Star Twinkle Precure 15

Are you a fan of Mao-meow, user?

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if you told me OP was from Aikatsu I'd believe you

Man Plonk is the best.

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I don't like stinkle lads

He's legitimately a more interesting and well-developed character than Elena. Side character yellows are a meme for a reason, sure, but it's still pretty crazy to have so much depth put into one of the fairies. They managed to take what's usually the worst part of Precure and make it one of the best parts.

To be fair Elena would look better if the other side cure wasn't Madoka with her interesting family plot.

Cure Star air-hopping is super cool kirayaba. I hope we get another zero-G fight like in EP1 where she can shine.

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We should've seen it coming.

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The episode was great because of Madoka but Mao can fuck off

Pose of power

there was a lot of great stuff this episode, the shaded intercuts, great humor, world building and back story.

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Not necessary, even her "focus" episode wasn't entirely focused on her, so the problem isn't that the others are more interesting, is that they don't know how to give flaws or quirks to Elena.

Give Elena a love interest.

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I volunteer.

Hear, hear.
I'd also accept Touma.

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This episode was great but it felt rushed despite them trying to cram as much as possible in the air time. It felt like it should've been a two parter.

And Mao is literally a prostitute. This was pretty much like sitting on that guy's chest. With a short skirt.

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Her design is fucking great, best in the show

Some cool action shots this ep

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Just think, that space lizard man could LITERALLY feel her butt pressing against his tail probably throughout the whole trip. Scandalous.

In Aikatsu it's shown that dreams and hard work alone is enough to make you an aidoru.
In Stinkle you have to be a thief and a prostitute to make yourself an aidoru.

Stinkle is based and blackpilled.

Couldn't agree more

Every girl is great this season. It's some kind of a miracle.

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I hope we get more space porn like this.

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Tales of Precure vidya when?

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Space episodes are so much better. They need to go into space for an entire arc.

Are you new to the idolshit business? I would be impressed if it was like Aikatsu.
Say bye bye to it once redemption kicks in.

Yeah we need more episodes in real space not that pink warp.

>Eye-chan is 6th cure

You know it's happening. And it's gonna be great.

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>worst part of Mahotsukai

>imagining Plonk's pulsating tentacle dick inside her

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New Enemy General? I mean he's broke as fuck now

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>Say bye bye to it once redemption kicks in.
Wait what, was she the 6th cure leaked with the ugly as fuck and busy design? Please tell me that isn't true, I thought that was cyclops girls

>Yellow motif
Now you're just playing with fire.

I hope he has a little sister.

Yeah, it needs to be two parter so they can establish that Blue Cat is a legitimate threat, and probably also put some red herring. I just hope that they will revisit this kid-unfriendly space Las Vegas settings again in the future.

brah, she had a cat tail, how did you miss it

I can't believe we will have orange cure again after Akane from Smile.


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>6th cure desing
Tell me more, I haven't seen anything about it and we just knew about it a few days ago so it may have slipped. Now if you're still naïve Mao is Cosmo, meaning that there's a chance her blue cat form is her base form and the idol is an act, so imagine blue cat mao without the phantom thief motif,

I'll do the job
*unzips dick*

Too cool for school

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No need, just use pink Coruscant next. But it looks like the place from OP so they will probably revisit it.

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>I just hope that they will revisit this kid-unfriendly space Las Vegas settings again in the future.
The week after the next, actually.

begin auction

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She transforms using the perfume bottle, not the pen? Wouldn't that make her double magical if she's really Cure Cosmo?

I really doubt that was all his cash.

I'll give 10 donuts.

It would be great but this season is already delivering pretty well I don't think I can continue to get my hopes up any further

You are few weeks late.

I mean, he still had at least six billion spacebucks to bet on the pen before he folded on that so unless blue cat took that too he's probably fine

It looks like nanotech not magic.

this motherfucker loaded.

Speaking of, holy crap Plonk can make donuts that a space food guru valued at a BILLION?

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>canonically a prostitute
Tell me, is this also Abe's doing?

I didn't like the cyclops thing at first but goddammit she's great.

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give me three hours and I'll bet 30 dozen.

oh right, it was the Auction's vault she emptied, my bad.

Still, he's thinking about them pens

>all those 10/10 girls

God next Comiket is going to ruin me.

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Is the tail real?

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If the ears are real the tail is real too.

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What's with the sudden kino cuts

this episode had some nice shots

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>her bare ass on this guy's tail

I wish I as a space billionaire.

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Why not? She's an alien.

>Precure does space casino planet better than Star Wars

We are living in a bizarre world.

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>2 weeks without Eyewon
>finally comes back
>no laugh
woulda been a 10/10 episode but 9.5 is all I can give it

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>got GotG feel better than Kyuranger could

>usually one of the worst parts of precure and made it one of the best
Did this fucker seriously forget about Tarte, Hummy, Coupe, Mofurun, and Pop? Or Ciel? Or Phan-Phan?

me with the pink hair

I don't know but I hope whoever the director is does more episodes

This is unironically the best PreCure season so far. I really hope they won't fuck up in second half.

>Say bye bye to it once redemption kicks in.
What makes you say that?

Is she the cat or was he off in the background helping her with space crime?

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man kyuranger is set on Earth for like 80% of episodes, space sentai my ass


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Hummy is inarguably the best part of Suite and one of the best characters in precure as a whole

It's pretty obvious she's the cat so they may pull a twist and make him her brother or something.

partners in crime baybee, he's probably a veteran space thief and she's his daughter next in line to uphold the legacy, he's pulling a work on Darknest

>you will never
Feels bad man

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I distinctly remember the last episode I saw before I dropped that show like a sack of potatoes having them both confirm that they were going to be on Earth only for a long-ass time and that they were going to deliberately split the 9-man team into groups of like 5 and thinking that doing both of those killed the entire premise for me.

God I want to fuck this thing.

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Of course they're real. You can buy one online if you're interested, but be careful -- not every store will be discreet about the contents of your package.

I really liked all the cut-ins this episode

I ain't seen Suite yet, but this convinced me Hummy good

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I really don't get the impression that Meowster is much older than the Cures. Certainly not old enough to be Mao's dad, at least. Probably not even as old as Tenjou or Kappard.

Don't lewd the water bear.

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I loved the cut ins

only old people (see:anyone over 18) are butlers, prove me wrong
>Dem scapulas
ooh lala


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Yea, uh huh, you know what it is
Blue and purple
Blue and purple
Blue and purple
Blue and purple

I love her shoes. Delicious little slut.

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>Your guard is down, meow Ahahaha

>Eh-- Wai--
>Was that perhaps your first time doing these things?

Mao is besto

That was fast.

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new toy = more moneys

How can she even compete?

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Lala is wonderful but other girls are also so good. Goddammit this season is incredible.

Simply the greatest~nya

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It's really starting to shake my faith. But Mao won't be in Madoka's episode next week, so maybe there's still a chance for Lala to make her comeback if she moves quickly.

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Twinkle seems to fail at using the monster of the week to continue to plot of the episode, they are too disjointed.

Tell me a "villain" who was reddemed and conserved her looks.

It was super out of nowhere (a very short cutaway earlier in the episode showing that the baddies had also detected the pen would have fixed a lot), but I don't think it's right to say they didn't use it to continue the plot. The monster showing up leads to a bunch of relevant stuff that follows from what came before: the ensuing dialogue shows us that Mao knows a lot about the Precure and Notrayders, we get to see Madoka prioritize chasing after Mao and the pen, and we get the beginnings of Mao's face-turn when she willingly hands over the pen so the monster can be defeated.
The problem was almost purely in the erratic pacing, not so much in the actual plotting.


Considering that earth is not part of the alien federation or w/e, pretty much anything might be worth a lot.
Imagine if someone discovered an alien species irl, and sold some of their stuff at an auction.

Yeah, dumbest shit reached insane prices only because it was rare.

And last we heard, he still thought his donuts were imperfect compared to the real Star Donuts. Just think of the killing this girl could make!

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Ok, I worded that wrong , my fault. Any redeemed villain WHO became a cure.

>Implying she's not an AYYYY Lmao herself.


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I really expected more from a season about witches.

At least girls were super hot.

The true star of this show

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>still tiny even in platform shoes
where dem doujins at

The one time in Prunce's life he was happy.

This scene HURT, she's not even being really mean but still. No doubt even with the reveal later he'll let her know the song she sang gave him the strength to persevere and that no truly evil person could sing like that.

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strip that prisoner down for his daily hosing!

So we're getting a space thief on the squad, does that mean we'll get a space cop too? Though honestly I'd prefer if she was her own character without Precure powers.

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Goddammit he really wants to give her some tentacles.

Next big event. This walking onahole is guaranteed to get lots of porn.

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I guess the real star donut was the idol we fondled along the way~

They just kinda forgot about the space police? I just saw them in the movie teaser and even then I think it was just local police.

Thieves are cooler (to the kids), plus she'll be redeemed later so no biggie. Still, a space cop trying to make that big ol' Blue Cat collar is a missed opportunity.

>pretending be a whore for rich

>Blue cure
>Has raibown colors


Dude was feeling her ass and pussy on his tail.

Already sold!

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So she's gonna have an episode where she finally eats one of his donuts and does a face turn right

do aliens even have pussies

She has all the other parts so why not?

old and busted oyo
new hotness

>40 000 followers
I'm so happy for sensei.

you can't include the oyos and then exclude the nyas, that's racist


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Same character designer

Same episode director


>you will never pay a space idol catgirl to ride your dick

It's not fair.

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She might even cry!

Well acshually Tanaka storyboarded this episode but he wasn't the ED.

I was kinda expecting a Nakewameke attack but this is a hundred times better.

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Ah well, that's how you get the reference anyway.

Really hope they don't drop the ball with Madoka's dad, he's strict but I don't think he's a bad person, just has to learn some aliens are good then he'll become Ultraman

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Literally the only thing I could think of whilst watching the episode last night was how happy Negom was going to be.

Negom cucks lala
Fucking lesbo

If the pens being lost is such a massive threat to everything in space, why won't space people throw all their support to finding and maintaining the Cures? Space people continue acting like nothing is wrong, hell even in this episode they hold auction for a star pen.

Is Ultraman the 6th cure?


Based Negom

>If the pens being lost is such a massive threat to everything in space
maybe nobody knows a thing about the pens, imagine all the space panic.

Hinagiku best girl forever and ever

>If biodiversity being lost is such a massive threat to everything on earth, why won't people throw all their support to maintaining the environment? People continue acting like nothing is wrong, hell even this week the Chinese held an auction for rhino horn Viagra.
Star Twinkle is actually deep.

I think they honestly don't know, the whoel Precure thing is just a legend to them I guess along with the Princesses' power, that planet was all about auctions and gambling anyway so the rich fat cats don't care about encroaching extradimensional threats, just padding their space wallets

If they don't know a thing, how come a single star pen fetch so much in an auction, enough that Meow's sugar daddy turn into monster of the week from grief from losing it?

it's established that planet zeni is lawless and morally dubious.

>Madoka face
That is just Riikka cposplaying Madoka

Holy shit, I didn't know that you can learn so much about human nature from a Sunday morning cartoon with little girl demographics.

The Cures will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. They must be cautious.

>how come a single star pen fetch so much in an auction
you forgot the "its the dragon balls" shit?

>Nao mom is fucking fat with shiton of kid
>married with jap men
>Elena mom works outside the housewife house
>Has shiton of kid and still fit
>Married with a fucking blond mexican

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It's only a western thing to make children shows brain dead retarded.

>this guy doesn't like you!

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God willing, though I'd settle for Combat Exo-suit Papa

Twinkle brings in too much whore and normalfags, I'm gonna have to bump to ranking down to the middle.

do Japanese women care that much about their figure after a certain age tho

Do w*men in general care?

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Negom's apartment must be flooded by now, like holy shit.

It's not about age, it's about whether you have kids or not. Desperate 30-something will act like thirsty thots if they feel they're running out of time on their biological clock.

I gotta get back on Fresh, Cure Peach is just too fucking cool, one of the best Cure intros ever

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Star Twinkle is definitely in my top three or four best Precure first halfs. I'm amazed that its been so good so far. Does anyone else feel the same way?

I think it's near the level of Dokidoki.

It's definitely zing-zing-amazing so far. I'm kinda fearing that /pc/ will break down into a shitstorm when we finally get a bad episode, and then even if it's only the one episode, after that people will sour on it and judge it harshly.

>Emiru mom
> Rich and busy doing rich people bullshit
>Daugther is a fucking lesbo with fixation about robots wife
>Son was traditionalist and conservative but in the end was just a closet homo and lusting Enri dick
The Aisaki family bloodline is fucked

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Peach is cool but I like Pine and Passion more. All three are great. I think Passion might be my favorite cure in general purely on a design perspective

artificial insemination and robot dicks can save that bloodline

This was the bad ep.

At least she became a grandmother at the end. Kinda.

I don't see it. It's fine and oyo is cute but the animation has been crap, the overall story isn't terribly interesting and the character arcs don't seem especially promising. I think they're nailing the fun SoL stuff for the most part and they haven't forgotten to have adventures in space (yet).

I'd put it right in the middle of the pack.

If it fully leave for the space I think it will be guaranteed a top spot for a very long time.

Nobody but Hana had a successful bloodline end in that season if you think about it.


You should watch it.

I need to rewatch Doki to remember how it was at the beginning.
One bad episode can't ruin it in my opinion. What's been the worst episode so far?

I think he knows the princesses personally, unlike Lala who is just press-ganged into the Precure project. In a way, he's the main character.

Depending on how you much you like Mana, it could've been pretty amazing. Even without her, Sword looked headed towards good things and it was pretty spicy the whole time Regina was around. The hype leading into the Ace reveal was about as good as Precure gets. Too bad they fucking blew it.

The ship tease is strong with this one.
Cosmos will go to Hikaru later, she's a real blue after all.

The beginning was pretty great, the Alice introduction video was the best Yellow Cure introduction ever. It's just the Ace (Ugly) introduction arc that completely sucked, and it's right in the middle.

pretty much, Prunce is the princesses main servant/confidant, this is why the princesses recognize/ask for him every once in a while.

>Saaya busyy with her medic career
>Homare busy with skating

Blue Cat is pure, PURE

>What's been the worst episode so far?
The movie episode was kinda meh? They split it too much between wacky hijinks and "Lala is leaving" drama that they didn't really nail either part. Even still, it was okay-ish.

Negom is out of control this season.
>first MadoLala
>then madoka being the fucktoy of faceless teachers
>now this

I like how the cast is being handled. They've had some great moments. The collect the trinkets story has been fine so far. I don't judge Precure shows on how the animation is in them. Good animation is a side bonus to me. Honestly I don't really know why I like Star Twinkle so much, it just feels really well put together to me.
I don't really like Mana that much, but I liked all of the other girls in Doki. I remember liking Regina a whole bunch, but I'm struggling to remember the plot. Didn't they have to collect items for some princess thing?

There's just something about Madoka that makes you want to see her with literally every girl. She radiates it.

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Pure slut.

High praise, but I actually agree. Star Twinkle doesn't have as strong of a cast, but they've shown enough potential that I can imagine a world where they're nipping at the Dokis' heels by midseason. We'll just have to see if they can keep it up for that long.

She is a future gigolette.

She lets a guy touch her ass for money. Think about this for a moment.

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If you have a sugar daddy you're by definition not pure.

So basically she's just an ordinary idol, yes?

I'm thinking about it. Hard.

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>chubby chipmunk cheeks

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I love how she acts super slutty even as a cure.

The episode with a movie director that's actually an alien in fat suit was pretty awful.

Based aliens do not fuck humanoids, she is pure.

This alien will hire Mao/bluecat for her services. whats will happen?

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It wasn't awful, just not great.

Earth episodes are generally weaker. I hope they go on a long journey into space during summer break. Rocket has those rooms for a reason hopefully.

There's a very good reason. Haven't you seen the toy rocket playset?

Lots of glopping sounds.

That was a Lala episode. And all Lala episodes are great episodes-lun~.

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That might be the weakest episode so far, but I still thought it was funny. The dramatic part between Lala and Hikaru wasn't bad either.

Not!Samus and Not!Ruri killed him

Choked to death by Blue Cat's grappling hook.


What is the oyo surprised at?

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Yes, we must behead those who insult Lala ~lun.

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designed for 2koma

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I want to see Blue Cat conducting more criminal activities!

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He gets taken for all he's worth, in more ways than one.

What kind of service, exactly? In the Star Wars canon, Huttese are hermaphrodite species and aren't interested in the thing humans call "sex."

She should steal Madoka's virginity.

I think the episode should've been 100% just wacky hijinks, that stuff was great, the part with Lala leaving is not bad but Ruru is still in recent memory so it seems a bit weaker by comparison to touch a plot point like that this early.

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Scenes like this makes me wonder why we even have Hikaru if Madoka gets all the pure-kino parts.

This is anime so obviously every alien monster wants to rape humanoid girls.

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>I'm struggling to remember the plot
It got convoluted. But the big thing was that the Trump kingdom was conquered by evil, Sword and the princess escaped but the latter went missing. It's the dickery around finding her that makes it one of the odd duck "tune in next week to find out!" seasons.

Primary text is all that matters. If you came away from Return of the Jedi thinking that, then watch the movie again.

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Space cure best cure. I cried like a little bitch during her school debut episode.

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Really great faces this episode

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We could cut the primary cast down to just Madoka and Lala and still have the show work. Hikaru and Elena don't need to be Cures at all.

I'll never look at mopping the same way again. That was rough.

It would've been decent as a duo season. Other than them both being retards. Or maybe that's what would've made it great.

>She should steal my virginity.

Dude nobody cares about forced "canon" changes to make the slave part less creepy and kid's friendly.

She's already stolen her heart. Madoka just doesn't know it yet.

Attached: [CommieRaws] Star☆Twinkle Precure - 15 [2BC7654E].mkv-00015.jpg (1280x720, 213K)

>Didn't they have to collect items for some princess thing?
Yes, they have to collect the princess' super-powered weapons, but since only she can use those it's all worthless. Then Regina took them because she's 1/3 of the princess or something.

The fact only one user posted a live show pic in the thread.

Attached: cure nova when.jpg (1920x1080, 182K)

So I'm watching Princess, and somehow it's not the same now that's Twilight is gone and the lackeys took centerstage.
Will it be good again, or is this what we get for the second half?

Attached: [Doremi].Go!.Princess.Precure.26.[1280x720].[91D5741A].mkv_snapshot_00.21_[2019.05.12_17.57.54].jpg (1280x720, 75K)

Get used to it.

If Lala is more stupidly aggressive this combination can be made to work.

She saw Mao pull Madoka in close.

Attached: [CommieRaws] Star☆Twinkle Precure - 15 [2BC7654E].mkv-00011.jpg (1280x720, 147K)

Mao is top and Madoka is bottom. It's a match made in heaven.

I'm shocked that Elena just did this instead of standing up to do a full dance.

Attached: Elena Wants to Dance.webm (960x540, 203K)

Her Space Thief outfit is kinda HaCha-ish (more especifically Cure Princess).

Attached: gYcXmqN.png (469x695, 279K)

Part of Madoka's appeal is that she's so perfectly reversible. She'd be assertive with Lala, but definitely lose against Mao.

Attached: D0sTCXoVYAEtrF4.png large.png (800x838, 792K)

She's barely suppressing her inner Mexican.

God I love heels in precure so much.

Attached: [CommieRaws] Star☆Twinkle Precure - 15 [2BC7654E].mkv_snapshot_15.31.787.png (1280x720, 2.13M)

I love Lala the most of all the cures and I think she has a great synergy with pink, they're the perfect duo. But I can see Madoka/Lala working. Yellow needs some spice though.

Attached: 1544655148648.jpg (1280x720, 611K)

Her space dress was pretty lewd.

Attached: [CommieRaws] Star☆Twinkle Precure - 15 [2BC7654E].mkv_snapshot_20.41.269.png (1280x720, 1.47M)

>lackeys took centerstage
This is one of the thing i like about Princess.
Also Towa is really cute and i love her.

>size difference

Attached: [CommieRaws] Star☆Twinkle Precure - 15 [2BC7654E].mkv_snapshot_04.43.362.png (1280x720, 1.51M)

>the latina needs more spice

>moral degeneration
>ugly bastard
>stomach deformation

>ugly bastard

Rude. He's cute.

Hikaru could still exist as a supporting character. Like a more fun Yui or Seiji. That way we could keep her relentless optimism around to motivate Lala and Madoka when they're down, without her needing to suck up as much screentime in all the other episodes. I'd like that.

What Yellow needs is multiple dicks in her.

>space PreCure
>space Fairy Tail
>space Naruto

Is space finally making a comeback after years of terrible video game fantasy spam?

Attached: [CommieRaws] Star☆Twinkle Precure - 15 [2BC7654E].mkv_snapshot_06.24.443.png (1280x720, 1.46M)

It was my favorite out of the space dresses.

>tells Lala to become a Cure
>stops Madoka from wrecking herself
>looks after Lala at school
Hikaru is based.

Hikaru is great. I love her little comedy moments.

Attached: Hikaru's Savings.webm (960x540, 453K)

I dunno, I think being enveloped by him is quite a sexy situation.

>Not being a luckshitter in this day and age
Thanks based /moba/, anyways for anyone who's playing, I need to reach a certain stage to unlock shit? Also the heart system is purd cancer.

Attached: image%3A6742080.jpg (800x1270, 394K)

you rerolled for her?

As expected of an expert in the feminine arts.

Attached: 1551817472629.jpg (1083x1200, 184K)

This he's like a slim space Bowser

I feel like Hikaru is necessary but I can't really think of a single thing Elena adds.

I don't understand the appeal of gacha games. All the art gets ripped into folders online anyway, and if it's just that gambling high surely you could just buy some scratch-offs.

It's because she's more mature than the rest and her expressions are super lewd. Like she was restraining her urges.

Attached: [Over-Time] Star☆Twinkle Precure - 05 [62FEF47E].mkv_snapshot_17.35.470.png (1280x720, 1.25M)

>I can't really think of a single thing Elena adds.
Diversity points.

I love how important donuts are in this show.

Attached: Donuts are Important.jpg (1280x720, 166K)

>but I can't really think of a single thing Elena adds

She's the opposite of Madoka.

Attached: [CommieRaws] Star☆Twinkle Precure - 08 [9CC3FA23].mkv_snapshot_08.06.026.png (1280x720, 1.37M)

She's the smile and heart of the group.

Attached: Elena's Words of Wisdom.webm (960x540, 207K)

They sell those donuts IRL after all.

>Negom cucks lala
She was never hers to begin with. Lala is for Hikaru and Hikaru only.

Attached: IMG_20190511_091433.jpg (1050x1400, 123K)

Figures she is a blue after all.

Dead ship, Cosmos came in for the kill.

Blue Cat doujins when?

No Bear, No gachawasting.

Imagine being a precure doujin circle right now. There is so much great stuff in this season I would have no idea what to do.

Who I gotta murder to let Cure Mofurun come home

They should just have a big orgy in the rocket. Squid can join too.

Attached: [CommieRaws] Star☆Twinkle Precure - 11 [FC1ED4C4].mkv_snapshot_20.56.643.png (1280x720, 1.52M)

Prunce is not a squid, he's a HealSlime, a HealSlime who doesnt heal, but still...

>wanting to fuck the ugly cyclops
cringe, i'll take cumming inside mao any day

Attached: 10.jpg (1200x1749, 332K)

Imagine how tight she is.

Attached: [CommieRaws] Star☆Twinkle Precure - 10 [A59BB4CF].mkv_snapshot_06.49.624.png (1280x720, 1.54M)

Nope, first roll following the good 'ol rule of gachashit, hence the luckshitting.
It's just to waste a bit of free time while you're bored. And the thrill of roll and get either shit or gold. In PvP based games it's more of Esport shit and whaling is a must.
You have her card? Or it is one of those cases where "I wish she was on" ?

Nozomi the best

Attached: Nozomi 1.jpg (1000x800, 288K)

nah, she ugly. mao is tighter anyways and is used to sex

Hikaru's thinking face is funny.

Attached: Hikaru Floating.jpg (1280x720, 177K)

>"I wish she was on"
pretty much that... is she already?

Puff archer is cute.

Attached: Puff Sagittarius.webm (960x540, 1.92M)

Stop spreading lies slut monkey, mao is pure and into yuri only.

>give her a centaur costume
>princess isn't a centaur

Attached: 12.jpg (475x950, 119K)

awful drawing.
Artist needs to work on his pantsu pics.

Is Eyewon the cutest, smallest general?

Attached: Eyewon Cute Outline.jpg (1280x720, 119K)

Haruyama Kazunori when
Probably not, but I love her anyway, so deliciously bratty

Attached: Eyewon.jpg (956x1078, 182K)

Attached: 1412934532186.jpg (1280x720, 72K)

Uh, that Blue Cat image was done by Haruyama.


This ass needs a redraw.

>space Fairy Tail
>space Naruto
Are you talking about Naruto or something else? And I am pretty sure Fairy Tail ended, but maybe I am wrong.

Dude she was literally sitting on a dick

Kishi and Mashima are both doing space series now.

Mao-chan is AI right

>6th cure

Ok, who the hell is it gonna be?

>still wears pantsu

Attached: 1556980852134-fourchan-a-187839195.jpg (1122x1122, 115K)

Attached: laughs in eternal torment.png (1280x720, 1.06M)

Sakurako or Eyewon. I'm leaning towards Eyewon. I can't wait until Eyeone's first day of school.

Attached: [CommieRaws] Star☆Twinkle Precure - 13 [96B3B0BD].mkv_snapshot_05.57_[2019.04.27_23.57.14].jpg (1280x720, 76K)


Realistically and by logic it could be either Eyewon or Sakurako, UNLESS they pull a "Ronin Cure" out of nowhere. I doubt they'll put the focus on yet another earthling as red herring.

Attached: v2.jpg (379x327, 23K)

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Attached: mao_02.jpg (1280x1090, 384K)

Considering what happened last time I saw cops and kaitou fight monsters I'd rather not


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Attached: mao_06.jpg (1280x1231, 207K)

Post more armpits shots!

She's not worthy sorry.

That's the 5th one user. We're talking about the 6th.
>Mommy Red Cure
Very YES. A hag as a Cure would be a neat change of pace

Hikaru's dad.

God I'm gonna fap so hard to her

So if Mao is the disguise is Blue Cat her real form?

Who can really say

I love how little fucks she gives, blasted by a fireball, falling through a skylight, totally composed
I know what you mean, but since it's not the main motif and there's no toy bias faggotry it could work out.
interested to see what she linked up with Darknest for, considering how minion based she is maybe she was alone for a long time and thus craves companionship but now in the worst way

Considering Cosmo is close to the blue cat form I'd say yeah, maybe even M.A.O isn't her real name either.

They sell everything about the show. That's the point.

There are two of them.

>sometimes I'm a beloved galactic idol
>at other times a stellar thief
>Wanna know who I really am?
>The out of this world warrior, Cure Cosmo!

Attached: I'm gonna change.png (1280x720, 1.07M)

Eyewon is so cute.

Attached: Cute Frustrated Eyewon text.webm (960x540, 371K)

>Blue Cat is Cosmo
>Mao is the Red

oh fuck

Please let them be twins. We need twin sister Cures.

So the whole cat perfume is just smoke and mirrors? Interesting theory.


I would love this way too much for it to be true. God damn it all.

We need relevant twin sister Cures on the main team.

A 2 Cure season with twin Cures would be amazing. Make their mom the extra Cure and we have the Family Precure.

>Make their mom the extra Cure and we have the Family Precure.
Don't forget the dad. He should be on the team too.

He's part of the villain's general, or make him the big baddie and the Cure's duty is to bring him back.

Attached: thanks for both of your kidneys anon.webm (640x360, 122K)

might be smoother

Attached: you can keep 1 cuz I'm so nice.webm (640x360, 118K)

Takahashi isn't aikatsu's designer.

how much does she charge a night?

one donut
two without a condom

Hikaru is going to have to punish the thief with her powerful dick. Lala will understand that it's for the best.

That's been done before, the mom should be the villain.

What do mean, we got Mofurun in Maho and Soleil is the orange this season.

It's going to be like that for a while. However the finale is fucking incredible, so it's worth sticking to it.

Ok fair. Make the mom the big bad. The father is MiA, so that solves that problem. If the mom isn't the +1 Cure I can't think of something interesting.

>new season starts, "I don't really think I'll like these villains"
>about a quarter of the season in "I love these guys, I hope they get happy ends"
This happens every single season
except kirakira until Bib shows up

look at how happy he is

Attached: [CommieRaws] Star☆Twinkle Precure - 15 [2BC7654E].mkv_snapshot_06.24_[2019.05.12_14.27.28].jpg (1280x720, 96K)

Julio was cool.

That thief stole Prunce's heart

>forced to leave his homeworld and masters as part of his duty to protect the keeper of the light or whatever.
>in his lowest point he was about to give up
>He got inspired to keep going thanks to the song of some aidoru.
>he finally has the chance to meet the one who gave him hope in his darkest hour face to face.
>turns out the aidoru he loved for so long is a bitchy phantom thief that 'allegedly' doesnt give a crap about feels or hope.

Poor piece of blob, his poor gelatinous heart got savagely squashed, hopefully he will have what he truly deservesfor his efforts and suffering soon enough.

>still gives them the pen

Prunce is kinda thick

You forgot
>bound to jail for a very long time due to prime directive violation
>having to manage total whackoes like Hikaru

Cosmo is not going to end up being from planet Rainbow, is she? She has a rainbow design in her transformation.

Lala is best with Hikaru anyways

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Watched All Stars Memories for the first time just now.
That was a pretty good one imo, the best since Kiseki no Mahou, damn that montage near the end with all those flashbacks from iconic scenes of the franchise was too much for me, I can't believe that I legit cried.

Attached: all those camera angles tho.jpg (1280x720, 67K)

Attached: 4354.jpg (1280x1853, 373K)

Attached: tsubomi_whaaaaaa.gif (400x400, 109K)

I need some cute Gao in my life right about now

Attached: 1557441961098.jpg (850x1200, 141K)

Yeah it was pretty good.

Attached: Hana the Kidnapper 01.webm (960x540, 2.73M)

Precure femdom doujins a best

>Here I go!

here's a gao riding a giraffe

Attached: 63753236_p10.jpg (1300x1800, 896K)

Attached: 68271596_p9.jpg (800x800, 508K)

Now that I've seen Blue Cat, I can't help but notice her top hat in Cure Cosmo design.

It was fun trying to guess what scene they'd show for each series.

Look at that shrewd expression, I love her already

I can't believe Hana flashed her panties to all the little girls and their dad.

Kinda hope she still uses her grapple line or a more thematic version of it when she becomes a cure

He became a cure, he doesn't count as a general anymore.

Her color palette is nice but not as wide as Parfait

Attached: faa1552521c1523c3bc834b525345272.jpg (923x1248, 201K)

It's just there to make obvious that Mao is Cosmo. Dumb tiny hat.

>Dumb tiny hat.

>Dumb tiny hat.
Tiny hats are cool.

Attached: 02_slide05.png (714x650, 529K)

It would have been nice if the Precure had to fight of mafia goons for the pen instead of the Notrayders as usual.

I'm seconding this user, tiny hats are dumb. Sorry.

does anyone have that KiraKira recipe book image?

Attached: D6YO3ueU0AAUUkw.jpg (600x800, 157K)

Attached: D6W15F_UcAA4_xQ.jpg (1460x1824, 468K)

liko is the coooooooooolest!!!

Attached: 74692234_p0.jpg (600x600, 120K)

Tiny hats are dumb and Topaz form even more. It felt out of place. I'd take Wuby any day of the week over Topaz.

Tiny hats are cool and Topaz form is my favorite form in Maho. How did it feel out of place? It had the best fighting style with those floating things that turned into platforms and giant hammers. It was neat.

Attached: imoutoo.png (936x720, 408K)


Attached: 1533430610895.png (644x456, 240K)

Attached: 74648243_p0.jpg (1760x1200, 1.45M)

anybody got the "Where's Plonk?" screencap?

Dia form had a purpose. Ruby had it's theme, even saphire was made to emulate a mermaid. But Topaz? It's meant to represent their childish side? I'm not saying that topaz form was weak, just that it has a dumb desing. I think me loving more Ruby has something to do with my opinion but that's what I feel. Bloodlusts Cures best Cures.

Attached: [anon] Hugtto! Precure - 09-0-10-09-009.png (1440x810, 2.49M)

Attached: [CommieRaws] Star☆Twinkle Precure - 08 [9CC3FA23].mkv-00008.jpg (1280x720, 227K)

Thanks, brighteyes

Not the user you're talking to, but I'm with him. Topaz forms are hella busy and look like they came from the sort of early-2000s magical girl show that everyone forgot existed before it even finished airing. Or maybe the modern comparison would be a Chinese or Korean "anime"? Just unappealing and unmemorable in every way.

Here, open up.

Attached: 01.jpg (1378x1378, 175K)

Attached: [anon] Hugtto! Precure - 18.mkv_snapshot_07.26_[2018.06.03_22.43.11].jpg (1280x720, 62K)

Tsundere Ichika would be the hottest thing

Attached: 74685427_p0.jpg (999x666, 186K)

Well, I like almost all of the designs in Maho. The only one that I don't like is Felice's super form. That one just looks too odd to me. I don't see how Topaz form is not memorable. Their finisher is really good too. The outfit looks like a fun kind of design to me, I honestly don't see a problem with it.

Attached: 01_slide05.png (714x650, 441K)

pls no bully-lun~

on their way to steal your virginity

Attached: D6ZdikAUYAA0Iqm.jpg (720x1080, 213K)

Attached: D6XjuhjU8AAKoLH.jpg (910x1289, 128K)

>I dislike emerald's Alexandrite
I guess we'll never agree on anything. Shame it was just only used for Rapapa symbolism. Once yet again it's not that it's forgettable, just plain dumb.

Attached: 74688996_p0 (1).png (2250x3182, 3.8M)

Topaz form is not dumb. It had a theme and a style like the other forms had. I think that it looks better than Felice's form does. I get that Felice's form is supposed to be nature themed, but I didn't like how her dress and her hair ended up looking. And Mofurun looks cute in Topaz form too.

Attached: Cure_Mofurun_-_Topaz_style.png (1091x782, 679K)

Attached: D6IiJX6UIAAqpfc.jpg (1448x2048, 566K)

Attached: DSC114_5332.jpg (1600x1063, 1.77M)

Attached: [anon] KiraKira Precure À La Mode - 12 [1280x720].mkv_snapshot_13.26_[2017.04.23_17.12.25].jpg (1280x720, 158K)

They can't steal it if I give it to them!

Attached: D5z94OvUYAIuJxT.jpg (768x1024, 138K)

such a chad

I'm fairly certain I would not have survived the year.

Attached: 1492299903238.jpg (1920x1080, 503K)

Attached: 74183869_p2.jpg (722x1024, 560K)

Is this entire show Madoka's harem?


I want to be disdained by Madoka

Attached: D6WzWFyUEAA05SK.jpg (1200x675, 70K)

>It was like she was looking at walking garbage

I'm stealing this banny

Attached: 1557706676019-1.jpg (1920x1080, 290K)

God willing

>Madoka's not even surprised

Attached: D6XKWy9UwAIrIMj.jpg (1702x957, 161K)

>"I want to dominate this catgirl."

What is this tweet speculating?

Mao and that cat butler actually knows each other

Siblings from Planet Rainbow


Looks like that person thinks that Mao might be from planet Rainbow too. I said that here but nobody noticed.

actually she is, only on a 'i should have known before, dammit!' way rather than a 'HOLY SHIT!' way.

Mao and bakenyan are in chaoots with each other, and not only that, they probably are survivors of the BLATANTLY FORESHADOWED disaster of planet Rainbow.


Attached: Himari Rain.gif (950x768, 535K)

also, it is funny how the 'males are monsters, females are cute or sexy' rule for fantasy creatures is in effect here.

Attached: 2aab14c216e449e5d13b16de3583cf31.jpg (900x512, 122K)

Bear suit couple

Attached: [CommieRaws] Star☆Twinkle Precure - 15 [2BC7654E].mkv_snapshot_09.56_[2019.05.13_02.42.28].jpg (1280x720, 96K)


a fucking Hydra came to watch a space cat idol

I know what you are getting at, but by surprised I meant that she's not shocked or astonished like the rest.

Who wouldn't?

That hydra has good taste then.

Wow, this episode was really fucking good.
I want more cool space planet episodes, this was really slick and stylish and kirayaba~!
I liked how slimy and scummy the planet seemed, it's just a bunch of lawless rich fuckers. Trying to think of a good way to describe it, it's like Nar Shaddaa but it's clean like Monaco at the same time or something.

The donut thing was super stupid but it worked so well that I ended up loving it.
Kinda depressing that people in space don't have anything as good as a donut. Makes me want to stay on Earth.

Really cute Eyewon this time around too. I really didn't like her when she first showed up, but she's too cute now.
Man, now I'm not that excited about next episode because it's on mundane Earth.
I kinda wanna see Lala showing them around her favorite places in space or something at some point.

Julio was great and he had great episodes.

Weirdest ass.

Attached: mpv-shot0013.jpg (1280x720, 129K)

I'm disappointed this didn't happen. I really expected it when they did show those space mafia dudes.

>Man, now I'm not that excited about next episode because it's on mundane Earth.

I know why they're alternating between Earth and space, so they don't run out of ideas for space episodes, but it just makes the Earth episodes feel so underwhelming.

>now I'm not that excited about next episode because it's on mundane Earth
Madoka waa great this episode and I'm expecting her focus episode to be great too

Attached: D5FamK7UYAEJRlY.jpg (1466x1266, 569K)

Is there any sense at all to where the princess pens have been found?

I wouldn't expect it since they had a "scattered throughout the galaxy" vibe

I'm kinda surprised by how much I've enjoyed watching this dumb baby grow and learn to walk and talk.

they're dragonballs, man. they show up wherever will make a fun episode.

Attached: [xPearse] Fresh Precure! - Episode 36 [English Sub] [720p].mkv_snapshot_07.10_[2019.05.12_20.47.28]. (1274x720, 123K)

I still can't get over how much I like Madoka.
I thought Elena was going to be the best one of the lot, but she hasn't actually done anything. Her family's great, but that was it.

In contrast, Madoka is both much cuter and much more interesting than I expected. I loved the focus on her this episode.

There are too many directors for Precure to try to keep a concise style and narrative

I've read once that Toei doesn't like to distance a show for too long on different dimensions and stuff like that, being grounded makes it more "relatable" to its target audience.
I knew that ST was going to alternate like this even before it aired, but honestly I'm ok with that, it wouldn't feel like Precure anymore if we didn't had everyday shenanigans.

She's the true pink
Hikaru is just the comic relief

Attached: D6Y0vchUcAAg7zz.png (600x812, 249K)

If they actually are from planet rainbow that would explain Cosmo's rainbow colored skirt somehow.

Look, I played ES2. That guy's obviously Space Fish Jew Mafia. The last time a member of the Space Fish Jew Mafia got out of line, the Space Fish Jew Mafia fucking murdered him.

Attached: lumeris.png (1232x451, 594K)

Attached: 74659066_p0 (1).png (2140x2568, 3.98M)

ok, that one's funny:

>M: Blue.. Cat... like Doraemon?

would Madoka's dad even let her watch something as juvenile and common as Doraemon?

Attached: 1554615297608.jpg (1280x720, 821K)


>There are too many directors for Precure to try to keep a concise style and narrative
Wait, was that intended for my post?

>yfw Age/Size change during Henshin
So lady tengu for reverse Cure Ace?

I'm not sure anymore now that you asked

I just want her on my dick.

Attached: 74691265_p0.png (1200x1770, 983K)

Attached: 74706925_p0.png (708x1000, 708K)

Is that poorman space Tiamat?

Attached: Tiamat.jpg (206x245, 21K)

Attached: 74693721_p0.png (800x600, 617K)

OverTime out

Please vote!

まどか攻め・マオ受け (Madoka's active, Mao's passive)
マオ攻め・まどか受け (Mao's active, Madoka's passive)

this is stupid, why would the reserved high society girl be the active one and the idol/kaitou be the passive one?

Madoka has a shitton of repressed emotions

Por que no los dos?

man, I didn't feel like waiting for over-time, so I watched user's today

but I forgot how clunky user's subs read and how jank some of their translation choices are and it pissed me off
downloaded over-time's, but I forgot how jank some of their translation choices are (also, I'm not sure if that bit with the space klein bottle is a mistake or not -- it looks like one)
and they've got some weird "localization" bits (kiran->shein seems mildly retarded, even though it's entirely reasonable)

kinda wish I was good enough at nip to not need subs

that's pretty reasonable
still doesn't keep the more earth-bound bits from seeming less interesting at a glance than cool space adventures

You irredeemable bunch of pervert losers.
I love every single one of you.

Attached: 1522035849656.jpg (502x560, 85K)

lol weeb

So which translation is better overall, user's or Over-Time's? I remember hearing that OT made some mistakes early on, did they get better or stay about the same?

thank goodness the correct answer is winning

Both are above average imho. I'm watching user's because it's the fastest but I'm archiving O-T's.

>thank goodness
Not for me

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So, does this mean she's done with Lala?

Attached: bukkius.jpg (1280x720, 90K)

Attached: 1.gif (267x360, 265K)

Attached: Elena's Siblings Wave.webm (586x418, 53K)

Pretty much. Lala is finally free to pursue Hikaru now.

Attached: lalawav.gif (1006x658, 638K)

Attached: idle wave.webm (1024x576, 138K)

Poor Hikaru. Being used as the rebound girl because Madoka found herself a better alien


Attached: bibuwav.gif (400x720, 235K)

I was thinking more along the lines of Lala going for Elena's brother.

End your miserable life.

>Hikaru being pity-fingered by the alien

But it would be cute.

Attached: baseballcatwaves.gif (126x217, 115K)

Oh, it's out today isn't it

Bit late for this, but I hoped you watched this episode yesterday.

Attached: 74706994_p0.jpg (1112x834, 126K)

Attached: 7653.png (531x564, 10K)

Attached: 1557545775980.jpg (2008x2048, 540K)

Attached: Star Twinkle.jpg (800x884, 140K)


Attached: 72560199_p0.png (768x1024, 1.12M)

Bye bye.

Attached: 74707231_p0.jpg (1668x2224, 556K)


Pretty sure this guy thinks they are the same person.