Yea Forums sings - Triple Threat: Round 2

Another round of Yea Forums sings, this time we're doing
>GochiUsa OP1 - Daydream Cafe
>K-ON! - Fuwa Fuwa Time
>Ping Pong the anime ED - Bokura ni Tsuite
Details and deadlines are in the video description.

Yea Forums sings omake - Ut/a/u Kuso
A mini compilation album of anons singing and screaming. Download contains full versions and some extras.

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Other urls found in this thread:


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>when you realize you are too kuso to get to the kuso compilation
Anyways, a neat idea as always.

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I might've just missed you. Check the album download or participate in more k/a/raoke with us here every now and then. The idea is to use Utau Kuso to make these threads more interesting between projects.

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Why aren't you playing gochiusa game?

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I'm trying to but they keep locking me out

also pls sing for GochiUsa and Ping Pong

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bump for bored culture

Ah, I was actually in extras. But yeah, gonna participate more when I get rid of this cold. It's only been on for 3 months, can't be Japanese cold right?

or perhaps youre too good.

Not with this lung capacity. Can hiss for a 13 second "note" at best.

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it can not be so bad, when I sing people think "im just talking".

Ah, that is a tough one. Some vocalist may correct me but I guess it is related to creating vowels too short and/or consonants too strongly no? I'm bad at hearing notes myself so people only tell me to stop the ear rape.

Well I know anything about singing so it might be that, but this threads are making me wish I knew at least a little bit.

gween tea

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K/a/raoke time, taking requests. Might be slow delivering if it's an unfamiliar song.

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Take your time user, I know this is going to hurt

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Seconding this request.

That's not singing.

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I'll do karaoke later, quite busy atm.

Wait, where's the gif?

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does this count?

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kek love you user

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What the fuck? Someone actually saved the screenshot I posted?
I never did learn the password, I just grabbed the images off boorus.

On another note, with GochiUsa, should I handle the lyrics in brackets?

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>should I handle the lyrics in brackets?

Remember when the hunterchads did a Yea Forums sings?

From the archive, this sentence for example.
The waaaaaaa extends over the lyrics in the brackets.

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nvm, I got what you mean. If you can, yes please. The trick would be to use two files, one for those bracket vocals, or simply splice them into your single submission. I would prefer the first, but the latter is fine if you can't.

You should really communicate this better, it's a pretty big issue.

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I'm saying do them if you can. How you choose to do it would be up to you. Either send me two files, one with the main vocals and the other with the bracket vocals. Or, you can edit-in yourself doing both in a single file.

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What's with all the bumping? Is there really so few submissions?

Kei has already a pretty nice amount for Fuwa Time, 16+. I only got a handful for each for the others so far.
As for the bumping, that's sorta how we've been operating for months now, regardless of whatever project. Lets more than enough people to see this is happening and gather a steady amount of subs.
Also user didn't deliver Slumberland yet. I wanna see him sing that.

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take me back, I want to go back.

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>I only got a handful
I'm still learning the lyrics, it's surprisingly more hard than I expected.

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Tempted to Ping Pong

おまたせ~ Please no more rap-only songs.

>wanna see him sing that
>see him sing that
>see him sing

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Cheers, I got a song I want to do but I'll leave it for tomorrow and the day after to go on a karaoke spree. That is, if this thread survives long enough.
Slumberland is clearly just pop. Jap rap and hip-hop have much more aggressive flow. Slumberland changes pacing too often and the tone and style is very different these examples.

somebody got a link to the fuwa fuwa time teaser?
the one with the keyboardanon and drumanon

The more the merrier, user. And I do need vocals!
Shingo2 is a good example too, DAOKO used to do hip-hop as well.
I can probably find it for you. Gimmie a momento.
Thanks, user. Your pathetic wails will not be for waste. I'll drop some vocals tomorrow for shitposting. Hope this thread makes it.

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Here you go

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All I can hear is people talking fast.
>your pathetic wails will not be for waste
Anything to keep this autistic thread up.

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cee go check your email
how many submitted so far on your end?

4-5 so far GochiUsa
3-4 Ping Pong.
Thanks, man. I'll tell you if I need anything else.

did any bassfag or guitarfag deliver yet?
we gonna make it with a full cover right?

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>All I can hear is people talking fast.
Think of the style of compositions, notice Slumberland has a more accessible beat and pace? Its use of instruments and melodies have more bombastic presentation and range. Hip hop and Rap have a more grounded beat as lyrics and form take a higher priority. I wish I payed attention more in music theory to explain this better, but I was pretty sure these examples
sorta covered that.

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Yeah, there's been no news from (any) bassfag or guitarfag so I'm kinda worried. Kei user, if the deadline is nearing and there's still no guitar or bass submission, could you let us know? I can do bass and maybe drumanon can do guitar.

t. keyboardfag

instrumentfags how did you record your parts?

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Casio PX-5S -> MIDI over USB -> VB3-II VSTi (virtual instrument for B3 organ) in PreSonus Studio One

I recorded in segments which were usually separated by silence. This is actually the first time I've done MIDI so it's been a great learning experience for me. If you have any ideas to improve my sound, I'd be happy to hear it.

I have a Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 audio interface too in case I need to record analog input but I haven't recorded anything with it yet.

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bassfag here
i have been trying to find a way to record without it sounding like a pile of shit
im an absolute poorfag so my quality won't be as good as the other anons but hey it's something

what does the rune says?


Can confirm bass fag has delivered, just need a guitarist now and we are truly HTT

Awesome. Assuming you have an amp, you can try connecting your amp line/headphone out to your motherboard or soundcard's line in. I think it should sound much better than connecting your bass directly to your soundcard unamplified (unless your bass has a preamp). If your soundcard only has mic in, you're shit out of luck though).

I can't wait to listen to it.

Mugi bumper reporting for duty

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Gween tea is my favourite.

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Sure, I can do guitar if shit hits the fan. Obviously I'd rather let someone else do it, but it isn't a problem if it comes down to it. It's definitely better than trying to isolate the guitars from the original song.

t. drumfag

I had two Oktava MK-012s as overhead mics, an SM57 snare top mic, D40 snare bottom mic, D7 rack tom mic, D112 floor tom mic, P170 hihat mic and an sE Electronics x1 mono room mic and an Alesis DM10 kick pad (recording MIDI) going into a Behringer ADA8200 mic pre and a Focusrite Scarlett 18i8.

>If you have any ideas to improve my sound, I'd be happy to hear it.
Honestly, I think it sounds great. The main difficulties with MIDI are to accurately map your velocities so that it sounds natural on the virtual instrument if it's velocity sensitive, and to find the sweet spot between editing enough to make it consistent but not killing the feel with overediting since it's so easy to edit MIDI, but in this case, it does sound pretty natural the way you have it.

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>You need to be at least this genki to do happy anime songs:

Well, Yea Forums? Can you pass?

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Syro's phone looks like a toy...

It's funny because it's an entirely practical design. I guess it's because of the color.

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sweet, will try to record this week

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Are we doing just the portions shown in the video, or the whole songs?
Also do we have to do all three to participate?

Is this your first time? We're doing full versions, you are free to pick which ones you like, but I would really appreciate work for GochiUsa and Ping Pong if you can. I only specify if we are ONLY doing TV sizes.

I'll probably be doing GochiUsa and Fuwa Fuwa time then.

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I'm not done stroking my big fat fucking ego.

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I don't mind doing karaoke alone, but no one else wants to join in tonight?

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That's an impressive setup. Do you own a studio or something?
I miss /f/
I miss thusgay
I miss Aniki
Don't anyone wanna sing with me?

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I got you. Send me something in English preferably.


I'll try to deliver as fast as I can. Can't guarantee anything though.

Hello, how many submission for KOKORO PYON PYON?

4-5, we need them voices, lad

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One-man-p/a/rty until more faggots arrive I guess.
Gotta keep those vocal pipes steaming, you know?

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Tough crowd. Alright. I'll just shut up now.

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I guess I'll do a few. Busy week ahead.
/r/equests are opened

You could say that. I don't have the actual space, but I do a lot of recordings (including this one) in a semi-acoustically treated room at my parents' place if I'm recording myself or people I know, and I have sometimes carried my gear somewhere else.


That day has finally arrived

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Doing k/a/raoke after spooky dentist.

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I dig it

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damn, that ending killed you

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I may be no race car but holy shit

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Sorry, is this your speed?

Hold that thought. Let me get this out first

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Fun having you around
tfw Jizzy left me out as a bonus drum solo for God Knows

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Hypothetically saying, what out of this list would you 100% want to see Yea Forums sing? Give me your opinions.

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>Top 10 rapper M&M too afraid to diss

only a matter of time b4 someone /r/ me sand of bitches

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Gays on Ice has been done, scratch that one.


Could have sworn Yea Forums or r/ already sung Valkyrie
Definitely maware, as well as some Maria Holic/Denpa Onna



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Looks like we've got some karaoke happening, I'll join too, send some r/

Lemme flex on ya. My singing of this song is still rank 1st in the whole Japan for 3 weeks straight

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You can't just say that and not post a vocaroo

Kimi ni kioku
I kid, I only got 1st rank because no one else is singing. Made so many mistake singing this song.

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Would love to see Last theater or the ansatsu ED, though I like the last one the best hello shooting star is still decent.Sugar song to bitter step when?

Meant for

While I'm hear I may as well r/sugar song to bitter step for any karaoke anons

You have good taste in toasters user chan

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Happy Party Train:

Ojamajo Carnival:


Attached: 1361179459210.jpg (125x125, 3K) Full version because I love this song

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That's some good shit. One of the better Macademia songs out there.
Yea Forums would never sing it but that's fine, the crowd is nicer anyway

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oh holy loli, well done son
holy shit, now as I listened trough it gets even better in 2nd half

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I tried. Also, couldn't find an instrumental only.

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Woa these are great

Psycho Pass ED1
Maybe Haganai and Non Non Biyori too if I had to pick from the rest.

what the fuck
are we allowed to sing this good?

barakamon op
haganai op
machine doll ed
mondaiji ed
non non biyori
SYD op2
TWGOK op, i want to listen to anons trying their best to sing this in harmony

I have a guitar but haven't played in a few years.

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singing Isekai Quartet both the OP and the ED would be fun can't not put that for a surprise box.
On the ED want to hear to say any thing their autism decides to, it up on dialog part, and then rock on, now these and are maybe not as fun but deff at style of Carnival Phantasm. Also why is the AOTS only a 8 min's long.

Thanks, this'll be useful for C_________ Yea Forums_s.
Boys, hope ya stick around and sing Triple Threat. Because I'm preparing a big finale.

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barakamon op
maria holic oped
denpa onna seishun otoko op


assclass and chaika ED
Somewhat sad that I started reading Prison School before the TV version was greenlit, and still haven't finished it. If I remember correctly I stopped reading because the scan group decided to ignore doing new chapter and started re-doing everything from the start or something similar. This was the first time I even heard the opening, please have mercy.

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The anime and OVA are great, but unfortunately, the Calvary arc and all arcs adjacent to it suffered critical aids and faggotry. Not happy of the ending.

Please for the love of god finish or redo GET ACROSS THE WAAALLLLL

>Mfw just realized other side of the wall is all in english

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goddamn I love the gochiusa themesong

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I wish
That I could turn back time

Cause now the guilt is all mine

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This song is too much for me, I can't do pop rock.


Psycho Pass
Death Parade
Kill Me Baby

>finally got my karaoke gear for Joysound evenings on my Switch
This is perfect practice.

I would totally sing the Maria Holic ending.

Id sing the Gochiusa theme song but then ya'll miss the blessing of my angelic voice for the rest of your lives and probably end up in a deeper depression

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I would be all over To Be Continued and probably enjoy the Denpa Onna OP, Psycho Pass ED, TWGOK, and Machine Doll ED.

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What a lifeless thread.


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Here I sang it

ur ugly


Could be louder, but you have a swell voice. Hope you email me the full take.

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can i be your friend?

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S-Sure user

I'm shocked that we haven't done PAATO PAATO yet.

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What's up with these threads popping up lately? Is that newfag's movement?

>An user so new he's not familiar with Yea Forums sings

Nah, I hosted an Yea Forums sing's couple months ago while everyone was still shitting on the Hunterfags. I'm just riding this momentum on time before summerfags reach peak retard.

Yea Forums sings were made for particular anime where a bunch of Yea Forumsnons sing this anime's OP and then they take a break, not for every single one like in this thread. So that's why I'm asking this.

It's going to get particularly busy this year is all. Making up for lack there-of a couple years ago, save for highlights from 2015-18
>ReZero Melody
>Daicon IV
But other than that, I just want more interest in the projects. Too many good ones to pass up while we're just getting started. I have a finale project after this, I'll fuck off afterwards if it'll make you feel better.

The endless bumping is just copying the model of drawthreads.
Yea Forums sings comes and goes all the time, most people miss them anyway. It's just a vehicle for experimentations with old and new voices.
It's not like any of us has time to raid other people's threads and ask them to join. By finishing a song before they do would just be NTRing them for being lazy

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This song ain't so hard if I don't puncture my lungs with semen and fartgas. I'll still try my gravel voice but I'm going to keep this one around just in case.

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I fucking did it. Holy shit. God damn. Fuck. Fifty niggers.

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Gonna chill for now, I take requests when I wake up though. Bring it on, gimmie your worst.

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What is the 4th song from?


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>Bring it on, gimmie your worst.
since you are asking for it, then do the oreshura OP

My nigga. That Love Live song is great!

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Cee wanted the B to transform to E but instead he got the D in the Yea Forums

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>dutch flag
>orange hair
dutchfags inally get an anime girl themed after them and its fucking garbage yui
might aswell kms (kill my self) myself

>Orange hair
Mugi is blond retard

its orange double retard

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That show was based as fuck. I remember Silver girl being a Jojofag and being an absolute chad to the harem.

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I would think of better lyrics, but I just rewatched the GochiUsa OVA.

tfw Inuyasha was the only anime my parents liked and watched even without me

I spent an hour on this. Should I snap my throat into a slim jim some more, Yea Forumsnons?