The Demon King Unannounced Dungeon Inspection

>Another parody of fantasy stories ala Delicious in Dungeon except starring the Demon King making sure his dungeon is daijobu

Bros, is this the ghoul-den age of japanese fantasy?

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Are they all literally just copying the cover arts of Dungeon Meshi now?

What are you expecting from isekai writers? To be original?

that was my first impression when i saw this thread in the catalog

you got me there got me there

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this doesn't sound like an isekai

>these shitty manga/LN will get anime first before dungeon meshi

that was ,one of the worst manga I have ever read

Basically chink tier bootlegging

Hahah, holy shit.

it's shameful

It's a tribute.

It is not an isekai per se. It is simply the misadventures of a bro maoh and his demon secretary overseeing their dungeon

>Its another user calls something a parody despite not even knowing what the word parody means episode

>Dungeon Meshi is shit.

>Delicious in Dungeon

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look if there isn't a reincarnated/transported jap kid it's not an isekai, it's just fantasy

Native isekai actually.

Do you think the editors of these manga demanded that the covers resemble Dungeon Meshi's?

Fuck off, retard.

you're a little shit and you know it

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native isekai only applies to settings where the MC is native to the world, but gets reincarnated again in his own world (generally sent back in time or whatever)

I like this cover, actually.

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user, what is a parody?

God I hate isekai. I hate the retards who write it and think they're smart for deconstructing RPG cliches while using the exact same fucking setting as everyone else while being incapable of writing one fucking decent character. I hate how it makes even the basest haremshit looks like a masterpiece of human complexity by how fucking obvious the wish fulfillment is. But most of all I hate the fucking readers who contribute to their popularity and who have even infected Yea Forums, and who are all convinced that even though isekai is a shit genre, the one they are reading is better than the rest. Every fucking time I go on Yea Forums I have between 5 and 10 threads filtered and I'm certain more than half of them are isekaishit or reincarnation bullcrap. God I wish we could make an /ln/ containment board, which would include adaptations too, since 95% of this trash starts as LN and the root should be cut off.

Chillax, user

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>generally sent back in time
No, that's called fucking time travel you retard. Time travel in fantasy is still fucking time travel.

No but it has a demon king, ergo it's isekaishit

>another isekai ripping off DM first volume cover

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> Isekai

Came here to say this, what the fuck is this trend? Are Dungeon Meshi's covers that iconic?

I'm not sure,I like them though..its also easier to copy something than make something new

Isekaitards (and by extension, manga """""authors"""" who use demon lords, RPG setting "parody", that kinda thing are literally incapable of any original thought. Ripping off one of the few genuine fantasy manga is just their way of mooching off it. I'm going to say there's probably a bit of jealousy too, because I'm pretty sure most of these tards got their actual pet project rejected and have to write an entirely soulless cash grab.

I never thought about it as iconic but everyone instantly noticed the covers as imitations so I guess it is iconic.

Bro, now that you mention it, do you think the majority of manga adapting LNs will never cover all of the source material? It happened to Rokka no Yuusha

>Native isekai

I wonder how Kui would react if she found out about this

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I hope not

Imitation is the greatest flattery.