Mother's Day

Post your favorite anime moms.

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Other urls found in this thread:

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why didn't any of you faggots warn me?
poor mom ;~;

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God Damn

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Bottle service from Ryuuji's mom!

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Go get some flower nigga

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does this count?

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For those who hate their mother lets post shitty anime mothers instead.

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My heart is stuttering I drank and ate so much. I need to live until morning to give flowers to my mom.

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Vivio is so lucky that she gets to have two loving, beautiful, sexy moms

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Zombies can't have babies.

You're taking your mom out for dinner, right user?

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Attached: Innocent Rouge - c047 (v07) - p128-129 [HWMN].png (2226x1600, 859K)

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Best mom and aunt.

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fuck you now im crying again

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>lips made for BBC


>being so gay you can't stop thinking about dicks

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Remember to hug your mother so that she can praise you! (You) are all wonderful human beings, Yea Forumsnons!

Attached: hug_mommy.webm (640x480, 2.19M)

Adoptive moms are not real moms, deal with it.

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Does Akemi from Zetman count as a mom?

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Don't forget to let your ka-san know how much you love her.

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I don't want to get fat

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I'm masturbating

Time for a rewatch lads

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Do you want to eat Nanoha's fat, pulsating & hot attack-beam again?

Why are they so lewd?

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Happy Mother's Day!!!

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Attached: [DmonHiro] Anne Happy - Episode 07 - Visiting Hanako [13856FCD].mkv_snapshot_07.55_[2019.05.12_07.59 (1280x720, 168K)

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Should mommies be allowed to test their daughter's boyfriends?

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this is it

Too bad this is a worksave board boys.
I can only do so much.

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*snap* thats going in my cute folder

>No Rias Mom yet.

She wasn't around for long, but goddamn do I love her.

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Took her to the movies.

How else are they supposed to find out if they are loyal?

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Does she actually get fucked?


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Actually it's kinda fucked up when I think about it.

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Nothing explicit is shown, but she does take a liking to Araragi.
He later gets scolded for getting with a "widowed cougar" like her.

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I want mommy's milk.

Well, that's a given

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not a mom, gtfo you autistic fate faggot


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God why was Subaru's mom so hot?

My mom died 6 years ago from a preventable illness.

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Ah there she is. World's greatest mom.

Elaborate please?
I remember she has a blood related with shidou.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Darling in the FranXX - 24 [720p].mkv_snapshot_04.45_[2018.07.10_23.35.21].jpg (1280x720, 352K)

best girl in eva

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I want to turn Aru into a mom.

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The real hero of that series

be sure to let your mother know you love her!

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I somehow picked this off my backlog this morning knowing nothing about it. The timing made it so much better though

She and Shidou used to be lovers but after he died she absorbed him and recreated him as baby to be genetically the same so they don't really share the same blood. Her goal was to turn him into her lover again.

sauce please, i don't know how to image search a webm

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mommy is angry

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How do noe of you know who best Mom is?

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With webms, there are generally 3 easy routes you can take.
1) Check the meta data.
This does not work because this webm does not have any meta data.
2) Search for the Yea Forums-generated thumbnail.
This does not work because this webm has a white opening frame.
3) Search the Yea Forums archive.
This does work, but takes way more time than normally because the webm was posted in a bunch of threads about MILFs.

If you wanted to go to more effort, you could take a screenshot of a real frame and search for that.

Attached: 1530078806714.jpg (1280x720, 93K)

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Flocke is the father

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Try saucenao.

The world is blessed with her presence

Wtf, this is even more wild than what i'm imagine.
Then what about shidou sisters, by sisters i mean the blue haired one.

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Same here user. I miss my mom.

Thanks user, thougt it only worked on manga and such

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They can eat babies.


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She has become a legend despite her small screen time

Attached: lana mom 2.jpg (540x304, 18K)

It was still random as fuck for her to get paired with Choji of all people.

To clarify, even though they are not blood related Reine still gave birth to Shidou. Regarding Mana, she was originally kidnapped by DEM (the organization she was working for at the beginning of the series) who brainwashed and experimented on her causing her body to stop aging, so technically she is Shidou's little sister who is older than his current self making her his onee-san too.

Cleary Kishimoto wanted to have a chubby chocolate brown girl to be besties with Sarada.

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Damn fine taste, my fellow boomer

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good mommie doujins?


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Sauce for this?
google, yandex, iqdb, even saucenao fails me.

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why is there so story where mom is super strong and saves mc?

its basicly a request
fuck off my board

still unsurpassed

Attached: pic2019-05-12-23h05m38s493.jpg (1280x720, 132K)

My mom is the best mom in the universe.

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That sounds exactly like that one upcoming isekai series.


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when are we getting episode 2

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don't remind me ;_; same with pic related

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At which volume s3 ended?
I going to read this, thanks user.

That is getting a second episode it just takes long because it's independent. They have a patreon

Volume 12, but season 3 adapted the entirety of volume 12 into a single episode. Luckily, it was a filler volume and a terrible one at that so you don't have to read it. The reveal doesn't happen until volume 18 or 19.

you just made me happy if true

Misato is not a mom and I wonder if the lot of you confuse maturity with MILF.

Yes but only if they do the same to their son's girlfriends.

Attached: Aggressive Mama.jpg (1115x1600, 364K)

>The Jap equivalent of white trash

>That undertitjob

Yusuke turned out alright, all things considering.

Cute and actually tries hard as a mom, even if not always the best one.
Also nice grandma.

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gib me hot mom porn on exhentai

The feels. They were too much.

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witch mommy and her adopted daughter

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>tfw new reason to keep living
today was a good day

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oh my, any ETA ? This year, next one ?

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They say it's this year but who knows.

It's going to be different kind of thing. It's going to be the teacher when she was young and fucking her male teacher. But it looks like there's also going to be a new female teacher in it too. At least that's it looks like

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mama Jukai
you can do it user

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Best moms have sturdy bodies who let them bear and deliver their children successfully.

Shit moms die at childbirth, leaving their offspring to fend for themselves. So no, Nagisa is not best mom, it makes me so mad that she wanted to get pregnant knowing it was a great risk for her and the baby.

gib me hot mom porn on exhentai

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There was a milf thread a few days ago, and I totally forgot I had this image to post in it.

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Well ye she is technically a father.

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Best Mom Rosa

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What were they thinking?

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Attached: wataten noa mom scare.webm (1280x720, 137K)

A good taste user. Top tier araara~

Attached: akiko.jpg (709x1000, 121K)

Single handedly making her LN worth reading/anime worth watching

Attached: Beach mom.jpg (4843x7239, 2.25M)

Attached: Anime Mamako.webm (1280x720, 1.56M)

She flips all of my switches.

Attached: 1510164200907.jpg (650x909, 174K)

>but as an older woman, is probably still soft/skinnyfat


Me on the right.


A proper mother also tests her son's girlfriend with her futa cock.

So it did have an epilogue huh? Neat.

Nako pls

Mom's should FIGHT.
Who wins?

Attached: best_mom_death_battle.png (900x643, 623K)

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the cutest mom!

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That show doesn't qualify an series at all.

New Mai Otome series when?

>Still no DxD milfs
You have all failed.

Well, what else do you expect when you are asking for a series with an overpowered mom? Shonenshit? Haremshit? You are getting some kind fantasy whether you like it or not.

be the change you want to see user

People say the artist hard carries the it.

Attached: Mom outfits.jpg (1199x848, 236K)

>You are getting some kind fantasy whether you like it or not.

And it still won't qualify anything and nobody will like it.

I took dinner to home instead, every decent restaurants are packed af today.

Then you have already answered your original question.

I didn't answered anything to you, I'm just being honest.

I didn't ask anything, your original question did.

Pochi deserves to work on a better series than doing Isekai crap.

Ane Naru Mono anime when

Attached: Beautiful goddess.png (593x680, 332K)

I think the court's still out on her truly having maturity.

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wasn't there a promotional event for the manga where you were encouraged to bring your mom?

I'm disappointed in you Yea Forums not posting this mom

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Two years ago, I think.

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>not posting best mom

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She is not for lewd desu

I actually watched that movie with my mom once which was fun

Stay angry, unloved orphan.

What was her excuse again?

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It happens in Horizon.

Aoi Mama fights off Futayo's attackers using a loaf bread as a sword. It's then revealed that Aoi's are supposed to be the Princess' bodyguards but princess died, so they pretty much lay low.

Later on the series, Kimi intervenes the fight between Makiko-sensei and SPEER's Sensei. Makiko is from a Doomed timeline who traveled to the current timeline to avoid the doomed timeline by guiding her parent's class to avoid said timeline. Her dad is Kimi's lil'bro and Toori in doomed timeline died an early death, so Kimi acted as a surrogate mom to bare her dead lil bro's and bro's waifu test tube baby.

Attached: Aoi Kimi.png (807x984, 708K)

>nobody will like it

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I want Kokoro to birth me!

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Since she hasn't been posted yet

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Fine...I'll do it myself.

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Misato might not be a mom, but she still has a son.

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Damn, this thread ended long ago.

She is gonna raise him to be the perfect husband.

do they get bred by giant chad horsemen like in that one doujin

Nah, their dads are human

she wanted to start a new family with the new man she loved. Possibly even a new son to replace her old one.

Mommy loves her son!

Attached: 4xANNJZlKL2mFaM3ceJGQ-oOKr_uYAVxZswxI5QuIEScFDnfOEAq9kfQ4t_b3uzX.jpg (957x537, 56K)

What a loving mother.

Watching that garbage was fucking infuriating.

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What's happening here?

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Just a mother showing her affection to her special little boy.

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I wish Eureka was my mom

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good character, bad mom

Did he get a good grade on a test?

A cunt is possessed by the antagonist who actually proves to be a better mother then his actual mom.


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You've brightened my day up significantly user.

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this mother is the worst in fiction.

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Bug girls are quite nice, especially moths
What's the source, by the way?

Attached: Ghost moth.jpg (1280x1780, 552K)

Par for the course from that artist.

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Phantom World but you're better off not watching.

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How infuriating is it and why?

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I have a sore spot for mothers who abandon their children.

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came to post this

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Man... fuck that bitch.

Remember a cure had a baby.

Attached: [anon] Hugtto! Precure - 49 END.mkv_snapshot_23.39_[2019.03.10_09.11.11].jpg (1280x720, 272K)

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Who's your favorite Jojo mommy?

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>"your father is great at fucking"

>using @ to deny people (You)s and making the thread more difficult for everybody to read
I want you to leave.

How the fuck did this file get uploaded to imgur before you posted it here?

Read the thread before complaining next time.

saucenao isn't providing sauce

Bringing Calamity

Attached: Capture.jpg (788x415, 93K)

I have a sore spot for it also. But I love feeling the pain it brings. Rec more series like it.

Absolute garbage

Google and yandex work too.

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Who is the possessing antagonist anyway?

best ant mom

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I'd include Sango after the timeskip, too.

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better ending would have been Enigma abandoning her evil lust for motherly duties

I think it'll always be Erina for me, even if she didn't have that much character, I can't help but like someone so pure and kindhearted, especially after seeing her again in 2, still basically being a mom to Joseph.


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>oh yeah that was a plot point

of all things that is key, this somehow rose to the top of most prolific doujin character

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Sinful mother 1 and 2 have to be worse.

Based Ushio to Tora poster

I'm so sorry guys.
My heart goes out to you both.

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Right after the sun burns out..

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Which Kyoani anime is this?


The one with the cute girls.

Imagine how many men she fucks while your at school

Pretty colors

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Based and tigerpilled

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