ITT: that one character in the show that is way more popular than the rest of the cast

Attached: Mashiro.jpg (484x600, 55K)

Maybe among dirty fucking pedo trash.


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post sunday dance GIF

>walmart Kohaku

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>see loli
>gets triggered
Maybe/a/ isn't for you, bud


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It's always the loli.

Pretty obvious why

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Aside from thinking the voice acting was good, I really don't remember anything about MdS other than Mashiro

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Why did her VA not make it big?

Attached: [Shisukon] Mikakunin de Shinkoukei - 10 [BD][720p-AAC][A46B8BBC].mkv - 0002.jpg (1280x720, 135K)

Didn't want to take ugly bastard cock for better roles

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I remember Kobeni being as much popular and only Benio was hated

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Kill yourself, trash.

Unironically based