Made in Abyss

Why did Tushi decide to narrow the scope of people his amazing art/story can reach by inserting all his creepy fetishes?

This show could have become a worldwide hit but looses 90% of the "normie" audience by inserting all his scat/gore/loli fetishes WITHOUT adding anything to the story. Tasteful nudity and gore can add to a story but here it just seems out of place, like I'm reading a doujin in the middle of a chapter.

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Other urls found in this thread:

inb4 "lol, it's a plebfilter"

I love my wife Nanachi!

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But then it wouldn't have been his magnum opus, true artistry is creating what you want to and not what other people want


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Maybe I’m jaded but it doesn’t seem that bad. The only out of place ones were the shidevator and the bath

>wanting it to appeal to normalfags
>complaining about a joke in a fan translation
Stupid cancer.

Imagine how boring manga would've been if everything was made to appeal to normalfags. The only reason they watched it in the first place was because they got baited by the godly music and pretty visuals. This manga wasn't made for you, so you should stop complaining or stop reading. Let actual fans enjoy it in peace.

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will we see them soon lads? also I wanna know the twins connection to ozen

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I can't even tell what they're looking at.

Prushka smoothie

I couldn't find a decent screencap of riko pissing herself or being molested by the toilet/ almost raped by the villagers.

Ozen sometimes visits Orth because she's the grand and illustrious living White Whistle. The twins saw her some time before they croaked. There's your "connection".

>I couldn't find a decent screencap
When all the manga is freely available online whether you want a scanlation or the official release? Normalfag, please.


>degenerate pedo acts irrationally
Imagine my shock.
This series belongs in a dumpster.


This, but unironically.

>This show could have become a worldwide hit but looses 90% of the "normie" audience by inserting all his scat/gore/loli fetishes
and that's a good thing

It's already boring loli torture porn. Author learned the easist way to disturb normie audience and can't write anything, but cheap forced drama about suffering of underage girls.

What if he did not put any fetishes here and did stuff to freak out or disturb readers and problem is just you and your boner what you blame on author now?

ah yea. im a smooth brain and can’t apply occam’s razor

Good, normalfags ruin everything

I love my wife Moogie

Moogie is a diamond in the rough

She's way too slimy. You'd have to change bedsheets everyday.

such are the labors of love

I'm late to the thread but I love Veko!!

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>mangaka inspired by old school shounen tropes has old school shounen tropes in his manga
Mind blowing, really.

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Lets have some actual discussion, shall we?

What do you guys think the relics actually are? How did they come to be? what determines the grade and "superpower" of a relic?
I would accept "abyss magic" for the high tier ones, but there are also so many that are basically just fancy decorations. (the ones from the second chapter for example)

>actual discussion
What the fuck?

Alien artifacts. A crashed colony ship lies at the bottom of the abyss, the "curse" is just its reactor that is advanced beyond comprehension probably zero-point which runs without intervention as the aliens are all dead. The "cycle" is just the reactor's automatic exhaust/cleaning cycle that is supposed to only happen in space after too much detriment is built up and is devastating when it happens on a planet. Maybe Riko will find some mummified alien pods at the bottom.

>actually are
They are technology from past civilizations, the manga states this.
>how did they come to be
Read the manga to find out.
>what determines grade
Complexity, this is stated in the manga.
What the fuck are you talking about.
>fancy decorations
Their purpose being unknown does not make them just decorations.
This continues to be the worst fan theory I have seen. I would more readily accept no answer than this answer.

I will marry moth!

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So the same theory as one piece? Aliens?
I mean Naruto did it, and it was horrible and for a long running series it's an easy "what a twist" moment at the end but I think tsukushi is better than that.

>mommy issues
>crazy nympho
based user

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Better do it quick or else there wont be anything left to marry. The superior character requires more offerings.

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Realistically the parts Reg already has are enough for the rabbit with change to spare for something big like blessing Mitty.

Would you shut the fuck up?

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Normalfags don't deserve good things. They can read their bugman shounen shit instead.

Considering Riko probably does not outvalue the embodiment of value but a fraction of her body is enough to buy both Nanachi and Mitty.


>embodiment of value
>both Nanachi and Mitty
Can you be a presumptions retard somewhere else?

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I don't remember anyone literally leaking precum out of every hole when they saw either Nanachi or Riko like they did on seeing the bug through the membrane. If your reaction to being challenged with good evidence is M-M-MUH PRESUMPTIONS R-R-RETARD why even pretend like you want to discuss the manga?

I never pretended anything, retard. Starting off your argument with "probably" doesn't make it an argument worth taking note of. You aren't even sure of it so why should I be convinced? Dumb fuck.

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got tired of being banned by moth avatarposting?

Yeah i'd drop the "argument" too but then again I wouldn't be stupid enough to have started it to begin with. That guy ain't me, I only laugh at the moth cuz she's literally cucking herself for best bun. Been that way for fucking ages. I still remember when the chapter came out making her disliked even by her fans, still makes me giggle.

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im not dropping it, you're presenting nothing but vapid ad-hominem, nothing worth replying to.

Then why are you replying?

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>posting a picture of the Yea Forums TL group inserting memes
I fucking wish the rumble of scientific triumph was in the real manga.

You never made an argument to begin with, retard.
Because he is stupid, been over this.

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replying as in engaging with, I forgot I was talking to a lunatic and have to spell everything out.

Wrong bunposter.

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There's only one bunposter.

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There's only one that's in EVERY thread.

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You sassing me boy?

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Just tellin' it like it is.

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Oh I see, your dumbass thinks it's telling me things now. Well let me tell you something then you stupid motherfucker I ain't be here to be being told jack fucking shit. I tell it cuz how I see it is how it is you limey cock sucking little fruit.

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I deeply appreciate that Tsukushi has the bravery and integrity to write straight from the soul in spite of what he surely knows anyone might think of it, refusing to compromise his creative spark and ability to convey it in a way that's as filthy and gruesome and sexual as it is pure, adorable and beautiful. If you tried to "clean it up" like every faggot who's never written anything worth a damn in their lives wishes they could so badly, you'd end up with a heartless, sterilized final product that exists mainly to print money instead of the undeniably unique gem that it is in actuality. He's a true beacon of hope in these dark days of the industry.

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You ever notice how her navel looks like a mouth

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Yeah that's fucking right, big dick is in fucking town and you best not forget.

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And by "her," I meant Riko.
Ironically or unironically posting my art with that comment?

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>my art
I don't see a fucking copyright, faggot bitch. As far as i'm fucking concerned my ass hairs drew that shit. And they didn't a pretty fanfuckingtastic job, no doubt.

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this is true

it just happen to be that the plebs also enjoyed this masterpiece and yet they dare to complain

>he is very brave for being a closeted pedo
He's also brave for not eating salad either, the big fatty :)

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Well I guess I must be fucking blind because I still don't see a fuckmothering copyright on that shit. I mean that has to be it right? There ain't no fucking way you're actually so god damn stupid you would disprove not having a copyright on something by not showing a copyright on it, right faggot?

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because he is a pedophile and degenerate and does whatever he wants

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Aight I see a "copyright" but I don't see any evidence of it being fucking real you lying little shit. And not that it even need be fucking said but there ain't even any evidence you're that poster to begin with. You think everyone else is a blithering retard like you but you gunna learn today. Now you gunna know what genius looks like faggot, you talking to it.

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Are you trying to bait out my trip, or my twitter/pixiv? Just say it straight tsun-bun.

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I don't try anything, retard. If I want something it is given to me before I need to ask for it because i'm not a faggot bitch.

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Clearly not.

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Poor guy wants attention so bad, might as well give him a little.

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>retarded gets confused

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No. Creating what you want does not equal making a magnum opus. If it did, that autist's Sonic comic would be as good as the Mona Lisa. Tushi puts his fetishes in the manga without them having any meaning in the theme or story. This makes it embarassing at worst, and neuter at best. Made in Abyss is good because of the worldbuilding, characters, themes, story. It's not good because of whatever flavour of the week kink Tushi writes, it's good despite of it. And, when a work is good despite something, that something should be deleted.

Uhh user, if you're gunna mess the guys name up maybe don't make it sound like another word.....that word.

Like what? Sushi? Cushi? Toshi?

Those would all be better, yes.

What word then? It can't be cunny since it doesn't even sound similar. That's for sure


Say it out loud user.

I didn't remember the guy's name lmao


I'm esl so i don't know what the proper pronunciation would be to have a less-than-good word

>forgetting things
>when on the internet

say something nice to her

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Don't worry you'll be dead soon.

something nice to her

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Don't forget it's mothers day tomorrow anons! Make sure you have a gift ready for the most important woman in your life!

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ill give your mother something nice don't worry

That's very kind of you user but don't let that get in the way of giving something to your mother as well.

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>meaning in the theme or story.
I'm going to stop you there. Tsukushi is a fucking creep who inserts his fetishes into his work, certainly, and not in the same way tarintino finds ways to express his foot fetish by contrivance. it's really out there.

However, to compare MiA to sonic autism fetish work is the mark of a fucking idiot as Tsukushi masterfully weaves his fetishes into the world of MiA. The abyss is mysterious, gross, dangerous, and cruel framing the world through the eyes of innocent children but also the eyes of the viewer. Riko knows what strange creatures will eat them and how but she doesn't know that an adult tying you up naked is perverted but we do.

with sonic autism you look at it and if you don't have that fetish you're ripped out and say "gross". With MiA that fetish shit is so woven into the world that whether you see it and say "gross" or get a boner you're still enthralled. unless you can't accept that your morals aren't universal even in fiction

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Yeah I see your point. I was mostly counterpointing the other user who said that the fact Tsukushi does whatever he wants with the manga is the mark of a magnum opus.

>Tsukushi is a fucking creep

when you think up, write, draw, then publish something like MiA you're an artist. A pedophilic, sadistic artist with a mind that has machinations so far away from normal that he should almost be feared.

Would you leave your daughter with this man? even if he doesn't give her the ole nick bate do you really think his influence will be anything but horrific?

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why did tsukushi nearly die, again?

I will marry Regu.

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Good op, yeah I find it a little glaring to say the least but he is a weirdo what are you gonna do.

How is this comment not deleted yet? Color me surprised.

Like half an hour and this person has not been deleted and banned? are the regulars on vacation?

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I know there are some anons that would, in hopes that he does.

Good evening Bune.

No shitposting, but i can understand where OP come from. The author have a lot of talent and the manga have a lot of charm and this art style that just draw all the darkness and good things that can be found even in hell. I'm sure if he didn't insert his perverted mind into the manga, it would turn out a huge hit big enough to be immortalized by everyone through manga story.

Yep, but he put built in limiters for his own reasons.

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This user summed up what i wanted to say better. His pedophilic tendencies in the manga is both a curse and a blessing

The idea that when a writer creates a story with "odd" themes in it he is a freak or creepy is one I find arrogant. The idea you are no longer a stranger to a writer after reading their work is ignorant. To judge a person based on their art and not the art itself is distasteful at best and thought crime at worst.
To say you are afraid of Tsukushi because of his thoughts is well, maybe grow some hair on your chest. And to ask me if I would leave my child with a stranger as if that proves Tsukushi is a creep is just asinine. I wouldn't leave my child with you, does that make you a terrible person or does it make you a stranger and me sensible? Be reasonable here user.

However in this case Tsukushi is a weirdo.

ok Mark.

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That's a really shitty quality image.

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There is a difference between calling someone weird and a fucking sadistic creep. And I wouldn't consider him weird, he is inspired and passionate. If that is weird to you then that is you.

Yeah, i didn't notice from the thumbnail.
If you have a higher res copy it would be appreciated.

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im really into shota inguinal creases

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user the average joe does not call astro boy sexy. That is not the norm no matter what you think.

i wouldn't want the average joe to look after my kid either, the average joe is a selfish incompetent asshole.

As much as I agree with you that does not change the fact that Tsukushi is weird. Really weird and needs to go on a diet.

Here you go, I just reverse image searched it and found it on pixiv.

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The average joe doesn't know who astro boy is.


I'll try to not be retarded, and remember that option exists next time.

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Pixiv is really shit for getting your art out there.

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Anyone else get seriously grossed out when anons post sh*tas? Like the idea some of the people ITT might be homosexuals is seriously nauseating.

Let me put it this way the average joe does not say a little kid is sexy this sounds like semantics to me.

These threads always have out of the norm things user. If you don't like it leave.

I love them too.

Better than twitter, at least. Twitter is fucking awful, I hate any artist that exclusively uses it. At least some of them use Privatter which is decent.

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I get 5 times more interactions from twitter than I do pixiv.

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>Using twitter

Liking cute boys isn't gay, user.

Yeah but trying to go through someone's art on twitter is a pain since twitter takes forever to load older posts.

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That's true.

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So, the idea that you can't synthesize an artist's intentions and thus some of their personality through analysis of their work is childishly naive. Art doesn't just magically appear into people's heads with no input from the person's character. Art is a synthesis of experiences, knwoledge, desires, and personality. No normal person wakes up and goes "I'm going to draw a child getting anilingus from a shit eating monster toilet.". That's not "odd" that's insanely strange and disgusting and while that doesn't make tsukushi a criminal or even a bad person it's not a leap to say the machinations of his mind that can synthesize this art is creepy.

Bit of extra advice. don't quote Orwell if you don't understand Orwell. Even if I said "imprison tsukushi because of his drawings" that wouldn't be "thought crime". it'd be the exact opposite as "thought crime" is punishing someone for the notion of an action while making art with your weird fetishes is an action.

Homosexuality is worse then abnormal, its fucking disgusting.
No but you are.


What? There's a thing about consistent writing Riko woke up to take a shit. She's been wanting to take a shit the entire night.

If you aren't the average joe you're a sadistic creep?

mommy is coming back next arc

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>some of their personality
You are judging a person based on a guess through things that can't be said to be directly related to them as a human being because you are a stranger to them.
>not a bad person
Just a fucking sadistic creep then? What is your stance then?

You are judging him as a person not his art. And Orwell did not create the concept of thought crime, Orwell is a hack and I have no intention of quoting him, especially when I haven't quoted him at all.

What's disgusting about cute boys, user?

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Nothing, you are disgusting.


I think you are mixing me up with another user. However I still do think he should be hung.

Not him but homosexuality is in the same ball park as pedophilia so really I get how you feel.


I think this thing is cute, a cute thing.

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What's wrong, getting triggered, user?

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Statistically homosexuality is far worse.

That is my stance. If I went further I would just be banned by the denizens of these threads.

Not triggered, just find you horribly gross.

Yeah to be far fags can be pedos too and they tend to prey on the young and make them fags too, I can see how you feel that way. I'm sure there are more fags then pedos anyways.

Yes my wife is very cute but please dont call her a thing

Why do you want him to be hanged?

Your wife is a thing.

It is not about how I feel, it's facts. Those facts are why I feel how I do.

I have already told you once if I go into the reason I will be banned from here.


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You fear censorship but want someone to die due to a lack of censorship? A hypocrite and a coward?

Yeah I would have to look up the details, from what I hear however most fags are pedos too.

Because he's making something that he wants to make, and that's all. He's not making it because he wants to sell a billion copies or because he wants the mass appeal, he just wants to make it.

He's happy that his mother is happy with him.

I do not "Fear" censorship I merely said what the result of saying my full stance would do.

This is untrue. Most homosexual harm done to minors is due to sadism. I would post an infograph but it gets you banned. Look up the documentary "Boys for sale" on youtube and you can become more informed on this subject.

Will do.

>can't be said to be directly related to them
>creates it, not directly related to him
Art doesn't magically appear in heads,it's a synthesis

>Just a fucking sadistic creep then? What is your stance then?
Being a sadistic creep doesn't make you a bad person. raping children, murdering them, and eating their shit makes you a bad person. A sadistic creep is odd in a way that would cause people unease. Anyone who can think up MiA is creepy but being creepy doesn't make you bad until you hurt people.

>Orwell did not create the concept of thought crime
he literally invented the word "thought crime" and "thought police" for his book 1984. I'd recommend you read it so you don't use the word wrong again or use the word you /actually/ meant.

>You are judging him as a person not his art
I judge his art as amazing. it just doesn't paint a clean picture on him.

You know, now that I think about it, Reg could get his arm fixed in the village.

He could.

Yes and you don't want to get banned, you are afraid of getting banned. And so you fear it. And so you fear the consequences of censorship.

You sure seem to be getting triggered over someone liking 2D images, user.

Fun fact: A lot of real pedos don't care about the gender of children they fuck. I remember seeing some videos where they interviewed some arrested ones, and they care more about the feeling of power of fucking something young than fucking a boy/girl.

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You being disgusting as a human being doesn't trigger me, just grosses me out.

I would only be banned for a few days, it's a minor inconvenience nothing to "Fear".

But he won't because muh plot.

>Fun fact: A lot of real pedos don't care about the gender of children they fuck. I remember seeing some videos where they interviewed some arrested ones, and they care more about the feeling of power of fucking something young than fucking a boy/girl.
Yeah I heard this somewhere else too.

You do not know how much an artist relates to their art in a judge-able way unless you know that person.

This seems like a personal bias. You are creeped out because Tsukushi made a realistic story with things that bother you. Why aren't you creeped out by God then?

Thought crime is two words. I read it when I was 13. He did not create the concept of thought crime. Post a source or stop spouting nonsense.

>paint a clean picture of him
He is a stranger to you user. You do not know him. That is my point. You are judging a complete stranger.

You sure? You seem to be getting really bothered by someone posting images on a image board.

Maybe someone should tweet that at him and see what he says about it.

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>You are judging a complete stranger.
Not him but what is wrong with that.

If it is nothing to fear why do you not broach it then? How about this. What if I told you, you wouldn't be banned? You would post it then yes? Sounds like you're running if anything.

No, just think you are disgusting. Because you are.

Beyond it being ignorant, insensitive, arrogant and dangerous?

user it goes without saying why someone would want a person hanged when they watch naked kids on stream and talk about sexy innocence in regards to children. This is a simple ploy to get me to say he is something in particular and then send the mod for me. It's not going to work.

>Beyond it being ignorant, insensitive, arrogant and dangerous?
What if I don't give a rats ass about being all those things and more?

yeah it's about power and the feeling of tasting something forbidden. A large portion of child molesters aren't even pedophiles in the sense that they love children, quite the opposite in fact.

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Alright, you sure seem to be unable to stop replying though.

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You want to kill a person because of the things they say?


>what if I don't care
Then why are you talking to me?

Just curious on what your weird mind thinks.

Calling something that is gross, gross makes me triggered?

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Because that is what I am compelled to do.

If you care about how I think then you care to begin with. If you do not care that I think you are those things while caring about why I think you are those things then you do care.

Why are you compelled to do?

You can be curious as to what the screaming and thumping is next door without calling the police.

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You need to call the police to care about something?

Burning rage and a desire to punish, revenge. Taking out my frustration and fury on another who I deem below me. Domination of those who I wish horrid pain and suffering on. So yes you could say I am bad, but in that same sense fuck you.

You really can't stop taking the bait, huh? You do realize I'm just using this as an excuse to post Reg images, right?

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me on the left

Why do people have a problem with Made in Abyss again? This series is made for CHILDREN. Literal children, toddlers, read this. Why would it be harmful to them?

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>He did not create the concept of thought crime. Post a source or stop spouting nonsense.
if you say "he didn't create it" you're supposed to post the real creator not go "now prove me right" Also I recommend reading the book as an adult. You seem like you'd like it.

> You are creeped out because Tsukushi made a realistic story
there is no realistic shit eating toilet monsters. even in the laws of the narehate village it makes little sense for someone to become a shit eating toilet and it could be written out like most of the fetish stuff. the annilingus toilet was only there because he found the concept of a toilet monster molesting a child funny (at best) that's a creepy man.
>Beyond it being ignorant, insensitive, arrogant and dangerous?
it could possibly be those things. or it could just be a judgement. He hasn't proved me wrong and children and buttstuff is clearly his muse. so yes, beyond those things what's wrong with assuming the guy's creepy?

You are feeling rather than thinking then?

I just genuinely love them and want to marry one. Nothing to do with any of that.

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That kid is going to have some weeeeeeeeiiiiiiiiird fetishes, I'm saying this from experience.

That does not bother me.

You are the one that claimed he created it though?

Realistic in context of the fiction.
>just judgement
That is literally what judgement of a stranger is.
>what is wrong with judging a stranger
Beyond it being ignorant, insensitive, arrogant and dangerous?

It doesn't bother you that you aren't thinking?

Nah. The way I see it no thinking is necessary, its a "No brainer." as one would say.

Who touched you as a kid user?
Chill the fuck out.

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Well, that was unespected

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Is thinking about it something you are against?

>newfaggot is a mothfaggot

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Veko is so cute bros.
Also, reminder

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I do not remember being touched as a child. I have always had this rage and there are groups that are beneath me.

user, he is just an assblasted moralfag.
Literally one of the worst kinds of hypocrites.

>nothing to contribute to the many conversations happening
You don't even deserve your soon to be dead Veko.

>in context of the fiction.
anything can be realistic in the context of the fiction. Normally when we say realistic we mean themes that wouldn't be out of place in the real world. you know, hence the "real" part. and since everything in the narehate village is alive that means the toilet was either a person who had no other desires besides eating shit or part of the living building and only enthusiastically eats shit cause reasons. all that just for a scene of a child being molested.

>Beyond it being...
yes, this is the second time you posed that question. Even if it is those things it could just as well not be those things if it's even slightly true. for example "this person who thinks of and draws children being molested probably shouldn't be our babysitter" is none of those things to any reasonable adult. Look at nick bate. He was also had pedo and fetish art and had his parents judged him for what he seemed to be. he wouldn't have raped. so what is beyond those things?

I thought about it but really in the end, there is no redeeming them. Into the oven they go.

How is he a hypocrite?

what to nanachi hiccups sound like

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"author is a pedo" discussions is so fucking played out and uninteresting, and the belligerent is perfectly content with his irrational viewpoint, I could join in the fun and start gaslighting him, but what's the point?

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Nono, i just don't have enough moogie.

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>anything realistic in fiction
That's the point.
You think so?

>look at some random
We are talking about a man you judge though he is a stranger. You want to bring a person into this, you already have. I have spoken on Tsukushi. So what is your point? Vague connections and even vaguer conjectures? Foolishness and dangerous implications at best.

You havn't been in these threads that long, you just have zero fucking imagination. Which fits considering your situation.

Granted i've been here for only a little over a year, but that's more than long enough to see the extent of "author is a p*do" bait.

Attached: DnoUkInUcAEyxge.jpg large.jpg (1448x2048, 556K)

>bunfag is back
It’s like the vekofag, berserkfag, and him alternate shifts

They all work together.

You're just lame is all.

because it's so cool to reply to a stupid bait poster and fill up a thread with stupid shit, right? I mean I would know, I do it regularly! But this time, I just want to post my wife.

Attached: DlSew3BUUAYywZb.jpg large.jpg (2048x1931, 257K)

Yeah because posting about how you want to fuck veko for several months is much less boring.


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Moogie art is tragically rare

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Digits show the truth.

Based and abysspilled

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you threw away a lot of points, but I'm going to assume you concede on them.

>That's the point
Okay so your point is that it's "realistic in the context of fiction" but since it can only be "realistic" in the fiction then it's not actually realistic. So your point is that you agree with me and it isn't realistic.

> You think so?
that preforming anilingus on a child is child molestation? yes.

>We are talking about a man you judge though he is a stranger. You want to bring a person into this, you already have
The point is at a glance the child rapist was only distinguished from tsukushi by the fact that tsukushi had talent. If your argument for not judging tsukushi is
>judging pedophilic artists as creeps is always a bad thing

I've countered with a time where judging someone exactly like tsukushi (without the talent) was the right play that someone like you didn't take. people aren't schrodinger's creep. stranger or no if it shows the signs of a creep you reserve it.

Why didn't you answer me in the last thread?

Look it's just a retard ignore him.

>child rapist
Did he rape a child? Yes or no?

for me it is

Attached: DtQ38e5VAAA3yjP.jpg large.jpg (1748x1630, 215K)

Yeah, already called you lame for that bud. Keep up.

I like kids.

I want to experience her tightness.

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Riveting discussion.

Why does Vekobro respond to the faggot shitposter instead of me?

Shut up no one cares.

One who denies reality, and irrationally thinks the world should revolve around his moral compass. He places himself on a pedestal, a superiority complex that involves his perceived moral high ground. He speaks of morals, but would justify killing a man over an emotional impulse, rather than acting like a civilized adult. He does all of this, while denying the fact that he is a degenerate himself. The kind of person who agrees with outright censorship, only if it reinforces his world view. These are the kind of self righteous scumbags that are driving all forms of entertainment into the dirt. Basically, self righteous moralfags are the worst.

>looses 90% of the "normie" audience by inserting all his scat/gore/loli fetishes WITHOUT adding anything to the story
Examples of this?

Why would you respond to a shitposter that gets 140+ posts deleted and banned multiple times? In fact, they get banned so many times they are afraid to get banned again. A coward.

user I know I am not a saint, that is all the more reason I see the unspoken group as so low. They are so low that they are even below me. That is horrific alone.

>proving my point
Okay, I'm done here.

Yes everyone knows you use the report system in a manipulative way. Run off now and play with your loli dolls.

Cognitive dissonance is a hell of a drug.

So is mental illness I guess.

You can say that again. Gee these threads could be the subject of a psychology thesis.

A class on English would be more relevant.

Fuck it why not both.

Extremely based

Not as based as actively having a child to only raise it as a maid and sex slave. As some would say.

Because you are too pathetic to be worth studying for a thesis on anything.

Who cares?

You are being boring again.

What is Wazukyan's tax polcy?

Were you the one asking about smelly cum? I had to go do some shit just now so I didn't see your post. I have no idea man, see a doctor...


>smelly cum


I hope it spreads out of your balls and your dick falls off lmfao.

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i've figured it all out
regposter is riko
bunposter is reg
deadposter is nanachi
vekofag is veko

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Veko has a very low opinion of herself though, so just for recognizing how wonderful and special she is I can't be her.

>ITT: user is in denial

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No, I just think gross things are gross.

22 yo pussy is gross

>no smut tag

How do you like your balls?

[ ] hard
[ ] soft
[ ] squishy

>Creating what you want does not equal making a magnum opus
having your creative process controlled by corporations and public opinion will never produce a magnum opus

Umineko was pretty heavily effected by public opinion, then again that depends on what define as 'public opinion'.

You got to get that prime newborn pusse.

squishy, and if there's 2 there should be good contrast between them, like chocolate and vanilla, and two distinctive flavors that I can go back and forth tasting or squeeze my tongue between both at once to get a medley of boy musk.


Gross. Those are just as wrinkly.

Attached: D6OOHSYUEAAuR8d.jpg (960x1200, 133K)


this, prime c***y is 8-11

Based. Literally couldn't have said it better myself.

Are you ever bothered by the fact you are not very smart?

>YWN be reborn as a kitchen rag hollow

Attached: 1522272157322.png (241x241, 70K)

Good taste. It really is.


>He wouldn't pull the little frucker out and wrap the umbilical cord around it's neck then shove it back in head first and thrust it all the way back into the bitches gash.
Can't fix shit taste.

Which boy is squishier?

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Regu, Mark's beaten body is full of scar tissue.

Why is he so obsessed with loli scat?

Good, normalfags need to be put in their place by being forced to realize that this hobby was never meant for them. Learn to take a hint and get the fuck out.

>low quality bait thread is going to bump limit instead of 404'ing

At least people derailed it into becoming a legit thread about the series instead of only caring about OP's retardedness.

Summer comes early every year user.
Would maybe also help if the mongoloids complaining about the thread being up knew how to sage posts.

What a madman

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these are hardly all of them
its needs to be 9x9 at least

Some of these panels can cover several fetishes at once.

>Prushka breasts

>the only characters who are shown taking shits are little girls
Really makes you think

>missed the whole flashback

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it's just me and you now

how ever will we pass the time?

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Hopefuly one of you will go to the other and commit murder suicide.

Attached: c.jpg (442x365, 32K)

>This show could have become a worldwide hit but looses 90% of the "normie" audience by inserting all his scat/gore/loli fetishes WITHOUT adding anything to the story.

You're looking at it all backwards. Think of how many fellow scat/gore/loli fetishist he's awakening by hiding it in a compelling story.

Shit thread, might delete the MEGA later, idk

What MEGA?


Attached: abyss.jpg (3400x2400, 2.91M)

>necrobumping blogposters

go back to your invisionfree powerboards, dumb 30 yo boomer


Somehow I am not surprised that Aoki Ume has a sufficiently high power-level to appreciate MiA.

Attached: Aoki Ume.jpg (1600x1200, 590K)

She's cute, isn't she? Too bad she doesn't like loli piss too much.

Please do.

The chapter is done.

He is back.

Attached: quest.png (1366x768, 1.25M)

what is my king doing in a cave

Looks like he needs help navigating through the cave systems and he needs YOUR help to get out.

The question is about red tea and their smell/taste or something. My Chinese is bad. I'm going to get him killed.

he really sounds like he needs a hug/fug

In a cave nobody will know what you're doing.

>What does the "pekoe" in "black tea orange pekoe" mean?
>A: young leaves
>B: leaves with good aroma

I will...

Attached: E30.png (204x140, 19K)

Normal people don't produce good art. I don't want him to be my babysitter, I want him to draw manga for me to read. Two vastly different jobs.

He made it!

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those little throat clears have me hard as diamond

Mess with the Veko and you get the Pekoe?

紅茶 is a weird translation. I have a tin of 紅茶 next to me and the English text on it says "black tea". But it's actually red tea. It's even red when you brew it.

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Do you have any fucking clue where you are?
No "normal" person would allow anyone who browsers Yea Forums anywhere near themselves, much less their children.

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eh he he~~

When the manga is done, you can have (((Hollywood))) acquire the IP, sanitize it to your liking and inject enough DIVERSITY into the resulting adaptation to turn it into a fetish pit of another kind.

You retards really don't understand why MiA is as good as it is. Do you?

Do you think when Ragu gets to the town with the parts, that everyone in the village will turn apeshit and try to swarm him like zombies, giving him no choice but to kill them all and fulfill the moths wish?

Yes, although I don't belive Reg has what it takes to kill the villagers.
As in he doesn't have the guts to cleanse them.

All have hits inevitably turn to shit.
Fuck off normalfag.

This is what people who enjoy sarazanmai think.

It's fucking creepy, objectively. they're like 8.

More like 8/10

Attached: personally i like it.png (533x941, 314K)

Don't talk to me or my balls EVER again.

Agreed, we really need a scene with Reg taking a shit.

So pages from the manga are getting deleted now? Well, at least they're decent enough not to ban for not breaking the rules, which has happened more than once by now.

Attached: uhh.png (316x416, 178K)

Fuck off, MiA wouldn't work if it was distilled and watered down to cater to your moralfag feelings.

Attached: img000005.png (1128x1600, 815K)

welcome to I've had Veko pics that weren't even showing anything changed to spoiler because there was a little too much skin showing I guess...

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How many rounds of dicking do you take from the mod team on average in any given week?
Most people would just have been removed by now.

Creating something without being restrained by public opinion is how you create a mangum opus, it does mean literally every creative work that is not restrained is automatically one.

How did lyza get her notes on the giant deer monster (the one that got lasered by big daddy) get to ozens base camp? How would it even go from the sixth to idofront?

i only had one post removed from this thread and that was apparently even spoilered twitter links to nsfw are worth deleting now.

>pandering to my pedophilia isn't as bad as pandering to diversity xd

Nice double standards bro, how about we have none and just a good story?

You misunderstand, I was asking how much of your body you have sold to the mod team to not get 3 month vacations almost every single thread you post in.

Maybe someone saved the image, but there's a hole in the waterfall going from the 6th to the 5th. Tsukushi drew it in one of his streams. Lyza just made a ton of notes and flew them up. One of them made it through.

heil checked and what do you mean? I'm not even that bad. There are far worse regulars on this board and in this thread in terms of shitposting and low quality content, I don't even have the market cornered in lewdness.

Attached: policeveko.jpg (644x473, 58K)

Found it myself in the archives because I remembered the exact quote from the post.

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Also how has nobody in the value village talked about lyza yet? She's been there before she sent her notes with her whistle to the camp. (Still don't understand how it got through all those layers)

False equivalence. Tsukushi isn't pandering to anyone but himself.

I was assuming you were the veko avatar poster.
And if that is the case, then calling yourself "not even that bad" is an insult to the English language.
Because while there are worse faggots on this board as a whole, you're definitely one of the most insufferable cunts to be a regular itt. At very least you seem to have moments of clarity every so often where either the medicine is kicking in, or even you find the constant act you put up to be insufferable.
Not that I'm any better my self I imagine, but at least I don't run around keeping dead threads bumped and spam images of my waifu everywhere.

And that's exactly why it manifests as a good and unique story, he doesn't write to achieve broad appeal which will inevitably turn a story into a generic pile of cliches, it stays fresh and unpredictable because he writes from the heart and his incredible art wraps it all together perfectly.

Attached: c75b81dc6ef4eb42ef9f0636e4ef2c72.jpg (1200x848, 434K)

Well, reality does not agree with your prognosis, as I have relatively few spats with mods. You're experiencing a psychosis, possibly because you're off your meds again, lunatic-user.

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I do agree and on the other hand I think that outer stress and pressure is what drives a lot of creative thinkers. Most of them are dropouts of society, heavy drinkers and what some would consider losers but its their choice.
A little bit like Zizek with his critique of ideology. You have to put the grasses on and it is painful to really be free. It is a hard choice to be free and create.
I would also say that Tarkowski describes the idea of art really well.
I would also argue that it depends on the person. Not everyone can become a creative genius, not everyone will achieve a magnum opus. Some might and they will never be seen by the publics eye, they will be lonely and forgotten.
Some create with their own free will but it will just turn out being shit. It has to be the right person at the right time.

The notes were in the letter with her whistle that Ozen sent up to the surface.
Ozen found the whistle and blazereap at her "grave" that Reg made. So obviously Reg took them up with the whistle and the pickaxe. At least to the 4th layer.

Lots of buns in this thread today this is very good. Also new chapter this month? Been hearing rumors that we should be expecting another chapter on the 30th.

No that's called hedonism

You don't know what that means.

the 8th volume is due to come out on may the 30th so yes, pretty likely.

Are you retarded ?

Attached: 1557068330630.jpg (719x852, 107K)

Dead space?

That wasn't me, retard.

You realise I'm not who ever you think I am. Right?
Also, you pointing out that you get into very few spats with the mods despite doing something that would get almost anyone perma'ed isn't really the strongest of defences against my accusation of you whoring out your asshole to the mods.

again with the 1488 dubs? What specifically have I done that you think would result in me getting perma'd? Genuinely curious, if I have any benefactors on the moderation team I am unaware of them.

Man he's just a fucking idiot don't ask him things, he has no clue.

>inserting your sexual fetish into your work purely for self gratification is not hedonism
Keep coping losers

Would being 26 years old still qualify as being a "kid"?

He is on the record as saying everything in the work is there because it makes sense to be, and he likes that kind of stuff. Does the fact you have to take a shit every day or so make God a hedonist?

What do you think?

Attached: 1539981447454.jpg (1332x992, 344K)

Does what you just posted make any sense to you?

>implying an author is a hedonist for writing parts of himself into his story
That makes almost every author a hedonist. Kafka is therefore a hedonist for the metamorphosis - working out his psychological madness by writing it on paper. That obviously implies that we know why he wrote that.

Who is this cute boy???

Without going into too much detail, I know that much lesser offences can land you 3 month vacations. And since you combine many of the things previous anons have been send to the shadow realm for. Logic then dictates that you would necessarily receive a harsher punishment.
Could be that I'm the one off my rockers in this. Also, the things about you having a "benefactor" is mostly a joke. It's just really strange that they let you get away with it is all.

>every author includes their sexual fetish in their work
Maybe read more than Twitter porn strips

>read more than the highest form of art

>adding a few things you personally enjoy into your own work is the same as endlessly pursuing pleasure over anything else
Just admit that you simply think it's gross like the other faggots in this thread.

The part about him having said something? Yes I would hope that is easy to understand. If you mean my comparison to God making sense then also yes, if you are having trouble following my logic you could ask for an explanation. Rolling around in disbelief at the idea someone said something you don't understand doesn't help anyone least of all yourself.

>cannot separate work from sexual gratification
>this is not hedonism because I saw so
Why are you so desperate to prove this hedonist is a gud boi

>just get your posts deleted bro
Woah dude yeah tip top idea brah.

I'm really just not that bad. Posting images on an image board is expected, and adulating my waifu on a board where the word waifu itself scores over a million results on desuarchive if that is not a big enough indicator of the cultural aspect is par the course, and I only do it in threads devoted specifically to waifus as well the original source material thread which serve little other purpose when chapters come out like 4-5 times per yr. If the mods are not outright deleting threads like this for happening outside of that release schedule, it's safe to assume /almost/ anything goes as long as it's MiA related... for now anyway. Hell, 1/3rd of the posts here or more are meta/author/completely unrelated to MiA shitposting, at least Veko is MiA. I see no reason to single me out.

It could also be that mods simply don't want to read my enormous blocks of text when they are reported..

Either way, Veko!

Attached: DWoe4ilVMAAp3fM.jpg large.jpg (1894x2048, 712K)

If you know what doesn't make sense why try act high and mighty about it?

That's not what I said at all.

You're singled out the same way retards are singled out for special education.

>Hedonism is a school of thought that argues that the pursuit of pleasure and intrinsic goods are the primary or most important goals of human life.
Explain how adding sexual content to a story necessarily means that you subscribe to this idea. The simple act of partaking in pleasure is not hedonism.

If nothing else, it seems we can agree to disagree.
I do appreciate that you at least keep spamming images that is related to MiA, instead of goats or meta memes.

>not apealing to a normie audience is something bad

Attached: 1527189434605.png (500x485, 252K)

It almost seems like you're trying to gaslight me here by insinuating that the kind of posting I regularly do warrants a perma, I will admit I have earned more than a few three-day trips out the door in my career but I like to think I've learned from them. I refuse the notion that adoring Veko in a thread full of this kind of shitposting is such reprehensible behavior.

Attached: E1800.png (329x209, 54K)

>bunfag is back
Huh, never thought he'd get unbanned. Looking forward to several weeks worth of absolute shit.

Attached: 1537754334309.png (500x421, 166K)

>how does including sexual content in every aspect of your life including your work suggest you think pleasure is the most important thing in life.
I wonder

>I wonder
No you fucking don't, retard.

>every aspect of your life
Yeah, you never knew what you were talking about. Now you're just fumbling about trying to save face.

>save face
>when he's faceless

His face when.

Attached: i am a huge faggot please rape my face.jpg (353x438, 102K)

Haha trolled! His actual face when.

Attached: 1534317984041.jpg (613x600, 58K)

Why is your filename a heart?

Look at that Regu and tell me you didnt dokidoki.

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Why is an artist obligated to go for mass appeal? Why do you people think you're being done some disservice because it alienates normalfags?

Tsukushi is quite clearly motivated to write about his fetishes. In the same way George RR Martin is or even Tolkien. They craft whole worlds to cosmic levels of detail so the elements of the stories they value most make sense in the universes they take place in. Tsukushi is doing the same thing to tell a story that allows him to explore his fetishes as well as other obsessions he has that show up in the imagery of the series. If Tsukushi were not given a platform to explore this, this story would not exist at all. Yet people seem to think he should have retroactively removed those elements of the story JUST so they can tell their friends about this super cool dark fantasy story from Japan? How self entitled are some of you?

"Waaaaah peoplem think I'm weird when I talk about the dark loli guro cartoon, he should have made riko 18 years old and not written at all about the bodily functions of a characters even though they would matter a lot in the context of the story about adventuring into a lovecraftian wilderness. None of that matters because IT MAKES ME UNCOMFORTABLE."

Pathetic. If you don't like it don't read it. If you're friends don't like it, find better friends.

Because i am going to marry the shotabot

Attached: __regu_made_in_abyss_drawn_by_rua_pixiv292244__27ebbe85075d75d5467667979c97c81c.jpg (579x819, 211K)

>b-b-but muh normalfag appeal!
Nah fuck off. Just accept that not everything is meant for you.

I hope so, for his own sake.

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Good posts!

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>only seven years
Gotta step it up senpai.

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Where can i buy this

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I don't think he sells them. Tsukushi has a few, though. Maybe they're very expensive/custom made.

Attached: DkZ2imnVAAIRJvy.jpg (1536x2048, 1.47M)

>buying a wallet when you never leave the house

>why is an artist obligated to go for mass appeal?
They aren't. And it's a good fucking thing they aren't.
As you said yourself, only entitled faggots think otherwise.

I need something to carry my valuemoneys when I go to the market, sosu.

Is the joke here that moth never goes into the village?

Art is just expression of the soul, if your expression means putting every fetish you have front and center for everyone to see then it just means you're a degenerate weirdo.
Theres nothing special about him just because he, without any shame, throws in his shallow and hedonistic desires into a fairly decent story.

>Art is just

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Cool post, you tackled everything i said and destroyed it

Attached: 1534089858535.png (585x633, 338K)

Yeah I know. Next time be smarter.

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2nd movie is in 5 days. Anybody going?

What can a no-one like you who have not even the most impertinent speck of artistry have any right to decide the means to become an artist, let alone critize them of their work? You are a no-one, to a thousand people. You're not intelligent, you just have an internet connection. You can't draw for shit.
>moralfagging art
Lol, go build a farm somewhere else like the edge of your country and read and preach your favorite dialogue of "The Great Replacement" on your hugbox because you're no different than the social j warriors who think of themselves or their bodies as 'artwork' whilst blaspheming their creator out of envy, hate, and greater manipulation you're not even aware of.
Art doesn't need politics - it only needs its creator, like the Great Creator who made all - all which only heeds to only one rule (regardless of 'man-bound' morality etc) which all things created fall eventually.

If the only reason you make creative works is to exrpess your fetishes then you are just a shallow, self indulgent fool.
Maybe even the masses can realize this and its why they avoid it like the plague, that when an artist begins to shoehorn and insert every sexual desire of his just for the benefit of himself or for what ever other retarded reason they can come up with, this is where a story loses its charm and just becomes circle jerk material for people who are inclined to like said fetishes.
An artist doesn't even have to appeal to the masses but if the only way they plan to do that is with loli, vore, piss fetishes or other weird shit that most regular people wouldn't admit publicly liking, then maybe you should reconsider making a story and rather just make porn.

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bun, moth, reg, riko all in one chapter
just imagine

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retard, sperg, toaster, and potato in one chapter just imagine

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wolf-kun in a chapter, just imagine

Attached: D6I-5YzUYAU_3Rn.jpg (1200x847, 241K)

this is the end game of the majority of fantasy. if you dont like 'aliens' then pretend its 'elves' or 'the gods' or whatever. the point is it was made by people that arent like you. its not like there can be a rational/natural explanation for MONSTER SPAWNING HELL PIT.

Who did the raping?

Was it the human huntsman on the female wolf? Or the male wolf on the female human?

Hard pass.

You can't just say that your fictional hell pit is natural to that fictional world? What if the answer to the secret of the abyss is it's just there because. No one put it there, its like any other pit, it just happens to be big and have monsters.

>brainlets are too shallow to understand the concept of Dark Fantasy genre
>brainlets can't remember Horror shows existed in like almost forever before you were fucking born
>"hurr guro loli suffering bad"
>senseless and confusing horror "verdict:acceptable"
>ITT: brainlets are too shallow to understand the concept of Dark Fantasy genre
It's like you're trying to be a good at Lincoln-Douglas but you forgot to zip your fly.
>thinks stories should always appeal to the reader's comfort zone = low IQ bait

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Legitimately surprised no one @'ed Tsukushi with these yet...

Attached: Vuelo Eluko.png (202x400, 63K)

But MiA is High Fantasy though....

Attached: 1536600568064.gif (260x391, 226K)

>Why did Tushi decide to narrow the scope of people his amazing art/story can reach by inserting all his creepy fetishes?

Because it appeals to me.

Attached: 1556271192093.jpg (900x1200, 190K)

something something yearning of children.

Attached: 1520519619525.jpg (1106x1107, 998K)

isnt it just a fucked up rabbit

I hope my king goes back to making weekly videos. The monthly live videos are alright, but I have no idea what's going on because I don't know Japanese.

No it's a monkey.

Attached: 1526180606547.png (288x200, 86K)

What does a 1 year old tweet has to do with him? You can tweet it at him yourself.

He's too stupid to know how to.

>This entire thread

Attached: 1536568815204.jpg (494x434, 135K)

In this thead, the anons aren't alright. Also 2nd movie in 5 days.

How big is Regu's penis?

Average, if it wasn't Riko would have commented on it.


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The boy had BETTER NOT be anticipating 13 Sentinels in order to spend days upon weeks immersed in a bizarre conspiracy story of people glowing in the dark everywhere

Attached: 1554766610530.jpg (1109x1200, 110K)

Or what?

Attached: 1535364342231.png (482x673, 525K)

I warned you about the curse bro. I told you dog.

I don't think he has even started Fallout 76 yet. If anything, he'd be playing Sekiro first.

What is he up to?

Attached: D6EmK64XsAYiiCB.jpg:orig.jpg (1638x2048, 756K)

>you should reconsider making a story and rather just make porn.
Yeah he should just make porn.

Probably music for that Bones / Netflix show Eden.

>ooga booga me faputah
Every time.

I wonder if the next chapter will be a short one or if it'll look rushed because of the multiple hospital visits (like 10 days all added up) and the trip overseas.

I want chapter 52! I want chapter 52! I want chapter 52! I want it I want it I want it I want it I want it I want it I want it I want it I want it I want it I want it I want it!~ I want it I want it I want it I want it I want it I want it I want it I want it I want it I want it I want it I want it I want it I want it I want it I want it I want it I want it I want it I want it I want it I want it I want it I want it I want it I want it I want it I want it I want it I want it~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!

Attached: yes!yes!yes.jpg (1178x1300, 181K)


Attached: 1522567594987.png (670x617, 363K)

What a retard.

So why was that chick sealed in some trash heap? How did she end up such a pervert?

>no riko
Who fucking cares?

So she wouldn't kill herself. Because she is desperate for affection.

Has Reg sniffed her hairy armpits yet?

Okay user, what's an example of something that isn't boring?

No, Reg is only aggressive with Nanachi because of Nanachi's blessing. Otherwise Reg is a beta who would call her irredeemable in a nano-second.

marvel movies

ironically so, all replies are this.

But she has the blessing too, doesn't she? Or is it specifically because Nanachi is a furry that Reg's tiny robot dick gets rock hard?

>OP asks a question about the author but his image points at something a translator did

Attached: 1554916887679.jpg (538x960, 42K)

No she does not have the blessing of the curse of the abyss. Nanachi's blessing is specific yes, and is what causes Reg to become inappropriate.

I'm sorry OP, I don't understand your image, I think it needs a few more circles and arrows to guide me in the right direction.

Liars burn in hell for eternity, user-kun.

is Ume 26? i don't buy it

I want a baby goat!

I want to eat a baby goat.

I want a crossdressing maid boi

See it like this user
you are getting 2 (manga and doujin) for the price of one. You don't even have to go to nhentai after reading it.

I want (you) dressed like a crossdresser maid baby goat.

I want to be a baby goat


Attached: 1555667551758.jpg (400x472, 26K)

Goat tastes good from what I hear.
Go to bed Ozen.
Queer as fuck.
You are all right in my book.

Lamb is better, but it depends on what you do with it, who your butcher is and the life the animal lead. But I am sure you know all that.

Now I want Lamb.

I am surprised there is ever a time a person does not want lamb. It is divine.

Im drunk of sherry now so that could esplain things.

Is the goat tranny back?

You don't need to be drunk to want amazing food.

Go chat on discord. Not here.

because he's a pedophile
literally a ticking time bomb
if the mangaka pedophile ring didn't collectively throw Nobuhiro under the bus, they would've all been thrown in jain that day

Go chat on Yea Forums. Not here.

You can't post that here man you will get banned!

>I want it I want it I want it I want it I want it I want it I want it I want it I want it I want it I want it I want it!~ I want it I want it I want it I want it I want it I want it I want it I want it I want it I want it I want it I want it I want it I want it I want it I want it I want it I want it I want it I want it I want it I want it I want it I want it I want it I want it I want it I want it I want it I want it
un-zips pants.

Prove that "he" left.

Fuwa fuwa mofu mofu, Nanachi sumeru!

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Since when is Yea Forums normie central?

Cute bun!

Attached: D6V4w-aWkAEGV1Y.jpg (851x1037, 81K)

Bun with round glasses looks like a fuckin' nerd. I love it.
I gotta buy some and make my wife wear them.

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Attached: E19.png (205x269, 44K)

I think he hates us guys

Attached: Capture.jpg (640x278, 21K)

Why do you bother posting obvious fakes like this?


No, that would mean Ume was 26 when Dead Space came out. She said she saw it as a kid.

Good thing I can't read moon runes

Hey wtf I'm the one who edited this image and added this arrow. Shared it on some MiA discord server.

This. Fuck the brain-dead masses.

Attached: 0roefytc6ss11.jpg (300x577, 16K)

>op is a discordnigger
imagine my shock

Attached: x1110.png (192x434, 63K)

I actually looked for it on the server and didn't find it so I probably originally posted it on discord.

I'm not OP btw, OP reused my image and there's thus only evidence they browse Yea Forums.

I use discord for the MiA coloring group.

originally posted it on Yea Forums
not discord fuck

And Reddit. I can tell by that autistic spacing.

That's right I also use reddit! Are you also going to talk shit about our colored chapters, user?

Yes, it's shit. Now go shill your crap elsewhere.

There's only 2 competent colourers. One of them was a guy from here (I don't think he's around any more outside of 2017), and another is a Mexican I follow on Twitter. I don't think either of them work for your group.

No one cares about it, fuck off back to shiddit and stay there.

Attached: tard.png (215x135, 24K)

Now you got my curiosity can you link me to their work?

>bumplimit reached

Attached: bumpbun.png (654x526, 225K)

I have something cool saved for the next thread. Remind me to upload them in the next thread, please.

What about this one?

Attached: made_in_abyss_narehate_village_by_teasmacker-dbvs9u9.jpg (1024x576, 139K)

Thread in abyss.

Some of the pages from the colouring chapters could be good, don't get me wrong. But because it's a group effort some of the stuff is inconsistent, and I don't agree with the colouring schemes for some characters. If the whole thing was coloured by one single person and by someone I like the work of, that would be different. One of the coloured panels from inside the ship was a good one.

I'm so lonely, bros.

Why bro?

No idea. Just a feeling.

Have you tried getting drunk?

Drinking only dulls the pain for so long. It's better to feel something than nothing at all. Although the preferred feeling would be love and happiness.

Good job everyone! lets do our best next time.

Maybe try drinking before thinking it over, that usually helps me.

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that's a big peen for a little boi

What country is it illegal to draw this?

Reminder that because of what Prushka did she is guaranteed to not only make it to the bottom with Riko but also be in the story till the very end.

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