Your favourite Kaworu clone a shit. Prove me wrong

Your favourite Kaworu clone a shit. Prove me wrong.

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Other urls found in this thread:

My favorite Kaworu clone is precious.

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That's cheating, your favourite Kaworu clone wasn't supposed to be the same as mine.

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I know this, but I still love him.

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So Junko retired from BL once and for all?

Well, I didn't read Kiss Him Not Me but I'd argue that writing that kind of premise makes you a full fledged shojo mangaka. There's nothing bl about it. So yeah, once and for all.

I really don't like how Joshua results from Kaworu, when he is a clear Ryo clone and barely has anything in common with Kaworu. He should be replaced with pic related.

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Beta Kaworu looked better, fight me.

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Looks like a lesbian


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>There's nothing bl about it
Didn't these two get a gay ending? Although the whole context and the story are definitely not BL.

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Is RobiHachi related to Boeibu?


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He looked too Ikuni.

But that is a good thing.

This episode wasn't gayest as I expected.

Taiga is still the gayest one.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] King of Prism - Shiny Seven Stars - 04 [720p].mkv_snapshot_15.04.904.jpg (1280x720, 103K)


I really hate the episodic "let's focus on a character per episode" format every single male idol show has and even Kinpri decided to go with. More development between the main couple would be more fun.

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His prism show was gay
>Yo Daddy! I did it!

I'm loving actually. Shin is boring as fuck and I want to know more about the other homos.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] King of Prism - Shiny Seven Stars - 01 [720p].mkv_snapshot_19.34.381.jpg (1280x720, 124K)

>Taiga is still the gayest one.
And also the best Kingpri. Whoever thought shipping dumb country boy x popular brown senpai was a genius.

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Shin and Louis get the last 3 episodes.
>people comparing Shin's prism show with Devilman Crybaby and Saya no uta

Taiga should set up for orange, he's clearly down to fuck and much more approachable.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] King of Prism - Shiny Seven Stars - 03 [720p].mkv_snapshot_14.20.219.jpg (1280x720, 85K)

>aesthetically and boldly adapting the life of Oda Nobunaga
>aesthetic and bold
Sounds like gay theater lingo.

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It is very fun show.
RobiHachi has a piece in the new Pash and some cute new merch is also out; check their main tags for more info and options.

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Double decker Vol. 2 and some new merch is out as well.
The manga was also updated on mangadex. Thanks again to the scanlation team for their time and hard work.

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You nipple autists are too obsessive.

Your favorite Ryo Asuka clone a shit. Prove me wrong.

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Just finished Hitorijime my Hero. It was shit.

I didn't like the classic Devilman manga, but old Ryo was 100000000 time better than the k-pop fujobait Crybaby Ryo.

Classic Ryo was 70s/80s glam rock fujobait. Same thing, different decades of fashion.

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I agree.

Main guy was cute but apart from that you're right.

Only filthy secondary fags like the soiboy Ryo from Crybaby.

What did homodachis think of this high impact shota handholding ability?

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Cry some more.

t. secondary twitter landwhale

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Ikku has really great reaction image potential.

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Survey claims that 30 percent of boys’ love fans in Japan are men

Most people assume that the boys’ love genre of anime and manga gets most of its love from women, and that’s not an inaccurate assumption. Many fans express the appeal of boys’ love as being that the stories of homosexual male passion give them twice as much male eye candy to look at as the action unfolds, an aspect that statistically is going to appeal to a larger number of women than men.

However, one study shows a surprising amount of men in the boys’ love fan demographic. Japan’s Yano Research Group has done multiple studies on boys’ love fandom, with its most recent publicly available data estimating the number of boys’ love fans in Japan at 740,000 people.

Yano says the largest age group, 20-29, makes up 36.5 percent of the group, followed by 20 percent who are between 15 and 19 years old and 17.6 percent who are in their 40s (with 9.4 percent in their 30s and an identical 8.2 percent in their 50 and 60s). While the large portion of young adults may not be surprising, what is is that Yano performed a survey (with an unspecified number of responses) in which 30.6 percent of the self-identifying boys’ love fans were male.

While it may seem that boys’ love stories would be naturally appealing to homosexual men, the genre is often seen as more interested in peddling steamy fantasies to female audiences, as opposed to earnest portrayals of homosexual romance, with the fact that the vast majority of boys’ love creators are women often pointed to as corroborating evidence.

However, the questionnaire doesn’t seem to have delved into respondents’ sexual orientation, so it can’t be determined what proportion of the 30.6 percent of boys’ love fans who were men were interested in the genre because it aligned with their sexual preference, or were heterosexual men enjoying the titles for other reasons.

It’s also worth pointing out that one year before the survey showing 30.6 percent of the boys’ love fans were men, Yano performed an identical survey in which only 17.9 percent of boys’ love fans were male, though some may call even that figure surprisingly high.

Unfortunately, while the study has recently been attracting renewed attention online in Japan, the 30.6-percent-male survey itself was conducted in 2016, and Yano doesn’t appear to have performed the study again since then, so maybe it’s something they should thin about adding to the company’s annual study on the state of the otaku community and economy.

Source: X Business via Otakomu

>heterosexual men enjoying the titles for other reasons

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Nipples are beauty.

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Today the ass was fat.

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What's up with that hot doujin series this dude got?

That one from Future Diary wasn't even subtle. He just straight up was Kaworu.

I don't know but they are awesome.

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This is peak slut.

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fuck off with your general, faggots

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He's right though. Template thread and general.

No one is allowed to break the rules

Finally an idol show for me.

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For depressed and suicidal faggots like you?

>unironically using the word "tourist"
yeah, you can leave now

Threadly reminder to ignore the spammer.

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>nostalgia thread gets deleted
>blatant fujo general stays up for 2 days

Really makes me think

>prefering the worst of 80s bon chic bon genre over currrent day minimalism
Shit taste, cry more.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Devilman Crybaby - 08 [720p].mkv_snapshot_03.36_[2018.01.11_22.54.04].jpg (1280x720, 73K)

This thread is the epitome of spam. Go back to discord.

lmao her samefagging keeps bumping the thread for free

All that's missing is

Yeah yeah.
You must be 18 to post here.

Better i don't say what I think. Keep reporting every time you spot the shit homo generals.

>the official twitter cannot even reach 6K

What do I even report it as I don't see the ''This thread is a general'' on the option list, jannies should be the ones that delete this shit as soon as they see it, yet they keep ignoring this eyesore

>there are K9s trained to monitor Yea Forums now
That's actually amazing.

then they would also have to ban buyfag,waifu and drawfag threads

True; but the entertainment value still stands, I feel bad for the staff though.

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Spamming/flooding or extremely low quality.

Yeah. Forget any S2 as well.

Both styles are meant to look dorky and stupid and out of place high fashion, but Ryo pulls it off. The giant sideburns came off exactly the same way to the original audience as the KPop bowl cut does to today's. Complaining about it misses the point. You can't move the show 40 years forward in time and not change the fashion.

I'll go with low quality

Oh yeah kill the drawthreads smart fujo

Drawfags are literally redd*t tier.


Dumb general fujo

It is unfortunate. Yang-san better get some justice.

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Fuck off

It's kind of obvious it's the very same guy replying to himself as last week:

What a coincidence the same OP image, man that's silly

There's at least two of us, you retarded landwhale

I feel sorry hearing Sugita's unrequited love.

>side burns
>dorky and stupid and out of place high fashion
user everyone had these back then. Ask for the wedding pic of people who married in the 70s/80s in your family. Most guys will have the same haircut as pic related.
Also there is nothing high fashion about OVA Ryo's outfit. The most aesthetic thing about OVA Ryo is his car. That's it.

Attached: totally not char.jpg (350x246, 56K)

He’s sorta bi too, as much as you can get away with without saying it outright.

>being an unironic homo during ramadan
you'll burn in hell

Maybe his gun.

lmao samefag


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Why do you need a reason? I love how on model it is.

I miss him. I miss gundam.

Attached: [BudLightSubs] Kidou Senshi Gundam Tekketsu no Orphans - 25 [720p].mkv_snapshot_07.55_[2017.03.21_23 (1280x720, 99K)

I can't wait to go to my usual fujo general on Yea Forums to talk with my usual fujofriends, feels good having a literal chatroom on an imageboard where we can talk about random homo shit haha

Meh, the show is kinda dull.

Some of these people should not be on here.

>He’s sorta bi too, as much as you can get away with without saying it outright.

Attached: [GloriousSchwarz] KING OF PRISM by Pretty Rhythm [BD720p-Engsub].avi_snapshot_39.53_[2016.07.14_22.1 (1280x720, 142K)

Welcome to 4channel.

Sugita-san just puts so much heartbreak into it; I hope we get Hachi's backstory soon.
Too bad there is a very small amount of fanart.
Must be a matter of different taste, I found it pretty entertaining but it is fine if it isn't your thing.

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Imagine not fucking off to discord or tumblr or whatever shithole you came from when the entire Yea Forums is against your general threads.

That still proves my point.


>Yea Forums is one person
go away, we're having a comfy discussion here

What the heck do you define as "saying it outright"? Characters saying "I like cock"?

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Go have a comfy discussion where generals are allowed

Yea Forums is not your comfy space dumbass. You are breaking at least 2 rules.

>All these comments complaining about the homo in the last chapters

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why don't you just hide the thread if it annoys you THAT much? and show me the rule where it says threads like this aren't allowed

>Characters saying "I like cock"?
Pretty sure even that isn't even enough confirmation for canonfags.
Try "I had several penises stuck inside me on screen and girl genitalia disgusts me to the point I vomited on my mom's cunt when I was born".

Whar annoys me is you being able to have generals when the rest of the board can't, and yes generals aren't allowed where the fuck do you think you are

Wow. Graphic. To be fair, I still find people who deny the homo in YoI.

1. this isn't a general (it's always a different OP)
2. you still haven't posted the official rule

Anime announcement any day now.
I wish
I really have a thing for younger guys dominating their elders.

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Don't even argue. The mod will take care of the spammer sooner or later.

This is a literal general you dumbass

you're right, i will just ignore the shitposter now. it's a time waste

It's a template thread because it has the same exact OP pic and the subject is always a ruse to make it pass for a valid thread. Fuck off already.

user you don't even know what a general is, stop embarrassing yourself and lurk for 10 years.

If Shin can kiss a guy or Taiga visibly blush at guys Kakeru can do than just talk about someone’s ass that one time.

By now almost every thread I visit on this board has one of those mentally ill retards. I am still traumatized from A*K. Not sure if it's due to the board being slower than once but it got way worse regarding single nonstop shitposters.

Hilarious how you gays and fujos are so proudly defending your cancer threads and tell others to lurk more. Pure entertainment.

Tell me the fucking purpose of this thread, how is a chatroom for fujos not a general, is it a coincidence it's the same fucking image

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Are you children? Why can't you idiots just ignore the shitposters?

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the OP text determines if something is a general/template thread and not the fucking pic, lurk for at least 3 more years

Reminder that you can't beat the white cock.

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>it's a coincidence

It's repetition and a general topic that defines the creation of a general, tell me how is this thread any different from what you would call a general, it's the same fucking shit

Pretty much implied that they are a couple with Shinomiya nearly calling Nanashima by his first name and they are “roommates” even though both are enough money to live on their own.

But I don’t blame Junko for wanting those shoujo bucks. It pays much better than being a BL mangaka. I still hope she can do the occasional one shot still. Fuck, I wish that she made a Nanashima/Shinomiya doujin now.

Does anybody even scan and upload the hypothetical Taiwanese BL doujinshi to anywhere?

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>Mugi in the OP
>the text is talking about Kaworu

Is this supposed to be an Evangelion or a Samurai Champloo thread

There's around 10 shounen generals up at any given time here, don't get mad at a thread that's older than you are.

>the Naruto thread talks about Naruto
>the Bnha thread talks about Bnha

What does this thread talk about, which series

>Acid Town updated

Holy shit, Hyoudou got THICC. The evolution of Kyuugo's style is fantastic, too bad she doesn't draw many older dudes compared to her twinks.

Also hopefully MC fucks him instead of the boring ass childhood friend.

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Dunno why. It’s going to be a straight end anyway.

A bunch of series that obviously trigger you, faggot.


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I've checked the cast for this one. It's pandering to the extreme, but I'm still gonna watch it.

Are they going to make Oda a pedo for shotas?

Forget it, even though that's historically accurate.

>a bunch of series

We can't have that now can we, could you say these series a common ''general'' topic

>the Naruto thread talks about Naruto
>the Bnha thread talks about Bnha

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Oh no they talk about random fujotrash, wait that's you

Why is Yea Forums still metaposting?

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This feels like it was made in 2006

Can you stop replying to the retarded /pol/tard?

As a Gundam homo lover I'm livid

Me too. Also,
Incest is best!

Let it go user, it isn't worth the trouble.
What are you enjoying most this season?

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Who's this hottie

>instead of the boring ass childhood friend
The two mains still didn't fuck?
What's the point of this series?

Why are you?

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>Also hopefully MC fucks him instead of the boring ass childhood friend.
What's the point of the manga if they don't I'm afraid Hyoudou will sacrifice himself to protect him

Think twice.

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>Oh no they talk about random fujotrash, wait that's you
You clearly don't know what the fuck is going on in BnHA threads.

I don't even care about the way Crybaby Ryo looked, it's his character I completely disliked. He's almost nothing like the original. Also, the 70s sideburns were actually in tone with the times. I've only seen the bowlcut on Korean men and that's it, if you want to talk fashion.

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Very nice golden boy.

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Again this thread? Didn't you post this last week? Last time I checked, Homo threads was not supposed to be posted weekly.

Fuck that's a hot Shin.

>junko makes shojo now
>yoneda kou has a long running detective series and nothing says she'll keep making BL after Saezuru
Is BL something you grow out of? Or is it just the money?

Because the character designer is Atsuko Nakajima, who designed the anime for GetBackers and Ranma 1/2.


Money. You think you can grow out of being a fujo? Don't kid yourself.
An example would be Haruko Kumota, who still does BL on the side.

Oh shit, what a legend.

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I don't know, maybe some do.
But yeah even successful exemples of transitions like the girl who wrote Rakugo I'm pretty sure never grew out of it. You can just tell.

Why is this shit still up

It’s money. The BL industry is structured like the hentai industry: you are basically paid for a chapter and if your story get popular enough, you might be able to turn it to a series and very few mangaka can achieve that on a regular basis.

Never mind there is a bigger audience and are the kickbacks if you get it made into an anime. It’s much rarer in BL.

Aren't they like distant cousins?

This looks like it could have been an Aarin Fantasy banner.

Not only that, shoujo can get very successful jdrama adaptations that have a bigger audience than anime.

>The two mains still didn't fuck?
At this rate ask me again in 2022.

She did deliver a pretty hot sex scene at one point, though.

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A general thread that you should report.

No, they're half uncle and nephew. Katsuragi is the son the MC's grandpa had with a geisha.

Not bad.

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Why are you faggot still here in a homo thread?

That's what makes her style great.

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Agreed, I really need to watch more stuff from this period.

There's a live action adaptation of BL manga What did you eat yesterday? airing this season and the manga won a Kodansha award recently. It's not as bad to be in BL compared to hentai.

Because you don't choose were I should or shouldn't be.

>implying the bnha threads aren't even more gay than this one

I want to breed this rabbit.

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>Because you don't choose were I should or shouldn't be.
Neither do you have that right over me or anyone itt.

Back then men had nipples.

And also, I forgot to mention, some authors get caught up in exclusivity contracts so they probably can’t make any BL during that time.

But it’s mostly money. That’s why you better be prepared if your favorite BL
author “go straight” because it would be the last you will probably see BL works from them.

I am still sad about Lily Hoshino even if her works were mostly traps, it was beautiful.

I do, if your thread is against the rules.

She's been in the industry for a long time, there's no specific period.

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But Hoshino still does gay doujin.

That isn’t BL. It’s seinen and a serialized one as that. Don’t let the main gay couple fool you. I don’t remember the last time Fumi Yoshinaga did a BL title. And no, Antique Bakery wasn’t a BL title either.

Lily Hoshino drew a BL illustration for Rutile 2 months ago and one of her last ongoing manga has a homo couple. Between pregnancy and drawing designs for anime and games she hasn't been focusing on her manga.

The last time I know she made any was Tiger and Bunny. Which series she making doujins of now?

Also body hair.

Lily Hoshino still does gay shit.

But I think she got the preggo and she has been mostly disinterested in anime and manga for a while now.

Purely out of curiosity, how did fujos react when Devilman Crybaby animated a hardcore gay sex scene?

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This looks interesting.
>Studio Deen
Oh God.

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It was hot

Out of all mangaka Lily Hosino is far from being disinterested in BL. Her manga career has been inconsistent since she became a mother.

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On the other hand, you have mangaka like Yuu Watase or Mayu Shijnou who go into BL after becoming popular in the shoujo field.

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Walk on water updated.

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I'm going by bakaupdates info:

Personally it took me by complete surprise, how did they get it past the censors?

I didn't like it, not hot nor aesthetic. It was obviously designed to look gross and gross people out.
The scene where the demon girl rape killed that guy was better.

Next you'll be telling me that Banana Fish wasn't a BL title.

>if your thread is against the rules.
>people discuss shows with a common theme in them and actually reach bumplimit
>meanwhile we have 24/7 moe threads about nothing but "isn't this X character cute?????" and you don't move an eyebrow about them
You hypocritical piece of shit, you have nothing on me or anyone itt. This is your last (You) from me, enjoy it to the fullest.

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Doesn't really matter when it's just background/setting homo of ugly side characters.

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Well, if you are purely into her character design, she was around from 1988 to about 2006 and started up again with Sakamoto-san in 2016. She works mainly on key animation nowadays though although she occasionally directs an anime episode here and there.

By being on Netfix.

>. It was obviously designed to look gross and gross people out
What? In which ways?

Netflix allows for freedoms regular TV doesn't have.

Speak for yourself. My dick enjoyed it.

I don't remember, I'd need to rewatch it, but that's what it felt like to me at the time.
Close ups on flacid ass I guess?

Posting screenshots from logh won't make your argumentation automatically smart. But keep on deluding yourself.

Last month Lily Hoshino's oldest son had cold and developed bronchitis so he had to be hospitalized, then the same thing happened her second son, her oldest got worse with lymphadenitis and her and her husband caught colds too.

>dark skin + pale skin
I see he's a man of taste.

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It was just an average sex scene. There are plenty of gross stuff in nu-Devilman, but that wasn't one.

me too user, I must have fapped at least five times to all the sex scenes in that anime, they were all so hot and disgusting at the same time, really turns me on

Attached: wholesome homodachi discussion.png (800x1137, 815K)

How is it a BL title?

BF is published in a shoujo magazine, technically it's a shoujo. Genre and demographic are two separate things.

Scans for this died, right?

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There's the clincher. Females are less likely to enjoy random sex scenes without emotional attachment. Not all, but probably most.

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Not him but to be fair it's harder to give BL the "if it's released in a BL magazine it's BL otherwise it isn't" treatment considering BL isn't a demographic like most magazines and the first homosexual love stories were released in shojo magazines.
It all depends on whether you look at it as a genre or as a title released in a magazine.

>Haru cheating on Makoto with some random Nordic douche that swims good

Is he also the kind to argue whether is Gil or Ozy the one with the bigger dick?

Pretty sure it was licensed in my country.

>the Japanese cold

Does it even matter which one is bigger if both are humongous?

If they were considered good looking men sometimes before JC was born they probably has a very small dick.
Big dicks are gross anyways.

Not all dick owners are sluts without standards. Everyone wants meaningful sex scenes.

Do you seriously believe this?

How does it end?

I think, since it's licensed.

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No where in my post did I call all boys sluts. It's just biologically true males like to see sex more than females, though those standards are mostly with normalfags. Otaku males and females are a different kind of filth.

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It was great for a quick fap, how is it hard to understand?I couldn't give a shit about the guy and his bf. Sucks to be you.
Porn movies don't have 1 hour of character development so that the sex scene is "meaningful".

I'll try to look this up and tell you next thread.

Not that they would flaunt their dicks in public.

>Scans died at chapter 6
Sad. Is it just me scans for licensed BL are very hard to find for some reason?

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But eroge do.

>for some reason
Oh you sweet child. You sound younger than this millenium.

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>chapter 6
You mean 29? Maybe your google has a parental block or something.

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>Big dicks are gross anyways.
Say that to my sweet anaconda manga.

It's almost like a good portion of groups are sekrit clubs that do it for the exclusive e-peen. Weird huh?

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>Only 2 chapters left
Felt like it's going to have a rushed end

Also too bad the dude never did a threesome

Different approach

I meant Volume 6, brain fart.

I know about sekret clubs, but they are usually for things they scanlated themselves. The only secret club for Official stuff I can think off is The GP stuff because they were forced to do it due to the Yaoi Jews actually treating lawsuits for people reposting their shit.

I actually really liked that one. The way the anaconda turned on the uke and became his obsession was very hot.

Yeah. If you want to read 7, you have to buy it. I'm glad digital version are available.

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>sequel series never

Attached: fight for novakun.gif (500x281, 1.48M)

Remember to report all the shitposters so we can delete all this garbage filler.

Please tell there's porn and provide links

The only thing I'll add is that OP should have not made the thread on the same day. Stop scheduling the thread.

There are small brain anons among us.

What I liked the most was that despite the guy's huge dick being the main focus of the story, there was still plenty of room for them to develop a very wholesome romance. Kinky and lovely at the same time is the best.

>2 chapters left
Are you sure there isn't more? It would be weird.
I hope not, that doesn't sound like enough time for Chang Liu to rape Ed's ass.

I'm sure, I checked out the raws.

maybe 2 more chapters until the end of this season user

She's another one that's never going back to drawing BL.

Agreed. That scene where he exposed his ass to the sun was gold too. A pretty good title all around.

>Homo NTR
Hot. We hardly have any of it.

>kamisama to tobenai tsukai still not updated
>juujin kemonohito remnant still not updated
I am going to die.

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She did illustrations for Pacat's books.

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Joshua is peak Kaworuclone

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SuBLime's digital releases are individually watermarked.

Apparently there is a part 2 in the works.

Josh doesn't get nearly as much recognition as he deserves.

>That title
Kek, my thoughts as well.

Captive Prince worth the read?

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Where? I can't see it.

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It's YA shit, so no.

The Japanese edition is worth it for the illustrations alone (even if one can't read Japanese).

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>When you're drawing for a shoujo magazine but you wanna draw ahegao anyway

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Does the fact that she is doing the character designs in Three Houses mean that they'll go all out with the fujo pandering?

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momiji best boy. i read the manga. is the adaption good? i think this is the second anime it's gotten
what the fuck is with nips and colds? i never get sick.

This looks pretty good, how come her FE art looks like shit?


The last time I bought one of their volumes it had my username on the bottom of the page every 7 pages or so.

I still read YA stuff occasionally, it's nice to read something easier sometimes.

Cute. Yeah she does draw him like Gil.

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Define 'fujo pandering'. And this is Nintendo Switch.

I'm liking it so far. Never seen the 2001 adaptation so I can't really compare.

Young children are literally germ incubators. Probably the most sickest period of a person’s life since young childhood is when you are parent of them.

What's this?

No considering the guys look extremely ugly.

>toe curl while getting the BBC
What a slut

Good. I'd be mad if there weren't, I'm actually more taken with Chang Liu's subplot and his ankward attempts at predatory romance than the main romance itself.

they get immunity from breastmilk right? just breastfeed them until age 6 when they stop eating random shit they find on the ground. problem solved. kids are disgusting.

Is male ecchi becoming more acceptable for preteen girls? Shounen manga always had extremely lewd girls so it seems it's going the other way.

Get off your phone and read the filename.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] King of Prism - Shiny Seven Stars - 02 [720p].mkv_snapshot_10.00_[2019.04.24_18.49.21 (1280x720, 179K)

I can't find anything on mine. Maybe it depends on where you bought it from.

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What the fuck is that ugly ass

>Get off your phone and read the filename.
No I mean, what's this in general? Is it good? Is there an actual threesome in it?

Oh wow.

It's the kind of book that hooks you badly enough to read all three books in three days but then you're burnt out and disapointed once you reach the end. Climax was disapointing. The villain was so bad and cliché. It's a nice ride though.

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My fucking dick.

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Toe curling is god-tier details.

> breastfeed them until age 6
I don't think it's normally physically possible to produce milk for this long.

This, what the fuck?

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I sure hope so, though I don't know of any authors besides Nao-sensei doing it right now.

Attached: adekan chapter 62 2.jpg (1280x1280, 478K)

It doesn’t work that way, senpai. It only works for the first few month up to the second year.

Very nice indeed, I wonder why she's so inconsistent.

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The new face of FE.

Boku no google

Read it last night, hope it gets translated.

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Sure, the second book is pretty great and the rest is okay.

I feel you, the main couple is nice but kinda boring.
Chang Liu's yanhomo/pseudo-incest angle on the other hand is exactly my cup of tea.

How is the Mononokean manga?

I'm not asking the title dummy, I'm asking if there is an actual threesome relationship in it.

Did I miss something? The designs all looked like her usual style to me.

They obviously chose her in an attempt to cater to girls. But that doesn't mean the game will have any fujobait or homos. A good chance there will be though, there is always some. Soren, Leon, Niles, etc.

There's this.

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Dimitri is handsome! And not discount Jusis!

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>Yuu Watase
I wish she'd make another serious BL story like Sakuragari. It was a wild ride to read this after seeing Fushigi Yuugi.

This, Claude doesn't look too bad either, but Dimitri is kinda like, who Draco Malfoy wishes he were, I can't help being attracted. He's just my type.

I couldn't stop myself.

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Oberstein a cute and Ed a cute.

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I can't believe I get to live in the golden age of chocolate. I enthusiastically welcome our new brown overlords.

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Great minds think alike user.
I do want McQueen and Ed to be happy, but after Chang Liu rapes Ed, realizes Ed doesn't love him anymore and never will, and he goes to cry alone in the shower like he has PTSD while Ed is picking up his clothes and fucking off.


Have you been watching Mayonaka no occult koumuin? There's a cute brown trickster god in that.

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My favourite Kaworu clones have more character than him

Incest is the best

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A shame scans are so slow.

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>Brown on white
For fuck sake, I just fapped.

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At least post other doujins, come on.

That looks a bit too feminine for my tastes, but still, it's always good to know about other brown homos. Thanks user.

Incest porn will never top that doujin, deal with it.

Reminder bleached is superior to blacked.

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This doujin is shit. I could pick the first fanfiction I find in the GeorgexFred tag sorted with least commented first and it would be better by a landmile.

Why is old man x teenage boy so patrician?

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Wait, is that a masaki doujin?

>delicious yanhomo tears and suffering
You are truly a man of culture.

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Love stories are like wars. It's more entertaining when the forces at play are unbalanced, and the main conflict is asymetrical.

The FE designs look very bland. I'm actually surprised she can draw like that.

That's the most stereotypical fujo way of thinking possible user, no offense intended.

The MC is awful anyway. I hope Nisaka ends up with the cute and handsome government assigned boy that he deserves.

How is this better, he can't choose freely anyway

I want her to write a silly BL title but I doubt she could even write anything light hearted all the way though.

The golden rule is that the best fap material is found the moment you finish fapping.

I just joined and I'm actually crying about it. Not the looks mostly but the change of personality all together.
Barely can find any doujins and fapfics that are not Crybaby vers.

My favourite Kaworu clone is fine with being trash

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Yeah but there's still this bitter feeling that the homos can never have what they originally wanted. Sure, some years of self improvement later they find the right guy and everyone is super happy then. But it's almost mandatory for them to give up at first, and that's unfair and painful. I can't help but wish some author changed that.

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And like with war, rape is often involved.

I didn't know that the Sweet Pool manga has an official English release.

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Hidaka Shoko's long series are great

What do you think of Anguished One in devil survivor 2?

I still want a new anime by Devil Survivor

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Sasuga kyoani

He's my 2nd favourite after Yamato. I wish there was a new game or smtv news.

It's just classic that stood against millennials from ancient times

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His eyelashes in anime are still my nightmare

It allows you to relive the time of your sexual awakening.

Fire Emblem designs died after Awakening got popular, I strongly believe she did what they asked for.

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I still think pic related had one of the most delicious designs in the entire FE franchise though.

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But Charlotte is the best thing to come out modern FE
and why are you implying Awakening wasn't guilty of same shit the other games are

I'm not implying that, I'm saying Awakening's popularity killed any integrity FE could have.

Don't be a slut, user.


>we will never have a Gundam with all the homo tier of 00
brb Gonna kill Aniplex's CEO

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