Dragon Ball Super

Reminder that he's the second strongest mortal after Jiren, btfo'd Gokek and one-shotted Hit.

Attached: second strongest mortal.png (781x1797, 1.01M)

Other urls found in this thread:

rule34.paheal.net/post/view/2279539#search=broly caulifla


Jiren is weaker than Broly and Moro.


No shit.

Enter CHADren.

Attached: 1556496439954.jpg (735x987, 65K)


>Gimmick goat that only counter saiyans and get mating pressed by raw strength and jobber monkey that'd get one shot by Jiren

>zero arguments and spic-canon
Taco accepted.



Attached: 4a7d5a204bae021370deca3358bc297cde462327_00.gif (320x178, 520K)

Cope as you are commanded, conceded as you are ordered, and KNEEL as all pets must.

Keep telling yourself that, Jose.

is his nipple permanently erect or something?

CHADS of the Galaxy

Attached: 51548246_120300212406027_1282272808409325122_n.jpg (800x1000, 70K)

>Jobly MIGHT be stronger than Jobrus
>CHADren is already confirmed stronger than Jobrus

Eternal reminder

Attached: 1-3.jpg (1056x1500, 233K)

>Bejita-sama... This lowly saiyan humbly begs his one and only prince to please kiss his wife. I know she is not as perfect as Bulma, but this lowly saiyan hopes the great Bejita-sama will find some way to enjoy it nontheless. Chichi told me that if she does not receive a kiss from you, there will be no food for me. Please, your royal highness Bejita-sama, find some mercy in your heart and rid my wife's lips of their virginity for me!

Attached: 1553276843539.png (821x658, 1.56M)


Attached: h87.jpg (550x512, 57K)

Attached: 1529751771818.jpg (800x800, 415K)

Shes very small. I bet Jiren's 2 footer would split her like a watermelon

Attached: jirens dong.jpg (980x558, 50K)


Jiren is a dickless faggot.

>m-muh spics

alien horse cock

Attached: 10943222.jpg (761x433, 36K)

Words I’ve filtered:
Chad portmanteau’d with any character’s name
power level

>doesn't deny it
Pathetic crossboarding underage shitposting newfag.

>ad hominem
>still no arguments

What a pathetic little bitch you are.

>still doesn't deny it

How about Pan?

>n-no u

>Filtering a season
Cringe and pathetic.

Thought about filtering her but I haven’t seen that poster around recently

d o g posting is great though.

Filtered ;)

That's right, run away little pussy.

Of course not, CSSB is a fan term we use to differentiate between the SSB that uses its "explosive power" only at the beginning of a battle and the SSB that can use it all time but both are still called SSB because both are SSB.
Animefags only use CSSB more often because that way they can pretend the manga introduces more forms above SSB like the anime does (see ), otherwise they should be forced to accept movie's strongest form is the same as the manga, just SSB (not SSBE like in the anime)

Attached: D1YpM-rV4AA_u4x.jpg (1576x2048, 653K)

>he literally comes to blank threads to cry about his filters
I bet you're fat and have no friends.

You never learn

Attached: 1557535249731.png (832x968, 699K)

Did your superior master ask for your input, PET?

>Shitrenspic can't even read

based sonybro

No filter is strong enough to stop him

Attached: 1550175852441.jpg (1280x720, 104K)


Its done and next you retard


Go ahead and run away, Paco.

>newfag thinks he can shitpost with the big dogs


>tfw you're no longer the strongest

Attached: y.jpg (1280x720, 66K)

>literally admitting that he's a shitposter
Jirenffags are truly the most cancerous faggots in these threads.

>making shit up

>>newfag thinks he can shitpost with the big dogs
Bitch Im the founder of NEXT and DONE

Well that's obvious from the start

>thread JUST started
>everyone is already seething over CHADren

Attached: 1536760890761.jpg (724x1024, 120K)

>All these filtered posts

Attached: 9d8b7acb696b2b87e9b34e5788d55bec.jpg (240x145, 7K)

>lying like a little cunt

>Make a thread
>Jobly fags start shitposting
What did you meant by this?

I remember when Tory cocksuckers were unironically defending this design until it came out it was a joke

Queeren the Gay. As soon as you hear this cunt's voice, you can instantly picture him. A gelatinous, mongrel ayy, almost a bastardized joke on the Ginyu Force made physical. He literally looks like propaganda warning against the impending alien invasion from the 1950s. This dumb, ugly fucking spacebeaner is constantly incorrect about predictions, bragging about how he'll beat Son Goku (then throwing a tantrum and trying to kill his friends when he jobs) or else jerking himself off across Universe 11. He genuinely thinks he’s a big shot, you are literally some fat fucking gayylmao who talks about (((absolute strength))) to a fanbase of 10 year olds. You are fucking nothing. Fat fucking ayy retard

Attached: 20190410_214207.jpg (407x543, 115K)

I hope he'll appear again in the future.

>Gimmick goat that only counter saiyans
>only saiyans
What the fuck are you talking about juanrenfag? Moro can succ EVERYONE, majins are the only exception. The only way to have a chance against Moro is fulfill one of these 3 requisites
>be at least SS3 tier or above, able to sense ki and the kind of guy that insta-kills threats as soon they are remotely close to your planet
>be at least SS3 tier or above and a majin
>be at least SS3 tier or above, a god and know the Kai Kai Matoru technique
Jobren is no majin, no god, knows no techniques except flying and ki spamming and there's no evidence for him being able to sense energy (and even if he knew he's still a retard that didn't eliminate people until the last 5 minutes of the ToP so Moro would have plenty time to SUCC him), he has no chance against Moro.

Attached: Moro's power.png (644x558, 389K)

>Using points


Truly, Jirenchads have really mind-fucked every weak faggot around. They see the boogeyman Jiren in every poster they don't like


Stop filtering me, faggot.

>posts a gyno riddern roid-head try-hard cuck cosplaying

God I want Bulla to dominate me so much

Attached: 1494627076699.png (194x196, 96K)

Post characters that are stronger and more popular than Shitren.

Attached: 6986.jpg (640x480, 21K)

Nice headcanon now get out of my thread

>Exist beyond the multiverse
>the most powerful beings in the series, no other above them
>Can manipulate space and time at will
>have an elevated state of mind that not even GoDs were able to achieve
>Can manipulate life itself
Why the hell Toriyama made the angels so god-like while the actual gods are a bunch of goofy aliens and fucking fruits?

Attached: Strongest being in all existence.jpg (739x415, 27K)

>n-no don't use a precise and objective way to measure the fight!! I wanna use my spic headcanon

If Broly keeps this up he's going to fill the planet with green saiyan offsprings.

Attached: 1557590430201.jpg (1280x1844, 609K)

Make me


Oh wait, this fucking trash character doesn't even have an sh figurarts. Discarded just like the fat fuck Chumpa one

Attached: 770493.jpg (490x781, 51K)


>grown up playing with fucking toys
This is your typical retarded brolyfag

Wow, Shitrenspics really can't read.

Jiren with mastered Ultra Instinct, he'd wipe the floor with Grand Padre.
Also aren't GoD's just folks that are strong and Zeno gave Hakai to?


Attached: UI-LESS angels are garbage.png (1350x970, 589K)

They're backdoor characters. He doesn't have an idea for them yet, but when he comes up with a new powerful enemy he'll retcon them to make that enemy make sense.
English translation when?

Is Son Goku the Lucifer?

>Thought about filtering her but I haven’t seen that poster around recently
No, me either. Although don't be too hasty user, I thought of that user as someone with an incredible wealth of insightful knowledge relating to D B G T.
Also, not to mention, that anons humble demeanor.

>grown up watching Dragon Ball

Attached: 04e328b93c5da7e3a190b14f6a8b4ae3.jpg (329x260, 23K)

GP is so cute.

If Jiren is so strong how come his family and master are still dead
You know how many times Goku has brought back his family and master from death? At least twice

To subvert expectations I guess, it's kinda boring when the gods are like the mortals but omnipotent, gracious etc etc, gods with defects and weaknesses are far more interesting, then you add angels and they are actually elegant and marvelous and better than the gods they serve, it's funnier that way

Attached: angel Makkora.jpg (1200x805, 85K)

Because he's a little bitch.

His universe don't have dargon balls.

>literal edits
shut the fuck up

>grampa gohan

>Why the hell Toriyama made the angels so god-like while the actual gods are a bunch of goofy aliens and fucking fruits?
Because it's funny *raffs*

Why doesn’t he go get some


Post characters who, unlike Shitren, have beaten Goku.

Attached: teamwork.png (750x425, 323K)

He didn’t want to come back, and even then, Goku got to have one last match to surpass him


Attached: Jiren 7 - Keku 1.webm (500x276, 1.24M)

>admits the fight is over
You forgot the patch of grass on the left of my lawn

Attached: Admits it.jpg (720x393, 142K)

You keep saying that but you never post any sources that say jobren is stronger than Beerus, when did Toriyama state that?

>more strawmanning

>what is battle tactics from a sagacious and experienced fighter
>wins anyway

Why are you asking a headcanoning spic for evidence?

Dogster Roshi
Dogdroid 17
Dogdroid 18
Dogter Gero
Dogjin Buu
Future Dogunks
Dogku Black
Future Dogma
Doglic Jr.
Dogter Wheelo
Dog Slug
Meta Dogler
Dogdroid 13

Attached: 1553319525181.png (1388x1050, 1.47M)

How fucking NEW are you?

Attached: Dare I say.... OH NO NO NOOOO.jpg (1995x2011, 859K)

Strange looking girl

>Also aren't GoD's just folks that are strong
Yep, they are just angels who were made immortal because they are the strongest beings in their respective universes
> Zeno gave Hakai to?
No, its a technique they learn from either the previous GoD or from their angel
>it's kinda boring when the gods are like the mortals but omnipotent, gracious
I disagree since that the whole thing about deities
>gods with defects and weaknesses are far more interesting
Kinda but he barely explores the GoDs anyway, at best he could've given those personalities to the angels and have them as the actual deities. My main problem is that all the divines, both GoDs and kaioshins, are so disappointing. Their powers are all so boring while thr angels are the ones with interesting habilities

Attached: 6352157-9182074881-latest(2).gif (400x224, 3.41M)

It isn't Jiren's fault that Goku had to lose UI, he ran out of time you dingus, if he had kept UI for a little longer then bye bye U11

Attached: 154467422764.jpg (720x396, 79K)

It says that base Gogeta use stronger than UI Goku

Don't start trying to emulate my superior lexicon, PET.

>The main deference between SHITly and CHODEren

Attached: 6ce0fc6e1b915a57ce9bb9db4cce5462.jpg (650x500, 53K)

>It isn't Jiren's fault that Goku had to lose UI, he ran out of time you dingus
Damage control. KEK
Shitku over exerted himself to keep up with Chadren even with his asspull, therefore couldn't keep up
1v1 me on linguistics, brainlet

I like Jiren

I accept your concession.

Attached: NEXT.png (1024x576, 627K)


Attached: concession stand.png (527x470, 39K)


Attached: 1553138941061.gif (500x370, 499K)

Remember to fight for justice. Don't be a Jiren (loner) or a Toppo (hypocrite), always be a Dyspo.

Attached: Dyspo Rise.jpg (465x815, 38K)

Attached: good-looking-young-man-kneeling-on-the-stock-photo_csp24753422.jpg (300x470, 21K)


>Shitku over exerted himself to keep up with Chadren even with his asspull, therefore couldn't
lol even more headcanon. I bet you're going to memespeak to me again, cmon kid.

Geekdom is a great and reliable source of information. Sure he's wrong sometimes but who isn't. Fuck off

You guys are worst then the ravenfags over on Yea Forums, you know that right?

For great justice bro

but what would they call the new form?

I prefer Masakox. His what if's are top notch.

Lot of filtered posts today...

What gave you that idea?

Attached: 1491363871581.png (1054x1920, 366K)

Perfecter Cell

The "What if Raditz was good" series is honestly a masterpiece

>talking about asspulls
>when bitchren cried and got a participation trophy power up to even come CLOSE to compete with UI Goku
>Who BTFO of him anyways


Attached: 1556452599588.jpg (1920x2009, 435K)

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 87K)

Coping dogpet.

>samefagging like this

Shut up dog

Attached: Hearts V manletren the staminalet.jpg (1280x720, 86K)


dyspo's the only Pride Trooper that matters

>repeatedly throwing himself in harms way (in the manga) to save toppo's fat ass from being eliminated
>denounces and doesn't bargain with evil
>made frieza shit his pants and force him to work with a monkey just to be on his level
>cute and handsome AF

Motherfucker needs a promotion.

Attached: Dk6a3__UcAEV04C.jpg (387x292, 42K)


Attached: stronger than MUI.webm (500x278, 2.15M)

OKAY but who is stronger, SSJ Gogeta, or SSJ Blue Goku?

Cant wait for the "Moro: The right way to write pure evil villains"

Attached: 97c7a438e4dde805d83409588c412b74.jpg (736x998, 212K)

his sources are outdated. The most recent source puts Beerus at UI Goku level, who was washing Jiren until he threw a tantrum (and still lost, pffht)

plus Beerus is the only GoD that knows an incomplete version of UI. It's no contest

Attached: 7433332547.png (552x634, 670K)



Attached: D6ONtvHUIAAE2N0.jpg (838x1200, 336K)


I've never watched DBS.

Is Jiren actually that powerful, or is it just memes? Could he beat

He won't care enough about Moro to make one, who really gives a fuck about him

Based and SAVED

No, he just punches really hard


You tell me. This is him surpressed btw

Attached: stronger than jobly.webm (500x282, 1.87M)

A lot of people here are just memeing

UI Goku was weaker than Jiren kek. Thanks for another proof that Jiren is stronger

>RTH because its fucking terrible both art and "humor"

SHITren has as much character as a fodder trash villian in Boruto, HAHAHAHA

Attached: jobrencharacterinanutshell.gif (679x381, 381K)

Oh wow he can beat Android 17. Even Piccolo could do that in DBZ

>So this... is the power of teamwork...
What did the anime mean by this?

Not canon

The more he fights, the stronger he gets!! The fearsome monster Broly!!!

Broly fights one fight after another in this latest movie!!
Besides Goku and Vegeta, it seems he’ll bare his fangs against Freeza too!! What’s more, he powers up each time he fights. He goes through super-fast transcendent evolution that truly personifies the Saiyans!!

The blazing flames of battle
The awakening Saiyan instincts!!!

The “strongest enemy in history” appears in the first DBS movie—Broly shakes the world!!

What? Vegeta goes Super Saiyan God!!

Although it appeared in the Dragon Ball Super manga drawn by Toyotaro-sensei, this is its first appearance in the anime!! Keep your eyes peeled as Vegeta transforms into “Red” and “Blue”.


Attached: Broly strongest enemy in history.jpg (1385x2048, 3.25M)


About half and half.

Goku's not the one begging to be put out of his misery. even after UI conveniently runs out

Attached: 1555295703051.gif (480x270, 2.85M)

This is him still not trying btw

Attached: Angel Tier.webm (400x220, 2.84M)

t. Juan Jose Tico Taco Pedro Vega de la Cruz III

>still forcing 6 month old v-jump movie shilling
>The more he fights, the stronger he gets!!
Literally every saiyan ever
>The more he fights, the stronger he gets!! The fearsome monster Broly!!!
untill he meets Gogeta HAHAHAH
>The “strongest enemy in history”
Dumb fucking mongoloid

SSBECHADS feels good exposing UItards!

Attached: D6F6pNvW0AEritw.jpg (1917x1080, 138K)

He can't beat 17 using his full power

Attached: xZfnBRD.png (1280x681, 1.73M)

Still not canon


Here, have the fan made version

Attached: PUNCHED THAT MONKEY OUT OF UI.jpg (825x925, 348K)

>proves to him that he is a baiting spic and answers his question with those subtitles
Based retard scoring points for Chadrenbros

Post yfw you're not a Shitrenfag.

Attached: 5ry.png (600x660, 176K)

Your pic was talking about omen

Attached: super lychee juice.jpg (2097x3000, 2.43M)

Holy shit, holy shit, holy shit. Can we just STOP and LOOK at how FLAWLESSLY GODLY my argumentative skills are? Literally EVERYTHING I say oozes with truth. I am kingly, I am godly, I am everything.

>stronger than jobly
>Top arc
>after Vegeta used all of his ki against Toppo

Attached: kale_by_eapen-dbbdjz8.png (826x899, 561K)

If Toppo ever leaves the PT to become GoD officially, Dyspo should become the next captain. It only makes sense. Hell, maybe he could even improve U11's mortal level too while he's at it.

Attached: Dyspo~.jpg (781x695, 34K)

>Jobbed to Hearts
>Hearts needed Lagss help just to force Goku out of UI
>Goku still had energy left to tank Lagss's attacks and slightly resist Hearts' gravity, while Vegeta got stomped back to base form and couldn't even move a finger


I prefer Joshposting.

What the fuck is this?
Classic Naruto feels like the OG db minus the filler, from that point on it was a complete shitshow.

>>after Vegeta used all of his ki against Toppo


Finally, use the canon Jiren right from the get go next time

Attached: Dragon Ball Chou - Dragon Ball Chou 042 - 12.png (951x1400, 244K)

Beerus says UI. No mention of omen

>saturday night
>shitposting on a DBS thread

Attached: kmed.jpg (640x479, 75K)

Based Keru-chan.

>Seething this much
Back to the kennel my most precious and sweet pet

Attached: 1557370259409.jpg (720x395, 142K)

Yout picture didn't have the MUI so you are wrong and must concede to me

Concession naturally accepted

>conceding this fast.
Fuck im good at this
What thhe fuck is Goku looking at? Hackotaro is such a retard

Concession accepted

Attached: 2516842 - Dragon_Ball_GT Pan Son_Goku Sunnie.jpg (640x480, 59K)

Attached: open up Gayren.jpg (832x398, 76K)

Jiren eliminated Vegeta so fast he couldnt react in time

Attached: Dragon Ball Chou - Dragon Ball Chou 042 - 13.png (950x1400, 288K)

190 posts into the new thread, Chadren has already won
Continue with the cope

Attached: 1548645464899.png (774x513, 324K)

Yare Burori!

I want Jiren to shit in my mouth

Attached: 1552334401086.jpg (640x637, 31K)

Ahn, Hearts-sama, y-you're too big!

Attached: 0.jpg (1280x720, 79K)

Bullshit he stood in front of them for a long ass time and the suddenly Goku looks past him. Hackotaro sucks dick

>Anti-Jiren spics roleplaying with gay shit
Automatic win for Jirenchads

Attached: 468489.png (1000x1000, 313K)


Attached: btfo.png (588x468, 369K)

That's a fucking nice headcanon Hermendez!
But while Vegeta-sama was exerting himself, Gokek was resting and throwing buzzwords at Hearts.

Hearts >>> Jobly


Attached: 1551645530146.jpg (2234x1420, 899K)

Whoah whoah whoah bros, where did you find a gif of me?
This is all VERY STRANGE.

We know jirenspic

Attached: IMG_20190310_211248.jpg (1080x870, 186K)

Pls b in London.

Monaka > Gokek
He took a full power punch from base Goku with his guard dropped. Goku almost died from against a Ginyu force tier enemy in SSB when he dropped his guard. Monaka is unironically stronger than Goku

>h-here is a translation from twitter that sterngthens my positition

Ultra Instinct Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan 3 Jily.

Attached: jily uissb3.png (297x410, 68K)

>no argument
Already dropped you off at the morgue. Rest well.

>Thinking Gods of Dissapointment are stronger than Hit

Attached: champa scared like a bitch.webm (800x444, 1.02M)

Ore wa suppa Bejita.

Attached: 1274988189432.jpg (1558x1511, 296K)

Jobrenspic won't respond to this, he prefers to post his shitty edits kek

I didn't think sHitfags actually existed after people rightfully predicted he would be a one arc threat and job the very next one. And he did in the worst possible way at the ToP


that's just Beerus's headcanon

>sHit's his pants when Champa decides to stop goofing off

Attached: ohnononono.png (842x474, 403K)

who is this?

Your bogus translations belong to the trash. Be quiet

who knew corpses could still whimper




This isn't even about power but UI, Goku will never beat Beerus or Broly, with or without UI.


reminder that this guy is a protagonist in a show about manly men

Attached: 98j.jpg (442x279, 24K)

DB stopped being Manly in the Namek arc

>Jobren is eliminated for killing an adversary. The winner is Universe 7!

*possesses your favorite character and makes them kill themselves*

Attached: C9CDB126-11F3-4B77-8E95-D8CF9177EA2E.jpg (1024x576, 43K)

man his SUCCing of Namek wasn't as cool as this

Oh please

newfriend here. What's cannon, the manga or anime?

>Stronger than UI
All the UIpacos are now backpedaling to anime filler and things that were never stated TOPPEST JEJ

Attached: SRpwjlL.gif (480x270, 2.29M)

We just don’t know

Attached: 71997457_p0.jpg (2480x3508, 719K)

Just pick one really. It's pointless to be flinging shit at each other for a reason this stupid.

Hearts' Gravity + Lagss > UI Goku > Hearts' Gravity > SSBE Jobgeta > base Goku > base Vegeta

Attached: Jobgeta.jpg (854x480, 60K)

are you fine with that??

Super's manga exists in continuity with the original manga while Super's anime exists in continuity with the original anime, Kai, and the History of Trunks TV special. While both are good in their own ways, the anime contains Z/Kai anime-only characters and information, and thus is technically not "canon" in the way you might be thinking of.


>show about manly men
It stopped being manly when vegeta showed up.

Attached: 3gi.gif (400x294, 785K)

This is a discord tranny trying to spur a fight, please keep that in mind

you're delusional. No one likes you

>this is your brain on /pol/

Teen Goku best Goku

Attached: db6c69e767ad8944909e15e8b1ac2ec8.jpg (494x589, 47K)

Not an argument

Attached: 1556994307686.png (280x239, 15K)


Pathetic clown.


Attached: OH NO NO NO NOT EVEN SAIYAN ARC VEGETA TIER.png (1440x900, 537K)

Not a dogument.

animation look like shit, thank god toyo is here to save us

Non canonical BS

Taking advantage of 4channel fully and samefagging huh?

>BoG arc

>exposed tranny damage controlling

Did you forget Jobly vs Whis? He was clearly capable


Based posters


>The rest.

Attached: BreadPan.jpg (400x400, 119K)

Post server invite

Tired after defeating an enemy Gokek couldn't hurt, I don't see any problem with that.
Also you conveniently forgot about SS Trunks > Lagss > UI Goku

Attached: Dz0GpuNWsAEtR5O.jpg (480x480, 48K)

Bulma was wet the moment she saw him

KNEEL, dog.

>cancer multiplied

>ywn have a threesome with them

Of running like a little bitch?

Quiet Taco Man.

You giggling at this with your tranny friends now?

How does that prove anything? He only dodged him the entire time and all damage Jobly ever did to Earth was melt some ice caps.

It really looked like she was going to end up with him. Too bad Toriyama had this obsession with punishing himself by drawing Chichi since he hated drawing her.

Yes, but I am a demi-boy

This is Risu

Attached: HlQ6Ym2sGbLFJFCFIz0ba-MuuU8Ua6BvgxzQMx8j6l3JCva_WkhRsh4sqbytf-V7yliq9NYl0LhDOa5CzM5_OFhTNFev314c4vhq (500x375, 46K)

t. Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno María de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santísima Trinidad Ruiz y Gohan

Attached: D6OIXvhWwAMwA5o.jpg (1089x1116, 134K)

>literal faggot

Concession accepted.

Missing Kale

Attached: 74241145_p0.jpg (800x1131, 197K)

Damn Risu looks like this?

Manga, but if you like the anime you can pretend it’s canonical to the anime like Kai I guess.

I am ORDERING you one last time to KNEEL.

Smol head


Attached: 1507853694487.gif (500x280, 750K)

Attached: D44dwKMXoAEdeDy.jpg (2048x1228, 203K)

Jireniggers again with their bullshit.

Attached: Screenshot_20190214-162938~2.png (483x407, 325K)

Attached: D1PGUb4W0AA2fl5.jpg (500x367, 43K)

He took on two SSJBs, that's enough to establish Jobly's battle power. And the fact that he was able to see him comfortably proves his battle power is higher.
Of playing around with strong people nonchalantly



Sorry, but when Lagss attacked Goku he was already at base, so the only thing you can take from that is that SS Trunks > Base Goku.

Be quiet



Gogeta base = ssj blue goku

you know well it's chadiyama's outline that bitch nozawa damage controlled, and in both anime and manga there was a scene where he admitted to not knowing how a pregnant woman looks like, it's even worse actually

nice headcanon

>posts nonsense that unquestionably that proves him to be an absolute hack
Toriyama should just fuck off

Your insouciant posture towards thy MASTER has reached its ultimate brink. Iniquities shall NOT be tolerated henceforth. Post-haste, you WILL retire to thine enclosure and await for your resplendent, eminent master to acquaint you to a most HARRYING castigation. That, is your master's immediate, final COMMAND. You will OBEY.

Why would Toriyama fuck off from his own property?

If Jiren and Broly are so strong why didn’t they stop 9/11

SILENCE, pet. How DARE you attempt to imitate your good and superior master? A dog shall be neither seen nor heard until otherwise commanded by its godlike master. You were not given such a command. Return AT ONCE to your kennel, lest you face thusly the retribution of your benevolent and infinitely wise master. Go, dog. Your master commands you. Begone from my sight.

Sshhh! They're meditating

Attached: 1557540817187.jpg (1320x880, 150K)

Because he is ruining it. Even Toei would do a better job
Only Jiren is strong

Why didn’t he stop 9/11

Wasn't strong enough to get him to stop meditating

u no rike?

Attached: 0.png (775x1474, 603K)

fuck off dogposter

I like that Dragon Ball's writers have embraced the Goku deadbeat dad/husband meme and made it canon, next thing will be Goku not knowing how old the rest of his family are.

Can she handle the same dose as Cheelai?

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>Jiren trains Broly
What happens?

Why does Super keep trying to act like Beerus is still impressive?

His power becomes even more maximum.

>Base Broly is strong enough to beat Beerus

To be fair he was dead while Chichi was pregnant with Goten but I have no fucking clue how he didn't know when Gohan was born

Cry more, faggot, no one likes you.

What a couple of losers

Attached: Chad sitting.jpg (1280x1218, 179K)

Goku avoids Chichi as much as possible, he probably went on a nine-month training session, then when he got back he found out he had a son.

Because there hasnt been a single villain more powerful than him, and he is probably the strongest being below the angels?

She only wants Goku’s power pole



Because both Beerus and Champa are massively stronger than Jobly and Jobku?

That will change in the next arc probably. Filler shit like Moro doesn't count
Concession accepted
>Because there hasnt been a single villain more powerful than him
I just posted a picture that proved that wrong, you dense?

I don't know how you're able to cope without love.

They could dispose of him with Gogeta easily. There is not enough power in him that justifies them being his slaves the way they are

Silence, my pet.

>still projecting

Attached: tumblr_pn6vrqUW0j1r5hy6xo2_1280.jpg (1234x720, 387K)

Goku thinking someone COULD be stronger than Beerus=/= said person actuay being more powerful than Beerus

She could probably handle more.

In 9 days he'll make Buu go back into being the servant of a wizard

He won't be far off in his estimation. Point still stands

Except they couldn't? Beerus is light-years ahead of him in terms of power.

Attached: Fusion stands no chance against Beerus.jpg (602x339, 107K)

How dare you!
Yeah, projecting my lack of love for you.

Nice headcanon.

Weakren the roleplayer

Attached: jobren gay.gif (360x202, 2.39M)


You didn't try much user did you


Who cares about your love you fucking faggot

Of course not, it doesn't take much effort to push arguments supported by canonical evidence.

Yeah you are a retard.

Attached: 1504109025570.jpg (599x600, 116K)

rule34.paheal.net/post/view/2279539#search=broly caulifla

Looks like she can handle a lot more.

Basically you're saying Jobrentards are full of shit

I care about my love, and everybody else does too, I love everyone in this thread, except you, I don't love you.

For great justice bro

>no argument
What's the matter, cat got your tongue?


I accept your concession.

I would only be hurt from this if you were a girl.

Why are spics so degenerate?

It doesnt
I doubt we'll get a villain who is more powerful thab Beerus before their rematch


Literally no results via image search

Concession accepted.

>no arguments
Concession accepted.
>I doubt we'll get a villain who is more powerful thab Beerus before their rematch
There won't be such a thing

Yeah no.

>tell him idc
>*crying* c-cope

He never does, just a basic Yea Forums bitch always making non arguments.

Enough, dog.

Attached: IMG_20190511_193623.png (500x382, 120K)

>no argument
As expected, concession accepted.

Why is Broly always fucking his women like that?

If you were married to a Chinese women, you'd understand. They're all as violent and aggressive as Chi Chi is portrayed and man usually do avoid their wifes as much as possible in China.

>bitches about Beerus not being impressive
>i show that he still the most powerful foe Goku ever faced, making him the best parameter
>immediatly back pedals saying that your point still stands when it just for refuted
>concession posting
>There won't be such a thing
Yes there will be, it was even teased before the ToP

Attached: Dragon Ball Chou - Dragon Ball Chou 027 - Training, Daily Life, and - 34.png (952x1400, 246K)

Yeah, it's time to stop posting, bud.

Attached: 1556429029322.gif (500x309, 998K)

Kneel before me.

I told you to stop.

Attached: 1538689955439.jpg (500x299, 52K)

>pathetic dog trying to give its master orders

>Caulifla has almost double the smut of Kale's in the tags
It's not fair bros...

>>immediatly back pedals saying that your point still stands when it just for refuted
posting "It doesn't" is refuting? Kek stop replying retard
>>concession posting
Yes, concede.
>Yes there will be, it was even teased before the ToP
A lot of things get teased and don't happen. Beerus is basically a good guy now, they won't fight with him again.
You are done.

Who are you quoting?

Chadforce, assemble

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Platinum MUI Cell.

Attached: 354435534.png (1600x2286, 3.36M)


Attached: am1.jpg (960x672, 76K)

>I doubt we'll get a villain who is more powerful thab Beerus before their rematch
I don't know about villains but base Broly is stronger than Beerus, what I do know is that Vegeta will never reach Beerus level.

Aha, checkmate.
I win again.


Attached: dogg.jpg (1500x1179, 100K)

To your kennel at ONCE.

Are you retarded? Fusion's base form is stronger than the strongest form of the fusees, Gogeta could beat Goku without transforming

Attached: 32.png (966x1400, 349K)

Don't reply to me, I've already won.

Attached: geekdom's favourite mcu movie.png (1000x500, 146K)

Quiet, mine pet.


Attached: Bee.gif (500x281, 1.13M)


>posting "It doesn't" is refuting?
No, but showing that Beerus is the top dog for Goku is
>A lot of things get teased and don't happen.
This one will, if it wasnt then Toyo wouldnt remind everyone about this being a thing
Go watch heroes
>base Broly is stronger than Beerus


Attached: your master will tolerate no more of your contumacious disobedience, dog.png (640x475, 463K)


Ore wa, Supa Bejita

Attached: super-vegeta-png.png (1280x2235, 865K)

I told to not reply, do not reply to me ever again.

Most of his magic is still sealed withing the Grand Kaioshin/Boo

Attached: 20.png (969x1400, 395K)


Attached: doggg.jpg (236x347, 36K)

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You will kneel AT ONCE.

>Super could've looked like this
It's not fair bros

>jobrenjuan can't understand something as simple as rock-paper-scissor Yikes

Attached: Rock-paper-scissors DB.png (600x574, 100K)

>No, but showing that Beerus is the top dog for Goku is
With the existence of Broly, not anymore obviously.
>This one will, if it wasnt then Toyo wouldnt remind everyone about this being a thing
I would put much thinking into Toyo's fiction
>Go watch heroes
Heroes is better than your magical goat manga

Attached: 1552676761557.jpg (768x651, 146K)

but it did, it looked like a disappointment

>b-but look at this headcanon Paint edit!

>toeiturd is unironically defending Heroes
That's when you know they are finished


Attached: 1504386723699.jpg (334x528, 31K)

Heroes is more popular than Toyopablos' fanfic.

Toyo's fiction is just that shiity

She needs a skimpier outfit.

Attached: D0ugYbbVAAILhZl.jpg (842x595, 75K)



Attached: Pansilence.png (640x480, 351K)

>coping even harder than before
As expected. Still mad the manga wasn't cancelled like the anime?

Attached: manga keeps doing great.png (816x616, 300K)

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Would have Goku bodied Vegeta in the Saiyan Saga if he had kept his tail?

no, goku was still weaker and couldn't control his oozaru form.

His tail would have given him a boost though. But now that I think about it, that boost wouldn't have been enough.
It might've had a cool Oozaru vs Oozaru fight at least.

>goku black arc
>a 2 years old arc
Care to post ToP's?


more like peeis lol

Yes. Goku in base form could go Kaiokenx4 at the time. In Oozaru he gets 10 times stronger, which means he could go Kaiokenx40 on top of the x10 multiplier from Oozaru, giving him a whopping 400x boost, it would be as if he went SS3, Vegeta would get smashed to a bloody pulp instantly.

meant for

>stacking multipliers
nice headcanon

Jiren bros..

Attached: TUR_SSBE_Vegeta_Origin.png (1280x720, 870K)

Gokek is too brainlet to control Oozaru and do that, and Chadgeta has a countermeasure for Oozaru anyway

Attached: 1557550728613.jpg (330x447, 56K)

>barley feeling it
Kek, try again jobjeta bitch

That would mean that Goku would have to train to control his Oozaru form, something extremely difficult which only high-class Saiyans could do.

>Black arc american release
>2 years ago


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Can Gohan still ride Nimbus after his most iconic quote?

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>Jiren gets to fuck
It's not fair bros.

Attached: Giant_Jugs_of _Love.png (480x535, 437K)

God, I fucking miss anime using black for shading. Only miniscule scenes ike this have that style nowadays.

what an alpha male chad


Attached: Transforming_SS_God_Vegeta_Origin.png (640x360, 227K)

With what? SSJG is even weaker

>no argument
I accept your concession.
It's ok, you didn't ask to be born retarded.

Vegeta chads assemble

Attached: Vegmaj.png (985x554, 490K)

>we'll never see a controlled Oozaru again

Attached: a2895b366848b6aaa17aa1de9b16a379.jpg (1280x720, 82K)

Attached: renata-b-super-vegeta-b.jpg (1920x1338, 284K)

>beta male virgins assemble


Attached: dragon-ball-super-broly-broly-e-o-lendario-super-saiyajin-deus_f.jpg (1200x630, 124K)


too OP, and it would probably just job. *raffs*

>next thing will be Goku not knowing how old the rest of his family are.
>implying he knows how old he is



He looks away in disgust.

Attached: IMG_5375.jpg (174x191, 9K)

Jiren is only ssjg in power

Attached: Dragon-ball-super-episode-127-3-780x405.jpg (640x332, 24K)

Enter cockrin

Attached: SSR_TEQ_Jiren_Origin.png (640x360, 156K)

>hating KINOgeta
Shit taste

Attached: VegetaKicksCell.jpg (1024x1536, 401K)



Attached: chaddestren.webm (700x390, 125K)

Super Vegeta pre the fight with perfect Cell was the best Vegeta


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You mean like SSB Kaiokek?

No you imbecile

Absolute fucking unit.

>aura on top aura vs aura on top aura
>"n-no imbecile it's totally different!"

One of many examples that clearly show Jiren ain't shit, just a generic punch strong Ayy.
Short, staminalet and can't get zenkais mid or post battle.

>Jobrentacos are child molesters
I-it's not canon anymore bros...


Attached: 1544380932125.jpg (480x360, 15K)

anime never ever coming back

Toei loves money though

Goku sure is loved by a lot of fans.

>reminder that you're all manchildren who don't get laid *raffs*

Attached: 1518579118439.jpg (696x903, 50K)

Wrong, the anime is returning in Heroes form

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is there a release for the dragon ball z movies that
>is uncropped 4:3
>has funi dub but japanese ost

Attached: Cauli_excited.jpg (640x365, 31K)

>she sees your dick

Who cares

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>gladiator armor

No thots.


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will gohan get milkies

A spic's wet dream.


pretty cool

Vegeta's is almost good and Broly's is perfect, the rest are trash

First canon gay couple
Strongest duo in the multiverse

Attached: 59842518_131743991253129_7246603458774275926_n.jpg (480x480, 42K)

Attached: darkspine vegeta.webm (640x360, 2.44M)

Shut the fuck up you faggot

But they aren't gay in the manga

>angels are in a permanent UI state

deep lore

Dead series...?

You can seriously compare that wimpy shitty colored aura with Chadren's

>Dead series
We get Toyo kino every month
Good riddance to Toeimongrels like Reekdom

Attached: 1497901622742.png (946x1400, 1.46M)

>b-but the color is different!


its the universal trope of the incompetent lord and their hyper-competent butler

Platonic Ideal Cell

think of him as having maxed out stats but no advanced techniques or abilities

So youre a fucktard and a gokufag

>posts traced panel from GT

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I wish that outfit stuck around as Goku's casual clothes. it was perfect with the umbrella and turban

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xenoverse 2 cacs be like


Attached: JOBLY JOBBING TO SSB OH NONONO.jpg (727x956, 150K)

>weaker than kefla too

Imagine being this obsessed.

Attached: 4247531-3954798-4227070381-tumbl.gif (500x375, 963K)

That Gadget is a piece of shit

>Toyo kino
>that post

Attached: gtefed.png (1126x730, 1.78M)

>I'm a fucktard and a gokufag because I btfo'd you stating the obvious, that Jiren having a double aura is no different from SSBKK Goku's double aura
Sure, juan

What do you mean? Its literally Jobly jobbing to SSB Goku on an official magazine

Caulifla belongs to Chadba


Attached: THE TRACER POSE™.jpg (267x483, 109K)

Attached: 1554593759417.jpg (914x2200, 560K)

oh its simple. you're misusing the term jobbing to try and rile up a heated reaction from someone because you're not creative enough to think of anything more fun to do

>Please let me out, master, I promise I'll be a good boy!

Attached: r.jpg (1280x720, 339K)


mammals evolved from fish, duh

Thanks for summon the retard juanrenfag (again) guys

>uses the power of a entire universe
>it only halts jiren for a few seconds


>weaker than Broly and Moro
How sad.


He's talking about the Platinum Gadget Yu-Gi-Oh! card on the top right. It's effect is a bit underwhelming for a Link-2 Link Monster, so I can understand the anger there.

Jiren stalemates Base Goku in the official intro of Super, and loses to him and Frieza at the end of Super.

You're as boring as Jiren.

How good are Link Summons anyway? I read a little of it but it honestly feels waaay inferior than Pendulum Summons


Frankly, I'm tired of BTFOing you joblymongs in every thread. At this point I'm starting to believe that shitlyfags enjoy getting humiliated every single time. Then again, that comes as no suprise seeing how jobly jobbed for the entirety of his own movie.

Attached: 1555981741946.jpg (552x295, 83K)

>They dubbed Ultra instincts theme

Attached: 1503270052839.png (540x304, 118K)

You haven't BTFO anybody. Nobody mentioned Broly either. You are pathetic and obsessed.

Oh shit CHADren is about to fight in the dub. Time to relive the hype

>Reminder that this fuck was made just to turn out as the most underwhelming gag in DB history Early Super was sure painful.

Attached: 1471755195542.jpg (500x375, 24K)

> says "weaker than Broly and Moro" 5 minutes ago
>n-n-nobody mentioned broly you are o-obsessed

Cope and concede.

Attached: 1556929294671.png (410x428, 65K)

Holy shit, you're actually retarded.

>inb4 the desperate bait "j-jobren is b-base goku tier haha"

Cope my pet. Entertain me.

Reminder that avatarfagging is against the rules.

Was a good joke t.bh

>Toyo kino

Attached: androide 17 (chiquito).jpg (556x464, 51K)

oh god the Funi dubbed the Ultra Instinct theme. Fucking lmao.

Back to the same old shit. Pathetic, just like your shitty favorite character.

I like Jiren

Post link or be silent


Attached: PARTY!.gif (413x243, 51K)


They sure did and it was absolutely fucking awful. Good lord, WHY?

t. newfag grampa cant into internet

Okay you opted for being silent. Silence.


So in the manga Bulma modified the androids so they can shrink just like antman? Holy shit, It's a nice throw back to early DB and a creative way to deal with Ganos, I'm impressed that Toyo came up with that.

Attached: Cui.png (1440x1080, 907K)

Your master commands you, filthy canine. You shall open your jaw no longer.

>Shitrenspic is also a dogposter
How cancerous.

Holy fuck I forgot how chaddis this scene was with those sound effects
Jobly can't even come close

Attached: intimadtingren.jpg (1561x835, 126K)

How dare you open your mouth again, you inbred mutt? Heed your behaviour at once, or your most superior and illustrious master shall put you in your place.

God damn, those fatty milkers