Best mom or greatest mom?

Best mom or greatest mom?

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She was ok, besides that part where she was hell bent of mass murdering the entire planet for the sake of alien parasite.
Otherwise no objections.

I like Mako's mom better.

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Holy shit what a semen demon. What manga/show?

Wouldn't it be more of a symbiote?Aside from blowing up the planet it actually helped humans.

Kill la Kill

I wish she was my mom too.

Best cave explorer.

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>helped humans
Not sure if that counts when the final act was complete annihilation of all hosts.

That's the "blowing up the planet" part.Still,fucking up the humans's nervous system isn't really helping anyone in that situation.

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her daughter's mother/10

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Best mom is Namie Yaguchi from high score girl

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Kill yourself

She was a great mom. She always made sure her daughters had orgasms.

I'd dick the crazy out.

Others before you have not succeeded. What's your plan?

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Kill yourself cock mongrel


The plan of having zero refractory period.
I can actually cum and then go right back to being hard if aroused enough.

Momma its me .... Ryouko

Why is the bag of trash talking


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Damn. What'd the kid do?

>normal bitch not even able to kill a small mall
read minds

>read minds
Dumb bitch, that's GREAT! The kid can win you millions in Vegas!

>The kid can win you millions in Vegas!
kid's too broken and withdrawn because of me-being-special-snowflake-anyone-fears-and-loathes issues
btw go watch that anime, it's fun

No u

Any anime recs with long-nail women in it?

Breast mom, more like

she and nui need to stop posting ryona greentexts

Please teach me!

Only second best.

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I think 'if aroused enough.' part is the key and you might not like a dildo on a power drill up your ass and pair of crocodile clips attached to a car battery on your nipples.

How do I quickly make a .webm out of my favourite Kill la Kill scene?

It's simple.
You just need to list the amounts of fetishes of yours the character applies to, and use each one as the catalyst for your boner. Don't imagine Ragyo's rocking tits and GREAT ASS, but instead one at a time. Keep going until every singular asset of hers has made you spill semen, THEN you begin to combine them step by step.
Once you run out of all possible combinations you begin the 'what if' and 'once upon a time' fetishes. Ragyo was pregnant? Use that! Want to imagine her pregnant in her current age? Use that! And if you run out of fetishes MAKE NEW ONES. Keep going until you've dicked the crazy out.
Now welcome, to a True Man's World.

Just google webm maker or something similiar,it's not hard.

I wish I had a hot mom who would molest me.

is it possible to learn this power?

what would happen to ryuko if ragyo never threw her away? would she be like satsuki?

her imouto would keep her safe.

She would either not even bother to hide her hatred for Ragyo or she'll get groomed into thinking nothingis wrong at all.We're talking about the "Ryuko is now running Honnouji and the life fiber fusion is succesful" AU,right?That was a cool concept

if satsuki is still alive to keep her sane then id say she would be like the former, but if shes on her own then she would turn out like latter.

reminder that satsuki never loved ryuko and was just manipulating her to fight ragyo.

Ragyo threw the baby out because it flatlined and appeared to die, if that hadn't happened the experiment would have been obviously successful and Ragyo would have another of herself to groom. She'd be Ryuko Blanco without ever having been anything else, she'd be so much worse than Satsuki.

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but what if she had satsuki around? could satsuki keep ryuko safe from brainwashing?

Not that user and have no idea where this specific discussion started, but If we're talking an AU of Ryuko being kept I've had such a story on back burner for a while Ragyo would no longer care for Satsuki if Ryuko "survived", and Soichiro still trying to rebel may have gotten her out without too much fuss. But Ryuko is interesting because her warped mind under Junketsu was channeling all her anger toward attacking Satsuki and company. Without that life of anger she's still rebellious though, which Ragyo would not appreciate, so over time I figured Ragyo would put her into Junketsu to gradually lock away any emotions/thoughts that would make her no longer a "perfect hybrid daughter" that Ragyo wanted. An almost blank entity struggling to remember things, feel things, and ignorant of the world outside that carefully curated by Ragyo for her. Which is where Satsuki's return came in...

I like the Idea of Ryuko rounding up the elite for in the same manner(kinda) as Satsuki back when she wasn't brainwashed.Then when she fights Satsuki for the first time she's dealt a pretty bad injury but it doesn't phase her and it instantly heals,shocking everyoneShe then BTFO's her and goes back to the elite four members,who question why she would lie about something like that to them.She replies that she would appear as a hypocrite if she didn't and then questions if they would even join her cause if she told them that beforehand

Ryuko with the elite is interesting, but both that and the line of questions after such a fight would require Ryuko to be forming a rebellion as Satsuki did. If she was so controlled as to not know much of the world beyond what Ragyo wanted her to know to prevent her being "sullied" by the "filthy humans", and think what only Junketsu would let her think, then such a situation is unlikely to develop. That is until some outside force happens to intervene on this somewhat isolated existence kept in a gilded cage which is where I was going with it.

I wonder how the alternate story for the game is going to turn out.

Yes, but you must admit to yourself that you're nothing but a complete degenerate sexually. But you must have a strong will to not let that lust take over anywhere else but the bedroom.
You must be a normal human in the real world, but a sexual T-Rex out of it.

i had an idea of where satsuki has to keep ryuko sane while ryuko bears the brunt of ragyos wrath. shed create the academy so both of them can over throw her, but then nui fucks it up.

I was going with the idea that Ragyo would brainwash her later on rather than from the beggning sinceseeing the elite four's despair as Ryuko strays farther and farther from the rebellious teenager they knew is both depressing and and too much of an interesting plot point to pass on.


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Wrong, Medusa is the best anine mother ever

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dont go too crazy bro, dont wanna die of dehydration

But why would Ragyo create Nui if Ryuko was a success? Nui was the product of further experimental ideas after failing at human integration.

It could be interesting, but it is still stringent on Ryuko forming a rebellion though just as Satsuki had. Like literally just as she did. Off the bat Ryuko would have been unable to recruit Nonon who only joined Satsuki because of how well Satsuki could argue her convictions like an adult even in kindergarten. The way I got them into the story was Satsuki recruiting them as personal agents she sends into the eventual "school" REVOCS has built on an island Ragyo gives Ryuko complete dominion over, again to keep Ryuko away from the general population in what amounts to a lavish prison. They followed their deep cover orders to climb the ranks to the student council so they could get as close to the mysterious reclusive Kiryuin as possible.

>But why would Ragyo create Nui if Ryuko was a success?
a fail safe in case ryuko was becoming too rebellious. nui would still be created by the conditions of her creation would be different. she would essentially be a back up.

So, was the raping necessary?

how do life fibers reproduce? is it like tiberium where it spreads more and more when the core lands on a planet?


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That's a good point,but it goes both ways.How would Satsuki recruit them?The circumstances would also differ depending on if Soichiro is dead yet or not.And how did she found out about the Kiryuins and where they're keeping Ryuko in the first place?

I did not care for Kill-la-kill. The mothers design was nice though.

I mentioned that it is believable for Soichiro to try rebelling after almost killing their second child, and how because Satsuki would be suddenly much less valuable it is likely he could get Satsuki out with him without Ragyo caring what happened to Satsuki thus a similar assassination attempt on him for running. The difference between the girls though is that we know Satsuki is a planner who could not sit by and let the world end. She may not have been told everything as before, but she's sharp. If she was around the house she could deduce what was going on, and joins nudist beach despite "Isshin's" protests when she's old enough to prove her worth as an asset to the cause. Then over the course of building that organization/doing work for them would have found certain individuals to help the cause. Like her old friend Nonon from kindergarten who was still "on the inside" of Kiryuin operations via the Jakuzure corp in the Kiryuin Zaibatsu. Uzu was already a rebel to society, Houka an anarchist hacker, etc. And they eventually learn about Ryuko because NB wants to know why REVOCS built an island that would not help Ragyo destroy humanity, it has to be a beautiful perfect place for Ryuko to rule after all not a violent military training regime, and all previous attempts to investigate failed.

why would he leave the more dangerous ryuko behind with ragyo? that seems like an automatic loss for him.

Do you think Ragyo would have let him take a successfully hybridized Ryuko from her? Kuriodo would not have been sent with an RPG to kill him, Ragyo would have gone herself with an army to reclaim that child before he could possibly do anything to her to ruin the experiment's results. I didn't say he would like it, or that it would be a better situation than how canon played out, it's just what might be the only move he can make from that position.

It's not like he can flat out kidnap her like he did in the show.If he did that he'd be dead on the spot.Satsuki is his next best bet since she's also a kiryuin and isn't needed by Ragyo anymore.

then whats the point? satsuki is essentially useless to him since she couldnt sustain a kamui like ryuko can so it seems like hes fucked. ryuko staying with ragyo means she wins by default.

Those abs are disgusting

She's able to withstand one,but cannot use it for kong periods of time like Ryuko can.The Elite four would do a lot more behind the scene to try and get Ryuko to break out of her kamui since since Satsuki herself can't do it.

Are you serious? Do you want sauce on Bulma too?

*long sorry,phoneposting
Satsuki's role in this situation would be slightly different,sice she has to rely on the Elite four more,but it would be more or less the same as Ryuko's in the original show.

Canonically Satsuki was known by Soichiro to be "good enough" to power Junketsu. He didn't know if she could keep her mind after using it though hence his warning. While no longer a vital part of Ragyo's plans Satsuki was still a known resource that it would be best to deprive Ragyo of if he needed to get out to better plan a counter offensive. And leaving Ryuko with Ragyo was not an "automatic loss", just as much as leaving Satsuki with Ragyo was not an "automatic loss".

Worse situation? Yes. Would it make things more difficult? Absolutely. But that helps push why he would let Satsuki help at all instead of trying to push her out like he did Ryuko, because he would need all the help he could get at that point. He knew how to kill life fibers and made the scissors accordingly, the Kamui though would be a Kamui not made to empower a wearer to fight Ragyo if he decided not to make it for Satsuki, but to free Ryuko from Junketsu to either deprive Ragyo of such a vital asset. With Satsuki and her hand picked elite learning about Ryuko and on Satsuki's will trying to turn her into an asset for NB instead.

the important question about this timeline is will there still be sisterly cuddling and loving and healing at the end?

even though satsuki could sustain senketsu, ryuko could sustain a kaumi to the point of synchronization.
satsuki would just be completly outclassed at that point and there would be nothing she could do, especially if ragyo grooms her specifically to do so. plus ryuko would have no reason to create the academy if she was loyal to ragyo.

Of course.If you want to get lewder there can even be kisses

What if you were Isekai'd into KLK, born the same year as Satsuki and had anime growth potential

Top this

what would have happened if they ruled the accademy side by side? if ryuko was bearing the brunt of what ragyo was throwing at her, then how would ragyo break her and how would ryuko come back from this?

>Inb4 ryounaposting resumes
She would constantly reminder that even is she did succeed on erasing the life fibers it would be pointless because she's part life fiber too,just like her.

That's why you gotta dig deep and suck that breast milk out! There's gotta still be some left!

ryuko would still live on though so it doesnt matter to her.

Yeah but would she be able to handle the fact that as long as she lives,her goal won't be accomplished?As for other methods,gaslighting her to believe she's interior to her and the rest of her family and verbal+physical abuse are options too.

Gotta love a villain that only goes out on his own terms.

Guess this is the 5th lesson uh?

but then how would satsuki sway her back from this?

yall niggas really not talkin about how things would have gone if satsuki's plan to get ryuko to join her would have worked

i don't get it, how different could it have been? satsuki just lets ryuuko in on the grand plan a little earlier instead of at the festival? like satsuki said she can't risk widening the inner circle even a little too much, so either ryuuko would be loose lipped and fuck things up or manage to stay covert and nothing much changes

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how did satsuki even know ryuko was her sister?

It would start real soon in before they even knew it.

>Ryuko could sustain a kamui to the point of synchronization. Satsuki would just be completely outclassed at that point and there would be nothing she could do.
Even with True sync Satsuki was on par even while fighting Junketsu mentally, and the game shows us that she could go further beyond with Shinzui as Ryuko did Kisaragi. More then that Isshin could not know either way.
>Especially if ragyo grooms her
But why would she train Ryuko to fight if she had no reason to believe anyone could stop them? In canon once Satsuki failed to kill her Ragyo very leisurely took her time having fun with her "daughters" for a month instead of crushing NB. Removing Satsuki's school rebellion from the start leaves Ragyo to assume that nothing at all could stop her. Only some annoyances slowing her down.
>Ryuko would have no reason to create the academy if she was loyal to Ragyo.
Yes. As put forth in my take Ryuko does not create Honnouji academy. Ragyo creates an island with a different school/purpose for Ryuko to live there in a perfectly controlled environment to prevent her perfect daughter being sullied by humans and their filth. With some cages both physical and mental via Junketsu to stem her rebellious nature. Satsuki's original "position" was to power Junketsu, then Koketsu after breaking Junketsu with poison, and start the cocoon seed. The Honnouji experiment was Satsuki acting loyal while secretly creating an army while "following orders" spreading Life Fibers among the youth, a stubborn market sector for REVOCS to saturate.

>spoonfeeding the retard

i like the idea of them ruling the academy together, personally.

I came across some normalfags just earlier today, they were pretty bad but it turns out you're even gayer than they are

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but if she grew up with satsuki like this scenario is proposing, then wouldnt she be hardened to that? or would ryuko still be a rebellions teenager?

Why are you talking like a subhuman

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She's a top notch mom
But she doesn't hold a candle to best mom

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muscular girls are a real man's choice.
Toned or ripped is a matter of taste , but get that skin and bones out of my face.

excellent. would be kino to see the flip moment where satsuki blushes and tries to say neesan, and ryuuko is blushing and smiling

what is this image trying to convey? is ryuko being sympathetic to ragyo?

quads confirm. ryuko fell right for satsuki's ruse cruise.

>nonon fag calling anyone else subhuman

so the whole premise of this is just to have the two of them switch lives? whats the point in that?

then why was satsuki so happy in this scene?

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happy mothers day to everyone except these two

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>someone capped it

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because her ruse was working. ryuko thinks she loves her and she agrees to help fight ragyo.

would there be any sisterly love if the two grew up together?

To see what's would be different,a what if scenario to explore and discuss.Of course,we can talk about the scenario where it doesn't happen and its possibilities.

She lost her way, so no.

i mean, it sounds like things would have just been the same.

Since she would know about the fact that she's fused with life fibers from the start,i would create a lot of internal self-loathing that Ragyo doesn't account for.Just because the scenario changed a bit doesn't change her feelings towards it.That's also where the rebellious side comes from.
She would try and convince her otherwise by talking it through,like a normal sister would,but see that words aren't enough to sway her back and she would have to try something different.

Someone fill me in on this rape thing. Was it for pleasure or did it serve a higher purpose? Never seen kill la kill


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>have to try something different.
so she just straight up kills her? lame.

"Has to try something different" is up to interpretation.It could turn to attempted murder or it could turn to cuddling.I eft the answer ambiguous on purpose to not seems too biased.

whys there so little henty of her

You're not looking hard enough

well what would she try ?

would respect but also cuddle/10

how should satsuki punish me physically?

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she would ignore you like the no-star you are.

thats not physically tho

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>implying a no-star gets any physical contact with satsuki

she would have to punish me if i did touch her tho right?

you think she'd bother attending to that directly herself? at best youd get gamagooris thicc bara meat punishing you

Imagine the molestation scene if Satsuki had been a boy.


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>all these bad mommies

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I don't really have an answer myself,but I imagine they would come to the sewing club and show her what happens when a human's emotions overtake them and what will happen to her eventually if she keeps that up.

satsuki loves no one.

if satsuki is still around to keep ryuko from falling to her mothers treatment, then its likely the only way for ryuko to join ragyo would be for her to force junketsu onto ryuko.

i just ask for a qt pretty talking girl kamui for me to sync with
tfw no qt female kamui who wants you inside her and filling her with your hot fluids

Are girl kamui's even possible?

No. Kamui is basically capeshit, which means it's gay.

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Understandable, have a nice day?

that could be an interesting way to look at it. then satsuki would be forced to get creative to get ryuko back to her senses.


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Are we going to continue the tortureposting?

Conceptualize how Satsuki felt when her mom beat the shit out of her and raped her for a whole month while crushing the work of her life

How about no?We had plenty in the last two threads.


Worst mom and Child molester

She's also a pretty bad shitposter

Hey,it's fetish fuel for some.

Yes, including me

>sexual T-Rex

People like this prove that humanity needs to be wiped out and given a fresh start.

Like me

How about we continue sister love posting instead?

Like ragyo and nui

I love her sister.

Shit mom

i like the idea of satsuki becoming the clingy cuddler. shes had to actively reject intimacy and the like all her life so when she can finally indulge, she eventually finds herself /really/ indulging with her cute imouto who acts like its a bother but loves it too

Strap this on your sore ass, user.

Ryuko would like it as it is the only family affection she has ever had in her life.

i guess if youre being literal with family i.e. blood relation, otherwise shes already had mako before, though ryuuko certainly wouldn't turn down satsukis new affection either

Ryuko's alternate story mentions that she's going to be trained by Nui. I assume it's going to follow the Election tournament if it wasn't interrupted and Ryuko curbstomps the Elite Four. From there, she gets defeated by Satsuki and Nui takes her under her wing since Ryuko would want to do whatever it takes to get more power.

As long as Nui doesn't spill the beans that she killed Ryuko's dad, then Ragyo's plans could move a lot quicker if Ryuko is getting stronger with the help of her organization.

if you arent bullshitting with this alt story then this means its possible to get more evil junketsu ryuuko, i have a mighty NEED

Wait, if ryuko was just going to get beaten by satsuki then wouldn't that whole tournament have been pointless in her eyes?

In satsuki's eyes, I mean.

I mean, sure she had mako, but she still obviously cared about having an actual family since she cared about what happened to her dad. Now she finally has satsuki.

The molestation scene set to Blumenkranz has to be one of the most erotic anime moments of all time.

My boner almost broke off.

>when both mako and satsuki clamp onto and cuddle ryuuko at the same time
the opening to ep 21 where ryuuko gets brainwashed into activating junketsu was fucking great, especially couldnt get enough of ryuukos voice change there