What do you dislike about modern anime?

I'm sick and tired of people not giving a shit about background art anymore and overly complex character designs that don't work in animation at all.

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incomplete adaptation, glorified ads

Every show isn't cute lolis. i will be satisfied when only lolis exist

Bad source material.

Not enough daddy anime. I love funny gdct series but I wish there were more adult male or daddy-like leads in them.

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It's too safe.
What was the last "ambitious" anime made?

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This one and the amount of anime that we have every season, less/+quality > more/-quality

CGI. I just looks so out of place when a 2D drawn character is running against what looks like a landscape from an Xbox game.

This. There has to be a better way to integrate it. Otherwise fuck off with it

>dark magical girls is ambitious
Yhe man let's just ignore the fact that was by no means new or had been done about 50 times before. Ambitious my fucking ass. The only thing you could argue about ambitious is the art style. but that ignores the fact Shaft's style produced the most popular anime of all time. Fuck newfags who started watching anime in 2011.

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>Yhe man let's just ignore the fact that was by no means new or had been done about 50 times before
Mind you telling me some anime like Madoka that aired before Madoka? Maybe you are right but I can't think of any anime like that right now.

Good background art is very common, and character design complexity has been reduced if we include movies and OVAs.

I think there have been a couple shows that implement CGI very well. Malice@Doll and Land of the Lustrous being some of my favorite examples. Even then I feel like CGI in general gets way more hate than it deserves. I'd much rather take bad CGI than bad background art.

>I'd much rather take bad CGI than bad background art.
Mah nigga

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Princess Tutu, nanahona, Utena fucking dunk on Madoka in terms of ambition

The third Madoka movie was ambitious.

They make ambitious/experimental/different anime all the time. What you really want is the same old anime that you already like, which you've somehow rationalized as bold risk-taking.

>lmao let's reset the universe for a second time
>You wanted a happy ending? Too bad!
It's lazy schlock

Post something that came after Madoka. That's my point.

Different isn't ambitious. Those weird shit that Taneka makes is ambitious then?
Would you agree Eva is ambitious?
It has a bigger scope, huge cast and most of all it isn't some adaptation and had balls.

Lack of smoking, everyone having to be pure virgins who get embarassed and take 12 episodes to confess. Its pretty funny watching old shit and seeing the difference. Youve got did you fuck him? Vs kyaa indirect kiss.

What is ambitious about sabotaging your movie just so you can make absolutely sure that you've cleared the way for a sequel?

>Would you agree Eva is ambitious?
Eva is just a compilation of shit mecha did decades before with added faux artistic direction.

>Post something that came after Madoka. That's my point.
You're saying Madoka was ambitious. If it's just ambitious to stuff that came after it, that means pretty much nothing. It's the same line of thinking as people that praise Eva for being original or ambitious when it's the only mecha anime they've ever watched.

Read the entire post, not just a single word.

We are not talking about ambition but anime like Madoka see , I agree with you with Utena and maybe Princess Tutu being more ambitious than Madoka, that said those shows where from different times and we all know that those times were the peak times of the anime industry, still Madoka is a timeless classic too and it has nothing to envy to shows like Utena or NGE.

There won't be any sequel what are you even talking about

They didn't reseted anything.
Have you even watched it?

Yeah, that's the best part. They destroyed the movie and then didn't even make a sequel.

Alright. Fine. Madoka isn't ambitious. Just give one example of modern anime then.

>They didn't reseted anything.
Homura did something similar to what Madoka did at the end of the series (even telling Kyubei that this is the second time she's experienced the space as things were being rewritten). I guess you could argue it isn't really a "reset" but she remade the universe or changed it in some way to be how she wanted it to be, where everyone is back to being normal people and where she could be with Madoka again.

It doesn't need any sequel. The end is fine as it is.

What the fuck do you even mean by ambitious?

The end is a complete disaster that happened because they were going to make a sequel. The original planned ending would have been fine.

>Madoka is a timeless classic
If you're new make it less obvious.

>overly complex character designs that don't work in animation at all

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Flip flappers, ping pong the animation, penguindrum, jojo, mushishi 2nd season. This decade has been great. It's just 12 year olds dont realise that classic/ambitious are defined AFTER time. Not immediatley.

>the Jojo anime is ambitious

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I don't want to start anything, it's your own opinion vs the opinion of the entire industry, everybody has it's own opinion so it's ok user. Just try to be more polite next time and lurk a bit more.

anime production has gone to shit mainly because studios have to push 2-3 anime per season instead of making just 1

>opinion of the entire industry
You mean the entire industry that couldn't make a good anime if their lives depended on it?

The ambitious thing about Madoka is its execution. Darker magical girl shows have been done before, but none of them were a tightly written thriller that builds up a continuing momentum from start to finish. Not that it makes it automatically better, but the perfect screenwriting for the show is pretty much unmatched.

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>The end is a complete disaster
Well that's just like, your opinion.
It doesn't make it any less ambitious.

>just a compilation of shit mecha did decades before with added faux artistic direction.
The amount of delusion it takes for shiteaters to cope with reality is astounding.

>do my homework
Okay. Something that isn't safe?
Original, large scope, completely planned out from the beginning till the end, something unique?

Manga adaptations, no. Easy money.
Penguindrum came the same year as Madoka.
Flipflappers flopped, but I'll take it.

No, it's a fact.

>Original, large scope, completely planned out from the beginning till the end, something unique?

You're the delusional one if you think Eva isn't just Anno taking things from shows he watched earlier and implementing them in his own series. It's a glorified tribute project.

Most modern anime have too "clean" of an art style for my tastes. I don't even know how to describe it but that's how I feel.

It was written by a literal edgelord. Is this post seroious? There are well written anime. madoka is not one of them,

thats happens because anime is digital nowdays

You have no idea how people create things. Anno himslef said he was inspired from previous anime. consistnely has said this. it is no secret. It was his abilty to put it all together. he just about restarded the anime industry with it. No other modern has such a legacy

What makes it badly written?

>he just about restarded the anime industry with it
This is what Evafags actually believe.

No it's not. There is a huge controversy on this movie and although I didn't liked it myself I could argue over why does this movie has qualities.
And even if it's bad, it stays ambitious.

And the entire indutry that made some of your favourite ones too, again its a subjective matter, there are people out there that doesn't like shows like Utena or Evangelion too, but the industry and almost everyone praises both of them.

It's not just that, there are some anime that I thought had an interesting art style in the past some years.

Because it's true.

They removed the original ending and dropped in a replacement that does not logically follow from any of the previous events and requires huge amounts of mental gymnastics and reaching to try to explain. They objectively failed.

moeshit, i hate it all oh my god fuck moeshit. oh and yuri/fujo pandering while im at it

Honestly the lack of good background art is my main complaint. WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED TO ALL THE BACKGROUND ARTISTS?

How is it not a grand delusion that you have to pretend that watching a bunch of anime will give you even a remotely similar experience to Eva is beyond me.

>Homura is shown to be obsessed with Madoka in the series
>only wants what's best for her
>the entire conversation in the park in Rebellion
Sounds like someone wasn't paying attention. Rebellion is a much better ending than that garbage epilogue from the series.

t. has watched Eva and TTGL and thinks he's an expert on mecha anime

Moeshit doesn't exist and pandering is near non-existent. People only call things pandering when they personally don't like it. This is narcissism.

I was paying attention which is exactly why I saw all the gaping plot holes.

Solid argument.

>Literal edgelord
I have to agree here, although I like fate/zero, Saya no Uta and Madoka are some of the edgiest things I've seen.

>What do you dislike about modern anime?
Shit art
Shit story
Shit everything

You don't know what well written means.


That is not an argument. Give an example.

Is that what people told you?

No, we're not doing this fucking shit for the millionth time.

We've indeed done it a million time people like you never gave even a single argument, just shitting on the movie because you didn't understood it.

1. It's basically advertisement for the game/novel/manga
2. Mediocre production values
3. Copy pasted setting and characters aka generic high school with generic students or generic self insert character stuck in generic fantasy world
4. Jap humor sucks
5. It's an adaptation but it's incomplete
6. It's mass produced and crafted to appeal to the largest audience possible
7. Most characters are teenagers and/or females

Winter 2018 comes to mind, with a certain adaptation written by a literal who just months before getting greenlit and then receiving the most absurd production values to date and with the purposeful intent of not pleasing the average late night consumer. I'd say it takes balls to pour so much money into something like this.

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They all went to work on garbage like Manaria Friends
Seriously that show has the best backgrounds I've seen in years, and the quality of the animation doesn't drop for a second, but the actual content of the show is questionable.

And now you have to resort to fucking lying. You fucking piece of shit. I hope you fucking die in a car accident.

How its so good. I can't stop watching. I also hate that all the girls are way too cute.

>1. It's basically advertisement for the game/novel/manga
This is a myth.

>2. Mediocre production values
There have always been shows with mediocre production values.

>3. Copy pasted setting and characters aka generic high school with generic students or generic self insert character stuck in generic fantasy world
Repeating settings and characters are a normal thing. Generic is not a valid term to use.

>6. It's mass produced and crafted to appeal to the largest audience possible
You can't mass produce anime, and anime today is LESS mass audience-oriented than before. Mass audiences aren't watching Amazing Stranger.

>7. Most characters are teenagers and/or females
Nothing new.

>Resort to
Fucking retard hasn't given a single arguement and think I need to resort to lying. No, I'm just telling the truth.

everything is 12 episodes
makes anime so much more forgettable than when the standard was 24

>This is a myth.
Adaptations wouldn't just be 13 episodes if this wasn't true. If they weren't meant to just be ads they'd be full adaptations but full adaptations are pretty rare unless you're a high selling battle shonen.

I have fucking explained in detail what the fucking problem is with fucking Rebellion and all you fucking have to say is "lol no arguments." Fuck you, fucking cunt.

I hate otaku.

>everything is 12 episodes
>makes anime so much more forgettable than when the standard was 24
This season alone, only looking at the 8 shows i'm going to give a chance, there are 3 shows with at least 24 episodes.

They aren't necessarily 13 episodes, because they get sequels. A series isn't an ad just because it's incomplete.

You hate the idea of something you have labeled "otaku" that isn't actually based in reality.

Nothing wrong with 12 episodes. It all depends on the source material.

I like otaku. They are the reason anime is so different from all the westen garbage. I would like to see a decrease in LN/isekai adaptations though.

Adapting an entire work is a larger financial risk. It's less risky to adopt one season of a show and then renew it for a second/third if it does well

>They aren't necessarily 13 episodes, because they get sequels. A series isn't an ad just because it's incomplete.
If a studio actually cared about making a good adaptation and not just advertising the source material they wouldn't start anime adaptations while the manga was running. Having an adaptation while being published always results in garbage quality and the need for obscene amounts of filler. But the studio doesn't care because its point is to advertise the source material, not to be good.

Wow, a whole 3 shows? They're probably shounenshit or something, 24 used to be the standard, I can't think of a 24 episode anime I've watched in the last decade

12 episodes never even gets to the end of the source material

Poor craftsmanship. A lot of shortcuts have been used in scenes to limit the animation. Sometimes it's painfully obvious and only cheapens the experience. What makes matters worse is that the editors would "accidentally" overlook mishaps in animation/continuity and I really get the feeling that they allowed such messes through to the reel rather than rectifying the mistakes, because it would be too expensive to fix it
I really wish the animators got paid more, or at the very least, companies hire more animators and FX artists

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>Explained in details
What, that the ending is bad because it's not the original ending, that's your argument?
That's there are holes in the plot?
You did not give a single concrete example.

>I can't think of a 24 episode anime I've watched in the last decade
You're just being retarded now

>Having an adaptation while being published always results in garbage quality
Do you actually watch anime? It's full of high quality incomplete adaptations.

This is a battle shounen thing. So I guess that answers my question.

>But the studio doesn't care because its point is to advertise the source material, not to be good.
Studios are not in control of the IP and don't get money from manga sales, and advertising something by making a shit anime doesn't even make sense.

>But the studio doesn't care because its point is to advertise the source material, not to be good.
You're confusing "advertising the source material" with "making money". Anime studios don't get paid to advertise the source material, anime studios pay the creators of the source material for letting them adapt it.

>This is a myth.
No, it isn't. Stuff like Overlord doesn't sell enough BD to warrant another season but since the novel sells it gets sequels.
>There have always been shows with mediocre production values.
And it was always shit. You'd think decades would've improved this but nah.
>Repeating settings and characters are a normal thing. Generic is not a valid term to use.
Generic is a valid term to describe copied and prevalent "ideas". It's shit.
>You can't mass produce anime, and anime today is LESS mass audience-oriented than before. Mass audiences aren't watching Amazing Stranger.
Except you can. 60-ish shows per season and 3 to 4 anime per year for bigger studios.
>Nothing new.
Exactly. It's fucking shit Sherlock.

I don't consider a single on of them "shounenshit''.

>What was the last "ambitious" anime made?
One Punch Man Season 1

Probably seen about 50 or so, all 12 episodes per season and some shows get renewed for a second. What anime this season is 24 episodes?

Kill yourself you fucking lying subhuman.

I don't mind, as long as the anime has some sort of a conclusion. A lot of long running series turn into garbage somewhere along the way anyway.

>Do you actually watch anime? It's full of high quality incomplete adaptations.
The last two anime adaptations I watched were Clear Card and the new Kino no Tabi anime. The former was half filler because it's adapting a monthly series while it was running. The latter was only 12 episodes and couldn't even be arsed to have some of the stories in an order that made sense.

Attached: Kino2017.jpg (1280x720, 321K)

The publishers don't make the anime themselves and are not the sole member of the production committee. Selling more source material isn't the only motive.

>And it was always shit. You'd think decades would've improved this but nah.
Then they wouldn't be mediocre anymore. Mediocre is mediocre. What are you trying to say?

>Generic is a valid term to describe copied and prevalent "ideas". It's shit.
Generic is a meaningless buzzword, unless you count "I don't like this waaaaaaah" as a meaning.

>Except you can. 60-ish shows per season and 3 to 4 anime per year for bigger studios.
Every anime is hand-crafted separately by different studios.

>Exactly. It's fucking shit Sherlock.
We are talking about modern anime.

Show me where I said that every incomplete adaptation is high quality. Protip: don't even bother, because you can't.

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It has great background and animation, but the content is "questionable," and therefore the series is "garbage." You are talking gibberish.

>Th-those adaptations are shit, sure, but there's plenty of good ones, I promise!
I've seen so many trash adaptations I rarely watch any anymore because I'm not wading through trash to find the handful of ones that aren't trash.

>Probably seen about 50 or so
Why are you so proud of being a giant newfag?

>What anime this season is 24 episodes?
Shield Hero, Dororo, Boogiepop, Kimetsu no Yaiba, YU-NO, JoJo has more than 24

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The argument was that selling more source material was a motive and you just acknowledged it, congratulations idiot-kun.

I'm saying it's mediocre and that mediocre is bad, idiot-kun.

Generic has a meaning, idiot-kun.
And thus, characters and settings that do nothing but relate to previously established works are by definition generic.

That's a strawman, idiot-kun.

And I'm explaining to you why it's shit, idiot-kun.

>I was paying attention which is exactly why I saw all the gaping plot holes.
>They removed the original ending and dropped in a replacement that does not logically follow from any of the previous events and requires huge amounts of mental gymnastics and reaching to try to explain. They objectively failed.
>The end is a complete disaster that happened because they were going to make a sequel. The original planned ending would have been fine.
>Yeah, that's the best part. They destroyed the movie and then didn't even make a sequel.
>What is ambitious about sabotaging your movie just so you can make absolutely sure that you've cleared the way for a sequel?
If I'm lying, then where are your concrete argument with a concrete example?
You tried with "that does not logically follow from any of the previous events and requires huge amounts of mental gymnastics and reaching to try to explain." butt it's fallacious and therefore false.

Yes there are good ones. Anyone who seriously watches anime would tell you the same thing. You are just cherry-picking things to fit your agenda.

I said "this decade", I dont watch as much anime anymore
and yeah, shounenshit, not so great for people who don't have shit taste

>Anyone who seriously watches anime would tell you the same thing
They're probably secondaries with no context to judge the quality of an adaptation. It's all they know.

I never said it wasn't a motive, idiot-kun. Maybe you should re-read what I said.

>I'm saying it's mediocre and that mediocre is bad, idiot-kun.
We are talking about modern anime, and there's nothing new about mediocre anime. In fact it's probably impossible by definition to not have mediocre anime.

>Generic has a meaning, idiot-kun.
There are almost no people alive who know what the definition is, idiot-kun. They use the word at random without any regard for its meaning. That's why it's a meaningless buzzword.

>That's a strawman, idiot-kun.
No it isn't, idiot-kun.

>And I'm explaining to you why it's shit, idiot-kun.
But we are talking about modern anime and not all anime ever made, idiot-kun.

I want to see original series that are done properly. How hard is it to watch over the writers/directors and just say "no" when they start to go off the rails. Or perhaps just hire more competent ones. I don't care if the stories are pushing boundaries or doing something new, just that they are satisfying.

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>selling more source material was a motive
It's not. Anime studios don't make any money by making the source material more popular. Why are you calling him an idiot when you don't even understand that?

>What was the last "ambitious" anime made?
Are the dubious quotation marks intentional?

You fucking dishonest fuck. You were talking about all threads about this topic ever made and not just this one, and you said that I or nobody else had ever presented any arguments. Kill yourself.

Adaptations aren't made just for people who know every detail about the source material.

I know that pic related was an adaptation, and the budget was made up from what they pulled from under the vending machine, but this is a good example of a satisfying series. Downside was that because it is an adaptation, they couldn't give it a definitive end. That's a strength that originals can have.

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I wasn't on every of you retarded thread and all I see is you whining about the fact I'm right.

>I want to see original series that are done properly.
Those are getting made all the time.

If we're talking about the quality of an adaptation, in the sense of how good of an adaptation it is, then people with no experience with the source material cannot judge that fact. And considering how okay people seem to be with getting 12 episode adaptations that amount to nothing but a prologue, how much are their opinions really worth?

You aren't right, subhuman fuckface piece of shit. You are a fucking retard and should kill yourself.

Production quality is a thing, and if the series appears good to someone who doesn't know the source material then that's also a favorable trait. Adaptations aren't made just for people who know the source material. Their purpose isn't to act as a trivia game.

It's always people who don't watch anime or who stopped liking it decades ago making these threads. Just pick up a new hobby, it's never too late.

I personally enjoyed the show quite a bit, but I'm speaking in terms of mass appeal. If I were to sample a group of 100 people, even if that group of people were fans of anime, I would find it hard to believe that over 10 people would also enjoy the show enough to finish it.

The show itself is vapid in terms of story, its pacing is unhurried and laid-back, there's little to no action or comedy/gags to break up that slow pacing, and it completely revolves around two characters that you need to sympathize with and like to enjoy. All these choices do play to the show's strengths and is likely what they were aiming for, but it's very much an acquired taste sort of show.

I hate how everyone has a colored jellyfish on their head.

Production quality has nothing to do with how good of an adaptation something is. Akira probably has the highest production values in all of anime but it still wasn't a very good adaptation. And the studio can take advantage of the viewers having no reference point and so it isn't that important how the adaptation stacks up to the source material. But even a bad adaptation can get the name of the series out there to the people that are willing to start reading the source material. Like an advertisement. Or if you don't believe that ads exist, cashing in on brand recognition. Someone might see that the anime is airing and think "hey, I've heard of this" and so decide to watch it. This is usually more useful if the anime is airing while the source is still going, which is generally what happens. And if the anime isn't popular then the studio can move onto something else without having to bother completing the adaptation because making a good adaptation wasn't the point in the first place.

With one notable exception, anime studios don't even make money by producing anime. That's not how it works, it's the production committee that makes money and these committees love boosting their own LN or manga sales.
Any questions cretin?

>that's a myth, they don't make anime to advertise the source material
>nu-uh I never said
Fucking lol.

Mediocre is bad and modern anime is mostly mediocre therefore it's bad and I'm tired of it. Period, idiot-kun.

You don't get to decide how the word is perceived everywhere and who understands it, idiot-kun. Generic anime is generic, end of story.

Yeah it is, idiot-kun. Who gets to make a certain anime and how changes nothing regarding the vast amount of cheap garbage that gets shat out every single season.

Yes we are and it's shit. God you're dumb.

>all characters are female, including in historical fiction for characters who have no business being female
>the male characters are not traps, but not very masculine either (except when required by the plot, after which they revert to being pussies)
>male and female teenagers who obviously like each other get into close quarters, the girl makes an advance on the boy that could end with a simple kiss or kiss and breast fondle, but the boy pushes her away in disgust because he "doesn't want rumors to be spread about her" or doesn't want her to waste her first kiss on him...meanwhile, in loli anime, the lolis are literally french kissing each other for a prolonged period of time while naked. literally what.

Knowledge of the source is completely irrelevant. The only thing that matters is how good the anime is as it is a product that has to stand on it's own. If you have added a noteworthy entry to a medium you have done your job.

>production commitee
>their own
the production commitee doesn't own the manga or LN. Like I said, they license it from whoever made it. The "production commitee" (you really are splitting hairs here) makes money from selling products related to the anime

I wouldn't say mass appeal equals good.

Two irrelevant shows for anyone under the age of 30 are the last two adaptations you've watched. That really says it all, doesn't it. Just another jaded old man who can't enjoy new things anymore trying to bring everyone else down to his level.

Carole & Tuesday, RobiHachi, Sarazanmai, and Fairy Gone are all original.
Sarazanmai is really off the fucking rails, but making a show too normal would just be boring like Fairy Gone
Carole & Tuesday has been pretty good so far and is striking a good balance
RobiHachi is also pretty enjoyable, though a bit more repetitive since it's mainly a gag show

It sold very well in Japan.

>Production quality has nothing to do with how good of an adaptation something is.
And the point is that this doesn't come exclusively down to how accurate the adaptation is. Adaptations aren't trivia games. They don't exist solely for your amusement.

Why do you refuse to read what I said?

>Mediocre is bad and modern anime is mostly mediocre therefore it's bad and I'm tired of it. Period, idiot-kun.
Mediocre isn't bad, it's mediocre. Mediocre anime has always existed. It's likely impossible for there to not be mediocre anime. This isn't a modern problem.

>You don't get to decide how the word is perceived everywhere and who understands it, idiot-kun. Generic anime is generic, end of story.
I never said I'm deciding anything, nigger faggot-kun. I'm just telling you how it is.

>Yeah it is, idiot-kun. Who gets to make a certain anime and how changes nothing regarding the vast amount of cheap garbage that gets shat out every single season.
The anime industry isn't run by a board of directors, nigger faggot-kun. It's loads of companies acting independently of each other.

>Yes we are and it's shit. God you're dumb.
Yet it's NOT NEW, which is the entire POINT of this thread, nigger faggot-kun.

I hate new female seiyuu all sounding the same.
I hate all those squeaky 'cute' voices which are fake as fuck.
I want Megumi Hayashibara back.

What adaptation?

Japan doesn't have the same preoccupation with superficial masculinity that we do.

>meanwhile, in loli anime, the lolis are literally french kissing each other for a prolonged period of time while naked. literally what.
You mean one anime?

Devilman Crybaby

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>superficial masculinity
They don't like real masculinity either

They don't all sound the same. Yes, obviously voice actresses are faking things. That's literally their job.

Real masculinity isn't measured by how big your muscles are or how sick your oneliners are.

There's no point in making an adaptation imo if it doesn't do the source justice. If they don't want to actually adapt something well then they should make an original show. But making an original doesn't allow them to cash in on brand recognition and it would also require them to come up with ideas themselves, which would require good writers and designers.

Like I said, I rarely watch adaptations because they're usually terrible to someone like me that actually reads manga. I'm not ignorant enough to fit into the target audience of most adaptations. And a lot of the manga I read don't have adaptations yet.

What do you dislike about modern anime?
Its fanbase and their ignorance, arrogance and completely unjustified belief that they know better than production companies

Why are you even here?

>couldn't even be arsed to have some of the stories in an order that made sense.
That's intentional but the 2017 adaption was total shit so everything felt bad about it

If I deduced it correctly, the name of the show shouldn't be said, lest the thread die in a dumpster fire of shitposting.

>What do you dislike about modern anime?
That we will never get anything as good as Stand Alone Complex again.

Original anime is not as common because there's a bigger risk involved, not because people just can't be bothered to make them.

Don't pretend Japan doesn't have a masculinity problem. It's just the opposite of the West, in Japan all guys are spineless pushovers instead of being assholes

Probably Sora Yori

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Stagnant animator wages for most studios. We're either going to run out of talent or things are going to be more and more outsourced.

>Original anime is not as common because there's a bigger risk involved
That's exactly what I said. It doesn't allow them to cash in on brand recognition and has to stand by itself, which it often can't.

Outsourcing is not bad.

I thought we were talking about anime.

You implied that they just can't be bothered because it's too much work.

I mean at some point it just becomes literal Cbinese cartoons then.

Actually, this is not a new trend.

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Truly the most ambitious AOTD

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Lack of good storytelling, too many shows have really good premises but end up lost and turning into complete trainwrecks. Also the inhuman ability of nips to never have good, closing endings ties into that as well.

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Anime protagonists are frequently spineless pushovers too


I'd honestly rather have nothing than that 3d shit they churn out.

>You implied that they just can't be bothered because it's too much work.
Well, kind of. More that coming up with an original idea is more difficult than riding on the creativity of others.

>Also the inhuman ability of nips to never have good, closing endings
This is on purpose. They want you to buy the source material. In the case of original anime - buy our stuff, then we'll make more.

There are all kinds of protagonists in anime. Where are you going with this?

>Japan doesn't have the same preoccupation with superficial masculinity that we do.
Plenty of older anime had predominantly or proportionally male casts of characters, and what I mean by masculine isn't superficial at all, but basic, instinctual male things like having an interest in the opposite sex and standing up to someone trying to pick a fight with you.

>You mean one anime?
It's just one example. I can't think of a single example of a loli anime where one loli tries to kiss another and is rejected.

Yes, I'm sure the production committee of 3D Kanojo decided to make another season because everything except the manga sold like complete shit. Makes sense.

Playing coy already huh. Suit yourself idiot-kun.

Mediocre is bad. If you like mediocre that's your problem and mediocre shit having always existed doesn't make the current mediocre shit not bad. It's a problem regardless and I hate it, idiot-kun.

Again, you don't get to decide for everyone else. I use the word generic when it's justified and there's nothing you can do about it.

It's loads of companies shitting out 60 shit anime every single season, idiot-kun. The number of producers doesn't make it not 60 shit anime every single season.

Again, not being new is completely irrelevant. The point of this thread is "what do you dislike about modern anime?" and if modern anime has something I don't like then it's a perfectly valid point to make ITT regardless of it being a new problem or not, idiot-kun. You really are dumb fucking kek.

Manaria Friends probably only sold well because the BD was only ~1000 yen unlike 5000+ yen most BDs go for

Also it comes with a serial code for a mobage (Granblue Fantasy) to get an item many players would easily pay money for to get (Damascus bar for BD 1, Gold brick if you get both BD 1 and 2)

It may not be possible for them to have a neat conclusion because the on-going story doesn't allow for it.

>In the case of original anime - buy our stuff, then we'll make more.
No, it's actually just incompetence. People aren't even going to buy anything if the show is bad.

>k-on copy with 1/3 of the production quality

Pick only one please.

>k-on copy

Why are you arguing with facts? The IP is licensed and paid for for most anime adaptations. It's plain for anyone to see. You're claiming money flows in one direction when it flows in the other

>Plenty of older anime had predominantly or proportionally male casts of characters
That's not what we're talking about.

>basic, instinctual male things like having an interest in the opposite sex and standing up to someone trying to pick a fight with you.
Still a thing.

>It's just one example.
I am not aware of anything except Prisma where it happens.

>Playing coy already huh. Suit yourself idiot-kun.
I'm not playing coy, nigger faggot-kun.

>Mediocre is bad.
Read a fucking dictionary, nigger faggot-kun.

>mediocre shit having always existed doesn't make the current mediocre shit not bad
We are talking specifically about modern anime.

>Again, you don't get to decide for everyone else.
I am not deciding anything, I am telling you how things are.

>It's loads of companies shitting out 60 shit anime every single season, idiot-kun.
That's what I said, nigger faggot-kun.

>Again, not being new is completely irrelevant.
We are talking about things pertaining to modern anime. You really are dumb, nigger faggot-kun.

an actual answer

Nevermind shit was still expensive (8000 yen)
But a large portion of the Amazon reviews say that the main reason they bought it was for the Granblue items

It's nothing at all like K-On.

.>doesn't do the source justice.
A convenient standard detached from the reality of making a good piece of art that let's you confirm your bias I also like how ignore all the adaptions that blew the source out when it comes to popularity and let it cash in on the success of the adaption so you can spin your narrative freely.

I'm still not sure what to make of CGIā€”even bad CGI. Sure, it looks "fake" and "out of place", but so does that awful parallax effect that animators have been using for decades without criticism (pic related). It so clearly looks like cheap cardboard cutouts sliding around, yet everyone except me seems okay with it!
So whenever I see conspicuous 3D crap in animation, I just think how many of the more traditional alternatives would look even worseā€”how the simple feat of "camera slowly moving about all 3 axes with true panning and tilting" has almost never been done well, even in the best films. And when they do attempt that, I'd honestly take 3D over cardboard cutouts any day.

Attached: parallax.webm (472x360, 272K)

>That's not what we're talking about.
Fuck off. You can't follow the topic of the conversation and want to make this all about you. The topic is modern anime. Obviously that means comparisons with anime in the past. Yes, that IS what we're talking about, and if you don't like it, then you can choke on a dick.

>Still a thing.
What does that even mean, you butthurt child. Just because there is some exception to a trend doesn't mean the trend doesn't exist.

>I am not aware of anything except Prisma where it happens.
Why do you think it matters? The point is about the hetero teenage anime, not the yuri loli anime. The yuri loli example was intended as a point of contrast, mostly for humor. But you're too autistic to understand that and want to make this into a big fucking thing about muh examples. Fuck you.


Attached: chuuniRyo.gif (500x376, 2.19M)

Moeshit and CGshit
(Looking at you Kemono Friends)
It's brought the worst sorts of posters to this board and made them feel welcome.

Anime is getting lazier and lazier each year and i'm really tired of the endless high school slice of slice of life isekai harem romance my little sister wants my cock but i'm not into her shit

>You can't follow the topic of the conversation and want to make this all about you.

>The topic is modern anime
I'm aware of that. Are you not aware of that?

>Yes, that IS what we're talking about

>What does that even mean, you butthurt child
I'm older than you, butthurt child.

>The point is about the hetero teenage anime, not the yuri loli anime
We were talking about the latter.

>But you're too autistic
And there it is. You've just admitted defeat.

No I'm not nigger faggot-kun.

>Next thing you'll tell me is that mediocrity isn't a bad thing to have in any form of entertainment.
Next I'll tell you that mediocre means mediocre, not bad.

>And modern anime is full of mediocre shit therefore I dislike it
That's not new to anime, nigger faggot-kun.

>Thus it's mass produced, idiot-kun.
No it's not, nigger faggot-kun. Anime can't be mass produced and isn't mass produced.

>And having most characters be teenagers and/or females is pertaining to modern anime, idiot-kun.
It's nothing new, nigger faggot-kun.

Moeshit does not exist, and Kemono Friends is one of the best modern anime.

I never said all adaptations are bad. Some even do stray from the source and manage to pull it off well. But do you really think this is a common thing? I can't count the number of times I've heard an animeonly praise a trash adaptation. Having a handful of exceptions every decade doesn't mean I want every other adaptation to be some anime studio's OC donut steal fanfiction using the source as a base on the off chance they strike gold instead of the norm of making something terrible that also doesn't allow people who have read the source to see some of the stuff from it animated.

This is a word salad. You're just agitated and randomly combining concepts and buzzwords. You have no idea what the fuck you're saying.

>There's no point in making an adaptation imo if it doesn't do the source justice.
Have you never heard of money?
"There's no point in watching an adaptation if it doesn't do the source justice", on the other hand, is a valid opinion.

But the source material is where the bad endings are most of the time. Anything that's published in a serialized form is bound to be tampered with by the editors, producers or the authors themselves, who want to ride their success as long as possible and didn't even have an ending in mind when they started it. Watching a story go from good to decent to shit is way worse than just stopping abruptly.
There are some famously shitty endings in anime adaptations, but that is mostly a thing of the past. Nowadays they tend to just stop after a certain story arc, or they are adapting things like comedies or SoL where it doesn't matter.

>waaaahhh he said something i don't like that means he's baiting

I just crammed most of the cliches in one sentence with no commas, it's not so hard to understand

Attached: 1557345110205.gif (500x505, 844K)

so what you're really saying is that all adapted anime should just have no endings ever, and that's a good thing

CG is not anime by definition and is the literal cancer slowly afflicting modern animation.

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sounds like you just have autism, buddy. if even the best films have it it's not a problem, unless of course you presume that more natural camera work that cgi supposedly offers is the highest priority of a visual medium and not the content that it's trying to deliver. realism is highly overrated in visual mediums, which is especially apparent with how absurd animation can get.

You produced an angry word salad because you're utterly confused about what's going on. I've seen this hundreds of times.

>Have you never heard of money?
Yes, and I've said this is the "point". I'm talking from a consumer perspective though. Companies making shitty "adaptations" for business purposes doesn't benefit anime watchers in any way. It's just something shoved out the door to rake in some cash from people that will buy anything and then it'll be forgotten in a few months.

>you just admitted defeat
If you had actually bothered making an interesting point before saying that, it might have bothered me more, but not using the opportunity in all of your reddit spaced quips and snarks to actually make a point and save your sinking ship just tells me that nothing interesting will be forthcoming from you, so I'm going to go back to ignoring you.

Kemono Friends is one of the best recent anime.

Only Kemonofriends tell themselves this


Kemono Friends was certainly the most surprisingly likeable modern anime, but it's no more "the best" than Madoka is "a masterpiece."

Well that's the sad truth.
Someone should dump a few billion into the anime industry to see what comes out.

>1. It's basically advertisement for the game/novel/manga
Like old anime
>2. Mediocre production values
old anime was worse
>3. Copy pasted setting and characters aka generic high school with generic students or generic self insert character stuck in generic fantasy world
like old anime
>4. Jap humor sucks
>5. It's an adaptation but it's incomplete
one point
>6. It's mass produced and crafted to appeal to the largest audience possible
like old anime
>7. Most characters are teenagers and/or females
like old anime

Attached: 2c821681b2db4a45abf944a65f28eac65c1e0c0da8cd292770bfdcd8be8bd95a.gif (500x500, 485K)

do you have autism?

Not the show itself, but the viewing experience.
The crazy amount of fanart, revived memes and niconico videos, combined with the story of Tatsuki the madman as pieced together from multiple interviews and tweets made KF the most memorable happening of 2018 for me.

Then, if it's not the anime itself, I guess you should be more precise.

Not an argument.

You are admitting defeat. Also, this is an NPC reaction. NPCs are programmed to freak out when they see a post that replies to multiple posts or uses a lot of quotes.

*2017 fuck

It wasn't the viewing experience. I didn't read any threads when it was airing.

The anime itself caused it all.

Well I can only speak for myself. If you still enjoyed the anime out of context then that's even better.

This. Also original anime being complete trainwrecks far too often. For example GC, VVV, Kado, SamFlam, Captain Earth, Re:creators etc,, Something is seriously wrong somewhere in the production line. Writing is not that fucking difficult.

I'm not sure how prevalent this is, but hearing street kids in an alternative future settings and on Mars calling each other -san is grating, and for once I'm glad CR called them out on this shit by keeping the suffix intact.

Attached: ibo.jpg (1280x720, 104K)

Sounds just like MLP.

>For example GC, VVV, Kado, SamFlam, Captain Earth, Re:creators etc
No, not "for example" that list. Code Geass, Valvrave and Kado were good and should not be compared to Captain Earth or Re;Creators. Samurai Flamenco was pretty OK too, certainly a lot better than Captain Earth.

>Something is seriously wrong somewhere in the production line. Writing is not that fucking difficult.
When we follow season anime, we see everything, including the few good anime per season and the many shit anime intended to sell advertisement space during the commercial breaks, to sell blurays, to make a bit of money off licensed goods, like figures and maybe break even until the studio can score better source material from a decent writer.


Guilty Crown, user.

too much moe cutesey shit
not enough good pllots
shoddy animations with shit backgrounds
not enough females show panties off
beta chump MC's
Beta chump mc's that get the princess/goddess in the end of the series
anime that constantly push the loser wins in the end and other delisions of reality
moe moe moe to much moe

there's more but it's mostly all the same just rephrased

The thread of the argument got lost so my interest followed. I'll just add this, yes, every adaption should go the "fanfiction" route if staff knows they won't be able to make a conclusive self-contained story by adapting the source closely, which is the case for most adaptations as pretty much all the sources anime adapts are made to go on for a very long time and making a good work of art was never a priority. It's the best of both worlds, the essence of the sacred source is preserved in the work itself and the probability of getting a something great in another medium increases dramatically.

Ahhh, point partially conceded, then.

Still, Valvrave was very good throughout, and Kado was also a good series, although I admit, I might have made some different choices in the writing.

Modern anime is not 80's anime

They are all trainwrecks to some extent. Sure. RE:C is a legit 2/10 anime so it's not fair to compare it to a 6/10 like VVV. But they are both "shit".

VVV gets 6/10 because of its comedy value, not because it's actually good.

That has nothing to do with modern anime, that's how it's always been and always will be.

Do you know what . and , are for?

you assume I care, but just cuz you mentioned, it i'll, throw a bunch, of those things, into my reply, so you can stop, being an autist, over someone, elses grammar, on a defective thong sniffing forum in abu dabi.

Been seeing this kind of shit a lot lately.

what does this even mean? so what you've seen people post opinions.. is there a point to your tagging and going hurr seen this lately? are you the thread watcher or some faggot shit?

Kemono friends is one of those shows that got a lot of attention based on how the director managed to take the not so great cgi and turn it into an art style while still telling a story that was engaging and you could tell that they put a lot of effort into it. That's why season 2 got so much backlash especially after kadokawa gave the original director the boot. It was everything that the first season wasn't. A soulless cashgrab that tried to pander to the original fans after the uproar of them kicking the director out.

Attached: D3Keh0aVsAAFxAh.png (587x619, 329K)

When people go through K+12 years of primary education and 4 years of college and are socialized normally, they learn to write with sentences that begin with a capital letter, end in a period and are organized in paragraphs. When I see someone writing differently than this, it's a hint to me that either something went wrong when they were kids, or else they are still kids and in the process of learning/socializing, i.e., probably underage.

Again, you asking me "what does this even mean?" and being unable to see that the obvious similarity between all those posts is terrible grammar, or inability to format basic English sentences, another hint that supports my suspicions.

self insert shit

What does that even mean? I self-insert as alien lifeforms, even though I'm not one.

I've been called out for "reddit spacing" before even with stuff organized into paragraphs. And it's sometimes hard to see how your text will end up looking in the final post because I at least generally type with the quick reply box pretty small. So it could look like it wraps a few lines in the box but then ends up as a single line in the full post. For instance this post in the quick reply box is 8 full lines and some of the ninth.

studios taking ten billion work at once making the overall product dog shit

Two or three short paragraphs in a post is very different than 8-10 sentences, with a line break and paragraph space after each sentence. The main theme of "reddit spacing" is that the writer has no consideration for people scrolling through the thread because he is native to forums where you get a limit of 10 posts per page and everybody has these annoying signatures, so it's very tedious, time-consuming and distracting for a normal person to read through an average thread. When half the people in the thread aren't making substantive posts or are further fucking the thread with long quote chains, the threads are just not worth reading.

Yea Forums is different because we don't have signatures, avatars and other distracting stuff. Normal users just type a comment and maybe enough context or a link to a post to make it clear whose comment they are replying to. Trying to pad out post length is not something we do on this website, and when people don't pick up on hints, do it anyway, or just do it because they don't understand that's not really how they should be writing the English language, it's almost always a red flag that they have a very low level of literacy.

30yo boomers who use it as an excuse to boomerpost and virtue signal their smelly shitty opinoons
>YEP,, they don't make 'em like they used to. Ramna 1/3 was a good show.
>only 90s kids will get this one ecks dee!
or even the archetypical Yea Forums crossboarder
>i was born in le wrong generation!! anime was good in the 80s not the modern moeshit!!

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I don't know that I'd consider Madoka ambitious but it was surprisingly excellent and Rebellion had a masterful execution. I would call Rebellion ambitious, it really shit on the ending of the series in a good way. Look how badly it fractured the Madofags. Either 10/10 masterpiece or 0/10 utter bullshit garbage

thats cute. I write things out in lines since I prefer how it looks once I post it. It has nothing to do with low levels of literacy or other things your smuggly assuming. I just dont give a flying fuck to do proper grammar and punctuation and paragraphs on a fish disection forum that doesnt matter 2 hrs from now.

Might wanna work on that superiority complex your sporting it doesnt make you friends and you come off as a stuck up autist who cant into relaxing

double spacing and idiots refer to it as reddit spacing. Thats how I know someone is a low IQ underage peasant. cuz only people under 18 call it or refer to it as reddit posting.

2004fag here

>anime is even more pandering than before, some shows have an absurdly low amount of work put in, purely because they know they'll do decent or make X money regardless of their work
>bad cgi/lazy cgi to cut corners
>projects too fast which lead to shit development
>too many shit tier adaptations between execution and series that shouldn't have been adapted
>almost no passion projects anymore, people rarely take risks, often the "risks" are total dogshit and not even actually risks
>nothing new/exciting

>almost no passion projects anymore

Attached: FROGS.webm (600x336, 1.96M)

yeaaaah not into fag shit like that

You chose the wrong medium to entertain yourself, matey.

can you really call this a passion project

>shit on the ending of the series in a good way.

Ya'll Rebellionfags are really in denial huh?

>2004fag here
Why do you say that like your experiences were frozen in time?

im saying that i've grown up with Yea Forums and the "modern" anime industry, and using that as a base for what my issues are

Define a passion project

Join the club. Youā€™re not the only person here who was alive in 2004.

Nah, fuck off. Isekai is pretty much universally shit, but so were battle harems. Every decade has its shit king, and you got into anime in literally the worst period of its history. I dare you to name five genuinely good anime from 2003-2006. I won't argue against any of them, I just want to know how anyone justifies thinking the modern era is worse than that wasteland.

Or, wait...do you mean you were BORN in 2004?

This isn't really a criticism of modern anime so much as a criticism of the medium as a whole, but goddamn there's just so much derivative shit out there. Once you've been watching anime long enough, it's hard to find anything that really feels fresh or new. It's all just the same tropes and cliched storylines

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The colors really put me off. Even when they're supposedly beautiful or what have you I just don't care for them at all.

Welcome to media as a whole. That's why you have to keep jumping once you're familiar with one. I'm getting into live action jap mysteries now, in the hopes of staving off boredom a little longer

when did i say battleharems were good you retard

i'll look up the anime charts now because you're objectively wrong

Every character in an anime looks the same as some character from a different anime.
They put in too many cliches and tropes, they have no real creativity to come up with shit themselves.
Sometimes, you can't even see where the creative spark, the inspiration for the show, was. The show looks like it was quickly put together to make a quick buck (e.g. isekai quartett)

wolfs rain
princess tutu
kino no tabi
texhnolyze (kind of)
last exile
gash bell

this was purely 2003, need me to go on, retard?

>I dare you to name five genuinely good anime from 2003-2006
Black Lagoon
FMP (maybe this one's just nostalgia talking)

Every medium has its derivative shit, but with anime its way more common. Otakus love eating up the same cookie cutter series and studios just end up pandering to them

Thunderbolt Fantasy.

I guess Sarazanmai counts too, but itā€™s run of the mill by Ikuhara standards.

meant to quote


mousou dairinin
2nd gig
samurai champloo
initial d
koi kaze
2x2 shinobu
school rumble
rozen maiden
desert punk
moon phase
yakitate japan

I really don't agree, I think every medium is approximately as derivative. The difference is mostly the raw number of works produced so that the original stuff has a better chance to be created. For example, anime and american film produce a number of works in the same general range, and there are approximately an equal number of unique original ideas. Mostly thought it's all shounenshit/capeshit, isekai/low budget horror, shoujo/romcom.


honey and clover
rozen maidenT
paradise kiss

>My fetish is my personality
>My hobby is my personality
>Demons are nice and angels are bad
With last one i remember some netflix shit like Lucifer tnat i came across. Literally the most anime shit in my life.

I'm really trying not to do the Yea Forums-tier shit where you just go through and say all the examples don't count, but come on, even you have to admit that 2005 had nothing. Not one of these shows holds up. Some of their source material is still good, Akagi and Honey and Clover are well written, but the anime looks like absolute garbage.


ergo proxy
black lagoon
xxxholic (kind of)
strawberry panic
school rumble ni gakki
honey and clover II
death note
code geass
black lagoon2

suck my cock you retard, i didn't even include easily 20-30 series that were adored at the time but have aged badly

Honey and Clover's anime is an improvement on the manga you stupid nigger, it's unfortunate you challenged me on one of my all time favorite series, because it shows me how little you know.

JC staff did a godly job adapting the content, and an even better job picking the voice actors.

Shitty economic system in rpg/fantasy/isekai. It feels like any retard can get easy money but only mc is capable of doing so.

Eureka 7's the only one from that list I've watched but I liked it a lot.

It, and every other show from this period, make it completely obvious that no one knew what they were doing with digital animation yet. The colors are all blown out pastels, because they still weren't bored of having access to them, and there are tons of super obvious animation shortcuts that they exploit too much because they didn't look lazy yet. It's a horrible time for animation.

changed nu-mecha forever
holds up easily
praised as one of shafts best works
could be released today and would look/feel good to watch
everyone loves it
>rozen maiden
aged badly but whatever
>paradise kiss
could release today and people like it

I drop any novel where any cunt so much as mentions the phrase crop rotation now

Are you mental? Have you read the manga? The colors are desaturated pastels for a reason you stupid fucking retard. Read up on color theory.

Of course they took some animation shortcuts, literally every single show does this to a degree, and a show with near zero physical action/sakuga potential moments would come off that way. The manga is very rough and non-fluid, even the panels are drawn that way. You legit have no clue what you're talking about, just stop posting you goalpost moving retard.

What I dislike is the complete lack of good quality shading. The best looking pre-2000ā€™s shows look better on a frame by frame basis than most modern series, which go overboard on lens flares. Donā€™t even get me started on how much I miss watercoloured backgrounds.

Also, 90% of shows have a moe art style regardless of the showā€™s tone.

I'm not moving goalposts, I'm explaining why I hate almost every anime from that time period. Yes every anime takes shortcuts, but because it's the main transition period for most studios there are lots of things they do that are obviously shit to our eyes. Ways that characters move or imposed cgi that looks horrible.
And you don't have to completely blow out every fucking scene with pastels to make Honey and Clover work. Look at the color balance in 3-gatsu and tell me it wouldn't have worked better if Honey and Clover looked more like that.

3gatsu's biggest fault is how poorly shaft handles the gradients/super saturated colors and the more pastel/desaturated/lighter backgrounds. just because you dont like these series doesnt mean no good anime existed from 2003-2006, nor was it a weak period in anime.

agian, go learn color theory

>strawberry panic

You are kidding, right?
It's like you're just listing random anime that were released in those years, regardless of whether they are good or not

Please explain to me how color theory justifies overusing a single palette for the entire run of a show.

Pull out the ones you think are bad. Strawberry panic was pretty popular at the time and well discussed. I wouldn't really defend it much but the fact stands that there were plenty of good anime in that time period, good job picking out a couple to nitpick because I didn't do scholarly research or write ups for a post on Yea Forums posting 0/10 shit tier bait you scumshitter.

Color theory states that if you really like a color, you should use it all the time

>local middle school girl becomes god lmao and her friend loves her so becomes the devil
I mean madokas okay but to act like it's the Tempest of anime only means you haven't read enough books or watched enough anime

It's almost like establishing a color palette and sticking to it, was, is, and will forever will be a major part of artistic endeavors. Learning how colors work together, how they effect the brain/atmosphere of the show is central to working on this type of stuff. For real, go learn color theory you fucking brainlet.

I don't like kyoani but this image is popular and your tiny fucking brain might understand it

Attached: Cqh2jsC5qxaI8DrMj8mn8DjhCm7afgY0h0jdWL_AUac.png (1000x1424, 833K)

Every show on that list has less impactful climaxes because they stuck to their palette so strictly. It is completely retarded to gimp yourself that way, and justifying it by just saying "dude it's color theory, you should always use the same colors in your scenes" is bullshit. Nothing you're describing is based on serious scholarly work you absolute pseud.

Why are you bringing Rebellion in to the conversation?

i am literally describing stuff to you that i am a professional in the field in, and get paid a professional wage for, do you seriously think you armchair color theorying is valid?

sure it is fun to alter the palette at times, and go for something crazy, but that is less likely to happen the more "calm," the series is. even then you'd be hard pressed to name a chunk of shows that execute operating outside of a color palette well and reliably. Even shows like jojo that intentionally fuck with the color palette, generally just have multiple palettes rather than just pandemonium.

>Gets BTFO so hard he starts role-playing as a professional colour man

Flip Flappers

Attached: 1546742518833.jpg (1280x720, 106K)

you literally asserted nothing but "Lol ur wrong even though there are tons of concrete examples of shows using and sticking to color palettes," then didnt even follow up with a list of shows that execute a lack of a colorpalette well

its fine if you're just baiting me, but you do realize this right?

I'm not the guy you replied to, but I had to point out how trying to back up your argument by claiming to be a pro misses the point of Yea Forums so hard

and its "color man" btw not "colour man," get my job title right

I'm speaking English, not Burger

american english has over 300 million speakers, more than 4 times the amount of british english, so which one is the real english?

>implying I'm smart enough to keep track of what's going on in this thread

i backed up my point by making an industry standard and asking for something that is the opposite (which you asserted)

Lack of interesting characters and unique art styles

Anime being derivative is a plus. I like the familiarity of the medium, going from season to season and seeing trends and character types slowly changing or being built upon, meaning that even when a show ends it actually lives on through its influence on future works. When I see some artsy projects made for animation festivals or European shorts I can appreciate them on a technical level, but I don't feel any attachment to them, it's not something I would follow on a weekly basis. Late night anime feels so much more alive, with the communities around them being such an important part of the industry. It may not be the most sophisticated, but it is what resonates with its audience, even if it is by pandering to their basest instincts and self-fulfillment fantasies.

The fact that nobody wants to experiment or do anything interesting with the medium
the latest show I can think of to do any of this was Pop Team Epic

The English spoken by English people. How is this even a question?

What's the point of experimenting when you've already found what works? Being different for the sake of it? Only a handful of hipsters find value in that.

>talking about complex character design
>as disadvantage
Literally kill yourself, brainlet. I'm sick of people like you. Fuck basic and ugly design.

>t. ahmed

The original is original. Like original voices are original and dubs are brainlet-tier trash.

I wouldn't dream of including anus innuendo into any anime unless I was into that sort of thing. My bet is on yes.

You know what I mean. It upended the bittersweet status quo of Madoka being gone forever and Homura living alone. It was a clever move that allowed the movie to justify its own existence (because Madoka really didn't need a sequel imo) and opened the way for a sequel to Rebellion. I can understand why people dislike it but personally, I loved it.

Have you read up on how England English and American English evolved since the American Revolution? Do you know how fucking different English is now compared to hundreds of years ago? English has been a bastardized version of itself for centuries. You guys got culture bombed by the French for one.

Attached: OldEnglishToModernEnglish.jpg (900x1200, 275K)

-Characters and stories having little to no effort put into them, especially main characters. A large portion of today's most memorable series are/were adapted from shit way back in the 80's-90's (even before that for some shows).

-Too many half-assed LN adaptations that feel like nothing more than cash-grabs. Bland characters, barely existent story, bland everything.

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>What was the last "ambitious" anime made?
Asobi Asobase

For one thing, Madoka waiting until the 11th hour to actually become a magical girl and sitting around doing nothing for her entire show until the end where she becomes a plot device.

Character-speech and character archtypes can get a bit out of hand at times.
Stuff like:
>tsundere desuwa tate-roru rival ojousama
>WASHI JA lolibaba
>SOU KA NOU old man
>WAGA KEN NI princess knight autist heroine

Nothing shocking ever happening
Romance that never goes anywhere

That's the plot. Plot is not the only aspect of writing. Most stories have a basic core plot.

The lack of noses and bottom eyelids.

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I'm sick of dumb nostalgiafags which are usually plain normalfags that didn't watch anything else than uber popular, usually western pandering series. And 3D trash.
Everything else is as it was since 80s. General art quality improved a lot though.

It's always difficult to compare modern speech to books from pre-1600 because back then only scholars were able to read and write. The common people probably didn't speak like that at all

I'm ESL though. I just find British English more... How to put it, it has more soul than mechanical dumbed down American English.

>-Too many half-assed LN adaptations that feel like nothing more than cash-grabs. Bland characters, barely existent story, bland everything.
But hey, at least the girls are cute right? Make sure to buy BDs and extras goyim!

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This is not only ignoring the context of her arc but also everything else interesting in the story that makes this kind of writing do work. Randomly throwing in the term plot device also makes you look like a smartass. Yes we all know how stories work, please fuck off or actually get some arguments on why things are bad.

What if mangaka/director is westaboo and takes influence from western entertainment? And anime or manga needs to be super ultra japanese.

Do you have a scripture to prove that?

I don't know what's worse, the actual nostalgiafags who were alive back then or the 18 year old larpers.

I'm sick of shippingfags and shounenfags, Yea Forums has finally lost to gaia online, not a shred of self respect left in the board

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That thing is dead.

>dumbed down American English
American English is closer to the English spoken in the 1600s and 1700s than British English is. British English is the one that changed significantly since that time.


No wonder, after its entire userbase moved here.

Just wanted to call you a faggot, user.

If you want true 'old English', you can search closer to home. Working class 50-something chaps from some shithole North of England town.

I'm pretty sure places like Reddit are today's Gaia equivalent. Shounenfags have been around forever, they just don't get banned and/or constantly fight with each other anymore.

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Yeah i don't agree. Anime haven't felt alive since OVAs died completely.

I would not call them complex designs.

What is this western pandering to you? Because last time i checked japs also like western entertainment. And it is stupid to think that only nostalgiafags like pre-2000 anime.

The ones that claim you are nostalgiafag if you like pre-2000 anime and new is always better.

OVAs as a general rule were soulless exercises in animation. They were much more lifeless than even the most committee driven work made these days. There were some exceptions but not many.

Not him, but the last anime to be considered pandering to the west that I remember were Space Dandy and Under the Dog.

It's the same thing that Urobuchi always does, it's why I don't like his stuff. Fate/Zero, Saya no Uta, and so on and so forth. Same shit different skin.

They were mostly passion projects and would get away with more stuff compared to TV. That is what were missing nowadays.

Well Space Dandy's director is westaboo.

Plots not leaving their comfort zone.

Carol and Monday. Ultra trash btw.

Also directed by same westaboo so that was expected to have western influence.

the Actual problem with modern anime is that there is too much and talent is spread thinner than ever

>modern animation industry
>having talent
Nobody can even draw and animate a fucking car anymore.

This is retarded. The 80's - 2000's have plenty of examples of 100+ episodes series of all kinds of manga.

Since 2015 I'm not sure I can name a single completed adaption of a manga.

Anything over 60 episodes is an overkill for me and I'm skipping series like this since always.
24-26 episodes is perfect but I don't mind 12 episode series at all. If I really like the story I can always continue with manga.

I don't think a remake should count.

I think more studios should unironically take pointers from Yaoyorozu on background art, writing and direction. Great animation means jack shit if the story and characters are written like complete ass full of hot sweaty garbage. In fact, I'd say it's a complete waste of talent and resources for shows to look good but be utterly uninspired and to have lackluster characters.

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That recap episode was kino

Nothing, i love it!


Come on they only animate slideshows.

Who are these gals?


the studio is ambitious by taking on JoJo despite their inexperience... I guess

Watch Kemurikusa.


My Hero Academia

Not enough traps for me.

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The fans


seems to me like all new anime have a similar color scheme, anime back then had some unique and very aesthetic color schemes.

Attached: Screenshot 2018-12-24 at 11.03.25.png (2391x1800, 2.58M)

I would have thought the long skirt meaning you don't need to even think about what the fuck her legs are doing would be a plus but what do I know apparently.

I'm tired of too many series that are based off ongoing manga/light novels, especially if the anime was actually very fun but sold like shit, so now they have to prematurely end the series based off poor sales. Or a series that gets good sales, but the manga doesn't end til a few years afterward, while it never gets a second season anyways because it's already forgotten and lost its relevance. I know this has been a thing for ages now, but it still gets on my nerve.

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Using transparency to overlay multiple frames when fast movement is happening.

Absolutely nothing.
Feel free to be mad and call me a tasteless faggot, don't waste your pretentiousness on me though because I'm not going to stay in this thread.

I got the gist of what he was saying. Youā€™ve just got autism. Anime seems so creatively bankrupt. They just pander to the same cash cow demographic, and neglect anything that canā€™t immediately be turned around for a quick buck.

It's been a long day, this image made me crack up. Thanks.

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The 80s to 00s also have plenty of examples of ultra short completely out of context adaptions of random parts of manga.

different person but I appreciate your insight Color man. I'm from Canada, the other dude probably is too because some places say Colour instead of Color.

>Anything over 60 episodes is an overkill for me and I'm skipping series like this since always
I can see that but there are some good ones like yu yu hakusho or maison ikkoku or even original dragon ball.

You want to know what is real problem? There is hardly any directors or animators anymore that look for ideas or influence outside of anime.
The reason why pre-2000 anime looked more cinematic compared to today is because anime directors at the time didn't just watch anime but watched movies and took cinematography ideas and techniques from those movies.


> >WASHI JA lolibaba
Is that commonplace now? Can only think of kiss-shot

the fact that every season since around 2016 or so has had 80% of it's roster consist of nothing but those is why japan is in dire need of a 3rd nuke

over and over

Attached: 1556448636365.png (300x300, 148K)

The background is stil one warped picture, they're only redrawing the main character and the metal bar she's standing on.
It looks really good though

Attached: mao-chan.webm (1280x720, 248K)


Spineless faggot MCs who all look the same. You know the one

Anons have already mentioned Isekai, but for me is how 90% of them also gotta have an obligatory harem for the worthless self-insert protagonist. Every single ally just has to be a girl stereotype.

I just wish that they (Since they are pretty much here to stay at this point), if they gotta have romance, had a single girl, at most 2, for the romantic interest.

>little girls
>digital colouring
>simplistic character design
>music that sounds fake
I hate all these things.

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Older anime ran longer and there were more original anime stories.

The fact that Japanese television CG has been stagnating for the past 10 years. I love CG, and I am totally fine with it being used in TV shows. The problem is that the Japanese seem to be too incompetent to figure out a streamlined technique to make it both financially feasible and nice to look at. Or rather, they are too incompetent to set priorities and write their shows in ways that enables CG integration. Revue Starlight was a good examples for 3DCG done right and allowing more dynamic fights without being forced to animate backgrounds.

How did JC Staff get the CGI so right 18 years ago?

Attached: drills.gif (500x336, 989K)

If anything, I feel slight envy, as it must be nice to be easily entertained. On the other hand I feel pity, as since you have no real taste, you lack the ability to truly enjoy anything.

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I get where you're coming from. There is so much anime coming out each season that all the shit ones can be overlooked as long as you have 1-2 series to follow. The current conditions are great for my backlog.

To be fair, faggot OP clearly has nostalgia-tinted glasses. I bet he doesn't even watch anime. Most anime was always garbage. This ratio never changed, but nowadays we have much more shows, which results in more garbage. But also much more gems. If you're a retard like OP and you cherrypick all the good old anime while ignoring all the putrid trash that would make isekai look good, then it's on you.

You didn't post CGI.

I didn't find a better gif, but the drills in the anime were CGI.

That's an OVA. I specifically talking about TV animation. OVA and movie CG have never really been Japans problem.

>what I dislike about modern anime specifically
I wish they'd animate less ongoing LNs and manga and more completed series. I also wish studios would opt for a little less quantity in favour of a little more quality. I'm also close to my limit tolerating self-instert, beta MCs who desperately try to preserve the status-quo. But what the fuck do I know really, I'm just a filthy gaijin pirate.

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Exactly. You're not paying for shit, so your opinion doesn't count.

>not giving a shit about background art
Absolutely. I'd say not giving a shit about art at all.

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>Legit 2/10
Do you have any idea what a literal 2/10 anime looks like? You realise you're putting that on a level close to, if not on the same level as Pop Team Epic, AKA Reddit: The Anime. I don't like RE:C either but c'mon

But why is it so? Ufotable can make great looking CGI in their TV animation. Why other studios can't? Why Madhouse, once a highly acclaimed studio, produces such garbage nowadays? Surely it's not because budget.

He asked what we dislike about modern anime. Obviously there's no absolutes here, and I'm not referring to ALL modern anime.
>Most anime was always garbage
In what way? Story, characters, animation?

>Why Madhouse, once a highly acclaimed studio, produces such garbage nowadays?
Because they are bankrupt.

>In what way? Story, characters, animation?
There's no need to specify. Anime is no exception to Sturgeon's law.

Thing is those are really dull color palettes and these shows look unremarkable.

It's honestly pretty hard to figure out what a legit 2/10 anime looks like. I've seen a lot and if I am to be completely honest, the only stuff that has received 2/10 ratings or below are short films. TV anime usually at least have a certain amount of quality that, if you account for all aspects of them, kinda manage to at least reach a 3 or 4/10 on average.

>Ufotable can make great looking CGI in their TV animation.
Not actually true. The only show ufo has ever made that actually had some proper artistic direction was Godeater, and they ran into production issues a dozen times. All thier other shows look hideous by comparison, especially when you compare them to 2D equivalent fight scenes. Fate looks so fucking shit compared to Pierrots Narutoverse adaptations for example.

MADHOUSE isn't called BADHOUSE for a resaon, but they were also bled dry after the formation of MAPPA. The big problem with CG is that, as stated before, most studio don't understand how to properly use it. They use for the wrong things, and that's not exclusive to TV shows, either. In Yamato 2199 the CG of the ships is actually pretty good, but the explosions are highly detailed so they stand out a lot. People seem to be unable to agree on what CG should be used for, and as a result they constantly try the same shit over and over, thinking
>this time it'll work, for sure.

I honestly hate moe so much, it's not interesting or funny and just annoys the fuck out of me.

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I hate modern moe. But I find moe in shows like Digi Charat cute. Is it just me?

Attached: di-gi-charat-tv-series-review-3.png (720x540, 233K)

>artistic direction
Either you're referring to artistic direction in relation to CGI exclusively or you haven't seen Manabi Straight; which is embarrassing in and of itself. Also has nothing to do with objective quality of CGI. God Eater? Doesn't look even half as good as Heaven's Feel, which you clearly haven't seen either.
>Fate looks so fucking shit compared to Pierrots Narutoverse adaptations for example.
Ah, I get it, you're just pretending to be retarded!

Yeah, okay whatever you say.

I can accept old moe

I'm with you user
Modern moe are so annoying

Talks about TV animation and then brings up Heaven's Feel in an attempt to strengthed his argument. Yet still thinks he's in a position to accuse anyone being pretending to be retarded. Why do I even bother with this board anyomre.

Di Gi Charat (original, specials, Nyo) is best SoL ever. Fight me.

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Dude, OP just asks question. Why can't people criticize modern anime without underage faggots like you calling everyone who even dares to say anything bad about modern anime nostalgiafags?

Sorry about that, did not have much sleep tonight. Don't be so bitter, not everyone cares about winning a pointless argument on an Icelandic whaling forum. Can you address the rest of the post?

Because morons like you and OP (probably samefagging as well) complain about anime, yet haven't seen shit. If you spent the time watching anime instead of shitposting, maybe you would grow up from your infantile opinions.
>underage faggots
The summer is here, isn't it?

he's just a retarded normalfag who watched adult swim 10 years ago, that's it for his anime experience. He doesn't actually like anime, just falls for memes.

I want to see some spirit. I understand that budget and working conditions are the reality. But it is an insult to the human imagination, and the heights it is capable of, what sometimes gets "animated".

But then I go back to good anime and all is well.

go watch hulaing babies newfriend

the lack of interesting art direction in the last decade worries me

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how about you actually look at a seasonal chart for once instead of falling for reddit memes you stupid nigger. You might have a point on "fujoshit" but spring 2019 looks bare on those other fronts

I dunno maybe the characters. I can't really think of any characters recently that stood out and I actually cared about. They feel like templates.

I can't deny anime and manga went to shit recently, but most of it is Japan's own fault for shit like even acknowledging "isekaiā€.

Moefag spotted lol


Literally 2 months ago.

Hide your lust for dick its getting out

I agree with you. I love my girl-only CGDCT anime but if you're going to have males at least do something interesting with them instead of making them a self-insert.

Attached: Sensei_GAR.jpg (1920x1080, 850K)

Almost everything besides about half of 80s ovas had shit backgrounds, fuck off with your pink grasses.

Mostly everything

Funny the mangaka mentions Sensei might be slightly gay.

Yes, moron.

Frankly it's 1/10. One of the worst anime ever made. Watching it is akin to eating a Rocher ball that looks and smells like a normal Rocher ball but after you put in in your mouth you notice there's poo in it instead of Nutella.

No, morons like you think that modern anime can do no wrong and everything new is better.

So you have to like every aspect of anime to actually like anime? Why can't you criticize modern anime? Do you actually believe that anime is perfect right now?


The fact that I'm still alive to watch it.

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Nah, tons of them were great because it was hand drawn and not just photoshopped image.

You're not a real man if you're not a little bit gay.

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Violet Evergarden


i'm tired of all the grade school, isekai, weeaboo and pedo shit

>You're not a real man if you're not a little bit gay.

You need to be 50% gay to be real man.


lots and lots of money going into an (episodic but not quite) story set in post-WW1 - not during nor just before - specifically made for non-otaku that airs late night regardless

I just miss good writing and direction