
Just finished this, and can't tell what was the point of this show? Sunrise went full libtard, but in my opinion, they blew and got the opposite effect.
>any shitskin can become a terrorist, even the most integrated ones
>they feel entitled to white man's achievements and demand equal share even though they didn't contribute
>idealism can't solve anything and will get you killed
I also don't get why it's rated so highly, about the only thing that's good is the art.

Attached: planetes.png (402x617, 315K)

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Gibs me dat my nibba. Also welfare was in the billions during the space race.

>muh libtards and idealism
I hate zoomers. No one would talk like this about a fucking anime ten years ago.

>Sunrise went full libtard

Attached: 1510864747454.jpg (258x322, 21K)

But we are not ten years ago, and that word is adequate enough to describe what they've done. I'm pretty sure that idealism was around 10 years ago.

Yeah so that totally means we can take old anime to push your irrelevant political opinions about the US. Get the fuck off this board.

Not an argument
How is that irrelevant, when about half the show you get told that evil first world countries are colonizing space and they are not giving free stuff to shitholes? Even though they are obviously allowed into space and still get into space by leeching off of said first world countries.

>Sunrise went full libtard
Ignoring how stupid you are for getting triggered over this, you do realize that Planetes is based on a MANGA and all those things you're butthurt about are from the Manga, right? Why are you blaming Sunrise?

Male lead sucked
Moot has garbage taste

Attached: 1540885661791.png (498x447, 227K)


Interesting examples, it's almost like the series... didn't go libtard at all!

You're a fucking moron

I didn't read the anime, even then they went and adapted it.
Most of their stuff is like this though, just not so blatantly in your face with cringe worthy rhetoric.

lol. This is you right now OP;

>oh wow, you got 10 years for attempting crash a spaceship into the moon city to kill 120 000 people and throw back space exploration, while committing multiple murders and other violent crimes you would normally get much more individually?
>that's a pretty harsh sentence!

Yes, don't address any point I made.

Why would I adress anything you say? Get some sleep dude you're a wreck. Go on a hiking trip or just a walk, you need to get away from things for a bit. Get some fresh air, remember to hydrate.

maybe even a comfy space trip?

>i am incapable of articulating my points without greentexting xDDD
Slit your fucking throat.

>Telling a complete stranger to kill themselves over an anonymous argument over politics on an anime image sharing board

It's slightly adjusted quote from the show, retard. They are in shock why the sub leader of the terrorist group got 10 year in prison, which is a fucking joke considering what usually happens to terrorists. The whole second half is ridiculous because they somehow try to portray terrorist as good guys.

>Sunrise went full libtard
Can this all just end now

kys poltard