an urban demon hunting story it didn't stand out from the crowd.

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I like Bokuben but I’m ready for it to end

Shit, really? I just caught up last week.

Is this the first work by this author? If so he might improve in the future. I feel the same about the Ne0 artist, not too sure about the writer though.

That part with a girl in neo was pretty nice. Its writer should be fine if he will start writing about more human shit instead of I'M LE EPIC WIZRD HAXOR.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>manga "writers"

The girls in both Ne0 and Higuma were surprisingly good, but not nearly enough for people to give a shit about either series.


He and the writer/artist duo from Ne0 are rookies with a single one-shot to their names

Is dr.stone part of the 30k club?

It used to be, but now it's all alone in the 70k void of stagnancy.

who the fuck even reads the manga or even watches the anime? it seems like it has atricious sales manga wise so not sure why they would keep the series going?

>all alone in the 70k void of stagnancy.
What about Yuuna and Bokuben?

What manga?

It teaches kids about Japan or something.

Forgot about those two. I only know about Dr. Sales because everyone keeps laughing at it.

I really want to force the "science club" meme for manga that sells like dr.stone, but sadly there's really not a lot of manga that sells like dr.stone.

>the kingdom of petrified sales

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Is anyone else reading this

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Doesn't Bokuben sell 90k/100k?

So hinomaru zumou is the last surviving member of the 30k club?
It seems kind of fitting that the one who started it is the one who ends the meme.
Wasn't it ending soon or some shit?

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Not sure that is why I am asking, but I just assumed that the 70k void of stagnancy was a catch all term for the sub 100k saleslets series that graduated from the 30k club.

Pretty sure Japan is selling almost nothing, and we don't know how much Saiyuki/Yui is gonna sell.
>Wasn't it ending soon or some shit?
I swear people have been saying it was in its final arc for months, maybe years.

I naturally dropped it at some point. There was no "I'm not reading this anymore" decision, I just never returned to it.

>Dancing Midgets and Samon axed before Chapter 100
>Kimetsu and Neverland graduated, surpassed 100k sales, and got their own anime
>Isobee fucked off somewhere
Good old Hinomaru is and always will be president of the 30k club.
He's currently in a professional tournament to decide the next Yokozuna so it's definitely in its final arc.
It's a really long tournament arc so there's no telling when it will actually end.

Kamiofag here, don't know what to tell you.

I read all the chapters that were out and enjoyed it, then forgot that it existed when Golden Week ended. Guess I'll read that new chapter then.

I think it's okay. The art is nice and story and characters all right but again, it's rather generic. It doesn't do anything special among all the other modern demon slaying mangas.

I'm actually started feeling Yui recently. It's giving me some kind of nostalgic feeling that I can't describe.

I get what you mean.
It reminds me of 80s romcom anime.


What are the chances of it ending the week after David-kun gets axed? Soma hasn't beaten Erina yet but his mom is getting introduced next week.

I could have sworn I saw something about it ending soon.

It's been memed several times already because the current arc has been hilariously rushed.

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how long after the start of a series does it take before the first volume

A volume of a weekly series is usually 10 chapters or somewhere around there.

WSJ series' first volumes usually have 7 chapters. A long 1st chapter and extended 2nd chapter takes most of the pages. And then just 9-10 chapters per volume for the next ones.

Hell will freeze the day WSJ allows an isekai to be published Unless Togashi makes it

>David-kun died
Why does everything I love have to get axed HOLY FUCK
Why do Japs only eat up romcoms if they're haremshit and isekai at this point? I just don't understand

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Romcoms aren't funny anymore especially with a clear winner since it boils down to "are they gonna fuck" "when are they gonna fuck" "why aren't they fucking"
See:Takagi-san, Komi-san, Nagatoro-san, Tomo-san and Kaguya-san

Consuming demographic and target demographic are the same thing in media. Businesses sell to whoever is buying.

How many more will ghostits sacrifice?

Yes, but if doesn't hit a certain target demographics, certain products are cancelled even if it sells.
I'm not sure if it's the same with Jump, but Western animation companies really want little kids to see their shows because they are the biggest merchandise buyers, and will axe a show even if it gets great rating with consuming demographic that aren't kids.

Post David turning his head.

I knew it was coming but I still wasn't ready...

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Attached: david_turn.png (521x517, 226K)

i can't believe he's dead


Not him but I know exactly what you're referring to and no, nips aren't fucking retarded like the west is when it comes to demographics. If they notice a certain demographic buying into something, they'll adjust and cater to them to some extent.

I almost want to read the rest of it but that red haired MC is pretty damn obnoxious.

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Because the japanese who buy this are miserable and true escapism is the only way they can keep on going.

What about Dragon Ball?