I didn't see a thread so what do people wand for chapter 85

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Yotsuba development.

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I've never been a fan of youtsuba but even I want us to get something.

Eatski and yotsuba to do something

Nino rejection followed by flash forward to her baking the cake for the wedding.

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Nino a SHIT

Will never happen

We can dream damnit

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Ichika probably has better chances than Miku, Miku's character types are never meant to win from the start, they're there to pad the story, being the first to fall in love and being a character that never conflicts with the protagonist are not end game characters.

Obviously more Nino.

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Yotsuba's been carrying hard. She fulfills her support role well.

>mfw Miku will never be my gf ;_;

i love her so much

Nino to jump into Fuutarou's arms as he saves her from the stalker.

reason why she hasnt gotten any is because she's going to be last and will subvert all expectations and win

Ichika and Nino are the ones Fuutarou has been the most involved with from the beginning. It's always been a race between them for the Fbowl.

Y O T S U B A !!!!

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I want to see the Rena plotline continued. We spent enough time on Ichika and Miku already.

I'd like to see Fuutarou put the quints, all of them, on full blast for all of this drama and vickery they've been doing to him since the start of this arc. He gives them all a, "No way, fag." Part of me thinks something like this could very well happen.

Not sure why I put that as a reply to