Happy Mother's day

Happy Mother's day

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reminder that expecting a woman to wait 15 years for you is psychological abuse

okay but why with the friend? why did it have to fuck the friend? why?

As well

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Because he was always close to her and supporting her. She might have had feelings for him, but feelings change after long time.

I don't hate them for what they did, I hate them because I wasted all that time watching the shit. 556 especially, every episode in the entire second half of the show is pure fecal matter in an .mkv file

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Fuck you OP

Women don't have emotions so its impossible to psychologically abuse them

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If they don't have emotions, why should you care then? Oh, you are man who has emotions. I see. Alpha like you should just pump and dump them then, but I guess you are more closer to bitter virgin or incel

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shit just dodged a bullet
thanks for the reminder OP, going to call mummy today

Nothing wrong with psychologically abusing unfaithful whores

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How many relationships have you been in? If it's more than 0, I'm impressed

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Kill yourself you cuckoldry supporting Redditcuck. This is a fucking fantasy manga with superpowers. The author planned to shill his cucck fetish from the start.





Now this is based.

Holding your "girlfriend's" hand while Tyrone fucks her in front of you is not really a relationship either, so you're at 0 too buddy.

Holy keks.

based, fuck cucks, if you do something for a girl you should at least expect a good dick sucking


Not sure if ironic, but according to biology, the female brain is actually hard wired to want to suck the dick of her savior.

That's actually true you know.

Girl here, can confirm.

I just found it funny when anons are speaking of whroes, when they don't even know what it's like or how they really are

But you're the one who doesn't know anything about women.

>4 years
>People are still angry about the ending and NTR
Wow, I just thought it was cool and touching drama show with a nice gimmick. Had a rushed ending though. Based nippon really can't make endings

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I'm still mad

It was not really a rushed ending... it's more like after Kayo was saved, the author ran out of material. He had no more ideas. So he just forced the "town only without me" into it with a rather brutal fashion. Like if you stop to think about it for a minute, and disregard the whole Kayo situation - how the fuck did the teacher not get caught? Why did he stop killing? He was still at the same school according to the manga. How did he know Satoru would wake up? Why did he not stay to finish the job? Why did he suddenly have a change of heart after Satoru pretended to kill himself?

There are just so many questions.

>Women don't have emotions
You did it bro, you made the most incorrect statement in the history of mankind.

Because I have emotions and the MC has emotions so I can relate to him being NTRed by a fag
That's empathy, something women and fags don't have

You know what I don't understand? The male posters who always defend this. I understand the male posters who are angry, they have every right to be. But why are some of them defending this? Is this supposed to be some sort of virtue signalling? But to whom? All the girls who watched this anime were also angry that Kayo did not end up with Satoru. Do the male posters defending this actually thing that the female viewers liked this? It's really embarrassing.

He's an alpha perfectionist and wanted to kill him himself.

based biology

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The numales are defending this because they never interact with any actual girl, much less a girl who has watched this. So based on their leftie teachings, they think that surely womxn would be on the side of cuckoldry cuz strong independent woman etc?

Happy Mother's Day, Yea Forums

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Wrong thread buddy.

you sound like those idiots who where once rejected by some bitch and later kept blaming them about how miserable they are. Just move on you fuckign beta faggot.

She loves her daughter.

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did he fuck the bully girl, she was cute

you'll never understand until you accept there's so much more to life as a straight guy than getting yourself a woman

I don't think you're a straight guy tho.

No, the author instead gave him some annoying MPDG.

>4 years

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>you sound like those idiots who where once rejected by some bitch and later kept blaming them about how miserable they are. Just move on you fuckign beta faggot.

Nice try, Redditcuck Omega male - projecting your history onto the Yea Forums Chad.

No one has posted a berserk unit 01?
This makes my AT field the flacid AT field.

I'm sad I'll only look at images of a 28 year old female schutzstaffel officer asking a member of the Hitler youth if he wants to ss for a few hours today

Yikes. Could this post get any more Reddity?

> This is a fucking fantasy manga with superpowers. The author planned to shill his cucck fetish from the start.

the salt from both sides in this thread are delicious

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What salt? This thread is literally people roleplaying.

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>muh both sides
Fuck of Sarcuck of Cucckad

There is no salt.

>normal people (male and female) + 4channers agree that the ending was stupid and they dislike the NTR
>redditor numales think the ending was epic and made a big :O face when watching, they think you hate womxn if you dislike it

The mother of this slut was nothing but kino. She did the right thing by beating the shit out of her

why are you so butthurt, user?
yeah but

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Die die die

Kayo-chan is pure. She wanted to wait for Satoru but his mother cucked her by abducting him from the hospital.

>She wanted to wait for Satoru but his mother cucked her by abducting him from the hospital.
That didn't happen in the anime and the anime is the only thing I care about. Fuck reading.

How is that salt? No one likes redditors who pretend to be impartial.

you're a literally a cuck
i will not reply to you again

Happy Mothers day

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Why do you keep talking about NTR when there was never a relationship there to begin with lol

I'll take you up on that one

I'm not even impartial, I just don't care

While in this scenario it's completely understandable, I'm getting really sick of characters professing how amazing and irreplaceable their first love was only going to get remarried anyway
Like if you're going to do it, just do it but I don't spend 15 years regaling about how the first one was your true soulmate and love of your life because why the fuck with you get another wife then?

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normalfags don't know what NTR actually is


Why are you people so obsessed with that site?

Just ignore

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Little Brother Syndrome

You think she fucked any of the others from satos group? She probably only married the trap cause he was a doctor

she fucked everyone, even the teacher

The great Redditor counteroffensive.

Probably quoted 2 posters tops.

for ((You))

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I feel glad for not watching this but at the same time I'm curious

Why the fuck is there still discussion about this? They were literally kids and had 0 romance implications. This pairing is headcanon

>Watch it
Either you will be so mad that you didn't even know you could be so angry about something or then you will feel very disappointed at the lost potential (maybe you could even like it, who knows)

>They were literally kids and had 0 romance implications.
come on, you know that isn't true

Did they kiss? No? Fuck off with your headcanon then.

>reading erased when you could read the author's other stuff instead

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kissing isn't the only way to show romantic feelings

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Yeah, and how do you know about feelings of a fictional character?

their actions and inner thoughts

Eat a Dick faggot.

I'm gay but also straight and there's no real overlap so I'm qualified to talk as straight when it comes to wanting to fuck chicks
either way the only difference between cumming in your hand and cumming in a person is how invested you are in the elaborate rituals surrounding it. and you can create equally satisfying rituals about anything you do so its pretty worthless.
the number of things that I've enjoyed more than sex is in the triple digits. all it really comes down to is how hyped you are

You can't provide examples because it's only in your head.

people have more than one soulmate.
if your best friend isn't one of your soulmates you're doing it wrong

why does the MC keep telling himself that he has to calm down when he is with her?
I guess that doesn't count for you

Because he doesn't want her to panic.

>guys mother gets killed
>guy has the power to go back in time
>guy realizes the killer who murdered his mother was likely the serial killer who murdered this one kid he was vaguely aware of in grade school
>decides that by stopping the kid from getting killed he can find out who the killer is and have them arrested in the past, meaning his mother won't be killed in the future
>shit goes kind of sideways but he thwarts the serial killer and saves his mother's life
>when he returns to the present it turns out he was in a coma while time traveling, the kid he saved grew up, got out of her abusive household, met someone special etc, but never forgot about him
>his mother is alive and well which was his main goal in the first place
>cock cultists seethe because they believe if you save a girl's life she should remain alone from that point on so she can fuck you when you next talk, and don't grasp that saving his mother was his main goal because they hate their mothers

the fuck are you talking about?

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I can't believe you people are still mad about this. You do know that the MC never wanted to be with her romantically, right? His goal from the very beginning was saving her so she could live a happy and fulfilling life. He literally got what he wanted. He outright said it when he saw her baby. He even got to meet with the girl he had an actual romantic interest in at the end.

What are you not getting?

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tell me he isn't drinking her pee

Sounds like a happy ending to me

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Shippers are just "special".

getting aroused because youre on the cusp of puberty isnt romance

Me too.

Looks to me like a genderbent Kimi ga Nozomu Eien people get more riled about because they can self insert into the protagonist now.

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Sup Reddit. Reminder - every single post I'm quoting here is an Omega numale permavirgin Redditcuck. Normal men and women who watched this cartoon instinctively know that Satoru should've fucked Kayo. It is the natural, organic, realistic ending for such kind of story. However, the author is a cuckoldry fetishist so he shoved the cuckoldry in the end just because he could.

The only reason why you are defending the ending, the only reason why you have the AUDACITY to get angry at people who are rightfully mad at the ending is because











>truthbomb = dropped
>mic = obliterated
>Reddit npc face = turned into angry & crying npc face

Mega based.

These threads always serve as a great reminder of of why all of you will die alone.

It's so funny when you see these virgin guys tell other guys that they will die alone, because in their mind, they believe their online virtue signalling is protecting women.

Posting in a epic thread.

based organic user

blessed image

He's right you know
But for the wrong reasons
Women are incapable of even understanding the concept of loyalty, expecting or demanding loyalty from someone whose incapable of even understanding the concept of it is psychological abuse.

Raikou is the bes mama

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He fell in love with Satoru. I've never seen an anime get picked up by fujos in its last episode and getting doujins so fast

He is

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Well, BndgIM was definitely his one hit wonder.

Happy Mothers day

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out of my way, posting best mom

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Seeing this whore still awakens rage in my heart. MC becomes a fucking time lord to save her ass and becomes a cripple. This ruins his life and his moms too. So what does she do to repay them? fucks one of his best friends and gets knocked up like a slut.

>Deleting this

Sup Reddit. Reminder - every single post I'm quoting here is an Omega numale permavirgin Redditcuck. Normal men and women who watched this cartoon instinctively know that Satoru should've fucked Kayo. It is the natural, organic, realistic ending for such kind of story. However, the author is a cuckoldry fetishist so he shoved the cuckoldry in the end just because he could.

The only reason why you are defending the ending, the only reason why you have the AUDACITY to get angry at people who are rightfully mad at the ending is because











>truthbomb = dropped
>mic = obliterated
>Reddit npc face = turned into angry & crying npc face

Don't be angry at her, be angry at his mom. She wanted to wait for him but his mother took him away from the hospital and she didn't tell her whet they moved.


In the manga, she wanted to wait for him, but Satoru's mother didn't like it. She wanted Satoru all for herself.

The show should have fucked off with the boring gundam shit and been entirely about teen pregnancies.

MC got the best girl in the end though

Kayo >>> badly written thot

lol glad i dropped that shit early on



>source:dude trust me lmao

Based four year old moms

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