So what exactly is wrong about this rant per say? I see a lot of people making fun of him...

So what exactly is wrong about this rant per say? I see a lot of people making fun of him, but he's right in every single way. And no muh incel is not a valid response. He risks his life for people all the time and only Rem gives him credit, Emilia wouldn't even be alive without him and the whore treats him like trash.

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Other urls found in this thread:

He wasn't really wrong per se, but it still doesn't erase the fact that he was sperging out at someone who didn't have any way of knowing what he was talking about
>Emilia wouldn't even be alive without him and the whore treats him like trash
He gave him a home and still talked to him even after making an ass of himself

You should be thankful to your Saviours. Only a whore opens up her legs just because they are saved.

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OP, from what anime is the firsts pic?

Because his entire argument is that if you save someone's life, they are now your slave, and despite the fact that her number 1 goal in life SPECIFICALLY prohibits her from marrying or having intercourse with him, he can't get over than and desperately orbits around her for the sole fact that she was the first pretty girl who was nice to him in this new world. That's literally it.

If Rem had shown up first, he would have been infatuated with her instead. He doesn't like Emilia for who she is, and she can tell that.

I mean he is infatuated with Emilia literally because he is cursed to be. It isn't even his own choice.

Him being an autistic cunt and demanding Emilia bend over for his cock because he did things for her that she literally can't even perceive is his choice.

Not OP but try reverse image search.

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Well it's not surprising considering he's a fucking NEET

>but he's right in every single way
Except he's not, are you retarded? Why would that Emilia specifically care about all he did for her when she's only known him for that specific reset. Especially since he just made a fucking fool of himself and her in front of some of the most important people in the capital.

Your personal circumstances do not enforce moral obligations upon other people.

Is is weird that I kinda like that Subaru spergs out like this?

Because nobody asked for his help. He did this to himself. And nobody is aware of the pains he goes through to help them. It's a legitimate sign of autism not to be able to understand how another person's perspective limits their understanding of a situation. If Subaru wants to torture himself for someone who will never love him back, that's his decision. They still have the option of calling him a creepy weirdo when he acts like one.

I never said it did, I'm just saying that considering his circumstances, it'd make sense that he'd have unrealistic ideas and act so brashly upon them.

You're probably also autistic.

>And nobody is aware of the pains he goes through to help them
this the way he acts after looping is absolutely retarded
rezero is just another self insert trash ln

Well I kinda am, but I don't see why that would relevant.

Because that's why you like him sperging out. You're self inserting yourself into the position.

i think they went too long with the 'try to be genki and funny' subaru, i kinda liked how he was in the first episodes more than anything.

This. A lot of what he said was technically correct, but the way he framed it was ridiculously self-serving and self-important. He was also being an ass about it, in that it's wrong to leverage your "selfless" acts to make someone owe you. And he placed more importance on Emilia understanding him - as well as blame that she didn't - than on his desire to help her. Lastly there's the fact that he refused to admit that his desire to help her was self-satisfying - not necessarily that it was selfish, but that he helped how he wanted and in turn refused to do what she asked of him.

In summary he:
>Broke promises repeatedly
>Leveraged his deeds to manipulate
>Placed ridiculous expectations on Emilia
>Couldn't explain his actions or attachment to Emilia (partially not his fault)
>Got extremely angry about something Emilia couldn't possibly understand, placing blame on her for failing to meet his expectations

That's not at all what he was saying. He believed she was indebted to him, yes, but he wasn't trying to get in her pants with that - he was demanding she accept his actions without explanation on the basis that he had saved her in the past. This argument had nothing to do with the romantic aspect of their relationship.

I actually agree. I don't get all the hate he get.

>i love this girl so much im going to go through torture and death hundreds of times because i love her so much, so much that i will reject all other girls and humiliate myself for her
>pretending like he's just a good boy(tm) who wants to help her! surely he doesn't want her to fall in love with him!

Not at all. He's a very interesting character and his breakdowns and freak-outs are a big part of that. He suffers a lot and struggles to cope, and it serves to make him all the more compelling. It would be comparably boring if he just looped a couple times to learn stuff then solved the problem, but instead he has to learn some lessons and overcome himself in order to understand his failings - he grows and changes, becoming a better and stronger person.

> he grows and changes, becoming a better and stronger person.
Which LN volume does this happen at?

>>Emilia wouldn't even be alive without him and the whore treats him like trash.
He kinda triggers all her deaths. Plus you cant expect someone to love him when he acts so scummy

The biggest problem is that almost all of his interactions with Emilia have been in loops that only he remembers. From her perspective, he's mostly been a retarded asshole, and, if anything, she's way too kind/accepting of him as he has presented himself to her.

I didn't read the novels but his return by death thing is because of Satella I assume so it makes sense that his fixation on Emilia is a result of that.
He even admits it at the beginning of the show that he could just use his other worldly knowledge and live a comfortable life instead of getting caught up with political power struggles for the sake of a girl he just met.

Well he may be a retarded asshole but from her perpective at this point he's the retarded asshole that helped get her insignia back and helped keep Elsa at bay until Reinhard showed up along with helping with the mabeast problem. It wasn't until they returned to the capital that his autism started to purely be a detriment.

>So what exactly is wrong about this rant per say?
Because it reminds me too much of myself.

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He's a gross autist.

meanwhile on Yea Forums

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Too bad the first time Rem and Subaru met Rem caused him multiple mental breakdowns. They were in different timelines so Subaru can't really hold them against her but it most certainly left enough mental scar on him to not want to be lovers with her.

>specifically tells him not to act like a dumbass
>acts like a dumbass
>she gets mad
Anyone that honestly sympathizes with Subaru needs to be put down.

He does want her to fall in love with him - that's obvious and denying that was never on the table - but he at no point in that conversation tries to convince Emilia to love him because he saved her. That's not what the scene was about in any way.

Volume 1, jackass. Honestly though, he's already working on improving himself in some ways by arc 2, and in the third arc it's completely obvious how he has to learn and reflect in order to move forward.

For some reason despite it being the result of the show's main gimmick, as well as something Subaru explicitly laments in arc 2, there are so many idiots that fail to understand the effects of Subaru accumulating "defunct" memories. A sizable amount of conflict stems directly from the disconnect this creates. Subaru has been more than "a retarded asshole" - and honestly I wouldn't say he was an asshole at all (after all they seem to think he was pretty nice and cool) - but even so the people around him have no context for his suffering and the emotional weight he feels - as well as having nowhere near the same level of trust or attachment.

Nice headcanon. He's forgiven the twins for the actions, even understanding them and coming to terms with it. He literally just doesn't want Rem because he wants Emilia.

That's what his character is about, and why he got upset. He wants her to go, "Kyaaa~ Save me Subaru~~~. Okay! I'll do what you say, master."

There's nothing to be forgiven because nothing actually happened in that timeline, but he still remembers the times they crushed his skull for no reason. That's plenty reason for him to keep a distance.

False equivalency. Anyone saying that sucked because she owed him is an idiot - the reason it sucked was that the show had, up until that point, spent a long-ass time developing and building emotional investment in their relationship. She owed him nothing - it was the show that owed us better.

>no reason
He literally explains their reasoning himself, and understands it.

>the whore treats him like trash.

lets see, think about this from emilia's perspective. Some rando suddenly shows up with dodgy, clingy motives and forcefully inserts himself into your life. sure he's a bit weird, and doesn't seem to care about the whole half elf thing, but still he seems to always be hovering around you and doesn't seem to take anything seriously. About the only thing which keeps you from kicking him to the curb is your insane childishness that finds his stupidity funny, and the fact that one time for reasons you aren't sure you believe he took a knife for you.

In exchange for his sacrifice, you decide to give him room and board. Yet when YOU have something really important to YOU, he sticks his nose into it, insults all the people who you need to win over, and futher torpedoes your plans becauses he's an ultra white knight edgelord with an over inflated sense of importance.

Then after getting his ass beat for being an idiot, you take the time to make sure he will "live" and "recover" because while he's upset you with his insubordination and stupidity, he still is one of the few people in the world who doesn't treat you like a freak.

-Only for him to declare you OWE him anything he demands because he took that knife for you. He's not a friend who selflessly took a knife for you and treats you as his equal. he's a slave owner looking for a slave elf

Yeah, I would kick his ass to the curb too, and if you don't then you need to get out, and learn what human interactions are, because Subaru's mindset is NOT healthy, is NOT respectful, and is NOT love. at best its obsession, at worse it's entitlement, personally I think it's a little of both. He think's he's owed things because he's done a good thing and worked hard. Life doesn't owe you anything, and women (or men) don't owe you love for doing things for them. their heart is their own. his action show he had zero respect for her.

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>hurrr ur a spy so i kill u despite having no evidence
Yeah he understands that they're retarded and violent so he needs to keep them at arm's length.

This isn't the modern day. Are you forgetting this is a world where people will place death curses on animals for the slight chance that the person they want to assassinate might pet it?

You seem to be thinking of another show, which is accidentally set in the modern day. Still, his first encounter with Emilia was that she saved him and healed him, his first encounter with Rem was that she brutally crushed his head multiple times. There's quite a big difference. Maybe Subaru would fall in love with any girl who is nice to him but the ogres were cunts to him, too bad.

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His rant is actually completely indefensible when you pair it with his talk with Rem later on where he literally admits to being an arrogant retard that hasn't done anything to warrant his superiority complex.

Honestly, I thought an adult in a child's body developing a relationship with a child was a bit squicky, so I was perfectly fine with her moving on. It just kinda left a strange hole narratively that they had to shove the pizza girl into at the last minute.

>That's what his character is about
Yeah, no. It isn't. You're pulling this out of your ass. He puts a lot of weird expectations on people but he never leverages heroism for love, and the two times he leverages it for subservience it's out of exasperation because he can't convince her. He doesn't want to be her "master" in those instances, he's just can't cope with the refusal of what he sees as obvious. He expects her to understand that what he's doing is for her protection, and he expects her to trust him - those are the things that frustrate him here. His love for her is driving him, but his desire to see tha tlove reciprocated is, in this instance, irrelevant.
He literally hugs Rem repeatedly in arc 3. He also kills himself in arc 2 specifically because he realizes they're actually good people and he wants to save them. You're braindead.

Why is his face design in this scene so different? It's like Subaru's a different person. They tried really hard to make him into a gross otaku but it's just not the same character anymore.

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>So what exactly is wrong about this rant per say?
Nothing. It's a rant where he vents his pain, frustration, and emotion while attempting to rationalize it.
Most people forget how much time he spends flipping between hope and desolation before he does this rant. The ones calling others autistic for not seeing the problem with it are ironically more likely to be autistic because they're pointing out the faults in his logic and expectations as if he was under no duress and was (should have been) sane of mind.
Giving people a bit of leeway when they're mentally stressed is part of normal social interaction skills. However, if he continues to keep the same attitude and opinion of blaming others after having a chance to calm down and reflect, that's when he would rightfully become shitty.

He just got his shit kicked in.

Well for one he just had his head bashed with a stick

>i saved her yet she wont sex me baka

On a serious note, it was more of a "hero syndrom". Re:Zero is about subverting the mentality that is in most of modern isekai, the point of it was that Subaru was already a bad person from the start that feels entitled to a harem ln protagonist lifestyle because he was forced into another world and had to save it.

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That's pretty far from being a lover, and he killed himself because he was going to die either way. By Rem's hands as a matter of fact, you know it's not that surprising that you won't have much affection to a girl who pushes you into literal suicide.

>f he continues to keep the same attitude and opinion of blaming others after having a chance to calm down and reflect, that's when he would rightfully become shitty.
Isn't that what pretty much happens until Rem talk no jutsu's him?

The problem with anime rants is that they are so fucking cringey, even more so when it comes from a character i hate (subaru).

>no background music (dude this is like a super serious moment)
>is yelling/screaming
>makes stupid faces
>he couldn't have communicated this to her like a normal person would, like, in a conversation? this thing that people have? instead he has to scream at her like an autist

>he killed himself because he was going to die either way
>By Rem's hands
>The dead one
Ah, so this is bait. Got it. Either that or you're the ultimate speedwatcher.

Both he an Emilia were being dumb cunts during this scene and it was painful to watch. And yes, the fact that its framed as him being completely in the wrong made it worse. He was being an ass, but he had a pretty good point, and the story paints Emilia as entirely in the right.

this 1000x times

I don't think I would describe the time spent before her talk as a chance to calm down.

This "hero syndrome" aspect of his character came completely out of left field. It's inconsistent with his previous characterization, not once did he show any sign of feeling entitled to sex or any other Incel crap. Subaru's not a bad person, I think you're misreading his character.

>and the story paints Emilia as entirely in the right
because she is

You mean because Tappei is a hack.

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I think this is exactly why everyone wants him to be with Rem instead of Emilia.

It's kinda funny that I knew from your post and that picture (which, both are vague enough), that this must be the "Erased" anime, even though I only watched the Netflix adaption and have never seen it by the name of "Boku Dake" or whatever

Fair enough

How the fuck is Subaru like Elliot Rodger? Have you even read his manifesto? They're like night and day. Elliot Rodger is a better written character with defining character traits/flaws. Subaru is whatever the author wants him to be, he's inconsistent and shallow.

The sex part was a joke.
And it is not inconsistent either, before this arc stuff went his way, but now he already had a lot of stress and trauma, you should interpret that Subaru was seeing that world as a story which he was the protagonist, rather than a world (Something he realizes later).
Subaru acts like i would some times, and i don't consider myself the best person.

>socially inept character acts socially inept
>how could they?

He doesn't realize that not everyone is giving a shit about him. A doctor might save my life but that doesn't matter that I wanna marry her. He is just upset that his waifu doesn't love him unconditionally.

>He think's he's owed things because he's done a good thing and worked hard. Life doesn't owe you anything, and women (or men) don't owe you love for doing things for them. their heart is their own. his action show he had zero respect for her.

I think this may be related to him being a NEET in his former life.
He probably never worked for anything, and had a shitty boring hikki life, and he probably always understood that it is at least partly his own fault for not working hard.
But now that he IS working hard, he thinks this has to immdiately give him everything he ever wanted. I mean, he has to get a cute elf gf now, right, because he finally decided to work hard. That's his perspective i think

>Elliot Rodger is a better written character with defining character traits/flaws.

I laughed out loud. That's not the direction I thought your post would go

are you legit retarded

That's what he was going for, it was a pretty good joke.

I swear to god that Mumkey Jones is in the thread.

I am 'slow', but I am not retarded, thank you good sir

that it makes sence doesnt mean is right or that he didnt have another option, he also wasnt forced to act that way
he chose to act like that and is phatetic and wrong

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Of course, you probably don't mind working hard without getting anything in return. You're the ideal citizen, a happy capitalist slave with nothing to show for himself. Keep sweating your ass off, son, you're making great contributions to society.

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>It's kinda funny that I recognized a screenshot of an anime that I watched
You are retarded.

I didn't watch the anime. I should have specified, when i said "Netflix adaption", i meant the live-action adaption.

From her point of view Subaru was being a complete jackass for no good reason.
She was actually way more patient with him than he deserved.

that's pretty close, I think his perspective is also tainted by isekai novels, and the author of Re:ZERO isn't done breaking subaru down for thinking like this (note this isn't to say re:zero is a subversion of isekai, it isn't in the least, it's pretty much straight isekai once subaru has his talk with rem, however, this story is a subverion of subaru's expectations for isekai). At the point of this conversation Subaru still thinks he's some chosen hero, and emila is his rewarded girl for being taken to this other world. there is a stench of entitlement all over him still at this point in the story.

Yeah, I never really understood the anti-male rhetoric regarding hard work and pay-off. Of course dude's expect women to want to be with them if they work hard. The alternative is that dude's just say fuck it and don't work at all.

>he even admits it at the beginning of the show that he could just use his other worldly knowledge and live a comfortable life
I bet thats bullshit
people were mad because it disrupts the flow they felt the narrative was headed

I’ll tell you that this is the whole idea about MGTOW, not following society. Most of them had actually done their hard work for a girl and got divorce-raped, hard.

>still has a harem

Real subversion would be all the girls fucking good looking chads while he continues to protect their happiness.

Which is why its retarded to care about anybody but yourself.

It’s funny how men are the only ones that consider repayment for actions and asking a man for a favor after saving their lives is protrayed as normal and fair while they go ballistic on the guy for asking the same thing from a woman.

That already exist in real life...

"I don't get why she just doesn't rape her and kill himself tho if this shit is stressing him out.
Can you imagine the response if the MC of something got saved by his harem at the 11th hour and then they were all like "ok now you're our slave"?

Relationships aren't prizes you retard.
You can't go and buy love at the corner storefor 298 yen.

Fuck off. Yea Forums is not for Whiteknights.

It’s a doctors job to save you retard

t. Princess Peach

Yes you can, it’s called a dog.

>Can you imagine the response if the MC of something got saved by his harem at the 11th hour and then they were all like "ok now you're our slave"?
A whole lot of 'I wish that were me' posts.

I guarantee i've been here longer than you mudkip poster.

Goddamnit user.

Subaru is the best isekai mc

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What kind of discount dog can you get for 298 yen?
Are you sure you're not buying a rat?

Oh yeah? I've been here one year longer than you

Sometimes, there are free puppies in a box.

I like how they mocked this in Isekai Quartet.

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retard olympics

Not even close.

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Kazuma is a hypocrite since he also has a harem. He's just too disgusted by their personalities to fuck them.

It's the MCs job to fuck worst girl

He's just venting his frustration, nothing wrong with that

>It's a legitimate sign of autism not to be able to understand how another person's perspective limits their understanding of a situation
>user can’t understand how accumulating tons of defunct memory and suffering might fuck up Subaru’s perception of how other’s see him
How ironic that you can’t put yourself in his shoes.
From his perspective he has saved Emilia over 100x times if not more. From his perspective he has spent months suffering, sharing joy and bonded with her. But he’s cursed to be the only one who has memories of that bond. It’s not really surprising that he starts sperging out under a high stress situation and starts forgetting that the one time he saved Emilia from x and y never happened.

The story treats the situation as a tragedy more than anything. Subaru is under a lot of pressure and is prevented by the witch from talking about RBD. Emilia wasn't really doing anything wrong, but Subaru's outburst was just as much due to his circumstances as to his own weak character. It's Subaru being unable to cope with a shitty situation that leads to him saying what he does. Emilia wasn't really "in the right", seeing as she was lacking a lot of information that would have made her better understand him, but at the same time she couldn't have done anything to help that. Ultimately Subaru was the one who needed to change, even if his situation was painful - and therefore his actions understandable.

Because in the LN and WN Subaru is in love with Rem, the anime tried to remove it but there’s enough left that everyone picks up on

Subaru is supposed to be in love with Rem.

I kinda hate that in other WN arcs too
In arc 4 for example
>Subaru always think of Emilia as a saint, as usual
>Emilia has not Puck anymore, gets crazy, goes cry in the Trial room
>Subaru goes there and suddently tells her she's a shit
>Garfiel: super hostile, acting like a bastard
>Gets beaten, suddently becomes docile like a fucking braindead dog
>Excuse for this: haha he's 12 XD
It feels so weird. The only "consistent" characters in the series are probably Ram and Roswaal

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He doesn't have a harem. There's no harem in Re:Zero.

Konosuba is literally a Re:Zero parody.

>and more
Literally everyone wants to fuck him

Did you reply to the right post? I’m confused here

He fucked the little kid

>He risks his life
Nigga he's immortal.

I thought his relationship with Beako was platonic, also how could you forget best girl Patrasche?

Rem and Emilia are the only ones. He doesn't have harem.

Not only this, but this dude has the memories of what death feels like countless times. He was gonna have to let out all his frustrations sooner or later. I'm surprised he lasted this long, even.

Being able to come back from death is not the same as being unable to die.

Patrasche will realize her love is impossible and she'll be forced to fuck with Otto's dragon

Was this show any good? Talk at the time was all just some GoT-tier "MAN DID YOU SEE HOW FUCKED UP THAT WAS" every week so I didn't bother.

Yes I meant to reply to this

Subaru and other characters, and even some of the plot/events are so inconsitent

Well he had a couple other outbursts before hand, the one where he snaps while Rem is torturing him (though he dies before finishing) and also when he cries in Emilia's lap.

Doesn’t know what love is or sex is for that matter
The only girl who wants to his babies
Only because her memories have been manipulated. She thinks Subaru is some superhuman being that saved her when in reality it was Rem.
Doesn’t want to fuck him. She’s just some Loli he’s obligated to give mana to under the pretense that he’ll die otherwise.
>and more
Like Shaula? Someone who’s an insane scorpion girl and believes Subaru is her master that abandoned her 400 years ago because they smell the same?

Love can conquer all boundaries.

Not once she unlocks her transformation

>Patrasche is metamorphosed Satella

The worst part about this spergout was that he didn't sudoku to erase it from the timeline. It's there forever.

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I don't think that these two viewpoints are completely incompatible. In fact I think the major problem a lot of people have understanding this show comes form picking a side. Subaru IS being an asshole. He does some stupid stuff and says some terrible things and from everyone else's perspective it comes out of fucking nowhere. It's very hard to see that someone is suffering when they won't (or can't) communicate that to you, and even if you know that they're acting unusual it can be hard to understand or accept them. Furthermore, Subaru is a self-centered person in a lot of ways, and this and other flaws shine through clearly in his behavior during his worst moments. However, despite this there's also the fact that Subaru IS suffering from a whole lot of unresolved stress and trauma. It is therefore totally understandable that he would react the way he does under that amount of pressure. He is not absolved of responsibility for doing bad things, but these things do not contradict who he is, nor do they condemn him.

He is genuinely a kind and caring person who has struggled endlessly to save the people he cares about, but he's also quite self-centered in his perception of the world. He is actually quite strong-willed and hard working when he puts his mind to it, but he is also the kind of person who stayed at home all day doing nothing of worth. He's fun and charming, but also socially inept. And he can be patient at times but at others totally unable to cope. He's a good person AND a flawed person.

Isn't that the whole point?

>I helped you!
>You should now let me fuck you!
Pathetic betadegenerate behaviour. A true gentlemen helps others because he is just that good of a person.

To be honest the fact that he snapped form the stress and trauma multiple times prior is a big part of why it bugs me that people can't understand this scene. The man's emotionally exhausted and fed up with suffering - of course his negative traits are going to shine through.

>per say
That's not how you write or say it.
It's per se, means "through itself" and could be translated as "in and of itself" in normal English.
Kill yourself, retard.

It's a fun watch but in a schadenfreude kind of way. I hated it at first but here we are talking about it in 2019.

Look at this fucking nerd

>not learning Latin in school
Working class scum.

So with all the suffering and abuse Taipei likes putting Subaru though, when's he gonna get sexually assaulted?

Yes, or at least a good portion of it. More specifically this is a less romantic way of phrasing almost the entire point of From Zero. But I felt I needed to say it anyway because a lot of people seem incapable of understanding this.

no one asked him to do anything

you don't just do shit for people that they never asked for and then demand to be paid for it

that's what the fucking state does, and it's evil

Yes it’s good

Subaru never demanded sex from Emilia. He simply wanted her understanding. But believe whatever you want, gentleman.

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>no one asked him to do anything
but that's wrong
even if 'asked' is rather loose fit there
more like forced

Yeah, it's really good. This really shouldn't be a "too deep for you" kind of show, but a lot of people end up hating it because they literally do not understand the content - but as long as you pay attention and aren't an idiot you should be fine.

Just goes to show how dumb us idiots really are here doesn't it?

>oh, he's so contradictory, what a great character
No, this is not character depth, it's character inconsistency because the author forgot how he wrote his characters. Subaru is shit, face it, he did a U-turn on all the character defining moments and regressed into some gross otaku sperg when the plot demanded it.

Harems don't need to want to fuck him, but be within a considerable degree of fuckability.
The litmus test is whether or not a they'd call the cops if he forced it in.

he inserted himself into their lives

if you start hanging around me and help me out without my ever asking you to, and then rant to me that I "owe you", you're a creep and I'd disassociate myself from you immediately

free will is an illusion

True, do good deeds even if it doesn't result in sex. The secret to chadness is quantity, not quality.

in his case that's without a doubt

you're still not getting
if he himself wasn't roped into this situation he'd either fuck off by 3rd loop or have dozen dino babies with Rem by now

I guess he was bottling it up

Harems require romantic feelings. Only Rem, Emilia and Satella have those for him. But Satella doesn't count because she's some kind of monster.

Imagine if doctors or firefighters acted liked Subaru. "Well I saved your life so that ass is mine."

I thought the point was calling him a cringey retarded selfinsert?

>But Satella doesn't count because she's some kind of monster.
Only the jealous witch is a monster, Satella is a kind woman.

Satella is the witch.

he wasn't "roped in" - he roped HIMSELF in
he had every chance to not involve himself with Emilia and co, and instead literally decides to keep flinging himself at their problems

he wasn't forced into jack shit - he could abandon them at any time and fuck off by himself

They don't. I'd typically classify them as constant flirty behavior with more than 2 girls.

well, yes and no


come on buddy, even me being filthy animeonly can see what's going out there because it's as plain as Megumin's chest
he's not doing this out of 100% free will
he can't let his infatuation to Emilia go, even if he wanted
he's stuck with her even harder than she's stuck with him


but hey - let's go with you to the land where no one is responsible for anything they do; nobody who dislikes Subaru or hurts him can be blamed, since there is no such thing as moral responsibility in a world without volition
congrats! anything anyone does is fine and dandy and can't be judged and doesn't matter!

Depends on your tolerance for groundhog day scenarios and angst. The story structure consists on him having to survive long enough to reach the next savepoint, falling into despair halfway after dying too many times when it starts to look impossible and finally using his accumulated knowledge to beat the stage. There are 3 or 4 of those arcs in the season. I watched the whole thing but had to fast forward a few times.

you're wrong, Emu Satan
but don't worry
not everyone is intelligent enough to see that
there's still place in society for sub45 IQ people

>it's character inconsistency
I know it might be hard to grasp a character not being a one dimensional flat line, but if you consume more than simple shit where characters never get depth or development beyond their surface personalities, or develop in a straight unbelievable line, you might be able to at least begin to comprehend it. I won't tell you to go outside and actually interact with people, that might be too much for you at this stage.

>if a character ends up in straights he doesn't like, it's never his fault

yeah - just like nothing bad that ever happens in your life is your fault or the fault of anyone you care about
it's always out of your or their control, and blame is always externalized to forces of nature or [people you don't like]

why the fuck should anyone care about a protag who can't be held responsible for their actions in the story?

KonoSuba is literally an SAO parody. They have not-Kirito get memed into oblivion in the first season. Re0 is what SAO could've been if it'd kept its edge after the first couple episodes.

>>if a character ends up in straights he doesn't like, it's never his fault
still not getting it, i see
i feel really sorry for your teachers, they must've got a really hard job with you being there

what he does to solve his obstacles is his idea and his responsibility
but the fact of facing these specific and particular obstacles is beyond his control


Konosuba and Re:Zero have similar premises (NEET loser gets sent to isekai world, dies a lot) and their writers are friends, but that's it.

you're literally saying Subaru isn't responsible for his own actions

Everything Subaru does is part of Witch of Envy's plan. He can't just fuck off.

you're literally not capable of understanding both simple story and drunken esl posts
you know the saying 'pot calling kettle black'?

anything Subaru does isn't his fault
that's literally what you're saying he's a literal NPC, like you

>Everything Subaru does is part of Witch of Envy's plan. He can't just fuck off.
not exactly everything, i'd argue, but yeah

cringe anime

>people make for good fictional characters
It's 'fiction' for a reason, dummy.

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Only watch shows about aliens in alien planets with alien cultures and alien languages then, you stupid fuck.

What he said sounds really bad from her perspective, but considering his mental state and everything he had been through at that point, it's completely understandable that he would act out like that.

This is all well and good, but his self-centered asshole side is annoying enough as a viewer that it overrides his good dude side. Being a decent person isn't enough to make him a sympathetic character when his main form of generating sympathy is established to be his own stupidity.

A tragic hero must be great, then be brought low by their flaws. Subaru is not great and is brought low by his flaws.

Subaru isn't a well developed character by any metric. Fucking comedy characters develop more nuance than Subaru does. A bunch of shit happens to Subaru in order to make the plot happen, which is not the same thing.

>>So what exactly is wrong about this rant per say?
>Nothing. It's a rant where he vents his pain, frustration, and emotion while attempting to rationalize it.
>Most people forget how much time he spends flipping between hope and desolation before he does this rant
This only works if you sympathize with him. Subaru, to a fair number of people, is unsympathetic as fuck. Even if you don't call him cuck/beta/incel/whatever, the early premise of Re:Zero is "look at this stupid asshole die because he's a stupid asshole."

He's pathetic, but it's hard to take him seriously for pathos.

That was heartbreaking, but this was a much better outcome.

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Guys need an outlet to vent all his frustrations and a method of dealing with the trauma. Sure he can back from the dead, but remembering the god-awful pain that comes with each death doesn't really sweeten the deal all that much.

>Subaru isn't a well developed character by any metric.
He is though. A character isn't good based on whether you dislike them or not personally or get annoyed by them. A character isn't good based on whether they strictly adhere to the Hero's Journey like you claim. Subaru works in the context of the story, his personality and traits are multifaceted have depth to them, like this user explained in the last paragraph here . And no matter how much you think he's annoying because you can't handle any flaws in a character, it doesn't make his development and depth any less.

what makes a character good
you have the same problem

Change that to "badly developed" then. His development and depth is objective. I suppose it's subjective whether a developed character is good to you or not, you're free to believe a developed character isn't good.

what makes a character "badly developed"
the issue doesn't change - WHATEVER criterion you bring up are utterly subjective and only bring any weight to your conclusions if someone else accepts them
but why should they accept YOUR criterion? what makes them "objective"? hint: nothing

I don't understand people calling Subaru an "asshole". Yes, he's definitely stupid and his cheerful over the top personality is annoying. But that's just being extroverted and wanting people to like him. An asshole would be someone selfish and conceited who treats others like shit. Subaru does not fit the definition, there's no ulterior motives with him, he's just a bubbly nice guy. And not "nice guy" in the sense of feeling entitled to sex or relationships, this whole comparison of Subaru to Incels is fucking stupid.

"Character development" has a meaning in the dictionary, that's what makes it objective.

>it's wrong to leverage your "selfless" acts to make someone owe you.
No it isn't.

so some people have their understanding of what is meant by "character development"
where's the objectivity come from, exactly?
from being written on paper?
from being called "an authoritative source"?

the meaning of the word is determined subjectively in all cases, and you do not get objective truth out of subjective classifications

Reminder: You have no reason to save anyone's life because they don't owe you anything. You should only save someone only if they are willing to owe you something.

This is survival.

i walk around town calling people cunts because my personal classification of the word is that it's a friendly greeting

You realize failure in saving someone's life can put you behind bars. If you walk past an injured person, not even attempting to give them first aid, you will be responsible if they die. Have fun paying those hospital bills.

I hope that works well for you

the word "cunt" doesn't have an objective meaning either - all language is subjective
inescapably, because language is just a game of creating tokens that represent various ideas and trying to communicate with them - it's a mediated process devoid of any objectivity whatsoever

But the oni's only killed him twice, not even once in the first loop, and he's completely forgiven them and moved past it. In fact, according to the source material, he's already fallen in love with Rem by the time the anime ends

sorry but we live in a society

It does kinda feel like his attitude being rewarded at this point, the whole "this is just my suffering arc." thing. Unless this isnt the case in the novels and upcoming season.

It's so great that I can just win any argument by saying words are meaningless. I have the largest IQ because instead of being able to interpret and understand people's ideas through conversation, I just play semantics and make people endless define commonly used words. Autism is power

words aren't meaningless, their meanings are subjective

are you ESL?
do you suffer IQ-deficiency?

I just told you I have the largest IQ. When I said "meaningless" I meant what you would call subjective. Couldn't you understand that through the context of the rest if the post?

and by saying
>has a meaning in the dictionary, that's what makes it objective
>His development and depth is objective
you were also just pretending to be an uneducated, half-baked mid-wit who wants to dogmatically pedal your "feels" as if they were divine objective truth

cy@ NPC

>per say
I'm shocked you were even able to read the subtitles, OP.


The biggest reason why people dont empathize with him is that he couldn't respect the only request she gave him, then vented at her for it turning into a shitshow because he's a dumbass. You love someone you respect their wishes, not try to take advantage of it.

Speaking as an American, there is no inherent legal obligation to save other people.

what does legality have to do with morality
it is the thesis of the most popular legal theory in the west - legal positivism - that they factually have no necessary connection to one another whatsoever
and it's not popular because it's a "happy" conclusion - it's popular because it's one of the most ridiculously easy things to demonstrate out there

Why is legality being brought up when we're discussing morality?

I haven't seen this word in years.

>there is no inherent legal obligation to save other people.
only because otherwise there would be grounds to sue somebody like the bystander who didn't rush over to pull the victim out of the burning car. It's like how cops have no legal obligation to save you as otherwise you could sue them for not protecting you.

Why don't you illiterate retards fuck off? That dude mentioned being imprisoned- legality was clearly under discussion.

He wanted her to understand something that he knows she can't understand. Also, he shouldn't be expecting her to understand anything, he should help her because he wants, not to gain her favor which is ultimately what he wants because he wants to fuck her, faggot.

The funny thing is if they knew what he went through they'd agree with him. And that would have prevented his growth as a person.

Oh going on pendantical tirades is so much better. I'm not the guy you were originally arguing with, but it's easy to see that the other user was saying was that Subaru changed from the start in a way that would popularly be seen as good. Policing the word "objective" when it is easy to see what he meant with it is meaningless. A socially adjusted person should be able to engage others without using semantic arguements to seem intelligent.

Read The discussion wasn't about morality but whether there is some reason to save someone's life. It doesn't have to be a moral one.

>He wanted her to understand something that he knows she can't understand.
And people will scream, cry, or rage for people to believe them when no one does when they're telling the truth in certain situations.

>Also, he shouldn't be expecting her to understand anything
He's lived those timelines even if no one else remembers they're real to him.

>which is ultimately what he wants because he wants to fuck her, faggot.
He has not once pushed himself on her in an intimate or sexual manner so boiling it down to that shows your dishonesty

you can imprison someone with or without state sanction, dipshit

Where in the world is this ass backwards shithole you live in, some faggot country like sweden?

sound like a jap [anime protag]

The average jap protag would never say something like that. That's something a real person would say

no, that's what a person who would rightly be regarded by most people as scummy would say


His hero complex develops out of wanting to be the isekai MC that gets pussy thrown at him and trounces things effortlessly. He is a conceited and selfish person, and his deaths beat that out of him. Even with the deaths, it takes Rem calling him out on the carpet for him to change as a person.

The whole thing with the court is him treating the knights like shit because he thinks he's the shit.

I want to live in your fantasy world where everyone is nice and purely altruistic and no one expects anything in return for the things they do but ingratitude.

This just makes rezero even better

you don't have to believe ANYONE is "nice" or altruistic to recognize that saying
>it's not wrong to be nice to people for the purpose of getting them to "owe you"
is fucking scummy

No no no no no
That is not what was said. Using your deeds as leverage is not the same as doing them strictly so that they owe you. We were talking about the former, you're trying to turn it into the latter.

I don't care about how a person assesses their intentions - you don't EVER lord what you've done for other people over them like an entitled cunt
people do not owe you anything unless you TRANSACT with them, meaning you say explicitly that you expect recompense for your services and they explicitly agree to such

you can be as wonderful as you want to other people for whatever reasons you might have - regardless of any of it, you do not EVER get to demand from other people ANYTHING for whatever you did outside contract - that is absolute SCUM

emilia is great though

I never got that impression. I think you're reading too much into things.

He expects to be rewarded by someone who doesn't know of anything he has done. Moreoever, doing something good doesn't give him the right to make things more difficult for her. His sperg-out at the ceremony is just making Emilia's life more difficult for no reason other than to satisfy Subaru's hobby.

That makes every parent on the planet a fucking scumbag. They think you owe to them to take out the trash and clean the dishes because they raised you. They also expected you to take care of them once they get older. I've never entered into any sort of contract yet they expect shit from me.
Thanks for enlightening me, stranger. My parents are toxic and have been using me all long, I'll cut off all ties with them immediately.

any parent who says "after all I've done for you" is acting scummy if/when they do that

not all parents do that - I see you've had bad experiences though ;(

No, she's a pretty flat character. I don't understand people's fascination with her. Can you describe me her personality because I don't remember it ever making an impact? Just a trash waifu plot device.

just go antinatalist, bruh

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>don't bite the hand that feeds you
>return the favor
>pay in kind

Basically unlike you, most people value their deeds and would expect gratitude from the person thy performed the favor for. If you help a person it's scummy to not return the favor. That's what's fucking scummy. Unless the favor in question is unreasonable or not equal to the deed done in the first place, then you're an entitled cunt for thinking you can get a bunch of people to do things for you, and then when they remind you of all the help you've gotten, call them scum for helping you with the expectation that you're not a ingracious cunt.

Situations and deeds aren't done in a vacuum. I know you want to try to escape responsibility by claiming it's a bad thing for someone to expect you to not be an ingrate in the future, but surprise, we live in a society.

this topic comes up in an essay 'the weight of glory' (mostly the first two pages, the rest is more specifically about Christian theology)
tl;dr the author believes that certain things have natural rewards, the expectation of which aren't really selfish

Only at first then afterwards everyone else grows and develops while she sits stagnant

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blame the writer

If that's how you think, then just don't do anything for anyone unless you confirm your reward first hand. Don't behave like you're doing things out of the goodness of your heart, and then act shitty because you didn't get a reward.

people like having children, they give purpose and joy to their lives
you shouldn't ever try to guilt your child into doing what you want of them by trying to hold over them all that you've done for them - that's scummy behavior from anyone

your rewards will be in heaven
>That thine alms may be in secret: and thy Father which seeth in secret himself shall reward thee openly.
>And when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are: for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward.
>But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly.

I'm focusing on the one holding what they've done over someone else, not the person you want to hold things over
recoprocity is wonderful, but a giver should only give with the expectation of getting NOTHING in return

>Do something nobody asked without telling them
>"Now you owe me!"
I saved your life 10 yrs ago user. Wire me 150k.

I still don't get why she got with bowl cut boy and not the blonde kid who she spent more time on screen with

>Unless the favor in question is unreasonable

what's "reasonable"?
the person you're barking demands at is the one who makes that determination - my gut reaction to the notion that someone does something that benefits me and then DEMANDS that I repay them is to tell them to go fuck themselves in leech-infested pond

I think objectively Subaru is in the wrong, but subjectively one can sympathesize with his outburst. He thinks he's formed a far deeper connection than he actually has, and has literally died for that effort. Its like you went on a quest all over the world to get the best ingredients to make a dish for someone and when they finally eat it they're like "yah, its okay".
Its unfair to assume they comprehend the steps you took to make said dish, but its not unfounded to feel somewhat jilted.

>people like having children, they give purpose and joy to their lives
Except for all the miserable parents who regret having them and even turn to abuse. You shouldn't procreate, having children is selfish as you're essentially gambling with someone's life. Nobody consented to being born, non-existence is a bliss compared to the shit world you're throwing your offspring into and hoping they "make it". Breeders are selfish fucks who allowed biological impulses to decide someone's fate. That's why they get so pissed if they come across childfree individuals, they envy them and know deep down they fucked up.

>he can't afford 150k
What do you expect from a Subaru-insert?

if you don't want children don't stick your worm-resembling penis (that you piss out of) into the fleshy tainted hole of a woman (that she pisses out of)
if you do, you might acquire a moral responsibility to care for YOUR children

the fact that you hate your life and have considered suicide is not a grounds for people to not have children - most people prefer life to death, and their having morbid thoughts at some points doesn't mean that no one should be born at all
that's ridiculous reasoning

this is like the pinnacle of modern liberal thought, the rejection of life itself

I call my workmates cunts because it actually is a friendly greeting in the land of oz.

That depends on the two people in question to decide upon. Generally people have reasonable expectations of one another, the same way most people wouldn't expect anyone to deplete their bank account and mortgage their home to bring them a gift for a baby shower.
Are you a bit autistic or something? Only explanation for why I have to explain this kind of basic social stuff to you.

Nothing wrong, he just failed his CHR roll.

>modern liberal thought,
Its literally just nihilism poltard.

Maybe if he got shredded....

no, because it doesn't have to be negotiated at all
I don't care how much you think I owe you; unless we had a contract if I ever hear you try to guilt me into doing something for you I will disassociate myself from you immediately unless you're a friend
I have no obligation whatsoever to put up with strangers or loose associates who would have the gall to engage in that kind of shameless self-serving behavior - it's disgusting

disliking things isn't automatically nihilism, reread his post. what stands out to you as the focus or
ideological root of his discontent?

user, you act like disassociating from you is some terrible fate.

You're a ungrateful bastard of a cunt that wouldn't help them anyway with all your shitty excuses to shirk away from ever returning a hypothetical favor.

Don't worry, that won't ever be an issue for me. I'm not a slave to our species' animal instincts. It just sucks that I have to pay taxes for other people's shit offspring because they didn't think things through. But oh well..
I see no reason why you had to focus on the shape of my penis. Maybe I crushed your little dreams of getting happily married and popping out a bunch of kids? Lol, it must be painful to be so low IQ

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Breeders hasn't been a homoerotic leftie dog whistle since 1997.

no - it's typically trivial
it will certainly be to my benefit to not associate with a stranger who would try such a shameless thing
it's to save me wasted time and displeasure; it has very little to do with the person whose company I'll no longer keep

>most people prefer life to death
Statistically more people have not been born than have been born.

ok then
>random unknown person washes my car
>"now you own me! give me 5 bucks"
>So now to not being called a scummy and since the favor is not unreasonable I must pay him

no i mean he in particular is uninteresting
it's all about choice, user

das right.

if people are good to me I'll treat them well
people who are good people don't say "do this because you owe me"

you shouldn't have to pay extortion money to the state mafia
I point out what penises resemble because they're disgusting and people forget that whenever they get horny, and it's not something I think they should forget

Maybe Subaru wants a Whiteknight tip? People don't tip in japan though, right?

I would cut off mine if I wasn't scared of pain. People who lost their arms and legs experience "phantom lib" pain and that shit sucks. Then again, cutting off your penis won't get rid of the sexual urges, so maybe chemical castration is the way. I'll also look into any sort of hypnosis to turn myself asexual. What do??

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If everyone stopped having kids your country would die out very quickly and industries would start collapsing after 5 years from workforce shortages.
Paying taxes on other people's kids is a longevity tax and I'd gladly pay them if I was dumb enough not to have offshore accounts.

It's part a dilemma is Emilia was going off on him after all he did to make sure she and himself were alive. I can understand how frustrating that would be, but in the end Emilia has no way of knowing that.

It's a really humanizing scene to be honest.

>industries would start collapsing after 5 years from workforce shortages
Right, because our workforce is dependent on 5-year-olds.

what the fuck
you don't need to mutiliate yourself to not fuck someone

you're not escaping pissing or shitting or all the visceral funk that goes on inside your body, and you don't have to to maintain a non-degenerate aesthetic
just don't be a degenerate


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She should have put out, it costs her nothing and solves Subaru's issues.

30 year olds wont do the jobs 25 year olds do 25 year olds wont do the job 20 year olds do, 20 year olds won't do the jobs 15 year olds do

Everyone keeps moving up as people retire more and more with nobody at the bottom to replenish their ranks.

>it costs her nothing
>it solves subaru's issues
neither of these are true

I meant 15 yrs sorry

Im not gonna pay some random person just because they mowed my lawn out of the blue without any prior interaction with them.

What does it cost her, user? 3 minutes of her time?

What would his reaction had been if she said "I'm gay"?

>t. "i want a girl with experience" cuckold

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but you pay the state when they threaten you with violence for not paying your "roads/protection money"

it must be good moral reasoning ;)

>A-Are you sure?

he's autistic so probably
>Nice to meet you, Gay

>thinking this is about purity versus thottery rather than the practicalities of trading 3 minutes of her time.

many thots are ruthlessly practical

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Actually solid point. I retract my statement.

>Fall for girl
>So you get a job at her mansion
>fucking the help

What a fucking tard. He should've used his nippon knowledge/respawn to become a merchant, and eventually rich enough to stand beside her as a proper human.

what are you talking about?
I'm arguing over the "if people do you a favor you must return even if you did not ask", not Subaru's only.

Emilia by the OP's scenes time, already paid enough for him, specially since he had nothing to begin with. Also he starting fucking up things in her candidature, which makes his deeds less worth.

Whiny retards are also forgetting another important issue
That stupid fucking knife-ear didn't even realize that Subaru loved her, she thinks that the reason that there's no way that he can "avoid treating her differently" is because she's a half-elf hung up about her victim complex.

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if elves are for ______ then what are half elves for



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Emilia has double digit IQ. Is this really surprising?

Goes to show she doesn't see him as a man.

>have kid with elf
>child is retarded
many such cases


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Emilia is mentally a 14 year old. She’s not capable of experiencing love and complex emotions

this could easily be canon

can you take your Yea Forums back

Isn't love and complex emotions the only thing 14 year old girls are capable of feeling, exclusively? I don't know to many 14 yr old girls tho... i swear

Re:Zero is littered with retarded characters. Everyone has a double digit IQ, aside from Beatrice and Ram (maybe).

ram might have intelligence but obviously lacks taste if clown is fucking her

So, the big question here is:
Is Subaru ever going to fuck anyone? He's still a virgin, right- Rem would gladly take care of that problem. Is Emilia ever going to spread her legs?

He has the best body of any of the males in the series thus far.

didn't he fuck rem in one timeline

Had two kids

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or was that just an alternative story that never actually happened (not in the usual re zero never happened return sense)

knowing subaru they're probably both miraculous virgin births


Timelines don't count. He needs to lose his V-card in canon. Why is every anime character a virgin? Are people really that insecure that they wouldn't watch a show simply because the main character already got laid and they didn't.. Lol

Virgin births are Chad-kun's deus ex machina.

>Subaru opens his eye to find Rem, who has scooched over to his side and is propping him up. With their height difference, his head will fit perfectly in the crook of her shoulder if he leans over. Feeling some embarrassment, he looks down at Spica as she sleeps in Rem's arms—with her father's black hair, and her mother's adorable face. A sweet, innocent life yet ignorant of the world.
>Subaru: “Ohhh, that damn Spica. You might be my darling daughter, but you're a bad girl for monopolising my sanctuary. You're sentenced to tickle torture later.”
>Rem: “You will have to wait until nighttime to monopolise my breasts.”
>Subaru: “We're in a park in the middle of the day right now so could you please watch what you say!?”
>Hearing that incredible line prompts Subaru to jerk far, far back. He glances over, to find that Rem is blushing beet red. How to put it,
>Subaru: “My wife is mega cute.”
>Rem: “Only because I am so loved.”

>Subaru: “Wanna put our shopping down, so say it's bout time to go home. Outside we have the public eye bothering us and we can't get as lovey dovey as we want.”
>Rem: “Indeed. I am in the mood for full-strength full-power lovey dovey for the first time in a while.”
>Subaru: “C-can my libido really keep up with an oni's stamina...?”

>knowing subaru they're probably both miraculous virgin births
I wouldn't say that.

complex emotions is something youngins dont have

Don’t the japs send death threats to female VA or idols who get boyfriends? Yes they are very secure. Why do you think the “have sex” post has become so popular here?

>>Subaru: “My wife is mega cute.”
>>Rem: “Only because I am so loved.”

>every character needs to have sex every episode so it's mature(TM)
t. g*t watcher

If subaru loses his virginity and resets
does it count

it doesn't

I don’t think he has a hymen

yes but it won't happen for a long time

Shaula wants a baseball team worth of children. So he has the opportunity

he's had the opportunity a dozen times

Reddit zero is garbage.

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>girl who says niggy

You are garbage.

I think I might have had the wrong expectations/hopes for the show after the first ep and I'll admit I haven't finished it yet, but it bothers me how little Subaru tries to take advantage of the fact that he can come back from death as much as he likes. I guess they never actually go into whether it's the same body every time so maybe he has good reason not to, but I feel like training stamina/fighting ability would have helped him a lot at the start.

Protagonists (especially in wish fulfillment isekai) should be more like how Koinzell was in the beginning of Ubel Blatt. Been rereading it because of a different thread.
>fingerfucks a thirsty girl because the mood was right

whats wrong with that? It doesn't take away anything and it adds the feeling that the protagonist isn't coddling his chastity like a sultan's child bride.

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Why would he train if he’d just lose the gains?

- he's still dying every time (lots of his deaths are pretty painful)
- return by death isn't *his* power
- as you say, his body will be back in the previous state (maybe he'd remember some techniques idk)
- he's a retarded autist
some series can be like that but not all of them

All he needs to do is us it to gamble 10 times he'll have enough to hire an army to protect everyone.

it would be really easy for the results of gambling to change though with just the slightest change in his behaviour

Not if its horse races, card games.

Isn't he also a child?

yes, either of those could change
card games definitely, it's not like he can just choose to go back 5 seconds

He stated multiple times that dying is a horrible experience even if he can return, because it's painful from the death itself and the shadows that goes through him and he will avoid it if possible.
He is only willing to do it if it is for someone he truly cares like Rem or Emilia

Horse races won't change by the result of his bets though.

it's the butterfly effect user, and it's not like he's gonna make exactly the same muscle contractions for however many hours or even days ago his reset is

It's understandable how frustrated he is because of his circumstances, but it's unfair he's sperging out on someone who can't possibly understand where he's coming from. And I'm just saying that because of the time looping and all that; Emilia is just legit stupid and can't even tell the dude has the hots for her. So it's not just that Emilia doesn't understand Emilia, Subaru doesn't really understand Emilia either, that she's exactly not how he envisions her. People are too unfair to Subaru because he broke his promise and then made a scene, but for his credit he stood up for Emilia when she was being roasted and said what a lot of people were too afraid to say. And in the end he still goes balls-out and makes up for all of Emilia's naivety, impotence, and self-pity by saving her ass, apologizing and spelling out his love for her. It sure is a wonder Emilia is dwarfed in popularity by Rem.

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Like everyone else has said: dying fucking sucks. It's usually brutally painful and the mere concept is terrifying. Plus we have no idea what the "death" itself is like - what it feels like to fade form consciousness in that way - or what the sensation of reincarnating is. He also has a lot of unanswered questions about how the ability functions, such as whether he's leaving behind a screwed timeline or if there's a limit to his number of "lives". And to top it off the show gets into the existential dread that comes with resetting his relationships and knowledge repeatedly; he feels like he's being left behind in a sea of memories that no longer exist for anyone else.

*Emilia doesn't understand Subaru

You're overestimating the butterfly effect. Especially for something so based on predeterminate actors like a horse race.

How does her becoming Queen prohibit a relationship? Priscilla at least is already married to a fat 70 year old man. Currently Subaru is the hero who took down the white whale, Sloth, ass rabbits, Greed and very soon Gluttony. A hero like that is definitely qualified to marry a Queen.

It's good 45% of the time, so yes.

Nah, he's 17 while megumin is 13 or 14

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a lot of stuff even in sports can change and be a matter of luck

Picked up based on this, I love Elliot

>every year the age gap between me the protagonists widen
I'm starting to feel silly. Lookin for titles with 25-29 sai now...

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what is that last picture?

Because you know how time travel works.

that has literally nothing to do with this, you don't even know if rbd does time travel.

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He looks like a chubby mob kun that gets btfo after trying to rape someone in a horror/death game genre.

What chapter was it when subaru defeated the white rabbits and the vampire bitch along with roswaal? i stopped reading at around that time because the translations became a clusterfuck

the white rabbits were defeated at the very end on the arc. so if you were there then you finished Arc 4 and then its time to read the interlude to the next arc

> i love this girl so much im going to go through torture and death hundreds of times because i love her so much
She doesn't know that, he can't tell anyone about it, and even if he could people would just think he's fucking nuts

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I think anyone here who thinks it's no big deal to have someone take a mortal wound for you, ask for nothing in return but to continue to be by your side, and has since then almost died a couple times trying to rescue children and friends, really doesn't deserve to have any friends.

You think that stuff isn't a big deal? Just, handwave it away like it's nothing? You think someone sacrificing their self to save you is, like, changing a tire or giving their spot on a bus? What level of sociopathic madness has this board delved into?

Even Emillia didn't think what he did was being an asshole, she just didn't want him to continue hurting himself anymore on her behalf and gave him a giant bag of gold because she realizes that she does owe him.

His sperg out was "manipulative." He was trying to convince her that she needed him, but he can't say why. So he he tried to show that the things that seemed to happen by accident were due to his mechanitions. He wasn't trying to do anything that would hurt her, and everything he said was true. Instead of taking a side, most non autistic people would be able to see that the situation was the antagonistic force in this scene, Subaru had no way of telling Emilia his reasons and situation, and Emilia had no way of trusting him because of this.

Many thanks user. Have this pic as a reward

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i'll shoot you dead if you ever step foot on my property

this, i simply love a good dead virgin faggot

he'd just gotten through being brutally killed multiple times to save her and wasn't full aware of the limitations of his ability. he basically was having a mental breakdown. imagine someone randomly being kidnapped and let go spontaneously from get-mo multiple times a week.
its more of an isekai in general parody.
he just wanted recognition and was suffering from a mental breakdown at the moment also:
> the only reason he was even brought to this world was because Emilia needed someone to protect her because she is actually that weak mentally and will never become stronger, all the fuckery that has ever been caused by his deaths (Elsa (the kukri bitch), the stealing of the insignia, the mabeast fuckery, even the witch cult attack on the mansion) was caused by Roswaal to steel Subaru's resolve to help Emilia because only with someone with an ability like Subaru (Roswaal knows subaru can "rewind" everything) could even be remotely enough to make her king, she's THAT weak and even Roswaal knows that

Shes somewhat better in the WN. The LN is basically a massively cut version of the WN, and the show follows the LN to a near 99% point. Tappei has no control over what gets cut for the LN, Kadokawa actually hired someone to cut stuff down for the LN. The first chapter Tappei submitted to Kadokawa was over 2000 pages, and they shrunk it down to 200. A lot of the bare Emilia content is cut because of it as its still pretty insignificant in the WN.
arc 4 kinda changes this

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you just going to mass reply like that and not even bother to say howdy?

>arc 4 kinda changes this
Just like almost everything good.

Subaru never risked his life, he can't die. It's also shown everytime that if he wasn't involved at all things would turn out fine.

>So what exactly is wrong about this rant per say?
The whole point is that Subaru did all of those things for himself, to manipulate Emilia essentially. He claims he is doing everything for her, but he's doing it for himself, so he can fuck her. That makes him a fucking monster, as well as a liar.

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>It's also shown everytime that if he wasn't involved at all things would turn out fine.
No it's not. Without his involvement Emilia would have been killed by the gut hunter, Rem would have died to the demon dog, the entire village including Emilia, Ram, and Rem would have died to the Witch Cult, And Crusch, Wilhelm, and their camp would have died to the White Whale. Subaru's involvement changes all those.

>He doesn't know the supreme gentleman.

Wrong. Speed watchers and dirty secondaries, please go.

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blessed picture

>forgetting that Emilia is Megumin

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While you're right he did it for himself, it wasn't to fuck her or manipulate her, he just sees saving her as a way to give his life meaning and get the respect he "deserves". He's not a monster for it, he just wants to get over the self loathing in the back of his mind. It's a pretty sympathetic reason

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I'd been monitoring this thread for a while and just kept getting sidetracked so I kept the reply window open and just was slowly adding to it.

the anime might actually cut any hope of that though, but the WN doesn't disappoint this really

that's not technically true. We only have one instance of this being proven (the market scene with the girl) in arc 4 we learn subaru, infact dies, and that world carries on, his conciousness is ripped from that timeline and placed into a parallel universe, in the second trial of the witches tomb, Subaru actually gets to see the world after each of his deaths, many of which, causes Emilia to die, and this causes puck to attempt to destroy the world, rhindhard kills him, and the world is reborn (there's atleast 3 times where that exact thing happens)

the fuck you mean dumbass? If Subaru was not involved the Gut Hunter would have decked that house with Emilia's innards.

He was acting pathetically that episode, but the average person would likely have broken down much sooner and in a worse way.

It's not unfair to say that him breaking the promise was not only selfish, but unnecessary and shows his love is more unhealthy obsession than something worthwhile. What you give him credit for wouldn't have happened in the first place if he just trusted her, or at least wouldn't have been so damaging. Understanding a person takes more than playing white knight.


The average person would have stayed put like she asked.

>that spoiler text
Wrong, Echidna only said that was a possibility. She made it explicitly clear that there was no way to tell for sure how RbD works and what she suggested are just the most likely possibilities

>What level of sociopathic madness has this board delved into?
This board has been invaded by trash from reddit, tumblr, facebook, twitter, etc. forcing the shitty talks points and projecting on every story. Like with Emilia, she can't even complicate the idea of someone doing crazy shit because he cares about her. So she just removes herself from her because she feels she is a detriment.

I remember that scene in the anime where Subaru dies with Rem in his arms and Puck grows large as fuck, so it seems the world kinda of continues despite Subaru´s existence.

>he can't tell anyone about it
there's gotta be a way to beat this system.
like a weegie board or getting really drunk

but what we learn from the flashbacks proves it's real. If it were not real, the visions would simply have been no more then a madlibs filled out by Echidona from Subaru's memories, but we learn that 1), puck used to be a mortal entity, 2) he was Emilia's biological father, and 3) Betty is his younger sister) Subaru never mentions these Echidona and she never mentions those points either, or anything that Subaru saw, only that she knew he was failing it. If Echidona didn't know any of those 3 points, and neither did Subaru, we can only assume those are genuine "clips" from the parallel universes that do, infact persist

or his soul is on a delay

Are you suggesting that without Subaru Roswaal wouldn't have hired Elsa in arc 1? Even if that's true, it's been heavily hinted that Meilis attack in arc 2 doesn't have anything to do with Roswaal, and Betelgeuse would've attacked the mansion after the candidates had been announced no matter what.

Maybe writing it down? It seems the problem is for him to actually speak about it, not to use other means to communicate. I mean, imagine Subaru knew morse code, unless the witch knew he was speaking abpout the curse, there would be no way for her to know about it.

Maybe someone reading his mind could do it, provided Satella doesn't find out.

Yea Forums has always been the most sociopathic of those sites though. I remember in Yea Forums's heyday people would be postin 3rd world thots being burned alive and it'd be up for days and we'd all chat about it.

he actually manges to tell Echidona about it, and in her relm, the witch of envy is banned, so upon leaving her relm, Satella manifests over Emilia's body and kills everyone, forcing Subaru to commit suicide and end that loop. If someone finds out, she makes sure his loop ends, regardless

Roswaal knew the cultists would attack and left on purpose beforehand because Subaru had to save the day according to his gospel.

He's most certainly an incel by definition and so are you if you think he's not retarded as shit for doing this.

>muh PTSD
Doesn't absolve him for responsibility, just like you saying "And no muh incel is not a valid response" means absolutely nothing towards the validity of the argument. You defeated your own argument in just three sentences and too arrogant to realize it.

That's why you're too stupid to get laid and too incompetent to be successful.

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>forcing Subaru to commit suicide and end that loop
Should've just stuck with it, sounds ideal.

That´s a flimsy explanation at best.

he actually admits to tipping off the cultists, he also ordered Elsa to buy the pendant from Emilia because he needed to test that he was good enough to protect Emilia and get the pendant back, all of the fuckery that happens is actually because of him testing and "training" Subaru because the gospel told him to

>He's most certainly an incel
Aren't all of these haremshitters?

he had the feeling that if the witch of envy herself killed him by sucking him up into the blackhole, that it might actually be a permanent death

Weeeeeell there's really no point in caring if the world persists...

just ignore the incel posters, they're casually into the show and can't care to actually invest their time into character analysis

You're forgetting that she used her authority to create those flashbacks. Her authority was connected to the soul of the world I believe (it's been like 2 years since I last read arc 4) and it basically acts as a supercomputer that can account for nearly every variable. Each flashback was just a simulation based on what her book predicted, the conclusion to the RbD theorizing was decisively ambiguous

imagine if doctors didn't

It was wrong to break the promise and he isn't an obsessive, prideful retard. Give credit where it is due, Subaru stood up for her when she stood there letting people take a shit all on her (really great for her legitimacy, right?)
>Understanding a person takes more than playing white knight.
Uh no shit, he never tried to understand her. And for that matter, Emilia is too stupid to understand anything. Put Subaru's personal faggotry and be real, is Emilia very trustworthy? All signs seem to put to the contrary. She's naive, isn't privy to what is common knowledge, lets others step on her, needs to be carried by others, and ultimately needs to Subaru, two other fucking candidates, and others to save her from doom. No one is saying Subaru isn't incredibly flawed, but acting like everyone would be peachy clean if not for him is just dishonest.

it's more like her authority allows a window to be opened to these parallel world's.

Again, she had no idea about Puck's response, nor did either of them bring it up, so when Subaru asked her if it was actually was a real world, she did not know the other details, hence her response like you said.

It's more like THE Authority acts through her, not BY her, to show Subaru these world's.

I agree with you it's rather ambiguous whether it is real worlds or not and I think that was Tappei's intention as well, but adding the bits about Puck seems to have put the writting and evidence towards them being real worlds

*and not saying

I ignored this series because I thought it was just normal isekai shit. But now I feel that I need to watch it.

Why not? The story is following Subaru and his journey, not necessarily the world in which he is stuck. Also, another evidence: i remember this side-story that follows the life of Subaru and Rem in a timeline he gave up on Emilia.

This 2nd gen isekai are ripping off 1st gen Shield Hero and MT, which are inspired by SAO and shitty power wank LNs like Rain.

>Why not? The story is following Subaru and his journey
Literally just answered yourself.

do it!

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its just edgy isekai
Saike Mata Shite mo

let's be honest, Rem was an idiot when she didn't accept Subaru's offer of living together!

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Do you remember what chapter the puck reveal your talking about is from? I'd like to reread because that was not the impression I got when I read it. From a writing standpoint I really dislike the possibility of the failed worlds persisting because the entire point is Subaru suffering to create the best possible future. If there's lots of failed timelines it would make every victory feel hollow

As edgy as Dungeon Seeker or the one about the healer slave?

the problem with him running away with Rem though is he embraces a slothful lifestyle, and gets Authority of Sloth from it

Post Subaru-level incels.

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woops, didn't mean to respond

Subaru dies all the time, it just doesn't stick is all. It's also shown that if he wasn't involved, people would indeed die. With no contact with Subaru, Emilia finds the slum shop. Gutshunter kills everyone involved in that house, the first timeline shows this when Subaru walks into that shop and everyone is dead. Gutshunter was waiting, and gets a surprise attack around night time when puck is tired.

Emilia was fated to die there if it weren't for Subaru's interference.

Same way with Rem and the curse. When Subaru stays in his room and does not interact with anyone, Rem is bitten and dies. The house is out of supplies, Rem buys supplies when they are out, she pets the stupid dog.

Many such cases! Third loop is really a no brainer. No one can escape Petal juice. In the WN, clown is shown to have some sort of gospel himself, and knowing that an attack was to happen, put all his faith in Subaru to solve the issue because he has an inkling of what the witch aura of his might be capable of.

You are so fucking wrong it hurts. Room temperature IQ can only get you so far on a fucking cold day I guess.

Hey jackass. Re:Zero predates Shield Hero.

No like WB version of shield hero edgy (author's inclination for torture porn and shit)

If you're interested in a protag min-maxing his Groundhog's Day loops, check out Mother of Learning. Western fantasy web serial.

As far as Subaru goes, his ability to really cheese the loops is limited. He doesn't know how often he can actually loop, he has to die (which is unpleasant), any physical gains are lost during a reset, and the reset point changes over time.

Those side stories aren't failed timelines, but rather what-ifs. The author had said they are not canon to the main story, but are just fun stories to explore what would have happened

t. speed reader

Sorry but you get 0 points. Imagine being so stupid you don't even understand a weeb web novel.

True. non-canon

>The author had said they are not canon to the main story,
Obviously but everything that happens in them is “canon”, the characters, the world building, are all valid details for the main story.

also the Rem one is included in the LN, and WN. To skip it would mean to physically skip pages in the middle of the book.

So how does Subaru not getting involved prevent Elsa from turning Emilia’s intestines into party streamers? Roswaal still hired her no matter what.

You're supposed to greentext the t., brainlet. Otherwise you're calling yourself a speedreader.

>not understanding what greentext is

Lurk for 16 yrs before posting.

Well yeah the side stories are useful for all the stuff you mention, but canonically they don't happen so they cannot be used to determine if Subaru reverses time or jumps timelines.

He's a moron, let it go.

Sorry it took me a bit, you want chapter 72, of arc 4, you'll know its the right one because he's fighting Petelgeuse

>t. newfag

>[Puck: I just remembered, I finally remembered! That bastard.. meeting that bastard finally made me remember! Why did I forget.. and there’re so many things I still can’t recall... unless, I can’t remember until things become like this.. but if so, then!]
>[Puck: Wh..y. Why, does this have to be the moment when I.. no, that’s wrong. I remember now. That’s wrong. Yes, that’s wrong, that’s wrong! That’s wrong! I’m.. I, am]
>[Puck: ――Get your filthy hands away from my daughter!!]
>[Puck: I remember now, why I’ve become like this. It was to protect my daughter, at last―― if the price to do so was such a constraint… that vile wretch…]
>[Puck: Don’t say such things, and listen well. There’s still Ram in the Mansion. Betty is also around. If you ever need to, you can rely on Betty. That child… would never refuse you. Though, knowing this, it is rather mean of me to ask this of her]
>[Puck: Sorry for forcing you to do this, Beatrice]
>[Puck: There is no time. ――Hurry up and start, so we can get this over with. The rest… I will leave to my trusty little sister]
>[Puck: I may look like this now, but my limbs used to be a little longer, and my face would’ve been rather handsome, too. When my daughter is that cute, isn’t that only natural?]

most of the content I based my 3 points on. Let me know what you think

Greentexting t. is redundant

They are functionally interchangeable to describe the post you're replying to. t is a Yea Forums meme anyhow. Fucking hell, I shouldn't need to teach this stuff. A few years ago you'd have been shouted down by the thread.

didn't reply ya, sorry

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>I don't know how greentext works
>t. is a Yea Forums meme anyhow
Oh wow, stop while you're ahead, redditfag.

Like when?

He isn't royalty.

>Roswaal still hired her no matter what.
He hired her because Subaru exists.

this desu
idk if GoT references are going to get me shat on in here, but each of candidates have Knights pledged to them to help them realize their goal of becoming King, Emilia has none, thus, Subaru is to fit this position.

He may very well end up being like Jaorh and Danny from GoT, the number one knight to serve and protect her because he loves her, but it would not be within her advantage, nor feelings to love him

>in that it's wrong to leverage your "selfless" acts to make someone owe you.

No, in fact it absolutely isn't.

t. leech and psychopath

>and women (or men) don't owe you love for doing things for them.

Actually they do, though. They can think they don't, but then their society will be taken over by those whose thinking is more conductive for cooperation, and they will be killed or enslaved

Everything after Arc 4 sure does suck.

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It's true.

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You're complicating this. She is utterly bewildered by his erratic behavior around her. She can't make heads or tails about him or what about her makes him bounce off the walls, so she distances herself from him for his own sake. None of this r9k/reddit/tumblr trash.

>You should only save someone only
If you feel like it. Fixed for you.

Listen here, you fucking psychopath.

The human society is primarily built on the principle of reciprocity. That is, you do something for people because you expect something done for you in return.

The principle of reciprocity can never become fully transactional and retain its ability to keep the society together, because (A) for a wealth of reasons, people are not always in position to make a transaction and enforce it; and more importantly, as well as more relevantly to the situation (B) to survive a society must ask some of its members to sacrifice themselves from time to time, which in transactional terms amounts to asking them to give something of infinite value for a recompense that can only be finite.

Therefore for a society to function at all rewards to those who take self-sacrifical actions, for the sake of community or its specific members, should consist of both making those who somehow survive that immensely good about themselves by honoring them for their selfless actions AND rewarding them materially. That's why everywhere around the world you can find the idea that if someone saved your life, you are in lifelong debt to him. And yes, a woman should generally repay this debt by spreading her legs.

But, as was described by many writers and philosophers ages ago, success of a society breeds selfishness. With actual threats pushed far away, people begin to exploit the rules and customs that allowed them to survive and prosper collectively to get more shit for themselves. What you're doing is an extremely pernicious and destructive form of this selfish exploitation - you demand that a person willing to make, or at least risk, sacrifices for others must choose between feeling good and getting materially recompensed.

And the robots replace the work 15 year olds do.

After reading through again, these are the relevant texts I got:
>Echidna: “The presents in the second TRIAL are entirely a phenomena which show scenes from fabricated worlds. The challenger taking the TRIAL... that'd be you this time. Taking influence from all the way into the details in your memory, the MEMORIES OF THE WORLD withdraws the people who make up your surroundings, the world, the atmosphere, even the mana, and aligns the necessary past, present, and future information to create a PRESENT.”
>Subaru: “...”
>Echidna: “Meaning that is entirely a well-made UNREALITY. The degree of their reconstruction is on an entirely different dimension from your self-produced imaginings and delusions, and as a fake reality those things would potentially occur. But, they're start-to-finish ARTIFICIAL UNREALITIES. If questioning whether they really happened, the answer is not affirmative.”

>Echidna: “Oop, I'd appreciate you overlooking that I was peeping on the TRIAL. I'm pretty sure I told you about this back at the first TRIAL too, but you do get that these are TRIALS set up by a witch?

So the flashbacks aren't real based off this. Unless I'm being retarded and this wasn't the argument you were making

You don't lose skill.

Thanks I'll definitely check that out, I love a good Groundhogs day esque power fantasy.

And yeah I guess going through the process of dying would have some psychological effects/deter him from trying to abuse it, I forgot it was always a fresh body too.

You'd lose muscle memory which is a huge part of learning any skills

The muscles don't keep the memory user.

Just what the fuck did Puck mean by all this insane incoherent shit?

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Yeah but conceivably the strengthened neural pathways would be lost if his body is reset. I mean I guess that would have to mean the memories of past events are stored in his soul rather than his brain which is weird, but you have to suspend disbelief for any fantasy to work well

Yeah, well it's retarded to believe that he can't learn from these situations. Maybe you wouldn't be able to move your body like you'd normally be able to, but you could learn from that too. It wouldn't be an alien experience each time.

>Because his entire argument is that if you save someone's life, they are now your slave
I see whores try to make this argument a lot online, saying "That's basically what they're saying" or "That's the implication though" or "That's really what his argument boils down to". They're never right though, and the fact that they think so many things apparently boil down to that shows a hell of a lot more about them than the characters.

No he wasn't saying that at all, no he wasn't implying that at all either, no that wasn't his argument in any regard.

>Echidna: “Oop, I'd appreciate you overlooking that I was peeping on the TRIAL. I'm pretty sure I told you about this back at the first TRIAL too, but you do get that these are TRIALS set up by a witch?

after that last part, im inclined to side with you. thanks for helping me understand

This guy looks like such a fucking retard. Never watched the anime and probably never will

>This guy looks like such a fucking retard
Don't worry user, he doesn't just look like one.

At that point there's no reason to train any skills since what he'll gain is so limited anyways. Might as well just go through bad situations blind. If we're talking about combat none of this matters since he'll never be strong enough to take on serious combatants. If he trained for 100 years, which no one would ever do anyways, he'd still never be able to beat any warriors in re:zeros world since humans from our world are leagues and leagues weaker than any of them

There's always a reason to train your body user.

No problem user

>Because his entire argument is that if you save someone's life, they are now your slave
Wut? Subaru wants to be her knight to her princess. If anything he desperate for validation and the "you owe me" rant is because he sees things are going south between them and tries to convince her in the dumbest way to let him stay near her. Which backfires because the spergout just convinces her that she needs to put some distance between them. A rational decision, though based on a lack of any real understanding.

I'm still confused about this scene.
>make an ass out of himself in front of everyone
>insult like half the people there
>get thrown out
>oldfart said this
Is this just a retarded attempt by the author to make it look like MC was right?

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so what you're saying is that Roswaal wants witch back?
Or what?
cause respawns are shown to be done by her

She can't be all that bad if she has an idiot willing to start fights over her.

You missed the point of the Yea Forums rage... wow

Legal in nihon


he follows the witch of Greed, and has a gospel that tells him what to do, like Petelgeuse's but his is more descriptive then that, more "complete". It tells him to do these things, and he doesn't question it. Echidona made that gospel using her "Book of Wisdom" that will literally tell her anything she wants to know. She simply prefers not to use it though because it feels like "cheating" to her, and doesn't satisfy the curiosity aspect of her Greed Authority. (think like a crack head thats smoking pot, and isn't quite satisfied, its the best way I can explain her usage of it per the WN)

Beatty also has a gospel thats written by Dona but doesn't say the same things as Roswaals.

Roswaal knows the Subaru can "rewind", he just doesn't know what causes them, or how they are triggered, he doesn't know subaru needs to die to return, and Subaru can't tell him that for obvious reasons

>I don't care about how a person assesses their intentions - you don't EVER lord what you've done for other people over them like an entitled cunt
I call bullshit. It's a good technique, especially when dealing with the person who is high on agreeableness.
He was clumsy as fuck in his delivery. It also was right after he fucked up a few times in a row.

I always figured it was an insult. Like, he's demonstrated that the best support she could get is a weakling hothed who can't keep up with politics, doesn't know how to hold his tongue, and can't stop himself from being escorted out. Not much of a knight, so she's not really a threat to any other contender's position, and so the dreaded witch is unlikely to become the next ruler.

So Echidna freeloads her plan of Satella's unknowing pawn, Subaru?

>That makes every parent on the planet a fucking scumbag
Correct. They make children for selfish reasons. I didn't ask them to create me. If by some miracle I will sire an offspring, they wouldn't receive anything from me on top of the bare minimum I will deem necessary and I will expect nothing in the return form them for my selfish decision.
Having said that, this user is right. Also

is it ever adressed why Subaru didn't use more of 'otherwordly knowledge' to gain edge over fuckwits he's against?
Cause set of matchlocks would certainly be useful in several situations

>proper human
>that retard trash
Not even close.

at the end of arc 4 he uses a backdraft explosion to kill Elsa, and tries to set up an explosion using fine dust in the air

well that's something
but still not as useful as guiding some promising lad into the craft of gunsmithing or ordering steam engine built

She simply wrote a gospel for her followers of what they should do to further her own interests. Her Greed Authority simply compels her to do these things out of thirst of knowledge, and Subaru and the Witch of Envy happens to be the most interesting thing for her to go after, as well as the fact she harbors resent and contempt for Satella for killing her and her other Witch friends

oh ok
where do i read translated WN
cause i hearl LN is bland compared to it's source material

It also bothered me that he didn't even try to explain things in a roundabout way. There is no such thing as HxH in his universe?

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Magic kinda makes stuff like that less useful. It simply wouldn't be as groundbreaking in their world compared to what magic can already achieve, and I don't think Subaru has the slightest clue on how shit like that works anyways

I've mad that argument many times in these thread. In the "what would you do" in subaru's shoes threads, the first thing I would probably do is find some sort of black powder substitute, be it magic or not, and either make a matchlock or blunderbuss.

If we're going even further, considering subaru was absconded when leaving the convenience store, he retained his phone, wallet, and bagged goods. Considering im burger I'd have my carry piece on me. If I'd sat down at the table with Elsa and Felt in the first loop, I'd probably put my gun up for trade as a "metia" and hand it over to Elsa and tell her something like "yeah if you point that part at you head and pull the trigger it makes you see your favorite thing" and just get her to shoot herself. She wouldn't have clue what a gun is.

Google translationchicken or witchcultranslations.

personally I use chicken because i read on mobile, but Yea Forums like witchcult

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Subaru kinda a doofus but I still like him.
Excited to see him turn into a cool and strong dude who doesn't afraid of anything.

I wish I had the attention span to stay focused on a book, so I could read the novels.

>"yeah if you point that part at you head and pull the trigger it makes you see your favorite thing"

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>Getting Elsa to an hero

Fucking lol


>"yeah if you point that part at you head and pull the trigger it makes you see your favorite thing" and just get her to shoot herself


>Excited to see him turn into a cool and strong dude who doesn't afraid of anything
That doesn't happen.

You could still just shoot her with it yourself. Like you said:

>She wouldn't have clue what a gun is.

Witchcult translations has the most stuff covered, and all the translators browse Yea Forums or at least used to when re:zero was bigger here. Translationchicken has the most accurate translations but is slow as fuck. And remonwater has Rem scenes that weren't in the anime. Before anything else I'd recommend looking up "rem proposal under flugel tree" if you haven't already and then read on to arc 3 interludes

desu people undersell moderner tech in fantasy setting
obviously, if you can magick perfect sword into life in a week you're golden
but if you can steampunk your way to making few hundred knives per day you're golden too


>literally telling Elsa to 'kys'
user ily

Attached: !00% kek.jpg (1920x1200, 282K)

The way I see it, the only way you're good at combat in the re:zero world is through

>Melee skill (like Elsa)
>having divine protection (Like Krush or Felt)
>Using magic (like Roswaal)
>Using abilities of your race (like Garfiel or Rem)
>Using Authority (Like any Sin Archbishop)

or being a complete chad and
>Using Melee, divine protection, and magic all together (like Rhinehard)

A gun would make the absolute common man equal to any of those, especially since no one knows what a gun is. You could walk up to Rhinehard, challenge him to a duel, and give him a face of lead and he wouldn't even know what happened.

Because he ranted like a faggot instead of trying to bang Felix.

maybe not equal for all of them, but yeah, without extra layer of magic meant to specifically counter thundersticks anyone who's not OP gets shredded
Just imagine Subaru welcoming the Witch Cult party with ye good olde grapeshot

OKAY let's be honest here. We all know the virtues of being faithful to the one you love, yada yada. But in reality, nobody cares. Women and men will fuck around casually, it's no big deal. These virtues are only relevant in books or on TV.

Why doesn't Subaru just fuck Rem on the side while waiting for Emilia?

subaru isn't the kind of guy to fuck a vegetable

Nothing in episode 13 makes any sense, Subaru going supreme gentleman is what stays on people's minds but that whole episode including the multiple sperg-outs in the throne room were beyond retarded.

Re:zero was lucky it was a 25 episode show, if this was divided into two cours this would have been the first or second episode of S2 and everyone would have dropped it by then.

For everyone except maybe crusch that would not be enough to do anything to them. They can move faster than you can aim your gun and for most of them a face full of lead probably wouldn't even be too bad of a set back

Subaru nailing Emilia while keeping Rem as his mistress seems to be what this entire show is building towards.

Because he's not a normie scumbag.

What doesn't make sense, user?

You can appreciate someone's help and be willing to work with them, even pay it back by helping them out in the future. You can even like them back. But you don't have to love them or match the intensity of their feelings especially when someone appears as obsessed as Subaru did. That's ridiculous and basically the reasoning of a loser freak. At this point in the story Emilia thinks fondly of him (somehow) but why the hell would anyone in her position feel an obligation to think of him as a romantic prospect?

They are all freakish superhumans. Elsa effortlessly beat all the guards in armor with knives.

that's why you'd use M249 instead of M24

Why bother waiting for a dumb elf?

emilia may be a half elf but don't forget she's also half human too, and thus not completely irredeemable

reinhard has projectile immunity

does he have 'Light of Ruin' immunity?

I think you can respect a genre and still say, "no, [character] would never fit into this genre". Which is sensible, I'm glad Zero is taking that route.
What a lot of crappier parodies/deconstructions/subversions do is they assume that if they make the main character an asshole, that automatically paints the genre in a bad light and the author won't have to do any work of actual critique or humor. They're not parodying the actual genre, they're parodying one contextless bit of it that's low-hanging-fruit and then going "look how much smarter I am than Tolkien!!!"
Which is not how recursive writing works.

he's not expecting women in general, he's expecting the one specific individual he decided to dickslave for to reward him, like she's telepathic or some shit

so many unsympathetic autists holyshit

Admittedly this is a perspective of an animeonly but the introduction of the royal contestants scene had so many plot twists and random shit happening in it (probably due to cramming too many chapters into a single episode) that it killed my suspension of disbelief.

And while I kind of like Subaru's autismo manifesto it came out of nowhere, with not enough buildup and going against the character traits that he had been displaying up to that point so even if it shows a new facet of the guy still leaves you with a bad taste in your mouth.