Does Yea Forums remember the ill fated Guilty Crown?

does Yea Forums remember the ill fated Guilty Crown?

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The opening riff to The Everlasting Guilty Crown is still GOAT

I remember this part.

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the threads here were better than the show.

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>Being this much of a contrarian hipster
Guilty Crown is miles better than the original crap we get nowadays.

is Guilty Crown the best trainwreck show of all time? or did Darling in the Franxx took over that spot?

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what I meant is that watching the show alone was boring, following it along with Yea Forums was great.

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I remember The Everlasting Guilty Crown & BIOS D.

Guilty Crown was a wild ride from beginning to end, Franxx was just dull for the most part and shat the bed towards the end

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Valvrave was better.

The music was good.

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I remember this desu


Anyone happen to have those memes with "my sole does not belong to you" etc?

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I haven't watched a single episode but I still listen to its OST. It's really great.

I wish we could get wacky originals like this again. Why did they stop making them?

Of course. But if I remember correctly, everyone who worked on it had a grand old time which was nice

Haruka is the best girl.

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Awful taste.

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Only retards and newfags want to pretend Franxx was a trainwreck for the entire course of the show.

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best mom.


Ep1 - ordinary teenager meets mysterious girl who DROPPED
Ep2 - Engrish in OP DROPPED
Ep3 - back to school DROPPED
Ep4 - surface tension how does it work DROPPED
Ep5 - NTR everywhere DROPPED
Ep6 - fusing Personas without visiting Velvet Room DROPPED
Ep7 - calling your mom by her first name DROPPED
Ep8 - Inori is my DROPPED
Ep9 - actually decent episode DROPPED
Ep10 - Inori smiles DROPPED
Ep12 - 7 year olds jumping 10 foot gaps DROPPED
Ep13 - back to school AGAIN DROPPED
Ep14 - Shoe acting alpha DROPPED
Ep16 - Hitler and Franks DROPPED
Ep19 - I am the bone of my void SEGAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII DROPPED
Ep20 - Choosing your friends wisely is hereditary DROPPED
Ep21 - Jesus on a segway what the fuck DROPPED
Ep22 - Baby robots, Forever Alone Cripple End, and Arisa still alive DROPPED forever

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this one of the more fun series to watch with Yea Forums

Based, Happy Mother´s Day user

I liked the butts and the OP song was very touching, if you read the lyrics. Yes the whore part is funny but overall it's a good song, the "Guilty Crown" title and the song itself feel like a reference to the story of Jesus Christ's death, when the semites labeled him as a liar then got him arrested and put a crown of thorns on his head as punishment and then crucifixes him. The song is about a girl singing support for her beloved, she says even if the whole world calls you liar I will say on your side, could also be a reference to Magdalene.

Probably those who liked the series had already realized this anyway. My only complaint on the series is that best girl dies at the end.

Shoe did nothing wrong.

Wheelchair-chan best girl.

Poor man's Zetsuen no Tempest.

No better girl, no better butt.


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No one on Yea Forums would laugh with me. The threads were full of desperate fans.

Tell me why people hate this? This was my first anime and I fucking loved it.

to spite you

lmao mine too, i know that i would hate it if i watched it later but it´s linked to too much nostalgia

Yeah, same here. But actually I didn't find any fault except that last episode. It was very difficult to forget it, thanks to Aot I'm over it.

>Fusing Personas without visiting the Velvet Room.
I don't understand this one.

IIRC nothing really interesting happened in that episode so it's a shitpost about the Persona 4 anime episode that aired the same day.


My dick remembers guilty crown.

Guilty Crown was ok.

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Guilty Crown is terribly underrated.
Not because it is good, or it has redeeming qualities, but because of the process that created it.
Guilty Crown was created by letting the staff run free completely in an artistic frenzy, and it turned into shit.

I like to use the metaphor of aiming high or low:
If you aim low, like making a generic adaptation for whatever fad we are currently in(Isekai right now), then you are shooting low. There is no risk.

Guilty Crown, on the other hand, shot vertically into the sky.
And the bullet fell down, at the same place and hit the marksman into the foot.

But others who did the same thing shot into the heavens and hit God himself, creating works of unimaginable beauty and value.
That is why we mustn't frown upon them; Because they tried.
They risked everything and lost.
So thank you Guilty Crown, thank you for trying.

Id rather not


I miss good trainwrecks like these where the show itself is garbage but the threads are amazing.

In all honesty fair enough. Hell to take another angle, here we are in 2019 STILL HAVING IT COME UP. I can think of a lot of other anime from around then that probably haven't gotten a single thread on Yea Forums in years, entirely forgettable/forgotten. [Aiming straight for the heavens/falls straight back down into your eye] still makes for at least something memorable as a hilarious trainwreck. After all this time I'd much much rather have that then GenericHaremShonenIsekai#928571031.

Still think Aldnoah Zero has it beat in enjoying a trainwreck.

Was waiting for this.

I hate it but I've also come to hate Evangelion for piss ass characters that should never be taken as a role models or touch with a 10 foot pole for self insertion into a story. Guilty Crown did this perfectly so I guess that's why it's memorable with beta social awkwardness growing up. Also dropping it an episode before full Hitler I still don't regret it even if it was the Guillotine Gorilla moment.

I wish to forget. The only show I legit think as bad. Not even entertaining either.

Its only redeeming quality were Departures, Euterpe, and Bios.


It's a favorite of mine for better or worse. I love the techno Y2K feel when Shu uses his powers. A remake with coherent and consistent writing is all I could want.

I can't imagine watching this without Yea Forums. It's the only way I was able to get through it

Guilty Crown was nuts from start to finish. The last arc and ending were especially crazy. DiTF fucked itself by the end

Aldnoah was a trainwreck for maybe 4 or 5 episodes before it started turning into real shit and then had a pretty good cliffhanger before having a second season that had all the same problems of the first but worse

I'd make her everything whore.

I miss this show and I miss these threads.
I want to go back, Yea Forums.

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It's been over 7 years, user. That's as long as Yea Forums had been alive for when GC started airing. Nothing lasts forever.

I say this everytime there's a Guilty Crown thread.

Guilty Crown does not deserve to have an OST that good. It's basically criminal.

Good times.

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Code Geass -> Guilty Crown -> Valvrave -> Cross Ange

Has been a while since the last real trainwreck to watch with Yea Forums

Aldnoah Zero was E7 Ao tier shit, Franxx was far too boring for the most parts and only went actual retard with the alien reveal at the end and IBO was just shit.

>Guilty Crown was 7 years ago

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apology for poor english
when were you when rabbit dies?
i was sat at home drinking red juice when user ring
‘rabbit is kill’

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top kek

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>‘rabbit is kill’
i cri so much

>drinking red juice

Fuck you, I lol'd.

Guilty Crown was the last old-school trainwreck in Yea Forumss history.

The kind where you get +1000 reply threads every 30 minutes. After GC ended moot increased the post cooldowns while upping the thread limit from 300 to 500. And so the reply spam died and things got a lot less exciting.

I don't really think there have been many similar trainwrecks since then other than valvrave and aldnoah zero

I can't remember much about the show. The threads were fun though.

Valvrave and Cross Ange count atleast.

Aldnoah Zero wasn't much of a trainwreck. Things only happend at the start and the end of the show with some fake twist in the middle.

When's the next one coming anons? It's been so long.

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tsugumi sendo

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My bet is once the isekai LN adaption craze ends and studios stop trying to make so many anime in one season. Possibly in 3-5 years

Taniguchi announced 10 years worth of Code Geass content.

Maybe they will do some original TV series. And Okouchi (Geass, Valvrave) recently got the Kabaneri movie out. Not sure what he will do after that. Yoshino who mainly wrote Guilty Crown hasn't wrote a show since Izetta in 2016. Time for something new.

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post more guilty crown memes

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go on.....

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FranXX was the last trainwreck

Reminder that the GC Lost ChristmasVN got a full translation

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Franxx wasn't a trainwreck.

It was a soap opera. It only got a little trainwrecky when the ancient aliens arrived.

Came here to post this and laughed like a little girl when it was the first reply.

>hasn't wrote a show since Izetta in 2016
Man, Izetta was so shit. I forgot it even existed.

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They'll just move on to the next shitty fad after isekai finally dies.

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>Ancient aliens were behind everything all along.
Yea, the only reason we didn't think that it was a trainwreck from the beginning was that it had a lot of potential built up.
Like, it could have made some really great reveals about something.

But instead, ancient aliens did it. Ok. Well, that's a trainwreck.
I honestly would even say GC > FranXX unironically.

GC was a trainwreck but it never hid that fact yes.

Franxx felt like the writers tried to make a decent show at first but down the middle / near the end lost interest and just tried to end it as retarded and quickly as possible.

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I miss Gai, He was a fucking awesome character.

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More homo cape shit because anime is going Westaboo again.

>tfw lost all my GC images after 2012
It still hurts

The moment Sugar baby pushed Shu out of the train, I knew I was in for a wild ride.

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>gets infected with the virus for experiments
>manages to escape
>meets Shoe
>falls in love with Mana
>her virus version is in love with Shoe though and kills everyone
>Gai gets mad and leaves
>trains offscreen in Africa
>comes back and somewhere finds Inori
>all with the goal to save Mana
>Inori also loses her connection to him and starts liking Shoe instead
>ends up seemingly getting killed with her - so at last they can be together
>turns out Mana survived the stabbing and Gai also got ressurected
>now works for the evil dudes in order to get access to Manas pussy
>when Shoe shows up Mana jumps right at his dick
>Gai loses against Shoe and dies and so does Mana

The story of Gai is the story of a dude who just couldn't get the girl he wanted and even her vessel ran away from him. Good thing that this show is 7 years old. If it aired today people would just spam KEKshit.

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GC tried to be good, user.
GC had extremely high ambitions, it tried to go for:

It's intentionally trashy fanservice show with a deep metaphorical core that reveals the true meaning of life.
In other words, GC tried to be Muv Luv Alternative.

But instead, it was just trashy fanservice with overly ambitious metaphors that no one took seriously because of the presentation.

Like, I am convinced that the writers of Guilty Crown tried to go for a post-narrative approach, aka the story intentionally should be viewed on the metaphorical layer, like how Inori's songs are part of the world.
The problem was that:
a) It had nothing deep to say in the first place about lots of things, and the part that it tried are overshadowed by it
b) no one took it seriously
c) it is coming off as extremely pretentious

FranXX, tried exactly the same thing, it just went with a bit less fanservice and more narrative.
The problem with FranXX is that its themes are somehow even less substantial than in GC

So everything make her whore?

GC wasn't really high on fanservice though.
Inoris goldfish outfit is sort of revealing but they never wasted time with boob or assshots and there was only one beach episode.

And Tsugumi with her plugsuit was mostly just dancing around and also not often.

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Don't forget Shoe's mother.
Well, I'll be honest, I have this faggots rant in mind:
If you know German, then watch it, it's hilariously retarded.

Well, MuvLuv does not have that much fan service either. Only like 10 Sex Scenes.

>It's intentionally trashy fanservice show with a deep metaphorical core that reveals the true meaning of life.
Has any anime actually managed to pull this off?


This is the highest of all ambitions;
Not an anime, MuvLuvAlternative has pulled this off. And it's legendary for it.

I never watched muvluv with Yea Forums, how were the threads

I was always put off by how much you apparently need to read to get to the good parts.

It's not an anime. It's a VN

Oh, i thought we were talking about total eclipse

Yea, you need 100 hours for the whole thing. But it gets pretty great at the end.

did he ever fuck his crazy sister in the end?

Fate/Kaleid did that.
Actually scrap that, Fate, in general, does this.

Muv Luv Alternative has been the highest rated visual novel on VNDB for the entire lifetime of the site. Almost crazy considering MLA came out in 2006.

It was just put on Steam in official English after they raised $1.25 million on KickStarter. That said it is the 3rd piece of a trilogy, following Muv Luv and Muv Luv Unlimited. All of them together will probably last over 100 hours.

Speaking of good OPs.

Valrave started out great and ended up boring.

A/Z had potential. But ultimately, the final 2-3 episodes turned everything into shit, in an unironic way.

I have never interacted with people who read/played it. I will probably put it in my backlog for later. Thanks for the info

>Muv Luv Alternative has been the highest rated visual novel on VNDB for the entire lifetime of the site.
>Superior VN's like Baldr Sky and Muramasa have lower scores.
Joke site filled with English only plebs.

Remind me, but why did they have to turn it sideways again?

Yes, just look at the OP, it LITERALLY contains cheap fanservice, but ironically, when I watch this,
I have goosebumps the whole time,
and tears start swelling on my eyes,
because it is just that epic a VN.

MLA truly undoubtedly deserves the praise it gets.

Oh, faggot, pls, enlighten me.
Name something that is better than.

You know, all those weebs who unironically spend 100 hours to read a Japanese porn game novel - something that lots of lads on Yea Forums won't even do because it's just too much investment.
THOSE people are plebs.

Kill yourself.

>Angry ESLer
Kek. At the very least we're not under the whim of cartel memer TL'ers who spend more time beating each other's cocks than translating competently let alone in a timely manner. Go suck more Herkz dick.

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I asked someone for an anime rec and they told me to watch their favorite anime of all time, Guilty Crown
I watched it about a month ago and yeah, trainwreck is definitely the word for it
I still can't figure out if they were intentionally trolling me, if they genuinely thought it was a good show, or if it was just a serious case of nostalgia goggles

Yea Forums was better than what it is now.

fucking plebs who read 100hour long porn VNs, I swear those normies are ruining everything.

Yes, but I can't find it in rental stores in Japan.