Kanojo Okarishimasu

Now that Kazuya has resolved to end things and Chizuru's grandma is dead, how will the plot progress from here?

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Nobody said she's dead.

her collapsing will just be another reason for them to keep their fake relationship going (at rental-girlfriends request this time). this author is such a hack

By never telling his grandma about what he was gonna say, and him being chizurus lapdog until something else major happens that theyll slip under the rug to keep the manga going

There's just no way she'll keep this up since she said she's quitting soon. Kazuya also doesn't want to keep this up either.

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You sure?

>how will the plot progress

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It's actually progressing very quickly.

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It's ambiguous.

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Remember when you faggots thought you were the next big thing on Yea Forums? Now 5toubun has a second season while you're trapped in Nisekoi hell. Enjoy nothing happening. You're used to it.

>the plot progress

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Whorezuru a shit

Chorizo is the clear winner so no waifuwars here.

Magazine has nothing left to adapt and Kanokari sells well, anime any time now.

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>it's another "best girl loses despite being superior to the main girl" episode
So sick of it, bros

Honestly, in an ideal world Kazuya should have realized that he idolize Chizuru too much and ask Ruka out.

Imagine bragging about getting another season of an extremely low budget anime

Kazuya should die, so the girls problems finally gonna end.

Hes a complete shit anyway.

But Chizuru wants Kazuya around. It's because of him she can keep trying to become an actress.


I'm sure Ruka and Chizuru's grandma would still be sick.

No it's not. It was retconned kind off. Apparently after that one role she had another guy contacted her. Sure he was the first one to tell her she has talent and should chase her dream, but she didn't do it because of his words, but because she actually succeed. Every "cool" thing he does in immediately rendered useless. Remember when he got drunk to protec her? Imagine this she can handle her alcohol pretty well (probably better then Kazuya)

In an ideal world this guy would be in a prison cell or drowning in guilt for all the stupid shit he did. If you ask me he never ever did anything to ever deserve those girls. He continues to say he will change while paying for one girl and the other one is kept at bay because for whatever reason she is the one "losing" if she finds somebody that actually loves her and he gets to be lonely again.

>in a prison cell
for what? stupidity isn't a crime

Yeah, but he made her feel less miserable in that interim period, and that's got to count for something.

I guess you are right. I was spinning it in my head towards what he does by asking for her over and over again by using the service but i guess thats how it works

technically he threatened her with blackmailing her once, but she didn't fall for that. If anything She could loose this job for countless times she broke the ToS

I think MC this time really changed.

That's called Stockholm syndrome. Get help, mate.


He's changed plenty of times. Just read the beginning of the manga and see how different he was.

Well, he didn't think that the only way to get girls is to hire them and make them wear costumes so that he can get pictures of them for his fap folder. I guess he did change.

she won't be a rental, just his (fake) girlfriend. at least until her grandmother isn't dying anymore

Wow so it'll literally become Nisekoi.

Except Ruka is the gorilla here

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>imagine enjoying a manga about prostitution

a callback to the first chapter
get ready for nothing happening
though Chorizo won't take the ring and they'll be breaking up for another 40 chapters

tags: prostitution blackmail femdom

But she's a virgin.

But things happened in the first chapter, so things will happen again in next chapter.

inb4 Mizuhara becomes a real girlfriend, he hires Sumi as fake girlfriend and Ruka moves to being a bitter ex-girlfriend along with Mami.

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And has Mami, which instantly puts it above Nisekoi.

Or...Or.... maybe the MC will gather courage for several more tomes and we will be stuck for 30 additional chapters as we wait for these of crisis to pass...

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KO x tiktok collab

>plot progress

>bragging about having your adaptation butchered by Tezuka a second time
Kinokari probably could have gotten an anime if it wanted to and it seems pretty popular among VAs. Author is probably holding out for the best offer.

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Nino and Chizuru should have the same VAs.

can someone post a manga that doesn't have a faggot mc that fucks his harem besides parallel paradise?




>the convenience bus comes to town to stop plot progression
Just end this fucking shit.

I still think high heels match Sumi like water and oil.

What's the cost of renting Chizuru's womb? What about her anus?

Just too pure.

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I don't know.

Just to irrelevant.

Its going to get an anime soon

This. You don't get promotion like a bunch of collabs and lotteries without plans for an adaptation.

Nothing of importance.
Mami knows everything and can fuck their shit up anytime, the story wouldn't make a big deal out of it if it was irrelevant
Him breaking up with Chorizo in front of grandma would make that irrelevant: it won't happen
Them becoming a real couple would make that irrelevant (unless granny is a purityfag): It won't happen
Only thing that's left is them sticking to their lies

Of course

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Isn't this girl a literal prostitute?

No, they show she's a virgin when she blushes after giving CPR.

Mami a best

Ruka > Chizuru > Mami > Sumi


>having a lying cunt that only likes you when you're dating someone else is a good thing

Shittiest of taste

>manga wars

I can't tell if it's a joke or if people actually have anonymous rivalries over which japanese manga is the "top" manga

Ruka is a fucking highschooler. She is literally the least realistic girl and exists only to fulfill a character archetype. All the other characters are more realistic than her besides the fact that in real life Kazuya would have continued being a virgin loser due to the fact he's an immense beta pussy.

>Inb4 "she's legal in japan"

It is legal in most countries for an 18 year old to date a 16 year old, it's still considered weird by most.

No one actually thought Kanokari would outsell 5toubun because of the subject matter.

This is fucking amazing. Why do nips always make so much better content, even just amateur content than the West?

How can people like this manga anyway ?
Japan trying to fight the low birthrate again ?

This manga is so fucking bad. Fitting that these threads are even deader than Bokushit threads.

Well, it sells well in Japan, they just aren't insecure about their masculinity like your average Mangadex reader so they don't flip out over every development.

Kanokari hasn't had an anime yet. Bokuben only ever got discussed because of the Shonen Jump label, and it's so bad no one is discussing it when the anime is airing. If Kanokari gets adapted you can bet people will be discussing it.

She's a good villain.

>grown-ups can't take their kids' break-up
This is pathetic.

You mean Ruka is the MC now?

When is Kazuya a real man, by expressing his love for Mizuhara firmly and ending with a kiss @,@

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The same thing Bokufags said.

dude haha

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>call girls who wont take the D
Whats the fucking point?

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Some people are just very lonely

a realistic human being

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If he stopped dressing like an early 2000's emo band fan he would have gotten laid already.

I wouldn't consider someone with a cunty personality a villain I would just consider her a cunt who will live an unhappy life because of her personality flaw of being a cunt.

So what's with the title drop?