Hold me, Yea Forums

Hold me, Yea Forums
I fucking love Gundam

Currently watching Gundam Wing

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No thanks. I prefer to not touch the retarded.


As somebody who doesn’t like Gundamshit whatsoever, I thought Gundam Wing was actually “okay”.

>I love Gundam
>Currently watching Gundam Wing
I sense a contradiction.

0079 is legitimately one of the top 10 animes every produced, so it's not exactly strange

>0079 is legitimately one of the top 10 animes every produced

I'm currently on the mission of watching all the good gundams of the 20th century before macross and other classic stuff. My favorite so far is still MSG, Amuro is the best pilot

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/m/'s hald gundam you'll have a hell of a time with this post there.

I watched everything up through Victory and decided to skip around a little bit. Now watching G-Reco and SEED.
SEED is unironically tons of fun even if it's cheesy and generic. The soundtrack is great.

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It's good.

SEED will be the first thing I'll watch after Turn A, which is the last Gundam

Wing sucks tho

I should start with Victory by now, it is good?

But Gundam Wing is shit.

Victory's really fucking weird. Some people love it, I thought it had a lot of problems and was kind of annoying to watch at times but I think it's worth watching still.

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>all the good gundams of the 20th century
What do you consider to be the good Gundam series? The franchise is incredibly hit or miss for me, with the hits being fantastic and the misses being unwatchable

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Depends on what you want. It's of that type of 90's anime where the lighting is flat, the colors are bland, everything lacks detail, and it all looks pretty cheap. Also the mech designs (apart from the Victory which is awesome) aren't as cool as stuff from Z and ZZ. Zeon and Char are no longer around either.
Personally, I love it. It's a very cynical story and everything I felt it was saying resonates with me a lot. Plus the music is fantastic.

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I quite enjoyed the first half of Victory but it really fell apart for me after that.

Just remember to watch Turn A last. It is the finale for all Gundam universes.

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What about Seed, G-Reco and IBO? Should I watch them first?

I'm not him, but I like basically everything Tomino, though 0079 and Greco are standouts because of their energy, while ZZ becomes a bit of a chore. I haven't rewatched turn-A yet though, but once I do I suspect it'll make it to the top three I do. It was probably a bit too much to unpack on the first viewing.

Zeta is a weird fever dream

Out of the non-Tomino material, 00 is okay (though its pacing is consistently offbeat and it annoys the heck out me)

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G-Reco is technically after Correct Century I believe. Maybe watch that after if you really care about chronology.

I watched G-Reco before Turn A but I think it's better if you watch it after. It has quite a bit in common with Turn A but doesn't execute it nearly as well. There are some scenes and concepts in G-Reco that are almost directly lifted from Turn A.

G-Reco is Turn A done worse.

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Why do people shit on the first half of ZZ? It was genuinely more amusing than a lot of Zeta. The worst part of that anime is actually the last third, especially the god awful china colony arc.

I like G-reco because it is visually fun and packed with great action directing. Tomino was doing budget sorcery with that series.

It's Gundam meets Xabungle

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The only problem I had with the China colony part was that that one girl just jumps to the ground and dies for no reason. I rewatched that part like a dozen times thinking I missed something but no, it is that stupid.

What really makes Gundam special to me is Char and the argument of moving mankind to a place where Earth doesn't continue to dominate politics.
0079 introduces the world of UC Gundam and sets the groundwork perfectly, but the middle portion is a chore to sit through and the aesthetic is really dated not that it's inherently bad but I would just rather watch something more 80s-esque
Zeta makes Char a main character, adds a lot of really cool mech designs, and expands the universe in such an interesting way by adding the Titans into the mix, but the cast is split between ok characters and downright unlikeable ones. Also the ending isn't very satisfying.
ZZ has no Char unless you count that guy in Africa and the new villains are mostly not very compelling. But it has more cool mech battles and a more consistent comedic tone than Zeta.
CCA shows a lot of Char's grassroots support and is interesting in that regard but is probably the most autistic thing in Tomino's filmography with the exception of stuff like Dunbine and Garzey's Wing.
I used to like 0079 the most by far but now I'm not sure. The UC Gundam universe is so interesting but there doesn't seem to be one show that's a solid cohesive whole that does it justice.

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Yeah, I agree. ZZ really overstays its welcome in the final act

How do you dedicated Gundamfags feel about the Origins manga? I'm not well versed in the whole Gundam universe but I loved it.

It has the best fights choreography in any gundam I would say.
The animation was also great.
Episode 1 is actually like episode 3 or 4 in the anime, Bandai wanted the gundam to appear in the first episode so it looks like disjoint at first.
But start with episode 1.

I see you only just started Wing then. Be warned that it might greatly disappoint you.

I don't know much about the manga but the Origins anime has become something to identify people new to the franchise that don't give a shit about the franchise itself and just want to watch the trendy shit. I can't count the number of times I've seen someone say they watched the 0079 movies (and from the way they post they probably weren't even entirely paying attention to those) so they could get past that quickly and watch Origins. It's worse than Unicorn in that aspect imo.

Watch whenever
It's absolute trash.

SEED has callbacks/call forwards to Turn A.

>Currently watching Gundam Wing

Enjoy the train wreck.

Gundam Wing is fucking hilarious.

>MC's favorite phrase and attack is "ALLAH AKUBAR!"
Heero Yui is a fucking moron.

Zeta Gundam, 0079, Stardust Memory, and G Gundam are good in my book.

Kamille progression and development was A1. Char role in Zeta was cool as well. Zeta does a good job humanizing Char.

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So I do need to watch EVERYTHING before Turn A? What the fuck

I wouldn't bother if you don't want to. I think it's fine after watching 0079 through CCA just to get a handle on the setting of UC. I don't know what references to SEED Turn A has, I just know that there's like a single frame that calls back to Wing. There's also a part of the story where if you've watched several Gundam series you might be able to pick things out but overall I don't think you should feel like you need to watch more Gundam series than you want to to watch Turn A.

Just like Amuro, I have patience and I'm willing to wait and watch everything if it's necessary. I want to have the best experience ever because all the series I've watched have been so much fun, some a little fun and others a fucking blast.
What makes me a bit confused now is that Seed (and other entries) were made after Turn A. How is it possible that they have references in Turn A?

It would've been had Tomino let it die there but with every new Gundam Turn A gets retconned

>What makes me a bit confused now is that Seed (and other entries) were made after Turn A. How is it possible that they have references in Turn A?
I actually have never watched Seed and I guess forgot when it was made. So yeah that really doesn't make much sense but Seed may have references to Turn A. I don't know. Technically Turn A takes place in the UC timeline anyway but there is at least one reference to Wing. Don't worry about it though. It doesn't even reference UC very much outside of some of the mech designs. If you have even a passing knowledge of UC you shouldn't have any problem with Turn A.

The only new Gundam series that takes place after Turn A is G-Reco though. And I don't know how it existing retcons anything considering it takes place over 1000 years after Turn A.

Char was already more than humanized at the end of MSG. Char's apathy for Reccoa and Kamille's brain death if anything shows he's a fucking asshole still and not just a sociopath

It's set in the same universe, and in the exact same time periods, as the highly serious and dark 0079 and Zeta, yet tries to be a comedy. It's extremely jarring and doesn't feel thematically appropriate with anything we've seen or experienced. It clashes with the setting, and stuff like Judau being a child soldier and his friends literally trying to sell him out and kill him for money (repeatedly at that) should be taken WAY more seriously and given the appropriate gravitas, but they're not.

Don't touch yourself then

UC was a dumpster fire but at least there were a couple hidden GMs.

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I just watched every UC Gundam recently and 08th MS Team was the biggest piece of trash in the whole lot. The only thing in it that isn't completely terrible is the fight with the Gouf (iirc) near the end. It has no likeable characters, it's the most uninspired "Vietnam, but Gundam!" piece of shit, and it's yet another unneeded retread of the One Year War to bank off of nostalgia. The whole romance plot was also hard to watch and it has the worst artstyle in all of UC Gundam. I wish I could get back the time I spent watching it.

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>hates UC
>considers 08th MS Team a gem
I wish I could hate people to death.

Yea Forums and /m/ hates 08th ms team with a passion and it's understandable. I just got really hooked by the focus on normal grunts fighting in giant mechas, no brainwave super powers or space magic. It's refreshing for me, and tactics actually mattered.

SeeD is my guilty pleasure

Destiny is horrible though

Seen War in the Pocket yet?



Yup, it's up there for me. I was messed up for days after that ending though.

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you actually don't need to watch anything to watch Turn A

Better than watching G Reco. That putrid shitshow will make you hate gundam.

I liked G-Reco. It was the second to last Gundam I watched when I went through the series earlier this year.

Okay shit taste

Kamille is Yas' best design
Prove me wrong

>What makes me a bit confused now is that Seed (and other entries) were made after Turn A. How is it possible that they have references in Turn A?
It was more that Turn A has references to a lot of the shows made before it, and the director of SEED desperately wanted to be "included" in Gundam so he took some stuff in Turn A and added it into SEED. Nothing really worth noting.

I actually find it disingenuous how so many people claim that 08th is the most normal/realistic war story when it is easily the most ridiculously idealistic. Despite the "super powers" or "space magic" of the other shows, they at least aren't afraid to show that war is hell and that people die. Everyone makes it out alive, the worst loss someone has is his long-distance girlfriend breaking up with him, and the main characters just easily abandon the army with no consequence and live happily ever after.

You have impeccably shit taste.

IBO is the only Gundam series I've dropped. I've watched everything else and even read a decent amount of the manga. It's that fucking bad.

Kiki's father died and she had her entire village destroyed.