
Why was he so good?

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He's sexy.

His haircut


He wasn't. He's badly written in every way: from no-selling everything his opponents threw at him and claiming he planned against it all to his motives Kubo didn't even bother to explain properly. At least he was classy and entertaining in everything he did. That's his only saving grace.

He was the most bullshit shounen villian ever and I love him for that

He was an epic troll that thrived on Kubo's bullshit

because Kubo is based

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His voice.

He had fun doing his evil schemes, trolling enemies and allies alike. Villains who have fun being villains are always awesome.

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he had a sense of humor

because he's a good troll.

what were even his motives, everything in this anime was so bland and on the surface, never truly developed to its depth
maybe it's just a case of bad and uninspired writer, I don't know, I don't know the author, and lastly why the fuck did I read some shonen crap that is worse than what kishimoto does but fools the average person because of its art

>his motives Kubo didn't even bother to explain properly

motives are obvious, Kubo even went out of his way when he killed the thing in the gigai, which everybody just blindly believed was indestructible, he was an Übermensch transcending the bounds of reason and morality that shackled his stale and corrupt society, because their god is literally dead, even though what he actually searched for was just a friend on equal footing

Because 4d chess hadn't been created yet

He was too strong and manipulated everything to have Ichigo fight him in order to have some fun


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>when he killed the thing in the gigai, which everybody just blindly believed was indestructible

>"No one is standing at the top... so I will"
10 chapters later
>"There's a Soul King and Aizen wants to kill him"
300 more chapters later
>"I can't allow Soul King to exist!"
>"Also I'm lonely lol"
200 more chapter later
Need I go on?


Sorry, Yhwach broke it. In the future.

why didn't he just activate his sword to ichigo, lol :)

>No one is standing at the top
>There's a Soul King
If you werent a brainlet youd understand why these arent contradictory

>Ichigo averts his gaze

And if you aren't a brainlet, you should be able to explain.

lol just try again
he didn't make a single attempt at all
if he was watching ichigo all this time literally jump in front of him in the time everybody thought he was their ally and do it
can't see why a guy that is portrayed as extremely overpowered (even tho we never get to see how he got that way) and arrogant enough that he'd want everyone under his control, wouldn't even bother trying such a simple trick

He was quite literally a meme.

he has it all honestly always did always will

But then how would Ichigo defeat him?

>welcome to MY soul society

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Kinda wish we had flags. I'm absolutely sure the only people who can't see through the flaws and the excruciating lack of depth of this anime are people located in Mexico and other South American countries such as Peru, Brazil, and everywhere they speak spanish, you know the drill... The usual type of people who are too stupid to find meaning where it actually is

Or they could just have drawn a fedora on Aizen everytime he spoke, that would suffice too

>I'm not a brainlet you are! something something spics reeee

>gets put back in prison

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he's supposed to? it's dictated by fate?
as I said, even if he just wanted an equal or had plans to have fun with ichigo or whatever, judging by his personality he would absolutely not miss the chance to put somebody like that under his illusion.
I'm sure he can control it at will too
for fuck's sake this gets more retarded the more you think about it. literally flash your cock in front of ichigo while he's at school or at any other time even during their fight while he was completely aware.
in my opinion flashing your cock is probably harder to manage than activating this power. closing your eyes, blinking nonstop, doing whatever everytime he tries it is not a realistic way to avoid it

He was literally perfect.
Which made his final downfall fantastic as well, him being unable to accept that someone else had actually surpassed him.
Best part of the series imo.

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>he's supposed to? it's dictated by fate?
Dictated by Kubo's will. He knew he wrote himself into a corner by giving Aizen such a broken power, but he had to be defeated by Ichigo somehow. So Kubo simply never had Aizen hypnotize Ichigo.
Really dumb decision because he then went and created a way to break free from the hypnosis.

>a way to break free from the hypnosis
Where? How?

Not him, but Soul King is a corpse with no free will or thought. Aizen is all about his ego as a superior being, so I imagine a lobotomized dullard ruling over him.

The soul king literally isn't 'there'. He did nothing, he was asleep at the wheel. Aizen didn't think it was right for a being like that to be in charge of the soul society's, and the living worlds fate. So he wanted to kill him and take do it his way.

Attached: I'm not Aizen.jpg (900x885, 504K)

Eventually everyone important enough or who knows about what Aizen did will be dead. Eventually those seals are bound to weaken, and the chair bound to break. All the while Aizen will be waiting, and growing more and more powerful. No one will stop him the next time he's out of that chair.

Bleach is for high IQ white people, which is why shippers and powerlevel faggots hate it. Cope more, subhuman.

You touch KS's blade when it's unreleased. At least that's what Aizen told Gin, so it could be a lie.

Your series has the worst most creatively bankrupt ending possible. Who ended up marrying who. Which booby girl got picked eticetera. Literally HARRY POTTER tier lmao
I'm glad there's not even women on the main protagonists of my soft-seinen-shonen.

Cope, subhuman

Feels good knowing FOR A FACT that the author of the series I like will never end his story with a timeskip where we get to see their adult lives and the deepest plot point of it all ends up being who had sex with who kek
Now go jack off to drawings of Orihime and big boob Hitsugaya slave. Your cum will come out thicker than the narrative of the story you just watched



I'm coping!

>Dictated by Kubo's will.
Aizen wanted somebody capable of killing him. It's like the folklore of a jar of bugs: the constant fight for life makes the survivor strong. He engineered Ichigo to become his greatest threat.

If Ichigo were hypnotized, then Aizen would never feel threatened. It's also why he told Gin about breaking the hypnosis. Aizen was crazy smart and manipulative; of course he knew Gin wanted to kill him.

>t. subhuman

>seething hiatusnigger

>The antagonist wanted the MC to defeat him all along
Wow, no tension. I feel like justifying it by just using the trope "Ichigo had to defeat him. It's the story, good has to win over bad" like the other user did is a bit better. Basically what Kubo did was make a half-assed Hisoka, an already existing character at the time from another series, but he lacked the genius to make him feel real

>i'm too overpowered oh nooo I really want rivals badly cause I'm so alone, oh I know, I'll spend the rest of my life grooming some kid so that I can experience a single battle in my entire lifetime, that's gonna happen decades from now, despite having the resolution that I should live to seek strong people to clash with me

And what was wrong with that? What exactly was so bad with the way the world was that the solution was to remove the Soul King?
Nice headcanon.

>reading comprehension
Based retard

hxh is a better match for you, that explains everything for you so you don't have to think

>And what was wrong with that?
The SK system being good or bad is irrelevant. It bruised Aizen´s ego

>muh spics

If the rest of Bleach was bad, how was the SS arc so good? Did someone else write it for Kubo?

thanks, will check that out today. a quick google search and I can already tell this series respects the intellect of the reader

It doesn't, it insults the intelligence of the reader by over explaining everything. Hence I recommended it for you.
I'm not surprised that you didn't understand that,

>reading hiatus x hiatus
Enjoy waiting anywhere from 6-12 months for a single chapter.

wait a sec, I'm rereading your sentence until I fully capture the message behind it.
would it be inconvenient for you if I asked you to rewrite it again with more words in a more detailed manner?

I'm in no rush, it's a long life.
there are worse things, like for example having a weekly income of mediocrity that actually drives me insane to see the story end before something even fouler than garbage comes to life

>i-it's totally better because it takes months to write some pseudo-philosophical bullshit and draw chicken scratch

>bleach didn't get axe-

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An annual smattering of shit is better than weekly mediocrity? How does that make sense?

>bleach got axed
>source: my anus

The manga needed a competent badguy.

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>Aizen engineers a coup detat, then retreats to another plane, gathers forces and even kidnaps a girl in an attempt to lure out and trap part of gotei13's forces in there while he makes his move.
>He also specifically engineers a living beeing for the sole purpose of sealing yama's sword, so he cant fight him seriously.

>But ACKSHUALLY, his real goal wasnt to topple the soulking, but have somebody fight him as an equal for real, which is why he engineered for even longer than the plan to kill the soulking a plan to just make ichigo stronger.

I dont know, I feel like just maybe one of these parts was added after the fact.

>reading comprehension

your life stops because you haven't got your dose of fiction for a while?
when the story is as good as hunter x hunter the chapters and everything that has already come out stays with you for most of the time, making you rethink about a myriad of stuff
I wouldn't expect somebody interested in uninspired and devoid of life shonen to understand

HxH is a shonen series though you fucking brainlet.

great interpretation skills. I'll be going now

>'my shonen series is deeper and better than yours because the author is a hack who takes a year to write a single chapter and draw like a fucking middle schooler'
keep enjoying mumble x mumble


Whoever said that? It wasn't even implied
hxh has a shit story though, there is nothing to think about because it treats readers like they are brain dead and over explains everything, it even repeats a lot of the same information
I wouldn't expect somebody interested in an uninspired and devoid of life shonen to understand

>Grimmjow goes to kill Ichigo's gang while they're underpowered
>Aizen spirit pressures him to the ground to stop him

What did he mean by this?

>Why is a meme character so good?

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Yes very good

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To show he has the bigger dick

He was loved by male viewers, which are the vast majority who were watching bleach, because he had female traits aka thin eyebrows, thin lips, soft jaw, femalish hair, etcetera

>What exactly was so bad with the way the world
Soul Society is incredibly corrupt and the current state of the world is shit to begin with. Aizen's also an egotistical bastard who can't stand submitting to anyone, but there was enough justification with how poorly shit was already being run anyway.

This, basically.


Bleach being bad is a meme