remember this show?
Remember this show?
Other urls found in this thread:
Of course.
Hard not to remember when there's a thread about it on a daily basis, with the same image.
Looks like a time flop.
I can't remember if i finished it, i guess not.
I remember my friends.
same with VEG, since when was the last veg thread hit bump limit? you and OP keep circlejerking it like a bunch of retards, nobody talks about VEG now despite a new movie coming. Sora Yori and Yuru camp would always be remembered as overshadowing VEG. You salty faggots will never forget that, that's why you keep making this type of threads.
History will not forget that Yuru Camp>Sora Yori>Veg, no matter how much you push this shit every week.
As long as you keep making daily threads about to it will be completely impossible to forget it.
Look Mom, I posted it again
I can't forget because you keep on reminding me of it.
I forget it every week and then I'm reminded it exists because of shitposting threads.
The most memorable show of 2018 was pic related
You remind me about it every week. How could I forget?
I remember them most times I put my shoes on.
Cancer that's killing the anime industry
As much as I disliked that show, I can't argue that it wasn't memorable.
the best show of 2018? sure do
Lazy garbage
It was my favorite that came out last year. Of course I do.
What's going on here?
Unironically this.
it's fun watching all the Yorifags and VEGfags fight over second place
Look guys, can’t we all just agree that Sora Yori and VEG are both trash?
This shitty forced time flop meme is going to catch on, isn't it?
Together, we could defeat them. Please, send us your aid.
You are being reminded that s*yfags exist.
As long as the mods refuse to nip it in the bud, yes. Too many impressionable retards around here.
Native Isekai didnt so maybe this will not
>Native Isekai didnt
It did. Even e-celebs are using it unironically now.
Yes, I do. It was nothing too remarkable in my opinion, but since there's a thread about it every day talking about how nobody remembers it I just can't forget about it. Maybe the person who makes it every day has Alzheimer's.
Sadly not only are mods too unfamiliar with Yea Forums to deal with its real issues, but some of them are part of the same discord group that breeds retarded shitposting like this.
It was amazing.
Almost convinced me to save up for an Antarctic tour.
I somewhat remember there was some other show that aired in same season as AOTY VEG and AOTS Yurucamp, but can't point my finger at it.
Debiruman Kuraibeibi.
go back
That's a bit hypocritical, isn't it, yorifag?
How so, youtubeshitter?
Bullcrap, show proof if its true
You're not fooling anyone. We all know that Yorifags get their opinions from YouTubers.
I won't link to YouTube reviews on Yea Forums. I'm not a Yorifag.
Why would I forget AOTY 2018?
Kill yourselves immediately.
Top: timeless success
Bottom: time flop
I do. AOTY 2018
Oof. Somebody post it.
You VEGfags not blown out enough by the last thread?
Consider suicide.
>this is your average VEGhater/Yorifag
It was my runner up for AOTS next to Yuru Camp, so of course I do.
You know something is wrong when the mods stopped deleting the pasta. But hey, let's just keep reporting.
>let's just keep reporting
You do know that announcing reports is against the rules, don't you, Yoricancer?
Sorry, I don't remember any of those tumblr pandering shitshows. They were thrown into obscurity by AOTD.
I will never forget the tears of the VEGkeks at least.
I never mentioned which post I'm reporting. But hey, keep outing yourself.
Yes but there's nothing to talk about it, that's what happens when your series is too solid and have an actual ending.
Consider killing yourself you effeminate faggot s*yboy.
So is anyone ever going to explain how spamming non stop VEG around the entire board makes it a good show? I said a long time ago this is what this guy objective was and here it is.
That same retard also said Yorimoi was AOTS. What are you trying to prove?
On one hand, it's sad that there can never be YoriMoi threads without this shitposting. On the other, the story wrapped up so well that there's nothing really left to discuss. Have fun forcing some kind of illusory rivalry, I guess.
If recognizing the near-undisputed AOTS makes you a retard, I guess that makes almost everyone (including Yea Forums) retarded.
>actual ending
>the story wrapped up
This isn't an excuse. We've told you this a million times.
P-please Everchads, let us have a comfy thread.
Kindly kill yourself out of Yea Forums.
What are you trying to prove with this stuff? No one is denying that VEG is much more popular with normalfags.
I remember it making VEGetables so mad they're still shitposting about it to this very fucking day
yeah how dare he, sora yori was AOTY not just an AOTS.
Yea Forums's AOTY was Violet Evergarden, moron. Fuck off back to wherever you came from.
>inb4 you post edited spreadsheets as proof that Yorimoi is Yea Forums's AOTY
>tfw have to shitpost about Yori 24/7 just so Yorichads will notice us
Sorry us VEGins are so desperate
Yep. It's the time flop anime right?
Winter 2018 refuses to die.
Imagine being this mad about people liking a cartoon.
>refuses to die.
>posts dead show
How the turntables have turntabled
Yes. Yorimoi is the very definition of the term "time flop."
Is that you?
Reminder that if you like any of the shows in pic related, you must get off this board immediately.
>daily threads
Cope yorifag.
What's with VEGfags always thinking about YoriMoi?
It's the other way around, retard.
>if you like shows i don't like you are not allowed here
it's like you're an elementary schooler
>it's a VEGfags vs YORIfags thread
Hello friend, first day on Yea Forums?
how does fighting for second best anime of the season feel?
Funny, VEGgies threads rarely mention basedyori. Meanwhile you faggots just can't stop mentioning them.
YoriMoi was more otaku-oriented so no surprise it was a bit more niche
Yeah, Yori is pretty based.
>cucked VEG so hard from being considered the universal AOTY barring VEGfags who have SoraYori live rent free in their heads over their own show
Welcome to Yea Forums.
People from other boards tend to be like that.
The one who make me cry.
>took over China
>two OVAs
>a movie
How can Yorishit even compete?
Why would I forget last year’s AOTY?
Whoa so this is what yorifags fantasize about. Kek.
>"It's just a fantasy" cried the VEGfag as he once again makes another thread about SoraYori as he rages knowing it will always be AOTY over VEG
From time flop to time hop
>no one even ironically shitposts about "remember this!?" for my favourite anime of Winter 18, let along sincerely
rip Gakuen babysitter
>VEG salty because their anime didn't won AOTY
i thought we don't care about awards. AOTY is a kind of award.
I honestly don't know why you keep doing this
He probably keeps doing it for easy bait, I wish people would stop falling for it.
Yeah I know but honestly this isn't a very fun shitpost
Oh, little kid has self esteem issues.
>he's still at it
Yes, it was AOTY 2018.
We don't care about awards. We care about the fact that KyoAnusfags care about awards and are to this day buttdevastated over the fact that Yorimoi won.
are we really sure Yorifags are CRshills or are they just Hanakanafags
VEG was mediocre, kyoani's last actually good anime was eupho, anyone who says otherwise is trolling
Don't reply to the same post twice.
This time flop?
Yorimoi is the relevant one so VEG needs it like an oxygen tank to stay alive
If you keep forcing a meme and mods do nothing about it then eventually it will catch on.
That's why every Yori thread that doesn't mention VEG dies immediately, right?