>English exchange students
>they're a pair of blonde qts
>not Aisha and her friend Kalimah
Why does Japan refuse to represent the changing demographics of the United Kingdom accurately?
English exchange students
I don't get it.
Bong doesn't get that european nationalities are interchangeable to nip creators as long as they can be white
>>Why does Japan refuse to represent the changing demographics of the United Kingdom accurately?
Because they are choosing what is more likely to come from Britain. It's like pulling random cards are out of a hat and if you've forgotten the UK is majority white, somewhere in the 80% range. If you want to pick a fight then choose the US with 60% being 'white'
>Hardly anyone Japanese has dark hair and eyes
Why does Japan refuse to represent the demographic of their own country?
It's /pol/. Ignore.
They got the part about UK women being complete slags right.
>ignoring reality because it came from people you dont like
>falling for shitposting memes and BBC diversity quotas
The UK is still over 85% white British. Asians are only 7%, of which Pakistanis and Bangladeshis are about 4% combined. Blacks are only 3%. Did you really think London is the UK?
I blame BBC. They're hell-bent on forcing diversity.
>pron. とうやま
I hate these weird 訓読み-音読み combinations.
No they aren't otherwise the characters wouldn't be blonde with blue eyes. They pick what the populous associates with Europeans. Stop being retarded, Bong. Your country might still be barely white, but it certainly isn't blonde and blue-eyed.
Go away electionigger
>The UK is still over 85% white British
Are you using the 2011 numbers?
Considering it dropped from 92% in 2001 to 87% in 2011 it's probably lower than that now,
It's sad how the elites are trying to wipe away European cultures with multiculturalism and pushing the notion that being British/French/German/Dutch/etc doesn't really mean anything. If this were happening to anybody else, people would be outraged about it, but it's happening to Europeans so we just have to accept it because fuck whitey and also something about the Holocaust I guess.
Why are Americans so obsessed with race
It's not because a ton of slavs came to replace Jamils.
Maybe not, depending on how much immigration of Poles and Romanians from the EU there was to pad out the white numbers
Regardless it got the demographic right enough for the Cotswolds at the time, which is where I think Hara Yui visited before writing it.
They just made them a bit more attractive.
To me it seems like the UK gets more european immigrants than asian or black ones.
Ay whitey get over here
Oh maaayn boi he be yellah hawh hawh mayn I bet he got a tiny ass dick like the actual white
Time to fuck tyrone
can this thread get deleted please
Pretty sure they want the Poles gone when they leave.
Oy vey the goyim know run away like a good goy
That's why they voted for Brexit. They prefer the Pakis to the Polish.
yes this is definitely anime related discussion, great thread op!
I see.
Well the pakis were around for longer right?
this a /pol/ thread in disguise.
pls go back to your shithole,/pol/shitter
Aisha and her friend Kalimah took the plane to syria instead
Many anime is about the ideal not what is real, and so the ideal "England" for anime are blond people who drink tea all the time who are very polite when the characters travel to London not brown people throwing acid on your face.
>ay whitey
>oh maaayn
Blacks in the UK don't use american slang. They're also not racist against whites like in america because most brits don't give a shit about ethnicity except for the minority groups that are the racists and the SJWs, who are both too busy with muslims atm.
Says someone who's clearly never been to the Cotswolds in their life