"I think there is a chance that the spread of mediocre Japanese animation that only panders to disgusting low...

>"I think there is a chance that the spread of mediocre Japanese animation that only panders to disgusting low self-aware otakus with waifubait trash to sell merchandise like idolshit, isekai trash, moetrash might only lead to embarrassment overseas and low birthrates for our great nation"

Ouch. Harsh, but fair. Was he correct in saying this? Personally, it's going to be a "yes" from me, and additionally I think that adults who obsess with mediocre time flop shows aimed at teenagers to sell toys (works by KyoAni, Madhouse) are immensely pathetic and need to get some self-awareness.

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Time flop is the dumbest phrase ever, stop forcing it immediately.

who are you quoting?, too afraid to state your own opinion on the internet?

>Personally, it's going to be a "yes"
fuck off plebian

Based miyazaki, fuck the uncultured swine that is the otaku and FUCK moe

I feel bad for Miyazaki. He spent his whole career making uplifting stuff for kids and families, only to watch the industry slowly decline into pandering to disgusting social outcasts for a quick back.

>he isn't true to himself and what he likes
you're gonna become what the japanese want,a salaryman and there's nothing you can do to stop it

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>fuck the uncultured swine
>FUCK moe
Who's uncultured here? user, hypocrisy is a bad thing.

>"Forced memes are retarded and using discord is a sign of being a stupid teenager."
I can't believe he got away with saying this.


Of course he is correct. Anyone who doesn't think so is exactly the low self awareness idiots he speaks of. Anime is currently serving the lowest common denominator of people with shit taste.

moeshitters are killing anime

At least post the full quote
>"However, that is not the end of our problem as Japan's culture is already very far behind the rest of the world in terms of education. All we can do is watch out for those kinds of anime that are made into doujinshi and have people get inspired by the genre and start watching them for inspiration or they become more disgusting."

Why is he so angry?

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>moetrash might only lead to embarrassment overseas and low birthrates for our great nation
I doubt that he would use an expression like "moetrash" but whatever, blaming social problems on cartoons is something that the West at least learnt to not do anymore. If your society turns people into corporate drones as soon as they leave school, why it is surprising that no one wants or can form a family? If anime that panders to social outcasts and failures is so popular, why don't you check why your society is producing so many outcasts in first place? But as all old people do, it's easier to blame it on anything that's popular with kids, instead of admitting that your generation screwed up.

When's the last time Miyazaki has made a decent movie? Fuck off unless you quit living in the past

>why don't you check why your society is producing so many outcasts in first place?
Remember that it's Japan we're talking about. The concept of suggesting new ideas that might rock the boat is almost entirely foreign. Social harmony is everything to them. They'd sooner die than make pragmatic societal changes.

Sounds like America

Rebellion is the soul of America. It's almost the exact opposite of Japan.

This fag hates America. I wouldn’t really trust him with anything.

Ignorance is the core of America. There's no other country that could ever compete with burgers in terms of general ignorance and close mindedness.

Rebelling is a tradition, so, in a way, a generation of Americans that rebel are actually following tradition

That isn't true, there's significant home grown social movements in Japan. Several of them in conflict with each other. Like any other society.

You're giving America too much credit when corporations, institutions, and politicians keep fucking the American public while they are so happy to receive it. If you think this is about SJWs, you're beyond saving.

Why is this guy the face of every faggot with a beef with "modern anime"? Dude is a Japanese Disney. Can make great kid/family movies but that's what he is. The normalfags who go beyond Miyazaki don't tend to like anime that "pushes the envelopes", they like generic shonen as well as whatever is trendy. So it's not just the evil otakus ruining this. In general, people have a warped perception of the anime industry that they refuse to correct.

At least Americans are more critical with themselves, which gives them room to change, for good or bad. Japan has been crying about declining birth rates for years, old people lives much longer than before, and automatization reduces the demand for a workforce, making the process of getting a job way harder. Yet, they pretend that people that have to become slaves without dignity in order to survive, and take care of a giant elder populace, also have children on top of that. Not even the US government is that merciless with their own citizens.

I'm not from the US and I don't really like them that much, but the US admitted that the atomic bomb was terrible, while Japan can't even tolerate admitting that anything they did during their nationalistic fever was a mistake

He's vocal, but not as inflammatory as Tomino. And I think the only person older than him in the old guard is Leiji Matsumoto?

When's the last time this country has had a rebellion, let alone a violent and society changing one? Americans are superficially rebellious, but do nothing substantial. The population gets robbed blind and the most they can muster is impotent protest that fizzles out on schedule. Authorities are neither beholden to the population nor do they fear them. They are toothless. Those nips have a tradition of obeying authority. Us Amerifats have been conditioned into complacency while buying the sweet lie we are rugged cowboys and game changers.

Attaching miyazaki to your own words wont make it legit OP. Lol

Nigger there are so many people dying because they dont want to add street lights. Most of these drivers are asking for death. Japan has glaring failings and nobody speaks up, even after someone dies.

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I saw Hayao Miyazaki at 7/11 in Tokyo yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.
He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”
I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying.
The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.
When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.

What is the likelihood anime will be heavily censored in order to increase the birth rate?

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wouldn't that have the opposite effect?

>children all wearing maga hats

so old and still chuckled

Please explain this miyazaki meme to me.

So, what hugbox did you come from?

does japan really produces more shit to be embarrassed about than the west?

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37 replies. 5 images. 26 posters.

>the US admitted that the atomic bomb was terrible
But necessary.
>Japan can't even tolerate admitting that anything they did during their nationalistic fever was a mistake
Bullshit, they say that entire period was a mistake. How many antiwar/totalitarian movies are there about how the government was corrupt and shit? Article 9 was the suggestion of the JAPANESE. It's just that's not enough, some people just want the nips to grovel in shame forever but it's not happening.

What's a time flop? I just heard the term being used more frequently recently.

Any rebellious spirit in america is purely theatrical at this point. It's a country of oppressive imperialists pretending to be rebels. Which is pretty much what it's always been, even back when they were actually rebels.

Fame and gay

what's wrong with that, butthurt hamburger?

A time flop is a work of fiction that was popular at the time of the work's original publication but is not very well-remembered at present time

I'm not glad he's dead but I'm glad he's gone.

Are you kidding? We are being subverted so hard right now, with everything falling to pieces. We have no problem with change, unfortunately we are changing for the worst, abandoning freedom of expression, functional family units, etc.