What are some good anime analogies ?

what are some good anime analogies ?
JoJo is the GoT of anime in that people only watch it so they don't miss out on the conversation around it and it shits the bed after season 2 and is also pretty gay

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K-On season 2 is the NGE of anime.

NGE is already an anime tho

Kill la Kill is the evangelion of anime though

JoJo is the GoT of anime in that people who watch it are most likely underage, retarded crossboarders, faggots or all of these combined.

>It shits the bed after season 2 and is also pretty gay
Thanks for your secondary opinion

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Yea Forums is the Yea Forums of anime

Madoka is the Evangelion of anime

>JoJo is the GoT of anime

>people only watch it so they don't miss out on the conversation around it and it shit
Odly accurate


why does everything have to be an analogy?

are we really at a point where all content can somehow be linked to each other? is there no totally original content?

What a retarded opinion. You know how long it took for Jojo to get an anime right? And people read the manga before that time. And anyone who thinks that it doesn't get better (in general) after part 3 are subhumans.

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Hunter x Hunter is the Venture Bros. of anime because it's for people with high attention spans and also high IQs and it goes on hiatus all the time.

HXH is the Rick and Morty of anime

>bro just watch 3 seasons of trash! it'll get kinda tolerable after that!

The image and the comment dont tie well together here

it's good throughout though

>I hate things that are popular
Because your pedo-bait shows for little girls are the pinnacle of artistic virtue

Objectively correct

>shits the bed after season 2 and is also pretty gay

I didn't say parts 1-3 were trash, just that it doesn't peak with part 3 and get worse from there like OP was saying. I don't care if you watch it or not but thinking part 3 is the peak of Jojo is a completely stupid opinion and I think it's retarded to start watching Jojo in the first place and then drop it after part 3. Unfortunately part 3 being the poster child of the series has been a think since part 3 was running and even when parts 4 and 5 were running part 3 was still the only thing that got any kind of outside appeal. It just pisses me off. And it's still happening because Japan has abhorrent taste.

Nice projection.

HxH is neither because both of those properties have more content in the past 3 years than HxH has had in 10

Go back to your waifu threads retard

Imagine being so triggered by someone calling you out for being a pedo that all you can reply with is "n-no u"

Do want a receipt of your concession?

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Japan is the worst thing to happen to anime.

I'd say that Shingeki No Kyojin is more the GoT of anime, and makes sense considering Isayama likes GoT.
>a big wall with creatures in the other side
This happens in both, but it's more important in GoT since the White Walkers where important until the end, while titans are defeated midway through in Shingeki No Kyojin.
>both fantasy and political elements
They are done differently and are based around different ages of history but they are in both series
>important characters may die at any time, except true protagonist who won't die
Jon survived getting stabbed, Eren survived being swallowed by a titán, Armin survived a lot of fire, just like Daenerys, but we had important characters dieing like Erwin or Berthold too.
I think that is, now the main difference
>GoT becomes worse with time, SNK is getting better every arc
And that is.

It's not that I'm memeing part 3 just because, it's just that everything after is unwatchable AND unreadable at any angle, episode rule or part skipping I try to apply.

You should move to Japan so you can be with more of your kind.

Hunter x Hunter is the Mozart's Requiem of manga. Author of both died (will) writing it.
Also peak of it's medium

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looks like another retard got filtered by based part 5

Jojo is shit btw

HxH is derivative trash liked only by user mongoloids who would never dare talk about it with their identity in light though

HXH is like Mozart in that it's praised by people who have no other experience in the medium.

I mean, it's not like I wouldn't.

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