Why don't we get more stories focused around pre and post WW2 Japan? There is so much that can be explored about it through manga and anime medium. We already have many manga based on shouwa and Edo period. Why is it that innocent grey is the only company that writes stories specifically focused on this period.
WW2 era japan
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the cultural view of ww2 in japan is stuck between feeling guilty and "glorious nippon did nothing wrong!!!!!!" so they just dont talk about it.
There are plenty if you bothered looking.
No country is an exception to war crime in WW2.
Sequel never.
There aren't as many. Especially compared to how many Mangas we get on shouwa and Edo period.
Canada was pretty cool
My favourite from aoi bungaku.
I'm pretty sure some warcrimes are worse than others
I am not asking about stories focused on war itself but based on the lives of people during that era and how war affected them. Innocent grey novels do a great job of portraying that era and never go out of their way to portray themselves as good or bad in it.
Since OP is shamelessly asking for recs, I'd recommend them to watch this and complain on Yea Forums later how shit the show was.
Your audacious pleas for spoonfeeding are too much for me.
Because that period sucked
Not as much as the Edo period, at least for the common people.
Possibly anime equivalent of Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy
Sports series were better in the Taishou era.
Kara no shoujo 2 explored the religious beliefs during that period quiet well and how people's mentality changed on looking at them. One of the main reasons I like the Kara no shoujo series is because Miki(the director) never tries to portray the characters with a biased view considering how sensitive of a subject WW2 is for Japan. The way war affected people especially the protagonist and antagonist of this series is done quiet well.
Edo was at least interesting with people believing in monsters back then and Samurai going around being dicks. Also all the fighting
I have already watched everything you recommend.
is there an actual ww2 anime with fighting?
it's quite hard to find
The hentai OVA is rated 5 on MAL. I wonder.
this is golden.
I am talking about the source material not the hentai adaptation.
Anybody watched this?
This is an anime thread. You should be more specific.
Subs never.
try konpeki no kantai
its a 'japan wins the pacific theater' timeline
it's not english subbed though, what do?
No subs. I'm sure you haven't even watched this yourself, and if you have, you missed plenty of things, since they use quite a lot of military jargon.
omg i need to watch this. the cast is so fucking stacked
Why doesn't innocent grey's VNs gets anime adaptations like TM or Nitro+? Would probably help them getting some mainstream attention.
No money for promotion.
They do have quiet a a following in Nippon though. Not to mention their recent pg Yuri series is a massive hit.
>no subs, what do?
suffer, like i did
since its literally the ONLY anime of its kind
only other non-book media i've seen do this is the japanese campaign from battlestations pacific
Also miki is so great at drawing atmospheric art.
thanks user, we can suffer together now
no homo
Well at least we have this
What's everyone's favourite episode of Joker Game? Mine is the trap one.
>those illustrations
not really, though.
But the ones who lost get berated for war crimes while the winners argue about ,necessary war effort' and shit like that.
Not going to bitch about it being unfair, just enough of a reason for 'losers' to keep their mouths shut and don't poke the other side.
They certainly are quiet atmospheric and allows the reader to get involved in the scene and dialogues.
I know that. That's why I said innocent grey VNs never tray to portray their country in a positive or negative light despite most of their stories centred around that era.
>Why does the country that ignores WWII happened not make WWII anime
It was an okay watch from what I remember. A little too much focus on cheating.
Akagi was much better though.
But we do have VN companies like innocent grey who write stories exclusively centred around that period and have good enough following in Japan. That's why it surprises me why others don't give it as much attention.
Every time I watch an episode of Cinderella Nine I can't stop thinking about how I should be rewatching that instead.
Because they lost ww2 and don't want to open wounds.
Subs never.
The majority of anime right now is intended to be simple-minded, adolescent power fantasies that excite consumer spending, not nuanced period-pieces that capture what it was like to live in trying times.
Sad but true. At least studios like Geno are trying by adapting stuff like Golden Kamui.
it's funny how americans think they did nothing wrong
they intentionally drove japan into attacking them, and then nuked two cities full of innocent civilians
then they occupied japan and raped their women
Dude what the fuck? This is not cool.
People are very aware of what actually happened by now. The term " history is written by the victors" is long gone.
>is stuck between feeling guilty
Not really
The USA was not heavy-handed in their limited occupation, they allowed Japan's involvement in WW2 to be scrubbed off in textbooks or be limited in scope
Then they eventually released imprisoned war criminals in the early 50s after some Japs protested
The result is the complete reverse of an average German's disposition towards WW2, they either knew it happened but they don't give a shit or "glorious nippon did nothing wrong!!!!!!"
Most anime watchers are Chink, gook or Southeast Asian, they are currently being subverted slowly by boat sluts and military girl anime
Eventually WW2 Jap revisionism anime will be a real thing
Be glad that I am not posting any spoiler images.
They were killing civilians quite efficiently before the nukes. The firebombings killed a lot more civilians than the two atomic bombs combined.
>they intentionally drove japan into attacking them,
The Japs would have attacked regardless since their goal was world domination.
>nuked two cities full of innocent civilians
The alternative is a land operation that would have led to the death of millions and separation of Japan into two half by the US and USSR. Truman actually did them a favor there.
>then they occupied japan and raped their women
Bullshit. They rebuilt Japan from the scratch and turned it into an economic superpower.
>Helping Japan
>The firebombings killed a lot more civilians than the two atomic bombs combined
>let's restrict ourselves to two alternatives where we make the judeo-christian burgerclaps look like heroes while ignoring all the others
>bullshit, although areas around American bases are plagued with regular rapings even 70 years later
>let's restrict ourselves to two alternatives where we make the judeo-christian burgerclaps look like heroes while ignoring all the others
There is no other alternative. The Japs refused to surrender and was prepared to fight to the last man if the nukes didn't happen.
>areas around American bases are plagued with regular rapings even 70 years later
Yeah, it's not like it's lies butthurt nationalist Japs spread to damage the US's reputation.
>US apologist
>In 2019
Because it's a controversial topic, and their views will probably lead to censorship.
Came here to recommend Rainbow, pretty good show
Hey, at least we have Pre WWI in Kimetsu no Yaiba
What I would like is fantasy WW2 shows, like how Fate GO had servants fighting on the war or that videogame where Hitler was a vampire and had a werewolf army