Today is the 1 year anniversary of Darling in the franxx episode 17. The 2 oni's kissed each other. I now declare that we have 24 yearly anniversary's for each individual episode. Maybe even an anniversary for the first time this anime was announced. And an anniversary for each chapter of the manga.
Today is the 1 year anniversary of Darling in the franxx episode 17. The 2 oni's kissed each other...
Other urls found in this thread:
Yeah ok.
you missed yesterday
6 threads at once
Time's flew by so fast!
Time flows by fast without Daaa-Ring around
Such an important event
It was a great kiss, especially combined with the horn kiss before it.
Did these comics all get translated?
Time to go read through these. they look real cute.
also top 10 passionate kisses in anime
I agree! I'll drink to that
Yes they were all translated. Not sure where you can find them all but I'll dump some favorites
Yes it is.
Thanks man!
lol that's cute.
I bet she taught him how to draw in space.
It's Sunday, where the fuck is my new manga chapter aaahhhh
bless you pleya
Thanks for em. I'll go look for the rest
What is this absolute work of art from?
Yeah, I've definitely seen all of them. I only saved like half of them it seems, there were two per week.
It's from C94. Not all pages have been scanned unfortunately.
I don't have any of the artbook translated, but I'll dump what I got anyway since it's pretty neat
I remember the threads more than the show, specifically that one Ichigo namefag. Rest in piece, namefag, it was fun laughing at with the rest of board.
has it really been a year? holy fuck, man.
>Franxx was a year ago
I didn't even watch this show and this is mindblowing
>be ttrigger
>has best waifus
>has most breedable waifus
>even the robots are best waifus
>has generally great art (at least compared to the current sorry state of animation)
>could be a cashcow
>hurr durr hwo about we end it all with a retarded plot no one can enjoy?
why should anyone care?
DitF was a fucking travesty aside from a few characters like Zorome, 02, the darling and Goro.
Reminder that today is mother's day and Zero Two is barren and Hiro died as virgin. No dinobabies. Happy mother's day Fraxxnfaggot!
Because we like it.
Series didn't need an antagonist really. Could've just had a bit of a rebellion then 3 more seasons of drama with the aftermath and day to day life of trying to restore earth. No one cared about the fucking villains yet it was shoved down our throat
don't respond to bait pleya.
They just want (you)s
And that's all I got
Aside from these few gifs
Last one
I miss watching this series with you guys. I miss the half hour before it came on, where we watched some garbage live action shit and joked around. I miss spoiler-kun trying to ruin it for us. I miss the fatty defense squad being booty blasted over fatoshi never getting his revenge.
Why couldn't this show have gone 100+ episodes?
Thanks pleya!
good stuff
I avoided Yea Forums to get it raw
now I'm feeling like I should go and read the through the old threads.
either way it's great having these threads with you guys now.
reminder of the day all of Yea Forums cried together
M3 did it better
>*drink honey to that
Time flies when you are on Yea Forums.
Good times.
never forget
Was FranXX a tragic mistake?
no, but your life is
reboot when ?
It was a brilliant accident that the incompetent staff didn't know how to handle and tragically fumbled.
After the manga ends probably
The show should've just ended here. Fuck. It just drops off so hard in 18/19 and never recovers.
I'm still mad
Profoundly beautiful mistake.
Your defence is the budget anti-spirals? Why?
No one cares about Franxx after episode 15, when it all went to shit after Trigger left
Nishigori ruined his own pet project
>franxx threads
How about you stop posting pointless threads until we have a legit reason?
If you have to dump art go to and stay there
kek, the last episodes were the best, the ending is what saves it and makes it a good show.
The Trigger leaving is just fake news spread by triggerniggers not liking the ending in a poor attempt of meatshielding their shitty favorite studio.
Because for some reason this usually triggers the faggots.
Lame scenario, as almost always
What was the point to him
>Series didn't need an antagonist really.
Foreshadowing what happens if you like girls with horns.
To shove in shitty ideas that don’t make any sense for his character. Why in the hell does he ever say that ZeroTwo is more ‘human’ when he sees her as the evolution of humanity? Because Nishigori is a hack that doesn’t respect his own characters, like some fan writing some horrible fan-fiction.
Never forget what (((Ape))) has done.
Why in the hell does everyone protray them with human teeth and human skin if klaxosapien dna overrides human dna?
this anime is very bad
t. Jew
Time flies when you hate life user!
Nobody cares faggot, get over the stupid show already.
Fuck off Abe
very true
That episode was a work of art.
Franxx made me an professional anime critic desu. Before that I didn't care about plot holes or character holes and literary analysis and watched shows as it is and only absolute shit like handshakers could turn me off.
Disappointment is powerful.
Holy shit you're fucking retarded
he's the resident autist. just ignore him.
How can one show be so based to trigger all the brainlets and newfags? What makes it such a good pleb repellent?
Why don’t you two losers provide any actual points?
After you, the argument you pulled out of your arse doesn't count.
fuck off and kill yourself.
Based and redpilled
You didnt even watch the show. Dr. Franxx looked at 001 in episode 19 and thought, “this is the future of humanity”. And he fucking mentioned the human evolution thing about several damn times in episode 19. It’s because of his motivation to evolve humanity that 02 is brought to existience in the first place.
CodeBroken more like ChadBroken
What are the new plans for trigger? Wil those niggers be able to top Franxx?
Browsing old threads and seeing my posts gives me tears
Boy can't wait for ep 24's anniversary
Do you remember the edits they did with the Mirsuru and Kokowhore bed scene? My favorites were the Futoshi ones.
Any idea what is this tranny doing now? I remember him spamming fanfiics here.
>spamming fanfics here
Oh, I remember her. I’m sorry, I have no idea. Yea Forums is a place where strangers come and leave, there’s barely any way to find them outside of Yea Forums or within other Yea Forums boards.
Happy birthday episode 17!
Very true.
It's now on the hall of honor of works of art that truly weed out the folks of no taste.
Anniversary of the last time episode I actually enjoyed
While he might have been wrong about the aliens, I think /his/friends point still stands.
>still no little dinos
Mato you son of whore why you must hurt me so much
002 would be such a good mama
the company was much better than the ride
but lets remember there were few of us who didn't last till the end
i love how these two play into
MEME we had about the show's cast
Guys can we take a second to thank gobro?
He should’ve died to raise stakes about partnership and shit.
>wanting gobro to die
Why not? Is it because he’ll actually have a good role to play in the story?
His role was to serve as the actual leader of plantation 13 while bitchigo was playing pretend and going crazy trying to get dick.
He's the one that commended ichigo to bring hiro to zero two.
He's also the one who convinced hero to bring everyone to space to bring him to zero two. this ended up being crucial. After all alpha and the 9s were had to help hero get to zero two's mech in space.
And he never is portrayed this way. Him being the true leader of the squad is honestly a very compelling concept. But if they have actually have put that perspective into focus and follow it up with a devastating demise (because he and Ichigo have disconnected during battle), it’ll make the narrative a lot more impactful because even if Goro is a great leader, the person he works with will play a big role in his survival much like other parasites. I know that sounds like ripping of Gurran Lagunn but it works.
I will never forget the moment I learned what true love was
People who start Franxx threads at this point should be permanently banned. They are nothing but stale circlejerks by utter subhumans.
>He's never portrayed that way
The whole point of hidden leader is that he doesn't look like he's the leader
Yeah, I keep seeing them pop out with absolutely nothing to provide. At best, they can talk about fan fiction but I’ll rather have them discuss that kind of material on discards. Maybe we should only allow their threads if it’s aimed at actually looking into news surrounding DITF or establishing discords to do whatever Franxx-related bullshit on there.
At this point, Yea Forums Franxx discussions are zombies. Still alive when they shouldn’t be.
In stories, the hidden leader is supposed to be revealed or fully realized. Since DITF didn’t do that, Goro was incoherent to the plot.
What would be a better ending for the series instead of what we got?
Did you watch it high or something?
He very clearly being shown as the guy in charge when he told ichigo to bring hiro to zero two and in the pre space episode he spoke to hiro constantly for the whole group. and basically out of the blue called the shots that they are coming a long to space.
what kind of a sing you wanted?
Did you want him to stop the episode, stare into the camera and say " hey guys, I'm the leader"?
I'm sick of seeing Zero Two. I want her to fade into obscurity forever now, please.
You might as hop off Yea Forums now cause you gonna see best girl eo-to for the next 20 years.
Also If you hate her so much why you bumping her thread? just hide it
I think something that’s connected to the Beast and the Prince fairytale. I’ve been getting very neat finale material just by implementing it into the world building and the characters. I won’t exactly describe the material I came up with but it definitely had created some very striking images that I couldn’t get out of my head.
Have Papa or another relevant figure, like Nine Alpha for example, compliment Goro for his leadership skills.
Purest couple
Really? You want the characters in the show to literally say:
It's okay if you missed it, nobody gets everything on first watch but that's just ridiculous.
Damn that's cute
Ep 13 had everything to make the second cour suscceed as a great character driven story but somehow it got worse and worse every new episode. Hell eps 14 to end was absolute garbage compared to what 13 did.
ZeroTwoXhiro asspulls, all that shitty subplot of the kids and that garbage revelation near the end. Fucking irredeemable
>1 year anniversary
No, surely that can't be true. It's already been a year?
Notice the theme here? “Accept your true monstrous form as you are internally beautiful.”
Nishigori’s theme is the complete opposite, “Be physically human and you’re the most perfect being in the universe, fuck you and die for humans if you’re a monster.”
There were none, love has always been shown to be a transformative force in FranXX.
>garbage revelation near the end
VIRM was foreshadowed and anons were predicting it since episode 13.
Except they never participated in the production of any episodes post 15, and they were the ones who did most of the pre production, which most likely only went up to episode 15.
See pic related, they didn't even have a design for Strelitzia Apus until episode 18 was released.
>Ignores everything Dr.Franxx said about 002 in episode 15, where he very much does present Zero Two like a klaxosaur
Are you trying to make a bad argument?
He got the aliens right.
See pic related.
Yeah, that's one thing that frustrates me about the ending. Something I love about Hiro is that he loves what his wife considers to be his worst quality. We can joke about is monster girl fetish all we want, but the fact he found the horns beautiful says a lot about his character. He encouraged Zero Two to be who she is, rather than dangerously try to change herself.
Sequel series where their reincarnations start growing horns and remembering things when?
And today, I will remind them.
*her worst quality.
*his monster girl fetish
Man I cannot type today.
>Nu Hiro and Zero Two start growing horns as they become teenagers
>Zero Two tries to hide them from Hiro because he's afraid of his reaction but Hiro powers through anyway
>When they touch horns all their old memories start coming back to them
Alas, we cannot have nice things
>Hiro and Zero Two had their happy ending because they got to be together and they created paradise on earth
>Everyone on earth had their happy ending because they got to live and grow up in peace and happiness.
>Years after they save everyone, they meet up again as children and it was love at first sight
It was fucking kino.
DITF’s writing is barely functional and consistent at all. Back then I thought of something that would make Franxx’s lines goddamn brilliant, like he was humiliating Hiro for being too short-sighted on 02’s true problems by tricking him into saying, “she’s human”, out loud. Now I think it’s just Nishigori being a goddamn retard jacking off to his half-assed ideas.
I think its just you being a retard.
>Nishigori’s theme is the complete opposite, “Be physically human and you’re the most perfect being in the universe, fuck you and die for humans if you’re a monster.”
How do you even get that from the show? They fucking defeated VIRM because they wanted to save their friends. The fact that you think its supposed to be racist means that you are projecting.
*And be together for ever.
This was an AU Yea Forums worked out.
I was glad to be a part of it.
At least now they can have kids. Zero Two said that she herself was barren. The fact that they both were reborn as fully human means they can finally have a family and live a life together. It is quite honestly the happiest ending for them.
floweranon ;_;
Don't worry, flower user is watching over all of us. Some say that one day, he will return to the Cherry blossom tree and begin posting with us once again.
No. It’s called thinking. I expect the highly valued scientist that’s practically raising 02 to do smart shit. So, i think of his actions with that factor in mind. But I never expected the writters of the show to be fucking retarded.
Why is Kokoro so goddamn cute? Her face makes my heart melt
Assuming Zero Two and Hiro's reincarnations turn out similar to their in-show version, what kinds of parents would they be? I imagine Hiro to be extremely doting, while Zero Two is the more strict of the two, expecting her kids to perform well, though not to the point of abuse.
If they manage to remember their past lives, what kinds of parents would they be?
>55th ip in this thread
You aren't Codebroken.
No it’s not. Her dialogue makes no damn sense when you consider how a goddamn Franxx functions, she can’t be barren. Plus, this reincarnation shit just spits on the sacrifices and acceptance the couple has made and turns them into people they’re not.
I am, conspiracy guy. I have a goddamn phone and laptop so the IP addresses will change based on my location.
This is irrelevant when you realize that just having reproductive organs doesn't mean that you can have a child with them. Its a direct consequence of crossing species. The most likely and logical reason for zero two being able to pilot in spite of her infertility is because of the fact that she is part klaxosaur herself. The same way that the 9s can pilot as both pistil and stamen.
>Completely ignores episode 15 and Dr.Franxx's obsession with the klaxosaurs.
You really are a retard.
Again, the way it is described in episode 17, is that having the organs is the only thing required in order for them to function. Nana implies that the adults (including her self and Hachi) DO NOT posses reproductive organs (and for those two its a bit more complicated.) and therefore cannot pilot FranXXs
How the fuck is 02 is infertile and why do Nines have no gender if they are clones that have been implemented with Y chromosomes? Because Nishigori makes up this bullshit for no reasons besides ‘human repopulation’ repopulation. And I find that funny because Nishigori’s crew showcases the real reason there is a lack of repopulation, real women are like Kokoro and Kokoros are unloyal and heartless thots.
So it’s even more absurd to make the loyal, caring monster girl infertile. Hell, a lot of shit Nishigori is discouraging in DITF (like artificial-made babies) are things that’ll boast up human repopulation.
I look into Dr. Franxx’s true thoughts as what we see in episode 19 as it’s supposed to be an insight on his past and goals. Episode 15 is kinda like a train-wreck that’s only prevented because of Hirox02 because everything feels very shoved in.
Honestly, watching the show was less about enjoyment but more to keep up with the thread shitposting. I miss the gunposters
If you cross two unrelated species, the resulting offspring is infertile. This is basic fucking biology, you retard. Its literally the same thing with a fucking Mule, which is a infertile/sterile cross between a male donkey and a female horse.
should I read the manga bros?
But the show itself shows that klaxosapien dna overrides human dna. It’s not a mix breed, it’s a mutation. In fact, 02 is reverting to her original monster self until Nishigori completely drops the plot-point for no fucking reason.
Fuck this SJW show.
It sucks. I just got too bored of it and kept on hating on the badly handled 02 and Hiro. Hiro lost everything that made him interesting in the original anime and 02 lost a lot of the spark she had in the anime. It felt like the manga was trying to skip past them as fast as it could.
racemixing bad
sex with real women good
The children are genetically modified to be similar enough to Klaxosaurs to allow them to pilot what are essentially klaxosaurs. How much speedwatching have you been doing? Zero Two is barren because she was a cross between a full human and a klaxosaipen.
He draws the girls puss and nips and minor characters are being expended on.
They were never truly human to begin with, how hard is this to understand?
Her horns are constantly growing in episodes 16-18. In most of the episodes she is seen filing her horns down in order to keep them a normal size.
Try being someone who was there for the Gurren Lagann threads
>episode 4
so yes?
Fact: If this show came out in the 2000s, it would be considered a classic like Gurren Lagann.
This lore is just fucking stupid. If they are that way, why isn’t 02 or Hiro suffering from the parasite-only diseases?
I legit thought I was going to watch a new 10/10 classic unfold. There were a few slumps but the hype up to ep 16 was so insane. I should have known it was too good to be true. I saved more pics for this show than any other combined, I planned on doing a massive dump on the 1yr anniversary but I lost track of time and forgot. Maybe I'll do it for the 2nd if anyone is still talking about the show then.
What about her teeth, her claws, and other shit?
Past 16 the threads were better than the show.
trash can show man im sorry
>normal size
kid 02 has longer horns, safe to assume that adult 02 prefered them smaller, so as to be less noticeable, not because she's reverting back to full klaxosapien.
Because that is caused by low YBC count. A problem which neither of them have, due to the fact their bodies both naturally produce it where as the parasites do not, and have a standard amount set from the start as signaled by their aptitude, with the lower numbers having more than the higher numbers.
By normal, I didn't mean biologically correct, I should have been clearer.
In fact, the elixer injection is an injection of Yellow blood cells, which cause the individual injected to have a higher aptitude to piloting, and have a higher YBC count.
The answer is always yes. It got some completely new scenes and arcs to make things more interesting.
Also hiatus ends in a few days
This is what her teeth looked like as a kid, fangs. So safe to assume she's been filing them too to look more like a human's. When 02 lets herself go, as in, forgets to groom her teeth and horns, they will become more 'natural' as in, the state they originally were when she was a kid.
Also, anyone knows why she have red skin as a kid? The klaxosapien like Hime have blue.
The red skin is probably due to her being a genetically altered being rather than a true-born Klaxosapien.
I have no idea about what causes the red skin thing. I had to completely make up a reason for it in my fix-fic by scratch because I could never find the answer from rewatching the series.
>Also, anyone knows why she have red skin as a kid? The klaxosapien like Hime have blue.
Because shitty writing.
Zorome has the one of highest numbers in the entire squad and he’s one of the healthiest members in the squad. Maybe the sickness is a thing because the YBC are the very thing that’s biologically harming the parasites in the first place.
Child fever isn't necessarily also caused by low YBC either. Its shown to also be caused by a long, continuous, and bottled up emotional reaction. See Mitsuru, or Ikuno.
I think it’s simply because the parasites are not made to live for long (with a few exceptions). The weirdest exception in this situation is Zorome, a possible natural-born.
I get depressed thinking I might not ever see another anime as good as this.
Eo To was a miracle and she deserved a better anime
Darling in the FranXX is a masterpiece and there is nothing Yea Forums can do to change that.
>Its shown to also be caused by a long, continuous, and bottled up emotional reaction
You're almost there. Child Fever is a metaphor for their emotional stress and feelings of unease. There's no cause for it, and there doesn't have to be.
She really did.
Reminder than only plotfags will consider Darling in the FranXX a bad anime. Darling in the FranXX is a transcendental masterpiece that will be talked about for years to come.
This anime is getting a reboot guaranteed, especially with manga going a different direction.
I doubt it’s good.
Even if it gets a reboot, it'll be a while. There were ten years between End of Evangelion and 1.0.
The best thing about this show was watching everyone turn on it.
Put nishigori on the map for me.
Didn't have a clue who he was instantly bumped him into legend status in my eyes.
Also found out he's the one who animated the psg transformation sequences. those shots are damn pretty.
>plotfags will hate it
quite the opposite.
This show got depth for days the people who hate it are the infantile losers who want their anime bland and predictable and without too much plot to not hurt their little brains.
I like ichigo
Hey Goro
thanks for being a bro
Not a plotfag, but you have to admit the aliens were a little too random. There was no buildup, and we already had APE fighting for immortality and chemical happiness. It would've been better to just keep the klaxosaur/human dichotomy.
Transcend plot faggotry user. Plots are always secondary. Themes, character interactions, and symbolism are king. With those three things one can figure out the plot to any show they are watching. But the most important part, is being able to figure out and evaluate whether or not an author was able to accomplish the goal that they set out to accomplish with their work.
See pic related.
>aliens came out of nowhere
This is wrong, we had anons predicting that APE was a foreign invasion force all the way back to episode 13.
see here:
I thought the APE was leading to the topic of Godhood because some of the episodes were mentioning it and protraying it. Papa even looks like the goddamn Pope. But it seems like even that is heavily overlooked by the show.
That or you were just wrong. /his/friend basically got it all right.
I don’t give a shit. The story would be way better if Papa and 001 were actually the couple from the picture book and our heroes (02 and Hiro) continued their story to grant them their long lost happy ending.
It’s just that aliens/borg are the kind of shit that doesn’t belong in this story.
Now you are moving the goalposts. It was still foreshadowed that APE was some kind of foreign invasion force.
and I mean everything
was foreshadowed
Rewatch the series if you don't believe me.
People only freaked out about alien cause m'gainax &space endings. They make a lot of sense n the context of the story and resolve the fact that if the kids were to battle the humans they would be fucked cause the klax are beyond help, if they beat klax they are still under papa. pretty much every ending without virm is a shit choice.
Doesn’t make the reveal and Virm in general any less shit.
I'mI don't give a shit if the show got plot.
If it's a fun watch it's a masterpiece it could be a show that's completely random.
There's a place in my heart both for shows like franxx or eva and shows like psg.
What if Papa is not a shitty person?
so why did it all just come tumbling down after the first half
They didn’t plan their shit or retcon their best material out of existence.
Papa was already setup as someone for Hiro to overcome as early as the first six episodes, when Hiro is set up as the rain king.
If it makes narrative and thematic sense, then it isn't shit. VIRM is the antithesis to the Children. Their calm gentle pleasure is the antheisis to sexual orgasms. Where the children as a group of individuals that rely on sexual interactions, regardless of whether or not it results in the creation of children.
Don’t go over that stupid book. It’s only there to make the show seem much smarter than it actually is. Rain king or not, Papa is just one voice in the crowd of 7 faces of power.
Who cares? The Virm stuff is just fucking stupid.
>Extended literary reference to Kazuo Ishiguro's Never Let Me Go
>Message about oppressive authority figures
>Loving and accurate portrayal of human sexuality including demisexuality
>Garden of Eden metaphor
>Harrowing portrayal of the horrors of childhood innocence in a tightly controlled environment
So you are ignoring literally everything thematically relevant to the show and then claiming its shit. This is some top quality bait right here.
>ignoring the Baldur and mistletoe connection
That's some heavy coping right there.
As expected of Gainax fag. Eating up all the shit they come up with. Triggerfags are truly the worst
>Darling in the FranXX is bad
t. brainlet tier plotfag
Has it really been a year? Damn time flys.
It’s not bait if I’m being honest. Look at my Papa. He is completely different from the one from the show. He says shit like, “They’re not monsters, they [the Nines] are my children”. He is surprising not that different from the parasites and suffers from the issues from them, like oppressive figures, a shitty and hopeless childhood, and more. He is purposely written this way to make a direct contrast to the horrifying, violent environment, understanding that he is the Parasites coping mechanism. He displays a much better and truly emotional theme that the show heavily overlooks, fatherhood. Because the show itself is more focused on creating babies than the role that’s needed to raise them. What’s funny is that he is inspired by a four-panel Franxx comic.
The big thing about him (in comparison to Virm) is that you can think about him as a person without giving a shit about themes and references, and still enjoy him. Virm itself is just symbolism and references, so they lack any traits to make them interesting to any motherfucker. Why in the hell do you think Joker is a character is great character? He is symbolic of darker, wilder human nature but his actions and relationships with others are the things that makes him a memorable villain.
I don't even hate Franxx (it was solid 7) at core and I'm looking forward to the manga, but man you faggots are annoying. Franxxfaggots are like zombies/drones who can't let go and bump these soulless circlejerk threads where they go over same things hundres of times (maybe more), because they can't cope with the ending. Specially fuck the delusional OP who spams the catalog with this shitty threads. What if manga will be the same? Such a shame you seemingly can't enjoy other shows anymore and the obsession gets worse as time goes on when no new material is made and fanart is decreasing. Don't hate the series, hate the community I guess. Seriously fuck you all. You almost ruined this series for me
also fuck CodeFaggot and your shitty headcanons. No one cares and do us favor and stop posting and bump this stupid shill thread with your shitty fanfics. You ain't getting (You)'s or praise anyway
Stop being a dramatic faggot.
I think it's just the backlash to all the hate Franxx gets now. You're basically not even allowed to admit liking the show on any threads that aren't dedicated to it, or else people attack you. It's my third favorite anime (favorite, not best), but as soon as I mention that, everyone shouts about shit taste and how terrible the ending is and act like no one is allowed to like it. So, during the few times where there isn't someone being an asshole about it, fans like to hype it back up. Get in the few moments of praise they're allowed to when they can.
It’s not really your fault. When a show is super disappointing, it’s influence is long lasting.
Namefag being a unique brand of retard
Bet he doesn't know even how to be a trip
>Codefaggot and OP combined made at least 100 posts alone and bumped this thread who knows how many times
...and they still hate each other, hahaha!
>Just 3 weeks ago the like-hate ratio of the series was about 50/50
Weekly threads should be fine then, but the OP is delusional and mentally sick faggot who thinks this show is some cult classic that deserves 3-5 threads at catalog at all times. Not even Attack on Titan has that many during weekdays. I'm just curious, how suddenly people are bumping these shit threads again, when they almost disappeared from Yea Forums besides manga threads.
OP from back then was even bumping his own posts due to how dead weekday threads were and got banned for spamming. Now for some reason this OP is spamming the threads and people actually reply on them, due to sheer volume of them. Just get your own discord and shill your mediocre show there so I don’t have to see them in catalog.
I don't mind the threads every once in a while, but I hate that spammer who makes one for every day and they are all the same shit and praising this show like it's some next eva. But this will stop when people get tired of the OP spamming them which hurts the series more in the long run or when people start reporting the OP for spamming if he goes too far. I will probably still go to manga threads as they are not done by this reddit-tier fanart poster faggot. Maybe these will stop when manga returns, because some anons seemingly went insane due to hiatus. I guess anons could filter them out now or just ignore them
Oh man cock is the best, right guys?
I love being gay
I wish I could be alpha fucked by papa
Hey man
good to know
It's okay
nobody judges you here
Jesus, the OP did this thread shit for how many times?
>tries calling out OP
> doesn't get OP
>writes a wall
seething fag
I’m sorry but Papa will only fuck things that have a soul.
>responds to himself to bump his
absolute fag
Nice bait user you almost had me falling for it.
>fallen for an obvious “I’m gay” troll
6 during saturday, 3-4 during sunday. Like I said, there is nothing to discuss and these are just circlejerks at this point. Visit the manga threads, ignore everything else unless you want to waste time remembering some shitshow that aired 1,5 years ago when you could use that to watch new anime/manga or play games. Most surprised I'm about the retards who keep posting on these threads. Here, watch this show with better Oni girl and male lead character that has more personality than all the male characters of DitF combined. Anyways, I spend too much time here. I didn't plan to post at first, but people just keep bumping and fulfilling OP's wet dreams so I wanted to raise some awareness
>Franxxfaggots are like zombies/drones who can't let go and bump these soulless circlejerk threads where they go over same things hundres of times
Isn't this just the usual Yea Forums? The other shows get exactly the same treatment. To name a few:
KLK, daily endless threads with a few faggots spamming only things like "i want to eat ryuko ass while Satsuki pees in my ear...."
Eva, daily endless threads of asuka/rei best girl and posting the same pictures of them every thread
Funny thing is that I just saw that image of that show today and I thought “I better save that shit for later.” And you came here to confirm to me that it was a smart choice.
Kawaii Eo To
It depends what you actually care about in the show. If you were watching the show for Hiro and Zero Two, they barely get any scenes and haven't had focus for months. The deranged aspect of both characters is also played down considerably. If you were reading because you thought the plot was good, it might be worth reading to see if the altered version of events actually goes somewhere.
Fatoshi got cucked and he deserved it.
>Hiro and Zero Two haven't had focus in months
Hiro and 02 were pushed to the side in the anime as well, during eps 9-11. That's around where the manga is right now, it just feels like Hir02 have been ignored longer in it because it takes months to adapt a single episode.
Yeah, because Mitsuru and Kokoro are way better together. Happy that they stayed together and had At least 4children together. Such a happy family. Mitsuru x Kokoro was the high point of the otherwise mediocre show. I never got Hiro or 02 relationship "magic". Can't wait to se more of them this saturday
Even when they're not in the background, Yabuki draws them a lot more straight. Where's the equivalent of this scene in the manga?
Chapter 14
saved thread