Fugggg :-----:DDD

fugggg :-----:DDD

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ebin 5/5

best thread in a while

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This is Ebinya, the mascor of Ebina, Kanagawa, Japan!
Say something nice about her!

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Damn I never knew he had such a hot sister


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You look like bootleg Hello Kitty.

ebin/a/ XDXDXD


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honestly best thread on Yea Forums

Oh fug scar please don't kill me

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Why did the Finns have to lose the hyper war?

Looks Finnish.

Spurdo thread?

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Please someone post SFW loli images so the mods finally delete this thread.

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this land is peaceful, its inhabitants kind

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Thank you, I needed thread like this to remind me why spurdo is the best meme.

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yeah, fortunately it hasn't been ruined like pepe and wojak

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It's truly awful.
Feelsguy was my favorite of the two, which makes his current state look that much worse.
What Yea Forums did to wojak was much more disgusting than what /pol/ and Yea Forums did to pepe.

I think that it's because of all the shit they did to Pepe, they still kept the basic idea of the autistic frog. Wojak has be re-memed so many times that new versions have nothing in common with the classic feels guy

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Yeah, another thing is that nu-wojak has morphed from being a means of self-expression into being a club to beat people with.
Formerly you'd post wojak to express your own feelings of melancholy, these days it's used to strawman your opponent as crying and screaming, which is extremely unfunny and in bad taste.

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now this is my kind of thread

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I have no more Spurdos that are related to Yea Forums, please send help.

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We should cherish spurdo while we still can. Sooner or later it will either fade into obscurity or become "new hip normalfag meme". I would honestly prefer the former.

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Have this one

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I don't get it.

The former is always better, normalfags ruin absolutely everything.
At least I still have my memories of that bald fucker.


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finnish autism is too much for normalfaggots

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Nah, they'll take him eventually

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What is there not to get? It's quite clear-cut.


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Let's hope you are right.

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This but unironically

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>megadeth fug
does anybody has a Dave Mustaine spurdo?

pepe and wojak were bad from the beginning.

lol this is great!

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>current year
>still confusing spurdo with gondola

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Too bad the /int/ board on ylilauta sucks ass... Those finns seem like fine anons!

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