Did this remind anyone else of Stephen King’s IT?
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no, there's no underaged gangbang
that was so fucking hot
reminded me of the william shatner ep of twilight zone
more like
I love the effect they're going for having KC act as Diavolo while Doppio is the active personality. It should get played up in the last fight too.
I hope we see KC in the moon speaking to Doppio at least once in order to complete the reference.
The way DP conveys King Crimson as Diavolo really is great, it makes it feel like Doppio's stand is controlling him instead of the other way around.
Reminds me more of King's The Dark Half
>beginning of new part
>"Listen here Jojo I'll beat you with my stand"
>*the Jojo of this part goes and BTFOs this person*
>"Wow Jojo since you beat me I'm gonna be your friend"
>repeat until the gang of good guys is done
I like jojo but anyone else notice that pattern?
It's only horribly obvious in part 3
Was the worst in part 4 imo. They didnt even have the flesh bud excuse.
That is how it works in real life. To become broes you should fight each other.
Nothing convinces people like a good beatdown.
So to become an extroverted Chad with lots of friends I just have to beat the shit out of a lot of people
You've come to understand the true message of jojo, good job.
this doesn't happen at all in part 5 and only happens twice in part 3, because DIO mind controlled them. The only part where it's even noticeable, let alone egregious, is 4
>this doesn't happen at all in part 5
Happened exactly once between Bruno and Giorno.
Are there no HQ BW scans for Stone Ocean? I could only find the first volume but after that they're all like pic related.
I wanted to reread part 6 since it's been a while since I first read it and I thought scans would be redone by now.
It happened in 5 between Bruno and Giorno though.
There's not really much demand for it now that the colour version exists and its at least reasonably decent looking.
I guess it sort of counts, but it's nowhere near the degree that part 3 and 4 takes it to
Damn that sucks, I really dislike color scans so I guess I'll just not reread it.
I thought I read a while back something about it being rescanned but I guess I was confusing it with Part 5.
Comes out on June 26th user, have patience.
It was at least to the degree that Bruno was willing to support a 15 year old kid who wanted to defeat the boss of a country wide mafia, I'd say it's enough.
In part 3 at least they were being mind controlled by DIO
Can Purple Haze's virus counter Green Day's mold?
I wouldn't think so, at least not effectively, I don't really know if a virus/infection can grow on microscopic mold, but even if it could, I imagine that Greenday would still outpace it, and with Purple Haze only having a limited number of shots, I don't think he'd be that much help against Cioccolata in the situation we see in the manga.
Only conceivable advantage is that the cloud wouldn't dissipate as long as it was night time/it stayed away from street lamps, but even then, I figure it'd be a big enough threat to the team/Rome that he wouldn't WANT to use it anyway, at least not until just before sunrise.
Maybe it is? Maybe it is a sentient stand?
I'm reaching here but what if King Crimson is literally the Devil?
Certainly, the setting is there:
>Nobody knows who the father is
>Diavolo's mother pregnancy resembles virgin Mary's, albeit a little darker
>Don't remember if this was in the manga too, but Doppio's eyes changing color as a newborn
>Religious background
>The deceiving appearance and attitude of Doppio
>The name of the stand is King Crimson
>Fucker is fighting the son of God (Dio)
>Name of the second(?) (or the one who shows only when he's hiding) personality is Diavolo
>All that religious motifs of part 5, DP even got a Enigma song as the ED
Is Enigma a Christian band?
> more 'diavolo is the devil' shit theorys
Epic counterpoint.
dont need a counterpoint to a theory so stupid
Early pt 5 anime looks so weird...
No, but some of the lyrics contain Christian symbolism
>"I have an ability where I can tell if someone is lying by tasting their sweat"
>does it once and never again
Also reminder that Bruno licked and punched a minor (numerous times) in public
That wasn't a real ability.
It's not an ability, retard. He was trying to intimidate Giorno.
Why do you think is a stupid theory?
Why does Violet Evergarden get hate? It's just a chinese cartoon.
I don't like Gold Experience so much but his design is so cute, part 5 stands are cute af.
It was just a method of intimidation
>Also reminder that Bruno licked and punched a minor (numerous times) in public
Ok, this is true
Is she female Giorno?
>part 5 stands are cute af.
How? He put a eyeball into his hand, what the fuck is licking him supposed to change anything?
It's a bit of a reach, but I don't think it's any more or less plausible than most other theories. Diavolo's whole existence is just one big question without a answer.
part 5 against bruno too, he acted like a psychopath even without the fleshbud
But that's basically only okuyasu? and he did that for a reason
>bug eyes
I really hate stands with these.
Rohan, Yukako, I'm sure there are some other i forgot
>Also reminder that Bruno licked and punched a minor (numerous times) in public
Happens to all of us
Can King Crimson skip catching a cold
The action window for King Crimson is said to be ten seconds, and a cold virus infects a host hours or days before symptoms become apparent. So no.
Diavolo is his birth name, and he didn't get a stand until he discovered the arrows.
>Bruno's stand in Jorge Joestar novel is called StepMOM
Perfect. Movie adaptation when
False, they don't go by JoJo after Part 3.
Which one should I choose ?
All those are cringe but BW Diego
from this, Iggy or any KQ
15 is probably the best looking one so i would go with that
16 or 17
>Kira fingers arent centered around the camera
Imagine being this onions
Yeah my friend said the same.
Diavolo is clearly meant to be the antichrist, and Giorno is Jesus
So DIO is really meant to be God ?
Then what does that make Jesus?
What episode does part 5 start?
How does it compare to other parts in the anime?
Giorno counterpart
goodjob user you figured it out
He doesn't act like God unlike Giorno and Diavolo for the antichrist/jesus theory
Guys I have a question about King Crimson.
If Diavolo jumps an airplane without a parachute, when he is about to hit the ground and die can he skip that 1sc where he hits it and be able to survive?.
>underaged gangbang
>he doesn't act like God
What if you're a fucking moron?
trish is smoking hot why aren't there more female jojo characters
Why is Emperor Crimson in a dryer?
Japan man scared of womens
just wait 1 more part retard
Stephen King is a sick fuck
The guy with Surface and the the guy who became Koichis bitch and spent the entire part in the hospital
in the books they beat IT by all fucking the girl one after another because love kills him or something fucking retarded like that
Part 8 has everything
>cute girl next door
>oversexed busty blind girl
>stuck up model
>stoic meido
>perverted rockbrain milf
>stinky homeless girl
>did literally nothing wrong gilf
>naricisstic plastic surgery milf
having more than one useful woman in a story is immersion breaking and implausible
which character is the most similar to you and why is it Joshu?
Whichever one has the biggest tits
Yea Forums is Hazamada
JoJo has always been about the supernatural and the occult. Diavolo has the aesthetic of a demon if he isn't outright one.
I can feel it
The one with Iggy looks the most normal.
For me it's Yoshikage Kira - intelligent, nihilistic and with a wicked sense of humor.
I actually have a fetish for pretty female hands
The scene doesn't have anything to do with them beaing IT.
>Stephen King’s IT
When the cast of JJBA get an arc written which includes an underage gangbang for no reason whatsoever, I'll agree with you, OP. But not before.
Fuck that pedo Stephen King, and his pedo spectacles
>no part 6 themes
>an underage gangbang for no reason whatsoever
I know that it's disgusting but it isn't the only thing that happens in the book.
Well, it put me off his work, which I used to enjoy. He's got worse since then (I'm not talking about sexual content, I mean that King is way past his prime and should give it all up, or at least write stories outside of Maine. His entire mythos seems like "Sunnydale" from Buffy by now).
>Diavolo is his birth name
Who would call their son Diavolo?
>Well, it put me off his work, which I used to enjoy.
Ok then. You don't have to mention it every time that the book gets brought up.
>You don't have to mention it every time
This may surprise you, but there is currently more than one user ITT complaining about his loli gangbang scene.
>Stephen King is a sick fuck
...and Jeffrey Epstein's buddy too
I know that.
Also Diavolo has to go through eternal suffering as a punishment similar to the devil at the end of Revelation
I haven't read the book but I thought that was when they were older? I mean in the tv series two guys kiss her and no one questions it
Hazamada because I have no gf and think people should be killed for liking things I don't
>1M of views
Holy shit
also don't forget
>dio was at the top of the stairs while diavolo was at the bottom
Well posting a girl who was 10/10 even as a loli doesn't help refute your argument!
Fuck you speedreader
Rohan wasn't really evil and challenged anyone.
They kept fucking with him and he hates the MC.
This post right here proves all the bullshit about “lolis aren’t real kids, they’re fiction so it’s fine, lol” to just be a lazy coverup for pedophiles
most visualy boring ed so far
Made for BRC...
It's better than the visuals for Freek'n You. Especially the first one that was just the characters and their stands scrolling past.
They're in the same tier for me. What's your faveourite ED? For me it's walk like an egyptian
I require sex with Daiya
They ride a train on the girl in the books. Not in the movies for obvious reasons.
I like that Green Day is just a battle over who has the higher ground. So regarding how Mistah's Sex Pistols work, do each of them have their own sentient mind or is it some sort of hive mind thing? If each one has sentient and their own individuality wouldn't that be breaking the only one Stand per user rule?
The song and visuals are different things. Walk Like an Egyptian is probably my favorite with both song and visuals. Roundabout is great too. After WLAE the quality seemed to fall off and the songs at least for me aren't as "big". Part 4's ending visuals were kind of cool at times but I wasn't a fan of the CGI and cardboard cutout visuals for most of the ending. But Freek'n You's visuals were garbage at first. The second version wasn't as bad. The current one isn't amazing in either way but it's not bad. And adding defeated enemies to the pillar is pretty cool.
It's probably a hive mind to some extent but they do show that they all have their own personalities. I mean Bad Company was sort of hive mind-ish too but it had helicopters, tanks, normal soldiers, and green berets which I don't think is that different. They don't have as strong individual personalities as Sex Pistols but they're still sort of individual, especially if you talk about the different types it has.
Mista is just mentally ill, don't think too much about it
Mista has 7 different split personalities. 6 of them have each individual Sex Pistol as a stand, and the 7th is the ability for him to control his other personalities
Obviously Mista is being possessed by 6 demons
I'm more of a Doppio wishing he was a Diavolo
Arent they like 12? Fucking why?
Fuck if I know, how the hell does a train even fit inside the sewers?
Would Diavolo really have sicced the guys he finds repulsive on two random shitters who weren't even really a threat to him
Like, he only deployed them against the guys who fought him and lived as an absolute last resort
Something something need to grow up quickly
I wish Trish would crush my with those thighs
>i killed them all Yasuho, not just the rockmen, but the rockwomen and rockchildren too
What did gappy mean by this?
what was the context for this?
Since we're semi-discussing Stephen King wasn't the movie Abbachio referenced regarding INS The Langoliers? I was reading the short story not long ago and they brought up how INS works towards the end before flying through the portal again
Wow, Mista's cum is nasty
I literally just want her to kill me and then spit on my lifeless body
Be a good boy and clean her up, would you
Diavolo didn't know how sick Cioccolata and Secco were until he investigated them. Dunno if that was before or after the homo slicing.
>nobody should be allowed to live to the age of 89
what did Rai Mamezuku mean by this?
Mamezuku's Run
Some user already brought the fact that Stephen King already has a Crimson King?
His demise is kinda similar to
Diavolo's too
Wait i really don't think Early Part 5 Anime changed a lot from Mid Part 5 Anime other then the quality moments increasing slightly
Why can he reference King Crimson but not Jojo
King name drops a lot of music lyrics and bands in his works that others can't get away with for some reason.
I like the petshop one the best
The Jojo anime's talked about the Beatles and other celebrities before without the subs being changed but then the actual stand names are changed.
>Polly's VA isn't the same as SDC
Damn shame
Who'd call their son fish or melon
This is how she looks at me after slitting my throat and watching me bleed away
Damn that's an image I haven't seen in a long time.
Plus Fripp is clearly well aware of the ebin maymay
Those are probably their surnames like Zucchero
if there is a sbr anime, will Diego have a different va from dio?
Each pistol is an individual which can act independently from one another and Mista.
I am pretty sure it's the same VA
>he think they would use Polnareff voice for the computer scene and reveal the twist that it was him all along
Being aware of a meme is not a legal contract
I kinda hope so, Koyasu has like one voice
Part 6 sucks reading it, but I Unironically believe DP can save it.
It's the same VA.
>My grandfather was simply too old, I had to unplug him.
Wasn’t it weird when he dropped this line with no context?
Joking about it would seem to suggest you're comfortable with it
are they gonna add Green day and oasis to the ed?
i hope not because i enjoy the space between the villains and purple haze
I'm most like Diavolo because I have very similar Build to him, have long hair, and am exceedingly introverted but talk with people on the phone a lot from the comfort of my home. I am obsessed with keeping my anonymity online and go through various methods to secure it. I have no social media presence whatsoever for this reason. I'm not socially awkward when I talk to people I just normally don't like to interact with people unless I have to. I'm also moving to Italy soon.
Part 6 ED themes for first half and second half
I'm more of a Polpo guy myself
Did he ever reference Prince? Prince is the reason why Crunchyroll is afraid of copyright.
I would have preferred if Risotto had won and was the final boss because King Crimson seems like he's some chuuni roleplaying teenagers OC stand and Araki had to actually asspull for him to lose
I don't think the band invented the phrase. I think it's just a name for the Devil.
He may have at some point. I've read a good amount of his works but I think he may have brought up Purple Rain or something once or twice during Dark Tower, I can't really remember.
Yeah but I'm pretty sure King has literally just said it's a reference to the KC album
I hope not.
Absolutely not
That's Shigechi actually
Too obvious. I think they'd so something like
First half:
Second half:
Last episode gets What A Wonderful World.
All Along the Watchtower feels more like Part 7 or 8
Yeah he was a greedy jew stealing shekels.
Part 7 :
The currency of Japan is yen actually
I really want Bonjovi's dead or alive for the part 7 ED
>Greedy jew gets killed by Aryan man
what did Araki mean by this?
Kira is a japanese guy who stands out a lot.
Part 7: youtube.com
>Blond hair
>Blue eyes
>Kills a jew
I'm thinking he's aryan
>You’ve got to have an extreme right-wing front come up and sweep everything off its feet and tidy everything up
The games keep the voice.
What's especially impressive is that although you might not notice it without a direct comparison, Takehito Koyasu, his VA, manages to make all three Dios have distinct ways of talking without being entirely different.
your what
What did Kira mean by this?
He was finno-urgic
He's based on David Bowie but why doesn't he have Bowie's distinguishing eye color difference?
Part 8: youtube.com
You mean his pupil size difference?
Part 7:
Have we ever had evidence that he's actually based on Bowie? My friend kept telling me this and I told him it was bullshit.
The resemblence is pretty uncanny
The creature could only effectively torment children, so they had to symbolically skyrocket themselves to adulthood or they would die.
On one hand, weird as fuck pedophile shit. On the other hand, a decent thematic representation of the disturbing ramifications of kids needing to grow up quickly due to trauma.
Ultimately I think he could have handled the same concept without underaged sex.
That too I guess. I know that Bowie didn't have heterochromia and it was just an injury to his eye but the color of the damaged eye was also different because of that.
When is the next jojolion chapter ?
1 week from today
>king crimsons can skip every time he sneezes
is KC the best stand for everyday use?
Where does the time go
Yes, if he activates KC within 10 seconds of hitting the ground he'd escape fate and be fine on landing.
why tho
>no way to lose your keys
>would be easy to get ready for work
It's a pretty powerfull stand overall, and can fetch anything you want for you, as well being able to do simple tasks like cleaning.
>no way to lose your keys
im not retarded i hang them as soon as i get home.
i dont want to change buckets of pennies that would amount to $200
>would be easy to go to work
who gives a shit.
>not wanting to predict ten seconds into the future
fuck all these menial tasks. KC would be better. Just look at the stand users and what they accomplished
Name everyday tasks you can accomplish with the way that Crimson's pre-recognition works
King Crimson doesn't predict the future, Epitaph does. King Crimson is shit unless you're schizophrenic enough to have 2 stands
>i dont want to change buckets of pennies that would amount to $200
they litterally won the lottery thanks to it
You could literally have every Harvest steal some notes from people's wallets
Yeah but then you're actually an asshole and there are better stands to profit off of being an asshole
>heaven's door
>you will give me your bank card and pin
>Just look at the stand users and what they accomplished
Shigechi was a child and still got a shit ton of money from the lotery scheme, If you send a shit ton of harvest drones into Diavolo and use your range to your advantage you could kill him easily as well, i see that King Crimsom+ Epitath could be useful in certain situations but harvest would just make your life easier.
>le Epitaph is actually Doppio's stand meme
Epitaph is a sub stand of King Crimson. It is part of King Crimson's ability. You can't have King Crimson without Epitaph.
>steal wallet
>skip the entire interaction so that the only result is you having a wallet
>can skip sneezes, cramps, wait times
>can predict when car crashes happen
>predict the answer of asking out a qt
stop being jews
What good is predicting the answer when you're fated to ask
you can skip the shame of getting rejected
Because if she says no you can skip the fact that it ever happened and then donut her
You can't erase the fact the you asked
Next you're going to tell me is that Sheer Heart Attack is a separate stand.
SHA isn't explicitly called a separate stand though
Neither is epitaph you waste of skin
neither is epitaph?
honestly it's standard shonen
>DIO has The World and a Hermit Purple clone
>Kira has Killer Queen, Sheer Heart Attack, and Bites the Dust
>Diavolo has King Crimson and Epitaph
>Pucci has White Snake, C Moon, and Made in Heaven
>Valentine has D4C and Love Train
>Jobin has Speed King
so what is he going to suddenly reveal?
That he's not the main villain.
golden experience has such a shit design
he looks like a gay cyclist
I think Josuke and Jolyne were called jojo at least once
>looks like a gay cyclist
Jolyne's mum called her JoJo.
King was describing Beverly's nipple reactions through the entire book. The underage gangbang with detailed descrptions of every boy's peenus weenus size and feel as they penetrate that 12 year old cunny was the culmination of that.
I don't like cyclists.
Is there a colored version of that speed king
Josuke getting called Jojo once by a random bully was so forced.
I'm also sad they stopped calling Jotaro Jojo so early.
>1 week until 9 page muda
>2 weeks until disabled baguette reveal
I don't think it was forced. They were looking at his ID or whatever it was and saw that the characters for Josuke could be pronounced Jojo.
I like how Parts 4 and 5 are juxtapositions of one another
>Killer Queen/King Crimson
>Both Josuke and Giorno are bastards
>Both wear shades of the same colour
>Kira wanted to live a quiet life while Diavolo/Doppio wanted to erase his existence completely
I'm sure there's more but it is interesting
It definitely has the motifs
It's not a metaphor or anything, but the hints are all there. Araki probably got inspiration from the catholic culture of italy. Not the first time he uses a theme for a part. Part 3 is filled with horror movie references.
What authors do you think DIO would be a fan of? Giving he's into the whole enlightenment thing I think he would be into Herman Hesse and maybe Heidegger.
As I have not written any fiction about underage gangbangs, and tend to avoid the same, be this printed, animated, or what have you, I say you are talking out your arse - and that Stephen King is still shite
the scene is the definition of forced
Yeah he probably would be into the Nazi
Name one thing in part 4 that isn't forced as fuck
Maybe, but the song is really nice
>upperclassmen shit on a freshman and make fun of his name
Didn't seem that way to me.
>Both Josuke and Giorno are bastards
Parts 4, 5, and 6 are all about the abandoned children of the first three JoJo protagonists. It's a nice touch.
He seems like a guy who would enjoy Lolita for the wrong reasons. Not because of him being a pedo, but for the way Humbert reasons with supreme cognitive dissonance.
Adolf Hitler.
I thought next week was just part one of the fight?
>implying main vilain won't be kaato
And the pigs talking about Jotaro wasn't?
I'm reading SBR on chapter 23 currently. Read all previous parts in black and white but few exceptions. What arcs are truly the best experienced in colour? I just like reading black and white but enjoy good coloured chapters once in a while.
The muda is at the end of part 9, it'll be in two weeks
Catch the Rainbow
I don't remember Jotaro talking to any cops
Start of Stardust Crusaders when Jotaro is in jail and they are convincing him to get out
>about to ask her out in less than 10 seconds
>see yourself asking
>see her saying no
>the time in which you ask and get rejected is erased
There, as long as she doesn't take too long to decide you're good
Not particularly because Jotaro's nickname was in fact Jojo. He responded and was known as Jojo, and gets called Jojo afterwards until Joseph keeps calling him Jotaro and it stucks.
>Joseph calls Jotaro "Jotaro" because he doesn't want someone else to be called JoJo
Is this canon?
The father, the son and the holy spirit
123, 456, 78...?
does anyone have the image of pucci looking happy with arms wide open
it's probably because he's the grandpa and the Jojo nickname was among Jotaro's classmates
The result remains and she'll still be telling all her friends to avoid the creep
did gyro even spun johnny with his napolitean dick
Don't beg for free stuff here, support the mangaka and buy it.
The only way to buy Stone Ocean in B&W is in Japanese. Maybe he actually wants to read it.
>The creature could only effectively torment children
Contradicted in the adult half of the book.
>green tea
>not green week
Mista is a reincarnated Roland Deschain confirmed.
>No one else is ever referred to as jojo regularly because Joseph refuses to die and hand down the name
whenever you face off against Giorno, it’s always
Josuke showed him mercy and sympathy for him and his family. He was only trying to satisfy his brother who ended up dead. Hit it off as good pals after all was said and done.
Remained an asshole and hates Josuke's guts, only orbiting the group for Koichi's sake. Has his own personal reasons for helping.
Once again only orbiting Koichi and hardly associates with the rest of the group.
Just a friendly weirdo since the minute they met.
Was asked for help and given a free heal whether he agreed or not. Put his faith in Josuke out of respect.
At the end of the day they were all teens acting out of hand who just learned a lesson. Except Rohan. He's just an asshole.
fungami yuuya vs enigma is one of the best jojo battles to be honest
Because Green Day for some reason is pronounced Green Dea (Dii). And T and D sound sometimes the same in english so most people won't notice.
>Rolling Stone at the bottom
>Enemies crying upwards in agony
>Disgraced Purple Haze
>Sticky Fingers and King Crimson locked in mortal combat
>All etched on a stone pillar while O Fortuna plays alongside EDM
The visuals of this ED is something of fucking classical art. It's another reason why its such an amazing ED as a whole.
yeah but that's what they believed at the time
in reality, King just wanted to write about children fucking, and to be fair who doesn't?
Walk like an egyptian is as a whole the best ending but my heart belongs to Roundabout (both versions of the ED). It made me a Yes fan and introduced me to prog rock which now I adore.
Huh, I just looked it up and you're right. It's ディ. It still definitely sounds like dei to me though.
How does this even happen? I had heard some Yes songs (not Roundabout, but their more radio friendly songs) on the radio years before the Jojo anime even started. I can't see how it's even possible to have not at least heard of Yes before 2012. Or Pink Floyd, since you mention prog in general.
I think every part is done well enough with the weakest adaptation being 4 so far. 5 is really good compared to 4 and maybe even 3.
I'm a spic. We only get pop songs and that obnoxious mexican music with accordions you always hear in california.
As a disgusting animeonly monkey, Part 5 has been my favorite since Battle Tendency by far.
Doppio dies
He's the bad guy, he has too. I even know how.
I know every single dead in Jojo because they don't matter. Jojo truly is one of those things that is about the journey, because the overall writing is actual trash, but the moment to moment is a rollercoaster.
Part 3 was the worst adaptation. The pacing was godawful and the style was just poorly emulated in ny opinion. Part 4 also has a sorta shitty visual direction in the anime but as a whole it was far better adapted than 3. Part 5 is literally the best adaptation yet. Single most passionately made one so far.
>main villain dies
Did you know Johnny dies to a rock?
>giorno and diavolo fight in the colliseum, a place where christians were slaughtered en-masse
But Diavolo is the main villain.
Truly a shocking spoiler.
Doppio is a part of Diavolo. And even if they were separated. He is literally the second in command of the largest drug empire ever. Not to mention he's just as wanton violent and murderous as his other half if not more.
yes, and if it's not true then it's a good meme because I believe it
Ironically Diavolo doesn't actually die.
Speaking of part 4, how did Josuke's mom even bang Joseph anyway? Assuming they met after they went back to Japan after killing Dio he still would've been old as fuck
He put his penis in her vagina. Didn't even need viagra.
Josuke was born years before the Dio shit, half of his backstory is getting the too shit for a Stand disease and nearly dying
If I remember right, baby Josuke had stand sickness because Dio was alive, so he'd have fucked her before then. Either way, she's just into granddaddies.
my vanguard?
>Rohan wasn't really evil
Wasn't he going to kill Koichi?
A true hero
God I fucking wish.
one thing about the part 5 anime I really love is that Yugo Kanno's taken clear inspiration from Part 2's OST. Songs like Mista and Trish's theme are god-tier, and even better there's more tracks with choir again. Shit like the sequence where King Crimson first uses his ability is elder god-tier thanks to the music that supports it, it's unironically epic. Even the newest episode had some really great OST, if they keep things u[ with the quality they have I feel like this might be their most well-received adaptation.
Hello Yea Forums
what torrent site can I use to find Diamond is Unbreakable dubbed? or maybe even just the audio files?
also do people generally prefer the sub or the dub for Jojo as a whole
Search any torrent site for "dual audio".
She mixed Jotaro with Joseph so it's easy to assume he looked like his young self back then. He aged like milk a few years after.
>Rohan abused minors and acted creepy
>Yukako kidnapped a person and kept them locked without consent.
The fact that Koichi still made friends with Rohan and then dated Yukako is really fucked up.
At least Okuyasu was following orders from his brother.
>no shower scene with Trish
Josuke was 4 during part 3, so Joseph fucked Tomoko about 5 years before part 3.
Maybe his guilt over cheating on Suzy was what prompted him to stop using Hamon so that he could show his devotion by aging with her.
Some of the relationships in part 4 were really retarded and unconvincing.
The real question is what kind of priest would call their child "The devil" ?
I always assumed those were codenames.
Jojolion is officially a harem manga.
The kind who wants to fuck the sin out of their son
3 of them are related to the protagonist and 2 of them never show any interest in him.
Lmao it reminds me of those people who expected Another one bites the dust as an ED for part 4. David pro don't do that kind of stuff
Only Kyo is related to him. None of the Higashikata family are related to him by blood. And Karera and Yasuho definitely do show interest in him.
Yoshikage Kira is a descendent of Rina Higashikata, so Daiya and Hato are both Josuke's relatives. Kyo and Hato are the two that aren't interested, and that's good because they're his relatives.
>blind when asking Doppio to help him cross the street
>'Hang on...'
>licks him
I think they've become distant enough relatives for it to not matter anymore. They're like 3 generations apart. Kyo is his blood sister however.
>dududu duu
Reminded me more of Terror at 20 000 feet:
Like this guy
Nice take, never considered before
>sounds like a girl's name
giogio is a tranny with a tight boypussy confirmed
>tfw still havent watched this but I caught the most recent dub of DiU
Hot. That’s why Abba had to die, he poked too far and learned the truth
What about when Josuke was about to strangle Okuyasu to death in the beginning? Josuke is schizophrenic.
Just kids being kids bro
Does this make Hot Pants alt-world Giorno?
>reverse trap Giorno
>gets turned on by Abbacchio’s bullying
If they’re close enough to know their relation, they’re too close.
Bruno was so fucking hot in episode one, god damn.
Someone edit Cioccolata without lipstick I wanna know how cursed he looks.
5 hours in paint
Will this Anime have same retarded, axed feeling godfather wannabe ending like in the manga ??
HxH is that way >>>>>>
They'll probably try to salvage it with some extra scenes forced in somewhere.
thanks it's just as horrifying as i thought it would be
I didn't know he was a nig.
>forgot to crop out the icon
i wish i wasn't just fucking stupid all the time
>Yep, that's going in my autism folder.
I'm Tamaki Damo
I love how evil he is
Fuck no, he better be Koyasu
The dub is trash, learn how to read subs
He's effectively dead, considering he's stuck in an eternal "die, reset, die again" loop.
The dub is complete ass for every part.
Yeah but the point is that he never truly reaches death, once he's almost there his soul is rendered back to zero and he's forced to "die" all over again. But death is the result, and he can't reach the result any more.
He wasn't going to strangle him to death, just enough to keep him KO'd from the flower pots for longer.
Its makes the MUDAMUDA scene all the more satisfying
seventh stand user needs a remake
No, Fugo would have to get close and if you can get close to him any offensive stand can beat him.
I think he's asking if the virus could eat away the mold. Even if it could, it would just transfer to the person the mold was on and kill them anyway.
Based hair poster
Does he kill someone from the main cast ? Or do their death happen later ?
So why did Araki originally make Anasui a girl and then was like nah fuck it this a boy now?
because anasui is a tranny, my dad said so
t. my dad works at hiroshima aranki
Is Diavolo such a deranged boss thanks to him being extremely paranoid of getting sniped by others at any time that he spams Epitaph every hours he's not sleeping?
Why didn't they Green Day and Oasis yet? They've both been shown.
Proof please
Are you legitimately retarded?
I'm not trying to stir up shit or anything of the sort, I'm genuinely curious what the point of your reply is.
What was in
Doppio baby
King is so into Lovecraft that he needs the same setting. Just accept that US northeast is peak existential horror
Doppio baby gang
huh, really makes you think
This is some next level loli'ing
What the fuck happened to him after Part 4?
Died of a cold
He lived happily ever after.
Yes, he's a 21st Century Schizoid Man.
>Diavolo takes Trish and says thanks to Bruno
>Bruno leaves
>Diavolo kills Trish
There. Half of Part 5 and all the bullshit avoided.
You forget, the boss's identity and head were always Bruno and Giorno's objective.
But Bruno wants to nut
The boss doesn't know that
he sort of does, though
he's a paranoid freak
>he sort of does, though
He didn't
Really wondering if they'll retain this detail in the anime like they did with Iggy's artstyle and some other weird inconsistencies.
Did you cry?
Wasted potential. I miss when deaths were at the heart of a battle.
such as?
I miss him bros...
Did you not watch any other part except 4 and 5?
I don't know if they would. Iggy's multiple designs seem to be accepted as official since they show up in merchandise and stuff, but female Anasui is forgotten/ignored.
Some animeonlies probably don't know Secco is wearing his stand already
in the sense that he thinks everyone's a traitor
Same. I still can't believe fugo and abbachio aren't with us anymore.
No. Narancia ruined the moment with his stupidity. When is he going to die?
He doesn't think that
second Iggy is so fucking creepy
it lends to being more expressive but he has a weird human face
Honestly most Jojo deaths make me laugh.
They're as well written as telenovelas.
If you're going so far to hide your identity then it's most likely because you have to assume that everyone could be a traitor.
Anyone COULD be a traitor. That doesn't mean that Diavolo thinks that everyone IS a traitor, or that he knew that Bruno and Giorno were going after him.
In fact, the whole point of that arc was Diavolo trying to keep Trish out of the hands of the traitors. If he was paranoid of Bruno's gang, why would he give them Trish?
Q: What is star platinums power?
A: Whatever it needs to be to save jotaros life.
Remember when jotaro could fly?
But Jotaro dies
Does anyone on Yea Forums actually use the spoiler tag? RIP The anime onlies lol.
I thought the premise was that he jumped?
Apparently DP didn't get the memo
Anyone got the Diamond is Unbreakable hardcover yet, how does it look compared to the Jojoniums?
but user
If it had been Diavolo fighting Metallica instead of Doppio, how would it have ended?
Could Metallica beat Magneto?
After they're defeated. Rolling Stones will also turn around on the final ED.
in rome
I’m more anticipating his “Wryyyyy”
No but he probably kills at least 100 civilians.
Is part 5 the gayest part?
Ok but how would they take the boss down without Trish remembering Sardegna
Taking down the boss is part of the bullshit that would be avoided.
But that's the goal? Like for the whole part? Set up right at the start? No?
I think you're missing the point here
I mean if you don't want the story to have a conclusion and resolution I suppose you can delete half of it. Good for you I guess
t. Diavolo
Can it please be Friday next week already? The wait is literally killing me.
>King is so into Lovecraft that he needs the same setting
Lovecraft had an undiagnosed illness (towards the end of his life) that prevented him from making prolonged journeys outside his home. Despite this, he was still able to conjure up visions of Antarctica, Egypt, and other places (many of them were on non-terrestrial locations too).
King, however, does not have any health complications preventing him from travelling, as his recent trips to Jeffrey Epstain's "Pedophile Island" confirm - yet despite this, his stories are even more myopic, parochial, and insular than any of Lovecraft's work.
will the scene be in the next episode?
Doubtful. Like I said, next Friday is more likely.
next week Friday I mean
>know your place
God, based Giogio. I love how he has no mercy for his enemies
Absolutely, and the anime made it even gayer
No way. It will probably end with Giorno/Mista and Bruno splitting up.
so what happened to shizuka
Joseph adopted her
after that I mean
Funny way to say kidnapped
Nah, Diavolo's the only one who gets any Team Bucciarati kills.
Who cares about civilians though, especially drunkards, they're just background characters
They'd have to full Game of Throne with close up of the guy murdering and raping women and children for 20 minutes for it to matter
Well, Giorno given that's the main reason he hates Cioccolata so much. That and his sadism. I mean I say 100 but it was probably a lot more than that, Green Day's range was the whole of Rome. That's why Diavolo was telling Doppio to catch up with him and take control of the situation.
What happened to Condiment Chick's sexy wedges
His backstory makes me hate him, but killing background filler really doesn't do anything.
It could be worse if he killed a dog though
Trish makes you hard
Spice Girl makes you soft
Shit's fucking disgusting. How am I supposed to watch this?
I wish Trish would make me soft permanently
>take control of the situation
>um... excuse me mr clown man, could you please stop c:
you're not. go away and get your grubby hands off my jojo
I demand to be stepped on this instant
Not just stepped on, but smeared into a fine paste
Doppio was going to calm him down with a blowjob
She came back to Morioh and went on highschool mystery adventures with High School aged Hayato who may or may not have a stand.
there is a untranslated update with new things I wish I knew moon
No his stand power is fuck dio
Star Platinum can do anything as long as it fucks with dio
lost to rats don't matter they were not related to dio
in EoH he gets another fuck dio upgrade
its canon
11 or any part 8 cover
I hope they bring back Giorno’s actual theme for this fight.
Doppio would probably approach him and congratulate him for killing Bruno’s squad, only to donut him once he’s in King Crimson’s range.
Sounds familiar, when has this played?
>Those boots
Got Made in Heaven'd
The second time that Giorno used life shot on Bruno in episode 2 and the scene where Soft Machine pulls Giorno into the boat in episode 6.
>where Soft Machine pulls Giorno into the boat in episode 6.
Wasnt that the piano from the main theme?
It was
You’re thinking of the version of the scene shown in episode 5.
Youre right, also that theme really isnt heard very often.
Gappy may not be the most brutal JoJo as everyone seem to think he is, but he certainly got some of the most brutal executions.
new phone who dis OwO
it's not fair bros
Would Hayato idolize Josuke hmm
that's actually a very good plot
>Hayato continues the cycle of shit hair
>You can only have one stan-
>but Emporio gets burning down the house AND Weather Report to defeat Pucci
Speedreader or you didn't read part 6.
Like every SOhater
There are exceptions.
The world + hermit purple
Heavens door + cheap trick
Water boiling stand(Given by pucci) + Foo Fighter
Pucci's ability is to give people stands
Whitesnake / C-Moon / Made in Heaven all let Pucci insert the disks even if the user has a stand already
Johnny doesn't fight gyro right?
Nah he just tries to get trampled by Valkyrie before signing up for the race