What does Yea Forums think about forced hetero that ruins the series? Is anime studios getting pressured by the government?
What does Yea Forums think about forced hetero that ruins the series...
>forced hetero
as all things should be
way better than yuri. and i must thank kyoani for BTFO-ing yuriniggers.
Serious question, would KyoAni even be alive today if it weren't for their blatant yaoi and yuri pandering?
Of course
Fags should be gased so I'm fine with it
I got used to Kyoani yuribait since Lucky Star.
Lucky Star yuribait was a whole different level from Hibike.
The girls showed no interest in any boys at all, and the OVA had a dream confession of sorts.
>no interest in boys
Someone needs to rewatch, and the Ova has a meme line that has been misinterpret for years
>I want to #### konata
Yeah that's the meme line
Sasuga /u/fags. I don't mind yuri, but calm down with your obsessions
Obviously not as productive as they are thanks to all the new seasons and movies of the usual yuri/fujo bait series like Hibike and Free! that they keep churning out.
Kys homogay
But user, i think its the other way around
>pressured by the government?
no they're pressured by shareholders.
the rise of stock trading completely destroyed the free market and put the wants of small handfuls of rich people over the wants of the actual consumers
t. brainlet
>forced hetero
The memes you guys come up with gets more and more retarded. I miss the days when we only had to deal with forced animation and forced drama.
Reminder that Reina is cock-hungry slut
Reminder that this artist needs to practice his anatomy. Holy shit.
Yep. Just because characters can be metaphors for real people doesn't make them real. The writers aren't enslaving them.
>forced hetero
You mean the natural path of all life for it to exist?
But if that was put into practice how would you post here?
I think he means more along the lines of characters who are depicted as or strongly suggested to be homosexual, but then wind up with someone of the opposite sex at the last moment, going against their established character rather than suggesting there’s anything unusual about heterosexual characters, which would be a strange complaint.
not forced as in forced against their will but forced as in forcing a round peg into a square hole; it just doesn't fit right
What would it feel like to touch her feet?
Fuck off you troll. It's not "forced", Reina always wanted to fuck Taki sensei. TYBKA
>Forced hetero
This is your mind on /u/
Good thing /u/fags can't spoil my enjoyment of yuri.
>forced hetero
What the hell does that even mean? I fucking hate how delusional yuriniggers are. Worse than any other fanbase.
KyoAni took source material that had hetero ingrained in it and stupidly injected yuri pandering into it.
>What does Yea Forums think about forced hetero that ruins the series? Is anime studios getting pressured by the government?
I find it actually disgusting, either go full romance with the characters or stay and don't bait with either hetero or yuri or yaoi.
Sadly KyoAni current method is to bait everyone as long their fanbase will get wider.
>It's a /u/ can't comprehend the concept of two girls actually being friends episode
I just think it's funny. Anyone who isn't a secondary knew this was hetshit from the beginning.
>implying every single yurinigger isnt a filthy casual
Do you honestly expect those faggots to read?
>Yea Forums thinks abe is some breeding mastermind
>he has no kids himself, even though he's been married since 1987
OP is a false flagger.
>Anyone who isn't a secondary knew this was hetshit from the beginning.
problem is that KyoAni in anime decided to completely shit on novel material doing their own baiting yuri things.
It is not yuri fans fault they were cheated by KyoAni.
You have the same shit now with Gridman Rikka and Akane, just gvie them boyfriends in the work and problem solved than fuckjing bait it all the time.
>forced hetero
That is the sacrifice he made.
A small price to pay for salvation.
It is forced since Taki will never do this in the anime
and Taki sensei always ignored her
A few of their beloved shows (Haruhi, Clannad), involve hetero pairings, so maybe.
hetero didn't work for him and it doesn't work for Hibike either
How does this make her any less hetero?
nothing more but hetbait promotional picture.
how does the rise of the stock market kill the free market, user? please enlighten us on this subject.
Now this is a ship I can get behind.
>yuri fans are being baited
Just because people don't explicitly have partners doesn't mean they're suddenly a homo, it's their fault for actively seeking homolust where it doesn't exist. Nobody is cheating /u/
The signs were all there.
it's clear you did't watch the anime
This is exactly what my post was talking about you idiot. You think the signs are there when in reality it's absolutely fucking nothing. You're cheating yourself
So there's actually no Yuri in Hibike? I can finally watch it now.
It's still pretty gay in a 'no homo' kind of way.
His wife is infertile. He wants Japan’s youth to experience the joy that he can’t have.
>So there's actually no Yuri in Hibike?
No actual yuri, retards just like make their own headcannons.
>I can finally watch it now.
to briefly summarise It's actually a great anime about girls in a music club trying to make it to the nationals. Aesthetically the artsyle and colour design is meh but the show still looks incredible because of the high production values. Sound design is the best you'll get in tv anime. Best part of the show in my opinion are the stylised and authentically acted out performances. On a technical level this show is some of the best anime has to offer.
now it's Kumiko's time.
Let's smooch!
But they're straight.