Hunter X Hunter

It's May already.

How are my fellow hunterbros holding out in the cold that is the long hiatus winter?
When will the necromancers revive Togashi so that he can finish the next batch of chapters?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Hello Hunterbro

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Where the fuck is everybody?

Whenever Togashi feels like it. Just don't expect more than a handful of chapters before it goes back on hiatus.

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in june

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there are no more excuses, Togashi is a lazy fuck.

24th of June


His ass




Rereading DC again. The storytelling is great and there's so much information. I could see why the average shounenfag feels intimidated by this series.

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Last time i watched chimera arc had just finished, how far has the manga advanced?

50 chapters.


fucking 5 years+ and this fucker made 50 chapters?
Might as well not make any

Its 50 chapters of pure unadulterated Kinography, though.

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Nen after death was a thing since Yorknew.

>5 years
try 9

literally screamed internally "Omg this is epic" at this
and I'm a chrollofag

You posted it already faggot.

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Chrollobro understands.
Got a problem with it?

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no, no. of course not

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based debunk user


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*breathes in*

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The succesion tradition somehow will get canceled, Nasubi/Tserriednich/Benjamin will die for sure. Woble will survive and Halkenburg will reform Kakin.

>Hisoka's death was specifically stated to have come from suffocation
Which still fucks up your brain from hypoxia lmao. In fact fixing that with gum makes even less sense than if his brain had literally gotten pulped from the explosions

What would Dark continent arc (not boat) even look like? Who are the antagonists this time? How will it be structured? I don't even have an idea

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Which still fucks up your brain from hypoxia
How long does hypoxia take to affect the brain? Keep in mind that Hisoka was dead for less than 5 minutes and our world physics dont apply to HxH since a 12 year olld boy can push 16 tons

>mfw Dark Contient arc never

I agree with the overall point mind you, I just took issue with that specific bit. 5 minutes is actually just about enough to get brain damage but as you say it's excusable in the setting

What’s going on my dude! Haven’t seen you in a thread for a few days did you get banned again?

See, that's what makes it all depressing. The Dark Continent, as Ging described, supposed to yuuuuuuuuuge. Togashi could have written a 1000 chapters on DC but of course, for us hunterchads, 10 chapters a year is a good year.

>tfw togashi will die before finishing DC arc

Doing fine Luciferchad, what about you? yeah I got banned again for 3 days for insulting a mod. Anway I have been lurking hxh threads and I enjoy reading your posts BFTOing brainlets and optards.

Truly a uber-spider

I am doing fine sir. I always make sure to read up on philosophy and poetry whenever it goes on hiatus to make sure my mind always stays on top. My workouts have been getting longer aswell since I just think about possible theories in the current arc, time really flies.

Togashi has a reason for his hiatus. Wan Piss fans do not realize it, but the manga has been in a decline for ages now, while HxH is just getting better.

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ponzu a cute

>seemingly endless hiatuses that can go on longer than a year
>by the time Togashi does release a chapter it’s filled with lazy garbage like pic related then goes on another hiatus
It’s like seeing an entire fan base of abused wives

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Indeed my fellow Hunterlectual. While the series has been on hiatus my mind has been exploring the inconspicious connections between Togashi's work and the writings of Hegel. Even when i'm not reading the story, i'm still coming up with new revelations about the Hunter universe every single day. Like how the connection between Hisoka and Gon is a clear metaphorical inversion of Freud's psychoanalysis, not only giving crtique on the source material, but also providing the reader an extension to an already interesting philosophy.
After reading up on Professor Jordan Peterson i've also looked at the dynamic between Gon and Ging. Ging represent the archetype of the deadbeat father, but interestingly Gon, the protagonist doesn't feel any resentment towards his dad, which is an Petersonesque depiction of "forgiving the father".

I can talk hours about the intellectual subtleties of Togashi's magnum opus, that is hunter x hunter.

>It’s like seeing an entire fan base of abused wives
>Some abused wives defend their abusers actions and put the blame on themselves/others.
How can a post so short be so right?

HxH might be kino but can it ever hope to top the greatest political drama of all time AoT?

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If SnK is so good, why are the threads only about shipping?

Based Hunterchad, truly a wise man on the top of his game.

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>Yea Forums uses hunterthreads as colonies.

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Hunter Exam

>Song of Ice and Fire
>Yea Forums
Try again retard. Also it goes more the other way around.

>Impliying genreshit belongs on Yea Forums
See that's when you go from being dumb to admitting retardation.

How autistic and retarded are you, seriously.

Fellow SnKchad here, just let it go, Zekebro. He just posted an illustration that is supposed to represent the character from the books. Probably because he is autistic and wants to involve his favourite series in every part of his life or because he has virtually no fitting image to choose from.

Learn from Cossboard posting is bad, and if you do it, so are you.


The reason I posted that image because Euron and Tserriednich looked a little bit familair but you and your ''Zekebro'' are too stupid and autistic to understand it.

By the look of it, you involve Snk in every part of your life, since your own life is boring and pretty bland. Sucks to be you.


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>since your own life is boring and pretty bland. Sucks to be you.
That's true. How can I improve my life?

>Cossboard posting is bad
Yeah, spotted the dumb ape. There's nothing to learn from a Snkfag.
Kill yourself.

Is there a reason why this series goes on hiatus so often? Did the author just get bored of making it?

United we stand

Stop posting bad fantasy hunterfag

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Yeah, I only recently got unbanned as well. I got banned for making hxh threads but they hid the ban under the guise of “garbage outside of /b” nice to see you back.

this isnt me
why the fuck are you pretending to be me

i thought hunterchads rival is just berserkfags. turns out there are also SnKchads.

You should have took it and shut up instead of projecting , user, specially when what you posted was "Muh pink mast" shit.

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Stop acting like a autistic neckbeard snktard.

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It has been too long.
They should just give us the unpublished chapter already. At least we'll have something to read before another long wait.

Long hiatus times. HxH readers will naturally start comparing to other manga because there is nothing to discuss.

>Sunset found her squatting in the grass, groaning. Every stool was looser than the one before, and smelled fouler. By the time the moon came up she was shitting brown water. The more she drank, the more she shat, but the more she shat, the thirstier she grew, and her thirst sent her crawling to the stream to suck up more water.
Hunter"chad" unironically likes this.

SnKfags can't be our rivals because they are all shippers and waifufags. There is no rivalry to be had with people who can't hold a discussion. I'd say out real rivals are OPfags.

I don't expect shit this year

>most powerful

>HunterxHunterfag likes badly written fantasy.
Am I supposed to be surprised by this?

>snkfag telling me what to do
>"Muh pink mast" shit.
Ah you must be one of those faggot. Trying this hard or you must have read the books as well.

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The thing is that i feel like Dark Continent is TOO much, too much wild land and all and anything could be there. From the sounds of it it would be Torikos Gourmet World all over again and before it would be explored much the series is already over.

I admit that part was shit, but then again, that chapter was shit, but that is not the reason why I like asoiaf. But you are an sad snk autist, so I feel very sorry for you.

Hey man, ever since Whale island and the second phase of the Hunter Exam I've wanted my whacky/dangerous animals. I'm holding out for more Meteor City world building and what not, but the first thing I thought about when I first watched HxH was, when are we getting killer deadly animals and when are we going to ""HUNT"" them?

Why is HxH the deconstruction of shounen genre?

So fucking based.

so whats his nen ability lads?

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In its day I read up to Feast of Crows, unlike you I wasn't either delusional enough to think is good beyond being entertaining nor retarded enough to want to read more of Martin's delayed shits.
Also its nice that you searched and named a .jpg just to cope, making a retard cry is always nice.

>Togashi has a reason for his hiatus.
Please do go on. I'd love to hear this reason.

Because others label it as such and thus people will parrot it. Despite the fact Togashi has made 'by the book' shonen in the past. Let's not forget, despite all the dark themes and atmosphere that lies in HxH, optimism is a constant theme.

its not, its just an extremely well written shounen. there is nothing "not shounen" about any of hxh

Hunter x Hunter is a Deconstruction.

The typical Shounen protagonist will almost certainly 1) Fight the main antagonist of the arc, and 2) this is either to save or protect someone.

In HxH, Gon never even meets the main antagonist, instead just tasked to separate his royal guard from him. And his motivations, while early on was to rescue Kite, became completely different by the end, instead just based on vengeance and pure hatred.

In standard Shounen, protagonists gain a power-up when their backs are against the wall, and are fuelled by the desire to protect or to save. In Gon's case, the trigger is something entirely different.

Behind Gon's transformation is meaning, or, more accurately, the lack of it. Gon went through a whole range of emotions during that particular sequence... grief, anger, confusion... and in the end a great sense of meaninglessness. He muttered "I don't care if this is the end". He didn't care about anything anymore --- not Killua, not his desire to find his father, and not even to lament the loss of Kite --- everything lost its meaning to him. He descended into a deep nihilism, prepared to sacrifice everything he has, just for the singular purpose of killing Pitou.

Imagine. He risked his all, not to defeat the King, which would be more into the typical hero-sacrifices-his-life-to-defeat-the-villain we so often find in not just Shounen but any other fighting scene. No, he did it to defeat someone who literally meant nothing in the grand scheme of things. Killing Pitou won't bring back Kite. Killing Pitou is not as significant as killing Meruem. And killing Pitou by sacrificing your whole potential is a waste.

And that's why that final scene, with Gon looking back at Killua with an indescribable melancholy in his eyes, where you can see him just give up on everything, is one of the most disturbing and emotionally captivating scenes in all of Shounen.

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No but you were delusional and retarded enough to pick up snk, read all the chapters, thinking it was good serie and calling yourself a snkfag.

Your shit manga and anime is shit and full of narm. Seeth more faggot.

Gon's transformation is a deconstruction of the trope "protagonist suddenly finds inner strength when faced with mortal peril".
This trope, which in shounen is commonly glorified and romanticized and abused ad nauseam, is in HxH portrayed as a horrifying transformation and the death of Gon as we know him. Gon is so consumed with bloodlust and revenge that he sacrifices his own humanity and innocent character in order to obtain the power needed to defeat his nemesis. When Killua finally discovers Gon, he barely recognizes his own friend. And if you keep reading the chapter, you'll recognize that Killua's shock and disgust over Gon's conviction is heavily emphasized.
It's not like Gon just had an innocent power spike. He basically committed a selfish suicide to fulfill his revenge, forcing his closest friend (to whom Gon is his only friend) to jump through a million hoops, including smuggling a Calamity out of her strict confinement, to save Gon from imminent death. The transformation seriously damaged their friendship, and after all that shit Gon put Killua through, how can their friendship ever recover?

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this does not make it a deconstruction, it just means its subverts the expected narrative, a basic element of storytelling

Said the one who reads Attack on Titan, a badly written trash manga.

Likewise man, and now there are Snkfags in our thread.

Not him but,
>calling an SnKreader an SnKreader as an insult.
There is stuff SnK does better and there is stuff HxH does better, no need to hate a series just because you're discussing it with someone you hate.

How busted is Beyond? Is he truly beyond Netero?

>Bu-b-b-b-b-b-but your series is shit! SHIT!
The last cries of the retards, the best part of making fags mad. Enjoy your coping thread.


You have no knowledge about shounen history that's why you don't see the obvious deconstruction intended by Togashi during the Chimera Ant arc.
It was a critic and text-book deconstruction of the DBZ tropes. Togashi went out of his way to make it obvious by giving Meruem a DBZ design, by including an old pervy and funny man that gets serious and strong when needed(Roshi/Netero) and systematically deconstruct the happy-go-lucky shounen protagonist Goku with the character of Gon.
When we read or watch a shounen arc where the villains are fighting the heroes for world dominance, we always see a line that divides the good (heroes) from the bad guys(villains). We are always given a lot of heroic deeds committed by the saviors of humanity, while the villains are always portrayed in a bad light.
HxH deconstructed that by showing that humanity can actually be way more evil and malicious than everything else. That humans can turn into real monsters, while the supposed monsters are able to become human. HxH as a whole but especially this arc is a deconstruction of shounen.

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I'm starting to think it's the touch of Midas

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Too bad HxH's take on deconstructing the shounen genre was a boring one.

You keep using word deconstruction where what you are explaining is a subversion.
Yorknew arc was an actual deconstruction, showing us a realistic scenario where experienced murderers have super powers and just steamroll an entire city without exposing themselves to danger.
Chimera Ant arc is just a subversion, a good one but still a subversion.

>He's finally forced to concede that HxH is a deconstruction after the overwhelming facts used in my bullet-proof argument

Stop being delusional, I am not the same user.

Killua leaving his captivity after having a father-son talk is a subversion. The main villain getting killed by radiation posioning is a deconstruction.

>When we read or watch a shounen arc where the villains are fighting the heroes for world dominance, we always see a line that divides the good (heroes) from the bad guys(villains)
your opening line is ironic considering you are the one with little knowledge of shounen. you need look no further than the most popular shounen ever made for an example of this "deconstruction". in one piece our main character releases hundreds of bloodthirsty criminals from a prison in a selfish attempt to save his brother, having morally grey shounen MCs and villians is not new, and is especially not a subversion. i understand you want to consider hxh as better and more important than other shows, but in reality it just does already existing shonen tropes better than most.

Well then, that user who conceded that HxH is a deconstruction has more intellectual honesty than you.

Wan Piss is trash for children. Nobody takes it seriously.

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Futher proof that HxH is nothing special if a kids series is doing the same "deconstruction" as it.

What the hell does deconstruction even mean to you, does it just mean "sort of different" or "plot twist"?

>resorting to ad hominem just because I called the chimera arc boring

This is just sad.

Read my posts, retard.

>with people who can't hold a discussion
I mean that makes them perfect for HxH fans, most of the time. You guys are too obsessed with trying to out-meme the other spergy fanbases on here all the time to the point where it's near impossible to ever actually talk about the series itself.

But we are talking about the series?

>But we are talking about the series?
Since when copypasting posts is considered talking?

Based HUNTERCHADS schooling snkbabies and One Pissfags at the same time.

>hunterfags stop replying as soon as anyone brings up a good point
pathetic, where is all that elitism?

>Both talking points of HxH being a deconstruction got deleted

As Netero stated, there is no personal opponent, its just survival of the fitest.
On the other hand Bunny Zodiac is a linguistic and she is there just in case they encounter another civilization or remains of that. So who knows.

Jannies are redditors.

So it means literally anything that isn't DBZ.

They're searching for it in their pasta folders.
For real current hunterfags are just a group of brainlets riding a wave that the better oldhunterfags generated.

I can only hope the shitposters read Derrida someday so we can stop arguing about deconstructions

Do you think Beyond will be prime Netero level?

Hunterfags are perhaps the most detestable posters on this board. They have lost the ability to truly enjoy their series, instead hiding behind layers of irony in a pathetic display. Not only this, they feel the need to flaunt their series superiority across the entire board, ruining it for people by having them associate it with stuck up elitists.

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Dark Continent is such a weird addition to the series. So we have a whole world which we've barely seen but there is an EVEN BIGGER continent that dwarves everything seen so far. And everything there is super powerful and deadly but somehow stays mostly contained? Who knows how it will go

Those copypastas raise a lot of valid points and make strong arguments. We use them because people always ask the same quesitons, so its more practical to post a pasta than write the same thing 1000 times.
Feel free to debunk any point made in those pastas if you are able to.

we already have, and you didnt resply

>We use them because people always ask the same quesitons, so its more practical to post a pasta than write the same thing 1000 times.
More like you use them like a priest uses the bible because you're not as clever as the original poster to come with reasons and explanations of your own.

How can they reply when they're posting with borrowed intelligence?

This is not your safe space you massive faggot.

Where? The main argument is that you think those are subversions, which is clearly not the case.
Let me explain you the difference between subversion and deconstruction when it comes to HxH (because this series has both of them).

Subversions in HxH:
>hunter exam gon gets his arm broken and passes out, gets told later how things went down
>zoldyck family ends with killua casually being let go after talking to his dad
>yorkshin ends without anybody getting a final fight, nothing is resolved, two spiders are dead but the rest just bounce
>greed island ends with that girl just dying anyway, they don't take any of the fabulous rewards they could have taken, and warp to kite instead of ging

Deconstruction in HxH:
Chimera Ant Arc: The "enemy army" arc, in which a large enemy force accosts the heroes, with a powerful leader. This arc in particular examines the idea of having an enemy that is significantly stronger than you- from the enemy's perspective. What is it like being devastatingly stronger than everyone else? How would something that is on another level from everything process the worth of other creatures? What would something that was meteorically stronger than everything else think when it realizes that other creatures can think just like it can? What would it constitute as strength? The Chimera Ant King is a rather somber answer to all of these questions. Even more deconstructive is that the humans actually cheat to win- upon learning that he will die and realizing no one else can stop the king, Netero detonates a nuclear bomb in his chest than eventually kills the King from radiation poisoning, rather than a straight up fight.


>inb4 muh copypasta

>inb4 muh copypasta
Actually its several copypastas fused and modified to look like it isn't a copypasta
This raises the question:
How many times have you autists fused posts together to make them look original?

Why don't you address the content of those pastas? I'll tell you why. Because they are constructed in such a clever and logical way, that it is absolutely impossible to refute them unless you are highly educated and intellectual on the same level of the people who wrote those pastas, who are all hunterchads.

>Literally admitting that was right.
This is the best shit I've seen in a while on Yea Forums

Attached: pd6oHZ5.png (1440x900, 74K)

>not argument

I've written a lot of pastas that are constantly used by other HxH bros and I use a lot of pastas written by other HxH bros. This is why we are a Brotherhood. We share our knowledge.

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This place has been quite entertaining to watch.

based as fuck

how many months has it been since the last chapter came out?

5 months

Because that one youtuber said it was

You need to be banned.


We cant even get slime threads but you fucking faggots can spam thread after shitty thread and the mods look the other way

God, disgusting this entire thread is filled with fags reading an inconceivable amount of trash.
Fantasy is a shit genre it is the equivalent of watching hentai, sterilize yourselves. Start reading something that you can evolve from.

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Cope, incel.

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We will forever be stuck in this shitty boat arc. All I wanted was more ging adventures or Hisoka raping spiders.

I don't get why people shit on hunter x hunter when it is clearly better than boruto/naruto gay shit or bleach by miles.

Asano is a big fan of Togashi.

Attached: Asano calling Togashi a genius.png (802x876, 496K)

It's actually an insult mate picturing people who like manga as fat slobs while contrasting the fat slob with the chad in the left middle of the panels.

Start coping Hunterfags

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shounen manga*

im a college smart man in my 20s and i think the boat arc is fucking trash and everyone who likes it is either a troll or braindead NPCs japan lovers

Ging vs Pariston

>All those mental gymnastics to escape the reality that Togashi is seen as a genius in the manga industry

Mangastream's shitty translations makes the already hard-to-digest succession war arc almost impossible to read. Go with the viz scans, it changes everything.

Attached: mangastream vs viz.jpg (1590x1192, 762K)

He abandoned us for we are unworthy

'togashi is a genius' is a meme at this point

r u kiddin me boi

mfw "Mental Gymnastics"
bro that comparison was surface level asf did you read any of Asano's work?

You're watching a kid's fantasy show don't try to treat it as anything else.

Attached: AfrogGood.png (429x556, 90K)

Another brainlet filtered.

COPE, dog.

Probably late in July. I can see Soma ending around then.

Ah then we're fine on time. Only 1 month left for it to come back, nice.

Being elitist over punpun, christ.

Long winter hiatus? You don't know shit. This is nothing compared to the two year hiatuses from 2012 to 2014, and 2014 to 2016 (Pika flashback chapters not withstanding).

Well at least they didn't go on hiatus for 10 months a year.

>Togashi is seen as a genius
He'd have to be, to get away with all the shit he does.

I am not sure what parts of this the anime left out, but it didn't seem like they were on bad terms when they parted ways before Gon climbed the world tree. Killua didn't want Alluka to be confined anyway, but he would have never gone back to save her if Gon didn't go spergmode.
I think Killua would be wary of him and possibly realized he shouldn't be so attatched to someone who can do something so selfish in the heat of the moment, but their friendship isn't going to suffer for it. Killua just has other responsibilities now other than keeping Gon from doing reckless shit.

I’m guessing pic not related

tell em how it is, lad

Because someone or some group has a grudge against HxH. Or figured it was prime shitposting material.
Just look at this shit. Out of the blue people started rambling about "hunterchads" and picking fights with other fanbases almost every day using stock images, resulting in HxH getting shat on in return. It obviously isn't natural. I half suspect that the same group also eggs on shitposting against HxH too.

And apparently anyone can just use it as a cheap desperation move and cheat death

Yeah man Morel woulda been fine if Youpi had killed him, all he needed to do what have his smoke massage his heart and lungs after death

>happens to have nen that can contract similarly to the muscles needed to pump blood and breath
>Nen can function without the brain present, so these fake muscles still function
>Respiration and circulation still work without brain, so the body is effectively alive
>Nen stitching used to reattach undamaged head perfectly
>brain now receives blood and life energy from the body, making it work again
What is so fucking hard to understand about this?

All for a person he knew for less than 2 days.

t. Animeonly

Fact: The biggest mistake togashi ever made was not ending HxH after the election arc and just creating a sequel manga called HxH dark continent. Delays wouldn't have been as big as a deal

This whole argument is stupid as hell.

What brought him back is literally called Nen that becomes stronger AFTER DEATH. Why does it matter if his brain was functioning or whatever? His post-mortem nen reanimated his body, but before this he was 100% DEAD, no brain activity, that is the entire condition for this kind of nen to trigger at all, for its user to be DEAD, he did not perform auto CPR, he died, his body functions ceased and now his nen, which became powered up by his grudge and bloodlust, is keeping him "alive".

That is all there is to it, that is all there is to understand in here and absolutely no need to bring up real life medical knowledge.

If Chrollo gave Hisoka a more satisfying fight, would the latter have been less butthurt about losing? I forget if I made this up, but I feel like Hisoka didn’t particularly care for Chrollo’s keepaway exploding puppet strategy.

based tschad




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is hisoka stronger because he died? i mean does he keep post-mortem nen power boost?

Wow, a hack is a fan of another hack.

Oh right. Teamfourstar's other channel that they barely touch anymore.





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The absolute state of huntermumblers

He can delete space with that hand and delete time with the other.

Most hunterchads are partying out on saturday night

Does anybody else wish Togashi just end HxH and start a new series with shorter episodic stories a la early YuYu Hakusho?

You’re embarrassing yourself again.


I'll give it to all hunterfags Chimera Ant arc is a masterpiece. Everything else however is just things we've seen be done before judged DC arc from what we have rn and it's breddy boring.

1 slash = alright
2 slash = bad
10+ slashes = Greed Island

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i keep seeing these meme imagery pics in these threads, m8 it's just coincidence, certain shots are always re-used in anime, you'll find shit like this in most anime. But i appreciate your enthusiasm

>reminder that Pariston has 5,000 chimera ants on his boat
>reminder they are of the intelligent variety (3rd gen) meaning they develop their own beliefs and interests
so basically in addition to the 100 new characters whose walls of text we've read there will probably be another 100 to add to the walls

Something that takes time to activate, so he waits as long as it takes

And Asano's work is also fantasy, it's all fueled by a desire for illusion retard. Some of the greatest works of art all time would be classified as 'genre' if they came out today.

d r a g o n q u e s t

Bro what? Inio Asano's works are far from fantasy they are stories that could perfectly happen in real life, think for example the entirety of Goodnight Punpun a story of destructive relationships ambitions and pursuit.

Someone wasn't paying attention, Punpun is highly surreal, and none of the stories could take place in real life because it is a NARRATIVE, fueled by the desire for illusion. There is no such thing as literary realism in comics. It's just a fantasy that appeals to your ego and worldview more.

Stop taking everything so literally by non-fantasy he most likely meant stories that are more relatable and stationary in the real world with the event being able to be mimmicked in real life.

>stories that are more relatable and stationary in the real world with the event being able to be mimmicked in real life.

This doesn't exist, and this mindset is a complete bastardization of the essence of art. So Francois Rabelais and Edmund Spenser shouldn't be treated seriously because it's just fantasy right? I'm just putting a tard in his place.

I also doubt he meant this, not to talk for him but I believe he thinks that they can be taken seriously but just generally thinks the Fantasy genre is inferior to the Non-Fantasy more reality based stories.

Forgot to mention this in first post but "It doesn't exist"? Goodnight Punpun's event could be perfectly mimmicked in real life its struggles and themes are more based on reality you can enjoy fantasy but saying that it's false is just waving around a white flag.

Fuck, that'd be an awesome hatsu actually.

our threads are the epitome of /manhood/ of Yea Forums

We might see Beyond in action before Togashi dies though, Beyond, Ging, Pariston, Zodiacs, and like another 100 characters will enter in action once they get to the Unexplored Sea, so like in 5 more years or so.

i hope togashi leaves someone with the script because with the amount of mangakas dying nowadays no doubt he is the next

>plotting to assassinate togashi
fucking opfags went too far

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god i hate how togashi gives only a few chapters per years but holy fuck there is no fucking anime that ever comes close to chimera arc.
Seriously this shit makes me almost as angry as gon, few anime were capable of making me feel like this.
