ITT Dub > Sub

You know it's true.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>depriving yourself of a show with both Nakata Jouji AND Wakamoto in it
ITT: Retards

I know you being a faggot is true.

berserk had a good dub

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I actually don't.

>like a truck

No show has ever had a good dub

I don't know if I'd go as far as to say the Hellsing dub is better than the sub, but the Major's dub VA was phenomenal.

Japanese sounds retarded as fuck regardless of what you think on dubs vs subs


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This, some shows have retarded English dubs so at that point I watch the sub, cannot watch eva dub for example but chinese just sounds too retarded for me to take what I am watching seriously. A lot of shows have good dubs. Cant imagine watching something like steins gate or bebop subbed.

The true answer: hellsing voice acting is perfect no matter if its Jp or Eng, and you should watch both.

Yea Forums is trash, in a different time a user like this would be banned.

bebop has a pretty good dub, but i cant imagine steins has. the bad english voice acting is just way too hard to take seriously, especially in a show as dark as steins gate is. i tend to find that as far as i can tell the jap voice acting is pretty good (but thats probably the key, i cant really tell without speaking it)

Well you should do the world a favor and kys.

Perfect Synergy
>Psycho-Pass Movie No Engrish Edition

Dub > Sub
>Cowboy Bebop
>Ghost Stories
>Fullmetal Alchemist
>Dragon Ball (even Spanish > Japanese on this one)
>Yu Yu Hakusho
>Spice and Wolf
>Death Note
>Panty & Stocking
>Welcome to the N.H.K.

Dub = Sub
>Samurai Champloo
>Neon Genesis Evangelion

Dub < Sub but Dub is still tolerable
>Kill la Kill
>Space Patrol Luluco
>Azumanga Daioh
>The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
>Lucky Star
>Digimon Adventure

Dub < Sub and Dub is shit
>The Rest of Anime

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>>Neon Genesis Evangelion
>Dub = Sub
Nigga, NGE dub is shit, with exception of the Ballooney Poney scene

>Steins;Gate dub is better then sub

remember when they added the jelly sound effect when the guy got shot in EoE cos they thought it was funny

Check out the Spice and Wolf Russian dub btw

that's just bloopers user

they did a good job of transferring the stereotypes into english. okabe does a decent mad scientist, daru sounds just like your average neckbeard, they actually managed to make faris's cat puns work in english, the rest of the cast also put on a decent performance, even mayuri is probably the VAs best performance to date (she's not even as good playing the same character in zero).
i like all the girls' voices better, but the actual performances are probably worse. it has a sort of campy vibe i appreciate. EoE is dub < sub, as the dubbing company as different and lost all of the non-MC actors, but even that has some great B-movie tier scenes

Add Baccano to the Dub > Sub list.

Sera’s is the only thing I can’t stand her accent is annoying in the dub

i'm not the biggest fan of okabe spouting the cake is a lie tier memes even if the characters are 2chaners

Yea Forums sure loves Funimation.

You got it all wong, user. I love that dub.

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I watch dubs almost exclusivesly. But sometimes dubs completely slaughter the sourcematerial (HxH 2011 for example) and I just have to watch subbed, because I can't fucking bear it.

I cannot not laught at these
>Griffith singing "I'm just a girl who can't say no" after caska asks why he whored himself
>"does this dress make me look hot?"...."no"

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It's especially weird that her accent is so trash considering that they have an actual Brit as Integra. Seems odd that they couldn't get someone else for it.

Is it time to mention Dragon ball dubs?

>that cake is a lie

this is great. if i can figure out how to get english subs to play over it i'll have a reason for a rewatch. apparently the russians know how to dub songs pretty well as well

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>dub > sub
>spice and wolf
Get fucking real. Holo's VA was pure trash. How can you put high society affectations on a west coast US dialect? She sounds like a nu-money cunt who was raised by her MexiMaid

Spice and Wolf is the only anime where the dub is better than the sub.
You can't disprove this.

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That's not a dub, it's a parody made by an official studio.

>A lot of shows have good dubs.
So much shit taste in this thread

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Reminder alrhough black clover is a trash anime by default the injustice the dub staf did for it is just unacceptable their lip sync was completely mediocre and the vas should be fired. I would take the AAAAAHHHHsta sub any day instead of watching that trash dub composition.
i like sub but i know theres some really good dub out there.

>blocked in your country
fuck burgerland

They did Haruhi justice

Волчица и пряности
should be able to find a link to a stream with that. or just vpn the youtube link

I tolerate Pokemon and Yugioh dubs

>Fullmetal Alchemist
Sub >>>> Dub faggot

Dragonball I'd put at Dub = Sub. And the dub VAs suck at Bejita or Goku's more silly or emotions other than anger lines

>sub vs dub
I never understood this. Like just learn moon already. Then you get the best of both worlds

>anglo speaker
>calling other languages retarded

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Anyone who thinks the Steins;Gate dub was better immediately has their entire opinion invalidated and they should fuck off back to Yea Forums

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anyone who says the dub is better is saying that because that's how they watched it the first time around and they locked the shit voice acting in their head as being "correct". you can fix it by watching the sub. it somewhat works the other way around as well. i've found dubs can become tolerable, even likeable, if you stick with the show long enough

Konosuba had a decent dub.

Yeah it makes her fight with the scythe chick unbearable to watch. Rest of the dub is fantastic.

Only if the dub is Italian

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I prefer dubs for a few reasons.
>Anime is a visual medium where you should be focusing on the action.
>90% of japanese female voice actors have annoying high pitched voices.
>American theme songs for anime were often far superior to whatever generic Jpop song was used for the original.

Other than that I don't mind subs too much. Despite every dub hater being a braindead automaton.

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>defending subs
Why the hell do you want to read shit on the screen on top of not understanding a word? Fucking retards

Characters in dubs sound way too old 90% of the time.

Maybe if you're used to the nails-on-chalkboard Japanese banshees.

The only times when female Japanese voice actors don't sound 100% on point is when they start out voicing a male child character, then a time skip happens but they keep the voice actress.

Ranma 1/2 is pretty solid.
It’s a good dub like Golden Boy.
Reeks of that 90s charm.

Castle of Cagilostro is great.
>Motherfucking Bob ‘I’m Porky Pig’ Bergan as Lupin
>Fits well
>The added voice lines during silence make it better

Don’t deny it.

English Kurumi is best Kurumi, same with Karinka and her sailor mouth. Saki is merely Rial before she was in everything.

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I only watch dubs just to spite anons on Yea Forums. I avoid subs, I hate gibberish screeching and the language is annoying.

Both are perfect, you know it's true.

Next thing we know they will be changing the animiation

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Crispin Freeman is the default Alucard in my head but sub Alucard has a better laugh. Crispin's would be an 8/10, subbed in 11/10.

I don't watch dubs. Why would I watch a dub ever?

Kill yourself

Welcome to the NHK

Why do so many Yea Forumsnons hate the English language?

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The fact that anons consider dubs remotely "good" sickens me.


Cromartie had a good dub

Ghost Stories

So you can actually watch the show and not read during it.

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So you can pay attention to the visuals. Tough most anime look like shit so i get that.

Dragonballs Sub is absolute shit.

It's not hard to do both though. Your eyes just sort of switch between the two.


Most anime is better with dub. There are very few exceptions where sub has something over the dub.

Steins;Gate has the best dub of any anime.

english is an ugly language to hear out loud
almost as bad as chinese

'twas a good one

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>ctrl + f "space dandy"
>0 results
You're all a bunch of squares

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I hated how they replaced Ranma's voice actor with the guy who did Inuyasha halfway through, the original guy wasn't great but he sounded like an actual 14 year old boy.

Oh hai, newfaggots.
People whining about "old Yea Forums" not tolerating dubs has been going on since 2004. Before either of you were born.

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>fuck off back to Yea Forums
You do realise thats a promotion, right?

Fo shizzle ma nizzle

itt reddit

Yes, it's true.

DBZ dub is infinitely better than sub. Berserk golden age movies were based too

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Police Girl sounded fine to me in the dub t b h. If anything her voice was too quiet a lot of the time

Hellsing abridged was a better dub than official dub or sub

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I never really liked abridged stuff, is it all word gags or do they try to balance it out?

TFS are objectively good VAs and editors at this point, though if you aren't a fan of abridging you're obviously not going to like what they do

>german accents
not really

Yu Yu Hakusho
Code Geass
Tokyo Ghoul
Golden Boy
Death Note
Satoshi Kon films
and ofc Hellsing

Also the Steins Gate dub is fuckin trash you all are cappin

Dragonball's dub is irredeemable trash

It bothers me that people think KLK's dub is good

The last few episodes sucked big time. They replaced comedy with super serious voice acting and it was neither funny, nor that good.

BASED, fuck retarded dubfags

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ITT: I have brain damage and the only cure is death
Not even limited to anime, dubs are always trash.

I find it real hard to believe the Hellsing eng dub is better when Nakata Jouji does Alucard. These threads should be dubs that are passable or decent.

I think English is a fine language phonetically. It doesn't start to fall apart until you want to write something down.

I know the guy that did Dr.Gero is officially the voice of Ainz in the Overlord dub. I actually really like his voice.

That was surprisingly good

>DBZ dub is infinitely better than sub.

A huge cocksucker defending TFS on Yea Forums in a dubs thread, now I've seen everything.

>Imagine enjoying Troy Cunter

Bad dub still beats reading a fucking cartoon

imagine not knowing japanese in current year

>Board where they think voice actors with no acting training is good.