>Randomly shows two faggots having sex for no reason other than to disgust the viewer
>Has a "Dude Gods not real xD" episode
Literally Jewish propaganda. No wonder netflix picked up reddit the anime
>Randomly shows two faggots having sex for no reason other than to disgust the viewer
>Has a "Dude Gods not real xD" episode
Literally Jewish propaganda. No wonder netflix picked up reddit the anime
When did all that happen?
Dogshit anime and a christcuck OP
don't forget about the shrooms
God isn't real, you mentally ill fuck.
Why are you acting brave?
I know Carole and Tuesday is bad but we don't need to go back and hate on all of Watanabe's works because of it.
Are you upset? Do you need some warm milk?
>hurrr god
you already know hes an amerimutt
On the planet with no women Faye busts into a room with two guys fucking. In the verison shown on Adult Swim they edited out the second guy, so it just looked like one guy getting out of bed.
>Gods Not Real is literally a bitter lifeless teenage know it all whose only recourse to being told he's a faggot is to get butthurt and call Spike stupid
muh sky wizard
> show is making fun of gay sex
> hurr durr the jew man is opressing me and muh solutrean brothers
dont see anything wrong by that, I bet you are one of those white faggots who get paranoid only because your sister or your crush once said some nigger was attractive. go back to stromfront or pol or any safe space for beta white male.
Think not believing in God makes you special? We will see how special you are when you burn in hell
Okay faggot.
God doesn´t give a shit
Pic related
Exactly. I am a christcuk and OP is a faggot
I'd rather turn into a muslim
That's not even how it happened. You should have said that on the planet with no women Faye bursts into a room with two guys fucking and one of them tells her god is not real. There, now you sound like a proper dumbass.
What reason is there for believing in god? If you believe in him just to make it into heaven, that doesn't cut it and you go to hell.
What reason is there to believe in the you that believes in the me that believes in your mom?
What reason is there to believe that you are a real person talking to me and not just a figment of my imagination?
judging by the people that ive seen that believe in god (everyone ive seen) I would much prefer hell if i were illlogical enough to believe in such a thing and in fact I wish I retarded enough to believe in it.
Really makes you think, hu?
Fuck your sandnigger deity that does nothing but kill
Western civilisation has roots in polyteism and judeochristianism is an immigrant God that uproots it
go back Yea Forums
Jesus Christ, you mean homosexuals exist and religious manipulation and cults are real too? And the show mentions this fact? Holy shit, the fucking nerve, there’s just some things I don’t want to hear about and I think it’s reasonable that any show I watch should take that into account, the showrunners should be receptive and aware of what I like to see and want to be mentioned. I mean there’s all sorts of things that are true, I’m going to die, I have no way to be 100% percent sure if my view of the world and reality is correct, OP’s mother sucks dick in alleyways, financial security is not a given for many people. All true, but frankly I’m not interested in shows that discuss mortality, the nature of reality, OP’s mother’s surprisingly reasonable two dollar fee etc. I watch shows to be entertained and the creators of said shows should be able to infer what I like, take it into account and use it to shape their show. They need to stop pandering to the SJW feminists, tumblr and reddit and pander to me, that’s how you do good storytelling.
The outsider infestation is really bad here. Though Yea Forums had a better defense but guess not.
ITT: le edgy atheists who think they know better than all of their ancestors
Go away, burger
Watch some good Christian anime instead, like Vatican Miracle Examiner
Wtf makes an anime ‘reddit’? Confusing user interface?
>a 4channer calling reddit's intetface confising
the nerve on yall niqqas...
Back to jail with you, Varg
Tell me why hell exists, user.
To punish heretics like you
But God would know that I'd be a sinner before I was even born. It seems unfair to punish me for something I'm predestined to do without giving me a warning.
Also why is not believing in God such a sin? Sounds kind of petty for an omnipotent being.
Not that guy, but because gods wants us to have free will. I get that you don't believe you deserve to suffer for eternity for not believing that god died for your sins, that's part of the "not believing" after all. It can be hard to reconcile, even for christians, that people they know to be good and just won't go to heaven. But it's an individual choice. Free will lets you decide yourself. You have one task here on earth more important than anything else, and if you neglect it, you will choose wrong when your time comes. How do you expect to find Jesus if you are unwilling to search? Make the right choice, look for Jesus. That's enough PSA for now. Stay safe Yea Forums and get right with god, you never know when the time comes and when it does it's too late.
Also I enjoyed cowboy bebop a lot when I was a kid. I'm sure it's not as subvertive as OP would make it seem. Don't even remember homosex or the show arguing god doesn't exist.
Ask that to God
God probably wanted to be known, I mean you can't apply normal human logic to an omnipotent being
It's not predetermined just because god knows your choice. You have free will. Also not believing isn't the sin itself, but believing is what pays for your sins so you are allowed into heaven. It's all very confusing and not entirely understandable if you don't already believe. Good luck.
Hey nod please delete this thread before it completly becomes a religious Vs atheist thread
the absolute state of this board
Hey bud you know what? Go ahead and don't believe II'm in no place to judge you, and I'll keep believing after we die well see
Oh my fucking God why are we having this kind of threads in Yea Forums
It use to but there's just too many.
All God needs to do to convince me he exists is show me a miracle. Then I'll convert in an instant. I'm not an atheist actually. I'm an optimist agnostic who desperately hopes that some God exists because there is nothing more frightening to me than death being the end of consciousness. Judeochristian God just doesn't make sense to me.
>creates the universe and all its rules
>creates people with free will
>yet knows what all humans will do
>punishes them anyway
That's like writing a story and getting angry that your characters behave in the way you wrote them to be.
I just can't go along with a belief system that puts belief over actions. Why does God care if I believe in him or not if I try to live a good life and not hurt others? And if I do hurt others but apologize to God, why should that help me? The damage has already been done. I don't understand Christianity's obsession with belief and faith.
Maybe Jesus decided to stop by and people got inspired. Who knows, maybe he is in this thread right now. If so, what would you ask him?
I'd ask him how to get to Heaven and then devote the rest of my waking life to making sure I get there.
>I don't understand
Yeah it's not about understanding. If you understood you wouldn't have to take the leap of faith, and seb-sequently there wouldn't be free will to choose to see the signs and hints. You believe your sense because you sense it, but you can choose to believe something that you cannot sense, so believing is more than just seeing or hearing something for yourself. There is really nothing I can say or do to convince you, because in doing so, I would have to take away your choice. And it's not god punishing, it's people who punish themselves. God gave them the ability to do so, but that doesn't mean he wants you to do it. Good luck.
Just believe jesus died for your sins and you're good. I say just, but it's not easy after all is it? Like everyone else you, perhaps wants me to offer proof or convince you? That's not what I'm here for. Good luck.
Consider it like this; a father gives his son a gun. He wants his son to use it to protect himself against threats and dangers. He does not want his son to shoot himself.
The son has the ability to do both, but it is fairly obvious why the father gave him the gun. The end I gotta run.
I agree that God revealing himself would eliminate free will, but that still doesn't solve the problem of free will to begin with. Since God is omniscient, he knows if we will make the right decisions. Omniscience implies predestination. God allows us to sin, suffer, and face eternal damnation. He knows before we are born if we will take the hint and believe in him. That is not free will but the illusion of such.
You can't see it in this image, but the pope is under the table licking his feet.
Quick one before I go. To you it seems that way sure, but you don't believe. Also you are finite. God sees things differently. A paradox is only a paradox to us, an omnipotent god do not suffer the restraints that a paradox might propose, because he is the architect of said paradox.
God doesn't punish people for doing bad as a response to them doing bad. God arranged the universe such that doing bad causes bad thing to happen as direct cause-and-effect.
when you burn your hand on a stove its not the stove punishing you, its the stove being hot and you not being fireproof. sin is just the name for any action which causes misfortune and suffering in yourself or others. virtue is any deed which reduces misfortune and suffering. heaven and hell aren't afterlife states they are life states. when you sin you bring about hell on earth for yourself and those around you, and when you act virtuously you bring about heaven on earth for yourself and those around you. the goal of Jesus was to bring about a kingdom of heaven where all humans live virtuously so get to enjoy heaven on earth for their entire lives. and eternal life is not living forever but bringing about enough heaven on earth that you neither fear nor crave death, thus are liberated from death. that its physically possible to enjoy a fulfilling life at all is the greatest and truest miracle.
anyone who says otherwise is an antichrist trying to manipulate you for selfish reasons or the victim of an antichrist. unfortunately, most self-declared christians are anti-christs due to the christian ministry being profoundly corrupted by sinners ever since Emperor Constantine endorsed Christianity as a state religion for his own political gain
human psychology is a bit of a crapshoot. believing in God has practical applications for regulating your own behavior when sheer willpower isn't enough, similar to how a placebo often still works even if you know its a placebo