3x3 thing

Post your 3x3 or comment on others. I'm new to this thing.

Attached: ss (2019-05-11 at 10.08.48).png (764x714, 1.13M)

Other urls found in this thread:


Toradora, High Score Girl, Princess Tutu

Utena, Kobato, Full Moon wo Sagashite

Yu-Gi-Oh! season 0, Evangelion, Ashita no Joe

Dubs thread? Dubs thread.

Attached: 4735.jpg (900x900, 111K)

Check 'em

Attached: 3x3..jpg (1316x1316, 200K)

>a shitter no joe


Attached: 3x3.png (1980x1980, 3.7M)

Looks good, but I hate hnk and hyouka and have mixed feelings on madoka.
What's left of hyouka?

3-gatsu no Lion
also rewatch Madoka

I don't even look at other people's 3x3

Attached: 3х3.jpg (703x1050, 732K)

Kobato manga is great

Attached: Might add Nourin.jpg (3840x2160, 3.9M)

What do these numbers even mean

Are you 16?

Yeah Because yours is shit

Why? Because there is no cowboy bebop or other shit?
I'm 28

You should watch more

I watched/or dropped around 1000 or more. I've been watching this shit for like 15 years. I don't understand your assumptions. Are you seriously surprised that someone can have such taste?


Attached: 3x3.jpg (3345x2482, 1.83M)

It means lurk more

Attached: _a_ 3x3 anime.jpg (3264x3264, 1.89M)

I liked Yankee-kun to megane-chan more than yamada-kun


I'm different from the first user who asked you but how don't you understand that assumption. Yes I'm surprised that someone that has watched shows for 15 years likes 16 year old shit.

Which is the one you don't like?

Attached: Madoka 011.png (1600x1800, 1.23M)



Attached: 11% Less Shitposting.jpg (908x908, 330K)

Bestgirls version? Nah, just posted it.
Bestboys version? Nah, not in the mood.
Guess it's bestbackgroundcharacters then!

Anime: 3/5
Characters: 3/5

Anime: 6/7
Characters: 6/9





Anime: 2/7
Boys: 3/7


Attached: 3x3nameless.png (999x999, 1.22M)

... and manga.

Attached: manga3x3nameless.png (999x999, 1.17M)

I think you have autism, but I mean that in like the good way.

Well, thanks. Those background characters just never get enough love! (Rate them if you can. They deserve it.)

land of lustrous

Attached: save x3.png (907x902, 1.59M)


Attached: entry-level.png (1440x1080, 3.12M)

6/6. Trapeze was alright. Couldn't really get into it until the fourth episode though. The OCD journalist was my favourite patient.
4/4. I see you have some sort of thing for characters being restrained.
7/7, but then -1 for Levi.
Anime: 2/2
Designs: 3/9
6/7. Tell me what you see in the experimental short, user.

Attached: 3x3.jpg (1210x1210, 1.01M)

Attached: 3x3_best_girls.png (900x898, 1.2M)


Attached: 3x6manga2.png (800x1592, 1.2M)

for me it's just really dang beautiful and invigorating. and there are a few other shorts like this but wonder is the most that i sometimes have to watch it about a dozen times in a row to satisfy my addiction to it.

Attached: entry-level recent.png (750x750, 1.21M)

Attached: Noa.png (512x512, 452K)

CG heavy shows like HnK are just off putting for me, I'm afraid. Maybe it gets better as it goes on though, but it just didn't grab me early on.
-Sam Flam
SF became a complete trainwreck in it's second half, but I'll give it credit for being different.
These girls are pretty dull, being brutally honest.
Far too obscure for me for the most part.

Attached: image.jpg (920x920, 272K)

Do you need a tutorial on how to resize pictures properly?



Anime: 1/3
Girls: 2/4

Manga: 1/3
Anime: 4/5


Anime: 0/0
Girl: 1/0
I feel this lacks variety ...


try to watch some anime

>These girls are pretty dull, being brutally honest.
I do have a thing for the more plain-looking ones.

Overall: 1/1
Expressions: 8/9
Drop the middle right, something about it looks off. Certainly not befitting the absolute cutest Noa. Bottom left might be a bit disrespectful to her cuteness too, actually.

Sorry, not gonna pretend I've seen all that shit.
I'm relatively selective. And, looking at those those that rated before me, I don't seem to be the only one in here.

It's not even that, it's just that they're plain in personality as well. Basically the opposite of the kind of girls I like.

>posts moe garbage that is relatively worthless
>follows the majority
model sheep

Attached: 1557597844547.jpg (640x480, 22K)

>posts moe garbage
Excuse me? Name one "moe" thing on my grid, retard.

Some of them I can agree on having a plain personality, but certainly not all of them. That said, I do like normal comfy girls.

Hey, shithead. I'm still waiting. Come on, tell me which grid you think is mine and how much "moe" it has.

Yeah, fuck you and your cowboy bebop.


Good to see some love for The Death Lullaby! Hiroshi Harada is a genius.

Highly unrespectable
Unrespectable, even with Patlabor on it.
Unrespectable for shows, respectable for girls

Attached: 3x3.png (1613x1613, 2.88M)

Are you 12?


absolutely. and i had never even heard of death lullaby until recently. i guess after i watched midori i just assumed it was a one-off thing and there was no reason to look at the guy's other works because i'm an idiot. anyway i looked more into him and it looks like he directed a tv show as well. have you seen it? it seems pretty suspect to me.

I mean MHA, AOTA and Saiki are pretty average and at least to me can only be enjoyable if you only started watching anime recently

Silence? Thought so, troll. You have no idea what you're even talking about. Fuck off.

I have seen it! I honestly thought it was pretty good. Gave it like a 7. I've been fascinated in Harada for years now - Midori is easily one of my favorite movies of all time.

What's your MAL or AniList?

>What's your MAL or AniList?
Can you please just fuck off to there?

Funny thing that I could only truly appreciate the shows you mentioned (except AoT that I liked from the moment it aired) just recently. Most people don't see anything special in MHA although it's one of the best written shonens. And Saiki is a comedy, you don't force your sense of humor on other people. For me, Saiki is condensed Gintama.
AoT is always overcritised for no reason.

>MHA although it's one of the best written shonens.
I agree, but that's not saying much. Shounen writing is generally way below average.

>Saiki is condensed Gintama
I don't like either ... so ... I guess that's true.

>AoT is always overcritised for no reason.
Indeed. But it also is incredibly bland. Not an anime or manga that could ever come anywhere close to being a favourite of mine.

I think it's more that AoT and MHA are artistically dry and very boring, especially to those that have watched many anime. That's usually the problem with entry level shounen stuff, they lack flair or any evocative audiovisual direction.

oh cool i'll have to check that out too

Sorry if I sounded like condescending asshole. And good on you for giving me level headed response. Still the one I have major problem is AoT. It is late where I am so if this thread stays tomorrow I will say some of my thoughts.

Sorry I don't understand your assumption. Have fun eating that shit up.

>artistically dry and very boring
>lack flair or any evocative audiovisual direction
Not that guy and I'm no vehement defender of SnK, but come on.

I'm glad you enjoyed trapeze. It is a fun show. The old manager episode was touching

Give me examples of well written non-shonen action series

Solid action sequence, but it doesn't make me feel anything. I've seen 2 seasons of AoT and it's just really dry.

You're dry inside. I'm not joking. You can't relate to soldiers at all. Maybe you need some high school setting to be immersed

I heard someone else (I forget who) sum up AoT quite accurately as the anime equivalent of The Walking Dead. As in, it's a show that got alot of normies into anime and it's competent enough to be enjoyable if you don't have experience with anything else.

Depends on your definition of shounen I guess. It's a demographic, in the end.
Many things are well written, all in their own different ways, of course. I do consider the things on my 3x3 well written, for example. And the least "shounen" of them must be: Urotsukidouji, Sailor Moon, Yotsuba, Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou.
Like I said, all written very differently, but way better than your "average shounen".
The "most shounen things" on my 3x3 are HxH, Tsugumomo and Houshin Engi. And they are highly atypical for that "genre".

>equivalent of The Walking Dead.
>got alot of normies into anime
What did The Walking Dead get "normies" into? Zombie films? Horror? I don't think it did.

>Sailor moon is written better than any shonen
What the fuck

>doesn't make me feel anything
Are you okay user? Also I'm not sure why you're criticizing solely based on visuals.


Yeah, listen to some idiots more. I have 10+ years experience in anime, and read fucking lot of epic fantasy. Still love AoT

>it's competent enough to be enjoyable if you don't have experience with anything else
I feel bad if you think you can't enjoy a decent anime just because it is entry level and extremely popular.

So you haven't watched it. Figures.

Am I the only one with extremely basic tastes in anime?

Dragon Ball Z
Kill la Kill
Attack on Titan
Future Diary
Full Metal Alchemist
Kokoro Connect
Your Lie in April

Those are my top nine. I’m afraid that the ones after that aren’t any less basic.

Attached: 6F728E71-ECAE-4316-90C4-D75C2713F185.jpg (625x410, 207K)

Come on, user, really? That doesn't even have anything to do with what I was talking about.

Attached: what's the matter.jpg (590x443, 48K)

I didn't say I didn't enjoy it. It's just not my favourite by a long shot.

How old are you? Not trying to be rude here.

No, fuck those idiots. They're just jaded and bored of everything. They are just trying to be cool and show that they're experienced ANIMU WATCHERS by making 3x3 with shit they don't even love that much.

Everything you listed is average at fucking best (except HxH), what the hell


The story had an initial appeal that wore off and the characters ended up being flat, which was made worse by the awful pacing. The visual direction as already stated was just dry and didn't keep me invested in what was going on, the soundtrack being typical Sawano stuff that gets tiresome after the first time. It's very blockbuster hollywood stuff that doesn't do anything for me personally, at least not anymore. Not that there's anything wrong with enjoying it, but it being in anyone's top 9 after watching 1000s of anime is a bit odd.

Have you ever considered that some people genuinely like those things and that more mainstream stuff just isn't to their taste?

Not saying posturing doesn't exist, but some classics are considered classics for a reason.

I know people with shittier taste. At least you're not an HxH fan.

That was my first impression, but I’m not trying to label them as haters. Maybe there is something I’m not getting. I’m trying to enjoy anime even more than I already do and if they have a perspective that I lack, I’d like to find it.


>average at fucking best
Way to go, shithead. What more can you say to discredit your opinion?

Not my raste at all, but that's okay.
Make an actual 3x3 if you're serious about them.

Well it's kinda sad that I'm being written off like that, but I'm just trying to express why some anime aren't as enjoyable after you've seen a bunch of them.

FUCK YOUR OPINION!!! The thread. Anime banter is so pointless.

>listing the flaws
>not realizing they're subjective
>being surprised by AoT in people's 3x3
Being a degenerate is making new discoveries every day, right?

I’m not going to put effort into something that I know will get flamed hard. Everyone will just think it’s bait because of how normal it is kek

Attached: 1555207505760.jpg (640x547, 136K)

I listed them to give him an idea of where I was coming from. Of course they are subjective, this is all from my perspective. Though to be honest, I don't frequent 3x3 threads.

Ya banter is about all I live for now

Well, I started watching anime for action fantasy genre (there is severe lack of it in west). I dropped around 1000 anime titles after 1 or 2 episodes so I completed only around 250 during 10 years of watching. I guess, I can't even watch your regular anime. But I genuinely loved AoT, although it's not in my favorites list.

>I’m not going to put effort into something that I know will get flamed hard.
Don't worry about that. We all get shit on in here, no matter how entry-level, unusual, pretentious or whatever our tastes are. That's what happens in here. Doesn't invalidate your opinion, nor the fun that making 3x3 is.

Imagine being able to rewatch all your favorite anime with your memory of them being erased? I’d have such a good time. My favorite 20ish anime are the only ones that I got emotionally vested into. My heart and emotions would be in for a wild ride.

>action fantasy genre
>there is severe lack of it in west
What "west" are you talking about?

Imagine if you don't like them and don't even recognize them as your favorites after memory erasing anymore

Movies - they only make fantasy for children
Books - a lot of them are super cliched
Tv series - small budget, so only urban fantasy at best

The character's are not flat and there is a good amount of development for many of the characters.
>Which was made worse by the awful pacing
The pacing is fine and how does that fucking correlate with the characters?
>The visual direction as already stated was dry and didn't keep me invested
Okay I'll give you season 3 part 2, but the visuals are far from the worse, blaming the visuals of all things in snk is basically nitpicking.
>It's very blockbuster hollywood stuff
No? It's production feels like that of any other show. God I hope this is pasta.

>Imagine being able to rewatch all your favorite anime with your memory of them being erased?
That'd be good. But imagine rewatching them without your memory being erased. You'd actually be able to expand your views and perspectives on them!

>only make fantasy for children
>super cliched
>small budget
And that's not the same for fantasy anime?

No, fuck you
>only make fantasy for children
HxH, Berserk, etc.
>super cliched
Anime shows at least trying to create different and unique worlds, while in books there are still only elves and dark lords for the most part
>small budget
Even a small budget show can create a fantasy world (Gunjou no Magmell), while it's impossible in TV - the best result you'd get would be worse than Berserk 2016


Well done outing yourself.

I thought we were talking about "fantasy" here. I don't think many would class HxH as fantasy.

>in books there are still only elves and dark lords for the most part
Just like in 90% of fantasy anime.

>Even a small budget show can create a fantasy world, while it's impossible in TV
Why would it be impossible to create a fantasy world "in TV" with a small budget? Worldbuilding doesn't depend on budget all that much.

Your personal circumstances and age at the time on which you first consume media is an important factor to your enjoyment of it. There's a bunch of stuff I liked as a kid that I wouldn't give a second thought now


Attached: 3x3 Anime.jpg (3264x3264, 1.95M)

>I don't think many would class HxH as fantasy.
Are you retarded? It's pure fantasy
>Just like in 90% of fantasy anime.
In books it's 99.9%
>Worldbuilding doesn't depend on budget all that much.
Decorations, costumes, big battle scenes. Even the game of thrones look like shit in its early seasons (now it's shit because of writing). There was even a battle that was done completely off-screen.

This thread went to shit so I’m posting my 14 show version. Rating soon.

Attached: C3B3BFA4-605B-46AD-B827-1E9AEAD262A9.jpg (1372x1029, 401K)

jfc I'm a retard. that's the 12 show one.

Why are you posting fucking characters instead of posters (so these shows would be easier to recognize). Are you that lonely that you need the presence of you favorite characters even in theads like 3x3?

I rewatched Metropolis today. Not even a favourite of mine yet I was able to enjoy myself quite a bit. Once you've developed a certain level of appreciation for art and visuals in general (given how Metropolis was made by BADHOUSE you certainly won't rewatch it for animation) you can find enjoyment in rewatching a lot of works.

Attached: 1542602072062.jpg (1800x2942, 2.27M)

Are you actually still taking this seriously or are you just shitposting now?

In my case it's because it was a best girl 3x3

And other shit.
You are a girl, right?

>Why are you posting fucking characters instead of posters (so these shows would be easier to recognize).
Because it's not about how easy to recognize it is. It's about variety. And themed 3x3 have been a thing for a long time. And, really, if you've seen an anime, you should also recognize it from its main characters.
And before you complain about some characters not being main characters: If you frequent these threads regularly, you know what shows those are from.

3/4 -NGE +kobato +utena
tsubasa. yes.
spirited away would make more sense on a board that's just movies

what's it matter to you user? I'm not.

Tell me how you can genuinely enjoy natsume? Main character is an ultimate whiny sjw basedboy. As a man I feel strong hatred towards that shit.


Anime: 3/7
Characters: 5/7
Made with one of those shitty "mosaic makers" online that ruins pictures by upscaling. It shows.


1) my masculinity isn't as fragile as yours.
2) I just love shit with youkai.

>As a man

You sound like a teen.

Why isn't Kitaro on there?

art style/character design didn't appeal to me; haven't see it. should I?

explain the 4/8

The guy who directed Mononoke also made a Kitaro adaptation with a very similar art style. It's only 11 episodes.

Oh, actually it wasn't the same guy. I just assumed it was because of the visual similarities and them both being Toei. He did do the OP and ED though.

>explain the 4/8
Just me being generous. Two full points for Utena and Penguinsrum. Close to a full point for Houseki no Kuni. The remaining point (and some fraction) is somewhere between Mushishi, Evergarden and Mononoke. (Like I said, I'm being very generous here.)
Definitely no points for either Full Metal Alchemist or Madoka.

3x3 threads should be renamed to Shallow conversations threads

Make some deep conversation then! Come on, be a rebel!!

I'd agree if Yea Forums had any non-shallow conversations to begin with. Unfortunately it doesn't.

Attached: 3x3 2019 Update.jpg (3264x1898, 2.48M)

>disliking unmanly beta characters = fragile masculinity

that's some really bizarre taste honestly. my top two are mushishi and mononoke, hands down. I normally see disliking Madoka as a decent litmus for having shit taste, but you seem to appreciate Ikuhara's work so I'll respect your takes.

uh, yeah. textbook in fact.

Pretty ironic how you manage to sound like the biggest cuck and least manly person walking the earth right now. Even a trap will come off as more manly than you.

>I normally see disliking Madoka as a decent litmus for having shit taste, but you seem to appreciate Ikuhara's work so I'll respect your takes.
>shit taste
I think you misspelled "reached maturity".

Becasue you said so?

Well, tastes differ. And it's not as if I really disliked anything (well, FMA, somewhat). But Madoka just doesn't stand out postitively for anything it does. Yes, it's relatively daring, but that's it.
I can see why you'd like Mushishi and Mononoke, but neither is my cup of tea. I'd usually not give a point for either, but the combination made me consider giving them half a point each.


appreciating Madoka is "immature", huh. Which one's your board?

Don't forget your daily dosis. We don't want your masculinity to fade. Oh, and please train your jaw muscles and trim your beard.

Attached: 1551158691349.jpg (1500x1500, 71K)

because only a fragile cunt would include "beta" in his vocabulary.

>Madoka just doesn't stand out postitively for anything it does. Yes, it's relatively daring, but that's it
The character writing is really what makes it for me, but we can agree to disagree. Have you watched Rebellion?

underage "connoisseur"

Attached: 3x3.png (1836x1042, 3.88M)

Saying beta does not make you fragile

oh "cunt" big boy from plebbit.
but you are a beta and the word seems to upset you which probably means people call you it a lot

I said cunt look at my serious big boy words

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Hitoribocchi no Marumaru Seikatsu - 03 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_16.33_[2019.04.20_06.15.3 (1920x1080, 251K)

>Have you watched Rebellion?
No, just the series. Is Rebellion much different in narrative style?

sure, bucko.
I'm not the one shitposting on Yea Forums to feel powerful but yeah I bet you're a bastion of cocksure virility irl.

if it hasn't been spoiled for you yet, you should watch it. the narrative twist halfway through is a treat.

Well, okay. May consider watching it if I find the time. Still have some things on my backlog that take precedence.

Because posters aren't aesthetic and often contain text in the image. Key moments from the show look better in a grid.


2/3 (for the "real taste")

>I'm not the one shitposting on Yea Forums to feel powerful but yeah I bet you're a bastion of cocksure virility irl.
thats a yikes from me
it's okay though maybe one day people will stop calling you a beta.

>can't think of a comeback
>I'll just call him a beta again




rate my shit taste

Attached: D0I6tbNWsAEcfU7.jpg (920x920, 197K)

Attached: anime 3x3.jpg (3264x3264, 2.09M)

That Lupin pic looks as if it had gone through half a dozen low compressions.

and here is my manga 3x3

Attached: manga 3x3.png (682x683, 511K)

this is my manga one

also, is based as fuck

Attached: mosaic6b2ed8352925233035a22edfa3030d2165c7fa1f.jpg (920x920, 324K)

first 3x3 to make me consider finishing lotgh hoping it might get good

Attached: 2x2.png (1581x1025, 1.47M)

and manga

Attached: Screenshot_20190219-184448_Gallery365.jpg (1001x1002, 560K)







Attached: entry-level alt 1.png (750x750, 1M)

which ones have you read?

There's three manga 3x3 in there. At least tell me which one you want me to elaborate on. I won't go through every single one of them.


Dragon Ball, partially: Considered giving half a point for it, but it's Z and not the original and besides its historical impact, it hasn't much going for it.
Ping Pong, partially: Not a fan of sports manga. Not a fan of Yuasa's anime adaptation either.
One Piece, dropped about 200 chapters in. Not much to say about that one other than that I lost hope for it when I noticed how much it repeated its formula all the time.

Great taste as always, OP.

Attached: This taste is worse than yours, bye.jpg (920x920, 480K)

don't need a "comeback". The fact remains you are a beta, so theres nothing more that needs to be said

Attached: 1548336724783.jpg (300x168, 8K)

>not omega
Quite offensive, aren't you?

What didn't you like?

this post is all kinds of yikess

Attached: 1541634902038.jpg (300x168, 10K)

>I said it again, all the other anons will definitely see me for the chad I am now

4/5 Not a fan of Frip Frap
2/4 Gargantia and devil were disappointing. Amagi was kyoanis last good show

Attached: 1123581321345589.jpg (1316x1316, 193K)

Keep going beta, and while your at it hold this L

using that pic's probably not very "alpha" of you btw

how mad are you right now? You are just getting trolled retard. but keep trying my dude

Attached: 1551723185739.jpg (180x280, 6K)



not like there's much better to do in this thread since 3x3 threads never actually lead to half-decent discussion. which one's your board anyway?

>not like there's much better to do in this thread since 3x3 threads never actually lead to half-decent discussion.
Not doing anything is better than deliberately shitting up the thread. How many of the 3x3 in here have you rated? You could do that.