Bakuon Rettou

It's 1980. Having been expelled from his old middle school, Takashi Kase is forced to transfer to a new one where he promptly falls in with a group of delinquents and very quickly gets swept up into the youth gang lifestyle as a member of the Shinagawa ZEROS. Put on some Eikichi Yazawa as we see what life is like in a bosozoku gang in the early '80s.

I love this series and barring an exceptionally bad end it may very well end up being my all time favorite. I'll try to do a chapter a day.

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For what it's worth, though I'm sure stuff is embellished I'm pretty sure most of it is on the money considering Tsutomu Takahashi draws heavily from his own time in a bosozoku gang during the same time period. Most of the gangs, for instance, are derived from real gangs at the the time.

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Other page was just the cover in a different color, next is just a table of contents so I'll skip them.

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Looks interesting

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The weaslly looking kid is Mitsu, the goofier looking one is Manion. They're pretty much going to be Takashi's bros.

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It's great. It's really more of a dramatic gang-centric SoL in a way than a crime drama while Takashi tries to figure out just what he wants out of his future. Once it really starts going after the first few chapters it becomes really gripping IMO.

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Also the deal with the Yoshimura sticker is related to this guy.

Basically a big deal in the motorcycle world at the time.

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One of the things I really enjoy about the series is just how grimy it feels. These are poorfag lowlifes and it feels pretty spot on.

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Still like 20 pages left. Gotta love seinin and extra long first chapters.

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Also here's a bunch of footage of bosozoku gatherings from the '80s.

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Pretty sure this one Red Emperor dude's design gets reused for Ayase which is weird considering what an important character Ayase is.

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Seems like it just barely made it. That's it for the end of the first chapter. First few are getting bearings but once some of the real important characters like Ayase and Takashi's pompadour are introduced it's gravy.

Anyway I'll post chapter 2 tomorrow.

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I'm really liking how realistic everything is. It doesn't feel like it's making fun of biker gangs but it doesn't feel like it's overly romanticizing them either.

What the fuck does that mean

Yeah, I think realistically romantic is how I'd put it. It's not glamorous and not to be admired and it's a gateway into more serious criminal activity but it was probably still fun and it's something one can look back on with nostalgia. It's just kind of presented as is, the good and bad.

Bump for you OP

Guess you gotta learn your kanji.

I have no clue

Been reading it for a while now. What's this I'm hearing about a bad ending?

>and barring an exceptionally bad end

It’s just the guy’s name.

I mean if it has a bad one since I don't know what the actual end is with, I think, a couple chapters left to be translated. I will say that the series he did before this, Tetsuwan Girl, has a shit ending but that's because at some point long before the end it just goes from women's baseball during the occupation to international crime thriller. This has been focused the whole way so I don't expect it to go off the rails or anything.

Also thanks to DelinqAnon for doing like 99% of this series.

Thanks user

I love this series

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Good shit, user.

i want this
