Just after development on season 2 started, Cool decided to start an entirely new plot with a bunch of new characters

>just after development on season 2 started, Cool decided to start an entirely new plot with a bunch of new characters
Cheeky fuck making plans for a season 3, eh?

Anyway, Maidragon thread. Latest main manga chapter is 83.

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Other urls found in this thread:


She loks like Tom from tom and jerry

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You are right, user. Funny how things work sometimes.

>an entirely new plot with a bunch of new characters
Please no, last one was bad enough

Does anyone know what's up with the ch83 tl, are we getting a proper one, who usually does these?

Attached: 3ccdLwj.png (481x480, 239K)

For what it's worth, this one so far seems to be focused on this world, not on the other world. Maybe Cool just wants to introduce some new characters to keep things fresh. (Though these new characters just look like Kanna's dad in younger, Tohru's dad in hiding, and Elma's retarded cousin, respectively.)

No idea. It's super weird though, I agree.

Its fanart.

I don't think we need a new arc for every season, there's plenty of source material as it is.

Definately, especially if we include spinoffs. Still, I've got the feeling Cool wants to future-proof his shit.

It's almost as if it's an edited picture of tom

you are making too big a deal over nothing

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>(Though these new characters just look like Kanna's dad in younger, Tohru's dad in hiding, and Elma's retarded cousin, respectively.)
Cool's art isn't the most consistent, but still it's easy to recognize tohru's and kanna's fathers. The unnamed third one is very likely somewhat related to Elma.

we really don't nee another dragon

Yeah, it's likely they are just their fathers. Koba's "who are you?" threw me off, but she probably just meant the mini-Elma. Kanna's dad drinking beer and grinning like that gives him aways, but it's a bit early to have him back in the story, if you ask me, because Kanna only recently (like, 3 chapters ago) had a heartfelt semi-farewell moment with him.

Does this not look like the start of a new multi-chapter plot to you? Even if it isn't as big as Ilulu's conversion or the whole Dragon War clusterfuck and fizzles out in four or five chapters, I do think this will be a thing for this volume.

No, Tom from tom and jerry looks like her.

The similarity is quite striking.

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well, yes, it's a multi-chapter plot just by the fact it's a chapter ending on kind of a cliffhanger. I don't think this necessarily means the story is going to go back to a 10+ chapter plot storyline.
Mostly just trying to set the status quo going forward, alongside the previous page that has shota's dad asking kobayashi to be more involved in the relations between worlds.

oh, and only just now noticed this rereading the chapter. That could be Elma's grandma.

just give me more danna ga nani

Yeah, the wristchain and the bags under her eyes make her look older than Elma. Then again, the bows in her hair make her look younger.

Damn I've seen a meme format like that but I can't remember who was holding the newspaper

I hate Kimun Kamui, why did he have to come back?

I think it was translated on top of the spanish one.

The real question is when are we getting a new Kanna chapter?

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Didn't we just get one? Chapters been dropping quite frequently recently.

>be more involved in the relations between worlds
But why? I doubt anyone wants more of that, did he really run out of ideas?

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>season 2 announced
Fucking sick I liked this show a lot

Where've you been, it was announced in February. Not really a lot of news about it past its existence, though.


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>Koba's "who are you?" threw me off
She used the female singular in spanish so she was talking only about the girl.

I was confirmed a while ago


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the manga has gotten really shitty, so doesn't really matter

can I pet her?

Are these official?

i think the manga is the same as it has always been and the problem is in the perception of those who would prefer something closer to the anime, a comfy slice-of-life with a slightly weird bend. Manga isn't that now, but it's nothing new, it wasn't that from the start.

We had too many before Iruru was added.

Are you Tohru?

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At least we still have Kanna's spinoff

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I hope Lucoa's manga still keeps getting translations. I want more /ss/ bait with my wholesome moments.

>i think the manga is the same as it has always been
The early chapters were simple with the anime adaptation pretty much being a 1 to 1 with the manga. I don't think season 2 can be anywhere near as good if they are as faithful with the newer ones as they were for season 1. Iruru by herself probably should've been kept cut, my hopes lie in that they'll stop before Kanna's father appears.

What Kobayashi is Tohru's favourite Kobayashi?

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All I want is a big gay wedding between human and dragon

It will happen, just be patient

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I will also want to listen to it. I've been looping this one youtu.be/t9rpt3BJjR4?t=132

fuck wrong thread


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83 out. more tooru fat chorogon.

The English subs for ch83 are out.

Where do people get that the new character is Elma's cousin?
I think she's her grandma, but maybe cool mentioned something on Twitter that I'm not aware.

>granddaughter to the founder d......

Attached: elmacht.jpg (262x213, 15K)

Naw, Comiket merch

Post it!


I'm gonna need a lot of Kanna chapters to get through this if it lasts longer than 4 chapters.

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Not KyoAni so who the fuck cares? What S3 after S1 flopped in japan and only was success in China thanks to them worshipping KyoAni and S2 is not even by KyoAni?

>not posting the better version

Attached: 013___1557405580.png (1078x1550, 1.22M)

You care enough to spam this everytime you can without any proof to any of your claims. I shoudln't even be replying to you since this is a pretty obvious bait

I hope we get the Kanna in Freedomland chapter animated for the new season.

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>he still persists in desperate delusion of vain hope
truly pitiful

Tell me about kanna.
Why does she wear the COOL pantsu?

We all do, user

COOL is just marking his territory.

Thanks user.

Lotta lolis for a hired mangaka

Yeah, more dragons will just take away panel time from Takiya and Fafnir, which isn't a good thing. Unless we get yet another spinoff.

Haha I knew something was not right about it

>Emperor of Demise

Will there still be fat either way?

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I hope Tohru will be around this fat.

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She is just a side character

I hope ss

I doubt it, they only have 1 chapter every 2 volumes

Iruru was a mistake.

I hope we get Chloe.

What's people's deal with her? Because she's another loli?

I just like her, I wish we culd see more of her.

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In other news, water is wet.

Well marbled.

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>season 2 not by kyoani
It's dead Jim.

All the characters talk very informally in the manga.

But then they would have to show how much Kanna loves Kobayashi as a mother

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I love her dragon form

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Do dragons eat humans?

I wish kana would eat me

Only when we're really hangry, since humans taste terrible.

Are you a dragon?



What is this?

A response to a post in a different thread. I am the dumb.

That she is

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90% muscle.

Attached: big girl.png (687x654, 605K)

What use do those round belly muscles have?


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90% fat

Attached: dragonbody.png (212x322, 23K)

Isn't that what fat is for?

They're magic muscles.

That's one happy chorogon

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Tohru disagrees

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I'd rather have an anime on the spinoffs desu

This, mostly Kanna's but even the other 2 are better than the main manga now

Tohru wants Kobayashi to taste the rainbow, not the other way round.

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Why not both?

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Despite her enormous strength and aggressive nature, Tohru really wants to be the Femme.

Is there any love greater?

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She's a sub

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Shut up, Tohru. Kobayashi won't eat your tail

dumb smelly chaos dragons

Tohru isn't smelly, she smells like rainbows

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magic fat

So if Tohru's tail tastes sweet and creamy. How does the rest of her taste like?

gay ranbows.

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Kobayashi is for _______

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do dishes you fat

Tart. She's totally a tart at heart.

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Does Haru know that her company is employing dragons and wizards? And would that be more or less surprising to her than the fact that her husband is an assassin?

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She's from ojojojo right?


Wasn't the company founded by wizards?

The programming language was written by wizards, but she was the one who founded the company.

Attached: E3.png (1128x1600, 1.12M)

Even in the company of magic giant boobed dragons she is best girl, how does she do it?

Somedays it feels like I'm the only Elma lover.

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You're not.

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>loving worst dragon

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I thought you two made up Tohru.

I agree, it's not very smart to love worst dragon, so why do you user?

Tohru best, Elma worst

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Not to interrupt this slapfight, but you all need to remember who is really Kobayashi's favorite dragon.

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>dresses better
>is responsible
>isn't obsessed with munching carpet
>doesn't try to feed you her body parts
>has a job
Tohru is objectively garbage, which is where Kobayashi those the pieces of her tail when she tries to feed them to her. Its where garbage belongs, afterall.

Kanna is Elder God tier and for protecc not lewd
Faf is Elder Bro tier and for high-level raiding.

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>The shouta-mom is barely taller than an elementary schooler
Unfff the arch wizard has good taste.
BTW Lucoa ch4 is out.

Tohru is smart, respoinsible, charming, caring and a great maid. At least she has her own human partner.

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>Lucoa spinoff is better than the main manga
Come on now.

Cool should have taken some pointers from Kyoani on how to proceed.

>>isn't obsessed with munching carpet
No, she's obsessed with munching everything else. Gluttony is a sure sign of a weak mind.

Do breasts really yell like that?

In Kobayashi's mind? Yeah. Obnoxiously loudly, at that.

I've heard a lovely pair shout "hey sailor" from a block away.

>Kanna is Elder God tier and for protecc not lewd
We can at least agree on that.

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Shouta is sleeping

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Post dragon Kobayashis!


Those noisy breasts will wake him up.

Not them but yes.

>posting the beaner version
I'm on an American imageboard about Japanese entertainment. How much further do I have to retreat before you stop reminding me of your existence?

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they do in cool mangas

Is it impossible for Dragons to just magic up big boobs for her or is that impossible? They already gave her a dick.

What do you mean?

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They could temporarily give Kobayashi a huge bust, but it wouldn't be the real Kobayashi, so I'd expect the experiment to end in sadness and failure. Besides, Kobayashi is hot as fuck just as she is.

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Lol already?
>adds a bunch of new characters
>the international symbol for 'oh shit we're out of ideas'

It's just one new character.

The important question is if Tohru would like Kobayashi with big boobs

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What about her back?

>Maidrago season tsu
"What a wonderful story, Mark."

That's a huge bitch!

New Lucoa chapter out

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But it's true

That seems oddly fake.

For you.

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Was the Lucoa spinoff written by a machine algorithm? It's such a generic piece of trash.

First OPM getting downgrade, now Maid Dragon. Just hope new season will be remotely watchable and studio that makes it at least tries to give effort.

>former Kyoto Animation
Maidragon will be upgraded, tho.

It still can be decent if it falls in hands of like of Dogakobo or Kinema Citrus or even if JC Staff gives it Flying Witch threatment. But even so, it`ll be inferior to kyoani maid dragon, since their Maid Dragon > Cool`s maid dragon

>giving Kyoto Animation unearned respect

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So, is it confirmed KyoAni isn't doing season 2, or is it still the same three guys shitposting?

The ultimate loli

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i like iruru

That's okay, we all have our guilty pleasures.

Actually, we don't know Kanna's actual age. She might be just a hundred or so.

>three guys
that autist replying to himself, just ignore.

Everyone has shit taste in something their lives, it's nothing to be ashamed of.

Shitposter, stop misinforing people into false belief that S2 will be by KyoAni. Not sure you are doing it out of malice or autism, but stop.

Happy Mommy's Day, Tohru


Just because most of what they do is shit, doesn't mean Maidragon was shit.

That was yesterday. Plus, she ain't a mommy.

Don you mean Maidr/a/gon?

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It's one sinlge guy spamming. He's probably the one who was spamming "flop dragon" before and I'm sure he cried when season 2 was confirmed.
Ignore him every time you see him.

She is

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no, redditshit

kanna is redditshit. lucoa is the ultimate normalfag filter because they're disgusted by straight shota.

Tohru is the dad, Konayashi is the mom

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>anything more than disgusting fat shit

you're not wrong about the appearance, normalfags disgusted with her behavior.

Season 2 better be about cute sol stuff and not trashy shitty dragon politics. Fuck cool seriously.

iruru is the ultimate filter for true non-normies

Yes, it's bad but hopefully it satifies COOL enough so that he doesn't fuck up any more

Enjoy your dragon with diabetes.

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Other way around!

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Cool doesn't make the spinoffs.

Iruru is the bait to out the people who try to fit in real hard.
jokes but she's still bad

Your should be beheaded for your taste

Can't we all get along?

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There are records of her in ancient japan so I doubt it

>bunch of new characters

Anime only fag here, not too many I hope? I've seen a few series that could maintain quality despite having a case of "too many fucking characters" but those are few and far between.

It was actually just one more character, the other two were characters we know already.

Come on man

No. Because Elma worshipers exist.

That's why they should've made a kanna anime instead

Attached: kobayashi smol dragons.png (1175x745, 1.46M)

But it needs to be flushed.

that animeonly doesn't know kimun kamui

you know, user, that fierce looking emperor of demise, is good at cooking

Quetzalcoatl's human form doesn't reflect her dragon form at all. It's always kind of bothered me. Especially with every other dragon character being done so well.

Proof that the fans need to be gassed.

It's from the specials.

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It looks better in the manga, but I do agree that the horns don't fit at all.

But she's shit

How's the weather in Normalfag city?

Characters from the manga that are not in season 1:
The director
Kimun Kamui
That weird side horn girl
And a couple of other minor characters

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>Quetzalcoatl's human form doesn't reflect her dragon form at all.
She has legs for miles, but that is about it.

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>wanting career dragon-waifu who cares about opinions of others and you need to cook and clean for her and is fucking useless otherwise
>not wanting trad dragon-waifu to cook and clean for you, while she works small side job and helps raise the family
that is where you fucked up.

Normalfags not liking her doesn't mean she isn't shit

Kanna=Tohru>Fafnir>Lucoa>Elma>>>>>shit>>>Iruru>>>>>>>>spinoff Lucoa

Kobayshi and Tooru should be holding hands here.

Don't you have to go make dinner or something?

So how will they handle Iruru? I know they like Quetzal but they can't ignore canon material. I can already see the buttmad from the director having to focus on a titty monster with an actual character and personality beyond LOLZ SHOTA XD

Fat tail

>they can't ignore canon material
oh you

Well I'll say they can ignore the canon material just like I can ignore their faggotry over a one-note character with a played out gag.

wasn't they withholding iruru only because it was kyoani?

I think it was more that Iruru was introduced too late into the development cycle of the anime and they didn't want to open that can of worms especially because her arc was a bit longer than Elma's, and they barely had time to fit her in the show already.

When it comes to rasing Kanna, Tohru is the dad and Kobayashi is the mom.

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When it comes to raising Kanna, Kobayashi is a pet.

>Kobayashi was a shotacon all along

They're going to have the most powerful wizard babies

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I wonder if Tohru would ask Kobayashi to cuddle in her dragon form if she was that small

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I'm scared.
Did I piss off the trannies?

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What do you mean?

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She's gonna die before Kanna grows her first pube.

They removed her once, they can do it again

Imagine having such shit taste

Since when does Tohru ask about cuddling with Kobayashi?

To be fair, "trap" isn't really a term commonly used irl, especially not by someone like Lucoa.

Attached: [GarbageSubs] Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon - 14 OVA [720p].mkv_snapshot_14.54_[2017.09.24_04.12. (1280x720, 113K)

there were already sketches of her iirc

"trap" is fine for the manga/anime community

>Since when does Tohru ask about cuddling with Kobayashi?
Since they met.

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flat attracts flat

I think COOL hadn't thought of it by the time they made the anime.

She's probably a shotacon for the same reasons so many permavirgins are lolicons. E.g. she never had any sexual experiences as a kid, so she never got over sexual attraction to people around that age like a normal child would.

If she just has enough sex with people her age, she'll probably get over her shotacon tendencies.

oh my god....
by the way, don't you missed some bubbles in shouta maid panel? couldn't check right now.

No, those are clouds of whatever magic lucoa used.

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Will anime ever surpass classic Tom and Jerry?

>caring about mangadex normalfags
It's /r/manga's number one site they link to, you're going to get comments like that.

S.T.A.L.K.E.R. faced similar backlash when he translated リア充 to normalfag.

>when he translated リア充 to normalfag.
If you mean in the Elma spinoff, that was specifically "normie", not normalfag. In which case you might aswell photoshop a Pepe on Kobayashi's face. But normalfag doens't fly for obvious reasons, so it's kind of a dilemma.

No, I mean Senpai from Nagatoro

Oh, nevermind then.

Attached: normal.jpg (1080x594, 70K)

Fans of the anime bitch about how COOL handles the series but the Lucoa spinoff manga is what happens when COOL is completely hands off with dragon maid and not involved in the project.

Like any series that gets adapted, retarded animeonlyfags will always argue about stupid shit and make threads worse. At least we got s2.
If she was a shotacon it would've been because she's in a COOL manga.


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The problem with Lucoa's manga is that it was made for the fans that only follow this series for the ecchi so it has nothing to do with whether he is involved or not. He fucks up the manga in other ways like the war arc.

>doesn't show her face when she attacks the shota
>koba and lucoa immediately concerned at her attack

what kind of face was she making?

Does she even have horns as a dragon?

What's wrong with the arc? COOL always does a mix of serious shit with comedy.

Welcome to manga spinoffs.

Did they ever explain why she wants Kobayshi to eat her tail?

Just because he always does it doesn't mean that it works. It's just not good. It spends too much time with shit we have little reason to care about, has very little tension, the solution is super convenient, and the arc just generally blows up a simple slice of life story that has ocasional supernatural elements, into dimensions that Cool simply can't work with. The other world stuff is fun when it's a punch line or part of a quick joke, but it is very clear that it was never written to actually carry a story by itself. It's just not really an interesting place.

Post more maidbayashi.

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Does it need to be explained any more than it is?

It's boring, poorly written and the conclusion is awful. To put it simply.

The problem is not the idea, the other world is interesting and some of the best chapters use it a lot. Even at the start of the war plot people were excited to see more of it. The problem came when it became obvious that COOL has no idea how to write something like that, everything happens just because it needs to happen and it's not even important in the end, everything goes back to the way it used to be with no reason whatsoever.
I guess that's why people are scared he's about to do it again.

It doesn't need tension or a super serious solution because it's still a simple slice of life story. It's just a vehicle for showing Kanna's family and generally introducing more of the world. I don't think it was the best thing ever, but I enjoyed it. What would you have preferred to happen instead?
Your opinion isn't interesting unless you elaborate on it at least in some way. Poorly written just means 'I didn't like it' unless you explain why.

>the other world is interesting
You really think so? It's just a super generic anime fantasy world, if you ask me. And it doesn't really need to be anything more, really, because it is not the focus of the story. Atleast not before the war arc.

The other world holds the backstory of every main character in the series except for KBYS.
It's obviously important.

Tom and jerry is trash, so yes, mission accomplished

Yes, because it's not explain at all. She just want Kobayashi to eat her.

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>What would you have preferred to happen instead?
Well, I would have prefered if we didn't have the arc at all. If you want Kanna's dad to be involved, have him show up at Koba's apartment every now and again to try to take Kanna back, make it a personal story. Then again, I guess we already had that with the emperor of demise, so...
Well, if it needs to be a story in the other world, flesh it out properly for the scope of the story it portrays. For example, that whole fight between the two factions (that was just conveniently handled by Elma and Faf, because apparently all of Tohru's friends are just the strongest dragons ever and no one can even hope to stand up to them?): give us a few chapters to elaborate on it, get us to know some of the dragons who fight in the conflict. Give us their stories. But obviously that is way too much for a manga like Maidragon. That's why the whole idea is a foolish endeavour in the first place.
Kobayashi shooting that fireball was still pretty cool, I give you that.

lol fag

Well, maybe not interesting, but it has potential. It's not exactly a generic fantasy world as in it's nothing but dungeons and dragons but it supposedly has every creature from every culture which could be used.

Attached: 1548618462160.jpg (307x220, 16K)

Obviously it is important to the characters, but it isn't important to us as an audience. To us it is usually just some place in the background that has no impact, or little impact, on the narrative at hand.

Fair enough, I agree that the conclusion was very abrupt and convenient - and obviously if Tohru's friends aren't the strongest dragons ever then even more characters will have to be introduced by necessity in a story where fighting becomes more important and such, which would definitely detract from the main purpose - I agree basically.
Honestly this fat rabbit needs to just stop taking on so many series, he's kinda struggling with the story in PBR too, as he admitted himself in the afterword of volume 1. I kind of want to see him getting better at writing more action oriented stories, but first he needs to finish his shit. And someone needs to pick up mononoke again already.

>Context and reasons for why a bunch of fucking dragons appeared in the life a white collar corporate drone
>not mattering for the audience

I mean... they are basically magical girls, there's not always an explanation as to why one drops into mc's life

What I mean is: when Tohru notices she needs more ingredients for omurice, and goes out to get some yata eggs from the other world, it does not really matter what the politics or cultures or eco systems or whatever in the other world are. We only need to know that she can get yata eggs from there.

It's obvious that Cool doesn't really care about consistency. I mean, he gave two completely opposing explanations for the transformation spell.

At least until the manga retcon'd that

You still mad about that? Jesus, man, it wasn't a retcon.

It was always a slice of life WITH the fantasy magical elements so it was alright by me

Fuck that, I hope they skip over the whole arc for season 2.

>areolas as big as her head

>manga removes family dynamic
>kobayashi sees kanna just as a friend
>all the dad garbage
>not retcon'd
Sure thing.

The anime, the spinoffs and the main manga are different canons, so it at least isn't ruined in the anime... yet.

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We'll probably be safe, because I don't think the second season will get far enough to adapt all the "Dragon Ball" garbage
Would be nice to have some of Kanna's spinoff sprinkled in throughout

The ideal situation would be mostly chapters from Kanna's spinoff. It's by far the best of the 4 manga.

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Elma's spinoff is the best

She wants to be inside Kobayashi.

>Kobayashi carrying Kanna
fat chance

That's not a retcon. That's just us getting to know something new about a character.

>Elma's spinoff is the best
Does she get fucked by fat bastard businessmen like in that mil doujin?

But she does

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But Ms Kobayashi has already had more seasons...

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Probably had to visit a chiropractor after that one.


that was technically vanilla

Yes, the "chiropractor".

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There are better ways of doing that.

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>Kobayashi will never lean against your tail
Why is real life such a piece of shit?

>comparing kobayashi to some non working house whore

I'm relatively new to anime. I just starting watching this. Explain to my autism: is Tohru gay for Kobayashi? Are they in a lesbian relationship? What about Kanna and Riko? Is this all yuri?


>are they in a lesbian relationship
I wish

No, she is Kobayashisexual.
No, they are not in a relationship, even if Tohru wishes otherwise.
Kanna and Saikawa are just friends.
There is no actual yuri in the show.

>ywn have a tail

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Can't they fix her back with magic?

Jashin-chan happened just last year.
Tom and Jerry is considered one of the best anime to ever exist in Japan, and before you go full retarded, it is called anime in Japan.

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Wouldn't they have done so already if it was possible?

She could be cured of all ailments (including back pain) if she ate tooru's tail.
But she doesn't want to.

>falling for the lies of the scaley jew
Around winged serpents watch out for disturbance!

10/10 derail attempt

>Jashin-chan happened just last year.
The most retarded of them all. You should get a Special Nobel Prize for this opinion.

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Im not some fag weeb who thinks anime means something other than animation user, tom and jerry is just fucking trash

>tom and jerry is just fucking trash
Please explain. What are its shortcomings? How could it have been executed better?

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It's literally a children's cartoon based on slapstick and some very mild sexual content or slightly more mature layered on for adults who might be watching it, while it's not horrible by itself, it's one note and just goes on and on in the same vein without even the character variety of, say, looney tunes

What is inherently wrong with slapstick?

>tom and jerry is just fucking trash
weeb detected

if you're looking to entertain kids tom and jerry is fine, but again it's very one note and never deviated from the slapstick one note formula, never did anything interesting or playful with the normal format (like say Rabbit of Seville, though I admit I simply may not have seen any tom and jerrys that did something outside its normal comfort zone). In short it's for kids (which is fine, I'm sure if I was for kids it would be great) but also is very one note and repetitive, if you've seen one tom and jerry short you've pretty much seen them all.

It's slapstick done really really well though. It's one note if you only look at the concept - cat chases mouse, mouse strikes back - but the execution is far from it. It is extremely creative with how it's doing its thing - and while that thing in itself does not deviate from a formula all too much, that isn't point of it. The point is the animation. Tom and Jerry is the medium of anime in its purest form: the story, the humour, the characters, everything coming together simply with animation. If you think it is repetitive, keep in mind that it wasn't made to be binge-watched. Do yourself a favour and watch an episode of it every now and again.

Can, can we go back to maidragon?

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>if you've seen one tom and jerry short you've pretty much seen them all
It helps no one to be reductive.

how did you make it past the captcha?

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I admire your courage user but once off topic shitposting starts,it can not be turned off. What if Kobayashi liked Gals instead of maids?

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Actually, she looks like Tommy Lee Jones in No Country for Old Men.

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God tier OP, Dragon tier ED

Is this how Kobayashi looks like in Tohru's mind?

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anons, what's your best episode and why?


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God?! where is he?!

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Probably the one where they go school shopping for Kanna, but I can't remember. Been a while since I've seen the show, so I can't be sure which episode is which.

I mean, my overall favourite is definately the season finale, but that doesn't reflect the overal tone of the show.
This is my favourite track from the soundtrack though:
It plays during the ending scene of the season finale, when the three go visit Koba's parents. It's probably my favourite scene in the series.

I just noticed I listed a lot of anime-only stuff. Huh.

>quotes one thing out of many
>you're reductive

Kobayashi getting her the zipper dongle was maximum cute

Well, I was quoting the reductive part.
The rest is also reductive, mind you, you keep going on about the concept, when execution is the actually important aspect, but the last sentence was more poignant.

It's an image board, I'm not going to write a dissertation about tom and jerry here, let's talk about dragon maids instead

Well, as soon as you admit that Tom and Jerry is good, we can do that.

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It shows Tohru's dedication with the omurice and a bit of her backstory but mainly because it's the episode where they met. Everything about that flashback was great, it was funny, cute and it really helped show how much they need each other.

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>It plays during the ending scene of the season finale, when the three go visit Koba's parents. It's probably my favourite scene in the series.
Yeah, that scene is great. It almost makes me wish we'd never get a second season, because the ending speech of Tohru is a very nice thematic bow on the series, that a new season afterwards can only weaken.

The wedding is canon and no one can convice me otherwise

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Drunk Kobayashi is dangerous.

And boldly blasphemous.

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calm down fatty

Okay but for the time...and the fact they mostly hold up. It's impressive.

Only maids!

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They are definitely classics, I just don't think they are spectacularly good

Will S2 be able to top the first season's OP and ED?

The only thing wrong with Tohru's body is that it's blurry, user.

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They just need to call nano.RIPE and The Peggies.

Plus, the neck.

wrong franchise

That's everybody.

She's not fat

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Manga form. I'm glad it actually looks like Quezacoatl.

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Is that even possible?

Is Tohru's human form japanese or european?

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She really doesn't laugh often

Now I can't unsee it

Nothing can replace CHU CHU YEAH

You say that like it's a bad thing

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So when does their spin off get animated?

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>a new season afterwards can only weaken.
I feel the same but I'm still happy we get more. Though it is true that season 1's ending works best as a full series ending.

Hopefully never

>reflect the overal tone of the show.
Which episode would that be? I would say it's the beach episode, sure it looks like it's just cute anime girls with not much substance but it actually uses everything it has to create something worthwhile. There are about 3 minutes of actual beach episode before it cuts to talking about growing up, and later about appreciating what you have now. One of my favourite episodes.

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okay, chubbychaser.

Now that you mention it, they do have rather thin necks

The necks are about normal proportion to their shoulders. The problem is the motherfucking huge heads.

Are you sure about that?

Yes, I think that is a good pick.

She definately needs to laugh more!

Attached: kobalaugh.gif (464x387, 308K)

She only ever seems to be enjoying herself when she's with Tohru, or drunk, or both.

Attached: 1526920395379.webm (1280x720, 1.39M)


I still want a gif of that short scene where Tohru keeps hitting the ground and Koba wobbles back and forth.

iktf, I wish I had a dragon maid so I didn't have to spend so much money on booze.

I thought I had it but this is the closest I've got.

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That's pretty good, but it's not quite it.

Why is Tohru so white?

I want to rub my penis on Kobayashi's flat chest

get in line