thread to appreciate the best girl in Nisekoi
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Hey there, Y-san.
That is a weird looking Chitoge
It's pic unrelated, I guess?
Just posting my waifu, don't mind me.
Imagine thinking shitoge is the best girl. Pathetic.
good taste isn't for everyone, I can see it now
God, I hate this show so much, I just want to slap every single member of the cast
Then why hasn't anyone actually posted best girl yet?
They were all shit.
This nigga gets it
Tsugumi is best but Marika is pretty good
What do you think Y-san is doing nowadays?
Is there a more retarded MC than Raku?
>stupid cunt who ruins her servants' lives for fun
No. Fuck off.
I dont understand why she was so mean to that guy.
>best girl in Nisekoi
>not worst
At least someone else in this thread has some goddamn taste.
Marika is a fucking shit
She said to Raku in one of the chapters that she would never do anything to upset him even though she clearly annoyed him a lot and even kidnapped him that one time. Also that time with her pet bird.
When will Komi come back?
I really loved his art style same deal with Kishimoto i got so used to them and now they are gone.
Worst Kishi doesn't even draw this new shitty samurai 8.
Yui was best girl. The prettiest and smartest of the bunch along with being wealthy and a bit older. She also made her feelings clear yet never took it to Marika levels.
Well she never pulled shit like chitoge during Juliet arc.
Anyone who says she was right is a fucking white knight and a retard.
Never. Final volume flopped, live action flopped, and no one gave a fuck about the two one-shots he released nor the special with Chitoge and Raku on a date. Good riddance.
Anyone else find it strange that Maruusha never appeared again after her arc? I mean she didn't even get a mention in the epilogue. I know she was just a side character, but still.
You can get your poor mans Yui in Bokuben she is called Yea Forums aka Fuminocchi.
Komi forgot also Maruusha was a stupid idea.
Fumino a best and will win.
>Final volume flopped, live action flopped
Well only Chitoge fags would buy last volume/tickets so no wonder it flopped when Kosaki had biggest fanbase and was best girl.
The polls don't matter because they where rigged by k-san, y-san and some other faggot.
Yui was pretty sexy.
Fumino will probably win, but she's far from being best girl
>implying Fumino is the Yui equivalent in Nisekoi
But Mafuyu exists.
I don't think he ever planned to bring her back. I don't really think thats a problem either, the whole arc was there to be more fluff.
Yui was pretty great but she got introduced so late that it kinda ruined her
I don't remember much about the popularity polls, but F-san-the hardcore fanboy of Kosaki-was only mentioned in one from what I remember whereas Y-san-the hardcore fanboy of Marika-was mentioned in every single one so it's safe to assume F-san stopped. I don't get why people tried to deny the popularity of Kosaki so hard when she got her own spin-off. Plus she was close to Chitoge in the last poll despite Chitoge getting majority of the focus plus the sales for the volume with Kosaki on cover during the Christmas tree arc were pretty high compared to other volume sales.
Just post Fumino and look at Yui here literally same character design.
Also Yui is more cunning than Fumino.
Fumino is closer to Chitoge.
>Fumino is closer to Chitoge.
Bokuben is better than this shit.
>Fumino like Chitoge
I know you wanna push some main girl narrative to justify your Fumino win dream but that's unaccurate and pathetic
She is in early stage of chitoge
she gets jealous of him when he spend time with senpai and gets stomachache everytime she suspects he may have someone else.
She is tsundere who doesn't realise she likes MC the same way as Chitoge.
You will see how much alike they are when Fumino finally finds out her true feelings.
Fumino and Rizu are both the main girls, but Fumino has more of a standing.
She just got her arc first, every romantic aspect she had has been reduced to irrelevancy, like the festival kiss matter.
Who is gonna win?
Childhood tan friend - thats a no
Sensei - don't make me laugh
Rizu - She is second to Fumino but still very low i would give her 20% to win
and then we have a winner best girl Fumino.
>every romantic aspect she had has been reduced to irrelevancy, like the festival kiss matter.
The focus will shift back her to again. Fumino still hasn't accepted her feelings which will be a big thing. I have no worries.
Yui did the least amount of things for the plot, but I think it makes sense to give the least relevant character the least amount of screen time. Haru was pretty pointless.
>Bokuben shitters can't stay in their own thread fucking again
Not only 5toubun thread now also Nisekoi that has one thread once in few months?
You see, your circlejerking has given you confirmation bias which coupled with speedreading/chapter skipping results in the pulling of those percentages out of your rectum.
Fumino is worst girl user
You have fantastic taste, OP.
Give me arguments why someone besides Fumino have chances with Nariyuki.
>still hasn't accepted her feelings
But I could have sworn I saw you posting the opposite after "I'm awake" dropped. Quite the volatile opinion you have there.
Not sure who you're talking about, but it's not me. I don't bother with majority of those threads.
>I saw you posting
I don't have a trip code so i don't know how you did that.
>after "I'm awake" dropped
Can you explain?
seething sensei faggot. the older women never win. get over it already.
Still mad she still doesn't have her own chapter.
Rizu has been developing her feelings throughout the whole series and you can see that she grew increasingly closer to Nariyuki, changed the views on her dreams to wanting to know more about Nariyuki, which she told him herself. She's been in a relationship with Nariyuki that has been the least clingy/dependant/exploiting and has infact the only one who actively helped Nariyuki with his problems rather than having Nariyuki fix her shit or givig him half assed advice. The entire pretense on Fumino being with Nariyuki, according to Fuminofags, stands on the perceived "chemistry" they have which stems from the confirmation bias of numbers of Fuminifags repeating it on nonexistant basis which none of them can put forth in a post. That and the fact that Fumino was supposed to be the "deep" character with the backstory to be told, which after telling, turned out as nothing that deep, and from it stemmed no development whatsoever. Simply put, the advantage Fumino has over Rizu is in the headcanon of Fuminofags.
>Fuminofags hiding in Nisekoi threads and spreading their delusions here
Oh wow, I guess you can't handle being blasted out of Bokuben threads.
Which one of you thinks I was talking with him? Defensive much?
Wonder how you guys will cope once Fumino wins.
I'm though
I just find it funny how none of you dare act like this in your own threads anymore. Months of getting BTFO have that effect it seems.
I'll forget Bokuben in a week probably
Fumino is actually much closer to Nariyuki than Rizu and other girls.
Like you said she has chemistry with Nariyuki you can see it in hotel chapter.
She told him her dream and Nariyuki helped end her family drama. Rizu developed feelings for him but it's only in one way while we can see Nariyuki tends to be more tense around Fumino implying she is more a girl to him than pet rizu.
Not BTFO, but it was tiring constantly getting hated on cause others were assblasted over Fumino having the biggest chance of victory. It's going to come down to her and Rizu. If you're not rooting for one of them then you're playing yourself.
>I'll forget Bokuben in a week probably
All losers say that, but they seethe. They definitely seethe.
>Months of getting BTFO have that effect it seems
Show me how "we" got btfo faggot.
There is no point in arguing with cancerous sensei fags in bokuben threads and you know it.
So you agree she will win.
Good to know.
Marika > Tsugumi > Chitoge > Kosaki
>sensei fags in bokuben threads
Literally the most delusional fucks in the fanbase. I don't dislike her character, but she has 0% chance at winning. Same with the irrelevant swimmer.
>implying Fumino can lose
Still more chance than Rizu.
Good guy Komi knew otters would fly to bokuben like flies to shit.
>flat rizu
>titty fumino
Uhh Komi?
>thinking sensei and swimmer have more of a chance than rizu who is the other main heroine
My sides.
>spoonfeed me pls
Nah, it's clear as day that you're a newfag. Fuminofags are the biggest cancer in Bokuben threads and most other fans hate their obnoxious faggotry.
>There is no point in arguing with cancerous sensei fags in bokuben threads and you know it.
Because you don't even have any arguments to begin with, hence you get wrecked every single time.
Senseifags are the most annoying since they don't want to swallow the fact that she has no chance of winning.
>spoonfeed me pls
Nah because there wasn't any btfo.
>Fuminofags are the biggest cancer in Bokuben threads and most other fans hate their obnoxious faggotry.
Nice lies faggot the biggest cancer of Boku threads are senseifags.
What are you talking about? They are the first ones to admit that she has pretty much no chance.
Ruri is THE BEST
We were told the winners of Yuragi and Bokuben in this CP. Die mad about it.
I just think that the character who has the least back story has the least chance to win.
> hurr durr i love playing games so i want to learn about psychology so i can learn about people and beat them in games
>more tense around Fumino
What? She's nowhere near his radar. He doesn't think of her romantically in the farthest way.
If that happens, I meant.
If that helps you sleep at night, but I read my fair share of romcoms. You don't seem a veteran of waifuwars newfriend.
>They are the first ones to admit that she has pretty much no chance.
Oh please. They have hope, and the reason they have hope is because of her popularity. They think it has a chance of changing something.
>but I read my fair share of romcoms
So have I and my money is on Fumino.
>Nah because there wasn't any btfo.
Fuminofags got BTFO by sensei's arc. They get BTFO everytime they pretend to be Asumi's "allies". They get BTFO everytime they downplay Rizu to make Fumino seem the "true" main girl. Etc. You're clueless as fuck, newfag. Every fanbase except Fuminofags is pretty chill.
>fumino interacting with ghost
>not rizu
Yet there are people out there that think she doesn't have more of a standing as a heroine. Imagine being that dumb.
Here they are
Tell me "old fag of romcoms" who is your pick to win yuigabowl because if you say Rizu i guess you are delusional even Uruka has more chances of winning.
>Oh please. They have hope, and the reason they have hope is because of her popularity. They think it has a chance of changing something.
Having hope is not the same as thinking she's going to win. And Fuminofags are the ones obsessed with popularity.
>Show me how "we" got btfo faggot.
Yeah this guy is straight outta reddit like the rest of his brethren
>Every fanbase except Fuminofags is pretty chill.
>Fumino seem the "true" main gir
I mean which heroine is interacting with the main heroine of Yuragi here ? Cause it's not Rizu.
>Every fanbase except Fuminofags is pretty chill.
Why you lie all the time?
Urukaniggers and Senseifags and i can agree some Fuminofags are shit but the only true chill fanbases are Imoutofags and Rizufags.
Yeah. You already admitted to not being an active poster in Bokuben threads so your opinion is worthless.
I made a big post up here, and this series will end in 2020. Rizu has a good chance of not making this story be Harem Romcom #123
>And Fuminofags are the ones obsessed with popularity.
Of course. It's not like Senseifags constantly bring up her popularity or have to mention how her chapters rank.
It's not a lie. The only times Bokuben threads are garbage are when Fuminofags are posting. And you are the prime example of this, derailing a Nisekoi thread over your insecurities as a Fuminofag. Every other fanbase is good in comparison to you.
I may not be an active poster, but that doesn't mean I don't lurk here and there. The only truly calm waifufags are the Rizufags.
Does Bokuben threads always have to turn into
Fuminofags vs anyone else
Fumino was mentioned by some user calling her a poor mans Yui. That's how the Bokuben talk started.
actual only good posts
Rizu has a chance, Sagiri has none.
They are pretty homosexual i can agree.
Not really, Fuminofags are the ones constantly posting about how Fumino is going to rank first in the current popularity poll.
Not at all and you know why? Fuminofags cannot post anymore in the Bokuben threads since everyone has figured out their falseflagging/samefagging habits and disproven their weak narratives. Hence they are safespacing in this Nisekoi thread, pathetically may I say.
This was a Nisekoi thread but whatever, I love Rizu
She did, at least, get the best ending.
I love sensei braps.
user-san, I think I'm in love.
Fumino will win and the Bokuben threads will seethe. It's going to come down to her and Rizu and despite you guys not wanting to admit it, Fumino has a bit more of standing than Rizu as main heroine and nips love being loyal to their first girl/main heroine.
Yeah, Fuminofags are the new Eririfags
Fuck where is Tsugumi tomboy gay pasta when you need it.
>her illness only gets brought up for plot contrivances and never kills her in the long run
Actual best girl
>trying to compare a girl that has 50% of winning with a girl that always had 0% chance
>more of a standing
The fact that you cannot explain nor put it into words and reduce it to "Look it's just like this" doesn't give you much credit user.
>nips love being loyal
So Fumino wins by popularity?
>chitoge the winner and heroine of nisekoi behind fumino
>yuuna the future winner and heroine of ghost tits is interacting with fumino over rizu
wow i wonder who will win in bokuben. the suspense is killing me.
He meant the first girl rule of authors.
And in both Fanarts made by Tsutsui. It's like he's telling us the ending already.
Nice skipping of the first point I made.
>The fact that you cannot explain
Look at the fucking crossover with the Yuragi girls. Please explain why it's Fumino, and not Rizu or both Fumino/Rizu interacting with Yuuna-who happens to be the main heroine of her respective series.
>So Fumino wins by popularity?
I meant first girl rule that mangaka love to follow. Nips love being faithful to their first girl. Name 5 romcom/harem where the main girl/first girl doesn't win, go on. Fumino and Rizu being the first girls give them a standing the others simply don't have. It's going to come down to them, and my money is on Fumino.
Threadly reminder that if you like Tsugumi you are, for all intents and purposes, a homosexual.
Komi drew the one with Chitoge/Kosaki while the Yuragi mangaka drew that colorspread actually. It's pretty easy to see that isn't the artstyle of Tsutsui, but didn't he say that Fumino chapter was his favorite?
Bokuben shitters never gonna have as good girls as Nisekoi.
Wait, I got it wrong. Both Tsutsui and the mangaka of Yuuna worked on the spread. They just drew each others girls instead of their own.
Where is Bokuben GET of truth?
I sure love generic fall in love scenes.
>Look at the fucking crossover with the Yuragi girls
Drawn by fucking Miura. Pic related was drawn by Tsutsui.
Oh no Fuminobros this can't be happening
No, no, no it can't be I'm almost 13 years on this garbage site.
And if their argument for muh main girl was that colors by other authors depicted supposed main girls with Fumino, it was jackshit worthy of an argument anyway, but might as well BTFO them on it as well.
Doesn't make sense if you are attracted to hey bruh personality thats pretty gay.
Also most traps act like bros and not like hoes so thats a false advertisement.
Yeah two losers!
>rizu and sagiri are both surrpised
>yuuna and fumino are the only ones doing the peace sign and wearing the ying/yang black/white colors
How am I BTFO? Fumino is still standing alongside Yuuna, the heroine of her series, while Rizu is on the other side. As I said here , Fumino and Rizu are the first girls and it will come down to them. My money is simply on Fumino. Also both spreads were a collab. Miura drew the Bokuben girls while Tsutsui drew the Yuragi girls in this one. While in the one you posted, both mangaka stuck to their girls. You can make out their respective artstyles in both spreads. Tsutsui having no problem with only Fumino interacting with Yuuna while Rizu is stuck with Sagiri in their first CP together is quite telling.
Rizu is afraid of scary things and Yuuna is a ghost
Because he's comparing fanbases, not girls, you fucking retard.
Fumishitters prove once again they have no reading comprehension, which is quite ironic since their favorite girl is fucking Yea Forums.
Which girls in nisekoi and bokuben would you like to see in a yuri relationship?
>using color spreads and pages as proof
3 sensei chapters in a row are getting color pages now, there is also the Jump cover that has sensei and Yuiga in the middle, does this mean that sensei will win? of course not
using this as argument is stupid and prior to this I only remember Ichirukist using it
>keeps repeating the exact same argument over and over again expecting it to magically become true
Literal autism.
And you wonder why everyone else hates you.
>Because he's comparing fanbases
Not comparable though. Eririfags thought she would be able to pull a win despite Megumi being the only choice for endgame while Fumino, at the very least, has a 50% of chance of winning with Rizu having the other remaining 50%. We're not cheering for a girl that doesn't have a chance at winning like Senseifags or Urakafags do.
>proving my point about reading comprehension right yet again
He was talking about the cancerous behavior, which is 100% true.
>there is also the Jump cover that has sensei and Yuiga in the middle, does this mean that sensei will win? of course not
Nice job ignoring how the same spread has the first girls Fumino and Rizu on either side, taking up more space due to being drawn larger since they're more important.
Don't seethe too hard when it comes down to Fumino and Rizu.
Why the heck it turns into a bokuben thread?
Everyone knows it's between them, we're talking about how you think Fumino has a higher chance, illiterate retard.
there is a thing called art composition, you know
Nisenisekoi with the kind of harem ending with Tsugumi as the main girl.
This post has been saved by bokubenchads
You are a miserable fag
Why are you posting a gorilla
See you in two weeks delusional fuminofag
Keep on wallowing in your shit, fuminofags
Stay out of bokuben threads, the average post quality is higher because of it
There is an extra chapter 8 of nisenisekoi out there. But its not translated.
>anime is an utter flop.
Is 5-toubun the spiritual successor of Nisekoi?
These were the 2 best nisekois
She's perfect.
The first one is drawn by Miura alone you fucking mongrel. Your argument is retarded just as much as you. And in the one I posted they're both alongside Yuuna, thus proving your shit argument wrong.
Fuck You/off Miserable Kasumatard
JK Yui will win the Bokub owl.
Yui had a great personality.
i love Cutetoge
How the fuck there is so many bokuben fags in this thread ?
Kosaki > Marika > Shitdog
>thread to appreciate the best girl in Nisekoi
Tsugumi won
Shit taste tends to be shared.
What happened to Y-san? I'm kinda worried
kill me tsugumi kill me
Literally me.
So glad I waited until it was fully released to start reading it. But I feel the peoples pain, cause i'm reading Tomo chan right now.
i miss nisekoi
Hey, remember that time Chitoge was in Super Mario Maker?