Any anime character can beat this guy? And I’m not talking about unarmoured infinity gauntlet Thanos...

Any anime character can beat this guy? And I’m not talking about unarmoured infinity gauntlet Thanos, I’m talking about fully armored, all infinity stones, legendary sword wielding Thanos who has given in completely to nihilism and wants to shred the universe down to its last atom. Can any anime legitimately even stand up to him?

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Conditions: Both are aware of each other
Conclusion: Ainz victory. [Time Stop] followed by any instant death spells. Thanos would not be able to use the stones fast enough.
This too.

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literally who? fuck off with your brainlet capeshit and any live action in general!

Fiamma of the Right, Magic gods and now Secret Chiefs from Raildex
Dies Irae
Super Tengen Toppa Gurren lagaan
These are just three from an incredibly long list. Thanos is pretty small time

Is Thanos really that powerful? I feel like even scrubs like your average Boku no Hero fag could defeat him

lmao did you even read? All infinity stones, he’ll just the reality stone will do against him. Also Thanos has the Soul Stone so he knows Saitamas gimmick and would never let himself be touched, not with a control of reality and instant galaxy level teleportation, but nice try lmao


pretty much anyone with time stop or reality altering since he has to physically snap

Wasn't he killed in his own movie by a tin man? He doesn't look too strong to me.

Eh. Any character that can act before Thanos can move can kill him. I'll vote for Goku.

Saitama is bald, all the power of the stones bounces off his shiny hairless head.

Saitama is a joke character. He can defeat anyone in sight. Basically the Squirrel girl equivalent of anime

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It’s not that simple since Thanos is extremely resistant to blunt damage so he’d be able to tank a lot of stuff.

these doubles

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Kazuma Satou

Is this that robot that absorbed the power of some lovecraftian god and used another as a sword?

you're confusing it with Demonbane

Probably half of Medaka Box cast
He could easily take on multiple heroes, he was shown to survive energy blasts without making a big deal out of it. I don't know that much about MCU but top hero dogs couldn't finish him off except Thor who got him offguard when he didn't have any gear on.
Stark uses the stones to snap him out of reality but dies himself, it's the stones mcguffins that make him so dangerous.
Pretty much this.

Thanos with the Infinity Gauntlet requires something like Demonbane. He controls the very fabric of time, reality and the souls of all things.

she'd fucking mop the floor with him

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why do you care fag

Who thought it made sense to give him a sword?

The real boner killer here is that the infinity stones explicitly only work in the source universe they are from.

An ESL making a non anime thread.

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Thanos was a retard and his plan of saving the universe by erasing half its sentient life was really stupid and pointless.
Prove me wrong.

So, how long until this thread gets 404 and op banned?
I say 20 min

base form goten

>I say 20 min
>Impliying mods do their work on Yea Forums
Come on user.

Well he is called the Mad Titan for a reason. And aren’t mad people basically retards? It was just his way to deal with the pain I guess

Literally no anime character can beat him. He's way too strong.

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Thanos is basically a tier under literal gods without the gauntlet, most MHA characters would get bodied by Captain America much less an actual super strength character

no, these doubles right here

Based and logicpilled.
I concede to your argument.

powerlevels in comic books are retardedly low
captain america is the equivalent to goku when he fought piccolo jr, and he had a good time toying with thanos a bit
so i would say even your average hero academia hero or hunter x hunter hunter would be able to take care of him pretty easily

>He controls the very fabric of time, reality and the souls of all things.
Only in one universe , the infinity gauntlet is literally useless out of its universe of origin

This guy.

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Kami Tenchi

new stand

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he's a jobber and has sub snail level speed so anyone really.

Not even going to report this.
Let's see how long this thread lives.

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How retarded does Demonbane get?
Wasnt it an eroge at first the same way Fate was?

Demonbane. Now fuck off.

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Don’t all the capeshit hero’s literally grab the gauntlet right out of his hand? He doesn’t seem very strong

Wtf but he has the Infinity gauntlet


>MCU Thanos

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>How retarded does Demonbane get?
very, but its the good kind of retarded
>Wasnt it an eroge at first the same way Fate was?

Nah time stone


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You can freeze time without timestone and the timestones stay unaffected (not the wielder). If you've read the comics

Fuck off

MCU Thanos is a pussy who can't stand the power of the gems and can only use them together twice before nearly dying.

Comics Thanos doesn't have this issue but he sabotages himself to lose every time unconsciously according to Adam Warlock BECAUSE he feels is unworthy of being powerful.


>MCU Thanos is a faggot
>Comics Thanos is an autist