You can do it, Ice-chan!
I believe in you!
Other urls found in this thread:
Ice > Loli > RAREGUYA > Baka > Normal
spoilers when?
The schedule got fucked by chinks getting the new chapter first.
Hopefully never
the schedule should get fucked and stay fucked
Tomorrow, maybe... RIGTH????
Didn't the golden week void get postponed and therefore no chapter this week?
Next Monday-Tuesday. The previous chapter was supposed to be released this week, but ended up releasing a week earlier than usual (right after Golden Week break). We should be back on the normal schedule starting Monday.
What will be the prince's involvement with F? Will he be her romantic interest?
Ice a best
Speaking of which, didn't Jaimini's release use the Chinese scans? Were there any notable differences with the Japanese raws.
Celebration for Kaguya anime being number 1 in China.
full list?
dunno but 1st for Kaguya, 3rd for Mob and 6 for Toubun.
the funny part is, they push Toubun really hard since winter anime 2019 starts and doing nothing with Kaguya but in the end Kaguya take #1 place for the most watched anime in BiliBili.
thanks to Chika ED by the way. without it maybe we just on wataten level.
oops forgot the image
>thanks to Chika ED by the way
The stats is blowing up after episode 3 so..
it's reality, you don't need to like it just face it.
Shirogane must be the keymaster, if you follow.
Why are we still here? Just to suffer?
go fuck yourself with a telephone booth, Carlos
Hurray! I'll hope for a season two. It doesn't even have to come soon, I just want it to be good and if possible longer, with a slightly slower pace.
Fucking nobody cares chink.
Soon user, wait
waiting for spoilers
Please Aka, do not become a Wakaki 2.0
just think of it as advertising
It's more relevant than any of us though
I can't believe the chinks love worst girl. Literally worse taste than the Nips.
But the nips were the ones who made it in the first place
To be fair the Chika ED was popular pretty much anywhere.
There's aso the fact that hardly any of Chika's worst personality aspects were shown in the anime, as it hadn't yet reached the part in which you get to see her true colours.
Chika is best girl you plebian
Like it or not F carried the manga in the early chapters so it make sense on why she is so popular among anime-onlies
dead series
BASED DADDY POSTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I missed you never leave again
I could see Iino wanting to be roughed a bit like this, but no way Ishi would have that attitude.
Implying Ishigami isn't actually about to just go for the kill because Iino's doing something retarded again
Iino will literally do anything as long as you tell her she's great at it.
Fujiwara would enjoy getting roughed up.
Kaguya just want lovey-dovey lovemaking with no protection
Ishigami is a champ at eating out
Prez is absolutely useless in bed and would need to ask Fujiwara for training.
why did she suddenly start liking kaguya?
Siblings have similar tastes.
>wataten rank 5
Chinks have ok taste.
giving Chika a romance arc feels wrong. I think her past with Kaguya and her potential deep-seeded insecurities are more worthy of exploring
post best girl (male) please
I could honestly see it like a switch of sorts.
>Ishi and Tsubame
Ishi would be an M and like her being the aggressive one and enjoy the playful/lewd teasing(like pic related)
>Ishi and Miko
Iino's already an M and Ishigami's daily frustrations with her would translate into spanking/"punishment" in the bedroom that she would enjoy
The bloke on the left
Romance was just a guess. Momo and Osaragi represent Pres and Iino's quests, respectively, in the myth and they have no romantic involvement with either of them. I only bought up the romance possibility because of what Tsubame is to Ishi
In this day we celebrate Nayotake, Nao, Maho and Kashiwagi.
I'm still surprised by how much IshiMiko art there is considering Miko didn't even make it to the anime.
what about mamagane
I let her out on purpose.
its mothers day miyuki, please give me a thousand dollars
it's a pity some of their weirder doujin chapters haven't been translated
i wish I didn't speed read.
I have news for you user
is it true we're getting GB chapters for the doujin
>"FINE, but just this ONE time!"
>"And just because your daughter-in-law isn't here!"
if papagane can destroy kaguya, what if mamagane can too
Kaguya is weak against being teased, but even that should end eventually once he runs out of things to tease her about
>have you kissed already
>why yes we have
>I want to see my grandkids' faces
>working on it, expect the first three by next year
papa is highly concerned about a dead bedroom situation like what happened with him so he inquires every week just to be safe
>dead bedroom situation like what happened with him
You mean
>empty bank account situation
imagine having to pay your wife everytime you want sex, poor papa
gender bender, the doujin guy posted some art
Oh, yeah. I also thought those were probably previews for the next chapter, but we'll have to wait and see. Iirc, they release towards the end of the month
in the original thread this was posted, there was another tweet that had a sketch of kaguya kissing fem prez or something, but the link's gone now, does someone have that
Can't wait for the school shooter arc.
>no aiguillette
At laaaast!
Let's just hope we don't have to wait too long until we get Tsunderella
huh, I thought it'd be gangbang
>side pleat
isnt this a death flag? will she die after popping out the baseball team?
no miyuki
you are the demons
male lino would be into that
She he didn't give her Kei's eyes, prez personality with Kei's eyes would be top tier.
right now
look behind you
I looked through Shinta's Twitter, but couldn't find anything of the sort. I found pic related, though.
Don't think anyone's dumped the doujin chapter JB translated today so here I go
at first i thought it was the doujin guy but apparently it was a different dude, but i swear it was kaguya kissing fem prez, i was going to save it but i was away, and now their accounts gone
Shinta probably retweeted some fanart, hence the confusion
even for a doujin, their personalities are really destroyed in this work
yeah but i cant find that fanart, i didnt save it, im hoping someone did
So, everyone agree that the Yakuza girl is secretly in love with Shirogane, right?
Hayasaka remains unaffected by the enemy Stand
Forgot to say but that's the final page
Oh no, not again.
So it's someone they know but Miko doesn't. So, Papagane? The taxi driver?
You should read the tl note at the bottom
It's someone none of them know. "y'all recognized me" means they recognized Miko.
For a bit more context from Moegami
>A key factor in the your name reference on the last page is the fact that the guy iino swapped bodies with speaks in the same regional dialect (gifu, the best regional dialect, fight me Osaka fanboys) as the people from itomori in the movie. This really completes the joke in Japanese and is fundamentally pretty much impossible to put into english.
I thought that the we had this week's doujin chapter already
The doujin started weekly but switched to monthly after the first few chapters(it's released towards the end of the month). These two chapters are Jaimini finally getting through the untranslated backlog.
>There's nothing here either
the doujin doesn't half-have some interesting premise sometimes
>chapter 111
10 more chapters for the Kaguya's "mistake" arc
I was the one that posted that
And yes it was a wip of yuri femprez x Kaguya comic
But the account's not gone though, he just deleted the post/image
Do you still have the image?
Oh apparently twitter still keeps the image link alive even if the tweet is deleted
So here you go
Nice. Seems like a WIP comic. Maybe the artist wanted to tease their followers or smth and changed their mind.
thanks user, i thought it was a preview of the next doujin chapter, still hoping for that, but fanarts great too
How many pads for those lies?
Why are they so cute?
It turns out that people actually read the manga, and for whatever reason they all seem pretty convinced that IshiMiko will happen now. The fanart and fanfics only started recently.
only Karen is cute
It's weird that there's barely no ecchi in this anymore. Body swap is perfect for lewd content.
Shirogane helped her in the past. Only one flashback to see.
Kashiwagi pregnancy arc soon?
Plus for Osaragi new look after the christmas
stop posting the same thing every thread
Sounds like a good thing
Ever since the doujin artist dropped the forced ecchi the doujin kinda improved
What would Osaragi's new look be?
>hair down
What else?
Constant sex hair that would put Kashiwagi to shame.
Jaimini already lost the good spinoff to Yea Forums. They're freaking out.
Isn't it a bit risky for Hayaksa to be there waiting alongside her in the hospital? What if the others decide to suddenly pop up to visit Prez as well?
Which one deserves to win the Ishibowl more?
Bromance is the best kind of romance
Maki, Miko bores me.
She is probably ready to change to any of her alt if that situation happened
Also we don't know if Kaguya told them on which Hospital he got interned
Miko, since Maki will get pregnant from Tsubasa soon.
Deserve? I just want to see Miko have a mental breakdown.
Miko is just way to boring
>one of them has the personality of a potted plant
Am I the only one who wants Moeha to tie Kei and rape her, then drug Shirogane, tie him up and have her way with him as well?
And maybe keep them both as sexslaves/pets.
>pigtails and cute little fangs
is this the miraculous combination?
Lets pretend Maki wins the Ishibowl
She is just Discount Kaguya, it wouldn't be weird?
Probably, my fellow anonymous poster who is definitely not Moeha.
Imagine them engaging in mutual shitposting after being rejected from their respective initial love
Since no one else is one-to-one switched, and it seems to instead work in threes, wouldn't that mean Miko is Ishi, and the other dude is plant?
>fellow anonymous poster who is definitely not Moeha.
I wish I was Moeha, damn.
>becomes kinda family with prez
That's just great and Maki is more of a tsundere ojou than Kaguya, who is a full on ice princess, even if Normalguya is a lot like Maki.
It's okay, he acts like a total idiot in his own body too
Sounds really cute if you ask me, Ishigami being family with the 2 senpai who helped him in his worst moments
I need spoilers
Ishigami more like Ishislut amirite.
Since there are 4 more chapters of the volume remaining(148-151), what are your expectations for what's left?
>Pres and Kaguya have a heart to heart
>finally settle things
>chapter ends with Pres giving Kaguya a surprise kiss(like Tsubasa did with Kashiwagi)
>picks up from last one
>Pres about to leave. It's barely 8 o'clock, so they leave for Fuji's party.
>maybe they invite Hayasaka, since she seems lonely who goes as Haysaca-kun(I just don't want her to spend Christmas alone, okay?)
>chapter ends on arrival
>F goes to greet them
>asks why they're holding hands
>"We're going out"
>we see everyone's reactions
>Haysaca-kun mentions how Pres rejected their maid, also named Haysaca
>mistletoe kiss
>F tweets a picture of the kiss which goes viral with the other students
>Karen, who just revived, dies again
>last few pages are reactions from Tsubame's party
>this leads into next arc
These are my takes. What bout you bros?
I want next chapter to be full on shitflinging about each other's retardation and self worth issues.
Maki and Ishigami deserves happiness
>it'll be another fight like pic related were they just self-deprecate while throwing compliments at each other
Hayasaka better take the stethoscope of the door if she doesn't want to die of embarrassment.
Isn't it just 3 more chapters for the volume end? It always ends on the ones that finish at 0.
Vol. 9 had one extra chapter crammed in(Ch. 91) making the total 11. Since then, the volumes start and end at chapters with 2 and 1 at the end, respectively.
I guess Aka felt like the Sports Festival was too serious, so he asked to include 91 for a more lighthearted end(just a guess).
Prez is not longer pure.
>Pres(F) gets a handjob from Kaguya(Pres)
>Kaguya(Pres) gets fingered by F(Kaguya)
>There is nothing here either
Okay this actually made me laught
What are the odds Papamiya is actually okay with Pres dating Kaguya?
>he came from nowhere and got to second place in the nationals by a landslide
>elected president twice
>close ties to the heirs of a lot of important families
Even if he thinks Pres is just using Kaguya, he might also think that she saw his potential and, in turn, is using him. Not to mention that various Shinomiya staff(like Hayasaka or Quack-doc) thought there'd be no repercussions if they dated. Maybe there'll also be a father/son-in-law interview of sorts were Pres says/does something that impresses him(if lightly) or some shit.
Kaguya WILL get married, or she WILL get married
The Shinomiya's are so ridiculously wealthy and influential that you'd be more worried about spoiling the bloodline than marrying into power.
With that said, Kaguya has a big brother doesn't she? He's the main line, so Kaguya would just create a branch. In that case, marrying her off for connections might be the plan for her.
>Kaguya has a big brother doesn't she?
Three, actually. And one is already married and has a kid.
Doubtful but i can see him making use of him as a disposable tool for his company.
kaguya is an obasan
So Kaguya managed to get her body to touch Prez's D. But she didn't see it happen.
Here's her nephew
>thinking there'll be a kiss before the end of this volume
How cute.
I really hope Kaguya have a sort of comedic and close relationship with her brothers
Would be a good way to offset the fact that the Shinomiyas are an evil psycho family
She seems pretty close with one of them at least and also the fact that she can casually ask her sister in law for a new maid
>even for a doujin, their personalities are really destroyed in this work
Part of why the doujin is so shit is because most of the times, they don't act like their characters. The 4koma manages to capture the soul of the source material.
Delete this nephew........
El Sobrino will be the one to stop the Shinomiyas!
> Sex Hair Osaragi
menacing chadmode prez is best prez
>He's the main line, so Kaguya would just create a branch.
How does the main line/branch shit work anyway? Is only the oldest son the main line and the rest branches? Or do only daughters produce side branches?
Assuming they want to consolidate the family holdings within the primary line of the family, it would mean anyone who can't feasibly inherit is in the branch family. So, as soon as Kaguya's newphew grows up, she sort of becomes a branch, assuming the nephew produces new heirs.
>she sees your wiener
Tell me, user, do you find it risible... when I say BIGGUS DICKUS
Reminder that spoilers tomorrow.
so, 5 hours?
> Kino
Imagine Karen waking up in Kaguya's body while Erika wakes up in Prez'.
Now that would a doujin worth reading.
Punished Prez reminds me a lot to pic related
You know why
What are the odds of her laughing at Prez's chinchin when she first sees it?
That would destroy Prez self esteem so hard that he would kill himself right in the spot
So, what do we think is gonna happen in the chapter when Miko finally starts lusting after Ishigami?
Hellooooooo Nurse
okay, I laughed
10/10 user
Bit of a risky move with a chest like hers.
I bet Papagane could give Kaguya the silver arrow to defeat Ganan
>nationally certified
I didn't notice this before. Does certification run in the family?
Hayasaka? How did you manage to corner Hayasaca-kun like this?
Miko is still a loli.
He has a wife you know. Do you know what she's called?
What is this? It has Aka's art style.
Why does she have to suffer alone
Sayonara Piano Sonata
Aka drew it but didn't write it
after a mega-arc (good and funny), Wakaki fell into mediocrity
She chooses to. She's doing it right there.
Did Ishi go full Stark here?
Maki-chan sure is cute! I wanna tease her!
Because she chooses to
She can,you know move on that stupid faggot Tsubasa?
He is not special
How does La Enfermera fare in the general powerlist?
It is written, only SHIROGANE can defeat GANON
It’s like I really want to see the spoiler, but I can predict that it’s prolly a filler chapter
So, the live action only features Kaguya and Shirogane?
It was a song using an old song's tune as a starting point and then they fit lyrics to it.
Around El Hermano tier, below El Sobrino
Subject F is too unnatural to show as 3DPD. They'll replace her with a pack of hounds and a mime.
What ramen king is going to show up next?
Personally I think the man closest to heaven is going to show up at the hospital.
Yeah, no.
I spent 2 months in Japan two summers ago and all I saw 24/7 were ads for this overproduced overrated cliched filth.
Why can't I at least see these cute girls doing lewd things? Isn't that the whole point of manga like this?
Ishigami LA, btw
I always imagined him as more angular than that, but sure.
This can't be real
That headset actually looks SO cheap lmao
Look how cheap those clothes look for an "elite" school.
This literal me is bit too literal for me.
Is this actually real?
Looks cheap as hell
>thread is still alive
the fuck
That spoiler isn’t here yet
Ishigami? More like Bimbogami, amirite?
Well then, time for John Coltrane until the spoilers are up.
kek, what a troll
And Fuji when?
How hard will they butcher F and Hayasaka?
imagine being this assblasted
The will hire an AV actress for subject F, Hayasaka will never apear but will always be foreshadowed and her face will never be showed.
Mamasaka is also great. Almost as great as her daughter.
They need to tag team more. Maybe the snark will reach heights capable of defeating Gan'an.
I cannot believe chinks fucked up the schedule and the spoiler is fucking dead
spoilers in 5 hours, guys!
That don't even make sense. So it's fine for Korean or Japanese spoilers, but not chinks?
Just gas the chinks honestly.
Is Kaguya really a good Zelda though?
Some obscure jp only gacha game is doing a Kaguya collab
>no GBF Kaguya gacha
Spoilers when? Also i want more Kino in the main story
Why are her cheeks so fat?
Is she a squirrel?
Does it have the super rare Kaguya-chan, though?
What in the ever living fuck
What the fuck is happening plz stop the prez suffering.
Tanslator user, where you at?
I guess that's Shirogane's study room, another self loathing chapter from best boy.
Chapter 138: Kaguya-sama Wants To Confess (Ice)
>It’s something known as... her period
>I was an idiot for asking you, old man (is that how shirogane calls his dad? I forget)
>No no, PMS is something that the guy needs to have a good understanding of as well
>I’m never going to consult you again
> President!! Are you all right now?
>We’ll manage without you, so just take a break
>Don’t die! T_T
>I was just a bit sleep deprived! I’m back home now!
Confess already you fucking bitch, fix prez.
Christmas Eve is coming
Christmas party next chapter, something more overblown than the festival incoming.
>How are u feeling? Are u ok?
>What is this farce?
>If u can’t talk with him properly when seeing his face, you should practice with me acting as prez
>Say whatever you want. I’ll accurately simulate President’s reactions using the power of IT(?)
> This is pointless
>Then President, do you like me?
Fuck yea the Manga takes something fucking hilarious from the Anime!
Whoa short chapter Aka sure is getting shafted by his editor ever since his manifesto emerged a month ago.
>I just need to spend more time on it than others
>Like hell I’ll ever show my true self
(Background is just a bunch of motivational quotes)
>doubling down
Prez pls no
Kei is way too sexy to be single, let alone a virgin.
Apparently one of the quotes is
>defeat Mikado
>Aka sure is getting shafted by his editor ever since his manifesto emerged a month ago.
What manifesto?
I hope JB bothers to redraw this page decently.
It's just raimiposting, but with Aka
>defeat Mikado
EL HERMANO posting is alive and well!
El Hermano incoming?
He's nº1 in the nation, obviously that's one of his goals.
>Isn’t onii still recovering?
>He’s opening his textbook again
>Kei, do you know the most efficient way to learn English?
>Wouldn’t it be to make an American girlfriend?
>That’s right. If your feelings of wanting to speak with your gf are real, then everything in your daily life starts to become educational, and it doesn’t feel as hard studying
>Basically, humans are creatures driven by motivation
>So what?
This seems contradictory to what he told Saka in the rap chapter
Of course it is, he just told her what he tells himself.
continues from previous page)
> that’s probably what it is
>Sign: Become a man that can stand beside Shinomiya
>I don’t care what Shinomiya thinks
>I’ll make it up at Christmas
>In a better way than at the festival...
>In a better...
>Christmas Eve arrives
>Pres going full Arsene again.
Someone just give this kid a hug before he kills himself
Next chapter preview: "what comes to mind when it’s Christmas Party?"
The kokus of hakus
To be honest, it was a long time coming
Aka was very good with the lack of cutting away this arc, I can gladly let him have this
oh God, what are these idiots doing?
So this past day was the 23rd, then, not the 24th? Hm.
Christmas eve?
Fucking finally
>Christmas party next chapter, something more overblown than the festival incoming.
Considering Kaguya-chan is returning next volume, it has to be something to make Kaguya go full retard again.
> Sign: Become a man that can stand beside Shinomiya
>I don’t care what Shinomiya thinks
Makes you wonder if he truly loves her as a person or just the ideal she embodies.
No, it is the 24th
They're telling him on the first page they're doing their party without him and that he should take a rest
He's not going to the Christmas Eve party, which is why he's planning for Christmas tomorrow
For convenience:
What exactly is Hayasaka doing with her cellphone here, especially in the bottom right panel. Is she skimming through her Line conversations with Prez to simulate him?
Or is she setting up Kaguya to confess her feelings, just to send the voice recording to Prez/have him listen via a call?
Whatever he's planning will probably fuck up since he's already stressing himself while he's still recovering.
I think it's fair to say both, he does love her but she's always represented the ideal person he feels like he's never been able to become, and if he can't she'll never see him as an equal.
I didn't know he was a revolutionary.
He loves her, but he's kinda lost right now, the guy is just a pile of stress and is going to pull another all nighter coming up with a plan.
Another quote
>i need to win, don’t lose
Another one
I’ll kill you if you fall asleep
Ice really needs to forcefeed Prez the chill pill
>when it was prez all along who was the truly broken person of the manga purely by falling in love
The plan is gonna go absolutely haywire making Prez more depressed, and have his stress go to MAX
we kaguya-sama: love is ib now
Oh! I was wondering if she was falling back on her routine even for a Shirogane who's just Hayasaka wearing a mask, but no: that's the wrong hand.
This is getting way too creepy
>thought we were getting save Kaguya from her house arc instead we get, Save Prez from himself arc
Aka is really subverting my expectations.
I miss the simpler times where we had Student Council hijinks. This is just depresing.
Also: Is this chapter really only 5 pages long this week? Or are those just the first leaked pages?
Some more quotes
>Don't fall sleep
>Don't be careless
It goes like this
JP raw preview(few pages and panels, usually out of context) -> KR -> JP raw
We're most likely missing all the Kaguya pages, considering the name of the chapter.
Doesn't he share his room with his sister? Or is this a different room?
>It’s very realistic, how u don’t say “like” straightforwardly
>But I think it’s more faithful to the act if u talk in a more pressured(?) way
>And shouldn’t you wear some male clothes?
He has a study room for himself.
China actually shut up and pay for anime, unlike you cumskin that pay jackshit to the actual japanese (y'all keep paying those jewish middleman tho) while bitching that there's not enough minority in anime.
Fucking wh*te cumskins should be genocided already.
>Probably more than you think, Shinomiya
It's been 5 months and the story hasn't progressed 3 days
cute Ice
>texting with Haysaka
When is Iceguya going the fuck away?
>Since when do u like her?
>How much do u like her?
>Why are you asking those things..
>if you’re asking this much, I’m havin u answer my questions too
>Go ahead
动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门
cute worried miko
Yeah, I see that too.
Chink scans in ~3 hours
Cute Haysaca-chan
Ramen showdown
Actually chapter 122, which was the beggining of the culture festival, was four days ago in-universe and eight months ago in real life. Though lots of stuff happened in those chapters, time has moved very slowly.
You were until I read your post.
That looks like 三度見直せ to me.
Background posters
>Carelessness is your greatest enemy
>I’ll kill you if you fall asleep
>If you win you lose〜
>Anything other than〜is worthless
>Kill careless mistakes
>〜is an idiot
>Look it over three times
>Hard work beats talent
>The suffering that you get from studying only lasts now, the suffering that you eat from not studying lasts forever
>Beat Mikado!
>Exercise self restraint
>Be fully dedicated
I really appreciate how on model Iida draws the characters. The doujin artist could learn a thing or two from her.
Using Kaguya's smartphone retardation is actually a clever move by Hayasaka to get those idiots to talk by proxy.
>Beat Mikado
So he has considering a rival from the very beginning
>i'll kill you if you fall sleep
>kill careless mistakes
Those test chapter are not that funny anymore
>If you win you lose〜
you lose... WHAT?
>I need to win
>Don’t lose
>I need to win
Fuck off.
Those are just the questions Kaguya is practicing with her, she just asks prez them and read backs the answers.
>How much do you like her?
>Probably more than you think.
Oh. Well. Kaguya, maybe get over here with the
>"Look at me. We're going to be okay. You can rest now."
has the inside of prez's room been shown before?
We've only seen glimpses of it, but not the full, disturbing picture.
Not in this much detail. Closest we got was in the riddle chapter.
Where did "打倒帝!" came from?
Aka actually kept the location of the bottles consistent
Ib of Study
Also while the positioning is accurate the dimensions are kind of fucked up but that has never been Aka's strong point
That part is cut off. It's the poster behind the books on the left shelf
all except 李洪志 is really just a fucking faggot
>maki's gigantic head
Just as Kaguya has fucked up family teaching, Prez went overboard with his motivation texts. That's an interesting parallel.
Prez is aiming for the top, so beating the "final boss" seems like a logical goal.
That's all good, except I don't see it anywhere in the picture.
You misspelled Papa
Why is Iino so tall?
The difference is everything about prez is self imposed.
yes, I know
Then do you know where in the picture 打倒帝 came from? Can't find it anywhere.
I love Maki's gigantic head, more surface area to kiss.
I wonder.
you just know that hayasaka pegs kaguya every night while wearing the president disguise
I checked that an it actually they're in the living room, considering there's a table in the middle of the room
The raw also doesn't specify who the room belongs to, so JB might have misinterpreted that
*and it actually looks like they're in the living room
It's the first time we have a glipse into his room, but man, this is fucked up, and to think it is self inflicted.
Prez just barely recovered from his sleep deprived fainting, and now he wants to make something even more grand for the party even though there's so little time for it.
What the hell could he even do to surpass the festival?
Oh, I see.
Festival ending with mouth rape Christmas will end with Rape rape.
Christmas is going to end with a wholesome kiss under the mistletoe in front of everybody. Complete with Handholding.
Something that will make Kaguya reject him, probably.
He's going to dress up as santa and break into Kaguya's mansion and give her presents
Guess the "beat Mikado" part is just fake news then...
>self imposed.
Considering his mum abandoned him for not being good enough academically, I'd say it's not completely self imposed
The user who compilled every single written one and translated it also mentioned it.
It's not that weird, since he's the top student on a national level, only behind President.
It’s not, I can see it
Only above President I meant. It fuels his desire to do better since he didn't reach 1st place.
Inb4 Prez death and Ishigami revenge arc
>Defeat Mikado
EL HERMANO incoming
It's obvious that eventhough he'll end up with Kaguya Miyuki will never beat Mikado at the test to show that it's okay to not be number 1 sometimes.
What do otters and mikado have to do with each otter?
Who was mikado again
Maki's twin brother.
The number 1 placer in the national exam who beat Shirogane.
Potentially the dude who noticed Kaguya crying during the fireworks chapter.
He is also named after the Emperor who married Kaguya-hime in the legends, which probably means something since Yakuza girl being related to the dragon jewel made her involved with the dragon display at the festival.
Plus all the main cast are named after someone from the legend and only Abe and Mikado are still missing.
Supposedly Maki's twin. Somehow he surpasses President in test scores, even when he's at his best.
El Hermano.
The direction this is going in is emphasizing how negative Shirogane's desire to be perfect is so I doubt whatever he's planning will end up going well. Probably fucks up, Kaguya comforts him and they finally have that talk.
That's closer to 命 than 帝.
There is no 打倒 either.
Sounds like some head canon you want to believe instead of facts.
Maki's twin brother and first place from teh mock exam
pls no ntr
I swear to g-d, if we get some arranged marriage bullshit
Looks to me like they're saying they're doing their student council work without him (why would a party somebody else is throwing be something they'd feel the need to mention they could manage without him?)
You can divide these quotes by their placement on the wall
Placed orderly on the walls:
>Carelessness is your greatest enemy
>The suffering that you get from studying only lasts now, the suffering that you eat from not studying lasts forever
>If you win you lose〜 (too cut off to make sense of)
>Look it over three times
>Hard work beats talent
>Exercise self restraint 〜 be fully dedicated
>Beat Mikado!
These are the ones he put there before he ran out of space. The quotes he chose starting out were all relatively reasonable
Placed disorderly on the wall:
There's two quotes but the "guts" one is the only one you can actually read. You can definitely see it's been placed there after he ran out of space since it's placed over another one, but it's also placed there disorderly. He's probably adding a new one whenever he's feeling like he's not motivated enough, but is getting annoyed he now needs so many it doesn't even fit there anymore, so he's getting sloppy
Placed on the ceiling
>I’ll kill you if you fall asleep
>Anything other than〜is worthless
>Kill careless mistakes
>〜is an idiot
At this point Prez isn't even trying to put them there orderly, he's losing his shit and the quotes he's adding now are getting way more fucked up.
Considering "Beat Mikado" is among the orderly placed quotes, maybe after losing in that mock exam that is when he started to go way overboard
So what happened with last chapter's cliffhanger? Kaguya went to talk to him but was too autistic to properly express herself (hence Hayasaka having to play mediator over phone)? Or she genuinely tried to tell him how she feels but Prez wasn't having it?
Showing up to talk to him would imply she listened in to him opening behind the door, and that would probably be a bad move.
reverse ntr is fine
Probably the first. Problems being honest with him was already a problem for her anyway, so I can see her not trying to confront Prez in the hospital.
Prez probably went straight home after his talk with the nurse cause he wanted to work on a new plan after she questioned his mask, Kaguya may have assumed he's going back cause he's tired which makes it even harder for her to press the issue.
We almost certainly will but this is Maki's brother we're talking about, I don't imagine it'll be played the way people usually hate about this trope.
You're right It's a mans responsibility to find a perfect mate to pass on his genes,
Women should be used and abandoned to find the perfect partner.
Talking to him then would kind of make it obvious that she eavesdropped on him losing his shit among other things like not wanting to do this while exhausted and still recovering. Just not the best time probably.
It's still a top cancer trope
Is it weird i'm really into her vibe?
Are you fucking retarded?
I miss them bros
>〜is an idiot
Wonder who this is about? It could just be Mikado again but I kind of can't really imagine Prez writing that about somebody else unless they actually did something to piss him off. Wouldn't be surprised if it's actually "Miyuki is an idiot" or something similarly self-deprecating. Or maybe Subject F just caught him on a REALLY bad day.
I think femyu would look better with a different type of headphones
>This is Prez rival
At this point I just want to hug prez, poor guy. I hope he ends up crying on Kaguya's chest by the time the arc ends.
The guy is a legit genius though.
imo, it's only cancer when it's played straight, here Shirogane and Kaguya will be together by the time it becomes relevant and I refuse to believe someone related to Maki has a chance of ntr-ing anyone.
Yeah the only sane person is fujiwara
>Idris Elba as Kaguya
Maybe she took all the cucked genes and the guy is an expert chad.
This is beyond creepy.
I dunno how this branch family business works but I doubt someone from a branch family can marry back into the main one either
The hell is Kei gonna think if she enters the room with all of this mess on the walls?
>Bulied by his cuck of a sister
My sides
>kaguya final flashback/resolution arc
>"the unkind people who wish to be kind"
Y'know speaking of Maki, It's funny that Shirogane hasn't even recognized that he's friends with Mikado's sister. It's probably something addressed offscreen since he hasn't been introduced yet but it's still kind of weird in retrospect.
He probably locks the door. That's too much for a family member to see.
I would clap
If it happens it'll be more to mend the relationship between their families probably.
The cutest ice.
Given how Shirogane is so intent on beating him, I'd imagine Mikado is actually really chill. An "NTR arc" feels pointless.
No, they share a room. And she needs to go through his room to go to her own.
It looks like he just gradually descended into madness with the quotes, so maybe she's not quite aware of how actually fucked up this shit is cause it's not like he changed from one day to the next
"People" implies it's more than Kaguya, but Prez is kind already, he's just self hating as fuck.
He will be male Maki
That's note even ice anymore, they all rejoined pretty nicely.
Cuteness overload.
it's from ib
She still looks ice last time. She's still practicing caution until she gets her kiss, since she arrived at the conclusion that she should try to get a kiss in that state.
everything looks so cheap wth
they couldn't get some sponsor deal for the headphone or something at least
I could've been a decent ishigami
I always thought that would sound better as "The bad people who wish to do good"
>Exercise self restraint
What the fuck are you doing? I hear the sirens, fuck y
Imagine if we see him getting asd every time Kaguya and Prez are flirting.
That would be amazing.
Imagine if Shirogane was still a normal teenager with normal teenager wants and stuff, like going out with his friends.
>Aka subverts expectations by making Mikado be in love with Pres, so he gets cucked by his own relative
This but with Mikado instead
>They are gonna settle everything at the hospital
>Everyone think Mikado wants to cuck Prez
>He is actually gay and wants to cuck Kaguya instead
This was much more interesting, really.
Since Maki is already discount Kaguya I wouldn't be surprised if Mikado ends up being Prez Lite.
That would be cruel to Maki, considering discount prez would be her fated one.
Fucking seething iToddlers!
No, Mikado will fall in love with Kaguya, quickly realize it's too late and settle with discount Kaguya.
Incest ending incoming
They should have, as people, but as leads of a romcom, it would have been too anticlimactic.
If he is already aiming for his aunt, a sister is just another step.
I remember all this fags of the last chapter thread
Must not taint the Shijo bloodline with some outsiders commoners
Evry tim u otters butt your ugly heads out when chapter spoilers come out but disappear when the actual chapter comes out when will you learn
Happy (belated) Mother's Day!
The dissonance between the ones in the wall and the ceiling is too big. As much as he likes to push himself, he wouldn't put all of those demeaning notes.
I think the ones in the ceiling are from his mom.
>Shijo bloodline
>worth preserving
No way in hell, the handwriting is the same, but a tad more deranged.
This is cruel, for several reasons.
>poor buy who wanted to be an astronomer fully crushed by his cunt of a mom.
Hayasaka's future husband
Delete this
If she is the worst mother in the manga, who is the best one?
Fuji's? She's around and took her to plenty of countries, also all the crazy genes come from her husband.
Hayamom obv
Kinda slim pickings. Kaguya's and Hayasaka's both left tossed them into the pit that was a Shinomiya upbringing, Mamagane's out of the running, Ishigami gets hit at home; Momiino's not there.
Probably Fujimama by default.
Prez has despair but not nearly as much as yotsuba lol
Not really her fault
At least she's there for her unlike Nayotake
There's so many worse parents out there. The parents from Hayate butler comes to mind.
Well, Nayotake croaked
>in the manga
Ishigami was hit because he was skipping school, over an issue he most likely didn't fully explain to them, even if they did think he may have a reason for it, he probably never explained it.
The father was just running out of patience with him. Any proper parent would.
She died when Kaguya was in middle school and Kaguya became a psycho since elementary which mean she's barely there for her in the first place
She doesn't even take care of Kaguya as a baby, it was Hayamom
>Imitation is happening because Hayasaka keeps reading off his responses on the App
She's best wingman.
Was it rape?
>practicing sex with hayasaka
You know what? Knowing how much of a cunt their mom is, and knowing that despite how much favoured Kei is by their mother. she choose to stay with her brother and father makes me appreciate Kei more.
Sorry for always calling you worst girl Kei.
New thread This one's gonna croak soon
Ishigami got hit at home by his dad, not his mom. And it was because he didn't try to explain about the whole stalker incident. If I had a son who came with a notice that he had stalked a girl and beat a random guy, without any explanation other than a vague mumbling of it not being his fault, I'd also beat his ass.
We don't really know why she came back though. Maybe she did want to come back, maybe she messed up after the mom took her in, and she gave up on her too.
Is it written that she come back? I thought the mom just fucked off leaving all her children behind.
They were obviously still written by Prez, but I wouldn't be surprised if they're things that his mom has actually said which he put up as a "reminder."
Did you speedread? Shirogane said that he took his little sister with her once she passed the exam, so that's Kei. She's there now, so she probably sent her back at some point, the reason why, we don't know.
Fujiwara, obviously.
I'm fine with this, otters are cute
What the fuck is wrong with him