ITT: Arcs that irreperably damaged their respective series

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But it was good

That would be the joint training arc not the yakuza

Mob psycho > all shounen

Was this the arc with the little girl?
Bored me so much I dropped the series.

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Yes. I dropped it after this arc. Mirio and Fitgum were the only good parts

I agree, Yakuza was bad but it had some good things about it and you thought maybe things could turn around. The training arc killed that idea.

Silver Soul.
Gintama had been getting really shitty in these recent years but nothing comes close to this.
I am not sure how it happened, but this is where we're at.

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Everything involving this boring fucker's attempt at world domination.
>Mob Psycho

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"serious" arcs did this

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also shounen almost fairy tail esque bullshit and changes in gintoki's character like
>using 'teme' all the time
>increasingly dumb "lectures" about metaphors that never made sense and were always strenuous at best

Things went downhill after soul society arc.
But shit really hit the fan from fullbring onwards.

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it's a fucking tragedy, they even ruined madao for me
thank God I can always just go back to the old shit

gintama had always been sort of hit and miss, also i never really liked the excessive straight man stuff. i watched the anime again (up to like 240) and enjoyed and noticed more stuff than originally.

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even in the shit parts there are usually still gems and parts that were really well done
>shinpachi vs utsuro
>utsuro interrupts kagura's family fight
>some of the later (anime wise) comedy arcs are still good

>i watched the anime again
me too and I really fucking miss the fansubs from the first half holy shit
yeah I swear the lectures were like the last thing in an arc and I always loved them but they seem overused now

The delays turn me off, desu.

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Somebody post the boat

Everything after el hermano appeared was just fucking bullshit

That’s not greed island

The future arc from Reborn

Some much bullshit dragged over like 150 chapters

thats not skypea.

mob psycho turned worse than MHA during 2nd season and even OPM with that inferior animation is doing things better.

I thought so too, although I was kinda meh about it until he got dehanded and burned alive by the better heroes.

Nah. I'd say it was the Rakuyou arc. I would have said Farewell Shinsengumi since it immediately took off after Shogun arc but Isaburo was fucking based. I get that he had to tie up Kagura's family stuff but they immediately fucked off to space right after resolving something else. All these arcs were necessary for the actual story but man they should have spread them apart more.

Silver Soul is legitimately awful. It's also so forgettable that despite hating it it didn't come to mind when I saw the OP.

It's literally just
>Gintoki fights guy
>oh no whatever shall we do
>Gintoki is saved by ensemble cast who doesn't actually do anything besides say "remember us!" and then fuck off

It doesn't help the premise of Gintoki and Earth beating all of those ayy lmaos despite not being able to back when they were at peak strength is ridiculous.

You know what's even more ridiculous? How the fuck is Gintama STILL going on? The basic premise doesn't even exist anymore.

i only read this manga for LOV
when there are school chapters i skip them entirely


>The basic premise doesn't even exist anymore.
in more ways than one being a serious manga

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>OPM with that inferior animation is doing things better.

Don't know about that but Monster Association Raid>Boss World Domination arc.

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bad guy was actually a good guy all along!

with this brought up this also happens in gintama a lot

>Monster Association Raid>Boss World Domination arc.

No need to state the obvious

Yakuza arc is much better than the shit that followed, Endeavor's arc notwithstanding.

Terraformars when the chink ship showed up on mars and then the roaches got to earth

Some overzealous Mob fans who love to gush about it being the superior ONE series will insist otherwise.

Fucking time travel

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love this show

skypiea aka the best arc in one piece? how much of a retard can you be

I thought the yakuza arc was pretty good. Like said, the joint training arc is the awful one

Fullbring arc is better than the quincy arc, which was a fucked up mess even by Kubo's standards.

I see, pleb filter still works.

Marley arc, now all the pre-timrskip arcs are shit compared to the post-timeskip ones.

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Oh man if you think the Future arc is bad the two arcs that follow it make the Future Arc look like 10/10 material

I feel like it's hard to do the whole "look at all these characters helping out" thing right. I can respect him for trying instead of just giving up and saying fuck 98% of the cast. Though I would respect this more if the timeskip stuff didn't end up as a repeat of the first half. I don't think this would be as bad if it only happened once. Or at least if there was a bigger break before it happened again. I think the recurring problem here is the pacing.

Blue arc in Shokugeki no Souma

Tournament arc in Battle Angel LO

Mob’s ??? Arc is the best final arc in all of shounen

It also happened to be the last fucking arc, so the author was literally just one step away from closing shop on a high note.

I feel thriller bark was the arc that caused the irreparable damage. I love Brooke but after the crew reached critical mass with his addition it feels like Oda can't pace arcs for shit anymore. We got a break from that with the straw hats getting separated but once they got back together post timeskip this issue resurfaced and has been a thorn in every arc's side since then. Oda really has a hard time juggling a large cast.

Marley arc was too good for the series, the slow and uneasy feeling accumulating in your gut about how the grim reminder was coming from the clues littered around the chapters.

It pains me to say it but I have to agree with this. It doesn't help that at the same time Oda is including an enormours amount of new and returning character every arc since. The crew of 9 can work, but here we're dealing with a cast of 30+ PER ARC.

Amazon Lily and Impel Down were a joy, Marineford was a slog, and every arc since the timeskip has been pretty much the same thing (with the exception of the little Zou segment and, curiously enough, Punk Hazard)

Whole Cake was amazing up to Luffy beating Cracker more or less, and it started to slog at the tea party, a pity. Oda seems to have realized the problem and tried to separate the crew for some arcs, but they all had to be in Wano.