Trascend plotfaggotry, my child.
Trascend plotfaggotry, my child
Yay another one of these shitty threads.
What anime exemplify plotfaggotry? I’d like to stay away from them, please
>posts twenty anime with plots
what did op mean by this?
Please do not ever put flip flappers in the same category as darlifra ever again
legend of the galactic heroes. its nothing but plotting.
>with plots
OP meant to out plotfags like yourself.
>putting Lain in the same chart as DITF
please die OP
thanks I was actually considering watching all those episodes
What's wrong with plot? i rather have plot than visuals
Putting shit with shit
Style over substance is an expensive way to fail
Substance over style is the cheapest way to success
>tsuki ga kirei
I already did, that's why I now exclusively watch SOLs.
DiTF is the only thing making this a troll chart.
You have spammed this too many times already. Have you achieved anything yet?
When the theme, subtext, and characters are what have the most attention and development it is NOT plot based.
Personally I like a well structured plot with subtext and theme and character driven aspects, but if I can only have a good plot or good theme and characters I'll let the plot weaken.
This but unironically
I want Yea Forums to leave
Legend of the Galactic Heroes is the ultimate plotfag anime: poor visuals, simple characters and a superficial analysis of its subject.
Your response. Every single time. Thanks
Come on, I know Lain is rather meh when compared to the archetypal epic that is DITF, but it isn't bad.
>tfw I'll never watch Haibane Renmei for the first time again
Re-read the post you’re responding to, slowly
Hunter x Hunter
but it’s good though. Episode 135 is the pinnacle of anime
Threads should be created with substantial OP text containing a meaningful topic of discussion. Please refrain from posting catch-phrase or template threads.
It is called Kino's journey because it's a masterpiece of anime?
>still trying to force this "plotfaggotry" meme
It's called Kino's journey because the main character is a very very cute, sexy boy named Kino.
I actually really liked FLCL. The animations were really fun, interesting, and appealing even by today's super high-budget accessible computer-drawn standard.
Characterization was good, but the story was pretty eh. Duno if 'forgettable' is right, it's memorable, but it more just a sequence of events than a coherent story.
Complaining about plotfags is more of a Yea Forums meme
>OP posts it
>You respond to it
>You then proceed to wonder why he continues to post it
Wait, Kino's a dude? My sole exposure to the show is h-doujins with Kino as a chick.
Kyosougiga's Music PV was better than the anime.
Kino's just Kino.
Reminder that Madoka Magica is the most important must watch anime in the industry right now and has been said by anno himself as well as multiple other high ups in the industry to have surpassed Evangelion.
>dude, wat if we took [insert mahou shoujo trope here] and made it super grimdark? Like dude, genera deconstructed amirite.
Yes. I do remember watching Darling in the Franxx back in 2009. *sip* Good times, they don't make 'em like they used to.
t. Hasn’t watched Madoka
>inb4 I have
You haven’t.
Not really. If you have an interest in history, politics and statecraft in general you can see that it does a lot of exploration and allegory there. It's like a sandbox study of different leadership/management styles and various types of character being put on the spot.
I get that this doesn't count as very deep because it's not a tour de force exploring what it means to love or some shit, but there is definitely way more going on than just the plot.
Substance doesn't have to be plot. It's not a troll chart.
I've watched it and might as well have a second time from all the shilling you madokafags do. You're perfectly satisfied with cheep feels and tone whiplash if it's presented in a way that makes you feel smart.
>You're perfectly satisfied with cheep feels and tone whiplash if it's presented in a way that makes you feel smart.
NGE in a nutshell
Good thing I'm not an evafag. You're so delusional that you attribute any attack on your preferred series to some Yea Forums tier console war that's only happening in your head.
I've seen these threads around for a while now, and they're some of the dumbest, most self-aggrandizing pseud shit ever. What the fuck is plotfaggotry? Plot is the essential characteristic of fiction. It's just a sequence of events in a story. Every one of those anime in the OP have excellent plots, and their plots are essential to the shows themselves. Many are unorthodox and unconventional in their choices of storytelling, but they rely on their plot as much as anything else, because virtually all art consists of a narrative. So I have absolutely no idea what OP thinks he means by this. Threads like these are what happen when you learn about writing or animation from Yea Forums instead of actually, I don't know, reading a book.
t. didn't watch it
>Plot is the essential characteristic of fiction
I don't have a reaction image that encapsulates the stupidity of this post.
>Flip Flappers
What are you doing
>I don't have a reaction image that encapsulates the stupidity of this post.
Narrative is, by definition, a sequence of connected events. Plot is the way that events are sequenced in a narrative. I don't understand what's contentious about that, this is like English 101. Do you actually have a counterargument, or are you just going to act condescending to hide the fact that you're a fucking pseud retard?
atmosphere>visuals>sex appeal>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>pl*t
nah, it's just le epic reddit meme to say she is
Absolutely based.
>He doesn't spend 2:44:44 watching literary analysis
Plot is always secondary. You should always focus on view how the show presents its themes and how it develops its characters. By analyzing themes, symbolism and character interactions one can very much figure out where a plot is going to go. Meaning that Plots are very much usually cookie cutter, where the only thing differentiating them are their execution and the way they present certain things about that narrative in order to present its themes and what it wants to tell the audience.
imagine if a single person on Yea Forums actually watched anime
Do you not know basic english?
itt: incels
>user attempts to bamboozle by just typing random things in green text
Have sex.
This is the definition of based.
Plot peasant unironically fuck off to >>Yea Forums
how is eva 3.0 even in this chart
So is this a meme or there are people who really think that "plot" is a bad thing?, plot is literally the mother of everything, the core of a story is the fucking plot.
Why isn't Rebellion in pic related?
>only thing differentiating them are their execution and the way they present certain things about that narrative in order to present its themes and what it wants to tell the audience
The only thing that differentiates plots...are all the elements plots have that make them different from each other. A truly astounding intellectual breakthrough. And the point of analyzing plots is not to figure out what happens next (not primarily), but to see how it reinforces/confounds/interacts/etc all the other elements that comprise fiction. People who attempt to elevate/denigrate one facet of a medium to appear intelligent are some of the most annoying pseuds imaginable.
>moeblob anime
>important in any way
Its not even meant to be a "story" per se, but rather an examination of some very human yet wacky themes like puberty. Thats basically it: a visual metaphor for pubescensce
Just because stories have different set pieces, doesn't mean they are different. Its like putting a new coat of paint over an old wall. The wall is still the same, it just looks different on the outside.
t. brainlet
At some point, you are going to have seen every type of story, and every type of subplot, the novelty of enjoying a new story will run out. At that point, you will need to dig deeper into the stories you consume otherwise nothing will be interesting and everything will become generic.
As an example, /his/friend from the Darling in the FranXX threads correctly identified the symbolism which foreshadowed the fact that APE was a foreign invasion force(aliens) before episode 15. (see pic related) People who said that the show never foreshadowed VIRM just didn't dig enough into the show.
Focus on plot != substance
>Reiwa 01
>Franxxtards still this butthurt
Why do you do this?
t. plotfag
>By analyzing themes, symbolism and character interactions one can very much figure out where a plot is going to go
Maybe if you watch shows aimed at little kids with little to no-plot which wouldn't surprise me since you say every plot is the same, I don't blame you tho if you appreciate other aspects of Anime that isn't the plot of the story, i mean if you like to watch "Flying witch" is not like you are crawling to have a plot anyway and overall Anime isn't great at having plot driven stories, the ones that indeed were successful are now remembered as 10/10 which shows can be counted with one hand, imo if you are looking for a good plot-driven story then you should move to more sophisticated mediums such as VNs where real and engaging stories can be found, although bear in mind that even the most SoL shows have to have plot because it's the core of everything, even if it's an episodic shitty one it will be there, the plot is the glue to everything else that's why saying that plot isn't neccessary is retarded, even in an audio-visual medium.
>Plot is always secondary. You should always focus on view how the show presents its themes and how it develops its characters.
Character is expressed through plot. Theme is expressed through plot. Plot is a vehicle, not a device.
Saying that plot doesn't matter because characters and themes are more important is like saying that melody isn't important in music because what matters are the emotions. They don't intersect, one enables the other. You clueless retard.
>By analyzing themes, symbolism and character interactions one can very much figure out where a plot is going to go.
Yes, so much is obvious. But effective fiction writing has never been about the pure volume of information. Otherwise, you're better off reading a summary instead of watching any anime. No, it's about the emotional impact that can be imparted to scenes through execution.
>Meaning that Plots are very much usually cookie cutter, where the only thing differentiating them are their execution and the way they present certain things about that narrative in order to present its themes and what it wants to tell the audience.
Congratulations, you've realized what literally every fucking author has known for the past five millennia. Except you miss the fact that plot arrangement, construction, and pacing is a form of execution as well. The plot isn't something the story aims to deliver. It's the method by which a story delivers everything else. You can't avoid plot any more than you can avoid melody or rhythm in music.
These are not new ideas. You just have a mistaken and very, very rudimentary idea what any of these terms mean. How about you actually try reading up a little about storytelling, writing, or any of the other concepts you're failing to grasp here, before you try and piece together some sort of retarded explanation to gullible idiots on Yea Forums.
Yes. Yui goes and has tea, plays some guitar, goes home. That's a fucking plot. Plot is just a sequence of events. It means nothing else. You can't have any story without a plot.
Even Gochiusa has plot, episodic one mostly, Chino not being able to perform a dance for school and having to go to Maya's house to practice it's plot, that's storytelling.
What do I win?
Swap monogatari for kill la kill.
Yeah, at least DarliFra has a couple good episodes.
True, there's actually no plot in Flip Flappers to be fair.
Yea Forums gets more and more gullible every year
What is lain about?
living in a society
>pretentious english major level of text
Original or remake? Because I'm pretty sure they would latch onto the remake.
the undeniable existence of a true God the nature of which is unfathomable to all humanity
no matter how godlike humans may become through technology, its only possible because the laws of physics are the way they are. even if we gain the means to create universes and discover our universe in turn was created by godlike being from another universe it still doesn't answer the question of where it all began, why there is something rather than nothing. because we are capable of learning we crave learning, a craving we call curiosity. but it is impossible to learn everything. even if we advance our capacity for learning to be infinite, some infinite are bigger than others, and the set of all knowledge we don't know will always be greater than the set of all knowledge we do know, which makes it impossible for any human to truly understand God, the set containing all sets, the alpha and omega, the unmoved mover, The Absolute. because we can never know with absolute certainty we aren't wrong about something.
Lain is about a person becoming away of how little they know about how the world really is and being consumed with an insatiable lust to understand everything. And that's what Lain realizes after merging with The Wired, connecting herself to the set containing everything we do know just made her aware of how much we don't. she said as much herself to the man who thought himself God only because he was ignorant of how ignorant he was. God isn't just a magic man who can do anything. God is whatever enigmatic incomprehensible force already has done everything that led to everything.
tl;dl: the more you learn the more obvious it becomes that you don't seem to understand
Stop spamming charts, child.
that's the opening song
Why does Yea Forums attract so many autists incabale of comprehending a basic sentence or formulating a logical argument? This really starts to feel like reddit: people writing entire essays over anything, but when you actually start reading them you realize those people are literal retards unable to express themselves and the average troll comments are more valuable.
For a typical example see
the ultimate pseudofaggotry
>Darlifra aired a decade ago
digitalisation of reality and how since everything is photons taking shape in your head anyways at some point a distinct line between online and offline will become blurred
also japanese-islamic eschatology
internet has effect on real life in a way that makes it almost real
for example: the suicides, killings, the cars going rampant, increasing isolation etc. etc.
i have a question: why was lain's sister who got megafucked by the wired all of the sudden into "fullfilling the prophecy" turned into a drone like her parents were when she saw herself?
this anime is fucking shit
>idol master
Is this a bait?
So cool
In english please.
Dumb mods, do your job.
About what? What's wrong?
Every single one of these shows/films still follow a very traditional storytelling structure
>all those episodes
It's not very long user
Flip Flappers is really the shit my niggas
and fucking Utena. don't get me started on Utena.
too bad user, I'm about to
>Phantom blood movie
uh user
The wellspring of novelty will run dry at some point. I'll give you some examples regarding VNs.
Dies Irae - High school kid gets caught up in a Battle royale
Fate - Characters get caught up in a Battle royale that involves characters from different time periods.
(The annoying thing about VNs is that a lot of them share the same tired old themes)
And now for some anime examples.
Steins:Gate - a coming of age story involving time travel where he needs to figure out how to stop everyone he loves from being killed
Erased - A coming of age story involving time travel where he needs to save everyone he loves before they are killed.
The rebuilds are truly shit. I don't understand how someone can defend them. I'm curious to hear arguments in favor of them though.
>he can't into metanarratives
You plotfags are kinda sad.
Thank you for ruining my day with that incel's ugly face.
>brainlet tier plotfag thinks these shows are trash
Not my fault you have absolute dogshit taste
t. Easily amused by pretty pictures and characters screeching about random bullshit
>literally too dumb to understand cartoons
Explain to me how the rebuilds are good / better than the OG (not necessarily both).
I'm not a plotfag, by the way. Angel's Egg is one of my favourite anime, and i'm thoroughly enjoying Lain.
Fucking this.
This also applies to video games. There are tons of RPGs with super complicated epic plots, but Dragon Quest takes it simple fairy-tale theme and makes it absolutely wonderful and executes it to the utmost perfection. Plotfags will never understand.
> Easily amused by pretty pictures
To be fair. If you aren't then you shouldn't be consuming audio-visual media.
I know linking youtube videos is pretty gay, but I don't have time to write my usual defense of the Rebuilds (3.0 in particular), but if you genuinely want to know the common arguments in favor of the Rebuilds search for "The curse of Evangelion" on youtube. The video isn't as in-depth as I'd like it to be, but it is good.
Several of those aren't all that visually stunning. They may have good ideas in that department but the actual quality of their art and animation isn't that good.
Will do.
>unironically using the "pretty colors" line of arguing
Have you no shame?
Want to watch something that pushes the boundaries of visual but also has a nice plot?
Watch hxh. It is like watching tatami galaxy but with a easy to follow plot.
Rebuild of Eva 3.0 has a plot, the problem are the lack of answers and the fact that we not expected a story like this.
Delete the thread too you sorry excuse for a janitor.
But what has it done wrong?
it hurt the feelings of peasants
why does everyone on Yea Forums make fun of plotfags, but Yea Forums has some dissent?
Differences in the median IQ.
Even the biggest lumper out there will have to admit there are at least two different plots (tragedy and comedy). Besides, you can just as reductively reduce characters, themes and more to various "types".
Because Yea Forums is full of posers who for some reason shit on plot as a concept yet still read novels instead of prose poetry collections exclusively.
Even if a novel has a plot you can still appreciate the prose by itself separate from the plot. It's kind of like appreciating an anime (or other animation) for the animation rather than strictly the plot. I would imagine the Yea Forums thing is less about shitting on people who read novels with plots and more shitting on people who read something specifically for the plot and are unable to appreciate the prose. Though I know Yea Forums also shits on genre fiction, which is more than likely not going to have any worthwhile prose to appreciate.
Angel's Egg is a recycle bin classic u don't have to be a plotfag to know that
Because Yea Forums is a philosophy circlejerk
>The wellspring of novelty will run dry at some point.
Jesus so you were talking about plot in general? that's just plain retarded considering that plot is just storytelling, yes cliche predictable garbage stories are everywhere specially in a retarded medium like this, and the VNs you mentioned are complete utter garbage, at least the last two. You can't have visuals alone, "visuals" serves to the storytelling, to the plot.
The level of retardness for someone to refer to plot as something bad is just frustrating, there can't be people this retarded, it just can't.
Yea Forums here. Most novels I've read have not been plot heavy. That being said, novels are still the best way to experience a plot either way. I've also never heard of many "prose collections"
>to refer to plot as something bad
That's not what anti-plotfaggotry is about. Trascending plotfaggotry just means looking at art in a more holistic way. Taking art's essence as the expression of a thesis made by an artist and not as the consistency between previously established structures and the work, nor as the "materialist" view of narratives that only cares for its logical consistency ("Had C been previously established before ocurring?", "Does D follow C?", etc.). Most plotfags see the a flawed essence of art and when confronted with art that defies their limited view, lash out (Eva 3.0 is probably the best, most popular example).
In other words, trascend plotfaggotry, my child.
I didn't say it didn't have a plot, I said it wasn't important to the actual appeal of the show.
>nor as the "materialist" view of narratives that only cares for its logical consistency
That depends on what you are going to watch, if you want a good plot-driven story you will be looking for logical consistency, that's what makes a good fucking story, "nice produced visuals" won't fill the holes and contradictions of a plot driven-story, but the visual expresion itself can help to have a more sophisticated storytelling, that's what you are refering with Eva or other works that people could call "pretencious". Theme, character interaction, even colour palette can be a tool for storytelling.
But again if you will be watching "Flying witch" is not like you are going to be sharp about plot development or logical consistency, you will be looking to enjoy the things around it.
I dunno why people hated 3.0. I liked it. I never knew people hated it until I came to low IQ anime forums.
>if you want a good plot-driven story you will be looking for logical consistency, that's what makes a good fucking story
Art isn't a "story". Art is the expression of a thesis made by an artist.
The Law of Ueki
>Saying that plot doesn't matter because characters and themes are more important is like saying that melody isn't important in music because what matters are the emotions
melody isn't important though.
>Yea Forums actually discussing media
Art is way a of expression, to tell something, in this case a story. If you want to look at it in a really abstract way okay but i don't know man sounds like you have some strong ADHD.
I REALLY don't understand the reasoning behind getting a bunch of good shows together and then forcing absolute garbage like franxx and DL in there.
I think OP has an agenda.
This. You can still make music without a melody, but you absolutely cannot make music without rhythm.
I'm pretty sure you can. Music has already been stripped to its bare essentials. Anything can be called music. There doesn't even have to be any purposefully structured sound. Like with 4'33 which consists of silence and whatever environmental sounds are happening during the "performance".