Does White Fox make anime solely on the basis of producing waifus?

Does White Fox make anime solely on the basis of producing waifus?

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White Fox has nothing to do with producing “waifus”. Fuck off back to R*ddit

Are you retarded? Kurisu and Yuu are the only noteworthy ones here, the rest are complete trash, especially Esdeshit.

I wish they'd produce some season 2s.
I really miss Yumacchi, lads

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My wife Chino is so cute.

But so are the rest of the GochiUsas

>Reminds me of Esdeath

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All of them are shit except Erufu.

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What's wrong with that?

Never said there was anything wrong with that.

Try harder to fit in bucko

user, you cannot waifu dead characters

”waifus” isn’t a word for describing female characters in anime

And 2. White Fox hasn’t nothing to do with the creation of those characters as they all come from various source materials. All WF does is animate them. How fucking retarded do you have to be to think WF comes up with all those characters

My wife Chino in the center!

My wife Yuuri is cute

You have to be a complete moron to not attribute the creation of said "waifus" to the source material

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isn't that basically every studio

Stop, you're gonna summon "him"


Why is it that outsiders desperate to fit in accuse others of being desperate to fit in all the time? Is it some weak attempt at deflection?

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A Yuuri waifufag who posts a giant list of things about Yuuri.

You have to go back.